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SUMMER >> 2007 Encompassed by 70 different languages, set on a street that sees 40,000 cars daily, ONEBLAZE launched a new day for the youth of NewfrontiersUSA. Five days of community service, worship, and teaching lay ahead as we gathered at Jubilee’s new building in south St. Louis.

in St. Louis


Newfrontiers is a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

ONEBLAZE was provoked to live sacrificially filled with Jesus’ power from Matt Sweetman, John Lanferman, Rick Hein, Bryan Mowrey and others. Daily we dressed in eye-catching yellow t-shirts, engaging in service projects for the purpose of raising Jubilee’s profile. ONEBLAZE facilitated a food drive, painted a community center, picked up trash, visited a nursing home, and ran a three-day kids camp. The kids camp, which included soccer, basketball and art, was open to children in the area, ages 6-14. Over 100 kids came through Jubilee's doors! Parents were thrilled and kids came home each day inspired to work hard, and practice drills they learned. One Mom expressed such thanks for teenage boys taking time to spend with her young sons what a rare sight! Employees of a local food pantry were floored as we built shelves, painted, organized, and collected 25 boxes of food. The Czech Community Center was transformed through landscaping and cleaning up the surrounding area. One group prayed for the Community Center's director whose husband has major back problems and undergoes physical therapy. She was grateful for the prayer and delighted with the facilities new look.

healings were reported: A girl from England, had a scab on the back of her head completely vanish. Kelly Shcickler received mobility back in her shoulder, which she had hurt years ago. Bennett Chambers received prayer for an injured knee and was able to bend it with no pain! Miles Rodney arrived at camp with allergies, unable to take in deep breathes. After praying all symptoms left - he could breath normally! Cassie Dotson arrived with a badly sprained and swollen ankle but after receiving prayer she no longer needed crutches or her brace! All week ONEBLAZE was building toward the Family Fun Day. Numerous families from the area came out to enjoy the face painting, moon-walk, bungee races, mechanical bull rides, and live music. As the day went along new friendships were formed, stories were shared and the kingdom advanced.

Daily prayers filled the lobby as we thanked God for his goodness and petitioned the Spirit to move in power. Scriptures and prophetic words were shared stirring our faith and raising the bar for the evening meeting.

Kathryn Atkins, a camper from the UK, and Jenny Emmons, Jubilee Atlanta, spoke with a lady named Rosemary, age 75. When the girls invited Rosemary to church, along with her granddaughter (18) who lived with her, Rosemary shared how she would love to, but Angie was unlikely to come. Three weeks ago she was nearly kidnapped in front of a local grocery store and had not been out of the house since. The girls decided to write Angie a letter inviting her to the meeting. Rosemary came back later that day to tell Kathryn and Jenny that she had given the letter to Angie and she was coming to church the next day!

Worship exploded with expectation Thursday night as we prepared to pray for healing. Matt Sweetman spoke on Jesus' Resurrection and confidence soared as he shared a video of a Nigerian man raised from the dead. Multiple

Maddyson Schultz, Living Hope Church, met Charlie during the week. He shared how he was living out of his car after being evicted from his apartment. Maddyson invited Charlie to the Family Fun Day and to Jubilee Sunday

Externally Focused Church Conference Rick Hein JUBILEE CHURCH >> ST. LOUIS, MO

If your church were to move out of the area, would your community notice? This was the question posed to over 600 participants at this year’s Externally Focused Church Conference in Longmont, Colorado. Everything about the conference (songs, messages, and seminars) addressed the issue of community involvement through serving. Seminar leaders shared stories of how their churches were transformed and their communities impacted by strategic external involvement in the community. Churches were encouraged to discover the real needs of their community through assessment interviews of community leaders and service organization leaders in their community.

Churches were encouraged to come alongside non-profit organizations rather than to “reinvent the wheel” within their church.

Churches were encouraged to come alongside non-profit organizations rather than to “reinvent the wheel” within their church. In so doing, administration was kept to a minimum and churches were able to focus on the task of serving the needs of the community. The number of churches actively involved in serving their public schools personally surprised me. Whether it was tutoring, repainting classrooms, or simply cleaning the grounds, these churches were gaining a good reputation within the community as being a group of people who genuinely care about their community through service to their schools.

to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples, morning. He came along to the Family Fun Day and when asked how he was doing he replied, "this is a wonderful Saturday." He planned to attend Jubilee the followingSunday.

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A N E W F R O N T I E R S - U S A P U B L I C AT I O N

Annette Miles, Abundant Grace, met Antoinette (99 years old) at the nursing home. Annette spent time speaking with her and listening to her stories. At the end of the week Antoinette said to Annette, "I want you to know, getting to know you has breathed new life into me." What a blessing!

IN THIS ISSUE "I can see Jesus' love through you all. Whether you realize it or not, you are showing Jesus' love!" -a local woman

Newfrontiers-USA churches, church plants and pioneering efforts are currently working in 12 states.

Chris Kerford, Living Hope Church, met TreVone and his little brother DeVone or "D" for short, at the basketball camp. TreVone shared how he wanted to be apart of Jubilee's youth group and keep in touch with Chris. Karen Kerford, spoke with Nicole, the boys' mom, who shared how she thinks her son had found a life long friend in Chris and how they would love to have lunch with the Kerford's the next time they are in St. Louis. The whole family plans to attend Jubilee's Sunday meeting. Matt Sweetman, Grace Church, and David Herrington, Jubilee STL, spoke with a man at the Family Fun Day who was a bus driver for some ONEBLAZERS. He had been invited by some youth and had brought along two of his sons. Matt listened as the bus driver shared how he was an artist, had 5 kids, and his theories on the Holy Spirit. David Harsh, Grace Church, spoke with a couple whose grandson had come to the kids camp. The lady shared how much her grandson loved the camp and the people there. Before they left she turned to David and said, "I can see Jesus' love through you all. Whether you realize it or not, you are showing Jesus' love!" What a blessing! Mckenzie Marks shared how she played cards with a group of kids at the Family Fun Day. She had built friendships with them at the kids camp during the week. They kept asking why she had to go and telling her how much they loved her. It broke Mckenzie's heart to see how much these kids needed love and how little it took to give them that love. She shared how they could still be connected if they came to Jubilee and encouraged them to come. The power of God's love working through us is astounding. Sunday morning we loaded back into our cars inspired to go home and serve our own towns, and looking forward to next summer when we would return to St. Louis to serve again. We are raising up a new generation of church pioneers, what better way to do so thanthrough the local church, serving the community and walking in the power of the Spirit.


web Copyright Newfrontiers-USA | August, 2007

A CLOSER LOOK Kansas City, Here We Come! Heather Sweetman

A Trip to Remember

Soundbite from John Lanferman Team Leader >> Newfrontiers-USA

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR SUBMISSIONS Newfrontiers-USA P.O. Box 2626 St. Louis, MO 63116 phone 314.832.9042

training leaders and planting churches.

