FEB 09 // APRIL 09

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Newfrontiers USATODAY




If you have any news briefs such as these and would like to submit them to The Link, please contact us at news@newfrontiers-usa.org. Examples could include miraculous healings, successful outreaches, church initiatives

Newfrontiers is a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

or anything unusual or noteworthy. We welcome news from all over the U.S. and Canada.

to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples, training leaders and planting churches.

Chicago Church Plant Update from David Hosier

Christ the King On the Move



We never planned to live in America and had no desire to live in a big city. However, last summer my job unexpectedly required me to leave England for three months to work in Chicago. “It’ll be an interesting experience...” we said, “plus, it won’t rain so much.” One night in August as we drove around the city, we finally realized God wanted us to live here, and He has miraculously provided to make it happen! Chicago is strategic, exciting and beautiful. It is an exciting time to plant a church, as the eyes of the world are watching this city right now. Chicago is full of people who need the gospel… why would we want to be anywhere else? Check it out at www.destinationchurch.org.

Jesus said, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Christ the King Church has been realizing this truth while praying, seeking, and stepping into God's will for our church’s future. Located in Rochester since 1995, we sensed God leading us in a new direction. Last fall we announced we would move to the neighboring city of Dover. An up-and-coming city of approximately 30,000 residents, Dover is becoming one of the main cities in the New Hampshire seacoast area. We put our Rochester building up for sale... and it’s officially sold! Early this year God amazingly opened up a prime rental office/meeting space in downtown Dover, and right now we are arranging to rent a facility for our Sunday gatherings. As we proclaim together in one of our songs, "Greater things are yet to come. Greater things are still to be done in this city." One sign of this is that we baptized seven new people one Sunday this spring!

First Impressions GRACE CHURCH >> KANSAS CITY, MO The feelings visitors experience when they first enter our buildings are important because our visitors will gain an impression that they will later remember. With this in mind, Grace Church just completed a major renovation of our lobby, offices, restrooms and auditorium.


Update from Montana CLARK FORK CITY CHURCH >> MISSOULA, MT God has been encouraging Clark Fork City Church in recent months. We've been working toward setting in elders for quite awhile, and after much input from Newfrontiers apostolic leaders and direct oversight from Lee Yarbrough, Josh Yakos and Jon Meek were set in as elders in March. It was especially meaningful to have long-time friends of our church come from Idaho and Oregon to be with us for that time. We believe God is up to something special in the Northwest. We are embracing the adventure of leading CFCC, and the people of the church have been supportive and responsive. We believe God has big plans for CFCC and that He loves the people of our city! We're excited about being a part of God’s purposes here in Missoula!

Silver Creek Fellowship >> Silvercreek, OR

Face-to-Face with Terry Virgo FYT Training Week



Lately, new and old members of Regeneration are claiming greater ownership for the mission and growth of the church. There is a greater diligence to pursue outsiders. Sam, a new member, started asking God to give him specific insights about nonbelievers he meets. He shared a word of knowledge with one stranger about the man’s previous drug addictions. The man asked for prayer, and Sam was able to minister to him and share the gospel. Sean and Laura Carney hosted a small group for seekers which gradually turned into an Alpha course (a practical introduction to Christianity). Candice, another new member, initiated a conversation with a stranger at the park and ended up inviting the family to church—a big step for her! Active evangelism is being stirred among us!

A Closer Look:

Team Leader >> Newfrontiers USA

Fighting Effectively


Newfrontiers USA churches, church plants and pioneering efforts are currently working in 14 states.

Soundbite from John Lanferman




Equipped for Mission ’09

Our desire was to create a warm, inviting area that truly reflects who we are as a people. With the coffee bar, high top tables, couches and chairs, our new space encourages intimate conversation, as well as informal gatherings. Our hope is that everyone walking through the door will choose to stay, get to know us and ultimately, join us on our mission of reaching our city and nation with the gospel..

An Alpha Weekend and More


Carl and Virginia Herrington left lasting impressions through their Fighting Effectively retreat in New Hampshire this Spring. We learned the spiritual world is real and shapes today’s world. Strongholds are lies we believe which give demonic forces access to our lives. By confessing these lies as sin, renouncing their control, and asking the Holy Spirit to fill those areas, we exercise our God-given authority and are empowered by Him. Many received prayer, were released and experienced greater freedom in worship and confidence in God’s purposes. The weekend brought emotional and spiritual healing, repentance from wrong thinking, good fellowship and food, and unity for the mission ahead.


