God-Centered Worship Seth Hein and Elijah Stanley (FYT) JUBILEE CHURCH The Frontier Year Team (FYT) program is an opportunity for people to take a year out to serve a local church and lay a firm foundation in God’s word. Newfrontiers-USA has fifteen Year Teamers for 2008-09, divided into five teams around the nation. In addition to studying, working, and being discipled, these 18-24 yearolds have gathered together a few times throughout the year for weeks of training. The most recent training week was held just prior to Mobilise USA. During this time, we got some feedback from them on the first half of their year.
What helped you decide to join the FYT? Michael Mowrey >> FYT: JUBILEE CHURCH >> ATLANTA, GA
What has been the most beneficial part of the program? “Being pushed to do things I wouldn’t normally do.”
What has been the most challenging aspect of the program? “Time management—this is the first time I’ve been completely in charge of how to spend my time. Also, God is continually and graciously showing me how I need to change.”
Anna Miles
Five years from now, what is one thing you’ll remember about being on the FYT? “The calling God has on my life and how He’s spoken to me about my future this year. I’ve learned my identity is in Him. He’s taught me how to be a man.”
Elijah Stanley >> FYT: JUBILEE CHURCH >> ST. LOUIS, MO
How has your vision for the future been changed and/or challenged this year? “I have been challenged to believe that God has everything under His control, no matter what I may know or think. He already has my future planned. In my submission to Him God will give me more than I could ever imagine.”
Newfrontiers is a worldwide family of churches together on a mission Simon began the first of two sessions talking about being a lead worshiper. He started out at the very core, explaining how our hearts were made to worship something. Oftentimes this is misdirected towards cool cars, trendy clothing, good music, or the newest technology. However, worshiping only God brings about true fulfillment. Simon went on to speak about the importance of humbling yourself before God. As Jesus said to the religious leaders of the day, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12). This struck a chord with everyone in the room. Simon, sensing this, invited us all to pray and rededicate our lives to putting God first as we humble ourselves. The second session focused on worship leading, and was directed towards those who specifically lead corporate worship through music.
Simon spoke about the beauty of God's people gathering for worship. Not only does God command it in His word, but when we respond to His command and honor Him with praise, He transforms our hearts and blesses us. Simon used the analogy of a shepherd who leads, protects, and guides his sheep, as a model for worship leaders to follow. As leaders we are to feed our churches solid biblical truth that genuinely reveals the heart and character of God. Worship is our response to God and will naturally flow out of us when we catch a glimpse of who He really is.
Swinging Your Partner with Community Friends CHRIST THE KING CHURCH
October in New Hampshire was a great time for an old-fashioned barn dance. Last fall, Christ the King Church engaged the group Two Fiddles and rented the wood-floored Dover City Hall for a benefit hoedown. The initial plan for a free community event transitioned into a benefit for a local nonprofit organization. A church teen had a connection with the local homeless shelter, My Friend’s Place. Following that lead, the shelter’s staff was thrilled to have an event that would be fun for their residents and would raise much-needed funds. The crisp Friday evening welcomed the crowd of about 150 who danced to the calls of “do-si-do” and “swing your partner.” The musicians loved leading a group that spanned all ages and who clearly enjoyed themselves. We raised $711 for our community neighbors. They’ve said, “Let’s do this again next year!” Yee haw!
Raising the Profile FENWAY CHURCH >> BOSTON, MA JESUS was written in extra large, bold letters and introduced many readers of the Boston entertainment magazine ((called Weekly Dig) to Fenway Church. Since October, over twenty people have consistently begun attending our Sunday services with around forty to fifty people in attendance most weeks. Meanwhile, the publicity from a mass mailing and the magazine article has raised our profile in and around Fenway. A bible believing church meeting in a bar has certainly gotten some people thinking. Our desire is for people to experience Jesus in our gatherings. To that end, we have been preaching through the book of Mark (finishing at Easter). God has been faithful to demonstrate the reality of Jesus through the miraculous healings of serious stomach and back issues!
How has your view of the local church changed during this time of training? “I have so much more respect for authority in the church than I had before. Also, I now view the church as a family and am really thankful for the relationships I’ve made.”
Mary Kaiser
How has your vision for the future been changed and/or challenged this year? "I want to press more into living my life for God."
Andreas van der Griendt >> FYT: CHRIST'S CHURCH OF JOPLIN >> JOPLIN, MO
Give a year to be trained. For more information visit
newfrontiersusa.org >> training
Jubilee Church Makes it a Jollier Christmas for Local Families JUBILEE CHURCH >> ST. LOUIS, MO During the holiday season both Jubilee Church locations worked to make the season a little brighter for local families in need. The Family Resource Center in the city helps children at risk or who have suffered from abuse. With compassion, Gabe and Ali Dunn led an effort to collect toys for needy families to give to their children. Meanwhile, the Wentzville location supported their local chapter of the St. Louis Crisis Nursery by donating clothes, diapers, and toys for children. The city location also hosts the Bosnian Center’s weekly food pantry distribution and community meeting. In recognition of the positive image Jubilee has in the community, the US Local Business Association (USLBA) recognized Jubilee for Best in St. Louis in the worship category. As both locations regularly serve local organizations and area businesses, politicians and citizens express their appreciation that we are a part of the community.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have any news briefs such as these and would like to submit them to The Link, please contact us at news@newfrontiers-usa.org. Examples could include miraculous healings, successful outreaches, church initiatives or anything unusual or noteworthy. We welcome news from all over the U.S. and Canada.
