The Lion's Tale - Volume 62 - Edition 2 - Oviedo High School

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CULTURE Cookie recipes students love

New Spiderman thrills audiences




Inflatable decorations bring smiles



It’s that




Holiday season brings good tidings and joy to Oviedo This holiday season, families across America were able to spend Thanksgiving together. Here in Florida, 61.3% of citizens are vaccinated, allowing indoor gatherings to be held safely. However, a new COVID-19 variant, Omicron, has been detected in the U.S. According to the World Health Organization, Omicron is deadlier than the Delta variant. Thankfully, the new variant has yet to be found in Florida. President Joe Biden recently announced plans to reduce the prices of prescription drugs, mainly insulin. In late November, Biden released a plan to reduce the costs of gas, in efforts to restore the economy. On a lighter note, as the December holidays approach, celebrations and gatherings continue to be held in both Oviedo and Orlando. In Oviedo, many events such as Light

Up UCF, ROTC’s ‘Toys for Tots’ drive, Oviedo on the Park’s ‘Santa Paws,’ and many others will be taking place this December. In Orlando, theme parks Disney and Universal are hosting holidaythemed light shows and Christmas tree lightings. Here at Oviedo High School (OHS), the athletic department is hosting their annual Christmas tree fundraiser. Trees have sold out, with all profits going towards athletics. However, there are many other spots around Oviedo to purchase a real Christmas tree such as Home Depot and Lowe’s. Speaking of holidays, in our third edition of the Lion’s Tale, we will be reporting on everything holiday related this season- from students who celebrate different religious holidays during December to the new festive inflatables

seen around campus. We will be debating a few controversial holiday topics: Peppermint vs. Pumpkin spice, Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees, and to travel or not to travel over winter break. Be sure to check our opinion section to see the staff’s take on these debates. Similarly, we are covering all winter sports at Oviedo- including winterguard, boys and girls basketball, girls weightlifting, boys and girls soccer, and the dance team. We’re also discussing girls who joined the boys wrestling team and how music affects athletes. In our entertainment section, we are reviewing new albums from Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift, along with full coverage of ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’. The long awaited Marvel film will be released in theaters on December 17th.


Our culture section is reviewing holiday events in Oviedo, as well as the decorations in Orlando’s theme parks. Check pages twelve and thirteen for reviews of local holiday events and the latest fall and winter fashion. As winter break approaches, students at Oviedo are beginning to prepare for exams. Exams start on December 14, and end on December 17. With the holiday season approaching as well, between exams and Christmas shopping, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here at the Lion’s Tale, our staff wishes everyone the best of luck on exams, and a wonderful winter break. We also hope that everyone takes time for themselves this month, so take it easy the next few weeks- enjoy the holiday events around Oviedo, spend time with family, and most of all, have a very happy holidays!

Meet The Lion’s Tale staff Hannah Warrner Managing/online editor Hannah is a junior and this is her second year on staff, as the online and managing editor. She is super excited for this year and all the stories we publish this year. Hannah’s favorite artist is Harry Styles, and even named her car after him. She is a part of Oviedo’s student government and NHS. After graduation, Hannah hopes to pursue either nursing or marketing.

Ashlee is a junior and this is her second year on staff, as the features editor. She is a dancer, and is a huge One-Direction fan as well. Her favorite 1D member is Harry Styles, and she attended Love on Tour. Ashlee’s favorite type of dance is ballet and she has been dancing for eleven years. After high school, Ashlee hopes to get her real estate license and become a realtor.

Editor-in-Chief Emma Yost Managing/ Editor Hannah Warrner News Editor Hannah Warrner

Opinion Editor Veronika Maynard

Online Editor Hannah Warrner

Features Editor Ashlee Ross

Art Director Veronika Maynard

Sports Editors Mackenzie Holmes

Jr. Art Director Audrey Strembicki

Entertainment Editor Reporters Elliott Woodmansee- Paris Brown Siress Kaden Bryant Nelly Campos Culture Editors Audrey Choate Kait Peterson Jaden Cordonero Penelope Banks Joemi Cordonero Vincent Crook

Paris is a junior and this is her first year on staff as a reporter. She enjoys drawing and designing in her free time, and hopes to have her art featured in the Lion’s Tale. Paris’s favorite art medium is acrylic paint, and she likes to paint landscapes. After high school, Paris hopes to pursure art as her career.

Laura Cruz Merrick Dicarolis Eric Esquivel Esther Guevara Isabella Perez Mikayla Philpot Madisyn Rummel Riley Sanderson Alexis Shaughnessy Nathaniel Zoucha Photographers Diego Lara Audrey Strembicki Danielle Stein Faculty Adviser

Ben Langevin Admin Adviser Nancy Diaz Principal Dr. Trent Daniel Oviedo High School 601 King Street Oviedo, FL 32765 P: 407-320-4199 F: 407-320-4213 Population: 2800 students across in person and online settings 29 newspaper staff



Diego is a sophomore and this is his second year on staff as a photographer. In his free time, Diego enjoys shopping, taking photos, and playing volleyball. He is a big Frank Ocean and Tyler the Creator fan. After high school, Diego hopes to attend fashion school in New York City. He wants to become a fashion journalist, and pursure his love of clothing and wriitng.

Paris Brown Reporter

Jaden Cordonero Reporter Jaden is a senior and this is his first year on staff as a reporter. He likes music and art, he does a lot of figure drawings. He aspires to become a big graphic novel writer. Jaden used to box and stiil does in his free time. He also enjoys playing Minecraft and Overwatch. Jaden is a grandmast in Overwatch and is a dedicated player.

Diego Lara Photographer

Ashlee Ross Features editor

Kaden Bryant Reporter Kaden is a junior and this is his first year on staff as a reporter. He loves cats and has a cat named Pickles. Kaden hopes to become an author after graduation and pursue writing paranormal and historical pieces . His favortie artist is Lil Nas X and loves all music except country. Kaden’s favorite TV show is Shameless and he loves Marvel movies.

members. Mission Statement The Lion’s Tale is the student newspaper of Oviedo High School, located in Oviedo, Florida. Our mission is to provide news, feature stories, editorials and opinions relevant to our readers while upholding the highest professional and ethical standards. The Lion’s Tale follows copy standards outlined in the Associated Press Stylebook, 42nd Edition,

published in 2007 by the Associated Press, and is a member of the CSPA, NSPA and FSPA. Distribution 800 copies of The Lion’s Tale are distributed free to all students and staff at Oviedo High School. Subscriber information is available on Reader Contributions Letters to the Editor are

accepted and may be sent by post, e-mail or dropped off in Room 5-020. The Lion’s Tale does not accept guest columns and reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor. Full policy is available on Advertising Policy The Lion’s Tale reserves the right to refuse advertisements. The full advertising policy of The Lion’s Tale is available on OVIEDOJOURNALISM.COM



Month in Photos HOLIDAY SPIRIT. Festive inflatables have popped up around campus, including these two minions.

BE AS ONE. Colorguard members practice their routine for the upcoming ‘Be as One’ preformance.



TAKE YOUR SHOT. Josie Harshbarger prepares for a shot at a home game against Lake Mary.

