30% off quantitieswhilelast!
30% off quantitieswhilelast!
Assortment includes a variety of 112 bottoms, 48 tops, and 16 sleepshirts. Dimensions: 20” x 36” with dowel face outs, 68” high with sign.
Assortment includes a variety of 24 sleepshirts, 54 tops, and 96 bottoms. Dimensions: 20” x 36” with dowel face outs, 68” high with sign.
Assortment includes 24 assorted PJ Sets. Dimensions: 18” x 22”
Assortment includes 24 assorted PJ Sets. Dimensions: 18” x 22”
Any cancellations of orders must reach our office 2 weeks prior to ship date and need to be cleared by the local sales representative. Refused orders and returns will incur a 20% restocking fee and freight fees
Hatley Little Blue House Inc. does not accept C.O.D. or proforma terms. All opening orders will be shipped prepaid by credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
Assessment of credit can take up to 3 weeks upon receipt of a credit application. A customer may be approved for Net 30 terms; however, Hatley Little Blue House Inc. reserves the right to remove terms at any time with, or without cause.
All invoices paid with a credit card after the ship date will be charged a 2.5% processing fee.
Net 30 terms are due 30 days from the date of invoice. Interest of 1.5% per month (18% annually) will be charged on invoices not paid within the agreed upon terms. Accounts that are habitually late will lose their terms and be required to pay by credit card. Overdue accounts will have any in-house order placed on hold. Overdue accounts will immediately be referred to our collection agency if invoices remain unpaid past 45 days from their due date.
Accounts with Net 30 terms are given credit limits as determined by our credit manager in consultation with our credit agency. These limits will be strictly adhered to.
Canada Orders:
All merchandise is sold FOB Montreal, Québec
USA Orders:
All merchandise is sold FOB Champlain NY. On behalf of the customer, Hatley USA Inc. shall arrange for shipping, handling and insurance at the customer’s expense, to the customer’s location.
UK, EU Orders:
All merchandise is sold Landed Duty Paid (LDP) Heathrow, England with Hatley UK Ltd. taking full responsibility for custom clearances. Title and all risk of loss shall pass to the customer upon entry of merchandise into the commerce of the United Kingdom. On behalf of the customer, Hatley Hatley UK Ltd. shall arrange for shipping, handling and insurance at the customer’s expense, to the customer’s location, in the event where the carriage paid minimum order amount is not met.
All references to Hatley refer to the legal entity – Hatley Little Blue House Inc. in Canada, Hatley USA Inc. and Hatley UK Ltd. in the UK. All products shown in this catalogue are the exclusive designs of Hatley Little Blue House Inc. Any infringement will be strictly enforced. All rights reserved 2021.
Items that are unavailable at the time of your order will automatically be backordered whenever possible. Should you wish to cancel a backorder please contact our Customer Service Department. Backorders under $50 will automatically be cancelled. Hatley does not pay freight on backorders.
Our policy is to credit your account for any damaged goods. Claims must be reported within 48 hours of receipt of goods. Merchandise and packing must be retained in original carton for inspection. Returns will not be accepted without authorization number from Hatley. All shortage claims must be made within 10 days. To report damages or defective items contact customer service.
Unless expressly authorised in writing by Hatley, the retailer must stock and sell the goods on their own premises and on their own website only. The retailer must not sell the goods on EBay, any marketplace website, social networking websites or other online sites or online media without permission from Hatley.
The purchase price of the goods shall be Hatley quoted price or where no specific price is quoted, the price listed in the Hatley current published price list. Where goods are supplied for export, the Hatley published export price list for the relevant country shall apply.
4001 Blvd. Cote-Vertu Ouest, Saint-Laurent, QC
T: 1-800-667-2583
F: 1-514-272-0989
59 Church Street, Burlington, VT, 05401
T: 1-800-667-2583
F: 1-800-868-5776
Unit 2 Salterns Lane, Fareham, Hants, PO16 0SU
T: +44(0)20 7544 4833
F: +44(0)20 7544 4834
Request login: orderdesk@hatley.com
4001 Cote-Vertu Blvd. W, St-Laurent, QC, H4R 1R2
T: 1 800 667 2583
F: 1 514 272 0989
United States
59 Church Street, Burlington, VT, 05401
T: 1 800 667 2583
F: 1 800 868 5776
United Kingdom
Unit 2 Salterns Lane
Fareham, Hants PO16 0SU
T: +44(0)13 2795 9981