Apprendre l’art de la cuisine


NHS Strikeswho is on strike, and why?
A Year Abroad
Survival Kit for Second Years
The Truth about your Favourite
Gleiche Blumen, anderes Land

Apprendre l’art de la cuisine
NHS Strikeswho is on strike, and why?
A Year Abroad
Survival Kit for Second Years
The Truth about your Favourite
Gleiche Blumen, anderes Land
Chair: Emily Mercer
Secretary: Lucy Rowen
Treasurer: Isabella Iacono
Publicity Officer: Caitlin Gaul
Creative Designer: Lucy
Emma Megan Crossley
Charlotte Maxwell
Editor TEAM:
Travel: Caitlin Gaul
Life & Style: Jess Haines
Culture: Emma Gardner
Current Affairs: Katy Doolan
4 French Section: Apprendre l’art de la cuisine française by James Dooley
5-6 German Section: Gleiche Blumen, anderes Land by Hanna Pearcey; Rechtsextremismus lebt und bebt in Deutschland by Robbie Sweeten
7 Spanish Section: Por qué Málaga debería ser su próximo viaje en invierno by Lucy Rowen
8 Italian Section: Le tradizioni pasquali più strane in Italia by Robbie Sweeten; Matera, un luogo sconosciuto ma pieno di bellezza by Matthew Cassidy
9 Portuguese Section: Um Carnaval alternativo no Brasil by Daniel Fish
10 Catalan Section: Espanya vs Catalunya, en què es diferencien? by Sophie Isbell
11 Mandarin Section: 兔年吉祥!by Amani Kouassi
Catalan: Sophie Isbell
French: Megan Goddard
German: Tori Jackson
Italian: Emily Mercer
Mandarin: Grace Macleod
Portuguese: Dan Fish
Russian: Sophie Mash
Spanish: Lucy Rowen
12 Russian Section: Топ-5 странных
блюд by Niraalee Patel
13 Life & Style Section: A Year Abroad Survival Kit for Second Years by Freya Richold
14 Current Affairs Section: NHS Strikes - who is on strike, and why? by Katy Doolan
15 Culture Section: A guide to post-Year Abroad blues by Matthew Cassidy
16-17 Food & Drink Section: The Truth about your Favourite Pasta by Megan Goddard; A taste of Stockholm by Emily Mercer
18 Travel Section: 48 Hours in Munich: A Travel Guide by Caitlin Gaul
19 Quiz - Where should you go this Spring?
TheUoBLinguistMagazineisgoingonline!Youcanfindall ourpastissuesonIssuu,aswellasexcitingnewinteractive contentonoursocialmediachannels Whynotgetinvolved andgoglobal?
Welcome to Issue 46!
Our Spring edition welcomes you to a new season of lighter and brighter days which I am sure many of us are looking forward to, despite being faced with another spell of exams and deadlines Nevertheless, I hope this edition can lift your spirits and perhaps inspire you to take a weekend city trip away or learn a new language!
Travel enthusiasts Munich or Matera after reading abo the Easter holidays are approaching, ost peculiar Easter traditions in Italy students Find out about Brazil’s hyb of carnivals in the Portuguese sectio eir Mandarin skills, why not take a loo ring Festival that is celebrated in Chin
I would like to con , and proofreaders for working so ha and continuing to inspire future writers and travel bloggers Of course, thank you to our members and readers for keeping the magazine alive! I would also like to remind our members that the Linguist welcomes all languages, not only the ones that regularly feature in our magazine. We love to showcase less wellknown languages from all around the world, so please get in touch with us if this is something that interests you!
I hope everyone has a relaxing Spring break and manages to rest before the exam season commences Happy holidays!
La plupart des gens faisaient du pain pendant le confinement, mais pas moi ; je suis diffèrent. Je regardais le film Julie et Julia avec Meryl Streep dans le rôle de Julia Child et je suis tombé amoureux immédiatement avec de la cuisine française. Après avoir regardé le film, j'ai acheté son livre, 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking: Volume 1.' Ce livre était idéal pour moi parce que c'est très facile pour les anglophones pour de le comprendre. Avec des instructions détaillées incroyablement, c'était l’endroit parfait pour commencer. Le premier plat que j'ai fait était une Vichyssoise
Assurez-vous qu'il ne reste pas de morceaux de légumes. Incorporer le beurre et la crème et c'est aussi simple que ça Un Potage Parmentier est parfait parce que vous pouvez ajouter ou enlever des ingrédients en fonction de vos recettes et de vos goûts. Par exemple, vous pouvez ajouter du cresson ou des échalotes ou à peu près tout ce que vous voulez. La raison pour laquelle la cuisine française m'attire est la fierté de la présentation et les saveurs simples créent une riche histoire culinaire C’est la création de la haute cuisine qui fait de la cuisine française la meilleure au monde La haute cuisine, c'est plus que manger de la nourriture ordinaire, c'est aussi à propos du raffinement expérience et un certain je ne sais quoi La chose la plus difficile que j'ai faite, de loin, est un soufflé. Une fois de plus, Julia Child vient à la rescousse L’erreur la plus courante lors de la préparation de soufflés est que les gens ne battent pas assez les blancs d’œufs ou sont trop brusque lorsqu’ils les incorporent dans la sauce La meilleure chose à faire est d’être aussi doux que possible.
