Issue 42 - Festive Edition

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the UoB Linguist December 2021 Issue 42 Un Noël Normand Weihnachtsze it in zwei Welten Christmas in the Philippines Очень русская изоляция ⽇本語 So different Christmas

Our 2021 Team


Chair - Camille stevenson

Secretary- mollie


treasurer- emma velho

publicity- anna newsome


beth caygill

laura arnaud

editors team:

french - tori jackson

German- mollie mccooey

spanish- emma walker

Portuguese- cameron


catalan- emma velho

italian- sarah aray ratti

Russian- Georgia Boote

mandarin- hannah white

life and style-

emily mercer

current affairs-

mariam salem

culture- freya richold

food and drink -

sarah aray ratti

travel- emma crossley

Inside this issue:

04-05 French Section: Un Noël Normand by Hannah Truelove; Critique du film d'horreur de Noël : Krampus by Kyle Hart

06-07 German Section: Der weltberühmte Christkindlesmarkt in Nürnberg by Maha Amer; Weihnachtszeit in zwei Welten by Angela Carlson

08-09 Spanish Section: Los lugares más subestimados de Europa para pasar la época navidena by Chloe Barber

10 Portuguse Section: Little Portugal: O ingrediente importante do Natal Português em Londres by Michael Rodrigues

11 Catalan Section: Santa Nit: quantes versions i quins canvis? by Beth Caygill

12-13 Italian Section: Orecchiette con cima di rapa by Maria Grazia

Giorgio; Natale in Italia by Joana Fehr

14-15 Russian Section: Очень

by Dan Crook

by Louisa Avraam;

16 Featured Language, Japanese: ⽇本語 by Misato Shimizu

17 Life and Style Section: So different Christmas by Matthew Cassidy; Why are there so many protests in Italy? by Emily Mercer

18 Current Affairs Section: Covid this winter season by Mariam Salem

19-20 Culture Section: Expecting the unexpected: French culture shocks when moving to France by Lucy Rowen; From Birmingham, UK to Birmingham, Alabama by Georgia Sweeney

21 Food and Drink Section: Christmas in the Philippines by Maha Amer

22-23 Travel Section: 48 hours in Lisbon by Emma Crossley; Birmingham Christmas Market by Emma Berwick

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русская изоляция
Ночные клубы в Москве
The UoB Linguist
@UoBLinguist_Mag @uoblinguist_mag the UoB Linguist Magazine

Bon Nadal

Editor's note DEC 2021

Feliz navidad Joyeuses Fêtes

Merry Christmas

Buon Natale Buon Natale

Frohe Festtage

Nadolig Llawen

Feliz Natal

счастливого Рождества

Seasons greetings to our readers!

Welcome to another edition of the UoB Linguist Magazine semester of the university year has been treating you wel pp of semester 1, it's easy to focus on upcoming deadlines and become overwhelmed. But don't forget that with the end of the semester also comes the holiday season! This issue is our festive winter edition and we hope it will help you to relax and escape from the stress of assignments, and get you excited for winter festivities! Inside this issue you can find amazing articles such as: Critique du film d'horreur de Noël : Krampus by Kyle Hart; Los lugares más subestimados de Europa para pasar la época navidena by Chloe Barber, and From Birmingham, UK to Birmingham, Alabama by Georgia Sweeney Get inspired by delicious traditional Christmas recipes, from the Philippines (from Maha Amer), Japan (from Misato Shimizu) and Italy (from Maria Grazia Giorgio).

Thank you to all our writers, editors and proofreaders for working hard to get another brilliant Linguist issue put together. And of course, thank you to all our readers- it's amazing to see so many new members getting involved with the magazine this year and we wouldn't be able to keep the magazine running without your support!

From all of us at the Linguist, we hope you enjoy this festive edition of our magazine, in the hope that this issue reminds you to look after yourself this winter break, get some well-earned rest and spoil yourself. Here's to a Merry Christmas, a wonderful winter break and a very happy new year!

聖誕節快樂 メリークリスマス


Un Noël Normand Un Noël Normand

C'est la période de l'année où la Foire SaintRomain à Rouen a fermé ses portes une année de plus pour laisser sa place à la saison des fêtes C’est la période au cours de laquelle sa cathédrale emblématique devient spectatrice des rues animées en contrebas, parées de l'esprit de Noël et parfois, si nous avons de la chance, d'un véritable gel hivernal. Les premiers signes du changement de saison apparaissent avec l'éclairage de la rue du Gros Horloge En se baladant sur les pavés, sous les maisons à colombages archétypaux de Rouen, il est facile de se laisser emporter par l'esprit festif normand. On peut assister à des spectacles de rue le long de cette portion de chemin pendant toute la période de Noël Ceci évoquant les coutumes d'une époque oubliée, où des pièces marquaient le début de l'Avent dans toute l'Europe Mais c'est dans le giron du chef-d'œuvre gothique de Rouen, que l'esprit de Noël prend véritablement vie

Le village de Noël est compris d’une collection de chalets traditionnels, chacun proposant une multitude de produits artisanaux ; des fromages locaux aux biscuits épicés jusqu’aux bijoux fait à la main et des décorations de Noël Le vin chaud est un incontournable, mais uniquement pour un public plus mûr ! Pour les petits Rouennais, il est possible de rencontrer le Père Noël dans sa grotte et peut-être même de recevoir un cadeau L'ambiance festive ne se limite pas à la cathédrale ; cherchez plus loin et vous trouverez la grande roue sur la Place Vieux-Marché ou l'impressionnante patinoire extérieure de l'Hôtel de Ville.

L'attrait de Rouen est constant depuis son rôle de centre historique de la Normandie Aujourd'hui, c'est toujours une ville magnifique et dynamique dont il faut faire partie, et elle ne fait pas d'exception pendant la période de Noël.


