Like Magazine - issue 011 - Summer 2014

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Issue 011 | Summer 2014

Jesse Alford: Photographer / Editor Maryanne Alford: Writer / Editor Victoria Melshaw: Layout / Editor Andrew Jurado: Graphic / Layout Design Christina Hedlund: Assistant Layout Design

“We here at like are going though a transitional period, thank you to our loyal readers for your patience on this issue release�. - The like team

model: Alex Clark mua: Mandie Fenrich mua assistant: Gaby Ramirez stylist: Kodi Fujii designer: Hold Your Colour Clothing photographer: Jesse Alford

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In an overly-saturated, overstimulated society it’s

hard to find anything new under the sun. But we all crave it, and we know it. The rat race has everyone trying to get ahead, regardless of consequence or corners cut. But there is so much beauty in the untrained, the untested, the inexperienced. All natural...but pronounced “all natch-ew-rallll”. Singers are auto-tuned, models are airbrushed, and the majority of the world’s soy is grown using gmos. Amidst the artificial mecca LIKE did what we do best, we questioned the system. Were we up for the challenge? Always. Our mission? Remove the proverbial refined sugars and artificial sweeteners to reveal the beauty of the untreated. No preservatives, nothing bleached or enriched. Resume humanity’s rightful place, free of unnecessary change. RAW. So feast your eyes and let your thoughts graze on this organic plethora of everything LIKE at it’s finest. Love, Maryanne Alford and the Like team

WELCOME RAWvolution Interview with Matt Amsden of RAWvolution by: Maryanne Alford The Raw Diet is as close to our ancestral roots as we could get. Pre-preservatives, pre-microwaves, hell, even pre-fire. I had the pleasure of interviewing Matt Amsden, Author, Chef, and Restauranteur based out of Los Angeles. Matt and wife Janabai are 100% raw. His insight on the raw diet is very inspiring. Making it seem not only possible, but practical as well. Tell us about your journey to a RAW diet? For each of us it was a different process. For Janabai, the path to raw foods was a gradual evolution which led to her healing herself of the chronic irritable bowl syndrome she suffered from for years. Mine (Matt) was inspired by the teachings of author and lecturer David Wolfe. Janabai and I both experienced profound mental and physical leaps, upon adopting a raw vegetarian lifestyle. How did you two meet? We actually met in the kitchen of our restaurant before it was our restaurant. The previous owner ran a bakery and coffee shop there, and I used to rent kitchen space from him to prepare the food for my raw meal delivery service. Janabai heard about what I was doing and came in to ask me for a job. Within 20 minutes we realized that we were born on the same day, just 8 hours apart. I never gave her a job but we we’re engaged after about a year.

Who’s idea was it to write a cookbook?

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I (Matt) had already written one book on my own (RAWvolution: Gourmet Living Cuisine, 2006) but since then, we’ve created tons of recipes that our fans were quite anxious to get their hands on. The recipes in The Rawvolution Continues represent all of the dishes we’ve created since opening our restaurant in 2006, so there are a lot of things people have been enjoying for years, and are eager to make for themselves. Also, we’re very interested in reaching those that may not yet be aware of the concept of raw foods. A beautiful book is a great way to reach those folks. The RAWvolution Continues, and It’s one of the largest collection of raw food recipes to ever be published. It has 150 recipes and also contains the most thorough account of raw food luminaries throughout history. People might be surprised to learn that Pythagoras and Gandhi, among others, promoted a raw foods way of life. And to open a restaurant? We believe the type of food we serve has a lot to offer in the way of healing, and we realize that for many who may not have the equipment, or a level of familiarity with the ingredients, and methods of preparation, it can seem intimidating. We were motivated by wanting to bridge that gap. It also appealed to us to make our living in a way that both supported our lifestyle choices, and affected positive change. Several people have told us they’ve moved house to live closer to our restaurant. If you could give everyone only one reason to eat raw, what would it be? I’d give one enormous reason, and that is that it can change your whole life! We literally are what we eat so when you begin to consume super-high-octane, high vibration foods, the effects find their way into your entire life. The benefits are innumerable, really. More energy, greater mental clarity, and weight loss are just a few. Not dying from the same three diseases that over 90% of people die from is another.

