Building Community Resilience Grant Program Formatting and Submission Requirements Please read formatting requirements carefully and refer to the corresponding “Tips” as needed.
FORMAT • Proposals shall not exceed 10 single spaced pages or 15 double spaced pages in length. • Additional information offering details may be included as attachments. SUBMISSION 1. Cover page The name of the organization requesting the grant Contact information, including address, telephone number, fax number, email address, and contact person The fiscal agent or collaborating organizations The amount requested Populations to be served Scope of services The proposed duration of the grant. 2. Proposal narratives A. Describe the applicant’s experience and capacity The history of the organization Experience with services proposed, and other related services Length of time providing such services Experience with proposed targeted populations and communities, including number of clients served and outcome Ongoing services and/or programs Capacity to deliver proposed services including facilities, equipment, staff, and fiscal capacity If partners or collaborative agencies are proposed, describe their roles in this project.
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Building Community Resilience Grant Program Formatting and Submission Requirements
B. Describe the need for the proposed project Community resilience and mental health issues or need(s) How the proposed services address the needs of the target populations and the rationale for choosing these specific types of services for the applicant's target population. C. Describe your project Scope of services to include all service components and activities How services will be implemented, delivered, and managed Where services will be delivered Length of the program (include proposed starting and ending dates, hours and dates of operation) Strategies for responding to changing demand on services, and referring participant(s) to other agencies in an attempt to meet the participant(s) needs as applicable to the respective project D. Describe the targeted population(s) Demographic data (age, sex, and Race/Ethnicity), and how they were impacted by hurricanes Katrina and/or Rita Number of participants to be served Participant’s connection to applicant ‘s pre-hurricane client populations E. Describe your plans for recruitment and retention Recruitment Methodology including how, when, and where participants will be recruited Retention Methodology including strategies employed to meet eligibility criteria, and efficiently manage the flow of participants to fulfill recruitment goals Identification of barriers to recruitment and retention, and how they will be addressed. F. Describe your staffing capacity Relations of all management and staff positions to the scope of services and/or activities, and project goals and objectives Roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of key project management Roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of service delivery staff Roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of all other staff If partners or collaborative agencies are proposed, describe the roles, responsibilities, and qualifications of key project management and service delivery staff in this project. Resumes will be required for all management and service delivery staff. In the case of clinical services, a copy of licensure and/or certification for all professional staff is required.
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Building Community Resilience Grant Program Formatting and Submission Requirements
G. Provide a budget Budget for your proposed project including identification of Indirect and direct costs. When authorized, Indirect Costs should not exceed 10% of the total budget. The Budget Narrative is sometimes referred to as the budget justification. The narrative serves two purposes: 1) it explains how the costs were estimated and 2) it justifies the need for the cost. The Budget Narrative consists of itemized expenditure categories, and is equivalent to the dollar amount noted on the Budget Template to include the summary of totals from each category. If other sources of funding have been allocated for services to targeted population, include source(s) of funds, amount, target population, and intended purpose. I. Required documents must be attached, to include: Copy of IRS Tax Exempt Status letter Copy of W-9 Board Resolution List of Board of Directors Calendar of Service Delivery Resumes or vita of management and service delivery staff Proof of licensure and/or certification for all licensed and certified staff If partners or collaborative agencies are proposed, include letter of support from these agencies OTHER REQUIREMENTS Selected applicants shall be required to provide: Periodic reports using a standard format, and responses to any questions posed by the Recovery Corps pertinent to the successful delivery of services proposed. In most cases, applicants will be required to submit monthly project reports and one final project report. Bi-Annual financial reports and one final financial report must be submitted with monthly invoices using the format provided. Other requirements at the discretion of the Louisiana Family Recovery Corps and the American Red Cross to ensure stewardship of the funds, accountability and sound project management.
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