Critique du film d'horreur Critique du film d'horreur de Noël : Krampus. de Noël : Krampus.

Krampus est un film d'horreur humoristique et accomplie par le réalisateur américain Michael Dougherty.

Le film est au fond une fusion d’Halloween et de Noël, ce qui, je pense, mérite vraiment des éloges. J'étais excité de voir ce film, justement à cause de cette composition : tout le monde aime Noël et Halloween. Noël est le moment où le père Noël vient et il offre des cadeaux aux enfants et tout est merveilleux et confortable. Ce film parle de l'autre côté de cette période de l’année ; de l'ombre germanique de Saint Nicolas. Une entité sombre appelée Krampus, qui sème la terreur chez les jeunes qui se conduisent mal.

Le film parle d'une famille qui doit se battre contre ce monstre à cornes, Krampus, et aussi tous ses serviteurs démoniaques qui tentent également de tuer la famille.

La famille est réunie pour Noël et elle a l'air plutôt gentil... mais ensuite les beaux-parents arrivent et sont révélés comme étant des gens terribles. J'encourageais même Krampus à les tuer. J'avais l'impression que ce film aurait dû parler d'une famille travaillant ensemble contre un monstre, mais nous finissons par souhaiter qu’ils meurent. Au moins moi je l'ai pensé au cours du film.

Le cadre de l'histoire était assez claustrophobe, ce qui m'a plu ; c'était effrayant. La famille a dû rester à l'intérieur, car une tempête de neige avait coupé le courant.

La famille est isolée et un monstre arrive. Menaçant. Cependant, le film commence à s'effondrer. Le monstre est effrayant, et le voir pour la première fois est tout aussi effrayant. Mais à la base, le film est une invasion de domicile avec quelques petits monstres démoniaques. J'étais content quand Krampus s'est présenté, mais je ne pense pas qu'il ait fait l'apparence qu'il aurait dû.

Au final, le film est un simple plaisir qui aurait pu être bien meilleur. Le mauvais père Noël est un potentiel gâché.



Der weltberühmte Christkindlesmarkt in Nürnberg Der weltberühmte Christkindlesmarkt in Nürnberg

Der wohl aufregendste Zeitpunkt des Jahres - insbesondere in Deutschland - ist der, an dem Weihnachtsmarkt eröffnet wird. Lebkuchen, Glühwein, Früchtebrot, Christbaumschmuck, Spielzeug, der subtile aromatische Duft von Gewürzen der in der Luft verweilt, das lebendige Ambiente an einem kalten Winterabend, romantische Nächten beim über den Markt schlendern und die schön beleuchtete Stadt bewundern, Zeit mit der Familie und Freunden verbringen, liebste Erinnerungen sammeln, Weihnachtslieder, handgefertigte Objekte zum Verkauf und am allerwichtigsten die Auftritte des geliebten Christkindes Alle diese Dinge verkörpern den Weihnachtsmarkt und Weihnachtsstimmung Es gibt tatsächlich einen Markt, der diese Traditionen seit dem 16 Jahrhundert weiterführt. Der weltberühmte Christkindlesmarkt in Nürnberg ist der älteste Weihnachtsmarkt mit durchschnittlich mehr als zwei Millionen Besucher(innen) Aber dieses Jahr sieht alles ein bisschen anders aus. Keine Sorge! Der Weihnachtsmarkt geht weiter im Jahr 2021, nachdem er letztes Jahr wegen der Pandemie abgesagt wurde

Ein paar kleine Änderungen gibt es jedoch Dieses Jahr ist die Veranstaltung viel kleiner als in früheren Jahren. Klar doch. Noch wichtiger ist, dasswegen der CoronaEinschränkungen der Markt dezentral abgehalten wird Das heißt, dass verschiedenen Bereiche in der Innenstadt genutzt werden, um mehr Raum zu schaffen Es gibt zwar keine Maskenpflicht, aber es wird empfohlen, dass Leute große Menschenversammlungen vermeiden sollen. Und nur Leute, die geimpft und getestet sind, können die Märkte besuchen Leider wird die übliche Eröffnungszeremonie mit dem Christkind nicht passieren Es wäre Tradition, dass am 29 November um 17:30 Uhr, das Christkind (Bengina Munsi wurde im Jahr 2019 als das aktuelle Christkind gewählt) vom Balkon der Frauenkirche ihren Prolog rezitiert, womit der Markt offiziell eröffnet ist Stattdessen wird der Prolog des Christkinds dieses Jahr im Fernsehen und Rundfunk live übertragen Für die enttäuschten Kinder oder sogar Erwachsene gibt es immer noch ein Kinderkulturprogramm und die Kinderweihnacht auf dem HansSachs-Platz Ansonsten passiert alles wie üblich Vielleicht ist es ein bisschen anders als erwartet oder vielleicht sogar sehr anders Dennoch lasst uns diese Weihnachten wirklich genießen und die Weinnachstimmung zurückbringen!


Weihnachtszeit in zwei Welten Weihnachtszeit in zwei Welten

Hier sind sie wieder: die Festtage. So eine schöne Zeit: Der Schnee liegt weich und weiß auf dem Boden, Schneeflocken fallen und glitzern in der Sonne des Wintertages. Schneeverwehungen sehen wie sanfte Hügel aus. Es ist schön, weil man mit seinen Familien und Freunden gemütliche Abende verbringen kann, mit leckerem Essen und warmen Getränken, die die Kälte fernhalten. Schön, weil wir uns während aller Feierlichkeiten wohler fühlen, weil wir zusammen sind.