La première chose que vous faites est de trancher les poireaux et les pommes de terre Ensuite, il faut mijoter les légumes pour pendant 40 à 50 minutes, Apres 50 minutes, simplement mélanger les légumes avec un mixeur
BY James DooleyC'est un potage facile à faire, avec des pommes de terre, poireaux, du la beurre et de la crème.Filet de Poisson Poché à la Bretonne @jamesdooley @jamesdooley
Jedes Jahr strömen Massen von Menschen auf die Straßen von Bonn, um die berühmten japanischen Kirschblütenbäume zu bewundern Wunderschöne rosa Bäume säumen die Straßen und sie gestalten die einst graue und heruntergekommene Altstadt um. Für einen kurzen Zeitraum von nur zwei Wochen wird die Stadt eine Sensation in den sozialen Medien –das Hashtag #cherryblossombonn hat 2 385 Beiträge Ursprünglich sollten die Bäume nicht der Schwerpunkt der Renovierung in den späten 80en der Altstadt sein Sie wurden einfach als ein Farbtupfer eingeführt aber übertreffen jetzt alle Erwartungen
Kirschblütenbäume sind ein wichtiges Symbol in der japanischen Kultur Sie stehen für Schönheit und Neubeginn – passend, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Bäume in einer Zeit des Wandels in der Stadt gepflanzt wurden. Während der Saison dieser Bäume in Japan, feiern viele Leute das
sogenannte Hanami Fest mit Picknicks, Getränken und Grillpartys unter den Bäumen. Schulen und Büros haben auch Partys und sie sind die perfekte Chance, neue Freunde kennenzulernen und Verbindungen mit Ihren Kollegen zu schaffen. Auch in der Nacht werden die Bäume beleuchtet und Aussichtspunkte sind mit Menschen erfüllt.
Hanami bei Nacht heißt Yozakura und ist besonders beliebt bei Paaren wegen der romantischen Atmosphäre Die Bäume sollten die Altstadt zu einem schöneren Wohngebiet machen, jedoch ist nicht jeder ein Fan Während der zwei Wochen sind die Straßen unglaublich überfüllt und oft sind die Menschenmengen unordentlich und laut. Es gab Beschwerden über Menschen, die im Freien und an Gebäudeeingängen auf die Toilette gehen, weil es keine Toiletten gibt Für die Bewohner wird das Gebiet ein schwieriger Ort zum Leben, aber die Stadt Bonn hofft, einige dieser Probleme lösen zu können, zum Beispiel durch die Einrichtung von mehr öffentlichen Toiletten
Es kann nicht geleugnet werden, dass die Bäume ein wahres Wunder sind Obwohl nur kurzzeitig, bringen sie Leben in die Straßen von Bonn und machen die japanische Kultur einem neuen Publikum zugänglich.
by Hanna PearceyAm 7 Dezember fand die größte Anti-TerrorRazzia der Bundesrepublik Deutschland statt. „Die Reichsbürger“ hatten alles akribisch geplant, der Kopf der terroristischen
Vereinigung sollte Heinrich der 13 Prinz Reuß sein. Am Ende wurde Heinrich gleichzeitig mit weiteren 24 Verdächtigen festgenommen
Das heißt aber keinesfalls, dass die Reichsbürger sowie die Rechtsextremisten keine Gefahr darstellen
Es gab in den letzten Jahren in Deutschland eine Gewaltbereitschaft von rechtsorientierten Menschen, aber diese jüngsten Angriffe auf die deutsche Demokratie stellen jetzt eine höhere Gefahr dar.