Mike Lawson

Oneblaze in St. Louis Heather Sweetman

Externally Focused

“Do you wish to be well?” Jesus once asked a man who had been sick for 38 Church Conference Rick Hein years that question. It seems strange to ask that of a man who for years went to the pool of Bethsaida waiting for an angel to trouble the waters which guaranteed healing NF-USA Today for the first person in the pool. It is an intriguing question, “What do you wish?” Is Jesus really interested in our wishes? Is it possible that the crippled man’s daily journey to the pool was no longer hope but rather habit? Jesus’ question took him past his disappointment and back to his original and possibly dormant desire. Why is this an important question? Because desire is where we all must go if we are to meet God. Passivity is our enemy. Passivity is actually a statement of fear and non-belief. It is not good for Christians to quench their desires. Isaiah put it this way “…everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.” (55:1) A.W. Tozer said, “Thirsty hearts are those whose longings have been awakened by the touch of God within them.” Many are afraid of desire because they fear it may lead to disappointment; “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” It is a statement of a lack of trust; we don’t trust ourselves, others or even God. This is a dilemma that is based in fear, which is the opposite of faith. Where do we start? We start by responding to Jesus’ question…”What do you wish?”

A praying church has embraced the impossible; it is living in the realm of the supernatural. Prayer expresses faith in a God of miracles, a God who is present, active, hearing and making known to us His will, stimulating our desires. According to Revelation 8:3-5, when we pray, heavenly activity takes place that effectively changes earth.

Prayer expresses faith in a God of miracles, a God who is present, active, hearing and making known to us His will, stimulating our desires.

This is an invitation from God to make our request known…it is an invitation to pray. Too often fear is allowed to kill God-given dreams and hopes, which leads to fatalism or apathy. Jesus came to give us a life of passion. He doesn’t want us to settle. He wants us overflowing with desires that bless and honor Him. What desires has God given you? Have you opened your heart to God-given dreams? Or have you allowed delay, the passing of time or fear to dominate your life until you no longer respond to Jesus’ gracious invitation? “What do you wish?”

The language of desire is prayer. When we don’t have the interest to pray it is a statement of a lack of desire. Prayer is the response of faith… we believe God is interested in our desires. Jesus’ question “What do you wish?” is an invitation from God to make our request known. A church that doesn’t pray has ceased to want anything from God, it has ceased to believe. It becomes a church that lives only in what is practically possible. It doesn’t hope for anything greater than what it can produce apart from God.

a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

As a young Christian I would often question the motivation of my prayers. Were my prayers rooted in selfishness? Is it appropriate to ask God for certain things? I found my questions paralyzed my prayer life, as I was all too aware of my glaring weaknesses. One day God spoke clearly to me through Hebrews 4:15-16 “…we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are …yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

I prayed freely from that day forward. In response to Jesus’ question the crippled man prayed a terrible prayer about the impossibility of his circumstance, “I have no one to put me in the water....” Jesus’ response was gracious…”take up your pallet and walk.” The man was instantly healed. Jesus is so gracious that He can sanctify our imperfect prayers. When we pray our wishes to God, He puts back into our hearts the things that need to happen and answers our prayers according to His divine purpose. Therefore let’s draw near with confidence to the throne of grace because we shall surely receive mercy and find grace there.



CL SER look




Kansas City, Here We Come!


Heather Sweetman

“You are pregnant with twins. You will grow tall and wide.” John Lanferman’s word confirmed the desire of Grace Church to plant churches around the city, at the same time knowing we were to grow in number. Both are giant tasks, but our God is gigantic. So, “Kansas City, here we come!” Sam Poe shared, “The spotlight has been on other cities, you have sent people out, but now the spotlight is on Kansas City.” This resonated in our hearts as we have sent people to St. Louis, Nashville, Atlanta, Tacoma, South Africa and England. Sam felt we were becoming a fountain of resource to the area. Kansas City just so happens to be known as “The City of Fountains.”

Dave [Devenish] shared, “You will be a church characterized by unusual Kingdom initiatives,” and will “experience growth from surprising quarters.” We were challenged and encouraged to see what God would do.

Grace Church was surprised at Family Weekend 2006 when David Devenish asked us to stand during the last meeting. Dave shared, “You will be a church characterized by unusual Kingdom initiatives,” and will “experience growth from surprising quarters.” We were challenged and encouraged to see what God would do. Kingdom initiatives are in the DNA of Grace Church as we have run English as a Second Language for over seven years and a literacy center for over two. When Dave’s word came we thought, “What will be next?” Grace became an Angel Food distribution center in the fall of 2006, providing grocery relief for our community. We see 100–150 people one Saturday a month, with many repeat customers. We have had opportunities to pray for people and it has propelled more reserved members into mission.

Breakaway was launched in March 2007. This is a care program for parents with children that have special needs. Parents drop their kids off one Saturday evening a month and we provide childcare for four hours. (See Breakaway Article) One Life Group is caring for Senior Citizens. Once a week they run errands, clean house or simply keep a few elderly ladies company. Dan Evans, an elder at Grace, states, “This is what the church was made for!” We believe these “unusual Kingdom initiatives” are the beginnings of becoming a “fountain of resource” to Kansas City.

