THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 43, NO. 17 | NOVEMBER 26, 2021
TAKING NCYC BY STORM Youth from the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas took part in the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis Nov. 18-20. The biennial event featured speakers, performers and opportunities for youth to deepen their faith. Photos by Kathryn White
Archdiocesan youth board the bus at Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kansas, for the long ride to the National Catholic Youth Conference Nov. 18-21 in Indianapolis.
Wande was one of the acts on the opening night of the conference, Nov. 18, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. She had the whole stadium jumping and praising Jesus with the song, “Be the Light.”
From left, Neah Servaes, Elizabeth Humburg, Hannah Humburg, Sarah Humburg and Sydney Johnson, all members of St. Benedict Parish in Atchison, enjoy some downtime at the conference. When asked about her favorite part of the conference, Hannah didn’t hesitate. “Singing the Divine Mercy chaplet,” she said. “It gave me goosebumps.”
Bishops must seek the salvation of the souls entrusted to them
ne thing I am grateful for this Thanksgiving is that the bishops of the United States were able to meet in person for the first time in two years. We considered many significant matters: 1) the revision of the Priestly Formation Program; 2) updates for Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines; 3) affirmation for the exploration of the causes of three potential saints from the United States; 4) the inclusion in the liturgical calendar for the United States of the Sept. 5 feast day for St. Teresa of Calcutta; and 5) adaptations for the preparation of adults for baptism or reception into full communion with the Catholic Church. I was personally grateful for the opportunity, as the chairman of the bishops’ Pro-Life Committee, to update my brother bishops on the “Walking with Moms in Need” initiative. Despite the pandemic, it is edifying how many parishes and dioceses have found a way to implement this effort to expand the resources available in support of mothers experiencing a difficult or untimely pregnancy, as well as to communicate more effectively the many already existing resources. One of the great goods that God has drawn forth from the evil of legalized abortion is the explosion of pregnancy resource centers throughout the United States. Today, there are more than 2,700 crisis pregnancy centers across our nation that serve annually more than a half million pregnant women. “Walking with Moms” is an effort to help parishes become more aware and supportive of pregnancy resource centers in their area. “Walking with Moms” also provides tools for dioceses and parishes to identify gaps in the current resources and to develop effective plans to fill those gaps. Children and mothers that we are unable to protect from abortion by the law, we can rescue with love and compassion. The topic that stirred the most media interest was our passage of the teaching document:
LIFE WILL BE VICTORIOUS ARCHBISHOP JOSEPH F. NAUMANN “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church.” The purpose of this document was to provide a theological foundation for our effort to foster eucharistic revival through a three-year initiative entitled: “My Flesh for the Life of the World.” The purpose of this initiative is to renew the church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the Eucharist. The bishops hope to create a movement of Catholics across the United States, who — healed, converted, formed and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist — will become energized to transform our culture with the truth of Our Lord’s real presence in the Blessed Sacrament, the beauty of our worship and the power of our compassionate love for the poor and the vulnerable. The Eucharistic Revival Initiative begins on June 19, 2022, with the solemnity of Corpus Christi and will culminate with a national Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis during the week of July 17-24, 2024. From June 2022 through May 2023, the initiative will focus on diocesan efforts and events fostering a greater love for Jesus truly present in the Eucharist. Our archdiocesan Eucharistic Revival planning committee hopes to jump-start our local efforts during Lent of 2022. From June 2023 through May 2024, activities and education will be concentrated at the parish level. The national Eucharistic Congress in the summer of 2024 will not be the conclusion of the initiative but will hopefully energize tens of thousands of U.S. Catholics to become missionary disciples of our eucharistic Lord.
Stay tuned! “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church” document reflects on the Eucharist as gift, allowing us to encounter Our Lord’s sacrifice on Calvary, experience his real presence and be drawn into communion with Jesus and his church. Our response to this incredible gift is expressed through our grateful worship that nourishes our ongoing conversion as missionary disciples of Jesus and transforms us into the living body of Christ proclaiming God’s love to our society and world. The Eucharist truly sends us on a mission. The name Mass is derived from the Latin word “missa” — “to be sent.” Each time we leave Mass, we are sent to bring the love of Jesus into our families, our workplaces and our communities. The secular media was most interested in whether this document called for the denial of holy Communion to President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, arguably our nation’s two most prominent lay Catholics who not only support legalized abortion but 1) trumpet it as a human right; 2) seek to coerce American taxpayers to fund abortion; and 3) wish to deny the conscience rights of pro-life doctors and nurses. The drafting committee was quite clear that this document was to restate principles about the proper disposition for all Catholics in receiving holy Communion, not to address the status of particular individuals. The following are direct quotes from the document that articulate principles that apply to all Catholics but have particular relevance for Catholics serving in public life: “One is not to celebrate Mass or receive holy Communion in the state of mortal sin without having sought the sacrament of reconciliation and received ab-
solution. As the church has consistently taught, a person who receives holy Communion while in a state of mortal sin not only does not receive the grace that the sacrament conveys; he or she commits the sin of sacrilege by failing to show reverence due to the sacred body and blood of Christ. . . . To receive the body and blood of Christ while in a state of mortal sin represents a contradiction. The person, who by his or her actions, has broken communion with Christ and his church but receives the Blessed Sacrament, acts incoherently, both claiming and rejecting communion at the same time. It is thus a countersign, a lie — it expresses a communion that in fact has been broken” (No. 47). “We also need to keep in mind that the celebration of the Eucharist presupposes that communion already exists, a communion which it seeks to consolidate and bring to perfection. The Eucharist is the sacrament of ecclesial communion, as it both signifies and effects most fully the communion with Christ that began in baptism. This includes communion in its visible dimension, which entails communion in the teaching of the apostles, in the sacraments and in the church’s hierarchical order. Likewise, the reception of holy Communion entails one’s communion with the church in this visible dimension. We repeat what the U.S. bishops stated in 2006: If a Catholic in his or her personal or professional life were knowingly and obstinately to reject the defined doctrine of the church, or knowingly and obstinately to repudiate her definitive teaching on moral issues, however, he or she would seriously diminish his or her communion with the church. Reception of holy Communion in such a situation would not accord with the nature of the Eucharistic celebration, so that he or she should refrain. Reception of holy Communion in such a situation is also likely to cause scandal for others, weakening their resolve to be faithful to the demands of the Gospel” (No. 48). “One’s communion with Christ and his
ARCHBISHOP NAUMANN’S CALENDAR Nov. 29 Archdiocesan Finance Council board meeting Nov. 30 Confirmation — St. Gregory, Marysville, and St. Malachy, Beattie Dec. 1 Donnelly College board of directors meeting — Donnelly College event center Dec. 5 Baptism of third or more child — Cathedral of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kansas Dec. 6 Blessing of ultrasound machines — Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center, Overland Park Catholic Charities lunch with senior staff and tour Dec. 7 St. Lawrence board meeting — St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center, Lawrence St. Lawrence Mass and board social — St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center Dec. 8 Sister Teresa Seaton perpetual vows Mass — Sisters, Servants of Mary, Kansas City, Kansas Serra Club president annual meeting — St. Joseph Church, Shawnee 25th anniversary of Holy Trinity Church, Mass and reception — Holy Trinity Church, Lenexa Dec. 9 Religious Alliance Against Pornography meeting Annual Ascension Health meeting Catholic Education Foundation board meeting and social
church, therefore, involves both one’s invisible communion (being in the state of grace) and one’s visible communion. St. John Paul II explained: The judgment of one’s state of grace obviously belongs only to the person involved, since it is a question of examining one’s conscience. However, in cases of outward conduct which is seriously, clearly and steadfastly contrary to the moral norm, the church, in her pastoral concern for the good order of the community and out of respect for the sacrament, cannot fail to feel directly involved. The Code of Canon Law refers to this situation of a manifest lack of proper moral disposition when it states those who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Eucharistic communion. It is the special responsibility of the diocesan bishop to work to remedy situations that involve public actions at variance with
the visible communion of the church and moral law. Indeed, he must guard the integrity of the sacrament, the visible communion of the church and the salvation of souls” (No. 49). The document reminds bishops of our important responsibility to seek the salvation of the souls entrusted to our care and to protect our flock from being misled by the misconduct of leaders. This requires efforts on our part to enter into dialogue with public figures who are acting in a manner that is seriously in conflict with their professed Catholic faith. We must strive to inform those who are in grave error of the serious personal implications of their actions. We must also protect all of our parishioners, but especially our youth, from being misled by actions of those in public life. Please pray for me and all bishops as we strive to fulfill this pastoral responsibility.
