July/August Cliff Notes

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Cliff Notes




Monday: Closed

Tuesday - Friday: 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

Saturday: 7:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

Sunday: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.


Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.


Monday: Closed

Tuesday - Sunday: 7:00 a.m. - dark


Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Tuesday-Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Sunday: 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


A great way to stay informed is to subscribe to our email list. Email bcarr@theledges.com if you need to be added to the list.

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The Ledges Cliff Notes Newsletter

32 Castle Down Drive Huntsville, AL 35802


Clubhouse 256-883-0860

Pro-Shop 256-883-4191

Jim Ausley Chief Operating Officer jausley@theledges.com

Craig Bocking Director of Instruction cbocking@theledges.com

Bailey Carr Director of Communications bcarr@theledges.com

Rob Clark Director of Golf rclark@theledges.com

Phillip Collier Executive Chef pcollier@theledges.com

Jordan DeBonis Head Golf Professional jdebonis@theledges.com

Leigh Ann Club Administrator leighann@theledges.com

Guard House 256-883-1901

The Twenty-Two 256-479-7753

Jim Howell Director of Agronomy jhowell@theledges.com

Dave Lux Director of Food & Beverage dlux@theledges.com

Sarah Melendez Member Relations Coordinator LCA Admin smelendez@theledges.com

Zach Weaver Lead Golf Professional zweaver@theledges.com

Terry Wilbanks Director of Membership twilbanks@theledges.com

Arlene Zanlunghi Events Coordinator azanlunghi@theledges.com

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Randolph Boys Golf Team Wins 2023 5A State Championship

Winning a state championship is something we all grew up wanting to accomplish. Few have been able to do so, but in the case of this year’s Randolph Boys Golf Team, they did exactly that. This team, after day one was one shot out of first, and by the time the last putt was made on the 18th hole on the second day, the team had amassed a twenty-nine shot victory over runner up Scottsboro. The team was anchored by future D1 golfer Andrew Hinson with scores of 74-66. The team has eight boys on it, all of which play out of The Ledges, Luke Lunsford, Bobby Bailey, Drew Dodgen, Colton Boyce, Ben Shannon, Andrew Hinson, Wilson Schmitz and Harrison Word.

High school golf is scored using the best four scores of five players each day. The boys bested their first day totals by 5-8 shots per golfer, which was just too much for any other team to overcome. First round jitters turned into second round birdies...Birdies made by the whole team in round one was five compared to 18 birdies and one eagle in round two. We would love to know what Coach Morris said to the boys between rounds.

Seven of the eight players on the team will return next year to defend their title as Luke Lunsford is the only senior on the team. The Randolph Golf Teams have had a long-standing relationship with The Ledges. Their hard work and dedication to giving back to the club is something we will continue to develop. Congratulations, boys! The Ledges is so proud.

Full Swing

We have crossed the halfway point of the golf season and we continue to see growth in all our activities relating to golf. If you have not been able to get out yet this year, you still have time to do so. The course has finally come out of the harsh winter and is looking as good as ever. I know I speak for all of us when I say how welcoming the new EZ Go cart fleet is with their braking system. The new GPS system now has a food and beverage component to it to help facilitate the operation at The Turn. You can now order from the golf course and when you make the turn your order should be ready. I am sure there will be some kinks to work out but this should be a nice addition to your golfing experience.

The Couples Club Championship is going to be a great new tournament this year. It will be such fun to see everyone come out and participate. We hope to grow this event into something special as we continue to grow the golf program here at The Ledges. If you have not had a chance to participate in 9 Wine and Dine this year you still have a couple more months to play. Check the golf schedule for the remaining dates.

Junior Golf is as strong as I have seen it in years, and we see this trend continuing to grow. Our Junior PGA League team has 24 juniors on it. Our Junior Programs this year have reached over 100 kids so far and we continue to do community service by providing a golf program to the kids at Lincoln Village Ministries. I am proud to say our golf staff has taught almost 100 kids in the three years at Lincoln Village.