“This is what the church was made for!” -Dan Evans

Dave’s word also spoke of “growth from unexpected quarters.” Four years ago we received a word about 200 people being added. Currently, we have 100 members so in the beginning of 2007 we launched Vision 300. The leadership team re-envisioned us for what God has promised and practically looked at service areas to see what needs to change in order to serve 300 people. This was a step of obedience toward what God has promised and growth is happening. We were thrilled to have over 125 people at Family Weekend this year, up from around 100 last year! Tommy Stanley, our team leader, declares, “God has been lavishing us with prophetic promises that keep us looking and moving forward.” Grace Church is on the move, living with the question of, “What next, God?” As we continue to respond to all that God has, we set our sites on our King, knowing He is the only one worth living for.

a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

Newfrontiers-USA Regional Team Meeting in Branson Mike Lawson

There is an old adage that says, “Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for days at a time,” or something to that effect. With that in mind John Lanferman gathered nine of us who serve the Newfrontiers churches in the USA at Lilley’s Landing in Branson, Missouri for three nights in early April. The trip started early Monday morning for the six of us traveling from St. Louis. Bibles, laptops, suitcases and fishing poles were stuffed precariously into the back of John’s Suburban. For lunch we met up with the three guys driving from Kansas City at a place that was not ‘out of the way’. Yes, you men have probably already guessed it-Bass Pro Shop’s Outdoor World! That’s right folks, the sportsman’s Mecca! Testosterone levels soared as we passed by the ATVs and boats on display at the front entrance. (I’ll pause so the ladies can roll their eyes one more time…) Despite our combined maturity in years the scene was probably more akin to giving a group of young boys each a few dollars and setting them loose at a county fair. Miraculously we all made it back to the car at approximately the same time and so the journey continued. Upon arriving at our destination we stuffed ourselves and our gear into the room. A few of the guys went for groceries, which I

avoided because hungry men shopping are the definition of chaos. Instead I teamed myself up with Ian “The Ringer” Ashby for a game of horseshoes and watched in amazement as Ian, a self-proclaimed novice, gave the other team a real international whoopin’. After dinner we met and, as usual, we started off our meeting with worship and prayer before delving into issues on the agenda. We adjourned at approximately 10:30 p.m. (This turned out to be our earliest night; the next two evenings continued until midnight.) Rather than narrate the first night, I have written a short poem describing the experience (it reads like The Night Before Christmas)

Let me see if I can use words to paint a picture of fishing for you…imagine a scene from “A River Runs Through It” …a secluded place with glistening waters and the gentle sound of the stream meandering over rocks smooth from years of refining by the flowing waters. Then you spot a tranquil pool in the water to place your first cast…(Pause here…ah yes, close your eyes and take it all in…). “HEY” Rick Hein yells over the roar of the engine, “QUIT DAYDREAMING AND GET YOUR REAR IN THE BOAT!” Well, I think you got the picture.

never witnessed. An otherwise normal man reduced to mumbling and glassy-eyed stares except for the occasional outburst when the “great beast” nibbled at his hook. Captain Ahab would have been proud, Sam. In the end, thankfully, there was a return to some sense of normalcy, well, as much as you could expect from nine grown men in a small apartment, sharing two bathrooms after eating the Grand Slam Meat Lover’s breakfast at Denny’s. That night we shared our spoils and John cooked up a great fish dinner.

I don’t know exactly what it is, but a funny thing happens to guys when you put a fishing pole in their hands. And, as guys are apt to do, we

On the more serious side, these getaways are times for John to share what is on his heart and his aspirations for the future of the Newfrontiers churches in the USA. I am continually amazed at the fatherly heart and apostolic concern for the churches that comes pouring out. It was a time when the Spirit reminded us of our call and mission together. It is not by accident or simply providence that God has knit us together as a family of churches, but by God’s grace John works hard (1 Corinthians 15:10) at envisioning, re-evaluating, and building to the future. Missions, training programs, conferences, church plants, financial budgets, as well as a host of other issues have been and continue to be either born or steered in times such as these. It is not without a strategy that we move forward-that is why the first thing we do is seek the Lord and also why your prayers for the team are so important.

‘Twas the night after driving and all through the suite, All the creatures were snoring, like chainsaws replete. My earplugs were placed on the nightstand with care In case of insomnia and sleepless despair. When down in the kitchen there arose such a clatter Of men seeking bathrooms to empty their bladder So out of my bed I flew like a flash Knowing the next place in line was worth more than cash Then the sun through a gap in living room curtains Gave me a vision of which I am certain, It was John Lanferman with a chorus so joyous and spry Of old gospel songs from days gone by, “GOOD MORNING TO ALL, I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly away” Yes, it’s true. John would wake us up each morning with Pentecostal choruses from a previous era. I can attest to the fact that a jab in the gut and one of John’s songs does more to wake a person up than a Starbuck’s Caramel Mocca Latte Double-Caf any day. After some cereal and the gospel golden-oldies hour (or approximately 8:00 each morning) we gathered for a time of worship and prayer. God’s presence was there immediately and led us into spontaneous thanksgiving, praise, and singing with prophetic words as well. After that we were definitely in the right frame of mind to tackle the agenda. At 1:00 p.m. we would break for lunch and then head out on the water for a few hours of fishing.

made this fishing excursion a contest-whichever boat came back with the fewest fish had to cook dinner. I must confess that it is not so much the wager (cooking dinner) that is at stake as the right to goad the other team. Now as lines were cast into the water I watched, aghast, as heavenly principles such as brotherly kindness, telling the truth, and preferring one another took a back seat to trash talking, and ‘white’ lying between the boats. I am sure that if anyone could have found the golden rule it would have been melted down and used as a fishing lure. Yes my friends, the desire for shared success and a spirit of teamwork dissipated faster than you could get your bait in the water. One other amazing phenomenon worth mentioning was watching as one of the guys was overcome by a fishing fever the likes of which I have

It really amazes me what a time away like this can do for knitting hearts together and both clarifying and unifying vision. To team leaders I would say that if you’ve not scheduled a similar time with your team you are missing out. I would think that as the disciples traveled with Jesus ‘along the way’ they experienced some important relationship-building times in between the times of public ministry. We also know that there were times when Jesus just wanted to be with a select few. Let’s also make room in our calendars for these kinds of times. I guarantee you will not be disappointed with the fruit. Fishing seems a well suited activity for times like these because, as Herbert Hoover once said, “Fishing is a... discipline in the equality of men - for all men are equal before fish.” I’m sure you are all wondering who caught the biggest fish. Well, as always on these trips, the biggest fish was one of those that got away.