GIVE THANKS. Students in the student government association prepare boxes for the Thanksgiving food drive. PHOTO BY AUDREY STREMBICKI


COMMUNITY. Citizens from around Oviedo gather at the ‘Great Day in the Country’ event.

CHANGE. Sophomore Madison Segers prepares for a deadlift at a home meet.





SIGNING DAY. Seniors pose at the National Signing Day event before officially committting to their college sports.

CHANGE. Freshman Peyton White kicks the ball at a home game against Lake Highland.



Decorations bring smiles


Here at Oviedo High School (OHS), some new friends have appeared around campus. In order to spruce up our campus for the holidays, some inflatable blow-up decorations have been placed in the courtyards and front areas to show the holiday spirit. The large minions and Mickey Mouse characters are just some of the few of these decorations. The menorah is also featured in our inflatable display, bringing in traditions that many students contribute to, such as Hanukkah. While OHS has been doing these decorations for the past two years, they continue to bring the same amount of holiday spirit and joy to campus. Many students even take selfies and pictures with the decorations. “I love it as it adds to getting ready for the holidays. This time of year is stressful with the end of semester and exams coming up. They are a way to bring some celebration and positive spirit to school,” said Dr. Daniel. Not only are we entering

Students celebrate the season STORY BY JOEMI CORDONERO


one of the most stressful times of the year as students and teachers, the holidays approaching can also be a difficult time for many. These fun characters and holiday decorations hopefully brighten everyone’s day and make this upcoming time more easy to tackle. Bringing joy and fun to campus is always exciting and makes a hard day a little bit better. Many students enjoy these decorations and getting into the holiday spirit. Being able to have the decorations on campus, courtesy of Ms. Hollis-Childress, is such a great way to get everyone on campus into the holiday spirit.

As classic Christmas songs begin rolling in and stores overcrowded with festive decorations take up shops, the feeling of the winter season is finally upon us. Not only in stores, but also on campus. After Thanksgiving some start preparing for Hanukkah. Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the temple. The menorah, commonly associated with the holiday, is the seven-branched candelabrum holding eight candles usually lit at sunset. “It’s honestly more than just lighting the menorah and getting presents eight days in a row,” said sophomore Camryn Harber. “It’s cultural significance isn’t just Christmas for Jewish people.” Hanakkuh’s celebration commemorates more than just the past. “It kind of ties everyone together and that there’s hope… like anything is kind of possible and you have to really believe,” said junior Arianna Pollack. Many people celebrate

Christmas time with family and partake in dinners without truly celebrating the holiday. For example, Islam celebrates two different Eids. Eid al-Fitr celebrates the ending of Ramadan, a fasting period used to bring people closer to God. It was made for their prophet, Ibrahim, for his sacrifices. “Even though we don’t celebrate Christmas... we still go around and look at lights and go to Christian friends’ Christmas parties,” said senior Yasmin Nasserdeen. Atheists spend the holidays with family and friends without a religious background. “I celebrate [Christmas], it’s more about family and just loving everyone and happiness,” said senior Sebastian Sanchez. Everyone celebrates the holidays differently, some base it around religion, while some merely use the quality time given with their loved ones, we can all appreciate the holiday season.

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Peppermint Mocha vs Pumpkin Spice: Battle of the Coffee STORY BY ESTHER GUEVARA AND MADISYN RUMMEL

During the fall to winter transition, our typical pumpkin fall flavor slowly gets pushed aside by winter’s peppermint, forming two different types of drinks. Cold or hot versions of these flavors are available, which makes for a more diverse comparison. The two drinks being compared are starbucks’s peppermint mocha and their pumpkin spice latte. Peppermint Mocha This very special holiday drink is seasonal. It gives off a hot chocolate-y taste rather than just being straight coffee but for those that prefer a stronger taste of coffee, like with most mochas you can ask for espresso shots to be added. The peppermint flavor isn’t overwhelming at all, you can taste it in every sip as you take in the warmth it brings,

reminding you of sipping hot cocoa with a tiny candy cane on the side by the christmas tree. And maybe it’s because the cold, the iced peppermint mocha seems to have a stronger mint flavor (if that is something you enjoy). This drink is obviously superior, the winter season and it’s classic flavors are loved by people all around the world unlike pumpkin spice which is mostly associated with thanksgiving, which is only an American holiday. It’s winter so of course what better choice is there than the traditional pep-

permint - the clear and obvious choice out of the Starbucks seasonal drinks. Whether cold or hot, the drink is delicious either way, and the perfect choice of a drink for the next time you find yourself in a starbucks. P u m p k i n Spice Latte The pumpkin spice latte has been a fall favorite for many years, becoming such a customer’s favorite that it was made a staple of a fall millennial stereotype. Something about the balanced blend of cinnamon and pumpkin instantly brings you to a feeling of com-

fort and joy. This drink is a crowd favorite and isn’t easily messed up (I mean, how can you even mess up pumpkin?!). The peppermint mocha on the other hand… is. It’s extremely difficult to perfect this flavor, and with every winter peppermint season rolls around, many restaurants remain unable to ace the technique of achieving wintery peppermint bliss, without tasting completely like toothpaste. I don’t know about you but I don’t want a drink that reminds me of brushing my teeth. The pumpkin latte, if it will remind you of anything, it would remind you of pumpkin pie and warm, rich spices. The pumpkin spice latte is even served from August all the way to January. The longer timeframe clearly shows which drink the people are reaching for more, a further piece of proof of which drink is better.

HEAD TO HEAD: To travel or not to travel, that is the question STORY BY LAURA CRUZ Christmas is a time to spend with family and friends. Some people choose to travel during the holidays while others rather stay at home. But the big question is why should you travel during the holidays? Some students have families that live out of state, for other students it’s a tradition to spend Christmas out of the state. Others have a specific destination they have been dreaming about going to and just want to get away even if they have no one to visit. There are many other reasons as to why people choose to travel for christmas. Many know about black friday, which happens right after Thanksgiving. Black Friday is the time when everything goes on sale - and that includes discounts for travel destinations. These discounts come with amazing package deals for hot travel destinations. Some people like to travel to

strengthen familial bonds. Some others like to travel to increase faith and to learn about history. Traveling during Christmas is a great way to learn about how traditions started in different countries. And while airports are a lot busier during the holidays, there are other transportation routes available as well. “Most of my family lives outof-state, so I would want to travel for Christmas to be with them over the holidays. It’s also a bit harder to get into the Christmas spirit in Florida—a little bit of snow and a white Christmas is definitely something to see,” said sophomore Jane Hicken.

STORY BY ALEXIS SHAUGHNESSY Traveling for the holidays is something very controversial. Although some people decide to be away from home, traveling is not suitable for everyone. By not traveling, families or individuals will benefit in ways such as saving money. An estimated total of $1,800 for a holiday getaway was spent per traveling family in 2020 alone. This does not include money spent on specific items needed to travel, like winter coats or ski boots. This amount of money could be saved If one stays in their cozy home. Airports and roads tend to be super

chaotic and crowded as holidays like Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s approach. Over 85 million people per year fly to a destination for Christmas. Traveling could seem fun at the time, but what if a flight gets delayed 0r canceled due to inclement weather? This could cause the holidays to be stressful or heartbreaking for some who are unable to reach their destination. In addition, about 105 million people drive to their vacation spots. Getting stuck in hours of traffic or being backed by accidents or road closures are not fun. It has been said that 80 percent more Americans are traveling this year than any other year, so it may be best to stay home to avoid some of the crowds.. It seems that the cons of traveling outweigh the benefits. So think about these questions before making the choice to leave home: Is traveling during the Holidays really necessary? Is it something that is really worth it?

