The Loafer, July 17, 2012

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Page 2, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 3

Volume 26 Issue #32

Publisher - Bill Williams • Editor - Sandi Williams • Layout & Design - Christy Leach • Ofce Manager - Luci Tate Cover Design - Bill May • Graphic Arts Director - Don Sprinkle • Photography - Mark Marquette Contributing Staff - Jim Kelly, Andy Ross, Ken Silvers, Mark Marquette, Pat Bussard Advertising - Dave Carter, Akey Kincaid, Mark Marquette, Lisa Lyons, Brian Still Published by Creative Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 3596, Johnson City, TN 37602 Phone: 423/283-4324 FAX - 423/283-4369 • e-mail: (editorial) (advertising All advertisements are accepted and published by the publisher upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof.The agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and save the publisher harmless from any loss of expense resulting from claims or suits based upon contents of any advertisement,including claims or suits for defamation,libel,right of privacy,plagiarism,and copyright infringement.

Page 4, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Liberty! 34th Season

Runs Thursdays - Saturdays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July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 5

Running of The Bear Steep Inclines and Authen!c Sco"sh Weather

%D#0$PW]$J*0-()(J*4-5$+(4#.$ ,J$ &/0$ -"#$ #(7"-##4-"$ *44,*+$ 0,44(47$ /&$ !"#$ S#*0K$ $ !"#$ &/7$ A*5$ 5/$ -"()B$ -"(5$ :#*0$ -"*-$ -"#$ 0,44#05$ 0#*)"(47$ -"#$ '(4(5"$ +(4#$ *-$ -"#$ -/J$ /&$ `0*4.&*-"#0$ R/,4-*(4$.(.4L-$B4/A$-"#:$"*.$ *00(D#.$ ,4-(+$ -"#:$ "#*0.$ -"#$ )"##05$/&$-"#$)0/A.K$ !"#$'(05-$J+*)#$'(4(5"#0$A*5$ R*--$ R/05#$ /&$ <5"#D(++#?$ aKQK$ !"#$ W9@:#*0@/+.$ )/2J+#-#.$ -"#$ 0*)#$ (4$ 8W$ 2(4,-#5$ *4.$ OE$ 5#)/4.5K$ $ R/05#?$ *$ 6*B#0:$ )*5"(#0$ *4.$ 6*0(5-*?$ 4/-#.$ -"*-$ -"#$ +*5-$ 5-0#-)"$ /&$ -"#$ 0*)#$ A*5$ -"#$ 2/5-$ 70,#+(47K$$ !"(5$ A*5$ "(5$ '(05-$ *--#2J-$ *-$ !"#$S#*0K$<+#X$`/.#4?$*$a/0-"$ Q*0/+(4*$ 3-*-#$ b4(D#05(-:$ 5-,.#4-$ &0/2$ S0#D*0.?$ aKQK?$ )*J-,0#.$ 5#)/4.$ J+*)#$ A(-"$ *$ -(2#$ /&$ 8W$ 2(4,-#5$ *4.$ 9U$ 5#)/4.5K$ $ !"(5$ A*5$ `/.#4L5$ '(&-"$ 0,44(47$ /&$ !"#$ S#*0$ *4.$ "#$ &/,4.$ -0*D#05(47$ -"#$ 4*-,0*+$ -#00*(4$ 2/5-$ .(&'(),+-$ 6#)*,5#$ (-$ "*.$ 6##4$ 5/&-#4#.$ 6:$ -"#$ A#-$ A#*-"#0K$ !"(5$ A*5$ -"#$5(X-"$0,44(47$/&$!"#$S#*0$ &/0$ <4.0#A$ c*4.#46#07?$ OP?$ &0/2$S//4#?$aKQK$$c*4.#46#07$ '(4(5"#.$ (4$ -"(0.$ J+*)#$ A(-"$ *$ -(2#$ /&$ 8W$ 2(4,-#5$ *4.$ ]E$ 5#)/4.5.”I thought the weather was great,” 5*(.$c*4.#46#07.”I look for extreme weather like intense heat and pouring rain and use it as a jumpstart to improve”. !"#$ 2#4L5$ 0#)/0.$ -(2#$5-(++$5-*4.5$*-$8G$2(4,-#5?$ 89K8]$ 5#)/4.5$ 5#-$ 6:$ d*4$ Q/44#0$ /&$ Q/+,26,5?$ %"(/$ (4$ WGG]K !"#$ A/2#4L5$ A(44#0$ =5-"#0$ =06?$ WU?$ &0/2$ S+/A(47$ V/)B?$ aKQK$ '(4(5"#.$ A(-"$ *$ -(2#$ /&$ 8E$ 2(4,-#5$ *4.$ WUK8$ 5#)/4.5?$ *4$ (2J0/D#2#4-$ &0/2$ "#0$ WGOO$ '(05-$ J+*)#$ '(4(5"$ /&$ 8E$ 2(4,-#5?$ 9]KW$ 5#)/4.5K$ $ 3"#$ J+*)#.$ O[-"$ /D#0*++K$ =06?$ *$ J0/&#55(/4*+$ 0,44#0?$&/,4.$-"#$+*5-$2(+#$-"#$ "*0.#5-$ *4.$ 0,44(47$ -"0/,7"$ -"#$;(7"+*4.$`*2#5$)0/A.$*-$ R*)V*#$ R#*./A5$ -"#$ 2/5-$ 0#A*0.(47K$ M(5*$ S,04#--?$ W[?$ /&$Q"*70(4$H*++5?$%"(/$'(4(5"#.$ 5#)/4.$ (4$ -"#$ A/2#4L5$ .(D(5(/4$ A(-"$ *$ -(2#$ /&$ 8P$

