6 minute read
Fast Facts:
• Line size: 70
• 5 new designs indicated in red
• Notelet card size: 4 ¼" x 5 ½"

• Colorfully designed envelopes
• Cards feature full-color interiors
• Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks
• Wholesale cost: $7.50/unit of 6
• Retail price: $2.49 each
DC = Die-Cut Card
GL = Glitter Embellished Card
BDC91189 …it’s not uncommon to be thinking about the “hereafter”... we ask ourselves “What the heck are we here after?” Happy Birthday—Maggie Mae Sharp DC $2.49
Stock up on Scrapbook™ for cards that are old-fashioned fun and deliver modern-day sales!

BDC91365 …we are good at multitasking! we can sneeze, laugh, cough and pee, all at the same time! Happy Birthday—Maggie Mae Sharp $2.49 DC
C BDC91989 The secret to eternal youth…exercise…healthy diet…friendship, and about twenty parts not giving a damn. Happy Birthday to you and all your parts!—Masterfile Corporation $2.49

BDC91994 Instead of worrying… live your life so that…the devil gets a cold chill and says… “Oh CRAP! She’s awake!!!” Happy Birthday—Maggie Mae Sharp $2.49 DC
BDC92170 Every year…the Birthday Fairy leaves her lovely gifts of gray roots, creaky joints, and spotty memory. Vindictive Old Bat. Happy Birthday—Maggie Mae Sharp $2.49 DC

BDC92174 …we are only as strong as the hairspray we use…and the girlfriends we’ve been blessed with. Lucky me! And Happy Birthday to You!—Maggie Mae Sharp DC $2.49

BDC92175 Friends are like fancy chocolates… it’s what’s inside that counts. Happy Birthday to someone who’s fabulous all the way through!—Maggie Mae Sharp DC $2.49

BDC92549 They had the best of times because they were the best of friends. Wishing my very good friend the best of everything… Happy Birthday—Gail Goodwin GL$2.49
The B54T sells 54 Notelet designs. Shown here with Scrapbook™ and header H852. R06 base must be ordered separately. See pages 20-35 for additional display options.
Wholesale investment for 54 units of Notelet cards: $405.00*.

*Ask your representative for current fixture pricing.
BDC92556 gee·zer ‘ge-zer noun [slang] Not young. Not dead. Somewhere in between. Happy Birth-
BDC92747 Who’s Awesome? You’re awesome! Happy Birthday to You and Your Amazing Awesomeness!

—Ephemera, Inc. $2.49
BDC92751 One of life’s sweetest sounds is the laughter of a friend. May this find you with… laughter in your heart. Happy Birthday, My Friend—Betsy Cameron $2.49
BDC92748 A Little Bit Older {A lot more fabulous!} Happy Birthday
—Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
BDC92749 “My bottom’s fallen asleep” “I know, I can hear it snoring!”
It’s your birthday – hope it’s a GAS!
—Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
BDC92750 You put your left leg in, your back goes out… you’re running out of puff, but you blow your candles out… That’s what it’s all about! Happy Birthday—Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
BDC92853 Growing old is inevitable… but growing up is optional! And having a happy birthday is mandatory!
—Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
BDC92752 Life is short… eat the frosting first! …and leave no crumbs! Happy Birthday!
—Maggie Mae Sharp DC$2.49
BDC92854 Age Denial? la la la la la la… I find this method VERY effective! Happy Birthday

—Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
BDC92825 You and me… friends until we’re old and senile! …and then we’ll be new friends. How great is that?! Happy Birthday—Maggie Mae Sharp DC$2.49

BDC92852 Another year down the pot! Hey, at least your birthdays are regular! … Happy Birthday—Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
BDC92941 “My joints are stiff.” “You’re rolling them too tight.” Wishing you high times on your birthday!—Dare to Laugh™ $2.49
BDC93004 …Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked… the good fortune to run into the ones I do… Happy Birthday—Shari Jenkins $2.49

BDC92942 OMG!! That wasn’t a fart Hope your birthday’s a real gas!—Ephemera, Inc. $2.49

BDC93005 What’s this “Queen for a Day” crap?! It’s Birthday Girl for a day… Queen Forever! Have a Most Magnificent Day—Shari Jenkins $2.49
BDC92855 “My dentist told me I need a crown. I was like, I know, right?” You rule! Happy Birthday
—Dare to Laugh™ $2.49
BDC92943 “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” (Katharine Hepburn) Happy Birthday —Trunk Archive $2.49
BDC92856 I started a new exercise routine. Every day I do diddly-squats. Exercise your right to do nothing… today! Happy Birthday—Dare to Laugh™ $2.49