P.S. Gayle, Rick really did eat fruit and oatmeal for breakfast...he said he had to leave room for the peanut M&M’s!



CL SER look




Kansas City, Here We Come!


Heather Sweetman

“You are pregnant with twins. You will grow tall and wide.” John Lanferman’s word confirmed the desire of Grace Church to plant churches around the city, at the same time knowing we were to grow in number. Both are giant tasks, but our God is gigantic. So, “Kansas City, here we come!” Sam Poe shared, “The spotlight has been on other cities, you have sent people out, but now the spotlight is on Kansas City.” This resonated in our hearts as we have sent people to St. Louis, Nashville, Atlanta, Tacoma, South Africa and England. Sam felt we were becoming a fountain of resource to the area. Kansas City just so happens to be known as “The City of Fountains.”

Dave [Devenish] shared, “You will be a church characterized by unusual Kingdom initiatives,” and will “experience growth from surprising quarters.” We were challenged and encouraged to see what God would do.

Grace Church was surprised at Family Weekend 2006 when David Devenish asked us to stand during the last meeting. Dave shared, “You will be a church characterized by unusual Kingdom initiatives,” and will “experience growth from surprising quarters.” We were challenged and encouraged to see what God would do. Kingdom initiatives are in the DNA of Grace Church as we have run English as a Second Language for over seven years and a literacy center for over two. When Dave’s word came we thought, “What will be next?” Grace became an Angel Food distribution center in the fall of 2006, providing grocery relief for our community. We see 100–150 people one Saturday a month, with many repeat customers. We have had opportunities to pray for people and it has propelled more reserved members into mission.

Breakaway was launched in March 2007. This is a care program for parents with children that have special needs. Parents drop their kids off one Saturday evening a month and we provide childcare for four hours. (See Breakaway Article) One Life Group is caring for Senior Citizens. Once a week they run errands, clean house or simply keep a few elderly ladies company. Dan Evans, an elder at Grace, states, “This is what the church was made for!” We believe these “unusual Kingdom initiatives” are the beginnings of becoming a “fountain of resource” to Kansas City.

“This is what the church was made for!” -Dan Evans

Dave’s word also spoke of “growth from unexpected quarters.” Four years ago we received a word about 200 people being added. Currently, we have 100 members so in the beginning of 2007 we launched Vision 300. The leadership team re-envisioned us for what God has promised and practically looked at service areas to see what needs to change in order to serve 300 people. This was a step of obedience toward what God has promised and growth is happening. We were thrilled to have over 125 people at Family Weekend this year, up from around 100 last year! Tommy Stanley, our team leader, declares, “God has been lavishing us with prophetic promises that keep us looking and moving forward.” Grace Church is on the move, living with the question of, “What next, God?” As we continue to respond to all that God has, we set our sites on our King, knowing He is the only one worth living for.

a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

Newfrontiers-USA Regional Team Meeting in Branson Mike Lawson

There is an old adage that says, “Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for days at a time,” or something to that effect. With that in mind John Lanferman gathered nine of us who serve the Newfrontiers churches in the USA at Lilley’s Landing in Branson, Missouri for three nights in early April. The trip started early Monday morning for the six of us traveling from St. Louis. Bibles, laptops, suitcases and fishing poles were stuffed precariously into the back of John’s Suburban. For lunch we met up with the three guys driving from Kansas City at a place that was not ‘out of the way’. Yes, you men have probably already guessed it-Bass Pro Shop’s Outdoor World! That’s right folks, the sportsman’s Mecca! Testosterone levels soared as we passed by the ATVs and boats on display at the front entrance. (I’ll pause so the ladies can roll their eyes one more time…) Despite our combined maturity in years the scene was probably more akin to giving a group of young boys each a few dollars and setting them loose at a county fair. Miraculously we all made it back to the car at approximately the same time and so the journey continued. Upon arriving at our destination we stuffed ourselves and our gear into the room. A few of the guys went for groceries, which I

avoided because hungry men shopping are the definition of chaos. Instead I teamed myself up with Ian “The Ringer” Ashby for a game of horseshoes and watched in amazement as Ian, a self-proclaimed novice, gave the other team a real international whoopin’. After dinner we met and, as usual, we started off our meeting with worship and prayer before delving into issues on the agenda. We adjourned at approximately 10:30 p.m. (This turned out to be our earliest night; the next two evenings continued until midnight.) Rather than narrate the first night, I have written a short poem describing the experience (it reads like The Night Before Christmas)

Let me see if I can use words to paint a picture of fishing for you…imagine a scene from “A River Runs Through It” …a secluded place with glistening waters and the gentle sound of the stream meandering over rocks smooth from years of refining by the flowing waters. Then you spot a tranquil pool in the water to place your first cast…(Pause here…ah yes, close your eyes and take it all in…). “HEY” Rick Hein yells over the roar of the engine, “QUIT DAYDREAMING AND GET YOUR REAR IN THE BOAT!” Well, I think you got the picture.

never witnessed. An otherwise normal man reduced to mumbling and glassy-eyed stares except for the occasional outburst when the “great beast” nibbled at his hook. Captain Ahab would have been proud, Sam. In the end, thankfully, there was a return to some sense of normalcy, well, as much as you could expect from nine grown men in a small apartment, sharing two bathrooms after eating the Grand Slam Meat Lover’s breakfast at Denny’s. That night we shared our spoils and John cooked up a great fish dinner.

I don’t know exactly what it is, but a funny thing happens to guys when you put a fishing pole in their hands. And, as guys are apt to do, we

On the more serious side, these getaways are times for John to share what is on his heart and his aspirations for the future of the Newfrontiers churches in the USA. I am continually amazed at the fatherly heart and apostolic concern for the churches that comes pouring out. It was a time when the Spirit reminded us of our call and mission together. It is not by accident or simply providence that God has knit us together as a family of churches, but by God’s grace John works hard (1 Corinthians 15:10) at envisioning, re-evaluating, and building to the future. Missions, training programs, conferences, church plants, financial budgets, as well as a host of other issues have been and continue to be either born or steered in times such as these. It is not without a strategy that we move forward-that is why the first thing we do is seek the Lord and also why your prayers for the team are so important.

