E d u c a t i o n f o r A m e r i c a ’s children begins at home
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By Andres R. Bodon sits
Photo by Andres R. Bodon
the table on a
Monday morning eating breakfast. The father gets up, kisses the kids and mother good-bye
states in the United States. The reasons for this
and leaves for work.
are varied according
The mother says “Get
to the NCES, such as
your books kids, it’s time
for school.” But instead
of rushing out the door
to catch a school bus;
and, for many the
they go to an area of
most important, the
the home that is set up Laura Paulsen, 40, and Sarah Paulsen, 1, like a classroom, with watching “Baby Signing Time” which has begun
two desks, chairs and a
development of Sarah’s communications skills.
to the National Center for
chalkboard. According to
New York
Department of Education, for more than 20,000 this is the norm. Nationwide, according
number has increased from 697,000 in 1999 to 898,000 in 2003.
This increase
environment, with
provide religious and to
However, skeptics question how homeschooling affects children, and
ask, how do homeschooled
curriculum twice, once with
by the structure of the
children compare to their
oldest daughter Stephanie,
classroom setting. With
peers who have attended
19, and once with Bobby,
regard to the “high-school
17, and disagree with the
experience” Bobby Paulsen
learning? In addition, many
stereotypes. In fact, mother
said “all I missed out on was
misconceptions with regard
Laura Paulsen feels that
beating the crap out of a few
“homeschooling is a great
kids and having a bunch of
Some of the most prevalent
option, although it may not
slutty girls throw themselves
are that it is illegal, that
be for everyone. I love that
at me, to be honest.” He
feels he came out
“When you have a child you start teaching them from the moment they are born. Why does that change when they are five/” —Laura Paulsen
will not be afforded the same college educational opportunities traditionally children
that schooled
that children who are homeschooled
more mature and, although his reading skills could have been better, he was prepared for college. His sister Stephanie agreed
develop social skills. Other
we live in a country that has
that academically, she
common ones include the
was adequately prepared
is just one of them.”
Homeschooling By
for college through her
expensive to homeschool
exercising that option, the
homeschooling experience.
children, it is only available
Paulsen children both agree
The misconception of lack
to the wealthy)—and the
that they did not miss out on
of socialization is a fallacy
much with regard to public/
in her mind. “I didn’t have
private school experience.
to go to school to have a
simply does not compare to a traditional one). The Paulsen family, of Slate
Both Paulsen children
social life. I went to proms,
felt that through the
I dated, and I cheated on
Hill, NY is one that breaks
homeschooling experience,
tests. I got the ‘high-school’
the stereotypes. The Paulsen
they were prepared for
experience, it just wasn’t the
parents have already gone
college, although Stephanie
commonly accepted one.”
through the homeschooling
felt that she was hindered
For these two graduates
of homeschooling, the
an era when two income
“normal” high school
families are common, his
experience wasn’t
wife could stay home to
something they missed.
teach. He worked two
But skeptics still
jobs, but does admit that as
question if parents have the
the children progressed he
qualifications necessary
became more involved. In
to properly educate their
addition, when he was home
children? Legally, there
he would also fill in and
are no credentials needed
teach for the younger grade
to begin a homeschooling
materials, check homework
program and Laura Paulsen
in the evenings after work
feels that “when you have
and would always be up for
a child you start teaching
a field trip.
them from the moment
Since there is no state
they are born. Why does
law setting a curriculum
that change when they are
and one was not provided,
five?” The Paulsens, devout
Laura Paulsen set her own
Christians, didn’t take their
curriculum and purchased
decision lightly to educate
the materials for it. Her
their children at home. In
children were given the
fact, according to Paulsen,
yearly standardized tests to
the decision to homeschool
see how they measured up
was made only “when God
and were tested regularly
laid it on my heart” to do
on what they learned. “We
so. And Laura felt that she
did many projects, but I
managed to get her children
can remember one year we
ahead of the curve.
had lots of science projects
As for expense involved
going at once. It really
with homeschooling, Robert
ignited my son’s curiosity
Paulsen, made sure that in
for our local animals and
Angie Schott is a stayat home mom from Rock Hill, NY who has been married for 10 years and has four children ages 9,7,5, 3. Schott wanted to be able to cater to the individual needs of each of her four children. Recognizing her children’s strengths and weaknesses, she was able to tailor the lesson plans individually to each child’s needs and understanding. She felt that her children would not have gotten this in a normal classroom setting where the teacher may not have been able to stay tuned to a topic because one child could not understand. Schott admits that right now, she does not know where her children stand with regard to their peers academecially as New York State does not require standardized testing to begin until a child enters a fourth grade curriculum. However, her oldest daughter is just about there and is due to take the tests at the end of the current “school year.”
insects. His curiosity was so contagious that my daughter
in the kitchen.” Paulsen also feels that her
would ask them when they returned. She feels that her
would go out ‘hunting.’ They children were not only ahead
children developed great
came in with a spider one
academically but, “socially
social skills allowing them
day, and it looked poisonous,
and morally as well.” While
not only to interact with their
so they spent some time
in line at a local Wal-Mart
peers, but with adults as well.
researching on the Internet,
she was questioned about
She admits that she may lack
only to find out that it was a
her decision to homeschool
academic qualifications in
harmless, indigenous spider.
and how the children were
terms of teaching degrees,
They went out and collected
managing socially. Paulsen
but that once people meet her
a few more after doing more
responded that her children
children, they realize that the
research and I had a large
were on missions trips with
misconceptions are just that.
bin with leaves, sticks and
groups in two different parts
Paulsen Family Interview
spiders sitting on my island
of the world and that she
A study taken by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association showed that academically, homeschooled children overall fared better than their peers by an average of 15 to 30 percentile points. www.hslda.org