Gold Mass celebrates science and faith connection By Tom Hoopes Special to The Leaven
TCHISON — Many Catholics are familiar with the Blue Mass, which honors law enforcement; the Red Mass, offered for lawyers and judges; and the White Mass, which recognizes health care professionals. But what is a Gold Mass? The first regional Gold Mass for scientists was held Nov. 16 at Benedictine College in Atchison and celebrated by Msgr. Stuart Swetland, president of Donnelly College in Kansas City, Kansas. He is both a physicist and a Rhodes Scholar, and the event lived up to its billing: St. Benedict’s Abbey Church was filled for the event. “The turnout was excellent, and the students were very interested,” he said. “Both/And” was the theme of Msgr. Swetland’s homily — he stressed the need to study both science and faith. “You can know much about the artist by studying his art,” he said. “In God’s case, you can know much about God by studying his creation. Everyone should have some degree of scientific study.” The Gold Mass takes its color from the gold hoods that denote a science doctoral graduate, and the Mass is the brainchild of the Society of Catholic Scientists. There are more than a dozen such Masses nationwide, held on or near the feast day of St. Albert the Great, who has been called “the last man to know all there was to know.” He wrote on philosophy, theology, botany, geography, astronomy, zoology, music and physiology, and is the patron saint of scientists and philosophers. The society is an international organization that has grown rapidly since its 2016 founding — there are already 1,600 members in over 50 countries. It hopes to be a resource to the church while building fellowship among scientists, witnessing to the harmony between faith and science, and exploring the intersection of faith and science. The regional chapter of the society is led by Benedictine College professors Christopher Shingledecker, an astronomer, and Matthew Ramage, a theologian, along with KU physics and astronomy professor Michael Murray. Msgr. Swetland said the archdiocese is an ideal place for the society. “We have the best facilities going, and we see that across the archdiocese in the medical fields, our research facilities and educational institutions,” he said. “Often, those who are most likely to believe are those who are involved in the hard sciences.” Gold Masses are typically followed by a short lecture to stimulate discussion at a reception where Catholic scientists and those interested in a dialogue of faith and science can engage one another and grow in fellowship. The regional Gold Mass was followed by a brief talk by Ramage called “Faith, Science and the University,” a take-off on Pope Benedict XVI’s famous 2006 Regensburg Address, officially titled “Faith, Reason and the University.” In his remarks, Ramage quoted St. John Paul II: “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth” and
s Msgr. Stuart Swetland talks with Benedictine College professors, clockwise from left, Dr. Matthew Ramage, Dr. Ryan Maderak and Dr. Christopher Shingledecker during the discussion of faith and science following the Gold Mass. u Msgr. Swetland, who celebrated the first regional Gold Mass Nov. 16 at Benedictine College in Atchison, tells those in attendance they should study both faith and science. said the phrase sums up the work of the society. That phrase is noted in the entryway of Westerman Hall, the recently renovated and expanded science building on Benedictine College’s campus. “The main takeaway can be captured by the words of St. John Paul II: ‘Be not afraid,’” said Ramage. “The church need not fear scientific discoveries, for nature — as the medieval saw it — was God’s ‘other book.’” He noted that while the church doesn’t ask Catholics to adopt any scientific conclusion, the two “books” have much to tell each other. Shingledecker, who was recently recognized for internationally significant astronomical work, said that events like the Gold Mass and the reception afterwards are important to address a key error of the 21st century. “There is a false scientific utopianism, which seeks to extrapolate the rapid advances of science in the 20th century infinitely far into the future, and expects science is the answer to everything,” he said. “I think that [there is] a growing awareness,” he continued, “that science depends on things such as ethics that are completely — and by definition — beyond its capability to fruitfully inform.” Ramage saw the same positive trend. “The future relationship between science and faith looks very bright indeed. When I began working in this area over a decade ago, only infrequently did I
encounter other Catholic academics who were dedicated to this dialogue,” he said. “Nowadays, the situation is vastly different.” He recommended books by Christopher Baglow, Stacy Transancos and others. Paul Burghart is evidence of the new awareness of the harmony between faith and science. The 2015 graduate of Benedictine College, who attended Mass on campus for the feast of St. Albert, said that learning the proper relationship between faith and science made a huge difference in his life. Growing up in McPherson, he said, “I always had the impression that science and the Catholic faith were in tension. Both were presented as true, but they were also seen as irreconcilable. . . . I loved my science classes and I loved my faith, but as I progressed through high school, I had an ever-growing sense that someday I would have to choose between them.” A course in college changed everything for him. “Truth cannot contradict truth,” his professor said. “Both faith and reason have been given to mankind by God as
President Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann
Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799) Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 7215276; or email at: Postmaster: Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $21/year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.
Production Manager Todd Habiger
Editor Rev. Mark Goldasich, stl
Senior Reporter Joe Bollig
ways to pursue and find out the truth. . . . When a tension arises between the two, we don’t simply choose one or try to accept a contradiction. Rather, we patiently and diligently work to reconcile the difficulty, coming to a fuller understanding of the truth.” “This simple presentation of the Catholic Church’s view of the matter completely shifted my view of the relationship between faith and the sciences,” Burghart said, and he spent the rest of his college career at Benedictine studying the intersection of faith and science, including reading deeply into Galileo’s writings. Msgr. Swetland had the same experience as a student — only starting from science, not theology. “I was a physics major and I lost faith during one phase of my life,” he said. “There was one thing I could not deny, though. The more I studied the physical world, the subatomic world and the heavens — I couldn’t deny the Creator.” “Science helped salvage faith for me,” he added. “The Society of Catholic Scientists want more and more people to be able to say that.”
Managing Editor Anita McSorley
Advertising Coordinator Beth Blankenship
Social Media Editor/Reporter Moira Cullings
Atchison students learn early a corporal work of mercy By Lisa Baniewicz Special to The Leaven
TCHISON — At St. Benedict’s Elementary School here, it is not uncommon to see students lining the sidewalks in front of the
school. They are modeling an important lesson: Being present and offering up a silent prayer can speak volumes. After every funeral at St. Benedict Church, whether the deceased has ties to the school or not, the students line Unity and Second streets to pay their respects and participate in a corporal work of mercy — burying the dead. Father Jeremy Heppler, OSB, pastor of St. Benedict for the past five years, brought this tradition with him from Wichita and hopes it will become more widely practiced in the community. “I remember in grade school any time there was a funeral procession passing by . . . we were expected to stop and be reverent,” he said. “It didn’t matter if we were at recess or just walking outside.” He brought the idea up to then-principal Diane Liebsch because he wanted to implement corporal works of mercy at the school. The seven corporal works of mercy are listed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (No. 2447); they are named in the Gospel of Matthew; and they are mentioned in the Book of Isaiah. Although “burying the dead” is listed last, it has in a way become first for the St. Benedict students as they line the streets for funeral processions headed to Mount Calvary Cemetery. “We attempt to get every grade out there at some point throughout the year,” said principal Helen Schwinn. “We try to follow a rotation so that several different ages are represented each time. “The time of the funeral and weather often dictate which classes are available or best suited. Grades 3 through 8 most often participate due to their maturity and patience needed.” The students are usually prepared ahead of time. “After morning announcements they’ll tell us [that] later in the day we are going outside,” said eighth grader
After every funeral at St. Benedict Church in Atchison, whether the deceased has ties to the parish school or not, the students of St. Benedict line Unity and Second streets to pay their respects. Aidrek Korbelik. “They ask us to behave reverently and to stand silently in prayer for the one who died, for their family and those close to them.” Some teachers try to give the students additional information beforehand. Middle school social studies teacher and sixth grade religion teacher Melissa Schramp said, “We also try to share some information about the person: the person’s name, what he or she did for a living, information about his or her family. We want to give the students something to relate to as they pray for the grieving families and for the repose of this person’s soul.” The significance of why the students are standing out there, sometimes in less-than-ideal weather, is not lost on the students. “I think it’s important because they just lost somebody,” said fifth grader Phoebe Koechner. “It shows you care for them.” Sixth grader Kyle Folsom said he prays Hail Marys for the family when
they are driving by because he knows “it helps them get to heaven.” “It makes me feel like I contributed to the people close to them,” added Korbelik, “like I’ve offered comfort to the people who experienced the loss.” Mark Begley, who grew up in Atchison and is a parishioner at St. Benedict, graduated from the school in 1985 and is a parent of four children — two at Maur Hill-Mount Academy and two at St. Benedict. He said he always notices. “I think it’s great. I try to see if any of my kids are standing out there,” said Begley. “I think it’s an example of showing their respect like the Knights of Columbus and honor guard do at funerals.” In October last year, Begley was on the receiving end of this corporal work of mercy when he unexpectedly lost his father Mike. His parents, who are well known in the community, were married for over 50 years. When
his mother Margie recalled seeing the children that day, she said, “It was beautiful! It really showed respect and love.” Father Jeremy said that even though some people know of the practice, it still catches them off guard to see them lining the streets. Often the families will show their appreciation by giving a simple wave, honking a horn or — most often — by shedding a tear or two. Schwinn is hoping this experience will challenge the students to find their own way to live out the corporal works of mercy in the future. Father Jeremy, meanwhile, is seeing the practice impact the community. “I don’t know if I’m more sensitive and notice it more now,” he said. “But I’m seeing more and more people, whether outside on their phone or out on their front porch sweeping, stop and wait until the funeral procession goes by.”
Executive director shines light on work of CFNEK By Joe Bollig
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — The theme of the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas’ Deo Gratias annual meeting and awards dinner on Nov. 11 was: “That your joy may be full,” taken from the Gospel of John (15:11). But the theme could have just as easily been taken from another Gospel. “I have discovered one thing,” said Bill Maloney, the foundation’s executive director during his opening remarks. “The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas may be the best-kept secret in the archdiocese. So, I think it’s time to remove the bushel basket and let the light of the foundation shine.” Of course, Maloney was paraphrasing Jesus’ parable of the lamp, from the Gospel of Matthew (5:14). It was a night to let shine the success of CFNEK, and both the accomplishments and generosity of one
distinguished Catholic organization — Donnelly College in Kansas City, Kansas — and one distinguished Catholic family — Pat and Mel McAnany of St. Joseph Parish in Shawnee. Both Donnelly and the McAnanys received the flame-shaped, glass Deo Gratias award at the event, held in the Keleher Conference Center at Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kansas. The award recognizes outstanding achievement, service and support of Catholic institutions that are CFNEK fund holders, as well as Catholic Legacy Society members. CFNEK, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, provides distributions and grants to parishes, schools and institutions through the formation of endowments, donor advised funds, charitable gift annuities and membership in Catholic legacy societies. Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann presented the Deo Gratias awards on behalf of CFNEK. >> See “ARCHBISHOP” on page 5
Msgr. Stuart Swetland, president of Donnelly College in Kansas City, Kansas, accepts the flameshaped, glass Deo Gratias award on behalf of the college. The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas’ Deo Gratias annual meeting and awards dinner was held Nov. 11.