BDC92944 It’s Your Birthday Hope it’s one big slice of happy! —Gail Goodwin $2.49
BDC93006 Old age is like an old house… the plumbing leaks, the wiring is shot & half the shingles are missing! Happy Birthday—Shari Jenkins $2.49
BDC93008 I’m not saying you’re old. But if you were milk, I’d sniff you first. Happy Birthday —bCreative Inc. $2.49

BDC93065 Yeah, Girl! It’s Your Birthday! Get out there and shake what your Mama gave ya!
—Kendra Dew $2.49
BDC93087 …I had to change my password to “Incorrect.”… To continue enter the correct 2 digit age and press Happy Birthday—Dare to Laugh™ $2.49

BDC93091 She was…ashamed at… her recycling bin One of the bottles still had…wine in it! It’s your birthday – make all the pour decisions you want!—Pigment Productions $2.49

BDC93066 Oh no, no, no… not again! “Weren’t you old enough last year?” Happy Birthday —Kendra Dew $2.49
BDC93067 Look at it this way… Your age is just the number of years the world’s been enjoying awesome you! Happy Birthday—Getty Images $2.49
BDC93068 Another year older but… you’ve still got something to smile about… You’re still younger than me! Happy Birthday —Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
BDC93157 Sometimes I laugh so hard tears run down my leg! Aren’t birthdays a pisser?!

—Shari Jenkins $2.49
BRC92945 To my Sister We thought we were just having fun… It turns out we were making memories… Happy Birthday—Maggie

BDC93088 Happy Birthday
Wishing you one good thing on top of another and another and another…—Kendra Dew $2.49

BDC93154 Happy Birthday Hope it’s a lick-the-batter and eat-all-the-icing kind of day!—Kendra Dew $2.49

BDC93089 Wishing you miles of smiles! Happy Birthday —John Lund $2.49

BDC93090 You haven’t changed a bit… still bald, pudgy, and missing most of your teeth! Happy Birthday —Getty Images $2.49
BDC93158 You can’t regret what you can’t remember! Hope it’s the best birthday you’ll never remember. —Pigment Productions $2.49

BDC93155 Another birthday??
Bleh.—Getty Images $2.49

BDC93185 Sheila knew she was lookin’ sharp, she didn’t need anyone to tell her. Another birthday? You wear it well! —Mary
BDC93156 Good news! With one eye closed, you only look half as old! Happy Birthday—Ardea Picture Library $2.49

FRC91281 In a way, friendships are kinda like a favorite bra... once you find a good one, you don’t ever want to give it up.—Maggie
FRC91998 Recent studies revealed… the other time of the month…she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth…—Maggie
BDC93186 MUUUAH! Happy Birthday Kiss! Kiss! —Kendra
LTC92260 If not for you…there would be one less smile, one less laugh… If not for you, something special would be missing.
FRC92552 No special reason, no special day, just one special person who’s thought of today. Thinking happy thoughts of you.
—Gail Goodwin GL$2.49
FRC92757 I’m so glad we’re friends… it saves me having to pay a therapist!
—Pigment Productions Ltd $2.49
FRC92857 No one will ever be as entertained by us… as us! —Pigment Productions Ltd GL$2.49
FRC93009 We’re more than friends! We’re like a two-person gang.—Shari Jenkins $2.49

FRC93010 Thinking of You blank inside—Trunk Archive $2.49
FRC93092 Love ya! blank inside —Ardea Picture Library $2.49
FRC93159 Life is sweetest when shared with a friend. blank inside —Kendra Dew $2.49

FRC93187 Friends are so much cheaper than shrinks. Thanks to you, I’ve saved a fortune!
—G & C Studio $2.49
AVC93160 Happy Anniversary May the adventure never end!
—Kendra Dew $2.49
ECC92858 When the going gets ruff… Know that you are surrounded by love and wrapped in a hug.

—Ardea Picture Library $2.49
AVC93188 The best thing to hold on to in life… is each other. Happy Anniversary—Kieran Lehane $2.49

ECC93011 Keeping you in my thoughts and holding you close to my heart.
—Wild-Side Brands Ltd $2.49
Thank You Sympathy
ECC91219 I’ve said my very best prayers… and I’ve said them all for you.—Maggie Mae Sharp $2.49 DC
ECC93071 When there are no words… there are always hugs.
—Shutterstock $2.49
Get Well
ECC91287 May the light always find you…May you always have courage to take a chance, and may you never find frogs in your underpants.—Maggie Mae Sharp $2.49 DC
GWC92667 Hope you’re already feeling at least a hare better! Please Bounce Back Soon —Norvia
GWC93161 Just sending a little sunshine your way… for a happier, healthier, brighter day! Feel Better Soon

TKC93012 Thank You {I can’t say it loud enough!} —Pigment
TKC93189 Thank You …so very much. —Lori