What is the most popular dish on your menu? That would be our Superfood Soup. There are people who come in for it literally everyday. They were bummed on Christmas, which is the only day of the year that we’re closed. Are dishes from the menu also in your two cookbooks? Yes. We want people to have access to prepared organic raw foods easily and readily, so we’re not holding back on any secrets. There are a few new desserts that have been created since the book came out, but apart from that all of our recipes are available! Being married and working together can be a challenge for many, how do you balance your personal life with business? The biggest challenge is finding balance. Running a raw food restaurant is certainly a full-time job, raising children is more than certainly a full-time job, taking proper care of ones self is a full time job. Janabai and I could each spend all of our time doing any one of these things, but we’ve decided to attempt them all simultaneously. It can be tough, but anything worth doing is. What has been your greatest triumph in your career to date? Having books published is satisfying but nothing really beats having someone come up to you to say that your food has either changed, or even saved their life! People thank us for doing what we do almost daily. It’s great, because our customers are responsible for our success and at the same time, they’re grateful for what we add to their lives.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls Rich and buttery coconut cream balls, with cacao nibs and maca. Makes approximately 12 servings 1 cup coconut butter 1/2 cup coconut nectar 2 tablespoons cacao nibs 2 tablespoons maca powder Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and knead the mixture by hand. Refrigerate the mixture for 20 minutes to allow it to cool. After mixture has hardened somewhat, scoop out two tablespoon and roll it into a ball by hand. Use coconut oil on your hands to make the rolling smoother if necessary. Continue rolling balls until mixture is exhausted. Store refrigerated until ready to eat.

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“More energy, greater mental clarity, and weight loss are just a few�


MODEL: Kerstin Tuning MAKEUP ARTIST: Mandie Fenrich WARDROBE STYLIST: Dolene Simmalavong PHOTOGRAPHER: Jesse Alford

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Interview: Maryanne Alford Photographer: Esben Bøg - Jensen

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ho are your biggest musical influences? I just recorded a new album with Nis Bysted who plays in my danish favorite band Thulebasen, so that was very inspirational.

Your music videos are awesome... they remind me of Wes Anderson films. Where do you get the inspiration for your videos? Thank you! I really enjoy making music videos.

While I wrote it I was listening a lot to Todd Rundgren, Bobb Trimble, David Bowie, Pet Shop Boys, Porno for Pyros and Scott Walker.

I’d say films is a general inspiration... such as bad old Ed Wood-ish B movies, Kenneth Anger films or obscure clips from youtube etc. I almost always have an idea for a video for every song we record.

When did you discover your passion for music? music was always my escape from the world. I spent a lot of time by myself when I was a child, and I’d imagine stories while listening to music in my headphones. I always found music very entertaining and comforting. What three adjectives would you use to describe yourself? Observing, manic or absent. Depending on the situation.

You recently toured Italy for the first time with the full band. How was it touring with the whole group? It was great. I liked the concept of touring only one country. we got to drive around in the mountains and play crazy cool places in the valleys, and other great venues. Also we haven’t played for a long time, and since we’ve also got a new band member it was a good way to feel like a unit again. And also Italy is just a great country to be in.

Do you sing in the shower? haha no. I get in a total zen mode when I shower, I only wanna listen to the running water. What was the first concert you ever attended? It was my dads. He had a rock n’ roll band when I was a kid And, the first cd you ever bought? I grew up listening to names as Blur, Prince, P.I.L and Nina Hagen because my parents did, and that’s still some of my favorite music, but the first CD bought was Gorillaz’s first record when I was 10. I saw the music video for Clint Eastwood on mtv and was blown away.

Lately I’ve been writing on a script for a movie. just for the fun of it. I still have no Idea how I’m gonna make it into a real movie, but maybe I will in a couple of years. What do you hope to accomplish with music in the near future? I just can’t wait to put a new record out and play a lot of shows again. I hope we get to play in more countries. I especially would like to tour in Turkey since I know we have a following there. but just anywhere really.