Serra Club KCK strives to build a ‘culture of vocations’
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — At a special memorial Mass and 50th anniversary celebration Nov. 10, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann expressed his gratitude for the encouragement and support those members of the Serra Club of Kansas City in Kansas have provided to archdiocesan seminarians for the past 50 years. The event was held at St. Joseph Parish in S h aw n e e, w h e r e Archbishop Naumann celebrated a Mass that was followed by a dinner in McDevitt Hall. Now in its 51st year of service, a celebration for the Serra Club had been planned for May 2020 but the pandemic forced a delay. The annual memorial Mass for deceased Serrans and their widows was also curtailed last year because of the pandemic. This year, the memorial Mass and anniversary celebration were combined, and drew over 100 Serrans, spouses and guests to the event. Following Mass, the widows of 16 Serrans who have died since December 2019 were honored, each presented with a candle commemorating the deceased Serran with his photo. This year, the memorial Mass celebrated 115 deceased Serrans who helped grow vocations in the archdiocese. During the program, Serra District Gov. Nancy Gibson awarded the club recognition from the Serra International Foundation as a “Mission Club” for its support last year of more than $3,000 to the Serra Foundation to fund activities worldwide. Years of service pins were also presented to members for 10, 25 and 50 years. Wayne Jenicke was presented with a 25-year pin. Bob Chenoweth, who was a featured speaker at the dinner, was awarded a 50-year pin. The Serra KCK club was formed in 1970 at the request of Archbishop Ignatius J. Strecker. It grew out of a Catholic men’s group called the Catholic Layman’s Conference. Over the years, the Serra footprint in the archdiocese has grown through support for seminarians
s Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann blesses candles at the Mass celebrating 50 years of the Serra Club of Kansas City in Kansas. After Mass, the candles were presented to the widows of Serrans who have died since December 2019. t Bob Chenoweth, who was a featured speaker at the Serran dinner, was awarded a 50-year pin for his years of service to the club.
both financially and spiritually. The Serra Club has also sponsored activities for religious Sisters and for those discerning the consecrated life.
Among other sponsored Serra programs have been activities encouraging vocations for fifth and sixth grade Catholic school students throughout
the archdiocese. Serrans have also supported the Running Revs, Catholic Radio’s softball game between the Kansas and Missouri priests, and new Serra clubs within the archdiocese. Serra is recognized as the lay vocations arm of the Catholic Church. The KCK Club is one of the largest clubs in the United States and there are approximately 550 Serra clubs worldwide. For more about the Serra Club of Kansas City in Kansas and about Serra worldwide, go to the website at: serra
Archbishop extols Donnelly mission, McAnanys’ stewardship >> Continued from page 4 He started off by expressing how proud he was of Donnelly College. “One of the most inspiring days of the year for me is the Donnelly College graduation,” said Archbishop Naumann. “If you hear the speakers at those graduation ceremonies, it’s always really edifying. I think around 80 percent of our students are firstgeneration college graduates. To hear some of the challenges that they’ve overcome is really remarkable. “And always entwined in their talks is the great gift of the faith and how that’s made a difference in their lives. I call the new [campus] building on 18th Street the ‘Miracle on 18th Street.’” Msgr. Stuart Swetland, president of Donnelly, accepted the award on behalf of the college. In his remarks, he highlighted the affordability and diversity of the college. Although founded in 1949 to serve the ethnic Catholic population of the urban core, it has
Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas fund balance • Parishes: 55 parish funds; $213,063 contributions received; $196,308 distributed • Catholic education: 70 education funds; $1,697,355 contributions received; $1,041,296 distributed • Cemeteries: 21 education funds; $617,992 contributions received; $404,598 distributed • Religious vocations: 10 education funds; $541,446 contributions received; $333,111 distributed • Human services: 15 education funds; $7,700,732 contributions received; $323,330 distributed • Other funds: 5 other funds; 38 donor-advised funds; 8 charitable gift annuities
now become a minority-serving institution and the most diverse college in the Midwest. “We’re the most diverse college because we’re serving a population that might not otherwise be served, and Catholic colleges should do that,” he said. “The average price to go to a Catholic college right now in the United States is $31,000 a year. Donnelly College charges $8,500 a year,
and many of our students we help . . . even with that amount. Only 11 percent of our students [graduate] with any debt at all.” In presenting the Deo Gratias award to Pat and Mel McAnany, Archbishop Naumann held them up as examples of stewardship. “That’s really what stewardship is about,” said Archbishop Naumann. “It’s trying to discern how the Lord is
using the blessings that he’s given us.” After accepting the award, Pat McAnany said that he and Mel have had a donor-advised fund for several years. “I love the fact Mel and I can easily give money to various Catholic causes in the archdiocese and throughout the world,” he said. “It’s a beautiful thing to do, to start a donor-advised fund, so I highly recommend it. We need to grow this foundation. “We feel so blessed. You give a little bit, and you get so much back. It’s priceless.” In his report on the state of CFNEK, Maloney said that during the last fiscal year, the foundation grew to 222 funds under management totaling $124 million in assets. He also noted that the Catholic Legacy Society continues to grow. It set a new record this year of 812 Catholic Legacy Society members, an 18% increase over last year.
Annual religious retirement collection will take place Dec. 11-12 By Joe Bollig
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Have you ever wanted to say “thank you” to a religious order priest, Brother or Sister who helped you or a family member long ago? Well, now’s your chance. On the weekend of Dec. 11-12, the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas will participate in the annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection. This nationwide effort is coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office. Archdiocesan Catholics have been very generous in the past. Last year, they gave $101,155. Since the collection was established in 1988, they have given $1,844,094. Some of those dollars have helped religious communities right here in the archdiocese. Last year, the Sisters, Servants of Mary in Kansas City, Kansas, received $120,881 in direct care assistance, and the Benedictine monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison received $35,646. “The grant that we receive from the National Religious Retirement Fund is a tremendous blessing to St. Benedict’s Abbey,” said Brother Leven Harton, OSB, the abbey’s prior. “We have relied on this support for more than a decade, and each year, it helps us to continue our mission of living a common life of prayer and work, caring for each brother and serving the church.” “As a monastic community, we integrate our elderly into our life. We don’t have a separate care facility to which we send them, nor a separate wing of our monastery building that serves them,” he continued. “They live on the first floor — the same floor as our church and refectory — and stay in the middle of our community schedule.” Religious communities are financially responsible for the support and care of all their members. Their income and earnings are separate from parish and diocesan structures. The fund was established because of a serious lack of retirement funding
The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison receive a grant from the National Religious Retirement Fund that helps the abbey support its retired priests and brothers. for priests, Brothers and Sisters in religious orders. For most of their lives, elder religious worked for little or no pay. There were no 401(k) plans or pensions for them. The need that led to the creation of the fund remains and, if anything, is even greater. There are 26,330 religious past age 70 living in the United States, according to the NRRO. In 2020, the average annual cost for their care was more than $49,000 per person — and skilled care averaged $78,000 per person. Religious orders face three great challenges to the care of their elderly, according to Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM, executive director of the NRRO. The first challenge is the lack of funds. Many elderly religious worked for years for small stipends, leaving a
large gap in retirement savings. At the same time, there are fewer religious able to serve in compensated ministry. The second challenge is rising costs. Like all American families, religious communities face the same forces that are making health care more expensive. The third challenge is changing demographics. Religious communities overall experienced tremendous growth in previous decades, but today, retired religious outnumber wage-earners in their community by nearly three to one. These challenges have left religious communities in a crunch. Of the 551 communities providing data to the NRRO, only 27 are adequately funded for retirement. Funds from the collection may be applied toward immediate expenses,
ACROSS 1 Loft 6 Treasure 11 “blind as a __” 14 Artemis 15 Desert pond 16 Brew 17 Zesty 18 Inappropriate 19 Talk incessantly 20 Biddy 22 Knock 23 Aching 24 Hairpiece 27 BB association 29 Disguise 31 Godliness 34 Border 35 Informed 36 Lazy __ (turntable) 38 Container 41 Need 42 Prophet swallowed by fish 43 Energy 44 East northeast 45 Happen again 46 Shin 47 Animal covering 48 Jesus often spoke in these 50 Wife of Ahab 54 Old woman
such as medications or nursing care, or invested for future eldercare needs. Funding is also allocated for improved health care delivery and planning for long-term retirement needs. “The money from the Religious Retirement Fund helps us provide nursing care and cover medical visits,” said Brother Leven. “It contributes to our dining room budget. It heats and cools rooms. It allows us to purchase new equipment and upgrade living spaces. It provides wheelchairs, lifts and breathing treatment machines. We are extremely grateful for this support. We thank the local church, whose generosity helps us care for our elderly brothers, who witness to the gift of perseverance in faith.” For more information, visit the website at:
55 Sixth sense 56 City in Yemen 57 Insane 59 Animal foot 61 Large van 62 Something very small 64 Rent 68 Fall mo. 69 A card game 70 Cargo ship 71 Thirst quencher 72 Parable of the __ and Goats 73 By the __ of God DOWN 1 Spots 2 Hint 3 Thai 4 Part of a foot 5 _____ pepper 6 Luau dish 7 Mouth off 8 Son of Abraham 9 Wife of Moses 10 Time zone 11 Marshy lake 12 Morning noise 13 Wigwam 21 North by east 23 Short-term memory
24 Large ocean mammal 25 A Midwesterner 26 Candied 28 Association (abbr.) 30 Transgression 32 Make angry 33 Day’s beginning 37 Wife of Abraham 38 Holy book 39 Constellation 40 Grip 42 Book after Isaiah 43 Baby eating apparel 45 Wipe 46 Philippino language 47 Swamp 49 Strike sharply 50 Ruffle down the front 51 Elicit 52 Saltine cracker brand 53 Cut open 58 Levee 60 River dam 62 Married woman 63 Swab 65 Wing 66 Part of a min. 67 Bard’s before Solution on page 11
7 Announcement The archdiocese was recently made aware that Father James Jackson, FSSP, who faces charges in Providence, Rhode Island, for child pornography and related activity, will be temporarily residing with family in the archdiocese while awaiting trial. Father Jackson, who is being monitored by the court, has been prohibited from presenting himself as a priest during this time and has been denied faculties by the archdiocese to exercise public ministry.