Als ich 2019 in Wernigerode wohnte, besuchte ich dort mit meinem Partner den in Sachsen-Anhalt berühmten Weihnachtsmarkt, wo wir die funkelnden Lichter und eine Tasse Glühwein genossen. Leute von überall her schlenderten über den Markt, um sich an dieser zauberhaften Stimmung zu erfreuen.

Es war traumhaft, wie sich die Fläche rund um das mittelalterliche Rathaus und der angrenzende Nikolaiplatz in einen Weihnachtstraum verwandelte. Wir spazierten durch die geschmückten Straßen, besuchten die zahlreiche Marktstände und kosteten natürlich die Bratwurst. Ebenso köstlich war der Eierlikör, der bei solchen Märkten zu finden ist. Er ist ähnlich dem „Eggnog“, den man in Kanada zu dieser Jahreszeit oft trinkt, aber es ist ein Getränk mit Alkohol.

Ich habe mir natürlich den Schokolikör gekauft und mich schnell darin verliebt. Ich denke oft an meine tollen Erlebnissen in Deutschland zurück und freue mich, dass ich bald wieder dort hinreise. Dieses Weihnachten verbringe ich zu Hause in Kanada. Ich werde auf jeden Fall den kleinen örtlichen Weihnachtsmarkt in Winnipeg besuchen und eine meiner Lieblingstraditionen tun: Backen. Letztes Jahr brachte ich wegen der Pandemie statt Geschenken einige selbstgebackene Leckereien zu meiner Familien und Freunden hin, um für sie die Einsamkeit ein wenig zu mildern. Das mache ich dieses Jahr wieder. Ich überlege schon mit meinem Partner, welche Rezepte wir ausprobieren wollen… es gibt endlos viele davon! Frohes Fest x



Los lugares más subestimados de Europa Los lugares más subestimados de Europa para

Cuando pensamos en la Navidad en Europa, pensamos en Praga, Viena, Copenhague, Amsterdam y prácticamente toda Alemania; pero aunque estas ciudades son innegablemente hermosas, no son todo lo que Europa tiene para ofrecer.

¿Buscáis un destino de vacaciones para esto período navideño? Empieza a mirar estos destinos menos populares…

1.Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius es una de las ciudades más subestimadas en Europa en Navidad. Con sus mercados de navidad, luces brillantes, y su árbol de navidad de la plaza de la catedral, es una experiencia inolvidable. También encontrarás una pista de patinaje sobre hielo en la plaza Lukiškés, y un belén en la plaza de la catedral.

Otra tradición especial es el tren navideño de Vilnius, bien decorado, que corre entre la plaza de la catedral y la plaza del ayuntamiento y deja a la gente en los dos áreas

principales del mercado navideño.Además, una gran ventaja de ir aquí en lugar de Copenhague o Múnich es que no es turística, y por lo consiguiente, ni atestada, ni peligrosa.


Dubrovnik, Croacia

Dubrovnik también tiene sus propios mercados navideños en el encantador casco antiguo. Están abiertos desde finales de noviembre hasta principios de enero. Aquí se pueden comprar las famosas almendras confitadas tostadas de Dubrovnik, las cáscaras de naranja confitadas ˝arancini˝ y su queso de membrillo local ˝konton jata˝, para que puedas sumergirte en la cultura probando sus icónicos alimentos de invierno. Junto con sus mercados navideños, Dubrovnik celebra un festival de invierno que bien merece una visita, con muchos eventos culturales y de entretenimiento para mantenaerte ocupado en el centro antiguo y otras partes de la ciudad. El Año Nuevo es especialmente reconfortante, con grandes edificios como

iglesias, catedrales y palacios bellamente decorados con luces brillantes, mientras tocan músicos de talla mundial. Si tienes la oportunidad de cantar y bailar junto con la multitud, seguro nunca lo olvidarás!


Tromsø, Noruega

Aunque todo está parado el día de Navidad, las semanas a su alrededor están llenas de espíritu y emoción.

Noruega tiene una característica sorprendente que la mayoría de los otros lugares de Europa no tienen: ¡la aurora boreal!

Durante el invierno, los trineos tirados por perros y renos en la nieve son actividades populares. Esta experiencia única en la vida seguramente hará que tu adrenalina bombee. Después de la emoción de andar en trineo, puedes entregarte a las delicias de Noruega, como su versión de ‘vino caliente’, que se llama ‘Gløgg’, que te calentará en sus frías temperaturas.

pasar la época navidena para pasar la época navidena


Si no te gusta el clima frío, Valletta está aquí para salvar el día, con temperaturas semi-cálidas de entre 10 y 22 grados Celsius. Sin embargo, es fácil sentirse festivo caminando por las calles que están iluminadas por las hermosas luces navideñas, y explorando los mercados navideños.

También se puede ir de fiesta en la plaza de St Georges ovisitar un restaurante con vino, champán, y vistas sobre el gran Puerto; ambos de los cuales van acompañados de música en vivo y fuegos artificiales.

Además, toma un viaje de 30 minutos a Birzebbuga, para admirar el galardonado árbol de navidad mecanizado que tiene siete pisos de altura con luces sincronizadas.


Valletta, Malta Brasov, Romania

La ciudad de Brasov es una joya histórica con calles adoquinadas y edificios inspiradores. Durante el período navideño, la plaza principal de la ciudad luce un enorme árbol de navidad brillante, rodeado de mercados navideños, y se puede escuchar música festiva.

Otro elemento interesante de la ciudad es el famoso letrero de Brasov que cambia de color al estilo de Hollywood en la montaña que domina la ciudad:

Uno de los mejores elementos de la ciudad es los alimentos, incluyendo sus platos locales como ‘sarmalute cu mamaliguta’ (rollos de col rellenos de arroz y carne), ‘carnati’ (salchichas caseras), y ‘papanasi’ (rosquillas de queso con crema agria y mermelada).