Unter vielen Beispielen möchte ich den Fall von Henriette Reker erwähnen. Die stellvertretende Bürgermeisterin in Köln wurde kurz vor den OBWahlen im Jahr 2015 in der Öffentlichkeit in den Nacken gestochen Sie kümmerte sich um die Unterkünfte für Migranten in der Stadt und nahm seit langem eine pro-Immigration Stellung
Aber Schlimmeres gab es seitdem, nämlich im Februar 2020 Ein rechtsextremistischer Schütze ist nachts in zwei Shisa-Bars in Hanau bei Frankfurt gelaufen und tötete 11 Menschen Er ist danach zu seiner Wohnung gegangen, hat seine Mutter erschossen und sich umgebracht Diese Ereignisse zeigen, dass „normale“ rechtsorientierte Bürger schon den Auftrag aufgenommen haben, linksorientierte Politiker zu töten und die Demokratie zu beschädigen Es ist aber wichtig zu beachten, dass die Reichsbürger aus Richterin, Polizisten und ehemaligen Mitgliedern des Militärs sowie Waffenverkäufern bestehen Obwohl „normale“ Bürger schon linksorientierte Politiker angegriffen, erstochen und getötet haben, stellen sie sich jetzt zusammen, um die ganze demokratische Infrastruktur zu zerreißen.
Das heißt daher, trotz des Scheiterns des Putsches im vergangenen Monat wird es bestimmt rechtsorientierten Menschen die Hoffnung geben, dass sie direkt bei der Zerstörung der Demokratie mitmachen können. Ähnlich zur Situation in den USA, erfährt Deutschland gerade eine vorherrschende Gefahr von Rechtsterrorismus
by Robbie SweetenNormalmente, relacionamos el sur de España con el verano; el calor, las playas y las vacaciones Pero, mis amigos y yo decidimos ir a Málaga un fin de semana en enero, después de nuestros exámenes, y ahora diría que es el lugar perfecto para un viaje en invierno o en primavera Estas son mis cuatro razones por las que debería visitar Málaga en el invierno o primavera:
Las playas y el tiempo: Aunque no es verano, es seguro que esta ciudad mediterránea hará mucho más calor que Inglaterra Cuando llegamos, la temperatura era 19 grados, ¡20 grados más caliente que Birmingham esa mañana! Ir a la playa en enero fue una experiencia fabulosa y obtuvimos alguna vitamina D necesaria, después de nuestros exámenes Sin embargo, pensábamos que el agua estaba demasiado fría para nadar
La comida: Decidimos probar la comida tradicional y malagueña, y comimos en tres restaurantes increíbles: Casa Lola, El Chinitas, y La Tranca Casa Lola es el restaurante de tapas más famoso en Málaga, con colas largas todos los días, y después de probar la comida, comprendimos la razón por qué Hay platos tradicionales y nuevos, que son muy sabrosos (tiene que probar los tomates). La carta estaba solamente en español; ¡entonces es una buena oportunidad de practicar su español también! El Chinitas era muy tradicional y la paella estaba increíble, su interior me recordó a una taberna clásica española.
Y, la Tranca, un pequeño restaurante de tapas que está siempre lleno, pero muy barato y perfecto para un almuerzo. No sabíamos si tendríamos tiempo para visitar, pero decidimos comer allí justo antes de partir al aeropuerto, y me alegra que lo hiciéramos
La cultura: Hay muchos lugares para visitar, especialmente si está interesado en la historia La entrada a la Alcazaba, un palacio fortificado de la época islámica, es gratuita los domingos después de las dos, y se puede escuchar la audioguía fascinante para ayudarle a aprender sobre la historia de este monumento maravilloso También está el Castillo de Gibralfaro, que está situado arriba de toda la ciudad Si la historia no es de su interés, la subida todavía vale la pena para ver las vistas increíbles de la ciudad
La vida nocturna: Dado que somos estudiantes que les encantan una velada y algunos chupitos, Málaga fue perfecta Hay muchos bares baratos, y discotecas en las que se puede bailar toda la noche Nuestro favorito fue Sala Gold, porque hay una mezcla perfecta de música, había algunas canciones españolas, francesas y aún británicas Es probable que en nuestro viaje bebiera más sangría y tinto de verano que agua Y, tiene que ir a la Terraza de la Alcazaba, que es un bar con vistas del monumento, además de cócteles deliciosos. Bebimos copas de cava mientras veíamos la puesta de sol.
Un viaje a Málaga definitivamente mejoró mi enero. Es una de las ciudades más bonitas que he visitado, y la recomiendo mucho. ¡Debe considerar un viaje a Málaga fuera del verano!
Mentre ci avviciniamo al periodo di Pasqua, ho pensato che potesse essere interessante osservare le tradizioni pasquali più particolari in Italia. La Pasqua è celebrata in tutto il mondo cristiano, ma per chi resta in Italia, tra le tante tradizioni della festa, ci sono molte opzioni da scegliere, cominciando con le rappresentazioni in costume che si possono guardare in ogni borgo del “Belpaese”.