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Page 6, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Fall Spectacular Photography Contest and Exhibi!on 10 Years and running

!#4$ :#*05$ *7/$ -"#$ f(475J/0-$ H*++$ 3J#)-*),+*0$ T"/-/70*J":$ Q/4-#5-$ *4.$ =X"(6(-(/4$ A*5$ *$ -"/,7"-$ &/0$ *$ 4#A$ #D#4-$ &/0$ -"#$ -"#4$ 1/A4-/A4$ f(475J/0-$ <55/)(*-(/4$ ;*0D#5-$ H*(0#K$ $ a/A$ *&-#0$ *$ )/,J+#$ 4*2#$ )"*47#5$ (-$ "*5$ 70/A4$ (4-/$ *4$ #D#4-$ /&$ (-L5$ /A4$*&-#0$-"#$&#5-(D*+5$5-/JJ#.K$ <44$ T#4+#:?$ )0#*-/0$ *4.$ /07*4(>#0$ /&$ -"#$ f(475J/0-$ H*++$ 3J#)-*),+*0$ T"/-/70*J":$

Q/4-#5-?$ 60/,7"-$ -"#$ (.#*$ /&$ *$ )/4-#5-$ -/$ -"#$ ;*0D#5-$ H*(0#$ )/22(--##$ A"#4$ -"#:$ A#0#$ +//B(47$ &/0$ 4#A$ #D#4-5. “We needed a quality photography contest in the region, one that people could enjoy entering,”$ <44$ 5*:5?$ gWith the help of my family and the Downtown Kingsport Association’s belief that this would be a good event; I took it and ran.”$ $ <44$ &,0-"#0$

<2*-#,0$ +#D#+$ (5$ &/0$ -"/5#$ -"*-$ *0#$ Y,5-$ 7#--(47$ 5-*0-#.?$ ./#54L-$ 5#++$ -"#(0$ A/0B?$ /0$ A(4$ )/2J#-(-(/45$ 0#7,+*0+:K$ $ !"#$ T0/'()(#4-$ +#D#+$ (5$ &/0$ -"/5#$ -"*-$ *0#$2/0#$#XJ#0(#4)#.?$5#++5$-"#(0$ A/0B$ *4.$ A(45$ )/2J#-(-(/45$ 0#7,+*0+:K !"#$ )/2J#-(-(/4$ A(++$ &*++$ (4-/$ -"#$ &/++/A(47$ )*-#7/0(#5h$ -"*-$ 6#(47$ a*-,0#?$ T()-/0(*+?$ *4.$ f(475J/0-$ V*(+$ `0*55K$ $ a*-,0#$