‘Twas the night after driving and all through the suite, All the creatures were snoring, like chainsaws replete. My earplugs were placed on the nightstand with care In case of insomnia and sleepless despair. When down in the kitchen there arose such a clatter Of men seeking bathrooms to empty their bladder So out of my bed I flew like a flash Knowing the next place in line was worth more than cash Then the sun through a gap in living room curtains Gave me a vision of which I am certain, It was John Lanferman with a chorus so joyous and spry Of old gospel songs from days gone by, “GOOD MORNING TO ALL, I’ll fly, I’ll fly, I’ll fly away” Yes, it’s true. John would wake us up each morning with Pentecostal choruses from a previous era. I can attest to the fact that a jab in the gut and one of John’s songs does more to wake a person up than a Starbuck’s Caramel Mocca Latte Double-Caf any day. After some cereal and the gospel golden-oldies hour (or approximately 8:00 each morning) we gathered for a time of worship and prayer. God’s presence was there immediately and led us into spontaneous thanksgiving, praise, and singing with prophetic words as well. After that we were definitely in the right frame of mind to tackle the agenda. At 1:00 p.m. we would break for lunch and then head out on the water for a few hours of fishing.

made this fishing excursion a contest-whichever boat came back with the fewest fish had to cook dinner. I must confess that it is not so much the wager (cooking dinner) that is at stake as the right to goad the other team. Now as lines were cast into the water I watched, aghast, as heavenly principles such as brotherly kindness, telling the truth, and preferring one another took a back seat to trash talking, and ‘white’ lying between the boats. I am sure that if anyone could have found the golden rule it would have been melted down and used as a fishing lure. Yes my friends, the desire for shared success and a spirit of teamwork dissipated faster than you could get your bait in the water. One other amazing phenomenon worth mentioning was watching as one of the guys was overcome by a fishing fever the likes of which I have

It really amazes me what a time away like this can do for knitting hearts together and both clarifying and unifying vision. To team leaders I would say that if you’ve not scheduled a similar time with your team you are missing out. I would think that as the disciples traveled with Jesus ‘along the way’ they experienced some important relationship-building times in between the times of public ministry. We also know that there were times when Jesus just wanted to be with a select few. Let’s also make room in our calendars for these kinds of times. I guarantee you will not be disappointed with the fruit. Fishing seems a well suited activity for times like these because, as Herbert Hoover once said, “Fishing is a... discipline in the equality of men - for all men are equal before fish.” I’m sure you are all wondering who caught the biggest fish. Well, as always on these trips, the biggest fish was one of those that got away.

P.S. Gayle, Rick really did eat fruit and oatmeal for breakfast...he said he had to leave room for the peanut M&M’s!


If you have any news briefs such as these and would like to submit them to The Link, please contact us at Examples could include miraculous healings, successful outreaches, church initiatives or anything unusual or noteworthy. We welcome news from all over the U.S. and Canada.

Complimentary Oil Change

Charlene Lister: Healed from Seizures

ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH UNION, MO In May, one of our Life Groups offered a complimentary oil change for single moms and families in need. While having their oil changed, visitors had the opportunity to spend time with some believers over coffee and donuts. We were able to serve them and offer prayer, expressing God’s love to them. The event was a success in meeting people in our community and showing them Christ’s love.

CHRIST THE KING CHURCH >> ROCHESTER, NH I sustained a head injury in July 2004 and began to have monthly absence seizures. I was put on a high dosage of medication and wasn’t able to drive. I was eventually put on full-time disability. The medication caused numerous problems and neurologists conducted many tests to find out why I was having the seizures.



Oneblaze Weekend Aftermath ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH UNION, MO After being involved in Oneblaze service projects, our youth wanted to serve their local community. We contacted the Union Parks Department director and asked how we could help. They immediately had two projects for us. On April 21, we picked up trash along the banks of a creek and on April 28, we helped plant trees for an Arbor Day celebration. They were very physically exhausting days but our Youth Group attendance was the largest ever for these projects. We received many compliments from the leaders on the youth’s hard work, kindness, and willingness to help. We were then asked if they would be willing to help at the July fair. ALC is gaining a community reputation as a church that is willing to serve! >>


For more than two years I coped with my condition and regularly received prayer for healing. In June 2006, a woman in our church prayed over me and believed that the Lord gave her the message “In God’s time, you WILL be healed of the seizures.” After what I had been through, it was a struggle to believe that word.

In November 2006 I went to a specialist for a week-long battery of tests to try to induce a seizure and find out the underlying problem. The first night of my testing the Lord impressed upon me to tell the doctors that I knew I was healed of the seizures. Throughout the week, the doctors kept asking me, “So, when are you going to have a seizure?” as they could find no evidence of them in my neurological scans. The doctors eventually stopped asking me because I kept telling them the Lord had already healed me. At the end of the week, having found no current evidence of seizures, I was diagnosed with complex migraines and my medication was reduced dramatically. Today, my speech is normal, I have very few tremors, and little or no fatigue. Because prayer changed my life, I am now quick to obey the Holy Spirit’s prompting to pray for someone else.

BREAKAWAY From the Bridge Connecticut BRIDGE CHURCH >> WILTON, CT 52 weeks ago God caused us to start this ministry to the poor. By His grace it’s been a year full of changes in us all. God has moved on many as evidenced by a couple who joined us, completed a Foundations Course and was later baptized in June. Another three of our young people were baptized and recently a 12-year-old girl committed her life to Christ. We are anxious for God to move in mighty supernatural manifestation, and are trusting Him to show up in grace and power. We are holding on to Matthew 15:29-31 as a promise from God. Verse 31 reads, “When the people saw (the amazing miracles) they were astonished and let everyone know that God was blazingly alive among them.”