Después de haber leído este artículo, la próxima vez que planees unas vacaciones de navidad en Europa, te recomiendo que consideres estas ciudades menos populares, pero igual de hermosas.



Little Portugal: Little Portugal:

É possível manter a essência do Natal português vivendo no Reino Unido? Pois claro que é! Pelo menos é possível em Londres.

De acordo com dados do Censo de 2011, a população portuguesa no Reino Unido era de cerca de 88,000, e 30,000 desses portugueses vivem numa região de Londres conhecida como Little Portugal. Little Portugal é exatamente como o nome indica, uma versão de Portugal em miniatura. Lá tu podes encontrar vários cafés e restaurantes portugueses e mercearias também! Para os portugueses em Londres nunca lhes faltará o sabor do seu país.

Aqui se encontram os elementos mais icônicos do Natal português, tipo o bolorei e as deliciosas filhoses (o melhor doce do Natal na minha opinião). Sem os pratos e bolos tradicionais, o Natal português não existe e é por isso que acredito que Little Portugal é indispensável para manter a essência do Natal português no estrangeiro.

Então, o que a existência de um Portugal miniatura tem a ver com o Natal dos imigrantes portugueses? Bem, para mim e minha família, que são imigrantes de primeira geração, esta região de Londres é bastante importante para o nosso Natal. Perto de nós, não existe outro lugar onde possamos encontrar as coisas típicas portuguesas. Little Portugal tem de tudo! Rissóis, bacalhau português e muito mais. Cada dezembro, podes nos encontrar nesta região de Londres onde estamos comprando os essenciais para o Natal ou estamos tomando café com amigos e família, que vivem na região. Não há coisa mais portuguesa que estar sentado numa esplanada a tomar café!

Sem dúvida, que as lojas portuguesas, em Londres, são importantes para a continuação da comunidade portuguesa na região. No entanto, o futuro desta região é incerto. A gentrificação do sul de Londres está mudando as comunidades e está mandando para fora aqueles que não podem arcar com os novos custos de vida. Isto não afetará apenas a comunidade portuguesa, mas também as pessoas da classe trabalhadora e minorias étnicas.

O mínimo que podemos desejar e esperar é que a comunidade portuguesa encontre uma nova região onde possa continuar com olegado de Little Portugal.

O ingrediente importante do Natal Português em Londres
O ingrediente importante do Natal Português em Londres


Santa Nit: quantes versions i quins canvis?

Santa Nit: quantes versions i quins canvis?

Sabies que hi havia una versió en llengua catalana de Santa Nit?

Jo tampoc Segons la llista de Barcelona Clàssica de ‘Les 14 nadales catalanes més populars’, la Santa Nit es col·loca al número 6 Ara que fa 203 anys que es va escriure el cançó a Àustria, vull explorar el llegat d’aquesta nadala conegut per a tot arreu Quines diferències tenen les traduccions d’aquesta nadal, i per què ens pot tocar amb la mateixa potència i missatge de pau que tenia fa d l ?

Una nadala és un canço amb que es canta típicament dur Nadal, i la llengua catalana té de canços nadalencs i de bre diferent: conta l’història de la personatges com els pastors esdeveniment. La lletra (en l l’alemany) de Santa Nit va se sacerdot, organista i guitarri Mohr, qui, en aquella època, que la guerra napoleònica h Suposo que ho va compond pau. Dos anys després, Nit d Stille Nacht es va interpretar composta per en Franz Xave la transcripció de la nadala p l'església va portar-la a ser c Europa.

Santa Nit s’ha traduïda a més de 300 llengües

Respecte a la versió anglesa, el signficat no s’allunya molt del de l’original, ja que utilitza l’equivalència semàntica quan la traducció literal no sigui apropriada. Aquestes dues, i la catalana també, segueixen l’esquema de rima aa,bb,c. No obstant, en la francesa totes les línies de cada vers rimen, i ha resultat difícil trobar dues versions en castellà qui segueixin la mateixa lletra! Ja que, al principi, Santa Nit va ser escampada a Europa pels músics itinerants, és possible que altre raó per la què hi ha diferències entre les versions sigui la traducció indirecte: la traducció a través d’altre llengua

L’història qui aporta més fama a aquesta nadala és la Treva de Nadal durant la primera guerra mundial El llegat ens diu que els soldats, anglesos, francesos, y alemanys igualment, cantava les seves versions respectives mentre eren dins de les trinxeres Aquesta depicció ha aparegut a altres contexts, per és una representació forta tot

esta nadala ha rebut el estat e UNESCO: la seva melodia en una dels missatges més que pot ser interpretat per t Crec que ara m’en vaig a re més canços del Nadal en nçar l’estació festiva!

lletre catalana

plàcida nit, ts han sentit, ls àngels, cantant, estat escampant: , el Messies és nat.

Santa nit, plàcida nit, ja està tot adormit, vetlla sols en la cambra bressant, dolça mare que al nen va cantant: dorm en pau i repòs, dorm en pau i repòs

Santa nit, plàcia nit, el Jesús tan petit, és el Déu, Ser suprem poderós, en humil petitesa reclòs, per l'home redimir, per l'home redimir



Orecchiette con cima di rapa Orecchiette con cima di rapa

Fu proprio da quell'epoca che le donne iniziarono a preparare una pasta artigianale completamente a mano; la realizzazione è considerata una dote che passa da madre a figlia, le orecchiette si sarebbero poi diffuse nel resto della Puglia e in Basilicata. Il primo componente per preparare questo piatto sono proprio le orecchiette chiamate così perché ricordano la forma di piccole orecchie. Sono un tipo di pasta di semola di grano duro preparata a mano con sale e acqua, hanno una forma circolare e incavata al centro che si crea facendo pressione con il pollice.