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Continued on page 7

Continued from page 6 matter that people will !ind to photograph and enter in this category,”$5*:5$<44K T0(>#5$ *4.$ 0(66/45$ &/0$ O5-?$ W4.?$ 80.?$ J+*)#5$ *4.$ "/4/0*6+#$ 2#4-(/45$ A(++$ 6#$ *A*0.#.$ &/0$ #*)"$ )*-#7/0:K$ $ %4#$ 5J#)(*+$ )/2J#-(-(/4$ (5$ -"#$ Z#00:$ T#4+#:$ gd$ M/D#$ -"#$ S+,#$ V(.7#l <JJ*+*)"(*45k$*A*0.K$$ !"(5$ *A*0.$ "/4/05$ -"#$ 2*4$ A"/$ +(D#.$ "(5$ +(&#$ J"/-/70*J"(47$-"#$S+,#$V(.7#l <JJ*+*)"(*4$ 0#7(/4K$ $ <44$ 5*:5?$ “This award has always meant a lot to our family.”$$d-$A*5$4*2#.$ (4$ "/4/0$ /&$ "#0$ H*-"#0K$ $ 3"#$ 5*:5, “He loved the mountains and the back roads. He and Mom (Carrie) would go out and spend days just walking and photographing. When I came to him about the contest he backed me all the way and helped me from day one.” $I"#4$"#$J*55#.$ (4$ WGGU$ 5"#$ *4.$ -"#$ &*2(+:$ A*4-#.$-/$"/4/0$"(2$(4$*$5J#)(*+$ A*:$ *4.$ &#+-$ -"*-$ -"(5$ A*5$ -"#$ J#0&#)-$ A*:$ -/$ J/0-0*:$ A"/$ "#$ A*5?$ *4.$ A"*-$ -"#$ 2/,4-*(45$ 2#*4-$-/$"(2K$$!"(5$*A*0.$A(++$7/$ -/$ /4#$ J#05/4$ A"/$ 6#5-$ .#J()-5$ g!"#$ S+,#$ V(.7#l<JJ*+*)"(*4$ V#7(/4Kk$ $ d-$ )*4$ 6#$ *4:-"(47h$ +*4.5)*J#?$ 6,(+.(475$ ^/+.$ /0$ 4#A_?$ *4(2*+5?$ '+/A#05?$ #-)K$ $ d&$ :/,$*0#$(4$4##.$/&$(45J(0*-(/4$/0$ (.#*5$ 7/$ -/$ -"#A#65(-#$ *4.$ +//B$ *-$-"#$J"/-/70*J"5$/&$#D#0:-"(47$ ;#$*4.$Q*00(#$5*AK !"#0#$*0#$-A/$/-"#0$*A*0.5$ (4$ -"#$ )/2J#-(-(/4$ *5$ A#++K$$ “Best of Show” (5$ )"/5#4$ &0/2$ *++$ /&$ -"#$ '(05-$ J+*)#$ A(44#05K$$ “People’s Choice”$ (5$ -"#$ /4#$ *A*0.$ -"*-$ (4D/+D#5$ *,.(#4)#$ J*0-()(J*-(/4K$ $ I"#0#*5$ -"#$ 0#5-$ /&$ -"#$ )/2J#-(-(/4$ (5$ Y,.7#.$ 6:$ -"0##$ Y,.7#5$ -"*-$ "*5$ *4$ #X-#45(D#$ 6*)B70/,4.$ (4$ J"/-/70*J":h$ -"#$ gT#/J+#L5$ Q"/()#k$ +#-5$ #D#0:/4#$ -"*-$ )/2#5$ -/$ 5##$ -"#$ #X"(6(-(/4$ )*5-$ *$ D/-#$ &/0$ -"#(0$ &*D/0(-#$ J"/-/70*J"K$$ Z,.7(47$ /&$ -"#$ )/4-#5-$ (5$ J#0&/02#.$6:$-"0##$Y,.7#5$-"*-$ "*D#$ *4$ #X-#45(D#$ 6*)B70/,4.$ (4$ J"/-/70*J":K$ $ !"#$ Y,.7(47$ A(++$ 6#$ *-$ !"#$ R*(4$ <0-$ Q#4-#0$ (45(.#$ -"#$ 1/A4-/A4$ f(475J/0-$ <55/)(*-(/4$ %&'()#$ *-$ O9G$ I#5-$ R*(4$ 3-0##-?$ f(475J/0-$ *4.$ A(++$ 6#7(4$ 3*-,0.*:$ <,7,5-$ W]?$ OG$ *K2K$ *4.$ A(++$ )/4-(4,#$ ,4-(+$ *++$ -"#$ J"/-/70*J"5$ "*D#$ 6##4$