Paul and Tracy Satterfield from the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas attend Pope Francis’ audience with members of Retrouvaille at the Vatican Nov. 6.
Archdiocesan couple participates in private papal audience By Marc and Julie Anderson
OME — Humbled. Overwhelmed. Grateful. Those were among the words Paul and Tracy Satterfield, members of Holy Spirit Parish in Overland Park, used to describe their attendance, along with 150 other couples from around the world, in a private papal audience on Nov. 6. The audience marked the first held by Pope Francis to recognize Retrouvaille, an international peer ministry for marriages in crisis, although Pope Benedict XVI held a similar audience in 2008. Founded in 1977, it has served at least 185,000 couples in 27 countries. In his remarks, the pontiff thanked the couples for their ministry and discussed how crises can create opportunities for growth. “Crises cause wounds, they cause wounds to the heart and flesh,” said the pope. “You are wounded couples who have gone through the crisis and have healed. And because of this, you are able to help other wounded couples. You have not gone away; you did not walk away in the crisis. . . . You took the crisis in hand and sought a solution.” “This is your gift,” he added, “the experience you have lived and place at the service of others.” It was amazing, said the Satterfields, to find themselves participating in such a historic occasion, since they had almost divorced nine years ago. But they credit Retrouvaille for saving their marriage, and that’s why the couple started volunteering for the ministry seven or eight years ago.
Currently, they serve as a regional coordinating couple, offering support and resources to community coordinating couples within six states: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma. An official invitation to the Vatican came in late September, less than six weeks prior to the actual audience. And while many couples could not make the trip on such short notice due to family and work obligations, the Satterfields were fortunate. “I think [our employers] both realized what an honor this was, so they had no problems with it,” Paul said. Tracy’s supervisor was immediately supportive, telling her it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After saying yes to the trip, the couple attended to the subsequent myriad details — including preparing themselves spiritually for the momentous occasion. “We prayed for grace,” Tracy said, along with the other couples that would be attending from the United States. “It forced a lot of reflection on us. It confirmed what the organization is doing is important, important enough for the pope to take notice. It was very humbling,” Paul said. A few hours prior to the actual audience, the Satterfields met up with their global counterparts in St. Peter’s Square and were given a yellow scarf which, they said, instantly bonded them with others. “As soon as they saw you with your Retrouvaille cross or your yellow scarf, people would come up and hug you. It was just such a beautiful feeling to have the world come
together,” Tracy said. When Pope Francis spoke, Paul said he was somewhat surprised it was in Italian without any translation. “Looking back on it, I’m kind of glad it happened that way. Had he spoken in English or I had been looking at a big screen, we would have only gotten the experience once,” he said. As it was, he said, “We got to focus on the emotion of the room when it was live and listen to [the pope’s] voice and the cadence.” A few hours later, while sitting in a cafe, they read the Holy Father’s address in full. “That’s when it hit me. I could see what he was saying,” Paul said. “A lot of what he talked about was adversity is normal, not to be afraid of it. . . . That part of the Retrouvaille message is something that resonates with me.” Tracy agreed. “What I heard was not to be afraid of conflict. It can bring greater things,” she said. “I was always terrified of conflict. Once [Pope Francis] spoke those words, I was so happy. We shouldn’t be afraid of conflict.” Now back home, Tracy is still overwhelmed by the experience. “I can’t believe it happened to us,” she said. “Just nine years ago, we were ready to sign the divorce papers. Nine years later, we’re together, representing a ministry in the Vatican. It’s so surreal. It makes you really appreciate life and what’s important.” For more information about Retrouvaille, go to the website at:
Rosalie (Pisciotta) and David Barreca, members of Curé of Ars Parish, Leawood, will celebrate their 50th we d d i n g anniversary on Nov. 27. The couple was married on Nov. 27, 1971, at Holy Trinity Church in Kansas City, Missouri. They will celebrate with a reception with family and friends. Their children are: Peter Barreca, Christopher Barreca, Megan Kopp and John Barreca. They also have 13 grandchildren.
Sister Irene Hanley, SCL
EAVENWORTH — Sister Irene Hanley, SCL, died on Nov. 14 at the motherhouse here. She was 89. She had been a Sister of Charity of Leavenworth for 71 years. Irene V. Hanley was born on March 11, 1932, in Greeley, Nebraska, to John and Mary (Ryan) Hanley. She graduated from St. Lawrence Grade School and Girls Central High School in Butte, Montana. In 1966, she received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Saint Mary College, Leavenworth. She entered the Sisters of Charity community on Aug. 18, 1950, and professed vows as Sister Jean Mary on Aug. 15, 1952, but later returned to her baptismal name. She sometimes joked she had a “cradle vocation,” due to her desire to be a Sister of Charity since first grade. Sister Irene loved being an elementary teacher and served for 28 years in schools in Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Illinois. Her warmth, sensitivity and humor made her a hit with students. Later in life, she turned to health care. She served 10 years as a chaplain in De Paul Hospital in Cheyenne, Wyoming. In 1988, she was recognized as employee of the year. Later, she worked for seven years as the director of pastoral care at Providence Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. In her retirement years, she devoted herself to family, and loved to spend time with her nieces and nephews. She loved to play cards or bingo with family or go on outings, where she sometimes shared her faith or her pride in being Irish.
After a morning Mass Nov. 18 with Father Dan Gardner, the group from the Archdiocese This group from St. Benedict Parish and Maur Hill-Mount Academy in Atchison took a break from the fun and faith to focus on Catholic social teaching: They filled and sealed bags with rice, beans and vitamins to provide for the people of Guatemala through Cross Catholic Outreach. Clockwise from left are: Manuel Hernandez, theology teacher from Maur Hill, Hannah Hamburg, Anthony Wurtz, Bohdan Korbelik, Christina Hernandez and Maureen Hernandez.
ReachKCK joined forces with Holy Spirit Parish in Overland Park because their groups were small in size. “It was very fun meeting with so many people, especially those that live nearby,” said Maddie Lillich, a freshman at Shawnee Mission South High School. “Even if we have different backgrounds, we have the same faith.”
PJ Anderson and his band have previously led worship at World Youth Day and the March fo
The Village at NCYC is an interactive experience where teens can learn about colleges, Catholic Scouting, saints, Catholic social teaching, buy merchandise, do team building activities and play. Here members from the archdiocese get into an intense game of gaga ball. From left are: Brooklyn Plummer, St. Columbkille, Blaine; Fred Razor, St. Ann, Hiawatha; Cooper Eberly, St. Ann; Kaden Smith, St. Leo, Horton; and Carly Hutfles, St. Leo.
Father Leo Patalinghug, a member of a community of consecrated life called Voluntas D God”), led 11,000 participants in eucharistic adoration. Father Patalinghug is an award and radio and TV host.
e of Kansas City in Kansas gathered for a group photo in the Indiana Convention Center.
Hulvey was one of the opening acts for headliner Lecrae. On his shirt are the words “CHRIST BEARER.” Hulvey’s real name is Christopher, which means, “Christ-bearer.” His debut album is titled “Christopher.”
Father Dan Gardner (arms raised), pastor of St. Ann in Hiawatha and St. Leo, Horton, concelebrated the closing Mass. He was one of 250 priests and deacons that attended NCYC along with 20 bishops.
or Life in Washington, D.C. At this NCYC, the group led worship before the breakout session, “Heaven, Hell and Hot Topics.”
ei (“The Will of d-winning chef
Lecrae, center, a multi Grammy-winning artist, was the headlining performer Nov. 18. He’s accompanied on stage by opening acts Wande and Hulvey. The entire stadium was alive and jumping with the three Christian rap artists.
Archbishop Charles Thompson, of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, was the principal celebrant of the closing Mass. He joked that the other bishops backed out, so he had to fill in as the homilist as well. He also joked about his short stature: “The deacon before me [who proclaimed the readings] didn’t need a step stool. I could probably use two!”