HEAD TO HEAD: Which type of christmas tree is better, real or fake? STORY BY KADEN BRYANT Opening thoughtful presents, decorating gingerbread houses, sipping on hot cocoa, building snowmen, going out with family to cut down the perfect tree together - these are all beloved Christmas traditions celebrated each year by millions of people. A good way to ruin all that holiday splendor is by putting up a fake tree. Picking out the right tree is an essential part of the holiday. Real trees are better for an abundance of reasons. They bring the outdoors inside for a magical winter month with that unique pine aroma, while those flimsy fake ones that you have to store in a cardboard box take up space in the garage for the other eleven months of the year. Real trees don’t need to be readjusted; instead, they stand tall and proud, creating a festive atmosphere that sets the holiday spirit.


It’s also better for the environment to use real trees over fake ones. Real Christmas trees aid in the filtration of dust and smog. Fake trees are just going to end up in landfills that smell like reindeer poop. Those who like bland decor, prefer the smell of plastic over pine, and enjoy harming the environment, by all means should definitely continue to put up a green piece of garbage each year. Otherwise, join the rest of society who like breathtaking decorations, festive aromas, love our families - as well as the environment - and go chop down a real tree this Christmas season.

STORY BY NELLY CAMPOS As the holiday season has been approaching so has the age old question, are real trees truly worth it? To save you hours of research and wondering with a short answer, no. In an age of modern technology, with advanced methods of cooking, cleaning, and transportation, one of our many setbacks is the fact real trees are still being used as home decoration during the holiday season. Although we have progressed in every other area of seasonal decoration, such as lights and ornaments, many people still feel that reverting back to options

of real trees would provide them with traditional Christmas feelings. Real trees pose a danger to families by putting them at a higher risk of being involved in a house fire, due to the highly flammable oils on the dry leaves of the tree. It is also not uncommon to favor fake trees for their reusability. “I’d prefer fake trees because they’re less wasteful,” said Junior Josie Whitehouse. Many also enjoy saving copious amounts of time cleaning and caring for a tree that continuously drops needles throughout the season. When words like low maintenance, economic efficiency, and more convenient all point to the same thing, it only seems reasonable to deem it the superior choice. Fake Christmas trees will be a staple in Christmas decorations for many years to come(and you’ll only need one to last that long!).


The Nightmare Express STORY BY ISABELLA PEREZ As the air gets chilly, people start wearing comfy sweaters and drinking hot chocolate to watch festive theme movies. We have to question, are our beloved Christmas movies actually good? Yes, it is tradition to sit down with the family or by yourself to watch the same movies over and over again, but are those movies overrated? Also yes, there are tons of movies that get so much hype but are ultimately not great. But there is one christmas movie that, without fail, is played 24/7. Evey teacher plays this movie at least once in their classroom during christmas. The Polar Express. This movie is one film that most people know about and tend to have mixed feelings about. Whether it is the weird story line or creepy characters you see throughout the film, The Polar Express holds a love-hate relationship with those who watch the movie. Despite the movie starting okay with a family of four getting ready for bed on Christmas Eve, the design of the characters give off a creepy vibe. But the issue that takes the cake about this movie, is how a bunch of kids somehow get convinced to board a train that literally

came from nowhere. These kids don’t know where they’re going or with who, they just blindly trust this random guy giving out tickets. Though that being said, when the conductor and the waiters come out with hot chocolate and the waiters do flips on non-existing tables, that was the highlight of the movie. However, that doesn’t make up for how confusing the story line is. You follow this boy on this journey as he again boards a train that he knows nothing about. Then he loses his ticket and has to chase it through the train, chasing it on top of said train, only to find a random ghost. Where does this other guy come from? Nowhere. Essentially this ghost is the main antagonist and he lives on top of the train. He doesn’t believe in Santa and rides the train whenever he wants. He shows up, saves the boy from falling off the train and literally disappears. Speaking of, this pre-teen boy goes through many, many, close calls with death that he shouldn’t have even survived from. From almost falling off a train, to the train going off course on ice. Then after all of this he makes it back in his seat on the train. When they finally make it to where they are supposed to be, the same boy

protagonist we are following gets separated with a girl from his ‘tour guide’ in a place that he has no knowledge of. He almost dies yet again, but somehow makes it back to the group of pre-teens he was with on the train. Eventually, he finds Santa, cause that makes sense, and gets gifted a bell, a bell. And is all fine and dandy back at home in time for Christmas. This movie makes no sense and is beyond creepy. The reason why all the characters look so creepy is because of a phenomenon called uncanny valley. This when non-human objects look like humans and can cause negative emotions. And since it’s a pretty old movie, the animation is not good either which adds more creepy factors. I stand by the fact that the only scene that is good in this movie is the hot chocolate scene.

A not-so-wonderful Christmastime STORY BY AUDREY CHOATE Christmas music has never been revered for its lyrical and musical complexities. In fact, this is not a problem in regards to Christmas music; Christmas music was not made to be critically acclaimed, necessarily. Christmas songs serve as warm, festive celebrations of the season, not complex, gripping masterpieces. However, this does not mean that Christmas music can be nauseating, inducing anger in anyone who hears it. Unfortunately, former Beatle member Paul McCartney manages to do just that. It is almost a cliché to hate this song, as it is so widely disliked. It is one of the most polarizing songs ever made; one either believes it is a festive, fun, celebratory Christmas song or one of the worst songs to ever be produced- an insult to Christmas, synthesizers, and the ears of listeners. McCartney’s 1979 Christmas single “Wonderful Christmastime” utilizes synthesizers, which could be an interesting and refreshing take on Christmas music, as synthesizers were just becoming popular in music at the time the song was recorded. Instead of crafting notable and catchy synth melodies like many musicians did in both that time and the decade following it, McCartney opts for a dull, trite, forgettable sequence of notes. The song is a string of monotonous, repetitive synths, with Paul McCartney sounding less than thrilled to be singing over them. It is the antithesis of what Christmas music is supposed to represent. Christmas songs are sentimental, yet enjoyable representations of the holiday

and the season as a whole. “Wonderful Christmastime,” however, represents vapid, joyless experimentation with synthesizers. While Christmas music is not known for genius lyrical compositions, the lyrics of “Wonderful Christmastime” are derivative and unoriginal. There is no lyrical experimentation or originality. It is simply a rehash of every other popular Christmas song. It begs the question- why go out of your way to listen to this song, instead of other, better Christmas songs? There are countless older, classic Christmas songs such as “Jingle Bells” or “White Christmas” that one could listen to, or perhaps more contemporary Christmas songs. No matter what kind of Christmas music one prefers, it is clear that there is nothing about “Wonderful Christmastime” that sets it apart from other mediocre Christmas songs. There is nothing special or enjoyable about it that would make one go out of their way to listen to it.