Extraordinary Encounters with God

CHRIST’S CHURCH >> KAISER, MO The last few months at Christ’s Church have been extraordinary! At a corporate prayer meeting Steve McQueen was healed of stage four, Lymphoma Cancer! Matt Beliel recently committed his life to Christ, received water baptism and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Soon thereafter he was set free from strongholds of rejection, anger and resentment. Matt says, “I’m experiencing peace, a sense of belonging and purpose like never before.” We have also seen legs grow, spines straightened and asthma, food allergies, knee, back and shoulder pain healed and mobility restored to arthritic joints. Laura Grower testified of now being able to stand for extended periods of time when previously she could only stand for a few minutes at a time. She even ran across the foyer after God healed her back! Eric Maher was asked to lead worship at a youth event for a local Baptist Church. God’s power and presence met with the youth and 15 responded to a gospel message to yield their lives to Christ!

GRACE CHURCH >> LEE’S SUMMIT, MO “Yay! It’s BREAKAWAY night!” a mom declares as she drops her boys off for a night of fun at Grace Church. BREAKAWAY is a unique program that allows parents of special needs children to “break away” for four hours every third Saturday of the month. The excitement builds as each child arrives and is greeted by their “para”. Each child is paired with a volunteer who dedicates the evening to the safety and enjoyment of the child.


BREAKAWAY became reality after a prophetic word given by Dave Devenish during Midwest Family Weekend 2006. He said Grace Church was to be a church that carries the message “The Kingdom of God is here. The Kingdom of God is going to be demonstrated.” This word is reflected in the grateful hearts of parents at the end of a BREAKAWAY evening. “I can’t tell you what a blessing you all are to us,” one thankful mother says, “We can’t say ‘thank you’ enough!”

Growth at Jubilee in Atlanta! JUBILEE CHURCH >> ATLANTA, GA Jubilee Church has recently seen significant growth. With the completion of two Alpha courses we baptized 11 people. We have also seen many people healed. During an Alpha meeting Jubilee members prayed for Gail Bulan’s back. According to Gail, “After I was prayed for and didn’t feel any pain in my back or shoulder, I was pretty excited, but I figured the true test would be when I got out of bed the next morning. I had actually gotten a good night’s sleep and didn’t feel uncomfortable at that time but I really expected that it would probably hurt to get up - as it has for several years. After the alarm rang, I was just lying in bed, hoping I was wrong and all of a sudden this picture popped into my head! It was a white dove with wings outstretched and underneath it was a sign that spelled ‘GUARANTEED’. I thought to myself, ‘Okay, You win!’ I got up and NO PAIN! I’ve been blessed by God, yet again!” August marks the two-year anniversary since our launch and we regularly see guests on Sundays with attendance growing each week.


If you have any news briefs such as these and would like to submit them to The Link, please contact us at Examples could include miraculous healings, successful outreaches, church initiatives or anything unusual or noteworthy. We welcome news from all over the U.S. and Canada.

A Miracle of Mercy by Steve Marks

Sheila’s Story





Midwest Family Weekend 2007…the meeting room is filled with people praising God…Jon Alden knew he had received a word from God, as he leaned over to Parker Marks, our 18 year old son and said, “The letters will be where they are supposed to be and God will make you to see things you never thought you would!” Parker knew immediately what this meant. He went back to the book table, picked up a book, and started reading. Miraculously, for the first time ever in Parker’s 18 years he was looking at a page and each letter was clear. More importantly, each word he read… HE UNDERSTOOD! Five years ago…“Parker has the worst case of dyslexia we have seen in 13 years” was the shocking report given to us by Billy Calvery, director of Applied Learning Processes, one of the nation’s most recognized learning disability centers. Throughout his life, Parker could never comprehend what he attempted to read. In fact, during his high school years, he was given a classification called “504 C”. This allowed him to have his reading provided in audio form as well as other special provisions. Needless to say, he hated school and felt like an outcast.


Sheila is the mother of three grown children and the adoptive mother of two younger children, Eric, a survivor of Shaken Baby Syndrome, and Avalon who is hearing impaired and has severe ADHD. This is Sheila’s story. I hurt my by back about six years ago and have been in considerable pain ever since. As a result I could no longer lift Eric or his wheelchair. On Mother’s Day I picked up the Newfrontiers Magazine about healing and stuck it in my purse to read later. That afternoon I read, “Confessions of a Healing Sceptic.” The author talked about a lack of faith hampering miracles. I started talking to the Lord. “I believe in healing, I don’t lack faith for healing. I’ve seen Tyler (my 19 year old son) miraculously healed. I’m watching Eric be healed more every day.” The Lord showed me that I don’t lack faith for my children; I lack faith for myself to be healed. So I continued praying, “Lord, You gave me Eric and Avalon and I don’t believe it’s Your will that I can’t take care of them, please increase my faith for my back to be healed.” Then I fell asleep. When I awoke I did a few things around the house and suddenly realized I had no pain. I started laughing and thanking Jesus. I started coughing and couldn’t keep from laughing. Coughing usually sends sharp stabbing pain through my back, now however, there was no pain at all! Every day since has been more of a joy as I realize I can do things without pain.


One year ago, Parker started listening to the Bible on audiotape. It became a passion to him and one day, while listening to 1 Corinthians 10:13, God changed his life. In fact, Parker said, “Isn’t it amazing that the thing I hated most…words, was the very thing God used to change my life…His words.” His mother and I witnessed a change in Parker that was nothing short of a miracle in itself. From a young man who was bitter and filled with hatred, due to his dyslexia, to becoming amazingly passionate for worshipping God and listening to the Bible. He started a Morning Prayer group at his High School and has become one of the most loving and caring young men two parents could ask for. Parker has been preparing to be a part of a Newfrontiers Frontier Year Team after his graduation this summer, but his greatest fear was all the reading that would be required of him. He prayed and felt God was going to heal him, but didn’t know when. His mother had been praying that he would be healed, for fear she wouldn’t be there to read for him. Parker had chosen to attend Midwest Family Weekend instead of attending his own graduation. When Jon Alden spoke the word to him, he ran forward to tell the good news. After listening to Parker, Rick Hein asked him to read from the Bible. As he read Psalm 141 he shouted, “I CAN READ!” Then from the platform he read to everyone and the crowd shouted praises to God! As I looked around the room at those who have walked with Parker through his struggle, one thing was common—We all knew without a doubt that we were witnessing a true miracle. The experts told us there was no cure but God obviously had different plans. Now, days later, Parker and all of us are still praising God for this miracle of mercy. He is reading every day now; and you may find it interesting that the first book Parker picked up that day happened to be one of the assigned books for the Year Team. The book is: “A People Prepared” by Terry Virgo. Graduation day was the day Parker was given the greatest graduation gift he could ever imagine… the ability to read! Parker said to me, “Every time I see a sign or a word now, I see GOD! I want to shout for the whole world to hear… “MY SON CAN READ!”

