Arts Unleashed Literary Magazine - Volume 4

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hear your voice

hear you The Arts Unleashed Literary Magazine highlights artwork and literature pieces submitted by fellow Oviedo students. This year, the Literary Lions Club chose the theme “Hear Your Voice” as the theme for the 2019 Oviedo High School’s Arts Unleashed Literary Magazine. All of the submissions dealt with how everybody has a voice, a voice worth expressing. To us, “Hear Your Voice” means to never be afraid to make yourself heard. Through their submissions, the artists express their voices--whether through visual or written material. Through our designs, we express our voices. The phases of the moon represent the growth and changes a person experiences throughout his or her lifetime. The crescent moons represent the beginning of the growth process–when one begins to come out of his or her comfort zone. The half moon represents progress–when one is becoming comfortable with this transition. The full moon represents the end result–total comfort with one’s ability to express himself or herself.

Literary Lions club Members Adviser: Michelle Millard

Alexis Desena Isabel Fain

Delaney Fose Morgan Gunter

Amari Jacobs

ur voice Index

Whisper page 6

Proclaim page 16

Shout page 28

Artists page 47

JOURNALISM STAFF Editor: Gillian Landwehr Adviser: Elise Carlson

Whisper Section Editor: Lindsey Simpson Abbey Landwehr Brenna Williams Celeste An Randy Davis Justin Nazario David Sum

Proclaim Section Editor: Edward Grillo Sean Rice Alexis Kalinowski Briana Torres Taylor McGovern Emma Hennigan

Shout Section Editor: Skylar Zern Micah Alexander Nikta Daryadel Isabella Borrero Kait Peterson Dean Dyson Trinity Shedd Vince Leon

Artist Section Editor: Ethan Jewell Alicia Gillis Furey Eufrazio

w h i s

s p e r

The Only Thing By Gabby Donahue

The only thing in the world I love is the way you seem to kill me everyday, For it hurts much less to be killed by you than anyone else’s. The only thing in the world you smile more when you’re around her, way the is I love For it hurts much less to know that you have found happiness while I cry in sorrow. The only thing in the world I love is the butterflies in my stomach when you pass by, Even when you just overlook me. The only thing in the world you make me blush when I see your smile, way the is I love Even when you’re just being friendly. The only thing in the world I love is the way my heart stops when your hand and mine perfectly intertwine, Because your racing heart restarts mine. The only thing in the world I love, is you.


Elephant- Abby Gunter


Me and God By Isabella Leathley Love with Hope. Hope with Love. Fire in my heart that never ends. Relationship where the Trust never bends. Happiness nothing can take. True Connection nothing can break. Nothing can compare to the Peace I feel. He Takes every pain and He just Heals. Nothing is greater than His Love. The Love from my Holy God Above. Holds me close to His Heart Nothing can tear this Love apart.


Flowers - Abby Gunter

ASL Sign of “Phenomenal Woman” - Alex Wagahoff



Marching Band - Faris Uddin


Red Head - Faris Uddin 12

The spider By Gabby Donahue

I am like a spider, But I am a known fighter, People always step on me, No matter how much I plea, They taunt me till I want to die, But I keep my head held high. My presence is distantly known,

Though I try not to be shown. I stay perched in my web, Just trying to stay a pleb. No matter how hard I try, This ending makes me cry, I am no fighter. I am just a little spider.



Tears of an Avatar-Lizzete Barraza




Untitled-Isabel Fain


my dad and me by Isabella Leathley love i can’t feel. scars only God can Heal fear I shouldn’t feel I want to love him I really do but when he pushes and forces and kills and tries to take me from the God I Love the love i want to feel crashes and burns and no matter how hard I try i can’t rebuild it. no matter how hard i desperately reach for that trust and cry out for it to come back i can’t even touch it. and it vanishes and i can’t get it back. when I cry out for this torment to stop it just keeps going. how can this be happening? this can’t be happening. daggers in my heart. tearing us apart. why should I fear? i feel it in every tear. he can’t take me away. he can try and try and try but he will never take me away.