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 7 Y,.7#.K$ $ !"#$ Y,.7(47$ (5$ /J#4$ -/$ -"#$ J,6+()$ *4.$ -"#$ J,6+()$ (5$ #4)/,0*7#.$ -/$ *--#4.$ *4.$ 5##$ A"*-$ 7/#5$ (4-/$ -"#$ Y,.7(47$ J0/)#55K !"#$ #X"(6(-(/4$ 7*++#0:$ /&$ -"#$ f(475J/0-$ H*++$ 3J#)-*),+*0$ A(++$ 6#$ /J#4$ 3#J-#26#0$ 9@OE?$ WGOW$ *-$ -"#$ R*(4$ <0-5$ Q#4-#0$ .,0(47$ 0#7,+*0$ 6,5(4#55$ "/,05K$$ !"#$ #X"(6(-$ A(++$ *+5/$ 6#$ /J#4$ 3*-,0.*:$ 3#J-#26#0$ O]$ *4.$ 3,4.*:$ 3#J-#26#0$ OU$ &0/2$ O$ JK2K$ -/$ ]$ JK2K$ &/0$ J*-0/45$ -"*-$ )*4$4/-$2*B#$(-$.,0(47$-"#$A##BK$$ !"#$J0(>#5$*4.$0(66/45$A(++$6#$ *A*0.#.$ *-$ *$ 5J#)(*+$ 0#)#J-(/4$ 3#J-#26#0$ P?$ #X)#J-$ -"#$ gT#/J+#L5$ Q"/()#Kk$ $ !"(5$ *A*0.$ A(++$ 6#$ 7(D#4$ /,-$ /4$ 3#J-#26#0$ O]$ *-$ 8$ JK2K?$ /4)#$ #D#0:/4#$ "*5$ *$ )"*4)#$ -/$ D(5(-$ -"#$ #X"(6(-$ *4.$ )*5-$ -"#(0$ D/-#K$ $ 3/2#-"(47$ <44$ (5$ J0/,.$ /&$ )/4)#04(47$ -"#$ #X"(6(-$ (5$ -"*-$ 5"#$ ./#5$ #D#0:-"(47$5"#$)*4$-/$2*B#$5,0#$ #D#0:$J"/-/70*J"$(5$",47K$$=D#0:$ :#*0$ J"/-/70*J"5$ 0#J0#5#4-(47$ J"/-/70*J"#05$ &0/2$ !#44#55##?$ c(07(4(*?$ I#5-$ c(07(4(*?$ a/0-"$ Q*0/+(4*?$f#4-,)B:?$`#/07(*?$*4.$ Q*+(&/04(*$ A#0#$ /4$ -"#$ A*++K$ $ “It looked like a patchwork quilt in a way; small photos, large photos, rectangular and square photos. It really looks cool to piece them on the wall like a puzzle,”$5*(.$<44K !"#$f(475J/0-$H*++$3J#)-*),+*0$ Q/4-#5-$ *4.$ =X"(6(-(/4$ A(++$ 6#$ "#+.$ *-$ -"#$ 1/A4-/A4$ f(475J/0-$ <55/)(*-(/4$ /&'()#l R*(4$ 3-0##-$ <0-5$ `*++#0:$ *-$ O9G$

