MAY 08 // JULY 08

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Celebration Northeast ’08: Attaining the Impossible


Liz Zelie



If you have any news briefs such as these and would like to submit them to The Link, please contact us at Examples could include unusual or noteworthy. We welcome news from all over the U.S. and Canada.





Greetings Everyone,

Bryan Mowrey

Newfrontiers is a family of churches together on a mission. Nowhere is this statement made more evident than in how we use our financial resources. As I have looked over the Newfrontiers-USA finance reports reflecting our income and expenditures for the last twelve months, I am amazed at the ways in which God has allowed us to participate in the great commission: to be his witnesses not only in Jerusalem (locally), but also in all Judea and Samaria (regionally), and to the ends of the earth (internationally). Here are just some of the highlights:



Every pioneering effort faces challenges as it breaks ground in new cities. One of our ongoing prayers at Fusion has been that God would raise-up a team within Newfrontiers to join us over the long term as we reach America’s third largest city. His timing is perfect and despite our continued wait (please keep praying), we celebrate the interim support we have received through our extended Newfrontiers family of churches. We have enjoyed regular video teachings from Jubilee Church (St Louis, MO) which are pre-recorded and mailed to us on a weekly basis. This is an honor and a breakthrough for us as we expose our people to the likes of Bryan Mowrey, John Lanferman, Terry Virgo, Sam Poe, Rick Hein and others. Also, we have tremendously benefited from the weekend visits made by Dan & Cuquita Evans (Lee’s Summit, MO), Matt & Heather Sweetman, and Bryan & Rachel Mowrey (St Louis, MO). In early June we were able to fly two young men to Celebration Midwest ’08 (Warrensburg, MO). In mid-July we received an energetic and faith-filled outreach team from Living Hope Church (St Joseph, MO). This motivated team drove twelve hours to camp in our homes overnight before serving relentlessly in the heat of the summer at Clark Street Festival, the local community festival where thousands passed through our “free photo” booth. We also had summer visitors from the UK. David & Emma Hosier (New Community Church–Sidcup, UK) and their three kids Isabel, Ethan, and Maddy, spent four months with us in Chicago while David completed a work contract here. These have been tremendous times of refreshing that have us looking expectantly to what God is going to do in the future. Besides receiving input and encouragement, we are also experiencing breakthrough in two areas, namely in giving and student work. After praying for two years that God would provide access to nearby Loyola University, we were finally invited to attend the student Christian organization called Capture just before the student year ended. Through this introduction we have experienced spontaneous visits from students. We are full of faith that we will continue to build relationships in the fall with students on the Loyola campus, as well as with those at other neighboring universities: Northwestern, De Paul, and North Park. We have also seen three people in Fusion unexpectedly blessed with cars!

funded a new Jubilee Church location in Wentzville, MO (northwest of the City of St. Louis) published hard-to-get books from Newfrontiers in the UK as a resource for local churches allowed John Lanferman and his apostolic team to travel and strengthen both local churches and regions as well completed the second cycle of the Trilogy leadership training program launched the new Church Planting Internship (CPI) training program sent Sam Poe to participate with Dave Devenish in both establishing Newfrontiers churches in Russia and developing an oral method of sharing the gospel for illiterate cultures in Africa funded mission into Islamic nations provided famine relief for those in Kenya with more than $32,000 in funds ($21,000 of which came from our young people at Clearvision ’08!) given more than $21,000 to Newfrontiers’ international mission offering at Brighton distributed more than $22,000 to help efforts in local Newfrontiers churches outside of the U.S.


A N E W F R O N T I E R S - U S A P U B L I C AT I O N







The most exciting development in this partnership is that they have allowed us to use their 1,000-seat auditorium FREE of charge for next year’s Mobilise-USA conference (formerly called ClearVision). That a public school would do this is unheard of. When asked “Why?”, the principal explained that the city told them to start working with local churches! Wow! It’s amazing how God speaks to us and directs us!

