The Little Hawk

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3B Sports

18A Arts and Entertainment

Dodge and Miller: Biking bros

Q&A with Les Mis senior cast members

13A Opinion

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Head to head: Candidate compromise

Students travel around the world

The Little Hawk Iowa City, IA

Vol. 78

Friday, May 3, 2019

Issue 5

CITY NEWS The Little Hawk Your #1 Source of News about City High


ity High coach John Raffensberger passed away. Coach Raff was a social studies teacher, Dean of Students, and track coach at City High who led City to ten state championships. G.P.A. Switches to 5.0 Starting next year students will year A.P. students will earn up to a 5.0 for As in A.P. classes. Grades will be retroactively changed for their high school careers. PROM A Star Wars themed prom will be held tomorrow night, Saturday, May 4th at the I.M.U.. And May the 4th be with you all!

ABOVE: City High students at the ICCSD office striking to advocate for solar panels PHOTO BY SHOSHIE HEMLEY

Students stand up for the planet

BLACK HISTORY GAME SHOW STATE CHAMPIONS The City High team won a state championship at the Black History Game Show. MOCK TRIAL TEAM PLACES 5TH AT STATE The City High Mock trial team placed 5th at the state tournament with Lottie Gidal winning all-state attorney and Quinn Kopelman winning all-state witness. “THE LITTLE HAWK” SELECTED AT ALL-IOWA NEWS TEAM FINALIST “The Little Hawk”’s journalism team was selected as one of the top five journalism teams in the state and won 30 individual state journalism awards for their stories. BPA WINS 4TH STRAIGHT TITAN CHALLENGE The Business Professionals Association of City High won $4,500 in scholarships by winning the competition. TESTING SWITCHED TO ONLINE Standardized testing moved online with students using their Chromebooks to complete the ISASPs. TEACHERS RETIRING Coach Tim Casey, Ms Fields, Athletic Director Terry Coleman, Ms Green, Mr. DeNeice, Ms Glowacki, and Band Director Myron McReynolds will all be retiring. CITY ALUM PIEROTTI CREATES ROBOTIC QB Alumnus and CEO Nathan Pierotti spoke to students about his new company Monarc, Inc., and their new “robotic quarterbacks” called “Seekers” that can track data and cost $38,000. O.B.J. has requested a machine, as well as 12 N.F.L teams.


Students from the ICCSD have been striking every Friday at the district office to advocate for the addition of solar panels throughout the school district By Shoshie Hemley


hildren in strollers, whitehaired grannies, and high schoolers holding signs stating, “There is no Planet B,” listened to former NFL player and City High alumnus Tim Dwight explain solar panels and their benefits in great detail. Led by South East Junior High student Massimo PaciottoBiggers, a few dozen students from City High and South East Junior High, joined by some supportive parents and adults, skipped school to strike for the climate at the Iowa City Community School District offices on Friday, April 19. Paciotto-Biggers read the demands he had for the

ICCSD: a climate curriculum and solar panels in the ICCSD schools. Ever since 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg gave a speech at the U.N, her “school strike for climate” movement has been spread around the world, including in Iowa City. According to, 1.4 million students across the globe skipped school to climate strike, one of those students being PaciottoBiggers. Since then, he has striked every Friday. For the first time, on April 19, students from City joined the South East student in striking. There had been an attempt for a strike at City on March 15, when PaciottoBiggers started striking. However, it was disorganized and was unsuccess-

New birth control bill passes Iowa Senate A By Estella Brady

few weeks before the 2018 midterm elections, Governor Kim Reynolds surprised many with talk of a bill that would increase access to birth control. As a strong, self-proclaimed pro-life advocate, this came as a surprise to both her supporters and critics, and she was accused of making empty promises. But five months later, at the end of March, the Iowa state Senate passed this bill, Senate File 513, in

@The Little Hawk

a 42-to-6 vote, and now the bill is heading to the House. “You’re going to see an expansion of opportunities for women to control their health care, which is something the Democrats have been trying to do in this state for years,” Iowa state senator Zach Wahls said. “[The bill] is going to mostly impact those who may not necessarily be able to get a prescription easily or quickly, so that’s why having this over-the-counter piece is really important.”


ful due to the timing: March 15 was the day school finished before spring break. “We weren’t really sure what to do,” Penelope Wilkins ‘21, who had attempted to strike that day, said. “We wanted to have an organized [strike], but that was just not happening. I actually heard about it the day of.” According to Wilkins, the attempted strike was filled with confusion. Many students had already left for vacation, or were on school trips such as the New York City choir trip or the French trip. That Friday meant a lot of testing and absences for City students, resulting in a failed attempt at a strike due to lack of attendance. Despite Principal John Bacon sending an email to

parents who might want to excuse their students prior to the strike, no strike at City ever occured. However, City High students were finally successful in striking on April 19. A few weeks ago, a group of elderly women nicknamed “the grannies” started supporting the movement and attending the strikes, wearing green and holding signs. The 19 was their second strike. “I think it’s really picking up, and a lot more people are coming now,” Paciotto-Biggers said. Dwight is part of a solar company called Integrated Energy Services Incorporated. He spoke to the group about the benefits of solar energy. continued on A9

This bill would allow women 18 garding the distribution of hormonal years and older to purchase oral con- contraceptives. traceptives at a pharmacy without a “I hope that when [this bill] is prescription. Patients passed, it’s made suwould have their blood per clear to the public “YOU’RE GOING TO pressure checked by which pharmacies can SEE AN EXPANSION OF the pharmacist and be provide prescriptionrequired to complete free birth control and OPPORTUNITIES FOR a self-screening assesswhich ones can’t, beWOMEN TO CONTROL ment, which is modcause right now it’s THEIR HEALTH CARE, eled after similar legisnot obvious whether lation that was passed WHICH IS SOMETHING THE this will have an imin both Utah and Orpact for women in DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN egon, before obtaining all parts of Iowa or the contraceptive. TRYING TO DO IN THIS STATE not,” Mya Kahle ‘20 Prior to a pharsaid. “But I’m really FOR YEARS.” macy being permitted glad it’s happening. to distribute birth conI have to say I’m surtrol without prescripprised Kim ReynZACH WAHLS tions, pharmacists olds would propose would have to comsomething like this plete a training program along with after she signed the heartbeat bill.” continuous education requirements re- continued on A9


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