A few years ago, Hope Learning Center was merely a dream of seeing people in Kansas City learn to read the bible. Since then, the vision has broadened to reaching a community of people with the gospel through practical help in literacy and education. We’ve gone from wondering if we’ll ever get a student to having to turn some away! We currently have five students who are served from a pool of ten volunteers from Grace Church. Some volunteers teach, some talk with parents, and some do both. Recently, we’ve had some exciting changes. Last summer we moved into a new house that has more room for teaching and socializing. Additionally, God has blessed us with financial gifts. We received three separate checks for $1,000 in just a few months! It is clear God wants to do bigger things through the learning center. We are eager to see what it is!
Newfrontiers-USA churches, church plants and pioneering efforts are currently working in 13 states.
Terrifying and magnificent were our thoughts as we moved into our new shop-front location in South Norwalk. We had long been asking God for a public meeting place and this is right in the middle of where we wanted to be. Since our move last November, we have averaged about twelve visitors every meeting. At our first Sunday evening meeting we offered prayer during worship as we sensed God moving. A visitor asked for prayer for an addiction, got saved and has been free ever since! We sense that God has a lot more in store for us. These are exciting days!
Copyright Newfrontiers-USA | February, 2009
A Closer Look:
Lifehouse >> Franklin, TN
Target City Spotlight
Soundbite from John Lanferman
Mobilise USA
Team Leader >> Newfrontiers-USA
ONEBLAZE Northeast
Embracing the Journey: SE Women’s Conference
We are devoting ourselves to plant reproducing churches in the top 100 cities in the FYT Highlight USA. With this vision before us, we are highly committed to pursuing an intentional God-Centered strategy for training and developing church planters as the most effective way to reach Worship our nation. Bert Waggoner has said that the church reflects the character of the triune God when we operate Newfrontiersas a community. Newfrontiers-USA’s Church Planting Training (CPT) is a way to harness the power of community USA Today to train church planters and is realized through this one-year residential program hosted by Jubilee Church in St. Louis, MO. As a multi-location church, we are able to give church planters on the ground experience, along with research, study, and the valuable mentoring experience of both an urban and suburban setting. March completes our first one-year residential Church Planting Training. It is with great excitement that we launch two interns who have completed the year to two of the largest 100 cities. Matt Sweetman is on his way to Chicago, IL, while Euan Crane is off to Charlotte, NC.
Hope Learning Center
A N E W F R O N T I E R S - U S A P U B L I C AT I O N
“I would not. Everything that has happened, the struggles and the enjoyments - all are making me grow with God.”
training leaders and planting churches.
If you could start the year over again, would you have done anything differently?
"I have more respect for everything that goes on and am more sensitive to the Holy Spirit to move to work in the church."
to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples,
Simon’s heart of worship came through during both sessions of his talk. It was clear his words were not merely those he’d gathered from studying books, but rather came from seeking God for himself. All left the seminar challenged and stirred to see God lifted higher in our own lives, and in the lives of those around us.
How has your view of the local church changed during this time of training?
08 09
ST. LOUIS, MO The statement “worship is all about God” seems fairly obvious, yet we all need to be reminded of this constantly. God-centered worship was emphasized at a training seminar this January in St. Louis. After the final Mobilise USA session, worship band members and leaders gathered to hear Simon Brading (Brighton, England) share his heart on worshiping God.
“I heard God tell me that I needed to turn my focus from what I had planned for my life to what He has planned for my life.”
Training effective church planters through extended periods of time, like our one-year Church Planting Training program, is crucial to our strategy of reaching the top 100 cities in the USA. Intentional church planter training through a residential community experience is a vital part of our development as a movement.
REACHING THE TOP 100 CITIES IN THE USA. It was a joy to accompany Matt on a trip to Chicago where we met with those who have been While intense weekends such as our Church Planting Boot Camp are very helpful, they can’t replace the great value of involved in pioneering there. The efforts of Tim and Chloe Steinke have paved the way for our next step in sending Matt to lead the plant. We extended training. enjoyed a time of enthusiastic dialogue with this group, who will join with Our residential Church Planting Training has many benefits: the Sweetmans as they lead our plant in Chicago. • mentoring by experienced and active Euan Crane made a trip to Charlotte along with Carl Herrington and church planters • enjoyed getting acquainted with the city, as well as those who have gathregular interaction and problem-solving with an experienced ered to be a part of our new church plant. Carl has made many trips to this church planting coach • city, meeting with people (a group of about sixty-five) who desire a Newinteraction with the apostolic team • hands-on study frontiers church there. • a relational approach to the training experience Charles Spurgeon said, “The Christian Church was designed from the first • providing planters with practical tools and a realistic picture of what to be aggressive. It was not intended to remain stationary at any period, but they are getting into to advance onward until its boundaries became commensurate with those • initial and continuing assessments of the planter of the world. It was to spread from Jerusalem to all Judea, from Judea to • regular interviews with active church planters Samaria, and from Samaria unto the uttermost parts of the earth. It is not throughout the nation intended to radiate from one central point only; but to form numerous centers from which its influence might spread to the surrounding parts. In Ron Gladden asks, “If your city had only one restaurant, would more this way it was extended in its first and purest times. The plan upon which people eat out?” The obvious answer is that, more restaurants increases the apostles proceeded, and the great apostle in particular in his mission to the possibility of more people eating out. The more churches there are, the the Gentiles, was to plant churches in all the great cities and centers of greater potential for reaching more people. influence in the known world” (The Sword & the Trowel, vol 1). Let’s continue to be a community of missional people. Anyone interested in We are committed to this apostolic strategy as an aggressive church plantlearning more about the CPT experience or wanting to apply can visit our website at www.churchplantingtraining.com. ing movement. Tim Keller said we must “see church planting as a ministry as natural and important as discipleship, music, education, and pastoral care.”