Untitled - Brianna James


Untitled - Sydney Cunningham

Untitled - Seriya Rymer



Two Paths of Life - Bobby Cortes


5 Senses of You by Anonymous I taste every hit of your burnt out cigarette that lingered on your lips. I lick mine and take in every beautiful lie you ever spoke to me. They’re bitter sweet like lemonade. Every kiss the next more sinful than the last, Your kisses began to burn me I was playing with fire but with a heart you made ice cold, I suffocated your flame. I hear you say “I love you” Those words sang one of your most enchanting sad songs to me. But my heart sinks at the sound now. Butterflies that use to flutter in my stomach Had their wings clipped. Your love was a sad addicting song. The words make your eyes flood. Slowly sinking into the lyrics, the melody takes over. It’s haunting. I’m attached. I never skip the song, something about the sorrow draws me in. It’s stuck on repeat. I smell the cologne you wore every day. The smell is what I imagine black smells like and it stains my white sheets. I walk past the shelf you kept it on. I stand there a minute, desperately searching for your smell. It weakens me. Over time the smell faded and our love followed. I knew I had to let go too I still feel you sometimes. I feel your hand wrapped around my neck. I feel the purple and blue spot imprinted on

me. Right where you left them. They told my heart-shattering story that you played out to be a fairy tale. Our fairy tale had a magical beginning with no happy ending. I feel the words I’m sorry They feel hollowing I feel you when you say it’ll never happen again it feels like your lemon juice in a cut. More bitter sweet lies painted on your lips like cheap red lip stick. You’re words controlled me like a robot. You felt empowered. I saw the real you I saw your brightest colors to your darkest. I saw you change. Sunshine yellow went to charcoal black in seconds. Filled with red and green. I will admit you had a heart of gold when no one was looking, but it was left in the rain to rust You thought hate was better than showing love. Everyone you let in fell away. I was different though for you never saw me. I was a candle in your darkness, your jacket when you were cold. I was a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut.


Untitled - Abby Gunter


Untitled - Faris Uddin


Untitled - Abby Gunter


Drowning in Lakes - Anonymous





Lies By Gabby Donahue Sadness is a trait all people hide well. Happiness is a trait all people fake well. Anger is a trait all people hold in. Disgust is a trait all people really know. People hide sadness through happiness. People fake happiness to hide their sadness. People hold in their anger to highlight their disgust. People know disgust by shining it in the light of anger. Emotions aren’t used to show character but as a coverage of how they really feel. People don’t show how they really feel because its not worth hurting everyone else. We change who we are to create overall happiness. But by changing who we are, no one really knows us. Emotions are simply, the biggest lie told by mankind.


Untitled - Isabel Fain


Untitled - Kendall Sims


Mark Me By Isabel Fain Do you know how difficult it is to do this? To shatter the fortress that blocks myself and thus arise a single word to say? How can I be one to create the words that will be printed this day? I am tasked with so much and yet so little. Surely I cannot bear the enormity of weight I have created myself, or dost thou create the weight in order for one to bear it? An atlas upon my shoulders and hands, it feels so. But, nonetheless, tis just my perspective on the world. An orb of hues full of billions upon millions of spirit and yet of woe. Deeds, good deeds in probability shall be left behind by I. Or will this be the reason I am left behind? I have not the confidence in thyself to bestow that much faith in work, in my work, for myself to be remembered. Will I be remembered? Rather unlikely seeing that we pass on through life in a wink of an eye. But what can I do now to change that? I have control over my fate, don’t I? The institute in which I reside in my home town is but a speck upon the map, and yet I can do something about my fate. My destiny! Mark thee I say unto you that I will be remembered here when I leave of late. Mark me. I cannot fail. Tis not an option. I must be remembered of something. Anything? Oh, contraire for one may be remembered in many fashions. Of light, with an abundance of knowledge and contribution to the world. Or, caution in thy name, one may be remembered for the darkness in thy heart, a terrible and dangerous deed may be cast upon thyself if thee choose to follow it. The world need not more darkened people, for the world is already surrounded by an infinite amount of it. And so, how shall I be remembered? Is it my choice? Is it really and faithfully my decision how I shall be remembered? Nay, but I have all the power in the world to decide what I do for you. In the meantime, my feet carry me back and forth thinking how I may spend each day as though the clock ticks by. Beating in it’s sound I believe my mind just might shatter, why? My thoughts ramble day and night and rest I get not, but my thoughts with utmost doubt settle on a particular instance. It’s like a burning flash I see of beautiful, bountiful stars. One in which I hope that I may find utter joy and delight in my practices. But alas, I am frozen in time as my body decays like an adulterating fruit rotting with an elapsed time so much slower than the one I have grown accustomed to. Soft. I can’t help but wonder where I will be in this moment on the timeline of humanity. Will I be near? Far? Pray, I wonder if I can even hear? But what is audition but an illusion of the mind? Ah, the unprecedented mind. Powerful is it not? Methinks tis an energy made up of millions of cosmos within cosmos of omnipotence that can create anything we desire. Anything I want. A machine, now, so powerful I am unable to detect the outlines of my world and if it is true or not. Shall I dare question thy reality? To define such a theory would mean the death of existence. And I ask myself, can anyone hear my thoughts?