We continue to get fresh apparel for men, ladies, and children on a weekly basis. If you have a need, please come by the golf shop. On the equipment front, there are many good options if you are looking for something new. Call the golf shop and sign up for an equipment evaluation. We will check your lies and lofts as well as check you club head speed and make sure you current equipment is suitable for your game.


July 7 -9

Each July, Ledges golfers across all categories hit the links for their chance to be crowned Club Champion. This is a one-of-a-kind event that brings together golfers from across the club.

Sign up to play by calling the Pro-Shop.


Saturday, July 29

Join us for an afternoon scramble, shamble and best ball with your better half.

Dinner and awards will follow play.

Entry: $100 per couple


Friday, July 14, July 28, August 18

Nine, Wine and Dine is a great time enjoy an evening of golf and dinner. Couples compete in teams of four between 3 and 5 p.m., with dinner and wine will follow play.

The price is $80 a couple.

Reservations must be made by noon the day of the event.


August 12 and 13

If you have not reserved your spot in this year’s Member Member please do so as it is sure to fill up. This plans to be our biggest event of the year and is always a member favorite. Call the golf shop to reserve your spot.

Course Update

I hope everyone is enjoying the golf course and golf season this year. Unfortunately this year’s spring green up through mid-June was very challenging for the Agronomy staff with the cool temperatures and amount of winter injury we received on the warm season grasses. The fairways, tees, collars, approaches and roughs lost several acres of turf from the winter temperatures we had last year. So far to date the staff has cut and removed 1.6 acres of damaged areas and re-sodded with Tahoma 31 on collars and Tiff Tuff Bermuda on approaches and green surrounds. The grow-in went very well and was playable by mid-May.

Currently we are in the process of repairing several areas on fairways starting on hole #7, 14, 4, 6. These fairways are scheduled for completion by the end of June. After completion we will touch up some other areas on the golf course needing attention. Our team would like to thank the membership for accepting these challenges we are facing along with maintaining the golf course and grounds.

Enjoy the remainder of the golf season!

Fond Farewell

To my Ledges family - the past 7 plus years have been nothing short of incredible. As I look back, I feel so honored to have helped accomplish so much for our club and city. We celebrated twenty years together, we experienced an unprecedented global pandemic and made it out stronger, we created an incredible ladies program on and off the course and we welcomed the PGA to our course and invited the city to watch some of the nation’s best rising stars.

I’ll always be grateful for the members, my coworkers, and Mr. Denney - who welcomed my family with open arms, encouraged us all to take up golf and made The Ledges feel like our second home.

I look forward to a new chapter of being more present with my children - who are growing so quickly - and continuing to serve my amazing real estate clients.

I will certainly miss seeing everyone every day at the club but cherish the memories we have made together. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making my time at The Ledges so special.

Cheers to new beginnings!

Buffet Menu:

Salad Bar, Smoked Pulled Pork, BBQ Ribs, Grilled Chicken, Sausage and Shrimp

Hamburgers and Hot Dogs, Corn on the Cobb, Pasta Salad, Potato Salad, Baked Beans

Mac and Cheese, Fruit and Cheese, Strawberry Shortcake, Sunday Bar, Apple Cobbler

Ages 13 and older: $27, Ages 6-12: $15, Ages 5 and under: Free

Y O U ' R E I N V I T E D T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 1 3 6 : 3 0 P M E N J O Y W I N E S F R O M V A R I O U S R E G I O N S P A I R E D W I T H C U I S I N E
Ladies Wine Night


P o r t u g u e s e S a l a d

l o c a l l e t t u c e , t o m a t o , c u c u m b e r , o n i o n , h e r b e d v i n a i g r e t t e

N o r t i c o A l v a r i n h o

O c t o p u s

s o u s v i d e , p o t a t o , c h o r i z o , r o m e s c o

A l v a r o C a s t r o Q u i n t a D e S a e s T i n t o

S e a f o o d R i c e

c l a m s , m u s s e l s , s h r i m p , b r o t h

Q u i n t a d o V e s u v i o D o u r o

C u s t a r d T a r t s

b l u e b e r r y f i g c o m p o t e , m e r i n g u e

R a r e W i n e C o . M a d e i r a ‘ B o s t o n B u a l ’