Polish priest takes step closer to sainthood By Jonathan Luxmoore Catholic News Service
ARSAW, Poland (CNS) — A young Catholic priest has been beatified as a martyr in Poland, nearly eight decades after he was guillotined by wartime Nazi occupiers for clandestine charity work. Blessed Jan Macha “died, like the grain of wheat, killed by a Nazi system full of hatred for those who sow goodness,” said Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Saints’ Causes. “In a divided society, where individualism and selfishness seem to assert themselves due to a lack of authentic and sincere relationships, he reminds us Christ will judge us for the love and good we have achieved.” The cardinal and six archbishops concelebrated the Nov. 20 beatification Mass in Katowice’s Christ the King cathedral. Polish President Andrzej Duda and members of the priest’s family were in attendance. Cardinal Semeraro said Blessed Macha’s witness had opened “a truly heroic page of faith and charity” for the church in Poland’s southern Silesia region, close to the birthplace of St. John Paul II. “While violence and the abuses of war raged in Poland and throughout the world, he understood that only faith and charity allow each person, created in God’s image and likeness, to recognize their inalienable dignity,” Cardinal Semeraro added. “He took care of many families touched by the nightmare of war, and no suffering left him indifferent. Wherever someone was arrested, deported or shot, he brought comfort and material support, without regard for differences of nationality, religious
Nigerian nuns work to rescue women from sex trade
Pilgrims dressed in traditional clothing pose near an image of Father Jan Franciszek Macha outside Christ the King Cathedral in Katowice, Poland, Nov. 20, 2021. The 28-year-old Polish priest was beatified that day inside the cathedral, 79 years after he was guillotined by the country’s Nazi occupiers for links with the underground resistance. denomination or social status.” Relics presented during the Mass included the priest’s handmade rosary and a bloodstained handkerchief recovered from his place of execution, as well as Blessed Macha’s last letter to his parents, written four hours before his death. In the letter, he asked forgiveness but expressed a “clear conscience.” Born the eldest of four children at Chorzów in 1914, Jan Franciszek Macha studied law at Krakow’s Jagiellonian University after being rejected for seminary studies in 1933. He was accepted for priestly training on his second attempt and was ordained in June 1939. He began parish work Sept. 1, 1939, the day German forces invaded. He raised funds for poor and orphaned families, taught catechesis and supervised local Scout activities. Interrogated by the Gestapo in
early 1940, he was rearrested at Katowice’s train station in September 1941 and sentenced to death in July 1942 after brutal prison treatment for links with Poland’s underground resistance. Blessed Macha was guillotined Dec. 3, 1942, after his mother failed to obtain a pardon for him in Berlin. The German SS refused burial. His canonization process was opened by the Katowice Archdiocese in 2013. His beatification was postponed from October 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic. In a Nov. 21 Angelus message, Pope Francis said Blessed Macha had been “killed in hatred of the faith” in the context of Nazi anti-church persecutions, adding that “in the darkness of prison,” he had “found in God the strength and meekness to face his Calvary.”
NITSHA, Nigeria (CNS) — On a sunny afternoon, Sister Dorothy Okoli drove an unmarked Toyota Sienna from her convent to a hotel where young girls are trapped in prostitution. En route, she stopped at a grocery store to shop for food items and provisions. It’s a duty she said she is called to do. “Solving a problem of this nature requires a lot of dedication; you don’t just wake up one morning and say that you are going into a hotel to transform the lives of young girls trapped in the business of prostitution,” Sister Okoli told Catholic News Service. “I often visit them with gift items and cash gifts, and this endeared me to them [so] that they sometimes refuse to let me go.” Sister Okoli is superior general of the Missionary Sisters of St. John Paul II of Mary, a women’s religious institute in Anambra state. In July, her congregation established the Save Young Girls Motherhood Foundation; she and three other nuns are working to rehabilitate commercial sex workers. “Before I started, I didn’t know that I would have to deal with such a huge number of girls needing help, I thought we’d meet a few of them. But when we started, surprisingly, we found out that there are many of them with needs beyond our capability; we found out that it’s not something we can do alone, that we need the support of the government and individuals, including churches,” she told CNS. In southern Nigeria where Sister Okoli works, underage prostitution, the activities of pimps and the operation or ownership of brothels are illegal, but the trade still thrives.
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12 EMPLOYMENT Part-time companions needed - Looking for a kindhearted, energetic person to be a team player in our small, growing health care company. Must have reliable transportation. Job may entail driving clients to appointments, running errands and checking in on clients. Person must be personable, able to do puzzles, play cards and entertain. We are not a hands-on caregiving company. Some clients may need assistance in standing. Only serious applicants please. Rate per hour will rise quickly for team players. Driving around metro area may be required. Trip charge or mileage also given. Drug, background checks and COVID vaccinations are mandatory. Perfect for retired employees ready to work part time, compassionate CNAs or parents wanting to work while kids are in school. Call Jen at (913) 530-1795, Fahey Case Management. Baseball coaches - Bishop Miege High School is seeking assistant baseball coaches for spring 2022. Contact Joe Schramp, athletic director, at: jschramp@ or (913) 222-5802. Part-time youth minister - Good Shepherd Parish in Shawnee is looking to hire a part-time youth minister (15 - 20 hours per week) to organize, plan and facilitate middle school and high school ministry. A flexible schedule is required, as most of the youth ministry will occur on evenings and weekends. A capacity to work with a diverse Anglo/Hispanic cultural community is essential. Bilingual Spanish/English is beneficial. For more information or to apply, please contact Father Kent O’Connor at: Pastoral and administrative assistant - Sacred Heart Parish in Emporia is a vibrant and active community. Our many ministries rely upon the pastoral and administrative assistant to assist the pastor as needed in the various areas of parish life. This person should possess the ability to multitask and prioritize duties as needed. The position will also involve a great deal of personal interaction with the many people we serve. Primary duties include: answer phones and assist walk-ins; manage schedules and records; coordinate sacramental preparation; unlock/lock office and church M - F as needed; create and submit weekly church bulletin and other parish communications. Some tasks are typically delegated to volunteers, whom this position would be able to call upon as needed. Many responsibilities and typical procedures have been documented by the previous pastoral and administrative assistant as to allow for a smooth transition. Cover letters and resume can be sent to: Parish phone: (620) 342-1061. Grant manager position - Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas is hiring a full-time grant manager to join its development team! This position will research, write, manage, report and submit grant applications to institutional, governmental and United Way partners to help raise critical funds for the mission of Catholic Charities. For more information, please visit: and click on “About Us” and “Careers” to view this open position. Administrative assistant - Rockhurst University is seeking a full-time administrative assistant for the Occupational Therapy Department. This position helps the academic fieldwork and capstone coordinators place occupational therapy students for clinical fieldwork. Strong communication, organizational and data entry skills are needed. This position is for 37.5 hours per week and has full benefits. Please see the full job description on the Rockhurst University website at: www. Click on: “Find a job” at the bottom of the page, then click on “View current job openings.” Then click on page 3 and go to: “OT Clinical Education Administrative Assistant” to apply. Program coordinator, life and justice office - The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is seeking to fill the program coordinator: human rights job opening. This position will assist the development, implementation and maintenance of diocesan programs related to church teaching on contemporary social issues. This is a full-time position. Please visit “Job Openings” at: for a complete job description and to apply. Live-in or live-out caregivers (assistants) - Looking for purposeful volunteer or paid work? Live-in or liveout caregivers (assistants) needed for all shifts, flexible hours available, with adults with intellectual disabilities (core members) in residential group homes (community). Old Overland Park area. Duties include, but are not exclusive to: learn and know the charter of L’Arche; welcome guests, families, volunteers, new assistants and core members to the home; be responsible for the overall growth and direction of the home; foster appropriate relationships between all members of the home; foster positive and supportive relationships with families and professionals; attend community nights and other community events. Qualifications: a person who has lived or worked in a community with persons with disabilities preferred; a person with good organizational skills; a person committed to the philosophy of L’Arche; a person with good communication skills; a person with the ability to deal with conflict objectively; have a valid driver’s license; a high school diploma or equivalent; pass all required background checks; pass required preemployment readiness evaluation. Training required: (all provided after being hired) CPR/first aid; medication administration; rights and responsibilities; abuse, neglect and exploitation training; emergency preparedness, documentation training. Interested candidates, please submit a letter of interest, a current resume and references with contact information to the L’Arche Heartland discernment/search team at: heartland@ Position open until filled.
Principal - St. Therese Catholic School is seeking to fill the principal job opening. This position administers and provides student instruction in a Catholic school setting; conducts other programs and services provided at the school; and relates to parents, parish and general public. This is a full-time position. Visit “Job Openings” at: for a complete job description and to apply.
Drivers and aides - Assisted Transportation is now hiring safe drivers and aides to transport students with special needs in Johnson, Wyandotte and Clay County, Missouri, in company vans. Drivers earn $14 - $16 per hour. Aides earn $12 per hour. Part-time and full-time schedules available. CDL not required. Retirees encouraged to apply. Make a difference in your community by helping those in need. Call (913) 521-4955 for more information. EEO
Community care coordinator - Looking for a leadership role where you can use your office skills to help in a nonprofit organization that serves adults with intellectual disabilities? L’Arche Heartland is seeking a community care coordinator. Experience with case management is strongly preferred. The role of community care coordinator is to be an advocate and ally to our seventeen residential core members (adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities) who require assistants (caregivers) for activities of daily living. Requirements include but are not limited to: collaboration with L’Arche Heartland team and leaders; attend and actively participate in house team meetings, professional services meetings and other meetings as needed to efficiently support high quality care and provision of services for the core members; advocate on behalf of the core members with service coordinators, families, consultants and other professionals to ensure the individual needs and desires of core members are met. Collaboration with community nurse and assistant’s coordinator. Interested candidates, please submit a letter of interest, a current resume and references with contact information to the L’Arche Heartland discernment/ search team at: Position open until filled.
Caregivers - Daughters & Company is looking for several compassionate caregivers to provide assistance to seniors in their home, assisted living or in a skilled nursing facility. We provide light housekeeping/light meal preparation, organizational assistance, care management and occasional transportation services for our clients. We need caregivers with reliable transportation and a cellphone for communication. A CNA background is helpful, though not mandatory. We typically employ on a part-time basis, but will strive to match up hours desired. Contact Gary or Laurie at (913) 341-2500 if you want to become part of an excellent caregiving team.