Queste appena preparate possono essere gustate oppure si possono lasciare essiccare per un paio di giorni per poi cucinarle. L'altro componente essenziale per la realizzazione di questo piatto é la cima di rapa, un ortaggio tipico dell’agricoltura del Sud d’Italia coltivato principalmente nel Lazio, Campania e Puglia, questo ortaggio autunnale/invernale è presente sulle tavole perché è apprezzato dal punto di vista nutrizionale in quanto ricco di ferro. Le rape sono di colore verde e la lunghezza media varia tra i 15 ed i 100 cm, possiedono foglie ellittiche e frastagliate, le infiorescenze sono raggruppate e più o meno globose. Per la preparazione di questo delizioso piatto se volete potete anche aggiungere un pizzico di peperoncino al soffritto prima di "buttare la pasta" per poi cuocere in padella per altri cinque minuti affinché la pietanza sia ancora più saporita. Le orecchiette con cima di rapa é il nostro piatto pugliese per eccellenza, quando abbiamo degli ospiti nella nostra famiglia pensiamo subito a questo, é il numero uno nel nostro menù! Cosa aspetti? Corri subito a vedere la ricetta per prepararlo!!

Le orecchiette con cime di rapa è uno dei piatti tipici dalla tradizione della cucina pugliese. La tradizione di questo piatto risale al periodo medievale del XII e il XIII secolo nella zona di Sannicandro di Bari.

Natale in Italia Natale in Italia

Avendo vissuto a Roma per dieci anni, il primo segno di Natale per me è sempre stato il grandissimo albero in Piazza San Pietro. Alto oltre sessanta metri e adornato con luci che illuminano tutta l’enorme piazza, annuncia ai romani che il periodo natalizio è finalmente iniziato. Amo particolarmente quell'albero per il paradosso che rappresenta. Si deve sapere che in Italia la maggior parte degli alberi di Natale sono fatti di plastica: un fatto molto sorprendente per una piccola ragazza tedesca che non conosceva altro che la tradizione di andare al mercato natalizio del villaggio e comprare un abete proveniente dalla foresta più vicina. A Roma, l’albero viene preparato l’8 dicembre, ovvero durante la festività cattolica dell'Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria.

È intorno a quel periodo quando iniziano ad emergere anche le tradizioni culinarie, come il Pandoro, un tipico dolce veronese, che prende il suo nome dalla lingua veneta. Originariamente conosciuto come “pan d’oro”, è una specialità proveniente dai tempi dell’antica Roma, che ancora oggi unisce le persone come simbolo della gioia e dell'amore natalizio che si propaga in tutte le tavole e in tutte le famiglie italiane. In Italia le feste di Natale si concludono il 6 gennaio con l’Epifania, ovvero la solennità cristiana nella quale la Chiesa celebra la manifestazione di Cristo al mondo. È in quella notte che arriva la Befana, una figura folcloristica che vola su una scopa per fare visita ai bambini, e per riempire le loro calze odi caramelle o di carbone. Con l’arrivo della befana, si conclude il tempo liturgico natalizio, e comincia quello ordinario; è per questo che esiste il famoso detto: “Epifania, tutte le feste porta via”.




русская изоляция Очень русская изоляция

Будучи студенткой, которая в настоящее время учится за границей в Москве, я по понятным причинам нервничала после объявления о локдауне в России Тем не менее, мой опыт не был скучным!

Москва ввела десятидневный частичный локдаун с 28 октября, и сразу же заголовки мировых СМИ связали причину локдауна с сильной российской анти-вакцинной культурой. Однако, больше всего меня удивило расслабленное отношение многих москвичей к изоляции

Локдаун был недельным оплачиваемым отпуском и требовал закрытия всех второстепенных

предприятий Поездки не были запрещены, и поэтому авиабилеты в такие популярные места, как Египет и Турция, были почти полностью

распроданы! Россияне, которые не уезжали на каникулы за границу или на свои дачи, толпились в местных парках Что я делала в изоляции? В истинно русском стиле я отправилась со своими друзьями на дачу на окраине Москвы, чтобы провести время в изоляции так же, как это делают большинство россиян Дача это второй дом, обычно расположенный в сельской местности или в пригороде. Многие городские жители часто ездят летом на свои дачи, чтобы отвлечься от городской суеты

К нашей даче вела длинная грунтовая дорога, в конце которой нам встретился местный кот. Ближайший магазин находился в нескольких милях от дачи Каждый день было несколько отключений электроэнергии, поэтому доступ в интернет был ограничен

Несмотря на это, я бы не изменила свой опыт! Дождливые дни мы проводили, гуляя по туманным дорожкам, а по ночам, конечно, пили водку

Однако, лучшей частью изоляции стал отдых в традиционной русской бане Баня это разновидность русской паровой бани, которая очень полезна для здоровья, так как интенсивное потоотделение удаляет токсины из тела Поэтому, в отличие от мрачного британского локдауна, моя неделя изоляции в России была очень продуктивной, поскольку я провела её традиционным русским способом


Итак, вы вырвались на год за границу или, возможно, просто приехали в такой прекрасный город в России, как Москва. Вы наконец-то купили зимнее пальто после того, как чуть не схватили гипертермию и не потеряли пару пальцев, и решили, что хотите познакомиться с русской ночной жизнью. Но куда пойти? Не волнуйтесь, ведь я сделал эту важную работу за вас. Представляю вашему вниманию обзор некоторых основных клубов Москвы:

Powerhouse Moscow - Гончарная улица, 7/4, Москва, Россия, 109240

Powerhouse Moscow - Гончарная улица, 7/4, Москва, Россия, 109240

Отличное место для посещения. Много хипстеров. Это смесь клуба и своего рода лаунжа, действительно стильное место. В зоне для курящих часто продают виниловые пластинки, есть гардероб, в клубе часто играют такие группы, как "Голые барабаны" и "Созвездие Отрезок". Хорошее место, не могу сказать ничего плохого.