T H E L E D G E S P O R T U G A L W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 1 9 , 6 : 3 0 P M
P L E A S E J O I N T H E L E D G E S F O R A S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y 2 9 , 6 - 8 P M
M E N U : S A L A D B A R , C O M P O S E D S A L A D S F R E S H F R U I T , P O T A T O S A L A D , C O L E S L A W B A K E D B E A N S , H U S H P U P P I E S S H R I M P, S H R I M P A N D S A U S A G E J A M B A L A Y A C R A W F I S H , F R I E D C A T F I S H C O N E C U H S A U S A G E , C O R N O N T H E C O B B C A R V E D N Y S T R I P L O I N , H A M B U R G E R S , H O T D O G S , A N D M O R E A G E S 1 3 A N D O L D E R : $ 3 5 , A G E S 6 - 1 2 : $ 1 3 , A G E S 5 A N D U N D E R : F R E E B O I L



P A R T Y ! P A R T Y !

L e a v e y o u r b o o k s a t h o m e .

I t ' s t i m e t o p a r t y !

A U G U S T 5 S A T U R D A Y 11AM2PM T H E T W E N T Y - T W O P O O L P A R T Y A L L K I N D S O F P I Z Z A S ! C H E E S E , P E P P E R O N I , C H E E S E B U R G E R , S U P R E M E , V E G G I E , M A C A N D C H E E S E P I Z Z A T H E L E D G E S A G E S 1 3 A N D O L D E R : $ 2 5 , A G E S 6 - 1 2 : $ 1 3 , A G E S 5 A N D U N D E R : F R E E

Trivia Night


MENU: Never Ending Soup and Salad Bar (Never Ending Story) Nobody Calls Me Chicken Wings (Back to The Future)

Mr. Miyagi's Meatballs (The Karate Kid)

Breakfast Club Monte Cristos (Breakfast Club)

JUMP Jambalaya (Van Halen), Billie Jean's Beef Tips (Michael Jackson)

Turtle Power Bagel Bites (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Cabbage Patch and Conecuh (Cabbage Patch Kids)


July 3

Golf Course Open

Club Open for Breakfast 7AM - 11AM

Limited Lunch 11AM - 5PM

July 4, 11AM - 3PM

Fourth of July Cookout

July 6, 6:30PM

Scotch Tasting

July 7 - 9

The Ledges Club Championship

July 11, 6-7:30PM

Wine Tasting

July 13, 6:30PM

Ladies Wine Night

July 14, Dinner

Steak and Seafood Night

July 14, 3-5PM Start

Nine, Wine and Dine

July 19, 6:30PM

Somm Series: Portugal

July 20, Dinner

Live Music on the Terrace: Alan Little

July 19 - 21

Junior Golf Summer Camp

July 28, 3-5PM Start

Nine, Wine and Dine

July 28, Dinner

Steak and Seafood Night

July 29, 6-8PM

Shrimp Boil

July 29

New! Couples Club Championship

August 1, 6-7:30PM

Wine Tasting

August 3, 6:30PM

Scotch Tasting

August 5, 11AM - 2PM

Back to School Bash

August 10, 6:30PM

Bundschu Wine Dinner

August 11, Dinner

Steak and Seafood Night

August 12 - 13

The Battle, Member Member Tournament

August 18, 3-5PM Start

Nine, Wine and Dine

August 22, 6PM Dinner Opens, 6:30PM Trivia

Trivia Night - 80s theme

August 24, 6:30PM

Bourbon Tasting

August 25, Dinner

Steak and Seafood Night

All events have a 72-Hour Cancellation Policy. Any cancellations or changes to the party sizes must be made before 72-hours prior to an event.

After that time, the full price of the event will be charged.


The Ledges Wine Club Benefits

• Ability to purchase wine directly through the club at best pricing

• 25% discount on any bottle purchased off of our wine list while dining at the club

• FREE wine tasting the first Tuesday of every month

• Discounted pricing on wines purchased at wine events

• Discounted pricing at Food/Wine Expos, Wine Dinners, Somm Series events

32 Castle Down Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35802

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