My Creature By Anonymous Dragged away by imperfect wounds and scars, I sure don’t want to remember it all; My blood’s in the woods and too many stars but you and I know heroes never fall.

I was torn up again for days back then, when I woke up and felt the stinging rain. You loved the dark way it was back when you would always create the pain;

but these days it is worse with the pale gloom. It kills me to see you burn in this form. One more night, one more time, I face my doom as we sprint through the woods in a storm.

Do not worry, it will be over soon. I’ll lead you away from the frost white moon.


Ralsei’s Judgement - Amari Jacobs

DND - Alexis DeSena


Untitled By Abby Gunter Being one of humanity’s greatest burdens, shame often thwarts one’s journey towards self-acceptance, discouraging growth necessary to one’s well-being. I, unfortunately not being an exception to this blemish of human nature, am well-acquainted with the dreaded Shame, a weight that manifested from my struggle with sexual orientation: something so miniscule yet simultaneously so immense, a characteristic holding no more significance than the color of my eyes yet which has guided my life through hardships predetermined for those of the same leaf. In elementary school, I was a well in which harsh stones fell, as kids, linking masculinity with queerness, teased me for my boyish manner. At 9, realizing the truth in their words, I cried silent tears, unwilling and incapable of telling my parents what was the matter, as I had no word to describe how I felt, only the shame such a feeling generated. At 15, I was followed by a car of my peers, with words like daggers boring into my back, an event that still lingers in the back of my mind. And today, I stand in line to wait for the restroom, pretending not to see the dirty looks and questioning glances. This same shame, held by millions of others due to the influence of a society that paints differences as analogous to oddities, stays with me today--a shame that hides me from my family members in fear of losing them, a shame that creeps up my back while holding hands in public, a shame that even inspires hesitation within me as I share this with you. Everyday, I wrestle with shame, and sometimes, it wins. But everyday, I grow stronger through the support of friends and allies and through my own growth towards self-acceptance. I have learned to stand proud in the face of shame not only for myself but for others as a reminder that it gets better and as inspiration to never accept the shame dwelling within.


Untitled - Faris Uddin


How Good We Have It By Lindsey Simpson We can’t leave for a fire alarm for fear of being shot, The bone-chilling cold running down our spines as we wonder what chance we’ve got. They never tell us whether the code red is real or a drill while students cry in the silence, For we’re the ones who don’t know if we’re ready to die relying on our teachers to die for us. We live in fear every day not knowing which could be our last, Yet there are bigger threats that could easily put an end to us just as fast. There isn’t a day when I don’t hear a “I want to kill myself” as I walk by, Yet adults tell us how good we’ve got it then ask what’s wrong when we start to cry. We’re being treated no different than cattle being raised for we’ll be slaughtered if we don’t get the A, They only see a number, a transcript, a name, That is nothing without a good GPA.


Puppets - Anonymous





Page: 15 What was the brainstorming process like? How difficult was it to come up with some of these concepts? “To brainstorm it, I tried to get the right technique for it. It was really stressful, this one took about four hours. It was difficult to use the colored pencils because I didn’t have some colors and had to mix some colors out.” What does your artwork mean to you and how do you think it could affect someone else? “I think for myself it was a really big success because I’ve never done anything like that, especially something that’s like kind of more human lik.e I usually draw more characters like Goofy or Mickey Mouse. But this time it was more of a human character.”



Page: 22 What inspires you to create? “It was my parents supporting me and encourging me, from their suppport I just did

what I did.” What does your artwork mean to you? “It means how I am, it helps describe me. It kind of explains me.” How does your art work describe you? “It expresses my voice by showing how I feel about art.”




Pages: 6,13,30 What was the most difficult part about creating the pieces that you made? “Having read what’s going on in the poems but not exactly sure how to interpret the message, being that it is somewhat of a mystery.” How do you think this expresses your voice? “It shows that, with everything I’ve been through, in my life no matter what happens, I can overcome anything.” What was the brainstorming process like? “It’s kind of off-the-cuff and when something comes to my head I just write about it.”