Father-Daughter Valentine’s Ball CHRIST THE KING CHURCH



Little girls in swirly dresses, trendy teens and dressed-up dads jammed the CKC entrance to get into the annual Father-Daughter Valentine’s Ball one night in February. Getting their handmade corsages, they entered the heart-adorned room to have fun with their dates of choice. The night made memories. Who could forget the slushy machine, plates of goodies, scads of door prizes, the Limbo, Cotton-Eyed Joe, and a DJ playlist including songs from “Everything” to “Butterfly Kisses.” Visitors outnumbered church members almost 2:1 that night, with 118 attending in all, including seventy-eight visitors. One of the visiting dads, who had just lost his job that week, called the office afterwards to thank us for giving him his best memory in awhile. He and his daughter, he assured, will be back next year.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR SUBMISSIONS Newfrontiers USA >> P.O. Box 2626 >> St. Louis, MO 63116 phone








Copyright Newfrontiers USA | May, 2009

Newfrontiers USA Today

While reading the story of Samuel anointing David to be king (1 Samuel 16:1-13), I was struck by the way God calls leaders. David is one of those people who as we get to know him, we get to know God. God lived in David even though David was far from perfect. He was an interesting person, being both a warrior-king and a poet. David however, had one theme: God. Everything David saw reminded him of God. What would you think if someone told you that God is like a rock? You would probably say, “What?!” The one thing in the universe we might tend to think God as being least like is a rock; yet David convinced the whole world to cry, “God, you are my rock!” David picked up rocks to throw at Goliath and said, “Lord, you are my rock.” Everywhere David looked he saw God, and God shone brightly through him despite all David’s sins and shortcomings.

chosen him either. Seven sons pass before Samuel, but he is aware that the Lord has not chosen any of them. Samuel asks Jesse, “Is this it? Are there no more sons?” But Jesse has one more—his youngest. Apparently David did not enter the mind of his father, not even as a remote possibility! One of the themes of the Bible is that the people we pass over are often the very ones God chooses. When David arrives, Samuel knows that God has chosen him. Accordingly, Samuel anoints David. This is the first mention of David in the Bible, and his name will go on to appear 600 more times! God sends Samuel into David’s life; a powerful adult who essentially tells David, “Young man, you are destined to change the world.”

The humanity of David, more than any other character in the Bible, is put on display. The Psalms are filled with details of David’s inner thoughts and feelings, while first and second Samuel give many specific and intimate details of his life. When we see David in this light, it teaches us that when we pray and worship, we are charging into the very heart of what life is all As a young man, I will never forget the day God spoke through a man I had about: life is a gift designed by God, to be enjoyed with God! In the life and greatly respected, telling me who I was. In that moment, he was my person of David, we see how the presence of God can make ordinary Samuel. Have you had a Samuel moment? Do you have a Samuel in your human flesh come alive with joy and power. We see how holiness and life who will tell you who you are before God? I’m earthliness were meant to go hand in hand: to be glad God brought Samuel into David’s life to tell holy means to simply live your life set apart for IN THE LIFE AND PERSON OF DAVID, WE SEE him who he was. Likewise, I’m glad for elders, God. small group leaders, and people in the commuHOW THE PRESENCE OF GOD CAN MAKE In 1 Samuel we learn that Saul has been a disaster nity of God whom He employs to tell others who ORDINARY HUMAN FLESH COME ALIVE WITH as King of Israel. The prophet Samuel, who had they are before Him. anointed Saul as king, seems depressed. God JOY AND POWER. WE SEE HOW HOLINESS AND You see, we are anointed as royalty in God’s basically tells Samuel, “Get over it; I have a better kingdom. Just as Samuel anointed David for his EARTHLINESS WERE MEANT TO GO HAND IN plan” (1 Samuel 16:1). So Samuel travels to Bethdestiny, God anoints us with His Spirit. He lehem in his new role as headhunter for the next HAND: TO BE HOLY MEANS TO SIMPLY LIVE empowers us for His chosen purpose, and king. A man named Jesse enters the story paradmakes us a people destined to change the world YOUR LIFE SET APART FOR GOD. ing his sons before Samuel. Eliab must have been around us. The King of Kings has chosen you! one impressive, kingly-looking young man, but Samuel rejects him. “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you It’s apparent that Israel had a thing about leaders having impressive physiques. Their obsession with physical stature and natural human ability is what got them into trouble with King Saul. Saul was a head and shoulders man, taller than any man in the realm; and just like Saul, Eliab the hunk flunks the leadership test. Next comes Abinadab, but the Lord had not

should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you” (John 15:16). God chooses us. Now let's go and bear fruit!




