The Little Hawk

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the little hawk Iowa City, IA

Vol. 81

October 23, 2020

Issue 1

Quick NEWS The newspaper that leads

DELAYED SCHOOL Due to COVID-19 rates rising above 10% in Iowa City, the 2020-2021 school year started on September 8, two weeks later than scheduled .

ABOVE: Hybrid students in class wearing masks and sitting socially distanced. PHOTO BY NOAH PAVELICH

City goes back to school


By Adalie Burton

tudents and teachers from all the high schools in the district are working together to make online schooling work. Students might have English with a teacher from West High one period, and math with a City High teacher the next. Classmates come from all three schools, leaving little room for school rivalries. For students in the online academy, the end of a class period is signaled not by the ringing of a school bell, but by the quiet end of a Zoom call. Hybrid students pack up their things at the end of the school day, saying goodbye to City High until next week. Questions are asked in emails and fumbling attempts to speak in class without interrupting someone else. “It is very hard to assist students in the online world. We are doing our best to reach out and create interventions to help kids,” Scott Jespersen, City High Assistant Principal, said. As of Tuesday, September 8, City High students have begun online learning in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The online model is set up to spread out classwork throughout the weeks. On Mondays and Wednesdays, online students attend synchronous classes in the morning and work asynchronously in the afternoon. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the opposite is true. Fridays are structured such that students can quickly check in with all their teachers and get any assistance they need. In the beginning, the idea was that students could choose between hybrid and online learning from the get-go. However, the number of COVID-19 cases in the county prompted the district


to enforce online-only learning for it easier to work without as many the first two weeks of the school distractions. year. First trimester is intended to “[Classrooms] being quieter is be somewhat of a trial run for stu- a benefit, and teachers have more dents - they can decide to switch control over the classroom envibetween hybrid and online at the ronment,” Yahashiri said. end of the trimester, or continue Students and teachers alike have with the method they chose to be- found challenges unique to online gin with. This new remote model and hybrid classes, as well as things has brought with it quite a few they like and appreciate about changes, for better and worse. these models. “I miss seeing my friends in per“Both the online and hybrid son and general social interaction program have their respective with other students. It’s still weird strengths and weaknesses. For me, to see my classmates in the Zoom the strength of the online program grid rather than in real life around is the consistency in the schedule. me,” Heidi Du West High ‘23 said. Seeing students three times a week Du appreciates having extra on alternating days allows me to free time check in during her “During class, if I don’t understand more regasynchrowith something it’s hard to ask the teacherularly nous class them than p e r i o d s . about it during the moment. Emailing the more H o w e v - teachers to get help is harder for me s p o r a d er, she has ic hybrid found that because you can’t get as good of a s c h e d u l e it’s hardresponse as you can in person.” o f f e r s . er to ask RelationANNA GAYLEY questions ship-buildCITY HIGH JUNIOR and keep ing and opup when portunities teachers move too quickly. for socialization, a key component “During class, if I don’t under- of the teaching and learning prostand something it’s hard to ask cess, probably occurs more natuthe teacher about it during the rally in the hybrid setting,” Jason moment. Emailing teachers to get Schumann said. help is harder for me because you Schumann is a history teacher can’t get as good of a response as at City High. He teaches both onyou can in person,” Anna Gayley line and hybrid classes. Schumann ‘22 said. has found a small drop in students’ Gayley has found herself losing overall engagement and perforfocus and developing cabin fever mance in his classes since switchdue to how much time she spends ing to the online/hybrid model. inside on Zoom and Canvas. He attributes these few percentage “Because the trimester started points of lost productivity to inlate, I feel like the homework is pil- creased barriers put in place by lack ing up, but I’m getting used to it,” of instructional time and issues Kento Yahashiri ‘23 said. with technology. Yahashiri has enjoyed the qui“I have had a few issues with eter classroom atmosphere, finding technology. It can be difficult for @thelittlehawk

everyone as we’re trying to adapt to an entirely new system. The internet isn’t something you can predict, there’s always going to be random issues and new problems to solve,” Misha Canin West High ‘22 said. Canin has found various ways to make navigating the new online system easier for her and does not want or intend to go back to school in person. “Planning out my days and following a schedule helps me stay motivated and on track… I try to wake up around the same time each day and follow the asynchronous/ synchronous schedule as closely as I can. I love spending time outside or moving my body in the morning before classes, it wakes me up and helps me feel motivated for the day,” Canin said. Hybrid learning began on Monday, September 28. This decision was made based upon the Iowa City COVID-19 positivity rate dropping below 10%. The hybrid model separates students into groups A and B. Students with last names A-K attend school on A days, while last names L-Z go on B days. Mondays and Tuesdays are set A days, and Thursdays and Fridays are set B days. Wednesdays, which have become early dismissal days, alternate between A and B days weekly. “In many ways, the job of teaching has become more demanding this year. Whether it is small changes, like becoming more proficient with a spray bottle and wipes, or bigger systemic changes, like the creation of multiple new curriculum delivery models, the rapid transformation of some of the essential functions of the job have been pretty daunting,” Schumann said. continued on A10 @thelittlehawk

HYBRID MODEL After three weeks online, students participating in the hybrid model returned to school in person.

choosing a MODEL End of first trimester is December 4. If students want to switch which model they are doing, they can do so for the second trimester.

Fall sports In person practices for sports were suspended for three weeks while all classes were online.

RIGHT TO PLAY Student athletes across the distrct protested at ICCSD offices demanding that they be allowed to continue practicing their sports while school was online.

DRAMA The drama board has decided to put on a filmed production of the play Little Women adapted from the book by Louise May Alcott.

VOLLEYBALL City High’s volleyball team honored Emma Nugent ‘21 at their game against Wahlert Catholic on October 8 by wearing “We play for 14” bracelts.

Student senate Katherine Geerdes ‘21 and Evan McElroy ‘21 were elected as student body president and vice president.

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