The church gathered each night for a week in May, to worship and call upon God, asking for His forward direction. Each evening as we met with God, His powerful presence was evident through prophetic direction, and people being released into their calling. The church was discovering a level of prayer, and urgency to pray; that we hardly knew was there. Overall, we felt God speak to us about “greater things” coming, and prompting all of us to “rise up” into our calling as God’s people. We never want to be lacking in zeal, but to keep our spiritual fervor serving the Lord; being a people who are joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.

Revive Consignment Opens in Atlanta JUBILEE CHURCH >> ATLANTA, GA Jubilee Church officially opened the doors to Revive Consignment. The store is set in 8000 square feet and is filled with furniture, clothing, and home décor. Inside the store is a coffee shop for customers to sit, relax, and enjoy complimentary coffee. Revive is more than just a means of supporting the church; we believe God is going to use this store as a way to meet people in this city. Many prophetic words have been spoken over the store such as people being saved, healed inwardly and physically, and added to the church. For more information, visit

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR SUBMISSIONS If you have an idea for an article you would like to see in The Link, or if you have any questions/concerns, please contact the Newfrontiers-USA office. We want to hear from you.

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Newfrontiers-USA >> P.O. Box 2626 St. Louis, MO 63116 314.832.9042 314.832.9044 Copyright Newfrontiers-USA | August, 2007

SUMMER >> 2007 Encompassed by 70 different languages, set on a street that sees 40,000 cars daily, ONEBLAZE launched a new day for the youth of NewfrontiersUSA. Five days of community service, worship, and teaching lay ahead as we gathered at Jubilee’s new building in south St. Louis.

in St. Louis


Newfrontiers is a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

ONEBLAZE was provoked to live sacrificially filled with Jesus’ power from Matt Sweetman, John Lanferman, Rick Hein, Bryan Mowrey and others. Daily we dressed in eye-catching yellow t-shirts, engaging in service projects for the purpose of raising Jubilee’s profile. ONEBLAZE facilitated a food drive, painted a community center, picked up trash, visited a nursing home, and ran a three-day kids camp. The kids camp, which included soccer, basketball and art, was open to children in the area, ages 6-14. Over 100 kids came through Jubilee's doors! Parents were thrilled and kids came home each day inspired to work hard, and practice drills they learned. One Mom expressed such thanks for teenage boys taking time to spend with her young sons what a rare sight! Employees of a local food pantry were floored as we built shelves, painted, organized, and collected 25 boxes of food. The Czech Community Center was transformed through landscaping and cleaning up the surrounding area. One group prayed for the Community Center's director whose husband has major back problems and undergoes physical therapy. She was grateful for the prayer and delighted with the facilities new look.

healings were reported: A girl from England, had a scab on the back of her head completely vanish. Kelly Shcickler received mobility back in her shoulder, which she had hurt years ago. Bennett Chambers received prayer for an injured knee and was able to bend it with no pain! Miles Rodney arrived at camp with allergies, unable to take in deep breathes. After praying all symptoms left - he could breath normally! Cassie Dotson arrived with a badly sprained and swollen ankle but after receiving prayer she no longer needed crutches or her brace! All week ONEBLAZE was building toward the Family Fun Day. Numerous families from the area came out to enjoy the face painting, moon-walk, bungee races, mechanical bull rides, and live music. As the day went along new friendships were formed, stories were shared and the kingdom advanced.

Daily prayers filled the lobby as we thanked God for his goodness and petitioned the Spirit to move in power. Scriptures and prophetic words were shared stirring our faith and raising the bar for the evening meeting.

Kathryn Atkins, a camper from the UK, and Jenny Emmons, Jubilee Atlanta, spoke with a lady named Rosemary, age 75. When the girls invited Rosemary to church, along with her granddaughter (18) who lived with her, Rosemary shared how she would love to, but Angie was unlikely to come. Three weeks ago she was nearly kidnapped in front of a local grocery store and had not been out of the house since. The girls decided to write Angie a letter inviting her to the meeting. Rosemary came back later that day to tell Kathryn and Jenny that she had given the letter to Angie and she was coming to church the next day!

Worship exploded with expectation Thursday night as we prepared to pray for healing. Matt Sweetman spoke on Jesus' Resurrection and confidence soared as he shared a video of a Nigerian man raised from the dead. Multiple

Maddyson Schultz, Living Hope Church, met Charlie during the week. He shared how he was living out of his car after being evicted from his apartment. Maddyson invited Charlie to the Family Fun Day and to Jubilee Sunday

Externally Focused Church Conference Rick Hein JUBILEE CHURCH >> ST. LOUIS, MO

If your church were to move out of the area, would your community notice? This was the question posed to over 600 participants at this year’s Externally Focused Church Conference in Longmont, Colorado. Everything about the conference (songs, messages, and seminars) addressed the issue of community involvement through serving. Seminar leaders shared stories of how their churches were transformed and their communities impacted by strategic external involvement in the community. Churches were encouraged to discover the real needs of their community through assessment interviews of community leaders and service organization leaders in their community.

Churches were encouraged to come alongside non-profit organizations rather than to “reinvent the wheel” within their church.