I think “2D” (the animated leadsinger) was my first crush, but he was a cartoon so I knew we could never be together. heartbreaking.

How about long term? In long term I’d like to get a new base, and move away from Copenhagen, but I’m not sure when would be a good time yet. But a change of air around me could do me good I think.

If you aren’t making music, what might we find you doing?

And also I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t have to be broke all the time someday. ha.

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Model: Jana Molder, @ stars, the Agency Model: Jonathan stoddard, @ stars, the Agency Stylist: Jennifer Skog Productions Hair & Makeup: Maria chang, PMA Photographer: Jennifer Skog

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Bodysuit | forever 21 Sweater | Free People Rainboots | J. Crew

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Bra Shirt Pants Boots

| free people | american eagle | forever 21 | free people

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Fringe vest Demin shorts Shoes

| Urban Outfitters | Urban Outfitters | Jimmy Choo

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Top | Urban outfitters Dress | Free people Necklace | Anthropologie

Top Bra

| Free People | Free People

By: Maryanne Alford

m lf. I’ e s t i ”; ime “paleo t s a old simply etables s a it’s ie t” or its, veg more h g d u u eno veman raw fr ing with y l l y nica “the ca mostl a nyth o r i . d g . s . n n orld ed to a nsumi dairy a w the h r o t r l s o i C e ? a s f . . k raw e he only re society tives.. ght as g h t n i i t a n r . Ea ! nd i . Comm athere reserv you m e w r t a t p g m o ” le. R at the -ish leo die hunter- ed, no s pale o w h e ing e d w n r m “n he Pa of a d fi a a u n e a s s a tow ft ng r hat con e is et a erries i t d a her ourse o bles t . Nothi e draw h e t s th o find b th c em eats ons e f s s s ’ n o e i t a r f t a g e e m g r wh ed akin atin lly d d wired ven a o e r r spe ay of e e cook out. So r p that are ha m w ally s i t o c s i t c i s f i n e h e t l t e asp es. We cien life. who ngredi e s d n i n o w d a ne i a fe e your s of our bo o t e s r i n s a g tha con ure for ere ll chan t H e i . d h e ed oug very w aleo al proc n P e The natur Fair could ? f t s o pro etable mos e r o eg tle m and v t i l its da Nee raw fru e mor


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cu y oc

rall u t a n the ody. f o b e rtion your ntir ! Just o e p n n i e a w larg ts with ted n’t gro lked n a a n y l u p eds ca we ta stro nutrie o e y d f n ! I ad se zymes w we s o t d d n o e r fo eaking , pla use d sary en u s l o a r a . s c ok ob day anim e nece e t e co vital t n o w o o, n happe g thos . ) in ith live hen es are N d . r W l n d o l i f live g woul nly los as we es: enzym d af cked w a n m a l ( a til nothin e not o trients nzy. These me still p y! s u E s s r s . u ’ s n 1 erg t i r seed d you and n es co od n o a m n f e y a h t owe d it. e c lf. Live h free foo mins enz e d r w e fl o u e s fo d sun all yo of vita e I n l give offe yourse al, cra k g i c l e n k l t h ti roas u coo ealth ur ee ke wil ...I uc dead t f a a m I n E f w o 2. ge o en yo hen od inta reshed ly s kinda t is all ga w n n a i t o h i k a s , ve raw fo ore ref e is r? Th pac me, w u’re lo r o l e h e o sa only g your ling m st, t u feelin n bett I e the t, but y t n a ho e yo t. Eve th sin up fee u a e d s o e b e r v b a fruit aliz ot. Inc wake et’s an lea t boos e w L r . a gy food c instan I’ve d it a l s and ng r at ten i r t t u e a s e n ” n le f e n’t’ e . B eed ay! s o d t w g e 3.E “dead e you a r n y d n e l i a I n e th food... You’ll n te p ly shou e to a our ing ill giv i t t i r a r o v E y v favo h raw leep. n fa probab on’t ha u and gy w y r w s e m g o t o en e of g enou fficien ds d h, you , you w ift to y n n a O r e a n te, h elf! Ye to offe rfect g ep. n’t eati d more u l e o e l abs yours fe has ost p 4.S I was ep, an y m M n li e en nt. to put o s plant ature’s Wh tter sl win. a w cap n n ou be win u ptio lge in o o a o y y t n e u tha as really all th nd ind h call c u ere is tween tive, a m s s th but be t crea a i t s a e le y 5.E egetab s a da ings, g v th oe and potat y new ed Tr bak plore. ex So ! lth hea