GIPSY - Болотная набережная, 3/4, строение 2, Москва, Россия, 119072

GIPSY - Болотная набережная, 3/4, строение 2, Москва, Россия, 119072

Место с необычными вайбами, в котором я увидел выступление группы Cream Soda. Прямо в центре клуба находится фонтан, о котором мало что можно сказать, кроме того, что он выглядит “буржуазным”. Также здесь есть приватный второй этаж, но только для тех, у кого есть муж-олигарх. А еще здесь можно встретить множество Instagram-знаменитостей.

Мутабор - Шарикоподшипниковская улица, 13, с32, Москва, Россия, 115088

Мутабор - Шарикоподшипниковская улица, 13, с32, Москва, Россия, 115088

Прячьте своих жен и дочерей, это место буквально то, как я представляю себе апокалипсис. Надеюсь, вы опытный рейвер, потому что это место — настоящая бойня. Всевозможные комнаты, атмосфера склада и настоящие сумасшедшие люди, которых можно встретить здесь. Вышибалы — те еще хулиганы, будьте осторожны. Музыка и диджеи здесь отличные, настоящий складской рейв.

RNDM - Наставнический переулок, 13-15 строение 3, Москва, Россия, 109028

RNDM - Наставнический переулок, 13-15 строение 3, Москва, Россия, 109028

Небольшой клуб, расположенный в каком-то переулке. Однако, это потрясающее место, где каждую неделю звучит музыка в стиле джангл и британского рейва. Как правило, здесь собираются классные люди, есть хорошая зона для курения. Не забывайте, что диджеи здесь играют на настоящих виниловых пластинках. Это классное место!

@shenketsound и УГОЛЬ @shenketsound и УГОЛЬ

Здесь находится бонусный клуб и музыкальное движение, о котором вы должны знать. @shenketsound в Инстаграме — это музыкальное движение, за которым должен следить каждый, оказавшись в России. Это группа современных и крутых людей, которые устраивают рейвы по всей Москве. Их точно стоит увидеть, и они очень дружелюбны. Одно из мест, где они выступают, это UGOL. Небольшой интимный бар/клуб с прекрасной зоной для общения снаружи, спрятанный за стеной в одном из парков. Чтобы попасть внутрь, нужно позвонить в колокольчик. Легко войти и выйти. Совет: спрячьте свой алкоголь в снег снаружи. Это сохранит его холодным.

Вот краткий обзор некоторых мест в Москве. Удачи!

Ночные клубы в Москве Ночные клубы в Москве



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Life and style

So different Christmas So different Christmas

So, Christmas is around the corner, and we all know what that means. Presents, food, family; and even if it’s not something you’re into, a very well-earned break from schoolwork (apart from maybe revision). Last year, unfortunately, that had to change. Plans, albeit slightly more modest ones, were scuppered in the blink of an eye; rising Covid hospitalisations had made them all but impossible. Instead, we had to resort to Zoom calls, way fewer roast potatoes, and Christmas puddings a fraction of the size. After Christmas was cancelled for the first time in over 100 years, this year, it just seems that extra bit special. It’ll be a relief for so many of us to get back to some sort of normal.

Will we ever get back to ‘normal’ though? Through the various crises of the pandemic, the world as we know it has changed forever–pardon the cliché. It made a lot of us realise how precarious our small businesses can be sometimes, and the need to protect them. Even if their products sometimes cost a little bit more, they're definitely worth the extra money!

Through the loneliness of lockdown, the importance of social interaction has also been highlighted, and how important it is for our mental health. If you think someone is going to be lonely at Christmas, invite them round! You never know how important playing cards round a table, or even just a little chat, could be for someone! However, the Covid pandemic, as well as missing Christmas last year, made me realise something. Life is short, and it can change at any moment. Cherish your time with your family and friends before you can’t anymore. Enjoy this Christmas more than ever, cause if we couldn’t celebrate Christmas properly last year, we’re certainly going to celebrate it twice as hard this year!

Why are there so many protests in Italy?

Why are there so many protests in Italy?

Although protests are primarily a political matter, they affect daily life here in Italy. I have been living in Padova, the North East of Italy, for just under 2 months, and already I have seen many protests. Firstly, the most prominent and recurring protest is against the Green Pass. The Green Pass is a certificate which says you either have been double vaccinated against Covid-19 or have tested negative for Covid-19 within 48 hours. It gives you valid entry into most social places, such as restaurants, museums, and clubs etc. Although 72.8% of Italian citizens have been fully vaccinated, there are still many protesting against this pass. The protests take place every Saturday in Padova city centre, normally starting at rush hour when the traffic is the most busy and ending late at night. I myself have been affected by these protests, once when I had to catch a train and I was caught between the protesters and the carabinieri (Italian police) and another time when I wanted to take the bus with my friends which never turned up because it was blocked by the protest. There is usually shouting, loud whistling, banging of drums, and speeches

being broadcasted onto a live television. No one wears a mask.

The second protest, which I attended, was because the Italian Government had rejected a bill which would protect the LGBTQIA+ community, women and people with disabilities against hate crime. There was lots of uproar about this, subsequently leading to a protest in one of the main squares in Padova. I saw people making passionate speeches, and there were many people crowding around, some holding placards. Everyone was wearing a mask, so it was a Covid safe and peaceful protest.

From my short time here in Italy, it is clear that Italians like to speak up for their rights and beliefs. If something matters to them, they are not going to be quiet about it. Maybe this is something the British can learn to do too.


