The Little Hawk

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the little hawk Iowa City, IA

Vol. 82

October 15, 2021

Issue 1

Homecoming Court City High announced Iya Alexander and Patrick Sarsfield as Homecoming Royalty

Yom Kippur Now Off of School Calendar CITY’S ROYALTY FOR 2021: Homecoming Royals Patrick Sarsfield ‘22 and Iya Alexander ‘22 celebrate before City’s football victory over West High. PHOTO BY LAUREN KOCH

Pledge of Allegiance Now Begins the School Day

By Rebecca Michaeli

Pledge of Allegiance added to daily morning announcements as enforced by state law By Marina Escandell Every morning, Principal Bacon reads the Pledge of Allegiance as soon as the 1st period bell rings. Bacon emphasizes that while he is required to recite it by recent state law, he respects every student’s decision to participate or not. On May 20, 2021, Governor Kim Reynolds signed HF 847 into law. Iowa schools are required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily. The City High student body depicts a wide variety of opinions and perspectives on this topic. “There’s a state legislature in Iowa that passed a law this summer,” Bacon said. “It says that the Pledge of Allegiance shall be read in every school, every day. It’s supposed to happen at a regular occurring time and you’re supposed to develop a routine. It’s literally state law. Though, it is a student’s personal choice whether or not they want to take part. It’s totally not forced.” Bacon stresses that while he is required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, nobody at City High is required to participate with him. While observing the student @instalittlehawk

body response, he reports feeling impressed with the level of respect maintained by students. “Overall, I’ve been really pleased with how students have handled this,” said Bacon. “ I feel like, for the most part, everyone has been understanding of the fact that this is a state law. I also have not heard of any disruption or problems that have happened at the classroom level because of this.” According to Penelope Willmoth ‘24, many students have displayed a level of indifference when it comes to this law and remember the Pledge as merely a pastime from elementary school. Willmoth reports that whether read or not, it has little effect on the students’ mornings. “I mostly don’t even hear it,” Willmoth said. “There’s a lot of talking in my class. I don’t think people really care about it. I’ve never really had an opinion on it either, the last time we had to say it was in fourth grade.” Ellie Eisenberg ‘25 reports that every classroom responds in a different way based on the group of students. She mentions that in her classroom, nobody stands but rath@thelittlehawk

In April 2021, the ICCSD school board voted unanimously to include two additional holidays in the district’s calendar: Yom Kippur and Eid al-Fitr

ABOVE: Students stand for the reading of the Pledge of Allegiance before starting their morning classes. PHOTO BY HAILIEGH STEFFEN

er looks at their phone. “My first period is orchestra. Nobody in the class says it. We don’t stand up or anything. We kind of just listen. You know, I think we enjoy it. Mr. Bacon performs it pretty well,” Adrian Bostian 23’ said. Despite being the minority at City High, there are students who choose to recite the pledge every day. Some choose to do so out of personal experiences. “I’m a military brat. My dad is in the military and I grew up around bases. So every school I’ve been to has done the Pledge of Allegiance every day. I grew up with that being a required thing. At the same time, I know what it stands for and I appreciate and respect it. For the first couple of weeks, people didn’t even realize it was being said. Now, I think more people recognize it. Not everyone stands, but people are more respectful,” Kayden Jensen ’25 said.

There are often also familial ties that lead people to stand. “I’ve always stood for it but I respect everyone else,” Abe Ferber ‘23 said, “If you want to sit for it you can sit for it. I don’t have much of an opinion on it. A few people stand up in my classroom, this includes me, but the majority sit down. There has not been any problems with that. I stand because I’ve had a few people in my family, my grandpa specifically, serve. So I just do what I want to do.” According to Principle Bacon, the City Highschool administration has worked to make a welcoming environment for students with all preferences. “We tried to set the tone in the beginning that part of being in America is having the right to choose,” Bacon said. “Whether they want to stand and put their hands over their hearts or sit and not participate at all. That is a choice.” The Little Hawk

During the Iowa City Community School District’s school board meeting on April 13, 2021, the board voted unanimously to add two holidays to the 2021-2022 school year: September 16, the Jewish holy holiday Yom Kippur, and May 3, the Muslim holy holiday Eid al-Fitr. “We got Thursday [September 16] off due to the joint efforts of the local Muslim community, the Jewish community and the Superintendent. Muslims and Jews had campaigned in the past to get some of our holy days off and the school district was thankfully receptive to that message,” Rabbi Ester Hugenholtz of the local Agudas Achim Congregation said. “Muslim-Jewish solidarity was crucial to this effort. We Jews got Yom Kippur off and Muslims got Eid off.” In English, Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement” and is considered to be the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Yom Kippur focuses on personal growth, reflecting on the previous year, and drawing closer to God through acts of kindness, charity, introspection and prayer.

Read Yom Kippur on A7

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