Tra le più conosciute c’è la processione Trapani che si trova in Sicilia. Venti gruppi statuari, che rappresentano la passione e vengono portati in processione del Venerdì Santo per quasi 24 lunga un chilometro. La sfilata persone e numerose bande musicali cioè una struttura con dei basamenti sono collegate le statue che ripercorro della passione di Cristo. Per 20 ore, i portatori chiamati “massari” portano monumenti.
Non è difficile incontrare dei tra i turisti. Cinque Terre, Vene a, a o, o a. a perché? Ci sono varie ragioni: i suoi paesaggi, la sua storia, la sua unicità, che le fanno ricevere qualche milione di turisti dall’estero e dall’Italia stessa ogni anno
In base alla mia esperienza, Venezia non è così bella come appare nelle foto Ci sono tante persone nelle strade È certo, tanti residenti veneziani ne approfittano, vendendo prodotti ‘autentici’ a un costo elevato. Però, ci sono dei luoghi in Italia che valgano la pena di essere visitati e non sono inondati di turisti Ti presento Matera Situata nelle montagne della Basilicata, vicino alla Puglia, è una località ricca di storia, con strade pittoresche e viste bellissime C’è anche un’ottima cucina locale da provare, come il pane tradizionale, pane di Matera, e il pezzente della montagna, un salume tradizionale mescolato con sale e peperoncino.
Una grande partecipazione popolare caratterizza anche le celebrazioni in provincia di Bari, a Ruvo, durante le quali avviene lo scoppio della Quarantana: un fantoccio che ha le sembianze di una vecchia signora vestita di nero, la cui esplosione segna la vittoria della vita sulla morte. Per quanto riguarda il cibo tipico pasquale, in Italia ci sono diverse tradizioni, ma vorrei concentrarmi solo sulle pietanze più popolari.
Generalmente in Italia le tradizioni culinarie comprendono:
L’uovo, sodo o di cioccolata, rappresenta la speranza e la vita che si rinnova ed è auspicio di fecondità, (solitamente si regala ai bambini il giorno di Pasqua)
L’agnello simboleggia la purezza e la redenzione nella Resurrezione (e molto spesso si può trovare nelle tavole degli italiani durante il loro pranzo pasquale)
Il pane, invece, è il simbolo della Provvidenza La Colomba Pasquale, infine, (un dolce che non può mancare durante le feste pasquali) è un delizioso impasto zuccherato che chiude in genere il pranzo di Pasqua, e rappresenta un forte valore simbolico di pace, rinascita e amore.
by robbie sweetenPerò l’attrazione principale di questo piccolo paese sono le case incastonate nelle caverne! Non era facile abitare nelle montagne, perciò i residenti dovevano adattarsi Chiamati i ‘Sassi,’ questi edifici, hanno 9000 anni di insediamento! Benché non ci siano molte persone che abitano nei Sassi adesso, a causa di un’evacuazione provocata per un’epidemia di malaria negli anni 50, adesso ci sono alcuni musei dove si può scoprire la lunga storia della regione e i dei suoi abitanti Qualche casa è stata adattata per i turisti, e perciò, si può anche rimanere lì per la notte Ma come si può arrivare a Matera? Ci sono voli diretti da Londra a Brindisi, e dopo un pulmino che, in meno di due ore, ti porta a destinazione. Senza dubbio vale la pena dare un’occhiata!
Quando estrangeiros pensam em Carnaval, é provável que a primeira coisa que vem em suas cabeças é o Rio de Janeiro. Por que não? Sem dúvidas, o Carnaval do Rio é o mais famoso, mas seria ele o melhor também? Teria ele o maior número de pessoas, atmosfera mais emocionante, as festas mais locas e divertidas?
Primeiramente que é o Carnaval?
O Carnaval originou-se na Itália pra celebrar o começo da quaresma Espalhou-se ao mundo cristão, incluindo o Brasil. O Carnaval do Brasil é especial porque se integra com o samba, e movimentos e costumas africanas dos escravos ícones da história do país. É famoso mundialmente como uma festa gigante com muito exotismo e excentricidade, especialmente nas fantasias Há dançarinos nas ruas em todo o país. Que massa! O Carnaval mais famoso do mundo é visto como o do Rio de Janeiro
Na verdade, existe um outro Carnaval no Brasil com o mesmo nível da energia no coração do afro-brasil: o Carnaval de Salvador Salvador fica no nordeste do país e é a quarta cidade mais populosa no Brasil A música axé do estado da Bahia, onde fica a cidade de Salvador, está no centro deste Carnaval. Por isso, o Carnaval de Salvador tem um ritmo forte com influência do patrimônio africano do país. É uma atmosfera única que rivaliza o Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro, um que é discutível que seja mais famosa fora do Brasil
Tudo legal? Discutimos as razões por que este Carnaval é tão fantástico.