Gift Guide:

Parents or grandparents: Custom photo gifts Parents and grandparents, love any sort of family photo gift. has many types of personalized photo gift items. You can personalize mugs, photo books, mouse pads, and even puzzles with a cute family photo. The site also has photo books, which are perfect to customize with photos from a recent trip, or the past year as a whole. PHOTO COURTESY OF SHUTTERFLY.COM

Teachers: Coffee and gift cards Teachers always appreciate coffee mugs, bags of ground coffee, or gift cards. Thankfully, Starbucks makes that quite easy- inside the store they have a variety of holiday-themed mugs, gift cards, and of course, ground coffee. Or, for a more personal option, buy a plain mug and customize it with their name. PHOTO COURTESY OF STARBUCKS.COM

Friends or sibilings: Vinyl albums For any friend or teenage sibling, vinyl albums are a perfect gift. Even if they are not into collecting, it’s a fun hobby to start with. If they are into a certain artist, Target and Walmart have a wide variety of vinyls and CDs to choose from. Or, buy an album of an artist you think they might like. PHOTO COURTESY OF TAYLORSWIFT.COM

Pets: Holiday treats and toys If you’re the type to buy presents for your pets, toys and treats are the obvious answer. PetSmart sells dog-friendly Christmas cookies, and different holiday toys that any dog or cat would love. If you’re into baking, there are hundereds of pet-friendly holiday treat recipes on sites like Pinterest and All recipies. PHOTO COURTESY OF PETSMART.COM DESIGN BY EMMA YOST

Tips and tricks for giving the perfect gift this holiday season STORY BY EMMA YOST Gift giving can be a tricky task, and sometimes it’s difficult to find just the right gift for everyone in your life. Many stores try to help customers by displaying gift sets of various items and gift cards. However, to the recipient, these types of gifts can come across as unthoughtful or lazy. Start by recognizing the role this person plays in your life. Gifts for teachers versus friends or siblings are obviously very different. Consider their likes and dislikes, and how they spend their free time. Personally, I like to give presents that add a personal, homemade touch. Incorporating an inside joke or shared interest is a great way to show the recipient that you were thinking of them. Trinkets from a show or movie your friend is into can be a fun gift, but I’ve found these often end up on a shelf. Try opting for a personalized gift- consider what interests you share, or any memorable experiences you’ve had with them. For example, if your friend is into music, making a personalized playlist or Spotify code keychain is a fun way to give them something both thoughtful and functional. For parents and grandparents, family photos tend to do the trick. has many types of personalized photo gift items; such as mugs, mouse pads, and calendars, that are perfect for any adult relative. Parents especially like homemade gifts or cards, even from their older kids. I’ve found that teachers always appreciate coffee mugs or bags of ground coffee, or even just a card showing that you value their teaching. Or for a homemade option, I’ve made personalized mugs and tumblers for my teachers with a gift card inside. Significant others can be difficult, but a memento from a first date or piece of jewelry with your initials is always a cute way to show you care. Keep your SO’s interests and hobbies in mind to include something else with a personal gift. Teenage siblings seem impossible to shop for, but I’ve found they always appreciate snacks, candy, and gift cards. Even though these are not as personal, it shows you were thinking of them. If they are into certain artists, a vinyl or CD of one of their favorite artists is a thoughtful present that they will use. As for younger siblings and cousins, toys and stuffed animals are an easy present. However, puzzles and kid-friendly board games are a fun, easy gift for kids that you can do with them. If you’re the type to buy presents for your pets, toys and treats are the obvious answer. PetSmart sells dog-friendly Christmas cookies, and different holiday toys that any dog or cat would love. But overall, the holiday season isn’t so much about how much you spent on gifts- but the thought you put into it. A great present doesn’t need to be expensive, so even if you are on a budget, there are plenty of ways to show your loved ones you care. Writing a nice card and a box of their favorite candy is a simple, cheap gift for anyone in your life. Baked goods demonstrate the time and effort you put into a gift, and are delicious as well. It’s easy to fall victim to holiday advertising and pressures to buy just the right gift. However, by keeping your intentions in mind, finding a great gift for anyone can be much easier than it seems.


With the holiday season coming around the corner, stores are starting to fill up with busy customers looking for last minute gifts. This influx of seasonal customers is causing products to fly off the shelves. Everyone knows that people go crazy during the holiday season, stocking up on decorations, presents, and festive foods. Stores fill up to the brim with strained customers just hoping to get everything done before the holidays. Many people’s stress levels rise during this season due to the pressures of gift giving and family gatherings, along with the time and money to accommodate it all. Since the holidays are rapidly approaching, ordering gifts online might not be the best bet. Shipping is being heavily delayed, meaning packages may not be delivered until after the holiday season is over. The high demand for products coupled with the lack of workers due to covid, are the leading factors. Due to the holidays, many stores have big sales on seasonal decorations and gifts for loved ones. Although this is a benefit, it also causes more people to shop and buy the products while they are on sale and cheaper than it normally would be. A lot of products are going out of stock and not being replenished, so it would be best to start buying gifts for friends and family sooner than later. This lack of product isn’t only a problem for in-store shopping, but also online shopping. Although there are many stressors that pair with christmas shopping, it doesn’t always have to be that way. Planning out budgets, gift ideas, and using time management can all be helpful ways to de-stress the holiday season. Keeping an eye out for the best sales can help with sticking to a smaller budget. Another way to keep the budget small is to make homemade gifts. This can honestly be more fun and personal to whoever is receiving the gift, while maintaining a cheap price and overall less expensive than purchasing a gift. The holiday season is the craziest time of the year for shopping and gift giving. So to avoid the big crowds and long checkout lines, purchasing presents early is going to be the most beneficial. Finding ways to de-stress the Christmas season will make it so much easier and more enjoyable, than waiting for the stress to kick in and doing everything at the last minute.




GIFT WRAPPING: Stores begin to run low on gift wrapping supplies during this time of year. PHOTOS BY DANIELLE STEIN











Girls prospser in male-dominated wrestling STORY BY KAIT PETERSON Wrestling has been a male dominated sport for generations along with sports like weightlifting, baseball and football. But in a small town like Oviedo, there are bound to be instances where there aren’t enough women interested in those same sports for the schools to have girls’ teams of their own. At Oviedo High School, there are five women wrestlers on the men’s wrestling team, which for many might come as a shock. One of the big women contenders includes sophomore Camryn Harber. Harber is currently competing on the team for her first year on the varsity team at OHS. When asked if faced with any struggles or setbacks competing on a majority-male team, Harber explained that it’s mainly from bystanders outside from the team. “We always want to prove to the people who doubt that we can be just as good or even better than the guys,” said Harber. Aside from the controversial opinions of others about girls in men’s sports, everything else is fairly the same. Some even say that being a

part of the men’s team has a lot of pros to it. Captain Jana El’Harake, a junior on varsity, said that “wrestling with the guys definitely does push me more because It challenges my body and technique in many ways.” El’Harake is not the only female teammate that likes the extra challenge of working with the boys, both Delaney Graves, 9, and Alana Sanchez, 11, agree that working with the team can have its benefits. “I think competing with the guys makes me stronger and I have to work harder. There’s always been that stereotype that guys are better than girls. So we push ourselves harder

to prove that’s wrong,” said Sanchez. The ladies of the Oviedo Lion’s varsity wrestling team have persevered against the stereotypes of women not being able to play or compete in men’s sports, and have become much stronger and fierce in the process. They have also shown that other girls should not be afraid to participate in these sports if they have a love and passion for it.


