How To Get Rid Of A Headache Without Medicine

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• People from all walks of life suffer from headaches. • Sometimes, they cause unbearable pain along with nausea and vomiting. • You can get instant relief from OTC medications, but some home remedies for headaches are also effective.

• Stress

• Restlessness • Tension

• Sinus problems • Lack of sleep

• Dehydration

Peppermint Oil • Peppermint is known for its soothing effect on the body. • You can apply it on your forehead, temple and massage for a few minutes. • For sensitive skin, dilute it with olive oil or water. • After applying the oil, find a quiet place to relax for a few minutes.

• Dehydration causes headaches. • Drink 2-3 cups of green tea

throughout the day to get rid of a headache naturally.

Basil is an Indian herb used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. Directions: • Take a cup of water. • Add 3-4 basil leaves and boil it. • Drink it.

• Cayenne pepper is a natural remedy to treat pain and inflammation • • •

Directions: Take 4 ounces of warm water. Add ½ teaspoon of Cayenne powder to it and stir. Take a cotton swab and dip it in the solution. Apply it to the inner side of both nostrils.

• Stress is the major cause of a headache. • If you’re sensitive to sound or light, then find a quiet, dark room and rest there for an hour or so to cure a headache. Click Here to Know More Home Remedies for Headaches.

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