Catholic elementary school principal - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic school in Leawood is seeking an elementary school principal beginning with the 202223 school year. Candidates must demonstrate strong leadership skills and success in an academic setting. The principal ensures successful completion of learning objectives for students and creates/executes the school budget. The principal also serves as manager for the preschool director and coordinates activities and priorities with the pastor and parish staff. The successful applicant will be a faith-filled, practicing Catholic; understand the mission of Catholic education; and have or be eligible for Kansas licensure in educational leadership. Apply online at: (then select “Employment”) and send resume and credentials to Superintendent Dr. Vincent Cascone, Catholic Schools Office, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109, or email to: House coordinator (caregiver/assistant leadership) - Looking for a leadership role where you can fulfill meaningful purpose providing direct care for adults with intellectual disabilities in their homes? L’Arche Heartland is seeking to hire two house coordinators to support the overall quality of life for up to five residents with developmental disabilities (core members) who require direct service/support professionals (assistants) for activities of daily living. Core members reside together in a designated home as house mates with assistants (some who live-in and some who live out). While aligning with the mission and charter of L’Arche, house coordinators provide direct support as well as oversee the management and administrative responsibilities within the home. The role coordinates daily routines and activities (community life) within the home to foster a healthy, respectful and compassionate living environment among house mates and assistants. The house coordinator is a member of the leadership team and works in close collaboration with the team to fulfill their role responsibilities. Responsibilities and qualifications: assists in the planning and facilitating of community night activities, holiday gatherings, retreats, trips and fundraisers; facilitates weekly team meetings (formations) and participates in regular formations and training to develop a relationship of trust and collaboration; serves as a liaison between assistants and the coordinators to ensure that the personal and spiritual needs of assistants are being met; with the assistants coordinator, ensures that the home and vehicles are maintained and that safety precautions are followed and documented; in cooperation with the assistant and community care coordinator, monitors home environmental needs and coordinates repairs and purchases as needed with the approval of the community leader/executive director; ensures that household finances and spending are organized and in agreement with the designated budget. Training provided. Experience as a live-in assistant (caregiver) with adults with intellectual disabilities strongly preferred. Interested candidates, please submit a letter of interest, a current resume and references with contact information to the L’Arche Heartland discernment/search team at: heart Position open until filled. Choir director - Sacred Heart Church, Shawnee, is seeking a part-time choir director. This person is responsible for recruiting and sustaining membership to our choirs and to actively engage our parish community in song at weekend Masses, holy days of obligation, Triduum and other parish events that occur. He/she will work in collaboration with the pastor and liturgy coordinator to provide an overall inspiring worship experience. For a full job description and to apply, please go online to: Early childhood educators – With multiple locations in Johnson County, Special Beginnings Early Learning Center provides high quality child care in a safe, loving Christian environment. Our classrooms are full, and we are looking to add to our amazing team. We are looking for both full-time and part-time teachers for all ages of children. If you have an excellent work ethic, a heart for children and a willingness to learn more about early childhood education, we would love to meet you. For more information or to apply, call Carolyn Andruss at (913) 894-0131, ext. 102.
Financial representatives - Knights of Columbus has full-time openings in northeast Kansas and western Missouri for full-time financial representatives. Ideal for determined, disciplined, professional, high-expectation individual desiring to serve others. We work exclusively with the families of brother Knights and Catholic gentlemen who are eligible to join the Knights. We have established territories where agents devote their working day to the needs of the members in their assigned councils. Excellent, multi-tiered training and benefits are provided, allowing the successful field agent to earn a professional level income. This is a career opportunity that may be the right fit at the right time for you, or possibly for someone you know. For further information, contact John A. Mahon, general agent, at (785) 4088800 or email:
FOR SALE Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. St. Michael’s parishioners. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC) For sale - Two cemetery plots at Chapel Hill Gardens in Kansas City, Kansas; lot 102B, spaces three and four. Asking $1695. Call Ernest at (913) 706-5958 or email: For sale - Double lawn crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa, Garden of Hope section, double lawn crypt, lot 78 C, space 4. Conveyance fee included. $7500. Call Lou at (512) 656-1801. For sale - Two plots at Mount Olivet Cemetery in Kansas City, Missouri; Assumption Garden, lot 2, section D, spaces 3 and 4 near the paved roadway. Asking $4000 total. Call Peggy at (913) 685-3464 or email: For sale - Double crypt at Resurrection Cemetery inside the Beautiful Queen of Heaven mausoleum and chapel; tier A-1, crypt 111. Beautiful finished wood exterior on lower level. Today’s value is $16,000. Make offer. Call (816) 215-2000. For sale - Single patio crypt with paid interment at Resurrection Cemetery. Patio B, tier E, crypt 6. $4395 value discounted to $3000, obo. Call Sy at (913) 642-2191.
SERVICES Senior Care Authority - Navigating senior care options can be overwhelming. We’ll help you sort through and understand all your care and living options and point you to vetted resources. Placement assistance is FREE. We do a thorough assessment, do all the research and walk with you as you make these big decisions for you or your loved one. Call (913) 359-8580. Faith-based counseling to cope with life concerns - Kansas City area. Call Mary Vorsten, licensed clinical professional counselor, at (913) 909-2002. Tutoring - Tutoring for K - Adult. Sessions are fun and meaningful. For more information please call Kathleen at (913) 206-2151 or email Painting - Diamond Paining, (913) 648-4933, residential/commercial, exterior/interior. Free estimate, affordable, decks., KCMO/Overland Park Metropolitan area. Custom countertops - Laminates installed within 5 days. Cambria, granite, and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., at (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee. Handyman - I wanted to let you all know that we do basement finishes, deck building, bathroom and kitchen remodeling. This includes tile work, cabinet refinishing, and any sheetrock work. We also do all things flooring, siding, windows, doors, covered porches, sheds and much more. I really appreciate all your support. Please call Joshua Doherty at (913) 709-7230. Memory quilts - Preserve your memories in a keepsake quality quilt, pillows, etc. Custom designed from your T-shirt collection, baby clothes, sports memorabilia, neckties . . . Quilted Memories. (913) 649-2704. Win disability benefits - Disabled and no longer able to work? Get help winning Social Security disability benefits. Free consultation. Eight years’ experience. No fee unless you win. Call (785) 331-6452 or send an email to: or visit http://www.
ACT Prep - Founded by a Bishop Miege graduate, Pathway Prep has helped over 250 students during the last four years improve their scores. In-person or virtual sessions available. For more information, visit: path and contact Alex Pint at (913) 991-8217 or: Mike Hammer local moving - A full-service mover. Packing, pianos, rental truck load/unload, storage container load/unload and in-home moving. No job too small. Serving JoCo since 1987. St. Joseph, Shawnee, parishioner. Call Mike at (913) 927-4347 or send an email to:
HOME IMPROVEMENT Popcorn ceiling texture removal Interior wall painting specialist. Jerry at (913) 206-1144. 30 years’ experience. Member St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. DRC Construction We’ll get the job done right the first time. Windows - Doors - Decks - Siding Repair or replace, we will work with you to solve your problems. Choose us for any window, door, siding or deck project and be glad you did. Everything is guaranteed 100% (913) 461-4052 www.windowservicesoverlandpark. com Concrete construction - Tear out and replace stamped, stained or colored patios and drives. Retaining walls, footings, poured-in-place safe rooms, excavation and hauling. Asphalt drives and lots. Fully insured; references. Call Dan at (913) 207-4371 or send an email to: Nelson Creations LLC. Home remodeling, kitchens, baths, basements. All interior, exterior work. Licensed and insured. (913) 927-5240 or: STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 579-1835. Email: Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa. Local Handyman - Painting int. and ext., wood rot, masonry (chimney repair), gutter cleaning (gutter covers), dryer vent cleaning, sump pump (replace, add new), windows, doors (interior and exterior) honey-do list and more! Member of Holy Angels Parish, Basehor. Call Billy at (913) 927-4118.
REAL ESTATE We buy houses and whole estates - We are local and family owned, and will make you a fair cash offer. We buy houses in any condition. No fees or commissions and can close on the date of your choice. Selling your house as is never felt so good. Jon & Stacy Bichelmeyer (913) 599-5000 Whole Estates Need to sell a home and everything in it? We buy it all at once in as-is condition. Call (816) 444-1950 or send an email to: Tired of being a landlord? I’ll buy it. Call Mark Edmondson (913) 980-4905 Local parishioner.
CAREGIVING Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary. Family member with dementia or need help at home? - We specialize in helping seniors live SAFELY at home, where they want to live! We also offer free dementia training and resources for families and caregivers. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, www.Benefits or call (913) 422-1591.
WANTED TO BUY Wanted to buy -Do you have a car or truck that you need to get rid of? If you do, CALL ME! I’m a cash buyer. We’re Holy Trinity parishioners. My name is Mark. (913) 980-4905. Wanted to buy - Antique/vintage jewelry, paintings, pottery, sterling, etc. Single pieces or estate. Renee Maderak, (913) 475-7393. St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. Wanted to buy - Cemetery plot in section 2 of Mount Cavalry Cemetery. Call Frank at (404) 542-7860 or (678) 464-3023, or email: Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee.
RAFFLE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Our Lady of Unity School 646 S. 34th St., Kansas City, Kansas Nov. 27- Dec. 10 (online)
Win cash prizes of $1,000, $500 or $250 and help fund scholarships for Our Lady of Unity School. Tickets are: $10 per ticket; $25 for three. Tickets are available online until Dec. 10, or can be purchased at the school. Winners will be announced on Dec. 16. To purchase online, go to: member ship. For more information, send an email to:
‘SOUNDS OF THE SEASON: AN ADVENT RETREAT’ Sophia Spirituality Center (via Zoom) Nov. 29 - Dec. 2
Christmas hymns originally were written to convey a very specific message, and as many of us know, they have the power to stir potent memories and emotions. The sounds of the season can inspire peace and love, as well as sadness or nostalgia, and even open old wounds. Together, we will explore the potential messages they contain for us in today’s world. Learn more about time, cost and registration on the website at: www.sophiaspiritualitycenter. org; click on “Retreats,” then “Program Offerings” and then scroll down to “Sounds of the Season: An Advent Retreat.”