“I would encourage them to join, but know that it won’t be easy. I would tell them to keep their heads high and continue doing the sport because in the end you can show them up. Also that the sport will stay male dominated unless more girls join in,” said Graves when asked if she had any advice for girls wishing to join a male sport. Overall, it’s not impossible to be a part of something predominantly male as a woman, and can actually become something amazing in the end. Creating amaing bonds and friendships and challenging women to break stereotypes and become stronger.

“It takes time for them to get used to you being there, but when they do, it becomes a big family. They will always have your back if you ever need anything.”

Athlete’s performance affected by music choice before a match STORY BY RILEY SANDERSON Ranging from genres like rap, pop, and country, music has a universal influence on almost everyone. The varying tones from song to song can cause us to feel a certain way or change our mood. Oviedo High School has a largely diverse student body, meaning that its students listen to all types of music and interpret different songs in their own unique way. When it comes to the school’s student athletes, this narrative doesn’t change. Whether it’s a game day, practice, or a workout, music plays an important role in a lot of athletes’ days. It can help to take their minds somewhere else to get rid of the pressures many athletes feel from their sport. Music can also be utilized as a healthy distraction from any discomfort or pain that comes along with playing the sport. For example, aerobic sports like cross country take a lot of constant energy and music might aid a runner in pushing through and finishing strong. “It [music] helps me mentally prepare for the fight ahead,” said senior track and cross country runner Colin Duncan.


Music also contributes to hyping up athletes before or during their sport. Some people use sports as a way to let out their anger or stress. “I listen to Kanye West and Tyler the Creator before my races. It really depends on what songs I listen to, usually something to get angry at,” Duncan said. While some athletes like to listen to artists get them pumped up, others like to listen to more chill music that calms them down to keep them focused. “I usually listen to slower paced music like Joji and Khai Dreams to keep myself calm,” describes sophomore soccer player Mark Morton. The music we listen to can also remind us of different periods of our life. For example, listening to the same music from when an athlete was training can prompt them to remember how far they’ve come in their hard work. “I started listening to Joji and Khai Dreams over the summer when I would work out and go on runs and now I listen to them before games to stay focused,” said Morton.







The Oviedo Girls Weightlifting team has high hopes for the season. Riley Finnegan and Ayana Fergurson lead the team with a bench press of 175lbs and 155lbs respectively, along with a clean and jerk of 165 Ibs and 150Ibs respectively.



The Oviedo Lions Varsity Girls Basketball team is sitting at 1-2 on the season. After starting off the season with a loss to Viera, the Lions came back to win against Flagler Palm Coast in a close 32-31 game.


STORY BY MERRICK DICAROLIS Last season, Oviedo boys basketball team finished 14-11 while beating cross town rival, Hagerty, twice but ended the season in a loss to Dr. Phillips. With the start of the new season on the horizon, hopefully the Lions will be able to advance further and continue our streak over hagerty.


STORY BY HUNTER FUEHRER Oviedo Varsity Girls Soccer is currently undefeated, with the only exception to this is a draw against Lake Highland Prep on December 2nd. The Lions haven’t given a single goal all season while scoring 31 goals. The girls are ranked 14th in the state and 18th in the Nation.


STORY BY HUNTER FUEHRER Oviedo’s Varsity Boys soccer teams is currently 4-3. After a 5-1 loss to start off the season. The Lions then went on a 4 game winning streak but suffered 2 back to back defeats against Deland and Seminole in close 1 goal deciding matches.


Athletes sell Christmas trees as sports fundraiser Every year the Oviedo High school Athletics department holds the annual Christmas Tree Selling fundraiser. This event is participated in all sports at Oviedo High School, but the real ‘MVP’s’ are AP human geography teacher, Kimberly McKernan, and her husband, John McKernan. Ms. McKernan and Mr. McKernan, both who teachers who run the event, put almost a full four months of planning into executing the whole process. McKernan started off by having a coaches meeting in August. By October, she emailed and contacted multiple companies including the tree farm, transport guys, and the tent company. After permits are completed, she requests very specific characteristics of trees like number and sizes of the trees. Next, she deals with all the truck companies by making sure they deliver to the school, then getting in touch with the tree farm so they can cut down trees, and have them ready for the truck company to pick up. “Invoices are collected and deposit checks are written. OHS boosters took care of all of the invoices and allowed us to use their credit card machines. By the end of October I re-email coaches who haven’t signed up already,” McKernan said. By the beginning of November, the tent is set up a week before trees arrive, mostly to get ready for the trees but also as a message to the community that business will be open soon. The morning the trees arrived,it took about four adults to man each station. Mr. McKernan, four football boys, Jeffrey Schneider; JV girls volleyball coach, Caitlin Kummer; another teacher at the school, and Mrs. McKernan “We started at 7:30 a.m. and ended at 12:00 p.m. It was a large undertaking but was made easier with the help of two extra adults and the number of football players we had this year,” McKernan said. One job the McKernan duo performed was taking care of the trees, to keep them healthy for their new home for the holidays.

“My husband and I watered and cut the ties around each of the trees under the tent and priced each tree. We also set up all the extension cords and canopy for the checkout table,” McKernan said. Everyday they would arrive about 45 minutes prior to opening up to set up the chainsaw, checkout table, music and anything else that needed to be done before customers arrive that day. Usually, sports teams are used as volunteers and many clubs, including her own National Honor Society (NHS) students. Many students would come out and help work on the trees. “Susan Geber and Roxy Duda, came out to make wreaths for several days after school so that we would have them ready for day one of sales.” “Student workers were in charge of greeting customers, taking trees to cutting and wrapping tables. All tree bottoms are cut just a little and then pulled through the netter. Students are in charge of helping my husband at the table and bringing the trees to the cars, and cleaning up the entire area. If there aren’t any customers they are able to hang out and play any of the games we brought: football, corn hole, spike ball, kick ball, volleyball. It really is a good time out there.” Mckernan said. “ I emailed the coaches that signed up to work the first few days to remind them that we needed six students and one adult for every three hour shift. Other helpers include Coaches, NHS/Beta club members, random students that want to earn Bright Future hours and parents that volunteer.” One of Mckernan’s favorite parts of this fundraiser is working with her husband. “Being out there everyday with my husband would be my favorite, but getting to work with the students that I’ve taught and haven’t seen for a while and getting to know the ones I have never seen before.” Mckernan’s efforts don’t go unnoticed. The community consistently forces a sell-out just days into the event.


STORY BY VINCENT CROOK Winterguard, one of the more prestigious sports at OHS, finished tryouts and have begun to prepare for their opening. Most who participate in the sport are ecstatic to kick off the season, students and fans alike are sure that the winterguard team will put on amazing performances.


STORY BY ALEXIS SHAUGHNESSY Oviedo’s Dance Team will compete at Dance Team Union. They will be in the large varsity categories for both jazz and hip hop. Their coach helps clean or perfect their dance while also going over formations and trying on costumes. Good luck!