O Carnaval de Salvador é famoso pelos grandes trios elétricos, carros alegóricos com muita música e dança. Pode encontrar estes trios elétricos nas ruas no centro de cidade e permitem que o público se envolva no evento. No Carnaval de Rio de Janeiro, a agitação ocorre num lugar específico (o sambódromo) e o público é apenas espectador. Contudo, em Salvador, todas as pessoas fazem parte da parada, dançando ao ritmo forte.
Pensando sobre o patrimônio africano do Carnaval principal da Bahia, há afoxés- grupos que originaram com algumas influências desde a religião de Candomblé no estado. Estes afoxés incluem os filhos de Gandhi, o grupo mais conhecido.
Concluindo, o Carnaval de Salvador na Bahia no Brasil é um evento com uma atmosfera única, a música, e a dança tão fantástica como o Carnaval mais conhecido no Rio de Janeiro. Este é uma festa de muita importância para cultura brasileira nesta estação. Espero que vocês tenham a oportunidade de ir no futuro!
by Dan FishFa poc em vaig traslladar a Barcelona com a part del meu any a l'estranger Com estudiant espanyol i català, era conscient de les diferències lingüístiques entre Catalunya i altres autonomies espanyoles, però també em van sorprendre algunes coses
Tot i que la cultura catalana comparteix moltes similituds amb l'espanyola, també té característiques pròpies que la diferencien
Aquestes són algunes de les diferències entre la cultura catalana i l'espanyola:
La llengua:
El català és una llengua diferent que es parla a Catalunya i té les pròpies regles lingüístiques i de pronunciació. Tot i que el castellà es parla molt a Catalunya, molts catalans prefereixen utilitzar la llengua pròpia
Catalunya té el seu propi calendari de festes i celebracions tradicionals, com ara la Mercè, una festa a Barcelona que celebra el patró de la ciutat, i Sant Joan, una festa del solstici d'estiu
Catalunya té un estil arquitectònic propi, influït pel moviment modernista de finals del segle XIX i principis del XX. Antoni Gaudí és un dels arquitectes més famosos associats a aquest estil, i les seves obres, com ara la Sagrada Família i el Park Güell, són un tret definitori de Barcelona
En general, tot i que Catalunya forma part d'Espanya, la seva identitat cultural és única i orgullosa, i la seva gent en valora el patrimoni i les tradicions
Catalunya té una història llarga i rica, que inclou períodes d'independència i autogovern, cosa que ha conformat una identitat cultural única i separada de la resta d'Espanya.
La cuina catalana té els seus propis plats i ingredients tradicionals, com ara el pa amb tomàquet (pa amb tomàquet), l'Escalivada (verdures a la brasa) i la Crema Catalana (un tipus de postres)
by Sophie Isbell天 也 会 有 很 多 有 俗 。 ⽐ 如 每 个 农
征 性 的 动 物 , 称 ⼗ ⼆ 个 ⽣ 肖 。 今 在 庆 祝 春 节 的 国 放 装 饰 都 会 包 括
画 的 物 品 东 西 。
兔 ⼦ 的 春 联 和 剪
纸 贴 在 们 和 窗 ⼾ 上 。 这 些 都 有 祝
福 和 希 望 新 年 会 带 来 很 多 好 的 事
情 事 请 的 意 义 。
因 此 , 春 节 不 只 是 个 庆 典 的
节 ⽇ ⽽ 是 个 亲 ⼈ 共
by AMANI KOUASSIновые блюда - всегда интересный
опыт, и это отличный способ узнать о разных культурах Русская кухня не является исключением, ведь она очень вкусная и душевная. Однако для нас, иностранцев, некоторые блюда могут казаться немного странными
Селёдка под шубой
Название этого блюда часто ставит иностранцев в тупик Конечно, это всего лишь метафора, но сочетание вареных овощей, большого количества майонеза и
слабосолёную селёдки может казаться непривлекательным и, честно говоря, немного странным. Однако следует признать, что разноцветные слои создают, пожалуй, один из самых красивых салатов в русской
Холодец - наверное, самое странное блюдо, шокирующее иностранцев Хотя это желе из копыт, хрящей, хвостов и ушей часто наводит ужас на иностранцев, некоторые русские считают его не только вкусным, но и весёлым Честно говоря, я не пробовала это блюдо, когда жила в России, но оно очень традиционное, и, если вы чувствуете себя смелым, я определённо рекомендую его попробовать!