E4M09 silvercreekfellowship.org



Kirsten Barnes

It’s an exciting time at Silver Creek Fellowship as we experience a significant season of growth. Many years ago God called us to be a light to Silverton, to the Northwest, and to the nations. During the past six months, this vision has never been clearer. We believe God has called us to be a strong, secure base and we’ve found a great sense of unity and energized prayer, pushing us forward to do things that seemed impossible in the past. We’ve experienced a missions reawakening, sending teams in the past months to Cambodia and France, through which God has been making a tremendous impact (teaching, healings, prayer, etc). We’ve also hosted two international students from France and England as part of this years’ Northwest Frontier Year Team, who have been helping to make missions even more real in our children’s program. During the past year, God has called us to double ourselves in all aspects: attendance, giving, children, babies, influence, etc. Evidence of this can be seen in the multiplication of our home groups, with three new groups formed in the past year and two more being added in the Fall. We have new guests each WE’VE LEARNED THAT week and they’re returning the following week! WE’RE ALL MISSIONARIn the past few months we’ve had four baptisms with more planned in the near future. IES. SOME GO ACROSS Our Club Night on Wednesdays continues to experience growth with more than eighty SIMPLY WALK ACROSS students attending our children’s program. It is evident that the kids are identifying with the THE ROOM. mission we’re on together. First grade students are telling parents and leaders where they’re going to be world changers someday. Third and Fourth graders are praying for the top 100 U.S. cities and learning where they’re located, curious to discover if they will someday be part of a church plant. Middle School and Junior High students are taking music lessons, hoping to be part of a future worship team. Many of our High School seniors are strategically choosing colleges where they can be part of a church plant. Three of our young people have gone to Tacoma to attend college since New Community Church began. We’ve learned that we’re all missionaries. Some go across oceans while others simply walk across the room.

Ian Ashby



FYT Training Week


One of the valuable things I appreciate about Newfrontiers conferences is the apostolic and prophetic ministry that shapes our mission together. This year's Equipped for Mission leadership conference was no exception. Throughout the conference, teaching and prophesy reminded us of our vision to bring transformation to this nation by planting reproducing churches in the top 100 cities of the United States. [download talks and seminars at www.newfrontiersusa.org >> media archive] The apostolic wisdom presented in the teaching strengthened this vision. John Lanferman called us to “fight the good fight of faith” by standing together in community, being honest about our struggles, and remembering the prophetic words that God has given us. He encouraged us to learn from others, while holding fast to the core values that define us as a people and a family of churches. Terry Virgo and PJ Smyth spoke of these values: • embracing the activity of the Spirit while surrendering to the word of God • being a community that is flooded with Christ’s love • having a centrality of worship where we rejoice in Truth and experience God’s presence among us • being unashamed of the gospel of grace, remembering that the definition of the gospel is Jesus himself Our values must not be hidden away. As PJ continually reminded us, we are the light of the world. Planting churches in the top 100 cities appears intimidating unless we understand this. We need to become more visible so we can shine!

Prophetic words complimented this call to mission. From the start we heard prophetic words about God as our commander in chief giving us new marching orders, enlarging our strategy, growing our numbers, and giving us authority to take new ground and new cities.

WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. PLANTING CHURCHES IN THE TOP 100 CITIES APPEARS INTIMIDATING UNLESS WE UNDERSTAND THIS. One prophetic word involved a picture of big cranes over cities. Whatever we have built so far, God desires to grow something bigger. It's bigger than us and will require greater equipment. We need to ask Him for the tools to get the job done. Likewise, PJ declared that reinforcements are on their way. We are to loosen our ranks, make space for others to come through and welcome new recruits to join us. God will bring us majors, lieutenants and colonels, as well as foot soldiers.

At the end of the conference God gave a prophetic word that brought the weekend together for us both individually and as His people on a mission: “You are my work of art. You are different from what people are used to seeing. I want you to know that I have put My heart into this work. There is an atmosphere to you that is tangible. So, don't try to copy other works. Learn from techniques and apply helpful principles, but don't be a reproduction; for that will produce uniformity that people grow tired of. Be who I have uniquely created you to be; for it is Spirit-breathed and the result will be contagious. The time has come to be put on display. You have been hidden away as I have worked on you, but now you will be made public. You will become very visible and many will be attracted by your atmosphere and captivated by your beauty.” To embrace the apostolic wisdom and prophecy that continues to shape us is vital as we press forward in our mission together!

Face-to-Face with Terry Virgo Carl Herrington



Carl: In an overall sense, where would you say Newfrontiers is at the present time? Terry: We’re in different places in differ-



ing Jesus at local High Schools.



After returning to Living Hope each morning to OUR COMFORT ZONES, enjoy a breakfast of cereal and M&Ms, we MEETING GOD ANEW. would rejoice in the Lord with much singing and dancing. The Holy Spirit was at work touching everyone’s hearts, and we were stirred to leave our comfort zones, meeting God anew. This exuberant worship spilled into our Wednesday night meeting where the Robins’ entire house shook from our energetic celebration, nearly toppling over a china cabinet and impaling heads with some decorative metal antlers!


Carl: What are the biggest challenges facing the church today? Terry: They vary. In Pakistan, they’re facing hostile Muslim factions.

To sum up the week, the 2008-09 FYT says, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!” (Psalm 150:6).


