the little hawk Iowa City, IA
Vol. 82
December 17, 2021
Issue 2
ICCSD Implements New Testing Policy The Iowa Community School District decides to re-design testing policies By Aala Basheir
ABOVE: Students walk out of City High to participate in protest after 6th period. PHOTO BY ARAMINTA SIEGLING
Student Walk Out Protest Approved protest organized by the Iowa Freedom Riders and ICCSD Black Student Unions takes place with students from all Iowa City high schools By Sophia Lusala & Araminta Siegling After 6th hour, students from three Iowa City schools walked out of class to participate in an approved protest, organized by the ICCSD Black Student Union and the Iowa Freedom Riders. West High’s Black Student Union sent
this statement to the district in an email. “The goal of tomorrow’s planned protest is to bring the three high schools together to inform them of the conversations had with the district administration and equity department so we all know what steps are in place to move forward.” continued on A5
ABOVE: Students walk off City High front grounds. PHOTO BY ARAMINTA SIEGLING
In August of this year, the Iowa City Community School district updated their grading policies. Stating that a grade communicates a student’s current understanding of content standards, the updated policy includes six practices, Late Work, Redos and Retakes, Grading Homework & Formative Assessments, Zeros, Extra Credit, Grading Behavior/Compliance and will officially go into effect beginning third trimester. “The policy came directly from the district, but it’s similar to standards based grading, which I’ve been familiar with for a long time,” City High teacher Robert Crawford said, adding that the policies are fairly close to the current practices in his classroom. Similarly, City High Alumni, Michael Ayers, who teaches both English and AP Capstone and has been working to practice the updated guidelines over the past six years, emphasized his agreement with the late work policy. continued on A5
New Voters Share Their Experince City High students share their experiences and opinions on voting By Rebecca Michaeli & Diego Loria-Eivins According to the Iowa City Press-Citizen, 19.3% of Iowa City voters participated in the 2021 School Board election. City High students share their experiences and opinions on voting. Jocelyn Ankenmann ‘22 was one of the City High students who
were eligible to vote for the first time this November. “Up until the day before, I had no idea [who I was going to vote for]. I didn’t even know what topics I would be voting on. I had heard about the tax [levy extension], but that was the only thing. I didn’t know who was running for school board.” continued on A6
ABOVE: Signage directs students to the location for voting. PHOTO BY REBECCA MICHAELI
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