Florida’s theme parks come alive for Christmas


White Chocolate Peppermint Bark Ingredients: -8 ounces white chocolate -4 candy canes/ peppermint sticks -2 drops of peppermint oil or extract

Directions: - Melt the chocolate - Crush the peppermint (consistensy=crushed ice) - Stir oil/crushed pieces into chocolate - Spread mixture onto sheet pan & let sit for 2 hours,break and enjoy!

Editor’s Choice: Christmas Recipies STORY BY KATHRYN PETERSON

Eggnog Ingredients: -heavy cream/ whole milk -nutmeg, vanilla extract, sugar, salt -eggs/yolk -cinnamon topping

Directions: - Place heavy cream and grated nutmeg in a large bowl with strainer on top - Combine milk and vanilla in sauce pan over medium heat, until bubbles or milk starts steaming - In another bowl, beat eggs,


yolks, sugar, and salt for 3-5 mins until thick and pale. -Add milk slowly while whisking -cook on low heat for 6 min, immediately strain into bow with heavy cream -refridgerate uncovered for 2 hours -pour into glasses, top with whipped cream and cinnamon and enjoy!

One of the major sources of revenue for the state of Florida are our world renowned theme parks and other big attractions that bring in tourists from all over the globe. Some of these attractions include Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Resort, and Seaworld. During the holidays, these major attractions, as well as other minor attractions, make the effort to decorate their premises with beautiful lights, tinsel, holiday blowups, and even massive christmas trees. At Universal Studios Florida, there is a massive 65-foot tall Christmas tree in the center of the park in front of the Macy’s building and the Jimmy Fallon ride. Alongside the tree, throughout the park there are decorations on every building and holiday music playing around every corner. Studios also hosts the Macy’s Christmas balloon parade which is held at 5:30 pm every day, which includes iconic Universal Studios characters like the Minions, Shrek characters and Madagascar characters. At Universal’s Islands of Adventure they have similar decorations throughout

‘Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party’ with a limited time Very Merriest After Hours event that takes place on 24 select nights this holiday season from November 8 to December 21. This event is a sold-separately celebration that is similar to Disney’s ‘Boo Bash’, from 9 pm to 1 am you can experience all that Magic Kingdom has to offer for the holidays, including many of the parks rides which stay open during the event At this event you can also experience Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmastime Parade which features Santa Claus himself, Mickey’s Wonderful Christmastime Fireworks Show, and the Club Tinsel Dance Party which is making its first re-appearance since Covid-19. All of Disney’s other Orlando parks have their own holiday celebrations as well including Epcot’s International Festival of the Holidays, Hollywood Studios’ Minnie’s Holiday Dine, and Animal Kingdom’s Merry Menagerie and Festive Flotillas. Aside from the major attractions around Orlando, there are also smaller attractions that decide to decorate for

Christmas Cookies: Snickerdoodles Ingredients: -1 tablespoon ground cinnamon -1 1/2 cup sugar -1/2 cup shortening -1/2 cup softened butter -2 eggs -2 3/4 cups all purpose flour -2 teaspoons cream of tar tar -1 teaspoon of baking soda -1/4 teaspoon salt

COLORS OF CHRISTMAS: Disney’s new Christmas design is displayed at EPCOT for park-goers to enjoy. PHOTO COURTESY OF ASHTYN JOHNSON

Christmas Cookies: Snickerdoodles (cont.)

Directions: - Heat oven to 400º, in a small bowl mix sugar, shortening, and cinnamon, set aside - In a large bowl, beat sugar, shortening, butter and eggs with mixer on medium speed, stir in flour cream of tartar and baking soda/salt Christmas Cookies: Snickerdoodles (cont.)

-3/4 inch balls, roll in cinnamon mixture, place on cookie sheet -bake 8-10, wait to cool completely, enjoy! Please make sure to ensure all ingredients are well cooked before consuming any of these delicious treats. For more recipes check out


the entire park, but in Islands they have an annual Christmas performance in Suessland, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. As well as this annual live action play, the Islands of Adventure theme park has also brought back another Christmas show at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter- along with their infamous Dark Arts show that takes place throughout the normal seasons. Disney World has taken a similar approach, their parks are decorated with immense amounts of holiday decorations and jolly music- as well as a towering Christmas tree of their own. Although Disney has always been top-notch about their holiday decorations, there have been some small changes. One for example being their famous Cinderella castle in Magic Kingdom, previously being decorated in over 200,000 white lights (Dream Lights) making it look like the ultimate snowyChristmas castle, it is now being covered head to toe in a massive Christmas projection. Disney has also decided to replace

the holidays. One smaller “attraction” being the holiday lights and structures surrounding the entirety of Lake Eola. With the season being kicked off with a ceremonial tree lighting that took place on December 3, the City of Orlando held a lovely event complete with food trucks, a vendor market and a band performance. The tree is rumored to be covered in over 2,000 ornaments this year and around 200 pounds of lights, this tree has a synchronized light show every night until January 6, this show runs from 5:45 pm to about 10 pm. There are also an immense amount of other light-covered-fixtures surrounding the lake, making for a laid back walk around the park with family or friends. Central Florida has a multitude of cheery Christmas entertainment options for the holiday season this year, decorations around the entire city of Orlando light up the night and bring Christmas joy to everyone.



Fall Fits The Culture Staff picked their favorite outfits from the Fall and Winter months. Check out for more eye-catching looks.



‘Tis the season, as the holiday season has fastly approached. This time of the year is the perfect time to take advantage of the fun winter activities. During this time of year traveling is very popular and many are debating on just where to go with their families. For those looking for a city Christmas with lights and pa rades, New York City is the place for you. During the Winter time NYC is very popular and known for it’s beautiful attractions. Every year the tree is beautifully lit and decorated, standing as a piece that truly brings the city together as everyone prepares for their Christmas last minute. During this time there are many annual traditions such as the Christmas spectacular starring the radio city rockettes. This entails the annual musical holiday stage show presented at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The performance is filled with singing, dancing, and traditional humor scenes. This specific production ran through November till January 2, 2022. On their website you can find more information about dates, time, and tickets. For those who enjoy a more athletic and outdoor approach, Jackson Hole, Wyoming is the place for you. Jackson Hole has it’s very own resort with many fun activities to offer. If you choose to stay at their resort you’re able to enjoy skiing and many other holiday events. Specifically from December 24 to the 31st there is a Holiday roundup in which you can enjoy New Years eve fireworks. In addition to all these fun activities, there is a place you can go for your downtime. Jackson Hole offers a luxurious Teton Mountain Lodge and Spa. For the ultimate “Winter Wonderland” experience head on over to the beautiful Beaver Creek, Colorado this holiday season. This beautiful resort makes it simple for your family to plan their week. You may find a lineup of things to do on their website. Nearby is The Osprey at Beaver Creek which just so happens to have some fan favorite luxurious accommodations. This includes a nearby chairlift and outdoor heated pool. If this is something you’re interested in, then I would make reservations quickly considering their rooms and availability go quickly. One of the best parts of traveling to new places is finding those beautiful hidden gems within other cities. Such as Staunton, Virginia. This independent city in the commonwealth of Virginia appears similar to something straight out of a hallmark movie. Making it the home to museums, libraires, a vineyard, and many small shops. During the holiday season Staunton is beaming with bright lights, music, and of course special guest Santa Claus. This small city has so much to offer for those who’d like to live out that movie Christmas dream. Though these places have a lot to offer and may make things easier for families, the holiday season is also about those you spend it with. It’s not always about the location, more so those you’re in that location with.