There’s militant Hinduism in India. In Turkey, people were martyred doing outreach work... so there’s serious hostility.


and catching your interest? Terry: What’s been captivating

me is a reminder of our emphasis over the years of Word and Spirit. Lately I’ve STANDING TOGETHER AS been invited into conservative evangelical settings where WE GO FORWARD. I’m alongside well-known bible teachers. It’s interesting to ready for cross-cultural mission in a new way. I think we be able to clearly expound the Word of God and yet, at the could see real missionary breakthrough into completely same time, be very stirred about the supernatural. Newforeign cultures where we get into the culture, learn the language, become part of the local scene and pioneer churches. In some frontiers is seeing more healings than we’ve ever seen. We’re praying for of our more established places, I think we can expect to have more presthe sick and getting exciting responses. This should not cause us to go one way or the other, but spur us into believing that we will see more supernatuence and impact. In places like France and Germany, it’s new ground. Overall, I think we’ve got to believe for new churches in major cities. We’ve ral things taking place. At the same time, we’re responding to invitations to conservative settings because people understand that we’re committed to got to see people sinking their lives—for years probably—into the culture and the language, and begin to build great churches.


donut evangelism, which involved giving away free donuts and discuss-

On Thursday we ventured to the college campus in nearby Maryville to pass out flyers for a BBQ and survey students about the local church. That evening, we attended a Campus Crusade meeting where Jeff Gates was a guest speaker. We left with a greater appreciation for Newfrontiers’ radical expression of church life.

In the West, toleration is a problem. Our culture says we’re not to be ent continents. Edward Buria in Kenya has planted scores of churches and is being heard nationally on television. unique—“How can any one religion be the right religion?” We need to be John Kpikpi in Ghana is working into seven West African nations. We’re just able to argue our case. We need to be respectful to others but uniquely getting started in Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Cambodia. committed to saying, “No, Jesus is the answer.” These are real challenges. We’ve been in India for years and recently 400 leaders got together from an Secularism is also hostile to the church. I think working with the poor, increasingly wide area. We’re getting involved in Nepal. In Pakistan, we’ve showing kindness as well as a commitment to the truth, can soften experienced hostility. In England, we’re pressing on people’s hearts. They can see we’re not harsh. We’ve got towards 300 churches. God is giving us success numeria gospel that needs responding to, but we’re showing tenderness to people. cally. In the United States, we’ve got our eye on 100 major I’M THRILLED TO SEE cities and beginning to plant churches. In different places THE WAY WE’RE REACHthere are different levels of breakthrough. Carl: What’s currently stirring in you personally

Carl: Where do you feel we’re headed as a movement in the next three to five years? Terry: As we press forward, I hope we will find guys getting

Jason Gould, Saskia Henney, and Rachelle Arnold FRONTIER YEAR TEAM: SILVER CREEK FELLOWSHIP >> SILVERTON, OR God was certainly moving during the Frontier Year Team (FYT) training week this April, as fourteen FYT’ers came together at Living Hope Church (St. Joseph, MO) for an intense week of encountering God through teaching, evangelism, worship and prayer. Inspired teaching topics included Evangelism by Jeff Gates, Serving the Poor by Gail Robins, Discipleship by Mike Sandusky, and Reaching Youth by Bob Miller (a local pastor). The tastiest part THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS AT of each day was waking at 6am for

Friday afternoon, we spent several hours praying for each other’s futures and some very encouraging words were spoken over us. Saturday, Tommy Stanley wowed us with new revelations about the heart of true worship. We also underwent an extremely stretching exercise, as he asked each of us to sing a song individually about a verse we felt God was speaking to us.

Equipped For Mission ’09 Interview


In the months to come, we’re praying for courageous faith as we ask for 300 people in our Sunday meeting and $20,000 a month. We have building projects ready to get started as we look to complete our afterschool program/youth group building, and expand our building entrance in order to accommodate more people. Recently we hosted a Silver Creek Women’s Conference where seventy-eight women attended. We’ve also hosted Easter Egg Hunts, Sunday Breakfasts, produced a Children’s Musical, and fed the homeless. This summer we’ll have our Summer Camp and a Robin Mark concert. It’s great being active and on a mission together!


A Time of Apostolic & Prophetic Shaping

the gospel, we believe in the cross and are orthodox evangelical; yet we’re also seeing signs and wonders. I’m excited the way these things are coming together.

Carl: You’ve been with us from the beginning. How do you feel we’re doing in the United States? What do you see for our future? Terry: It’s great to see all the new adventures—church planting enthusiasm and the toughness of it. I’m thrilled to see the way we’re reaching out—getting into more cities and standing together as we go forward. It’s been great to see young guys trying to learn from one another about how we plant churches and start in a new city. It’s also been great to learn from people like Tim Keller and Mark Driscoll who have much to offer in terms of communicating with the culture and being missional. These things are in our hearts. The questions I’m being asked are more about how we go on mission together and how we plant churches. It’s exciting to see this. When I first got involved in the United States we were very pastoral. We were licking our wounds from recent problems and a bit introspective. That’s gone. We’re now on a mission. We’re learning from others. We don’t want to lose our charismatic perspective, but we’re going forward together. It’s exciting to see! I’ve been encouraged to be with you all again.