Pages: 18,31,33 What was your mindset when creating this project? “I wanted to mix our normal speech of the twenty-first century with old English. I also wanted to create a piece of writing that wouldn’t be understood by most on the first read.” How did you feel about the result? “I really enjoyed this piece and feel like it conveys my feelings about life right now, and, hopefully, someone out there can also relate.” What do you like about what you do? “I love photography and feel like these minimalistic images hold meaning that everyone can relate to.” 42


Pages:7,9,33,36 How does your art affect the world? “I just hope that they like it. I hope that they interpret it differently; that it will make them think of something else that they’ve experienced.” What is difficult about creating your artwork? “Proportions are hard: getting things right, getting things even, making colors look right together.” What inspires you to create? “People I see, experiences that I experience. I guess different people like on YouTube, or Pinterest, or Instagram.”





What was difficult about creating your are? “The brand suprises, like the diffuse” What does your atr mean to you? “I was trying to create something that meant something, but also easy to draw. Im not very artistically inclined.” Who was your suport system through out the process? “My family. They’re very artistic.”


Page:35 What is difficult about creating your artwork? “I feel it is just like what I am trying to imagine in my head. Like if I’m trying to envision somebody posing or something, it’s a little hard, and just sometimes being able to get up and do it because it’s in my head.” What does your artwork mean to you? “I feel like my artwork means like my whole personality really, that most of the time I’m spending at home is just drawing or just talking to my friends about things.” What was the brainstorm process like for this piece? “Really, it was with my friends because we just talked about that stuff ,so I feel like my brainstorming process was just talking with my friends, conversing about our project.” 43




Page: 35 What is difficult about creating your artwork? “Shading.” What was the brainstorm process like for

this piece? “Experimenting. I went through three different drafts. First I had to sketch it, I didn’t like it so I redid it, and then I redid it again.” What do you envision your artwork will be like after high school? “I plan on going into gaming or programming.”

SERIYA RYM ER Page: 21 What do you envision your artwork will be like after high school? “I want to go more into interior designing. So I feel that it will go into more clothes, landscapes, buildings, even food, but I don’t, per say would say I would become an artist.” How does your art affect the world? “My art hasn’t affected the world. But I would want to make something that would make people really think about what I’m trying to say instead of just painting a flower and there is no meaning to it.”

ISABELLA LEAT HLEY Page: 8,21 What was the brainstorm process like for this piece? “It just flowed out, but I had to think of things that rhymed.” Whose style do you like? Whose artwork? “Hillsong and Lara Degal give me the most influence, I’d say.”

BRIANNA JAMES Page: 20 What inspires you to create? “I’m a dancer, it’s kind of a thing that influences me.” What is difficult about creating your artwork? “I am a perfectionist, which makes it hard to move on after small mistakes.” What other factors influence you? “The people and events around me contribute to what I create.”



Page: 38



What inspires you to create? “Having things that need to be said that I can’t seem to express any other way. The issues I see around me, and the emotions I feel because of them.” What other factors influence you? “The people around me. I’m very empathetic, and I can’t stand some of the things that are happening in this country because of certain people. I can’t. I feel so strongly for people in mourning, facing difficulties, or anything. And I hate seeing nothing happen to help them.” How does this work express your voice? “It expresses my fears that I face every time I walk into school or fail a test. It expresses how the teenagers of today are scared and need people to do something about it, but that they just dismiss is because we’re young.”




Page: 9, 11, 12, 37


What do you envision your artwork will be like after high school? “I do hope that I would come back and maybe take photos of not just the school. I would love to come back and take pictures of them…especially for color guard and band, seniors performing their last shows and freshmen just starting their journey in high school.” How does your artwork affect the world? “I’m not really sure about that since I just started, but a lot of my photography skills are growing as I take more pictures of events and people. They say how my photos are better than theirs, but it makes me want to strive more. Now that I’m being placed on that higher pedestal, my performance needs to meet expectations of other people, and also to myself, to grow as a person and a photographer.”


Page: 32 What was the brainstorming process like? “My friend was doing something with like a siren, and so I was like, ‘Oh something with the ocean would be cool.’ So I got to thinking about like sea birds calling out to someone in the ocean.” What’s difficult about creating your artwork? “The most difficult thing would be putting the vision in my head on to blank canvas and not quitting when you realize the art isn’t turning out the right way or something.”

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Page: 23, 27, 34, 39

GAHOF F EX WA L A Page: 9 What does your artwork mean to you? “Artwork is a means of expressing yourself, and there is not a wrong or right, it is just what you put on the canvas.” What other factors influence you? “Frida Kahlo is my favorite artist and she does a lot of self-portraits, and it inspires me to make my own spin off of her work.” How does this work express your voice? “It expresses my voice in a way by using my emotions like when I am angry, I will draw a character to portray that, and if I am feeling happy then I will use brighter colors.”


Volume 4

oviedo high school

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