I$R*(4$3-K$f(475J/0-K$$<44$5*:5$ #D#0:-"(47$A(++$6#$*-$-"#$`*++#0:h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d&$ :/,$ A*4-$ 2/0#$ (4&/02*-(/4$ /0$ "*D#$ i,#5-(/45$ )*++$ <44$ T#4+#:$ *-$ [O9@]9]8K$ M*5-+:$ *$ J"0*5#$ /&-#4$ "#*0.$ *4.$ 5J/B#4$ 6:$ J"/-/70*J"#05$ #D#0:A"#0#?$ “Take only photographs; leave only footprints.”$

Page 8, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Jesse Winchester Theatre Bristol July 21

3*-,0.*:?$ Z,+:$ WO5-?$ UF8GJ2$ *-$ !"#*-0#$ S0(5-/+?$ S(0-"J+*)#$ /&$ Q/,4-0:$R,5()$<++(*4)#$"/5-5$*4$ (4-(2*-#$ #D#4(47$ A(-"$ 5(47#0l 5/47A0(-#0$Z#55#$I(4)"#5-#0K$$ Z/*4$S*#>?$=+D(5$Q/5-#++/?$*4.$ V#6*$ R)=4-(0#$ "*D#$ 0#)/0.#.$ "(5$2,5()K$$;#$(5$-"#$*0-(5-$Z(22:$ S,&&#-$ )+*(25$ *5$ "(5$ gJ#05/4*+$ "#0/Kk$ f4/A4$ &/0$ "(5$ J/+(-()5$ *5$ A#++$ *5$ "(5$ 2,5()?$ I(4)"#5-#0$ '+#.$ -/$ Q*4*.*$ (4$ -"#$ +*-#$ UG5$ (4$ 0#D/+-$ /&$ -"#$ c(#-4*2$ I*0K$$ I(4)"#5-#0$ )*-*J,+-#.$ (4-/$ -"#$ 5J/-+(7"-$ (4$ -"#$ #*0+:$ EG5$ A(-"$ <2#0()*4$ &/+B@)/,4-0:$ )+*55()5$ +(B#$ “Yankee Lady”,$ “Brand New Tennessee Waltz”$ *4.$ “Biloxi”K$ ;*D(47$ 0#)/0.#.$ -#4$ *+6,25$ (4$ "(5$ )*0##0$ -/$ .*-#?$ I(4)"#5-#0$ A*5$*A*0.#.$*4$<3Q<T$M(&#-(2#$ <)"(#D#2#4-$<A*0.$(4$WGGEK$$ $Q/)B-*(+5$*4.$'(47#0$&//.$A(++$ 6#$)*-#0#.K$$!"#$.//05$A(++$/J#4$ *-$ UF8GJ2$ &/0$ J*-0/45$ -/$ 2##-$ A(-"$ -"#$ *0-(5-K$ $ R,5()$ A(++$ 5-*0-$ *-$EF8GJ2$A(-"$-A/$5#-5$*4.$*4$ (4-#02(55(/4$ (4$ 6#-A##4$ A(-"$ .0(4B5$m$.#55#0-5K$%4+:$*$+(2(-#.$ 4,26#0$ /&$ -()B#-5$ *0#$ *D*(+*6+#$ *4.$*$5#++@/,-$)0/A.$(5$#XJ#)-#.K$$ !()B#-5$ *0#$ \E]$ J#0$ J#05/4?$ *4.$ 0#5#0D*-(/45$ 2,5-$ 6#$ 2*.#$ (4$ *.D*4)#K$ !/$ 2*B#$ 0#5#0D*-(/45?$ )*++$-"#$SQR<$/&'()#$*-$9W8@]E8@ 9P[PK$