Read The Link


E4M09 silvercreekfellowship.org



Kirsten Barnes

It’s an exciting time at Silver Creek Fellowship as we experience a significant season of growth. Many years ago God called us to be a light to Silverton, to the Northwest, and to the nations. During the past six months, this vision has never been clearer. We believe God has called us to be a strong, secure base and we’ve found a great sense of unity and energized prayer, pushing us forward to do things that seemed impossible in the past. We’ve experienced a missions reawakening, sending teams in the past months to Cambodia and France, through which God has been making a tremendous impact (teaching, healings, prayer, etc). We’ve also hosted two international students from France and England as part of this years’ Northwest Frontier Year Team, who have been helping to make missions even more real in our children’s program. During the past year, God has called us to double ourselves in all aspects: attendance, giving, children, babies, influence, etc. Evidence of this can be seen in the multiplication of our home groups, with three new groups formed in the past year and two more being added in the Fall. We have new guests each WE’VE LEARNED THAT week and they’re returning the following week! WE’RE ALL MISSIONARIn the past few months we’ve had four baptisms with more planned in the near future. IES. SOME GO ACROSS Our Club Night on Wednesdays continues to experience growth with more than eighty SIMPLY WALK ACROSS students attending our children’s program. It is evident that the kids are identifying with the THE ROOM. mission we’re on together. First grade students are telling parents and leaders where they’re going to be world changers someday. Third and Fourth graders are praying for the top 100 U.S. cities and learning where they’re located, curious to discover if they will someday be part of a church plant. Middle School and Junior High students are taking music lessons, hoping to be part of a future worship team. Many of our High School seniors are strategically choosing colleges where they can be part of a church plant. Three of our young people have gone to Tacoma to attend college since New Community Church began. We’ve learned that we’re all missionaries. Some go across oceans while others simply walk across the room.

Ian Ashby



FYT Training Week


One of the valuable things I appreciate about Newfrontiers conferences is the apostolic and prophetic ministry that shapes our mission together. This year's Equipped for Mission leadership conference was no exception. Throughout the conference, teaching and prophesy reminded us of our vision to bring transformation to this nation by planting reproducing churches in the top 100 cities of the United States. [download talks and seminars at www.newfrontiersusa.org >> media archive] The apostolic wisdom presented in the teaching strengthened this vision. John Lanferman called us to “fight the good fight of faith” by standing together in community, being honest about our struggles, and remembering the prophetic words that God has given us. He encouraged us to learn from others, while holding fast to the core values that define us as a people and a family of churches. Terry Virgo and PJ Smyth spoke of these values: • embracing the activity of the Spirit while surrendering to the word of God • being a community that is flooded with Christ’s love • having a centrality of worship where we rejoice in Truth and experience God’s presence among us • being unashamed of the gospel of grace, remembering that the definition of the gospel is Jesus himself Our values must not be hidden away. As PJ continually reminded us, we are the light of the world. Planting churches in the top 100 cities appears intimidating unless we understand this. We need to become more visible so we can shine!

Prophetic words complimented this call to mission. From the start we heard prophetic words about God as our commander in chief giving us new marching orders, enlarging our strategy, growing our numbers, and giving us authority to take new ground and new cities.

WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. PLANTING CHURCHES IN THE TOP 100 CITIES APPEARS INTIMIDATING UNLESS WE UNDERSTAND THIS. One prophetic word involved a picture of big cranes over cities. Whatever we have built so far, God desires to grow something bigger. It's bigger than us and will require greater equipment. We need to ask Him for the tools to get the job done. Likewise, PJ declared that reinforcements are on their way. We are to loosen our ranks, make space for others to come through and welcome new recruits to join us. God will bring us majors, lieutenants and colonels, as well as foot soldiers.

At the end of the conference God gave a prophetic word that brought the weekend together for us both individually and as His people on a mission: “You are my work of art. You are different from what people are used to seeing. I want you to know that I have put My heart into this work. There is an atmosphere to you that is tangible. So, don't try to copy other works. Learn from techniques and apply helpful principles, but don't be a reproduction; for that will produce uniformity that people grow tired of. Be who I have uniquely created you to be; for it is Spirit-breathed and the result will be contagious. The time has come to be put on display. You have been hidden away as I have worked on you, but now you will be made public. You will become very visible and many will be attracted by your atmosphere and captivated by your beauty.” To embrace the apostolic wisdom and prophecy that continues to shape us is vital as we press forward in our mission together!

Face-to-Face with Terry Virgo Carl Herrington



Carl: In an overall sense, where would you say Newfrontiers is at the present time? Terry: We’re in different places in differ-



ing Jesus at local High Schools.



