1 minute read
2) How did the orca ask the humpback to be their Valentine? "_____ you be mine?"
4) Name of the scholarship won by Perla Perez and Paris Figuereo
5) Newton may purchase the land between ______ Road and Brandeis Road.
6) One of the student-directed plays performed at the festival last week.
7) World’s most popular video game; South’s basketball team has a shared server
9) Mice, Rats, etc.
10) Swim & Dive team’s chosen day for weekly team dinners
11) The ____ Project is a tutoring program created by Neena Tarafdar for students in Tibet.
13) Last name of the director of the Avatar movies and Titanic.
16) Shorthand for a preschool course offered to South students who have taken CD.
17) Sneeze sound
1) The second holiday listed in the Holiday Homework Bill
3) Cheaters’ AI homework help. English teachers’ worst nightmare.
8) Tax issue that will be on the ballot during the March 14th special election