Пожалуй, одним из
самых известных
русских блюд, удивляющих
иностранцев, является
«борщ» Родом из
Украины, на первый
взгляд, концепция
борща не кажется такой
странной это просто
суп из свёклы и
капусты Но его
шокирующий ярко-
красный цвет вызывает
бурю эмоций и реакций
у иностранцев. Однако
на самом деле в этом
супе очень много вкуса
от разнообразных
овощей и, конечно же, укропа
Шоколадная колбаса
Что касается сладкого, то очень популярным русским десертом является классическая шоколадная колбаса. Название этого блюда также вызывает недоумение у иностранцев, но, честно говоря, оно подходит к его внешности. Конечно же, в этом десерте нет мяса, это сочетание шоколада, печенья и орехов, которому придают форму колбасы Этот десерт похож на «рокки роуд» и очень вкусный - рекомендую всем!
Птичье Молоко
Несмотря на своё странное название, «Птичье Молоко» является невероятно популярным десертом в России и бывает в форме большого торта или маленьких конфет, которые удивительно приятны на вкус Этот десерт идеально для всех сладкоежек!
by Niraalee PatelUnless you are fortunate enough to hold a European passport, the first (quite arduous) step of the predeparture process is to obtain a visa The process varies widely depending on which country you are going to, and whether you will be working or studying
For countries such as France, Spain, and Italy, it is a rigorous process, so I suggest you start early! Getting an appointment at the consulate can take weeks, so start emailing them as soon as you can (around June/July) to book an appointment It is vital that you thoroughly read their instructions to make sure you know which documents you need to bring to the appointment
Another word of advice is that it helps to be in the social loop before you start your year abroad Many universities have Erasmus societies that you can join, and Facebook and WhatsApp groups mean you can test the waters before you go, finding friends or accommodation via these groups before you even arrive in your host country
For the majority of people, you will have to find accommodation yourself, however some universities or workplaces may offer it. Many people wait until they are abroad to look for accommodation and stay in hostels or hotels until they have found somewhere suitable However, others prefer to know where they will be staying before they leave, and nowadays it is easy to find accommodation online. Just be wary of scams!
Finally, make sure you are fully prepared before leaving Book your flights, organise transport to and from the airport, and make sure you know what to do on the other side
If you are going for one semester, you might get away with travelling with just one 20kg bag, however many people prefer to take two, especially if they are in one place for the whole year
Preparing for the year abroad is a hassle, and can be very daunting, but after a few weeks of settling in it is easy to forget the previous stress, and most people end up having the time of their lives! Of course, it is natural to be worried, so here are a few tips on how to make the most of your stay First, make lots of friends Anything is scary until you have friends to share the experience with, and luckily Erasmus students are the most outgoing and sociable people you will meet. In a similar way to freshers, it is important to chat to your flatmates and go to the welcome events Usually, there is a big Erasmus event before term begins, which is the ideal time to meet people
As well as meeting fellow Erasmus students, the main reason why you are abroad is to learn the language, so making friends with locals is
one of the best ways to practise Wheth classmates or work colleagues, building a people you are going to spend every day with will be a big help. If you speak more than one language, make sure to practise them with friends, or by watching TV from that country - you’ll thank yourself for it when you move on to your next country!
Language-learning isn’t the only element of the year abroad – this year will be one of the best opportunities to travel in your life The Erasmus society of your city will organise trips around the country most weekends, and, (depending on where you are) most of Europe has cheap and reliable public transport, meaning you can plan your own trips too Make the most of being in a different part of the world by exploring! Also, make sure to take lots of photos, make a video log, or keep a journal of your year abroad Your time there will go quickly, and when you’re back in Birmingham for final year you will be glad to have something to look back on
by Freya RicholdOverworked and underpaid, thousands of NHS staff have decided to take action against the unfair working conditions and walk out in protest. The strikes began on 15 December, after ministers refused to negotiate salaries having claimed they were unaffordable
It is no news that the NHS is overwhelmed, and staff have been first-hand witnesses to the lack of support offered by the government to cope with the backlog Currently they are seeing a severely low staffing level, caused by a lack of staff retention Addressing this, however, would require pay to be discussed, which the government refuses
It can be difficult to imagine the dire state of the working conditions without being there yourself Many staff work unpaid overtime and through their lunch breaks, feeling crushed by the burden of responsibility they have over their patients Unsurprisingly, staff may find themselves quitting due to the government’s inability to take accountability for their decisions - decisions that have led to this ongoing crisis
A survey published by the GMB union revealed that a third of ambulance staff reported to have been involved in a delay that resulted in a patient’s death The NHS workers are striking because they want a better health service for us, and we should fight with them
For more than a decade, the NHS has been criminally underfunded under government leadership, and the effects will be felt far into the future. Like many other people in the country, NHS workers have been hit by the cost of living crisis and unions are asking for a 19% pay rise.