After returning to Living Hope each morning to OUR COMFORT ZONES, enjoy a breakfast of cereal and M&Ms, we MEETING GOD ANEW. would rejoice in the Lord with much singing and dancing. The Holy Spirit was at work touching everyone’s hearts, and we were stirred to leave our comfort zones, meeting God anew. This exuberant worship spilled into our Wednesday night meeting where the Robins’ entire house shook from our energetic celebration, nearly toppling over a china cabinet and impaling heads with some decorative metal antlers!


Carl: What are the biggest challenges facing the church today? Terry: They vary. In Pakistan, they’re facing hostile Muslim factions.

To sum up the week, the 2008-09 FYT says, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!” (Psalm 150:6).


There’s militant Hinduism in India. In Turkey, people were martyred doing outreach work... so there’s serious hostility.


and catching your interest? Terry: What’s been captivating

me is a reminder of our emphasis over the years of Word and Spirit. Lately I’ve STANDING TOGETHER AS been invited into conservative evangelical settings where WE GO FORWARD. I’m alongside well-known bible teachers. It’s interesting to ready for cross-cultural mission in a new way. I think we be able to clearly expound the Word of God and yet, at the could see real missionary breakthrough into completely same time, be very stirred about the supernatural. Newforeign cultures where we get into the culture, learn the language, become part of the local scene and pioneer churches. In some frontiers is seeing more healings than we’ve ever seen. We’re praying for of our more established places, I think we can expect to have more presthe sick and getting exciting responses. This should not cause us to go one way or the other, but spur us into believing that we will see more supernatuence and impact. In places like France and Germany, it’s new ground. Overall, I think we’ve got to believe for new churches in major cities. We’ve ral things taking place. At the same time, we’re responding to invitations to conservative settings because people understand that we’re committed to got to see people sinking their lives—for years probably—into the culture and the language, and begin to build great churches.


donut evangelism, which involved giving away free donuts and discuss-

On Thursday we ventured to the college campus in nearby Maryville to pass out flyers for a BBQ and survey students about the local church. That evening, we attended a Campus Crusade meeting where Jeff Gates was a guest speaker. We left with a greater appreciation for Newfrontiers’ radical expression of church life.

In the West, toleration is a problem. Our culture says we’re not to be ent continents. Edward Buria in Kenya has planted scores of churches and is being heard nationally on television. unique—“How can any one religion be the right religion?” We need to be John Kpikpi in Ghana is working into seven West African nations. We’re just able to argue our case. We need to be respectful to others but uniquely getting started in Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Cambodia. committed to saying, “No, Jesus is the answer.” These are real challenges. We’ve been in India for years and recently 400 leaders got together from an Secularism is also hostile to the church. I think working with the poor, increasingly wide area. We’re getting involved in Nepal. In Pakistan, we’ve showing kindness as well as a commitment to the truth, can soften experienced hostility. In England, we’re pressing on people’s hearts. They can see we’re not harsh. We’ve got towards 300 churches. God is giving us success numeria gospel that needs responding to, but we’re showing tenderness to people. cally. In the United States, we’ve got our eye on 100 major I’M THRILLED TO SEE cities and beginning to plant churches. In different places THE WAY WE’RE REACHthere are different levels of breakthrough. Carl: What’s currently stirring in you personally

Carl: Where do you feel we’re headed as a movement in the next three to five years? Terry: As we press forward, I hope we will find guys getting

Jason Gould, Saskia Henney, and Rachelle Arnold FRONTIER YEAR TEAM: SILVER CREEK FELLOWSHIP >> SILVERTON, OR God was certainly moving during the Frontier Year Team (FYT) training week this April, as fourteen FYT’ers came together at Living Hope Church (St. Joseph, MO) for an intense week of encountering God through teaching, evangelism, worship and prayer. Inspired teaching topics included Evangelism by Jeff Gates, Serving the Poor by Gail Robins, Discipleship by Mike Sandusky, and Reaching Youth by Bob Miller (a local pastor). The tastiest part THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS AT of each day was waking at 6am for

Friday afternoon, we spent several hours praying for each other’s futures and some very encouraging words were spoken over us. Saturday, Tommy Stanley wowed us with new revelations about the heart of true worship. We also underwent an extremely stretching exercise, as he asked each of us to sing a song individually about a verse we felt God was speaking to us.

Equipped For Mission ’09 Interview


In the months to come, we’re praying for courageous faith as we ask for 300 people in our Sunday meeting and $20,000 a month. We have building projects ready to get started as we look to complete our afterschool program/youth group building, and expand our building entrance in order to accommodate more people. Recently we hosted a Silver Creek Women’s Conference where seventy-eight women attended. We’ve also hosted Easter Egg Hunts, Sunday Breakfasts, produced a Children’s Musical, and fed the homeless. This summer we’ll have our Summer Camp and a Robin Mark concert. It’s great being active and on a mission together!


A Time of Apostolic & Prophetic Shaping

the gospel, we believe in the cross and are orthodox evangelical; yet we’re also seeing signs and wonders. I’m excited the way these things are coming together.