Current affairs

Covid this winter season Covid this winter season

Covid-19 has definitely reshaped our world since its outbreak at the end of 2019 Ranging from the impact it has had on the economy, our way of life and global mental health, to the actual infections and the people we have lost to it: Covid’s impact is undeniable According to Google, we have lost more than 5 million people worldwide to the pandemic; 142,000 of whom are from the UK alone.

Consequently, 2020 proved to be a very challenging year for all sectors of society All kinds of activities that we would have once taken for granted suddenly had to come to a halt in order to stop the spread of the virus. This meant that schools, universities, work, travel and even holiday gatherings could not go on in the regular way that they always have

However, a year later, we find ourselves in a seemingly much safer and back-to-normal position. The progress made with vaccines has resulted in a fall in infection and death rates, which has encouraged a lifting of some of the Covid-19 restrictions, therefore allowing the majority of us to return to our regular in-person activities Currently around 68% of the UK is fully vaccinated, many of whom are even waiting to get their booster dose in order to be extra safe this wintersomething we should all be thinking about NHS campaigns are urging the public to get vaccinated at this time of year to avoid a rise in Covid cases around the country, as winter conditions make it the prime season for flu and coronaviruses to flourish It is especially important to get your booster dose if you were vaccinated early on in the year; this puts you at a disadvantage in the coming months as the effects of the Covid vaccination have been proven to wear off after a period of 5-6 months.

Therefore, it is clear we are not in the clear at all

There have already been some spikes around the country due to people’s complacency and lack of care with regard to infections Unfortunately, it appears that as people get more and more comfortable seeing the improvement in Covid statistics, their confidence translates into a less careful attitude. There are significantly fewer people wearing face-coverings in busy areas, there has been an increase in big gatherings and fewer precautions are being taken throughout According to Peter Openshaw (member of the NERVTAG) in an interview with Channel 4, the reasons stated above, such as the lack of precautions and the lifting of the mask-wearing rule among others, have contributed to the UK having one of the worst Covid infection and death rates in relation to other Western European countries He states that the UK may rank 7 times higher than them in infection rate, 6 times higher in hospital admissions and 3 times higher in death rate

While those ranks should indicate to us that there are improvements to pursue, they should also, along with the statistics that indicate the current rise in cases across the UK, act as a warning to all of us to be more careful and to all do our part to avoid the predicted consequences of a series of spikes at the least, and a national lockdown and/or return to Plan B (mandatory masks and remote working) at worst.

So, make sure to wear facial coverings in busy areas, get your vaccine, and follow NHS guidance so that we can be back to normal as soon as possible, and so that we can all have a nice and safe holiday season this winter!



Expecting the unexpected:

Expecting the unexpected:

French culture shocks when moving to France French culture shocks when moving to France

When moving abroad, you expect changes such as the different language or currency, but it might actually be the little changes that surprise you the most! Here are some French culture shocks you can prepare for to make your arrival in France that little bit easier.

1.Queueing 1.Queueing

I thought the UK was a nation of queueing. However, in France, they are everywhere! Nightclubs, shops, public name it, there’s a queue. Your patience will be tested!

2.Public transport

2.Public transport

Most French cities have hugely reliable bus and tram routes, and sometimes a metro too. Also, it won’t cost you an arm and a legstudent rates plus their reliability put the English transport system to shame.

3.Les grèves et les manifestations (strikes and 3.Les grèves et les manifestations (strikes and protests). protests).

Quite a typical French stereotype, given the history of revolution, but it’s definitely true that the French will stand up for their beliefs. The current common protest is against the ‘pass sanitaire’ (Covid pass), but they can arise from all areas of daily life.

4.Food shopping 4.Food shopping

Whilst a trip to Carrefour is great fun, especially when faced with all kinds of boxes of pastries, it’s not going to save you money. Being here definitely makes you miss the prices of Selly Aldi.

5.The autumnal weather 5.The autumnal weather

Looking out your bedroom window in the morning will have you fooled -the sun will make you think it is still summer, but beware, you’ll have to leave your house in 3 jumpers and a coat to deal with the 8-degree temperatures. However, by lunchtime you’ll be regretting your choices, as the gorgeous sunshine will have made the temperature creep up to 20 degrees.

These are just some of the things that might take you by surprise when you’re moving to France, but hopefully knowing about them will make the transition smoother, and you can enjoy all the perks and quirks French life has to offer.


From Birmingham, UK to Birmingham, Alabama From Birmingham, UK to Birmingham, Alabama

Having lived at Birmingham Southern College for a few months now, I can happily say that I’ve become fully accustomed to the ways of the Deep South. However, being 4168 miles from home does come with some pretty interesting cultural differences.

Southern Hospitality: is it real?

I made friends with a girl named Lydia on my orientation week, and days later I found myself at her family home, eating her “Mom’s” home-made brownies, watching the Lakers game with her dad, and petting her loveable one-eared dog, Dempsy. Southerners are always smiling, and making sure to wear your Sunday best for special occasions always goes a long way.

Fried green tomatoes and grits

Southern food, although not quite fish and chips, is undeniably tasty. However, there were some culinary differences that couldn’t be overlooked. I once found my roommate on the floor beside her mini fridge, eating whole pickles out of the jar. Since then, I’ve also eaten fried green tomatoes, okra, and the southern staple of grits. Grits are dried corn, cooked in various liquids until they reach a porridge-like consistency. Personally, I’d much rather attend an Alabama barbeque, but that’s just me.

Sorority life

When I first arrived in Alabama, the idea of joining a sorority hadn’t crossed my mind. However, I was persuaded to at least go through rush week and I’m now a proud member of Alpha Chi Omega. Whilst I’m still getting used to the mystagogues, chants, philanthropy events and chapter meetings, I’m so happy that I decided to be a part of an amazing group of women.