Over the years on The Lion’s Tale, many writers have come and gone to share with readers the latest and greatest in entertainment. This spread has hosted a wide array of media and how they shape our culture or ignite excitement in our lives. For the past year and a half, I’ve had the honor of being the 2020-2022 Entertainment Editor for this publication. And to celebrate the end of the year, I want to take this time to sit one-onone with you, the reader, and share my top five favorite works of entertainment from 2021. I won’t keep you waiting any longer. If any of these peak your interest, I highly recommend you check them out, and thank you for reading. 1. LUCIDS by Nicholas Podany --------- Dec 04 - Mar 19 After two boys wake up from a shared dream, Benjamin and Oliver learn that their entire lives were a fantasy and now they’re back in the 2nd Grade. Under the apprenticeship of their math teacher Mrs. Hills, the boys are trained to become “Lucids”, people who can jump through dreamscapes and explore the multiverse. Benjamin wishes to go back to sleep and return to his adult life while Oliver struggles with the reality of waking up, and when both are tasked to find and return a long-lost memory of Mrs. Hill’s, both are forced to face the true horrors of their cross-dimensional existence. Created, written, scored and edited all by Broadway actor and musician Nicholas Podany, this YouTube series is a mind-boggling, quick-witted and fast-paced six episode ride right out of my own dreams. I absolutely love the writing and visuals in this show, the Inception meets The Matrix meets Doctor Strange style plot, and the damn music, such exhilarating and heart-breaking tracks. Everything you need is right on his YouTube channel so I urge you to really sit down and watch the whole thing, it’s a series I couldn’t stop thinking about all year. 2. Paper Mario: The Origami King ------- Apr 13 - Apr 19 When Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom are overtaken by the tyrannical King Olly, Mario must team up with Olly’s younger sister Olivia and a series of foes - including Bowser and Bowser Jr. themselves to fight against the King’s tightly-folded enemy forces. Traveling across the paper landscape, Mario and Olivia venture out to the far corners of their world to free the Mushroom Kingdom from a series of imprisoning ribbons and the clutches of the Origami King. I grew up on 2007’s Super Paper Mario and watched several YouTubers play my personal favorite 2004’s Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, so this series is one I harbor deep love for, and The Origami King captured my heart. Although it came out in 2020, I didn’t get to play it till now and I wish I had bought it earlier. From the crafty story to the gorgeously colorful settings to the simple but distinct gameplay, it was so easy to pick up and master. The characters are adorable and heartfelt, the graphics are eye-catching and creative. Everything about this game gave me a blast of nostalgia, and ever since I finished it I’ve wanted to play it again and again. 3. Scaled And Icy by Twenty One Pilots --------- May 21 Acting as a sequel to their 2018 album Trench, Twenty One Pilots’ Scaled And Icy continues the cryptic story behind the city of Dema and their panopticonic rulers: The Bishops, now with a funk and rock twist. Built on top of a years of hidden websites and an ARG puzzle game, Scaled And Icy further develops the lore, now with bandmates Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun under Dema’s control and acting as propaganda puppets for any possible deviants. Stepping away from the darkly synth-centric reggae pop and rap of 2015’s Blurryface and the multi-lay-


ered rock opera meets alternative indie pop of the aforementioned Trench, Scaled And Icy dives deep into jazzy and bubbly 80s pop-punk, saturated with synthrich and electronic noise, dashed with hints of darkness, depression and the horrors of an overactive mind. The album released alongside an hour-long live performance streamed straight to fans’ living rooms, where Joseph and Dun celebrated the record with colorful sets, euphoniously mixed tracks and a concert unlike anything else that I’ll never forget. It’s not my favorite album of theirs, but it sure is a strong open, something that made my summer all the more bright. 4. The Suicide Squad ---------------------------- Aug 06 Helping to rectify its messy 2016 counterpart, The Suicide Squad really does the namesake justice, stringing together a hodge-podge of D-tier supervillains - and Harley Quinn - on a mission to locate and shut down a secret American experiment gone wrong on the island nation of Corto Maltese. After successfully breaching the island, our misfit cast of characters discover the hideous mind-control and deep space kaiju truth behind “Project Starfish” and fight to either finish their mission or fight against the bombs planted in their necks. The film tells a story of corruption, abuse and love with an all-star cast of morally-twisted but oddly beautiful villains. And all of that is pulled off through a killer and tongue-in-cheek soundtrack, bloody gorgeous cinematography and equally grotesque action. The Suicide Squad easily became one of my favorite comic book movies of all time, never missing a beat between the quick and messy but sad opening and the gloriously powerful finale. I had a blast all the way through watching these wonderfully written rogues rain hellfire in some of the weirdest, most absurd ways possible. It does what the first couldn’t, and does it incredibly. 5. Sora joining Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ---- Oct 05 As the final DLC fighter added to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster, Sora from the Kingdom Hearts series soars into battle after years of fans requesting the boy from Destiny Islands to go toe-to-toe with “Mario Jumpman Mario” and “The Hero of Hyrule”. The internet broke with excitement, many fans - myself included - overjoyed by his inclusion, some of us having a hard time believing that it was even happening. The sight of seeing Sora fly above the ideas of so many video game icons made me ecstatic, my eyes glued to the screen as Sora swung his Keyblade around and floated across the battlefield like the bubbly kid he is. I remember jumping around between classes as my girlfriend and I watched the announcement, frantically texting friends as we all celebrated about what must have seemed like nothing too exciting from an outsider’s point of view. The beautiful Hollow Bastion and the grand ensemble of epic music only ramped things up, acting in tandem to make this reveal the powerful finale for Ultimate, a game three years old and still fresh as ever with life. Seeing my number one most wanted character get included made the child inside of me lose it with happiness. This year has been a long one, but these works honestly helped me through it, comforting and distracting when needed. And even though there are a handful of things I’m equally excited for come next year, these movies and albums and games will always have a special place in my heart as 2022 rolls around the corner. ASSET CREDITS: NICHOLAS PODANY | NINTENDO | INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS CO., LTD. | FUELED BY RAMEN LLC. | ELEKTRA RECORDS LLC. | ATLANTIC RECORDING CORPORATION | DC FILMS | WARNER BROS. PICTURES | ATLAS ENTERTAINMENT | THE SAFRAN COMPANY | SQUARE ENIX | BANDAI NAMCO STUDIOS | SORA LTD. | DISNEY

Ed Sheeran’s “equals” sums up to nothing special STORY BY MADDI RUMMEL


Ed Sheeran’s fifth studio album “=” (pronounced and subtitled as “Equals”) was released October 29, 2021 following his unique tradition of naming his albums after mathematical symbols. Sheeran has time and time again proven his talent with his well crafted music and top charting beats. Ever since 2014 when “×” (“Multiply”) came out with

songs such as “Photograph” ,“Thinking out Loud”, and “Don’t”, Sheeran has found himself charting with every album after. I am personally a fan of “+” (“Plus”), ”×” (“Multiply”), and “÷” (“Divide”) so I was particularly excited about his new work. After listening to the whole album, I have to agree with the majority’s opinion… it’s mediocre. The album isn’t bad, however, it’s unfortunately nothing special. All the songs seemed to mesh together and none really stood out to me except for “Bad Habits”. The beats are all very similar and I wish he had at least a couple features on the track. I really love Sheeran as an artist but this album is nothing more than mainstream store music. If you’re into pop music or a huge fan of Ed Sheeran I do recommend giving “=” a listen. Personally I would give it a 6/10 just because I still love him and think he is extremely talented. I just hope for his next release, Sheeran branches out and explores more unique styles than just the same old, same old.

