THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 42, NO. 17 | NOVEMBER 27, 2020
Kathy and John Rathbun, members of Corpus Christi Parish in Lawrence, have been married for 45 years as of July 18. Earlier this year, both of them were diagnosed with COVID, and from July 8 to Aug. 9, John was a patient at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. While there, he kept track of every single member of the medical staff who cared for him, a list that includes 66 nurses as well as doctors and physical therapists.
John Rathbun is
AWRENCE — It’s not about him. At least that’s how John Rathbun, a member of Corpus Christi Parish in Lawrence, reflects upon his recent medical ordeal. His saga started in late June. After attending his grandson’s first Communion, John lay down for a nap. Several hours later, he was still in bed. When his wife Kathy called their son’s house, she learned he, too, was in bed. Within a few days, John, Kathy and their son all tested positive for COVID, but John’s condition deteriorated rapidly. “I was really tired at first, and then the cough set in, and then my oxygen started to drop,” John said. “I actually went to the hospital. I went to the emergency room, and they treated me, and my oxygen went back up, and they sent me home.” Three days later, though, John’s oxygenation levels fell below 70%. Kathy drove him to Lawrence Memorial Hospital. John was whisked away in a wheelchair. Staff said they’d call her when they had more news.
Later, John learned someone had called Kathy and told her he’d require a ventilator. “I lost it,” she said. “I hung up the phone, and I fell apart.” As a first grade teacher at Corpus Christi Grade School, Kathy said her summers usually meant she has a lot of time to herself. This summer was different. “[John’s] supposed to be gone when I’m home in the summer,” she said, “but he’s been home the whole time because he’s working from home.” And it’s been an adjustment. But then, she got the call from the hospital. “I said, ‘God, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean it. I want him home,’” she said. Four hours after John arrived at the hospital, pulmonologist Dr. Mitchell Tener told him he’d probably be there a while but would not require a ventilator. Tener’s assessment later proved accurate. Thirty-five days later, John returned home. Both John and Kathy credit John’s recovery to two major factors — prayer and the excellent >> See “RECOVERED” on page 10
No Leaven next week
Giving hope
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Leaven next week. The next issue will be Dec. 11.
Former pro football player volunteers at center that gives youth a faith-based place to spend time. Page 7