raw fruits vegetables & wholesome cooked meats

Mod Sofi els: N Hair a Rose atalie Mak Stylis s @ L Placko Wa r e u p A t : Te r e O O K M w s k i & Pho drobe rtist: A sa Re odel A togr y S aphe tylist: ngela Ki nolds gency r : D a We n d m i niell e Ru Lee eda

Sofia - BLACK CROP TOP free people | KNIT TOP urban outfitters | SUNGLASSES urban outfitters

Natalie - CROP TOP paper crane | FLORAL SKIRT club monaco | SOCKSWWv uniqlo | WEDGE SANDALS steve madden

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HAT club monaco | NECKLACE j. crew

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model: Louise @ Be Models mua: Johanna Cool hair stylist: Christophe Lambenne fashion stylist: Kate Aronsson-brown @ c’est Chic Agency photographer: Stanislaw Jagiello Special thanks to Marine & Nathan*

Sweatshirt | Tokio 7 hand sewn Skirt | Bershka

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Necklace | Navajo Bikini top | Groundscore

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Vintage Dress | Levi’s

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Tee shirt | Urban Outfitters t-shirt Jeans | Levi’s

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Vintage Tee Shirt | Violent Femmes

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Review: Anna Lark Photographer: Jesse Alford

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Agnes Obel A

gnes Obel, a Danish singer-songwriter with a superb voice, played a sold out show at the Independent on March 13th. The Independent on Divisadero is a beautiful venue. Most often a standing venue, the tables were set to accommodate the musical styling of Obel. The candle lit tables, secluded wall seating and a balcony over the bar paired perfectly with the dimmed lights to create a romantic atmosphere. With grace, Obel and two other musicians

By: Anna Lark

walked on stage and were greeted by many enthusiastic fans. The show was originally scheduled a few days prior and had to be postponed. Obel introduced the woman playing the cello as the reason the show could go on. She took the place of another musician who could not be present, and for only playing alongside Obel for a week, she did a spectacular job. The violinist was also an incredible musician and was brilliant to watch. Obel has released two albums, Philharmonics and Aventine. She played songs from each. Her voice,

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paired with her incredible skill on the piano, was overwhelmingly beautiful. The songs she sang were haunting, mysterious, and were comprised of lyrics and melodies that were truly exquisite. I had never heard her music prior to her show and have listened to songs from both of her albums almost daily since. Obel has a fascinating unique sound and is entertaining as a performer. She beams with confidence and grace and clearly cares deeply for her audience. She shared stories from her youth and made

humorous remarks that caused the audience to erupt with laughter. Her pleasantness and charm are intoxicating. If you have yet to hear her music, I recommend starting with her single “Riverside,� and imagine you may become hypnotized by her lovely voice. Her upcoming tour dates this year from March to August are taking her from the US to France, Germany, Denmark, the UK and more. Unfortunately her last US show of 2014 was in March at SXSW in Texas.

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MODEL: Skully MAKEUP ARTIST: Courtney Wilbur STYLIST: Taylor Dewar PHOTOGRAPHER: Reva May

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Poems: TJ Lyons Art & Design: Andrew Jurado

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I Think I Sleep in a Peel That Fits Me Better Than a Collar

We’re all lone bananas to simplify your wardrobe where we will slice our

when the lighting’s right

I’m showing you how

I’ll join you at the shore of a cereal bowl selves over cheerios

You’ll dive ten times

before understanding

that life is finding the right bowl to put your shit in

It’s a matter of clothing

Watch me put on this coat

I’m a single dude

longing to be a simple banana lost in green sleep We soften in our peels I’m just a man face etched onto mush

Wind You already know I exist through joints alone—my body is a city of knees never extending past me where buildings wear party hats. This is not my stomach this balloon of shit I’ll never keep. I’m a piñata. Pin-yaa-ta. Man in the tree. Hanging by my knees. Man-yaa-ta. Cram the sugar & bash me in. Today is your new birthday.

