Rails To Trails

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Photo by Suzann Caputo

Rails to Trails Rails-to-Trails Conservancy has a green solution for a future filled with trails, and the connections they inspire.


Suzann Caputo

and-holding couples, joggers sprinting

on their web site www.railstotrails.org, is to build

by, double-seated bikes with helmet-

“healthier places for healthier people.” They are doing

wearing toddlers on the back—it’s a

this by creating trails that encourage activities such as

sunny Saturday early afternoon on the Wallkill Valley

biking and walking, or what RTC refers to as “active

Rail Trail. A forest of trees and wild shrubs cradle


pedestrians as they travel a path of gravel and packed

One Hudson River Valley resident speaks fondly of

dirt, popular for bike riding, walking, hiking, and other

the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail. “One of the best things

outdoorsy activities such as bird watching.

about living in the New Paltz area is the access to the

The Wallkill Valley Railroad was originally a rail

rail trail,” said Beth Glance, New Paltz resident and

line that shipped vegetables, produce, dairy, and at one

coach of the Shawangunk runners, a local running

point people, from the farmlands of upstate Hudson

group who consistently use the trail. “The surface is

River Valley down to the bustling streets of New York

flat and very forgiving when it comes to running.”

City. It is now purely a recreational trail, and has been

RTC is working to have a trail like the Wallkill

since it opened officially in October 1993. The Wallkill Valley Railroad was originally owned

Valley Rail Trail available to all Americans. According to the National Transportation Library- Bureau of

by Conrail, the primary Northeast railroad corporation,


but like many other railroads, it was abandoned


in the 1970s when trucking began to dominate the


transportation world.

72 percent of

Want to Find a Rail Trail? Check out www.traillink.com and map a trail today.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC), founded in

all Americans

1986, is the organization responsible for transforming

have reported

abandoned rail lines all over the nation, just like the

wanting a

Wallkill Valley Railroad, into a nationwide network

community based planning structure which makes

of recreational trails, or “greenways” as RTC refers to

walking, running or bicycling an integral part of the


area’s transportation system.” Rail trails are often the

With global warming on the rise due to carbon emissions, and obesity on the rise partially due to lack of exercise, RTC’s self-proclaimed mission, as stated

cheapest method of trail creation, especially in urban areas that lack open space. RTC has made significant progress with rail

transformation within the last 20 years. When it first

Wallkill Valley Rail Trail. With this connection there

was established in 1986, there were fewer than 200

will ultimately be a 23.7 mile nearly continuous

known rail trails. Currently, there are more than 1,600

recreational trail that runs from Gardiner through New

trails in urban, rural, and suburban communities

Paltz and Rosendale, and north to the city limits of

throughout the United States, and RTC is in the


process of linking them. The Wallkill Valley Rail Trail has had a series of

This linear park will benefit Mid- Hudson residents in many ways. According to Christie Ferguson, executive director of the Wallkill Valley Land Trust,

It’s most recent one was in August 2009 when the

this trail connection will fill in the most important

Open Space Institute (OSI) and the Wallkill Valley

missing link in one of the best networks of rail trails,

Land Trust (WVLT) bought 65 acres of the former

and will also encourage new economic development in

Rosendale Rail Trail and connected it with the

the Hudson River Valley.

Photo courtesy of Flickr Commons

connections and acquisitions throughout the years.

The abandoned Rosendale Railroad Trestle sits above Roundout Creek in Rosendale. The trestle is 114 years old and is in the process of being repaired.

Some Hudson River Valley residents agree.

popularity with the public is increasing. “Trail usage

“It seems to me that a rail trail improves property

has been increasing annually,” said Jennifer Kaleba,

values of nearby homes,” says Glance. “I paid

Rails-to-Trails vice president of communications.

extra for a house I owned in Accord, because

“Many trails indicate 1 million to 3 million users a

it was right on the Rail Trail and I looked

year.” To arrive at these figures, RTC uses various

specifically for one similarly located in New

methods, from workers counting every passerby to


computerized trail counters mounted at trail heads.

According to the WVLT, the OSI and the

Even though no national statistics on trail use are

WVLT have started a fundraising campaign in order to finance the improvements the trail needs in

available, based on

“Our vision for the 21st century [is] that by 2020, 90 percent of Americans will live within three miles of a local trail system.” RTC Annual Report

order to be used.

individual trails it is estimated to be in the tens of thousands, Kaleba says. In 2008, RTC launched the Urban

Pathways Initiative (UPI) in response to the climbing

trestle in Rosendale, which is currently closed

levels of obesity, congestion, and shortage of open

to the public, and widening the rest of the newly

space in

acquired trail.


According to the OSI, opening the Wallkill


• 2010 8th Annual Greenway Sojourn Join 350 other bicyclists as they peddle more than 250 miles on a trip through southeastern Pennsylvania and the Delaware River Valley of NJ July 17-24.

Valley Rail Road bed for public use has been a


priority of the Ulster County Non- Motorized

offers tech

Transportation Plan. This plan’s goals include


creating a green infrastructure that reduces fossil

to urban

fuel consumption, encouraging more physical


activity, and stimulating economic growth for

such as Washington D.C., Compton, Calif., New

Ulster County.

Orleans, La., and Cleveland, Ohio, specifically,

Not only are trails being extended, but their

in order to get trails up and running and to foster

summer plans?

This includes decking the 940 foot long railroad

Local Artist Alert: community ownership of the trails. Turning a local rail line into a trail requires not only technical savvy to build it, but community support to keep it going. The volunteers who had pioneered the start of the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail organized into the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail Association whose responsibilities became to promote and manage the trail. According to Ruth Elwell, member of the Ulster County Trails Advisory Committee, the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail Association gets maintenance help from the village of New Paltz and the towns of New Paltz and Gardiner. The positive response RTC has received from their work has led them to their goal for 2020. “Our vision for the  21st century [is] that by 2020, 90 percent of Americans will live within three miles of a local trail system” said the RTC 2008 Annual Report labeled “Inspiring Movement”. RTC has more than 100,000 members and has laid down approximately 19,000 miles of trail spanning the country. In order for RTC to reach their goal, they still have thousands of rails to convert.

Cover Photo: Wallkill Valley Rail Trail in New Paltz.

Water Street Market invites artists of all kinds to send submissions for consideration in a summer art series “Art Along the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail” taking place this summer every third Saturday from May through August. Ceramics submission deadline: May 8 show date: May 15 Sculptors submission deadline: June 5 show date: June 19 Photographers submission deadline: July 3 show date: July 17 Painters submission deadline: Aug. 7 show date: Aug. 21 Time: 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Visit www.ulstercountyalive.com for more information.

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