Sit and chill with “An Evening With Silk Sonic” STORY BY KAIT PETERSON

After almost six years since his last album, 2016’s 24K Magic, Bruno Mars has decided to slip back into the sounds of R&B as smooth as silk. For his newest release, Mars has teamed up with American rapper and singer Anderson Paak, together forming the R&B soul power duo “Silk Sonic.” The duo released their debut album An Evening



With Silk Sonic on November 12 to much acclaim, acting as a nostalgic walk through a park circa 2010 brimming with Mars’ classic funk vibes and Paak’s hip hop pop zest, complemented with dashes of other artists such as Bootsy Collins and D’Mile. The album is pretty short and sweet, boasting only 9 tracks with an overall runtime of 32 minutes. Although the majority of the record is laid back, there are hints of spice sprinkled throughout the songs, many fans’ ears caught by the fiery pre-chorus in track 5, “Smokin Out The Window”, where Mars discards the lovey-dovey nature he was known for pre-2020 for a new jaded persona, scorned by an ex or toxic lover. The only critique many have are the same instrumentals starting off each song, sounding almost like a jingle or tag to mark the tracks, but in the end its not a big deal. It’s easy to find yourself holding the album on repeat, sucked deep into the gold and hazel swirl that is An Evening With Silk Sonic.



Enter the multiverse with “Spider-Man: No Way Home” PHOTO CREDIT: MARVEL AND SONY


“No Way Home” and its amazingly high expectations STORY BY JADEN CORDONERO One of the biggest things being talked about as of the moment is Spider-Man: No Way Home, and to no one’s surprise as well. This film will be the third installment to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man adventures in the MCU. It would be an understatement to consider the speculation and talk behind this film odd - or maybe better put, strange. Leaks have torn this movie to shreds much like the rifts in space-time where several villains have poured from their worlds to ours. From trailers we have a near “Sinister Six” built up to clash with the web-head. So where are these villains’ Spider-Men? Where’s Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield? There is a very specific line, which can come across as normal on first listen, but when really focused on, its true nature is interesting. So picture it. Dr. Otto Octavious pins Peter Parker against a concrete column, forcing him to remove his mask and the villain says this: “You’re not Peter Parker.” You hear that? “You’re. Not. Peter.

Parker.” This can’t be some alternate Doc Ock played by Alfred Molina just for the sake of nostalgia, this has to be the same Doc Ock that battled Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man on the New York subway. There’s another feature that was discovered in the Brazilian release of the second trailer, where you can see The Lizard get walloped by seemingly nothing. This has gotten to mean that there’s at least another Spider-Man fighting alongside Tom Holland’s Peter. So much evidence that they must be in, right? Well, maybe. Some people think so, some don’t. Yes, there have been many leaks that seem to prove that Maguire and Garfield will be returning to the big screen. But there have been ten times the amount of leaks so clearly faked. What can we believe and what can we disregard? We really don’t know. So when No Way Home comes out, don’t be angry if Tom Holland is the only wall-crawler on screen. But if he isn’t, if Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield do show up, cheer and be happy. Be happy it happened.

Meet the villains of “No Way Home”



Over the past two decades the world has seen many different faces take on the mantle of Peter Parker’s Spider-Man, from the nerdy newspaper photographer played by Tobey Maguire, the quick-witted web-slinger played by Andrew Garfield, and now the high school Avenger played by Tom Holland. And beyond that we’ve seen Chris Pine as a SpiderMan in his prime and Jake Johnson as a Spider-Man presumably past his peak, both in 2018’s Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, alongside Shameik Moore’s Miles Morales and many, many more Spider-Mans, no, Spider-People, or Spider-... Beings? Point is, there’s been a lot of them. Throughout these years, audiences have debated this cluster of Spiders and the thinning out of their best villains, wondering how much is too much, or if we’re already past that point. But the newest edition to the MCU pantheon and Tom Holland’s third chapter as Spider-Man in this diverse universe promises something wildly new for the web-slinger’s world while offering the perfect chance to celebrate the Spider-Men of yester-year. Spider-Man: No Way Home picks up where the last film left off, with Spider-Man’s identity being revealed to the world all thanks to previous antagonist Mysterio. With his reputation ruined and half of New York despising the wall-crawler, Peter seeks out Doctor Strange to reverse the damage and make the world forget that Parker is Spider-Man. But when the spell goes wrong and the multiverse starts tearing apart, both Spidey and the Sorcerer Supreme must work together to round-up the most infamous in the web-head’s rogues gallery, all from alternate realities. The hype behind this film is the biggest the MCU has ever seen, far larger than even the grand epics of Infinity War and Endgame from just a few years ago. But regardless of what unfolds in this sequel, fans are pumped for when Spider-Man: No Way Home drops on December 17, 2021 and are ready for the first live-action cinematic ride through the Marvel multiverse.

Otto Octavius was a scientist for Oscorp in an alternate reality who got integrated with a malicious artificial intelligence in the form of four mechanical tentacles. Alfred Molina has returned to play “Doctor Octopus” (a.k.a. “Doc Ock”) after his portrayal of him in 2004’s Spider-Man 2. Norman Osborn was CEO of Oscorp in an alternate reality who tested a faulty strength enhancer on himself and developed the twisted second personality of the “Green Goblin”. The villain is to be portrayed by Willem Dafoe, who is reprising his role from 2002’s Spider-Man. Max Dillon was an electrical tradesman in an alternate reality who gains electrokinetic powers after an accident, turning him into “Electro”. Returning from 2014’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Jamie Foxx is reprising the villain, foregoing the blue look for a more comic-accurate yellow lightning appearance.


Flint Marko was a small-time thug in an alternate reality who obtained sand-manipulative powers after a failed experiment he got roped into, becoming “Sandman”. Even though the antagonist was redeemed at the end of 2007’s Spider-Man 3, the villain will be returning, played once again by Thomas Hadden Church. Curt Conners was a geneticist in an alternate reality who became the monstrous “Lizard” after creating and consuming a regeneration serum in hopes of regrowing his missing right hand. Rhys Ifans will reprise his role of the reptilian villain from 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man. It’s currently unknown but unlikely there will be a sixth, meaning the first onscreen “Sinister Six” will be one short. And even though Michael Mando’s “Scorpion” could return, one could argue Jake Gyllenhaal’s “Mysterio” - who started all of this - is the real sixth villain.

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