I’ll Join You in the Graveyard if I Can Do My Banking There

The future isn’t cancelled, right? Long as I keep dipping my face toward the dirt I know I have purpose. Living like a light bulb at the mercy of a twist. Lets tattoo ourselves with a tree branch till we’re a mural of leaves injected with bark and mystery. Living as a bug under a pivoting boot. Deposit some bones for safekeeping. Call it a long-term investment: long-term digestion. As long as you agree, I’ll keep folding these leaves inside my wallet, keep hurling myself into the ground like my life is bent on it— or I’m trying to meet some measurement.

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Since Birth

I sleep on a bed made of dogs Every night I wrap myself

I know nothing different

in Pit bull quilts

stitched with Golden Retriever ears

I rest my face on Dalmatian pillow cases

stuffed with one hundred Chihuahuas

The paws of a Husky pack

hold up my bed

Their mattress backs mold to my tender infancy

Before all this I rented a decent two bedroom uptown in a womb My bed taught me how to play dead when it really matters

made of Poodles

We are Plummet Books have made us bankrupt. I’m 25 and have floaters in both eyes. A stream retreats to its source: the fish swims into a bigger mouth. I have too many eyes to choose what I see. I stare at my computer screen and never look at my bank statements. There are seven lemons on the counter. Never a climber of birch wood but at times a stowaway in a cold hole. Come on, always go in the attic when the music says you shouldn’t. I want to live in the earth. Home-mire. Please make me cringe. I admire the dirty pool then bathe in it. The truth will set you on fire. Answers are in the attic hiding in boxes you haven’t opened.

You’re an astronaut and I’m the opposite. No matter what I eat my stomach is in revolt. My breath smells like birth. It makes me feel like my spine was ripped out to whip me into a skin puddle. We got married in a drive through chapel that also changed our oil. What a steal. When we locked ourselves in the shed and feasted on the tree’s fruit: I hid you the skin from that day to make a quilt. The cold truth always follows me home. I like to think I’m the king of sleep and stand in front of my open refrigerator dressed in full snow gear imagining how I’ll squeeze inside, you stuffing me in.


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Thank you to the following journals where these poems first appeared: HTMLGIANT, “I Think I Sleep in a Peel That Fits Me Better Than a Collar” Plain Wrap Press, “Wind” Word Riot, “I’ll join you in the graveyard if I can do my baking there” The Coachella Review, “Since Birth” Up Literature, “We are Plummet”

The Wind Cannot Remove The Stench From My Bones

TJ Lyons is a dude. He lives in California where the people are chill, and at the same time not very chill. Andrew Jurado, using a pencil, ink and water color brought forth that which you have witnessed.

Photographer: Danielle Rueda Stylist: Nikki Anderson-Joy Stylist Assistant: Ruth Reynaga / Alphonsina Chikwashi Hair and Make-Up: Grace Gariough Model: Nora Sheeder

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Blouse | Calvin Klein - AAU Styling Closet Navy High Neck Knitted Sweater | Ali Lazarus Designer Black Jewel necklace | Forever 21 Knitted Mens Wear Socks | H&M

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Pokadot Blouse | H&M High Waisted Pant | Georgio Armani - AAU StylingCloset Grey Oxford Heels | H&M

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Woman Blouse | Zara - AAU Styling Closet Burgundy Suspenders | H&M Black Pleather Skirt | H&M Beige Oxford Shoes | H&M

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Models: Julia Gonzales, Alex Clark, Courtney Holst Mua Assistant: Gaby Ramirez Mua: Mandie Fenrich Stylist: Kodi Fujii Designer: Hold Your Colour Clothing Photographers: Nick Mahar and Jesse Alford

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