Churches were encouraged to come alongside non-profit organizations rather than to “reinvent the wheel” within their church. In so doing, administration was kept to a minimum and churches were able to focus on the task of serving the needs of the community. The number of churches actively involved in serving their public schools personally surprised me. Whether it was tutoring, repainting classrooms, or simply cleaning the grounds, these churches were gaining a good reputation within the community as being a group of people who genuinely care about their community through service to their schools.

to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples, morning. He came along to the Family Fun Day and when asked how he was doing he replied, "this is a wonderful Saturday." He planned to attend Jubilee the followingSunday.

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A N E W F R O N T I E R S - U S A P U B L I C AT I O N

Annette Miles, Abundant Grace, met Antoinette (99 years old) at the nursing home. Annette spent time speaking with her and listening to her stories. At the end of the week Antoinette said to Annette, "I want you to know, getting to know you has breathed new life into me." What a blessing!

IN THIS ISSUE "I can see Jesus' love through you all. Whether you realize it or not, you are showing Jesus' love!" -a local woman

Newfrontiers-USA churches, church plants and pioneering efforts are currently working in 12 states.

Chris Kerford, Living Hope Church, met TreVone and his little brother DeVone or "D" for short, at the basketball camp. TreVone shared how he wanted to be apart of Jubilee's youth group and keep in touch with Chris. Karen Kerford, spoke with Nicole, the boys' mom, who shared how she thinks her son had found a life long friend in Chris and how they would love to have lunch with the Kerford's the next time they are in St. Louis. The whole family plans to attend Jubilee's Sunday meeting. Matt Sweetman, Grace Church, and David Herrington, Jubilee STL, spoke with a man at the Family Fun Day who was a bus driver for some ONEBLAZERS. He had been invited by some youth and had brought along two of his sons. Matt listened as the bus driver shared how he was an artist, had 5 kids, and his theories on the Holy Spirit. David Harsh, Grace Church, spoke with a couple whose grandson had come to the kids camp. The lady shared how much her grandson loved the camp and the people there. Before they left she turned to David and said, "I can see Jesus' love through you all. Whether you realize it or not, you are showing Jesus' love!" What a blessing! Mckenzie Marks shared how she played cards with a group of kids at the Family Fun Day. She had built friendships with them at the kids camp during the week. They kept asking why she had to go and telling her how much they loved her. It broke Mckenzie's heart to see how much these kids needed love and how little it took to give them that love. She shared how they could still be connected if they came to Jubilee and encouraged them to come. The power of God's love working through us is astounding. Sunday morning we loaded back into our cars inspired to go home and serve our own towns, and looking forward to next summer when we would return to St. Louis to serve again. We are raising up a new generation of church pioneers, what better way to do so thanthrough the local church, serving the community and walking in the power of the Spirit.


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A CLOSER LOOK Kansas City, Here We Come! Heather Sweetman

A Trip to Remember

Soundbite from John Lanferman Team Leader >> Newfrontiers-USA

QUESTIONS, COMMENTS OR SUBMISSIONS Newfrontiers-USA P.O. Box 2626 St. Louis, MO 63116 phone 314.832.9042

training leaders and planting churches.

Mike Lawson

Oneblaze in St. Louis Heather Sweetman

Externally Focused

“Do you wish to be well?” Jesus once asked a man who had been sick for 38 Church Conference Rick Hein years that question. It seems strange to ask that of a man who for years went to the pool of Bethsaida waiting for an angel to trouble the waters which guaranteed healing NF-USA Today for the first person in the pool. It is an intriguing question, “What do you wish?” Is Jesus really interested in our wishes? Is it possible that the crippled man’s daily journey to the pool was no longer hope but rather habit? Jesus’ question took him past his disappointment and back to his original and possibly dormant desire. Why is this an important question? Because desire is where we all must go if we are to meet God. Passivity is our enemy. Passivity is actually a statement of fear and non-belief. It is not good for Christians to quench their desires. Isaiah put it this way “…everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.” (55:1) A.W. Tozer said, “Thirsty hearts are those whose longings have been awakened by the touch of God within them.” Many are afraid of desire because they fear it may lead to disappointment; “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” It is a statement of a lack of trust; we don’t trust ourselves, others or even God. This is a dilemma that is based in fear, which is the opposite of faith. Where do we start? We start by responding to Jesus’ question…”What do you wish?”

A praying church has embraced the impossible; it is living in the realm of the supernatural. Prayer expresses faith in a God of miracles, a God who is present, active, hearing and making known to us His will, stimulating our desires. According to Revelation 8:3-5, when we pray, heavenly activity takes place that effectively changes earth.

Prayer expresses faith in a God of miracles, a God who is present, active, hearing and making known to us His will, stimulating our desires.

This is an invitation from God to make our request known…it is an invitation to pray. Too often fear is allowed to kill God-given dreams and hopes, which leads to fatalism or apathy. Jesus came to give us a life of passion. He doesn’t want us to settle. He wants us overflowing with desires that bless and honor Him. What desires has God given you? Have you opened your heart to God-given dreams? Or have you allowed delay, the passing of time or fear to dominate your life until you no longer respond to Jesus’ gracious invitation? “What do you wish?”

The language of desire is prayer. When we don’t have the interest to pray it is a statement of a lack of desire. Prayer is the response of faith… we believe God is interested in our desires. Jesus’ question “What do you wish?” is an invitation from God to make our request known. A church that doesn’t pray has ceased to want anything from God, it has ceased to believe. It becomes a church that lives only in what is practically possible. It doesn’t hope for anything greater than what it can produce apart from God.

a worldwide family of churches together on a mission

As a young Christian I would often question the motivation of my prayers. Were my prayers rooted in selfishness? Is it appropriate to ask God for certain things? I found my questions paralyzed my prayer life, as I was all too aware of my glaring weaknesses. One day God spoke clearly to me through Hebrews 4:15-16 “…we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are …yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

I prayed freely from that day forward. In response to Jesus’ question the crippled man prayed a terrible prayer about the impossibility of his circumstance, “I have no one to put me in the water....” Jesus’ response was gracious…”take up your pallet and walk.” The man was instantly healed. Jesus is so gracious that He can sanctify our imperfect prayers. When we pray our wishes to God, He puts back into our hearts the things that need to happen and answers our prayers according to His divine purpose. Therefore let’s draw near with confidence to the throne of grace because we shall surely receive mercy and find grace there.

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