These are just a few cultural differences and whilst I’m yet to fall into the habit of saying “Hey y’all”, Alabama has continued to surprise me with its quirky Southern charm.


Food and drink- Food and drink- Christmas in the Philippines Christmas in the Philippines

Whilst some of us are still reminiscing on the fleeting moments of October, in the Philippines Christmas festivities are already fully underway. The arrival of the ‘ber’ months signify the beginning of the much-anticipated holiday season and this of course, means gorging on lots of delicious food. However, unsurprisingly, seasonal food in the Philippines takes on its own flare. It’s quite unconventional and different to the turkey, vegetables, and mash potatoes, most of us are accustomed to.

Here are some examples of typical seasonal, Filipino dishes:

Bibingka is perhaps a quintessential seasonal, street style dish and it is typically sold outside churches on the nine days leading up to Christmas which are spent devoted to attending mass services (Simbang gabi). Powdered galapong (glutinous rice), eggs, sugar, coconut milk, and margarine are combined to make the batter, which is then cooked in a clay pot over hot charcoal and served with a banana leaf. Topped off with salted duck egg, cheese, and shredded coconut the final product is a subtly sweet, yet salty dish with a light and fluffy spongey texture. Bibingka is often accompanied with Puto Bumbong, another dish sold by the stalls outside of churches. Much like Bibingka, it is made with a combination of glutinous rice combined with coconut milk and sugar which is then steamed in a bumbong (bamboo tube) and typically served hot. Whilst its characteristic purple hue should come from the glutinous rice, it is becoming increasingly common to use food colouring as a substitute. Added to it, are shavings of coconut, butter, and sugar for some sweetness.

or those who are opting for a healthier and ‘lighter’ alternative, Lumpiang ubod is a great option. This spring roll dish contains plenty of vegetables, coconut, shrimp, and pork drizzled with either a peanut butter or vinegary sauce to enhance the sweet-salty flavours. What’s great about this dish is that it offers versatility. The type of meat or vegetables can be easily altered to your liking, made entirely pescatarian, vegetarian or even vegan.

Hamón or Christmas ham is another staple dish making for the perfect dinner centrepiece. In the Philippines this meat is cured, smoked pork leg, which is accompanied by a fruity and tangy glaze - typically pineapple to give it a much needed sweet/smoky flavour.

Top this all off with Leche flan, a mouth-watering Christmas dessert with layers of rich, caramel sauce. While it’s not exclusively served on Christmas, leche flan is a staple for all upcoming holiday fiestas. Made from a mixture of sugar, egg yolks combined with both fresh and condensed milk, the flan is then steamed or baked, yet either way the end result is a smooth and creamy texture. A perfect finish to a Christmas meal.



48 hours in Lisbon 48 hours in Lisbon

When planning a city break within Europe, some of the more obvious destinations would be Rome or Paris. Lisbon seldom springs to mind, despite it being such a captivating city. I recently spent 48 hours there which is perfectly doable, especially if, unlike me, you don’t have a 20-hour total bus journey from Granada (but at least this was a good excuse to whip out my Christmas playlist).

My first impression upon arriving was that it felt like Barcelona, only without the hustle and bustle of so many people, as the streets were far from buzzing. During our first day, we did plenty of walking and discovered the centremost part of the city. In the evening, we visited Bairro Alto, which is one of the very few neighbourhoods that wasn’t damaged during the infamous Lisbon earthquake in 1755.

On our second day, we visited an area just 30 minutes from the centre named Sintra, where we saw some of the most beautiful castles, such as the Palacio da Pena. The hike up to the Palacio was breathtaking (quite literally), and it was so refreshing to have such a beautiful natural landscape so close to a capital city.


To finish off the day, we watched the sunset at Cabo da Roca, the westernmost point of Europe.

On our final day we went to Belem – a beautiful town known for its pastéis de nata (creamy custard enclosed in flaky pastry).

My favourite part of the whole trip, however, was the view from the statue of Cristo Rei where you could see the entire city of Lisbon just behind the great river and a very impressive bridge.

I was enchanted by Lisbon's familiarity; everywhere reminded me of other cities, and to me, that's what makes it so intriguing.

CabodeRoca, thewesternmostpointinEurope Theviewfromthe statueofCristoRei we visited Quinta da Regaleira, another palace with a magical Game of Thrones vibe! Theimpressiveparks ofQuintadaRegaleira

Birmingham Christmas Market Birmingham Christmas Market

The last time I went to a Christmas Market was in Berlin, on a school trip. It was late November and I remember feeling enchanted by the atmosphere; it truly was buzzing. There were more doughnuts and crepes than I could imagine! Fortunately, even though I was in the UK, the West Midlands did not disappoint.

I travelled from University Station to Birmingham New Street. I swear, each time I go from Uni to New Street, the journey gets shorter! Aside from navigating New Street—a task in itself— the journey was good. Given that t was my first visit to the Christmas Market, I was mesmerised by the expanse and number of stalls.

Given that it was my first visit to the Christmas Market, I was mesmerised by the expanse and number of stalls. I’d actually walked past the market that same week, but never realized how far it stretched on.

I had enjoyed a healthy breakfast bar in the morning, so I was in the mood for a crepe. I chose Nutella and banana which, despite the common disgust, was a great flavour combination! It was genuinely delicious and kudos to the stall for having wooden forks. My friends actually went for a Bailey’s hot chocolate. It was in a beautiful mug and it was absolutely delicious. It was only a taster though...and the mug had to be returned. ☹ All in all, a really great trip, although nothing beats the Christmas market in Berlin!

"To sum up, the Birmingham Christmas market was incredible."
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