Carl: You’ve been with us from the beginning. How do you feel we’re doing in the United States? What do you see for our future? Terry: It’s great to see all the new adventures—church planting enthusiasm and the toughness of it. I’m thrilled to see the way we’re reaching out—getting into more cities and standing together as we go forward. It’s been great to see young guys trying to learn from one another about how we plant churches and start in a new city. It’s also been great to learn from people like Tim Keller and Mark Driscoll who have much to offer in terms of communicating with the culture and being missional. These things are in our hearts. The questions I’m being asked are more about how we go on mission together and how we plant churches. It’s exciting to see this. When I first got involved in the United States we were very pastoral. We were licking our wounds from recent problems and a bit introspective. That’s gone. We’re now on a mission. We’re learning from others. We don’t want to lose our charismatic perspective, but we’re going forward together. It’s exciting to see! I’ve been encouraged to be with you all again.

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If you have any news briefs such as these and would like to submit them to The Link, please contact us at news@newfrontiers-usa.org. Examples could include miraculous healings, successful outreaches, church initiatives

Newfrontiers is a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

or anything unusual or noteworthy. We welcome news from all over the U.S. and Canada.

to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples, training leaders and planting churches.

Chicago Church Plant Update from David Hosier

Christ the King On the Move



We never planned to live in America and had no desire to live in a big city. However, last summer my job unexpectedly required me to leave England for three months to work in Chicago. “It’ll be an interesting experience...” we said, “plus, it won’t rain so much.” One night in August as we drove around the city, we finally realized God wanted us to live here, and He has miraculously provided to make it happen! Chicago is strategic, exciting and beautiful. It is an exciting time to plant a church, as the eyes of the world are watching this city right now. Chicago is full of people who need the gospel… why would we want to be anywhere else? Check it out at www.destinationchurch.org.

Jesus said, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Christ the King Church has been realizing this truth while praying, seeking, and stepping into God's will for our church’s future. Located in Rochester since 1995, we sensed God leading us in a new direction. Last fall we announced we would move to the neighboring city of Dover. An up-and-coming city of approximately 30,000 residents, Dover is becoming one of the main cities in the New Hampshire seacoast area. We put our Rochester building up for sale... and it’s officially sold! Early this year God amazingly opened up a prime rental office/meeting space in downtown Dover, and right now we are arranging to rent a facility for our Sunday gatherings. As we proclaim together in one of our songs, "Greater things are yet to come. Greater things are still to be done in this city." One sign of this is that we baptized seven new people one Sunday this spring!

First Impressions GRACE CHURCH >> KANSAS CITY, MO The feelings visitors experience when they first enter our buildings are important because our visitors will gain an impression that they will later remember. With this in mind, Grace Church just completed a major renovation of our lobby, offices, restrooms and auditorium.


Update from Montana CLARK FORK CITY CHURCH >> MISSOULA, MT God has been encouraging Clark Fork City Church in recent months. We've been working toward setting in elders for quite awhile, and after much input from Newfrontiers apostolic leaders and direct oversight from Lee Yarbrough, Josh Yakos and Jon Meek were set in as elders in March. It was especially meaningful to have long-time friends of our church come from Idaho and Oregon to be with us for that time. We believe God is up to something special in the Northwest. We are embracing the adventure of leading CFCC, and the people of the church have been supportive and responsive. We believe God has big plans for CFCC and that He loves the people of our city! We're excited about being a part of God’s purposes here in Missoula!

Silver Creek Fellowship >> Silvercreek, OR

Face-to-Face with Terry Virgo FYT Training Week



Lately, new and old members of Regeneration are claiming greater ownership for the mission and growth of the church. There is a greater diligence to pursue outsiders. Sam, a new member, started asking God to give him specific insights about nonbelievers he meets. He shared a word of knowledge with one stranger about the man’s previous drug addictions. The man asked for prayer, and Sam was able to minister to him and share the gospel. Sean and Laura Carney hosted a small group for seekers which gradually turned into an Alpha course (a practical introduction to Christianity). Candice, another new member, initiated a conversation with a stranger at the park and ended up inviting the family to church—a big step for her! Active evangelism is being stirred among us!

A Closer Look:

Team Leader >> Newfrontiers USA

Fighting Effectively


Newfrontiers USA churches, church plants and pioneering efforts are currently working in 14 states.

Soundbite from John Lanferman




Equipped for Mission ’09

Our desire was to create a warm, inviting area that truly reflects who we are as a people. With the coffee bar, high top tables, couches and chairs, our new space encourages intimate conversation, as well as informal gatherings. Our hope is that everyone walking through the door will choose to stay, get to know us and ultimately, join us on our mission of reaching our city and nation with the gospel.

An Alpha Weekend and More


Carl and Virginia Herrington left lasting impressions through their Fighting Effectively retreat in New Hampshire this Spring. We learned the spiritual world is real and shapes today’s world. Strongholds are lies we believe which give demonic forces access to our lives. By confessing these lies as sin, renouncing their control, and asking the Holy Spirit to fill those areas, we exercise our God-given authority and are empowered by Him. Many received prayer, were released and experienced greater freedom in worship and confidence in God’s purposes. The weekend brought emotional and spiritual healing, repentance from wrong thinking, good fellowship and food, and unity for the mission ahead.