So, what can we do about the strikes? Though it is easy to feel frustrated at the delays in waiting times for appointments and ambulances, it is important to direct our anger towards the people responsible for causing these problems.
The staff are on strike because they are as equally fed up with the poor management of the country’s health services as we are. We ought to show our support by championing the strikes and demanding that the government give NHS staff fairer pay and workable conditions - in other words, ones that do not result in workers feeling exhausted everyday because they had to miss their lunch.
Source: PA Media by Katy DoolanYes, it’s been at least 4 months since us final years have been back in the UK, but the nostalgia still holds firm Be it the Aperol spritz in Italy, the plazas in Spain, the Christmas markets in Germany or maybe the konbinis, if you went as far as Japan, as I was lucky enough to There’s always an itch to get back travelling again, and while watching the online travels of others on social media may partially fill the void, the wanderlust of the travel bug is one that can be difficult to suppress. Here are a few tips that have helped me bridge the gap between year abroad and the next adventure, whenever that may be, and will hopefully help all of you too!
Visit your local area into as if you were a tourist:
Well, a visit to Selly Park was certainly not what I had in mind, but if you visit some of Birmingham’s more unknown areas, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised. The graffiti and quirky shops of the Custard Factory in Digbeth, the bright lights and canals of Gas Street Basin, and the British capital of curry in the Balti Triangle Or maybe you can think further afield, to the historically rich castle of Warwick, or the literary capital of Stratford-Upon Avon, not only hometown to England’s literary genius, William Shakespeare, but also Britain’s largest butterfly farm While they may not be the cliffs of Cinque-Terre, the sublime architecture at the Alhambra, nor the colourful beauty of St-Basil’s cathedral, exploring is always great fun, and it helps you get to know your local area from a different perspective!
Meet up with friends who were on your year abroad with you:
Sometimes what one misses about Year Abroad isn’t just the place itself, but the people you spent it with The banter, the bailing each other out for the homework, and of course the language learning memes! If you have a few friends from unis nearby, then it’s 100% worth messaging to organise for a meetup! They’re likely in the same boat as you are, and therefore jumping at the chance to say hi. It’s a great way to keep in contact, and definitely helps to keep the spirit of year abroad alive You can always combine it with the previous tip, and travel around them, to really bring back the memories you had together, and to create new ones too!
Try and join groups from UoB that have international and exchange students: One thing I always appreciated about being abroad was the cultural and linguistic diversity that I found abroad, and was disappointed initially at not finding it on first glance However, one often forgets that there are plenty of international and exchange students from all backgrounds who come to the UK! One example is that of the Languages Café, specifically the one hosted by the International Officer, Alice Liu Upon my recent venture there, I was lucky enough to find people from all over; Ecuador, Spain, and China, to name but a few! Many of the country-specific societies also welcome international students Italians will obviously be found in number at the Italian society, where there is lots of experience sharing and language practising to be had, from personal experience!
I hope these tips proved useful to you and that if anything, you’ll be able to get back abroad when the money allows you to! After all, for better or for worse, the best way to deal with year-abroad syndrome, is to go back abroad.
“You live in Bologna? That’s where Spaghetti Bolognese comes from, right?” were the words from many of my friends and family members upon announcing the destination of my year abroad A comfort food somewhat reminiscent of cold winter evenings after school, it cannot be denied that Spaghetti Bolognese has a fond place in the hearts of many Brits, even being noted as the second most popular household meal for British families However, since moving to Italy in September, I have discovered that my beloved dish is nowhere to be found here
Bologna lies in the heart of Emilia-Romagna, a region best known amongst Italians as the hub of gastronomy. Bologna is the home of delicious platters of cured meats and soft cheeses, as well as mouth-watering risotto and stew dishes, and the incredible €2 Aperol Spritz from Piazza Verde But arguably, Bologna is most well-known for its tagliatelle al ragù alla Bolognese, otherwise known as the Italian version of Spaghetti Bolognesenothing like our cherished dinner The origins of Spaghetti Bolognese are widely disputed by culinary historians, with many suggesting that it was invented in New York City after the mass immigration of Italians there, blending the traditional ragù with tomatoes and red wine to create an American-Italian fusion dish
However, the original recorded recipe of any variation of Bolognese sauce is thought to be from the 1891 cooking manual ‘La scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiar bene’, or ‘Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well’ by businessman and author, Pellegrino Artusi, who is believed to have spent a large amount of time in Bologna in the 19th century. Artusi composed a recipe for maccheroni (historical generic term for pasta) alla bolognese, a sauce very similar to the traditional ragù alla bolognese of today. Artusi’s recipe called for veal instead of beef mince and pancetta, butter, onion, carrot, and celery. The interesting difference between his sauce and the one that we know and love, is the lack of tomatoes, not to be found anywhere in Artusi’s recipe, or often in modern recipes. And while you might imagine that the Italians are fond of their herbs, ragù simply requires a small amount of salt and pepper with nothing more to season it, as it is believed that the flavours of its components are more than enough to satisfy the consumer. It also remains that many Italians continue to add whole milk or cream at the end of the recipe, very different from the squirt of tomato ketchup, or healthy glug of Worcestershire sauce that you may see used in Spaghetti Bolognese in Britain. While I doubt that I will entirely change my recipe of Spaghetti Bolognese, I have since decided that the Italians do it best. I implore you to visit the beautiful city of Bologna to try their staple dish - the wonderful tagliatelle al ragù alla Bolognese.
