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On December 28, 2021 RW Isom released a self-produced jazz album titled BoaZ Jazz. This digital EP has 16 songs plus a bonus track and is now available on all the major music streaming services, including Apple/ iTunes, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube, Amazon Music, and more importantly, BandCamp.

The album, BoaZ Jazz, is a mix of smooth jazz and beebop songs, featuring veteran session sax player, “EZ” Ndugu Evetts, from Durban, South Africa. Steve composed, arranged, produced, engineered, and played acoustic and electric basses, piano, guitars and percussion on all 17 songs. With this project, RW Isom has generously offered to help support the fundraising goals of our PHA Maryland Jurisdiction, i.e., lodges, chapters, youth fraternities, KOP etc.


Here’s how it would work: a member of a lodge or chapter purchases the digital album on the BandCamp website: he or she then clicks on the “Contact Covert Action Music” link and enters his/her name, email address and enters the supporting lodge or chapter’s name in the subject field. The digital album costs $7. Each lodge or chapter will receive $3 for each digital album purchased through BandCamp (50/50 split).

RW Isom’s label name is “Covert Action Music”. He spent 42 years serving the intelligence community (DoD, NSA, CIA, NRO and DIA) as an Intelligence Analyst, Russian Linguist, and Operations Officer, hence the name of his label. During his career, RW Isom would often deploy on missions with special operations units. To unwind from these stressful missions, he would find release playing his bass guitar or keyboard. Composing music continues to be his therapy during the pandemic.

In closing, I would like to congratulate RW Isom on his recent album release and thank him for offering us the opportunity to help raise funds for the PHAmily. Let’s support our creative Brother’s efforts by purchasing his EP as he continues to show his commitment and support to the Prince Hall Family.

Check out his BandCamp artist online landing page: https:// covertactionmusic.bandcamp.com/album/boas-jazz

If you would like to contact RW Isom about this or his other projects, his label’s email address is scisom@covertactionmusic.com.

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