ADVENT RETREAT: ‘MAKING ROOM IN OUR HEARTS’ The Keeler Women’s Center 759 Vermont Ave., Kansas City, Kansas Nov. 30 from 2 - 4 p.m.
Advent is a time to reflect on the many distractions in the world that keep us from making room in our hearts for Jesus to be born in a new and fresh way. Join us for an afternoon of prayer, reflection and sharing that will bring us to an awareness of the ways in which we can welcome the Prince of Peace with our hearts wide open.
PROJECT CHRYSALIS Via Zoom Nov. 30 from 7 - 8:15 p.m.
Project Chrysalis is a ministry offering hope through sacred Scripture and
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community to parents or grandparents who have lost a child or grandchild. While this ministry is not a bereavement group, our mission is to offer support and hope through Scripture. For more information and the Zoom invitation link, call (913) 634-4210.
‘HEALING THE DIVORCED HEART’ SUPPORT GROUP St. Michael the Archangel (Gabriel Room) 14251 Nall Ave., Leawood Dec. 1 at 7 p.m.
We who have experienced divorce understand. We, too, were sad, lonely, scared and angry. We have found that with God, time and the support of others, healing is possible. Meeting will be held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. For more information, go online to:
ADVENT SILENT RETREAT Christ’s Peace House of Prayer 22131 Meager Rd., Easton Dec. 3 - 5
The retreat begins Dec. 3 at 5:30 p.m. and ends Dec. 5 at 4:30 p.m. There will be conferences, workshops, eucharistic adoration, Mass, confession, and time for private prayer, reflection and walking. The suggested donation is $170/single or $250/couples for the cabins and courtyard rooms or $100 for the single guest rooms (meals included). To attend, sign up online at:; send an email to:; or call (913) 773-8255.
JOHN PAUL II CHRISTMAS SHOPPE Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish (basement) 7023 W. 71st St., Overland Park Dec. 4 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Dec. 5 from 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Come shop with us, stay for lunch and take a casserole home for dinner. Unique items for your Christmas gifts include: drawings, carvings, blankets, stained glass, wreaths, Christmas decor, coffee, honey, needlework, and sewn, crocheted and knitted items, to name a few. Santa
will be there from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Dec. 4 to see the kids.
BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Curé of Ars Parish 9405 Mission Rd., Leawood Dec. 4 at 8 a.m.
The bereavement ministry will have a grief support meeting in the Father Burak Room after the 8 a.m. Mass. Father Richard Storey will speak on “Spirituality During Grief.” For more information, call (913) 649-2026.
ENKINDLE CONFIRMATION RETREAT Prairie Star Ranch 1124 California Rd., Williamsburg Dec. 4 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Did you miss your parish confirmation retreat? Looking for another to attend? Look no further. This retreat offers any youth the opportunity to participate in our Enkindle Confirmation Program. We ask all youth participants to have a chaperon present with them during the event, a sack lunch and a completed permission form and waiver. A link will be provided in the post-registration email. Register today online at: www.archkck. org/ranch and then click on “Programed Retreats” or contact the retreat team at: or call (785) 746-5693.
ROSARY RALLY IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Parish 5035 Rainbow Blvd., Mission Woods Dec. 5 from 3 - 4:15 p.m.
We will pray the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the rosary. Benediction will follow, as well as an opportunity for attendees to enroll in the brown scapular. For more information, visit the website at:
DIVORCE SUPPORT: CALLED TO LOVE AGAIN Church of the Ascension (St. Luke’s Room) 9510 W. 127th, Overland Park Dec. 18 at 6 p.m.
of joy as the holidays approach because of your broken relationships? We invite you to a peaceful evening featuring a talk from Father Joel Haug about healing with eucharistic adoration and confession. Send an email to Katie at: calledtolove143@ with questions.
‘THE NUTCRACKER’ Avila University (The Goppert Theatre) 11901 Wornall Rd., Kansas City, Missouri Dec. 17 at 9:30 a.m. (school show) Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. (in Spanish)
Join Avila University at the Goppert Theater in Kansas City, Missouri, for a new retelling of “The Nutcracker” — one in which the focus of the real meaning of Christmas is Clara’s witness of Jesus’ birth. The completion of the story is Clara seeing the redemption of the Cross. The link to buy tickets is: mystery-of-Christmas-2021. For more information and for ticket prices, call (816) 501-3699.
‘CAROLERS OF NOTE’ Divine Mercy Parish 555 W. Main St., Gardner Dec. 26 at 7 p.m.
“Carolers of Note” is a professional partnership of musicians from across the metropolitan area. Come hear them perform classic Christmas carols (in period dress) at the parish.
TOPICAL VIDEO SERIES Precious Blood Renewal Center 2120 St. Gaspar Way, Liberty, Missouri Ongoing
Precious Blood Renewal Center has resources available to those who wish to view them. There are videos on topics including respect life topics (mothers who have lost children, elder abuse, gun violence), meditations, cooking and spirituality, family matters, Taize prayers and resources for spiritual development. Go online to: and click on “Meditations.”
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Here’s how to make your life an open book
DAILY READINGS FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT Nov. 28 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Jer 33: 14-16 Ps 25: 4-5, 8-9, 10, 14 1 Thes 3:12 – 4:2 Lk 21: 25-28, 34-36 Nov. 29 Monday Is 2: 1-5 Ps 122: 1-9 Mt 8: 5-11 Nov. 30 ANDREW, APOSTLE Rom 10: 9-18 Ps 19: 8-11 Mt 4: 18-22 Dec. 1 Wednesday Is 25: 6-10a Ps 23: 1-6 Mt 15: 29-37 Dec.2 Thursday Is 26: 1-6 Ps 118: 1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a Mt 7: 21, 24-27 Dec. 3 Francis Xavier, priest Is 29: 17-24 Ps 27: 1, 4, 13-14 Mt 9: 27-31 Dec. 4 John Damascene, priest, doctor of the church Is 30: 19-21, 23-26 Ps 147: 1-6 Mt 9:35 – 10:1, 5a, 6-8 SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT Dec. 5 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Bar 5: 1-9 Ps 126: 1-6 Phil 1: 4-6, 8-11 Lk 3: 1-6 Dec. 6 Nicholas, bishop Is 35: 1-10 Ps 85: 9ab, 10-14 Lk 5: 17-26 Dec. 7 Ambrose, bishop, doctor of the church Is 40: 1-11 Ps 96: 1-3, 10ac, 11-13 Mt 18: 12-14 Dec. 8 THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Gn 3: 9-15, 20 Ps 98: 1-4 Eph 1: 3-6, 11-12 Lk 1: 26-38 Dec. 9 Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin Is 41: 13-20 Ps 145: 1, 9-13b Mt 11: 11-15 Dec. 10 Our Lady of Loreto Is 48: 17-19 Ps 1: 1-4, 6 Mt 11: 16-19 Dec. 11 Damasus I, pope Sir 48: 1-4, 9-11 Ps 80: 2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19 Mt 17: 9a, 10-13
’ve always been a bibliophile. As an only child, books were constant and always available companions. Each Advent, I suggest some books for personal use, to give as gifts . . . or to “hint” what you’d like to receive. Books are ideal presents: easy to wrap, portable and don’t require batteries. And, with spiritual books, they touch not only the mind, but the heart and soul as well. Why not start with the bestselling book of all time, the Bible? Two of my favorites are the “Little Rock Catholic Study Bible” (Liturgical Press, 2011: 2668 pgs., $37.99) and “The Catholic Prayer Bible: Lectio Divina Edition” (Paulist Press, 2010: 1968 pgs., $39.95). The study Bible is a treasure trove of information for both the seasoned reader of the Bible or a newbie. It’s chock full of timelines, colorful maps, explan-
FATHER MARK GOLDASICH Father Mark is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Tonganoxie. He has been editor of The Leaven since 1989.
atory notes and helpful outlines. As its name implies, the prayer Bible helps readers to literally pray with the Scriptures using “lectio divina,” or “holy reading.” On almost every page of this volume is a small box that instructs the reader to read a particular passage. After that, a short explanation is given as well as a statement to
ponder, a prayer and then some action to make that passage a part of one’s life. Since it’s helpful to have a visual image of the land that Jesus walked, an excellent resource is “Holy Land Pilgrimage,” by Stephen J. Binz (Liturgical Press, 2020: 320 pgs., $24.95). This book, written by a former classmate and a good friend, is excellent for folks preparing to visit there in person or for armchair travelers. It’s filled with beautiful pictures, explanations of biblical sites, meditations on particular passages of Scripture
and prayers — all in bite-sized pieces. Veteran pray-ers, novice pray-ers and even those skeptical of prayer will find much food for thought in Father James Martin’s “Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone” (HarperOne, 2021: 398 pgs., $24.99). It’s easy and engaging to read and will lead folks to consider what prayer is and why to pray, and to explore various forms of prayer such as Ignatian contemplation, rote prayers and praying with nature. The author also covers what to do with dryness in prayer, distractions and “other ups and downs of the spiritual life.” Tish Harrison Warren, an Anglican priest, wife and mother, is the author of “Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life” (IVP Books, 2016: 170 pgs., $12.80). She leads readers to discover in an honest and often
humorous way the “sacred in the ordinary events of daily life,” such as brushing your teeth, losing your keys, checking email and sitting in traffic. Discussion questions at the end of the book make this ideal for individual or small group use. Last but certainly not least is a little book, “5 Things with Father Bill” (Loyola Press, 2020: 208 pgs., $14.99), which emerged from columns originally written by Father William Byrne, a pastor in Potomac, Maryland. Each chapter contains just five points around wonderful themes like “Things I Learned from my Dog,” “The Delightful Mysteries of the Rosary,” “Be Glad for Purgatory” and “Baseball is Good for your Family.” Gee, there are many more I’d love to recommend, but looking at the time, I’ve gotta book!