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 9

Along the Crooked Road Music Events

Birthplace of Country Music Alliance@@http://www.birthplaceofcountrymusic.orgl$Z,+:$ WGF$R#7*4$Z#*4$m$-"#$fHS$*4.$b4.#0"(++$V/5#K$S/0.#0$S*5"?$;(5-/0()$1/A4-/A4?$S0(5-/+?$c<l!aK$$R,5()$ 5-*0-5$*-$EFGGK$ Blue Ridge Music Center@@"--JFllAAAK6+,#0(.7#2,5())#4-#0K/07lR(+#J/5-$WO8$/4$!"#$S+,#$V(.7#$ T*0BA*: July 17$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$S/66:$T*--#05/4$*4.$I(++*0.$`*:"#*0July 18$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$S(++$m$R*77(#$<4.#05/4 July 19$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$3)/--$H0##2*4$*4.$I(++*0.$`*:"#*0July 20$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$Z(2$R*05"*++$*4.$H0(#4.5 July 21$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$Q0*4&/0.$Q0##B$S+,#70*55$S*4. July 22$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$-"#$H(5"#0$T#*B$!(26#0$V*--+#05 8FGG$TR$@$H*2(+:$`/5J#+$T()4() July 23$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$-"#$S,)B$R/,4-*(4$S*4. July 24$@$OWFGG$TR$@$R(.@1*:$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$A(-"$S/66:$T*--#05/4$*4.$I(++*0.$`*:"#*0The Carter Family Fold@@"--JFllAAAK)*0-#0&*2(+:&/+.K/07l Z,+:$OP?$WGOW$$$$`*0:$S0#A#0$m$-"#$f#4-,)B:$V*26+#05$<.2(55(/4$\OGKGG Z,+:$WO?$WGOW$$$$;(++6(++:$`:J5(#5$^/+.$-(2#_ Country Cabin@@"--JFllAAAK*JJ*+*)"(*4-0*.(-(/45(4)K)/2l Z*2$3#55(/45$*0#$"#+.$#*)"$!,#5.*:$4(7"-$*-$EFGG$TRK$$HV==$<1Rd33d%aK$$<++$R,5()(*45$*4.$5J#)-*-/05$ A#+)/2#N =D#0:$3*-,0.*:$a(7"-$$$EF8G$@$OGF8G$TR$@$M(D#$S*4.5?$S+,#70*55l%+.$!(2#$R,5()?$H+*-&//-(47?$!A/$ 3-#JJ(47?$Q+/77(47?$Q*B#$ I*+B5?$S0//2$1*4)#5K$July 21$@$ <JJ*+*)"(*4$3-0(475 77th Annual Old Fiddler’s Convention@@"--JFllAAAK /+.'(..+#05)/4D#4-(/4K)/2l .#&*,+-K"-2K$<,7,5-$U$C$OOK The Floyd Country Store@@ "--JFllAAAK'+/:.)/,4-0:5-/0#K )/2l !",05.*:?$Z,+:$O[@UFGG$C$PFGG$ ;/-#+$H+/:.$Q/4)#0-$3#0(#5$A(-"$ !"#$Q0//B#.$V/*.$V*26+#05 Friday, July 20-6:30$!"#$ `+/0:$V/*.$3(47#05 7:30$W$j/,47$W$%+. 9:00$!"#$H*4):$`*J$ R/,4-*(4$S*4. Saturday, July 21@@OWFGG$ <2#0()*4*$<&-#04//4$A(-"$ `KIK$1(++*0. 1:30$<2#0()*4*$%J#4$R()?$ 3(74$bJ Sunday, July 22--2:00$ !0*.(-(/4*+$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$ 3-*7#$Z*2 The Pickin’ Porch$ Thursday, July 19?$1=aad3$ Q%c=$S<a1$<a1$3%b!;$ Vdc=V$@$2,5()$5-*0-5$*-$ 7:00$@$<.2(55(/4$(5$&0##$6,-$ ./4*-(/45$*0#$0#i,#5-#.$ -"0,$-"#$4/4@J0/'(-$<QR<$ *4.$J0/)##.5$7/$-/$6#4#'(-$ -"#$R/,4-*(4$R,5()$ R,5#,2$!"#$T()B(4$ "--JFllAAAKJ()B(4J/0)"K/07