As I write this I am already stirred by the Spirit of God, wondering what He might have in store for us in the upcoming year as we endeavor to be faithful stewards with that which God has provided.

[ $688,737 ]


A Closer Look:

Acts records the Antioch church coming together for a special time of prayer and fasting. God spoke in a dynamic way that brought new direction and a new level of fruitfulness for this robust church. We wanted this same stimulus for Jubilee Church, so last year we held the Acts 13 meetings. During these meetings we received a word from a highly prophetic man named Keith Hazel: “The Holy Spirit is going to give you a special doorway and a special relationship into a local high school… that doorway is going to come through music… God is going to put us in partnership with this high school.” We then prayed about this doorway and have found favor with a performing arts high school about a mile away from us. They have performed at our building, giving Jubilee great exposure to the community and creating opportunities to serve them.

On behalf of John and the rest of the apostolic team, I want to thank you and the churches not only for the trust you have shown through your financial support, but also for your attitude of generosity. It is a privilege to be on a mission with you all.





IN THIS ISSUE Newfrontiers-USA churches, church plants and pioneering efforts are currently working in 13 states.


It may seem a bit cliché to say that through your financial support you have participated in mission around the world, but it is really true! We can do much more together than we ever could apart—that is a joy of being part of the Newfrontiers family.

CHURCH GIVING 34% Copyright Newfrontiers-USA | August, 2008

training leaders and planting churches.


Prophecy in the church should be more than encouraging words that help worship. It should impart meaty, shaping words that impact the church. This is not to diminish the need for uplifting words; it is true that we need to be reminded of God’s love, His nearness, and encouragement in times of fear. I believe, how“THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ever, that God has more in GOING TO GIVE YOU A mind for the prophetic gifts; SPECIAL DOORWAY AND He wants to use the proA SPECIAL RELATIONphetic to push us forward in our mission. SHIP INTO A LOCAL

Through Your Financial Support We Have …


to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples,


Prophecy in the Local Church

Newfrontiers-USA Financial Update Mike Lawson

Fusion Update

Newfrontiers is a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

Through teaching given by Ian Ashby, Dave Devenish and John Lanferman, God challenged us about gathering in order for future scattering. The church, like the Trinity, is a community on a mission. Our mission is to see the temple of the Lord (the church) cover the earth. We in the Northeast are encouraged and excited about the future of our churches. John Lanferman reminded us that “God makes provision in advance for anything He asks us to do.” Essentially, God makes the impossible attainable, and God’s sovereignty ensures that His plans will come to pass.




The Newfrontiers-USA Northeast churches (plus friends from Pennsylvania) cheerfully weathered lightning storms, humidity, and cafeteria food in order to treasure time with God and one another, and to receive His word. The worship team, led by Tommy Stanley, blessed us greatly. Singing the song “O For A Thousand Tongues” took on new significance as Dave Devenish spoke of 3,000-4,000 Turkish believers in a land of seventy million. The line “leap, ye lame, for joy” came true as God healed Cheryl Borek, (Harbor Church) from eight years of hip pain. And everything, from the ground-breaking $100,000 offering, the prophecies in the ONEBLAZE meeting, the impassioned prayer for the Fenway Church plant, to Christ the King Church losing the volleyball tournament, spoke of God doing the impossible!

miraculous healings, successful outreaches, church initiatives or anything



“Christ does not want nibblers of the possible, but grabbers of the impossible” declared C.T. Studd, cricket-player-turned-missionary to China, India, and Africa. Studd would certainly have identified with the 300 who gathered at Gordon College (Wenham, MA) for Celebration Northeast ’08.


Jubilee Church has seen God working in some amazing ways over the last couple of months. We are excited to be involved with many new community initiatives both in St. Louis City and Wentzville. One of these initiatives is a Bosnian food pantry. In early May we partnered with other local churches to host a food pantry which serves a diverse group of 55-70 families throughout the South City area. Aside from being a place to come and receive groceries, the food pantry enables participants to connect with people from Jubilee and each other. It has been a great way for us to build a bridge into the Bosnian, African and poor cultures around us.