This Advent, seek to grow in hope, alertness and gratitude
he first time we hear of the mission of John the Baptist is his activity in the womb of his mother Elizabeth. Soon after Mary said “yes” to God’s plan of salvation revealed by the archangel Gabriel at the annunciation, the mother of Jesus visited Elizabeth, her relative. At that visitation, Elizabeth greets Mary with joyful faith as the two women exult in God’s marvelous deeds in their lives. Then, Elizabeth recounts that when Mary’s greeting reached her ears, the child in her womb leaped for joy. From the womb of Elizabeth, his mother, John the Baptist began his mission of evangelization, preparing
JEM SULLIVAN Sullivan is a professor at The Catholic University of America.
hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus. On the First Sunday of Advent, the readings of Scripture invite us to put on an Advent spirit of heart and mind, in imitation of John the Baptist. In the Gospel, Jesus
warns his disciples about dramatic signs in nature that point to the return of the son of man in power and glory. Jesus’ words in Luke echo the Gospel two weeks ago when Mark tells of Jesus’ warning of a time of tribulation with signs of the coming of the son of man in power and glory. His words may tempt us to fear these unknown, cataclysmic predictions. But Jesus offers his disciples, and
us, three paths of spiritual renewal on our Advent journey. Jesus invites our joyful hope when he says: “Stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” He cautions against spiritual sluggishness amid the pleasures and the anxieties of daily life. And finally, Jesus urges watchfulness in the spiritual sense of alertness to God’s love in our life and the demands of mercy to those in need. The church offers us these words of Jesus to highlight the spiritual gifts we can grow in during Advent — a renewed sense of hope in God’s loving nearness to us, a fresh spiritual alertness to God’s word and sacramental
presence and watchfulness and humble gratitude for the marvelous works of God amid the anxieties and challenges of daily life. And at the heart of Advent is the prayer of the second reading: “May the Lord make you increase and abound in love.” Like John the Baptist, the Advent saint par excellence, we are called to be joyful witnesses to faith in God’s love revealed in Jesus, no matter where we are. In this way, we become missionary disciples evangelizing others with a divine message of hope, alertness to God’s love and joyful expectation as we pray: “Speak to me, Lord.”
Promoting justice, peace, ecology draws on Gospel values, pope says VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Gospel leads Catholics to work for justice and peace and the protection of the environment, but the challenges are so great that work with members of other religions and people of goodwill are essential, Pope Francis said. “Care for our common home and fraternity and social friendship” are paths that “originate in the Gospel of Christ, but they are paths on which we can walk
together with many men and women of other Christian denominations, of other religions and even without any particular religious affiliation,” the pope said. Pope Francis’ encouragement for collaboration was part of a message he gave Nov. 17 to the justice and peace officers of national and regional bishops’ conferences and religious orders. The Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development was holding
an online meeting Nov. 17. The dicastery said the meetings were designed to promote collaboration between the local commissions and the Vatican office, “take stock” of the national and regional challenges to justice, peace and the integrity of creation, and to “encourage the creation of a network of these commissions, including through the exchange of experiences and good practices.”
Speaker proves powerful reminder of God’s goodness always
here is no shortage of things to be thankful for in the office of stewardship and development and in my personal life. Unfortunately, sometimes I desperately need someone to send me a powerful reminder of this. Let me tell you: The good Lord put someone in front of me earlier this month to do just that. I had the privilege of hearing Immaculée Ilibagiza, author of the book “Left to Tell,” speak. Immaculée shared her story of surviving the mass genocide in Rwanda. She shared her
BILL MALONEY Bill Maloney is the executive director of the archdiocesan office of stewardship and development. You can email him at: wmaloney@
story of hope, love and forgiveness. She said that any suffering we endure is a gift from God and an opportunity
to grow closer to him. As I sat and listened to her, I couldn’t help but think that I was in the presence of a saint. Hope, love and forgiveness. What if I wake up each day and thank God for the day in front of me? What if I thank God for the blessings that the day will bring and for the
challenges I might endure? What if I lived in the present, thanked God for that moment and lived every moment to glorify God? I am thankful for Immaculée’s message and for the privilege of being in her presence. This past year has brought us many blessings in our archdiocese. Our churches are filling up once again to celebrate the sacraments. We are gathering again to support many of our favorite Catholic ministries. Our country is returning to a new normal as we overcome the struggles of the pandemic. I am thankful for our doctors, nurses and
scientists who strive to make our world safe. I am thankful for your bountiful support. The faithful of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas once again proved to be very generous. The Archbishop’s Call to Share appeal raised almost $6.4 million, the third-highest amount ever. Parishioners continue to honor their commitments to the One Faith, One Family, One Future in Christ campaign. The Catholic Education Foundation set a record for funds raised for the second consecutive year. These gifts are given out of gratitude, and your unwavering support
humbles me. I am also thankful for our priests. Our priests are genuinely on the frontline of our faith. It would be challenging for any of us to try and keep up with the daily life of a pastor. Sometimes, pastors experience the joy of a baptism and wedding then console a grieving family at a funeral, all on the same day. Be sure and thank your priest this weekend. God is good; God is always good. Whether it is in times of joy or sorrow, he is always good. Let’s make an effort to remember to thank him each morning for the day ahead.
By Catherine Upchurch Special to The Leaven
Do we really listen to God’s word? QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION OR DISCUSSION
n the popular television show “Frasier,” now seen only in reruns and streaming, a therapist moves from Boston to Seattle and becomes a radio personality. His clients/patients call in to the show for advice on all manner of things. Frasier begins each call with the soothing sound of: “I’m listening,” except that many times he decidedly is not. He’s distracted by his own issues, or mentally planning a date night or bantering with his show’s producer. How often have we been in a conversation only to discover we have not really been listening? Or heard a homily that by the end of Mass we cannot recall? There is a difference between hearing and listening. The difference is thoughtfulness, attention or even intention. While hearing is nothing to take for granted, listening requires a willingness to enter into the sounds and find meaning. Listening even goes so far as to require of us a response. Consider the interaction between Moses and God in their encounter at the burning bush in the Sinai desert (Ex 3). Moses is busy with his responsibilities, shepherding a flock of sheep or goats. We know the story that when a bush caught fire, Moses approached and heard God’s voice calling him. One rabbinical tradition suggests that Moses may have passed that bush countless times, that God may have called out countless times, but only when the bush was finally set afire did Moses attend to God’s voice. And only then did Moses approach and truly listen. In this encounter at the burning bush, we learn what it means to listen deeply. The Lord says, “I have witnessed the affliction of my people in Egypt and have heard their cry.” God listens to the enslaved, proclaiming that he knows what they suffer in Egypt and will come down and rescue them. Israel’s God is totally transcendent, but never distant, and never unable to respond to their needs. God’s listening to the Israelites convinces Moses that he is able to respond to God’s call, and equips him to
When have you felt that another person listened to you in a way that was intentional and sensitive to your needs?
What are some of the things that frustrate your efforts to listen to others? And your efforts to listen to God?
“Moses and the Burning Bush” is a fresco found in the Church of St. Paraskeva of the Balkans near St. Naum Monastery in Ohrid, Macedonia.
With your heart The Rule of St. Benedict begins, “Listen . . . and incline the ear of your heart.” This posture of receptiveness is crucial as we live out our response to God’s call. We lean in to listen to God and to listen to others’ sorrows and triumphs. Our hearts are made for this. hear the pain of slavery as God has. It also provides a pattern for Moses and generations of God’s people to follow. Among countless examples in Scripture, here are a few. Like Moses, we are to listen for God’s voice, for God’s instruction (Ps 81:8; 1 Sam 3:10; Mt 17:5).
Like Moses, we must allow God’s voice to strengthen us for God’s purpose. And, like Moses, we must be open to change course in order to respond. The most profound testimony to God’s listening to his people is the coming of his Son who enters fully into the human condition. Jesus listens to those in need of healing, those burdened by sin, those who are overly ambitious and those who are humble of heart. When Jesus listens, he is moved to action — to offer restored health and forgiveness, to redirect misplaced aspirations and to honor the humble. Most importantly, by truly listening, Jesus carries the burdens of the world in his very being. As followers of Jesus, we can adopt an attitude and aptitude for listening and responding (Gal 6:2; Phil 2:4). We listen for God’s voice in the Scriptures and sacraments, in silence and in service. Shaped by God’s listening to our own needs, and by God’s voice in our
Amid the “noise” of our world (all kinds of competing messages and forms of media), do you make deliberate time for silence and prayer? What does that look like for you?
Throughout your day, pause and simply ask, “Speak, Lord, I’m listening.” Imagine making this a habit of your heart and mind.
hearts, we learn to listen more carefully to the world around us. In particular, we pray for the courage to listen as Jesus did, to listen for the cry of the poor, those in physical need as well as those in emotional distress, those who cry out for justice as well as those who are in need of mercy. Catherine Upchurch is the general editor of the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible and contributes to several biblical publications. She writes from Fort Smith.