Page 10, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

ETSU Graduate Art Exhibi!on Explores “The Human Animal” Tipton Gallery, July 20th

<4$ #X"(6(-(/4$ /&$ g+*07#@*5@+(&#k$ )"*0)/*+$ .0*A(475$ )0#*-#.$ 6:$ *$ 0#)#4-$ =*5-$ !#44#55##$ 3-*-#$ b4(D#05(-:$ 70*.,*-#$ A(++$ 6#$ /4$ .(5J+*:$ *-$ !(J-/4$ `*++#0:$ Z,+:$ OP@WEK$ $ <4$ /J#4(47$ 0#)#J-(/4$ &/0$ g!"#$ ;,2*4$ <4(2*+k$ A(++$ 6#$ "#+.$ /4$ H0(.*:?$ Z,+:$WG?$&0/2$U@P$JK2K !"#$ *0-(5-$ (5$ 1*4(#++#$ R*,7"/4?$ *$ Z/"45/4$ Q(-:$ 4*-(D#$ *4.$ R*:$ WGOW$ 70*.,*-#$ /&$ =!3b$ A(-"$ .#70##5$ (4$ *0-$ *4.$ (4$ 2*55$ ) / 2 2 , 4 ( ) * - ( / 4 K$$ !"#$ #X"(6(-(/4$ (5$ 5J/45/0#.$ 6:$ -"#$ =!3b$ 1#J*0-2#4-$

/&$ <0-$ *4.$ 1#5(74$ *4.$ =!3b$ 3+/),26$ `*++#0(#5$ (4$ J*0-4#05"(J$ A(-"$ -"#$ b06*4$ V # . # D # + / J 2 # 4 -$ <++(*4)#K$$ R*,7"/4$ ,5#5$ +(&#@5(>#$ )"*0)/*+$ .0*A(475$ -/$ 6+#4.$ (2*7#5$ /&$ ",2*45$ (4$ -"#(0$ 4*-,0*+$ 5-*-#?$ *4.$ )+/-"#.?$ A(-"$ -"#$ g*4(2*+$ 5(.#k$ /&$ ",2*4$ 6#"*D(/0K$ 3"#$ .#5)0(6#5$ "#0$ A/0B$ *5$ “an analysis of human animal relationships”$ *4.$ (++,5-0*-#5$ -"(5$ (.#*$ 6:$ #X*2(4(47$ "/A$ J#/J+#$ #X"(6(-$ A"*-$ 5/2#$ )/45(.#0$ *5$ *4(2*+(5-()$ 6#"*D(/0K$ “My work explores

how individuals deal with these behaviors in the context of society and I use the animal as a way to observe behavioral impulses and show the connection between human and animal,”$ R*,7"/4$ 5*(.K$ 3"#$ *..5$ -"*-$ -"#$ 5)*+#$ /&$ -"#$ .0*A(475$ (5$ (2J/0-*4-$ -/$ "#0$ )/4)#J-$ 6#)*,5#$ 5"#$ 6#+(#D#5$ (-$ (5$ -"#$ 2/5-$ #&&#)-(D#$ A*:$ -/$ )/4&0/4-$ -"#$ D(#A#0$ *4.$ *++/A$-"#$*,.(#4)#$-/$0#+*-#$-/$ #*)"$ 5(-,*-(/4K$ “The drawing series explores humanity’s pursuit of what it really means to be human and the search to embrace the natural state of humanity,”$ 5"#$ 5*(.. “I use humans’ relationship with animals as a way to explore this natural state to create ‘The Human Animal.’ $ “Everything is life size,”$R*,7"/4$*..#.K$$“I want people to be confronted.” d2*7#5$ (4)+,.#$ 70/,J5?$ *5$ A#++$ *5$ 5(47+#$ '(7,0#5?$ *4.$ R*,7"/4$ "*5$ *+5/$ )0#*-#.$ *$ 4*-,0*+$",-$(4$A"()"$A"(5J#05$ C$ 6/-"$ *,.(6+#$ *4.$ (4*,.(6+#$ C$ )*4$ 6#$ "#*0.K$ $ S/,4.*0(#5?$ 6#"*D(/05?$ 5"*2#?$ J/A#0?$ 5#+&@ )/4-0/+?$ 5#X$ *4.$ &0##./2$ *0#$ *2/47$-"#$(55,#5$-"#$R*,7"/4$