Father-Daughter Valentine’s Ball CHRIST THE KING CHURCH



Little girls in swirly dresses, trendy teens and dressed-up dads jammed the CKC entrance to get into the annual Father-Daughter Valentine’s Ball one night in February. Getting their handmade corsages, they entered the heart-adorned room to have fun with their dates of choice. The night made memories. Who could forget the slushy machine, plates of goodies, scads of door prizes, the Limbo, Cotton-Eyed Joe, and a DJ playlist including songs from “Everything” to “Butterfly Kisses.” Visitors outnumbered church members almost 2:1 that night, with 118 attending in all, including seventy-eight visitors. One of the visiting dads, who had just lost his job that week, called the office afterwards to thank us for giving him his best memory in awhile. He and his daughter, he assured, will be back next year.

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR SUBMISSIONS Newfrontiers USA >> P.O. Box 2626 >> St. Louis, MO 63116 phone








Copyright Newfrontiers USA | May, 2009

Newfrontiers USA Today

While reading the story of Samuel anointing David to be king (1 Samuel 16:1-13), I was struck by the way God calls leaders. David is one of those people who as we get to know him, we get to know God. God lived in David even though David was far from perfect. He was an interesting person, being both a warrior-king and a poet. David however, had one theme: God. Everything David saw reminded him of God. What would you think if someone told you that God is like a rock? You would probably say, “What?!” The one thing in the universe we might tend to think God as being least like is a rock; yet David convinced the whole world to cry, “God, you are my rock!” David picked up rocks to throw at Goliath and said, “Lord, you are my rock.” Everywhere David looked he saw God, and God shone brightly through him despite all David’s sins and shortcomings.

chosen him either. Seven sons pass before Samuel, but he is aware that the Lord has not chosen any of them. Samuel asks Jesse, “Is this it? Are there no more sons?” But Jesse has one more—his youngest. Apparently David did not enter the mind of his father, not even as a remote possibility! One of the themes of the Bible is that the people we pass over are often the very ones God chooses. When David arrives, Samuel knows that God has chosen him. Accordingly, Samuel anoints David. This is the first mention of David in the Bible, and his name will go on to appear 600 more times! God sends Samuel into David’s life; a powerful adult who essentially tells David, “Young man, you are destined to change the world.”

The humanity of David, more than any other character in the Bible, is put on display. The Psalms are filled with details of David’s inner thoughts and feelings, while first and second Samuel give many specific and intimate details of his life. When we see David in this light, it teaches us that when we pray and worship, we are charging into the very heart of what life is all As a young man, I will never forget the day God spoke through a man I had about: life is a gift designed by God, to be enjoyed with God! In the life and greatly respected, telling me who I was. In that moment, he was my person of David, we see how the presence of God can make ordinary Samuel. Have you had a Samuel moment? Do you have a Samuel in your human flesh come alive with joy and power. We see how holiness and life who will tell you who you are before God? I’m earthliness were meant to go hand in hand: to be glad God brought Samuel into David’s life to tell holy means to simply live your life set apart for IN THE LIFE AND PERSON OF DAVID, WE SEE him who he was. Likewise, I’m glad for elders, God. small group leaders, and people in the commuHOW THE PRESENCE OF GOD CAN MAKE In 1 Samuel we learn that Saul has been a disaster nity of God whom He employs to tell others who ORDINARY HUMAN FLESH COME ALIVE WITH as King of Israel. The prophet Samuel, who had they are before Him. anointed Saul as king, seems depressed. God JOY AND POWER. WE SEE HOW HOLINESS AND You see, we are anointed as royalty in God’s basically tells Samuel, “Get over it; I have a better kingdom. Just as Samuel anointed David for his EARTHLINESS WERE MEANT TO GO HAND IN plan” (1 Samuel 16:1). So Samuel travels to Bethdestiny, God anoints us with His Spirit. He lehem in his new role as headhunter for the next HAND: TO BE HOLY MEANS TO SIMPLY LIVE empowers us for His chosen purpose, and king. A man named Jesse enters the story paradmakes us a people destined to change the world YOUR LIFE SET APART FOR GOD. ing his sons before Samuel. Eliab must have been around us. The King of Kings has chosen you! one impressive, kingly-looking young man, but Samuel rejects him. “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you It’s apparent that Israel had a thing about leaders having impressive physiques. Their obsession with physical stature and natural human ability is what got them into trouble with King Saul. Saul was a head and shoulders man, taller than any man in the realm; and just like Saul, Eliab the hunk flunks the leadership test. Next comes Abinadab, but the Lord had not

should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you” (John 15:16). God chooses us. Now let's go and bear fruit!




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