New Community Church

>> Tacoma,


Together On A Mission ’08 Oneblaze In St. Louis

Soundbite from John Lanferman

Mobilise Life Change Team

Team Leader >> Newfrontiers-USA

Celebration NE ’08


Newfrontiers-USA Financial Update

It was May, 1940 and 198,000 English troops, along with 140,000 additional allied troops, were trapped in Northern France by Germany’s most feared fighting divisions, the Panzers. Hitler’s Air Force stood ready to destroy England’s troops as they sat helpless on the beaches of Dunkirk, far from their home across the English Channel. On Sunday, May 26th, England’s church bells rang out calling the nation to prayer for their sons and their future. Winston Churchill was one of those who responded to the call. He once recounted that, while sitting in his stall in the choir of Westminster Abbey, he could feel the pent-up emotion and fear of the congregation as they confronted the fact that Britain’s ruin was a real possibility.

Prophecy in the Local Church NewfrontiersUSA Today

history comes as a result of our prayers. It would seem that a strong conviction of the power of prayer would lead us to a greater intensity and commitment to it. We’re convinced that as we pray according to God’s revealed purpose, He hears our prayers and they reach a tipping point which releases amazing divine activity.

Notice an awesome thing takes place in Revelation 8. Heaven’s hosts are absolutely dumbstruck by the utter importance and place of our prayers. After that Sunday of national prayer, several things happened. First, Hitler’s Heaven is filled with awe about the church’s role in the happenings of Panzers stopped short due to a strange order to pull back and let the Air history; yet, the church appears insignificant to men. Our little prayer meetForce attack the British Army. Second, 860 English boats (mostly small crafts) crossed the channel to rescue their soldiers. ings seem impotent and optional to many, but Third, the wind ceased and the sea became very note that heaven’s hosts are mute when they OUR LITTLE PRAYER MEETINGS SEEM calm for an entire week. Finally, a thick fog and witness our prayers being heard by the Father. cloud cover settled in, shielding the troops and their The great angelic noise and praise is restrained in IMPOTENT AND OPTIONAL TO MANY, BUT rescuers. When the skies cleared, all 338,000 silence in order that the church may be heard. NOTE THAT HEAVEN’S HOSTS ARE MUTE troops had disappeared from Dunkirk and were “More powerful than all demonic and human saved from potential destruction. WHEN THEY WITNESS OUR PRAYERS powers working in this world is the power of BEING HEARD BY THE FATHER. In Revelation 8:1–5, we have an amazing picture of prayer set ablaze by the fire of God and cast upon the church as the key instrument God uses to see the earth” (Thomas Torrance). divine movement upon the earth. The church prays Here are some conclusions: and things happen! Our prayers are a vital component for God releasing His 1. We ought always to pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1). divine activity upon the earth. Some people however, think that prayer is of 2. The prayers we pray about ourselves and others apply to our world no consequence other than possibly possessing some therapeutic value. here and now. On the contrary, prayer is the major factor in God’s purpose being actual3. As a church, we are to be unified and consistent in our prayers for the ized on earth. mission and vision God has given us together. 4. We are to uphold the absolute importance of gathering for corporate The picture in Revelation 8 seems to portray the amazing effectiveness of our prayers, which are accumulating around the throne of God. In this prayer. picture, the reality described is that our prayers are taken and thrown upon If we truly believe these things about prayer, then we will demonstrate it by the earth like fire to bring about the completion of God’s kingdom. It was our enthusiastic and consistent presence when called upon to gather and Jesus who taught us to pray “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on pray. Personal prayer and corporate prayer meetings are removed from our earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). Throughout the 2,000 years since optional list. Our prayers are a response to an invitation by God himself to Jesus gave us this mandate, these prayers have accumulated and are partner with Him in changing our world. being released to bring the completion of God’s kingdom upon the earth. All that happens on this earth is the result of the prayers of the church. Within God’s timing, these accumulated prayers will change the spiritual and cultural geography of the world. This means that the consummation of



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