Many fans of IKEA will be familiar with one Swedish dish: meatballs (köttbullar in Swedish). I knew that when I visited my friend in Stockholm this winter, they were something I had to try. However, during the four days I spent there, I realised that Swedish cuisine is so much more than meatballs, and is in fact very diverse from southern European countries owing to its cold climate.
Scandinavian temperatures January, with temperatures the first morning, my friend Swedish waffles (våfflor), waffles, are thinner and pancakes. The waffles were into tiny hearts and topped and a homemade strawberry and filling breakfast to set us sight-seeing ahead.
As we were walking around Stockholm’s city centre in search of lunch, we came across a restaurant that served an authentic Swedish dish: falukorv, a type of Swedish sausage usually served with potatoes, fried eggs, and beetroot. After tucking into this hearty meal, I felt like I had been wrapped in a warm and cosy blanket. Like so many of Sweden’s dishes during the a simple but substantial
As night-time approached, a bar, hoping that some alcohol would warm up our spirits. However, this was not just any bar, this world’s first bar made of Everything, including carved out of ice. With a temperature of -7°C, we
fitted with a furry hood and gloves.
I would recommend the Ice Bar to anyone looking for an adventurous and unique Scandinavian experience, but definitely bring lots of layers!
During my semester abroad in Germany, I was lucky enough to visit Munich three times. I have compiled some of my favourite spots so if you get the chance to visit this gem of a city, your trip can be jam-packed full of some of the best things it has to offer!
Munich has a very efficient U-Bahn (metro) system: an 8€ day ticket allows you access to almost all UBahn and tram lines The city bikes are a great alternative for only 8 cents a minute (capped at 15€ per day).
Located less than a five-min train station and only a Rathaus (town-hall), this c perfect base for a few days. facilities, plenty of enterta atmosphere, I can highly reco 40-50€ pp/pn for a bed in a d Sight
The Englisher Garten is a over 900 acres (more th recommend heading for Mo pavilion atop a small hill wh view of the park and some then wandering along the r Here you can see one of the gushing, continuous wave fr on and off, whatever the weather
Head back into the centre and marvel at impressive townhall and Peters
You can ascend the 300 step with a 3€ student ticket, and be
stunning, 360-degree view of the city Just a five-minute walk away you’ll find more of Munich’s most iconic buildings in Odeonsplatz, including the impressive Theatiner Kirche and the Munich Residenz Housing 130 luxurious rooms of baroque and rococo-style, the Munich Residenz is a former palace of various
royal families in Germany and takes about two hours to wander round Whether you are a sports fan or not, the Allianz Arena is also worth a visit Take the UBahn to Fröttmaning and, with a 17€ student ticket, you can enjoy entry to the Bayern München FC Museum followed by a guided tour of this impressive s press conference room, the & Drink its beer halls, and the nowned With over 600 seats, r, and a live-band playing ultural dining experience is uthentic menu items include el, Kartoffelknödel (a potato t, Kaiserschmarrn, a fluffy,
'scrambled’ pancake soaked in rum, served with jam, and topped with lots of icing sugar It must be noted, though, that traditional Bavarian food can be quite heavy, and a lot of beer halls do not tend to offer many vegetarian or vegan options For a lighter bite at brunch or lunchtime, Wagner’s Juicery and Health Food is a popular spot for smoothie bowls, avocado on toast and good coffee, located along the river Isar
As well as Munich’s numerous beer halls, the most popular area for nightlife is Münchener Freiheit. With a quirky interior, a lively atmosphere and upbeat music, Goldkätzchen is a great club spot, amongst other bustling bars and pubs in the surrounding area
A city as cultural and historic as Munich has so much more to offer than what I have mentioned, but I hope this mini travel guide has given you some inspiration for your next Bavarian break!