5*:5$ 5"#$ 5-0(D#5$ -/$ 60(47$ -/$ +(7"-K$ “It is kind of like !inding who I am and being able to express who I am without being ashamed of it, but not just in my own life,” 5"#$ 5*(.K$$ “Many people feel judged, suppressed or oppressed at certain times. I think some visitors who see this exhibit will connect with those feelings.” $“The work is fantastic,”$ 5*(.$ <4.0#A$ 3)/--$ V/55?$ =!3b$ *55(5-*4-$ J0/&#55/0$ /&$ <0-$ *4.$ 1#5(74K$ $ “Her exhibition is really organized, the scale is impressive, and the aesthetic relates to things people can appreciate.”d4$ *..(-(/4$ -/$ -"#$ Z,+:$ WG$ 0#)#J-(/4?$ -"#$ #X"(6(-(/4$ A(++$ 6#$ *D*(+*6+#$ &/0$ D(#A(47$ /4$ 3,4.*:?$ Z,+:$ WW?$ *4.$ !",05.*:?$ Z,+:$ WU?$ &0/2$ ]@E$ JK2K?$ *4.$ *-$ /-"#0$ -(2#5$6:$*JJ/(4-2#4-K$$!(J-/4$ `*++#0:$(5$+/)*-#.$*-$OWU$3J0(47$ 3-0##-K$ $ H/0$ 2/0#$ (4&/02*-(/4?$ /0$-/$5)"#.,+#$*4$*JJ/(4-2#4-?$ )/4-*)-$ f*0+/-*$ dK$ Q/4-0#0*5@ f/-#06*:$ *-$ ^9W8_$ 9P8@8OE[$ /0$ )/4-0#0*n#-5,K#.,K$ $ !"#$ #X"(6(-$ *4.$ 0#)#J-(/4$ *0#$ &0##$ *4.$/J#4$-/$-"#$J,6+()K

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 11

Ma"e: Irish Teller Niall de Búrca to Host Storytelling Live! Terrier Mix

An adoptable dog in Kingsport

R*--(#$(5$*$2#.(,2$5(>#?$ &#2*+#K$3"#$(5$OOlW$:#*0$/+.$ -#00(#0$2(XK$3"#$A*5$*$5-0*:?$5"#$ (5$D#0:$5A##-$*4.$+/D#5$-/$J+*:K$ 3"#$(5$5J*:#.$*4.$),00#4-$/4$"#0$ 5"/-5K$!/$*./J-$R*--(#$)*++$V#7(4*$ *-$W8[@]W8E R/0#$*6/,-$R*--(#F$3J*:#.l a#,-#0#.$o$bJ@-/@.*-#$A(-"$ 0/,-(4#$5"/-5$o$T0(2*0:$)/+/0F$ S0(4.+#$o$Q/*-$+#47-"F$3"/0-$ !"#$S0(.7#$;/2#$a/$f(++$ <4(2*+$V#5),#?$9W8@W8[@]W8E$ 60(.7#"/2#0#5),#n72*(+K)/2$ *4.$"--JFllAAAKJ#-'(4.#0K)/2l J#-.#-*(+lO[OEE]PP$

July 24-28

1,0(47$ 1#$ Sp0)*L5$ A##B$ /&$ "(5$ 0#5(.#4):?$ Z,+:$ W9$ C$ WP?$ "#L++$ J#0&/02$ .*(+:$ *-$ W$ JK2K$ (4$ -"#$ R*0:$SK$R*0-(4$3-/0:-#++(47$;*++K$ 3-/0:-#++#0$ a(*++$ .#$ Sp0)*?$ /&$ d0#+*4.?$ "*5$ /4#$ /&$ -"/5#$ *))#4-5K$ d-L5$ -"#$ B(4.$ /&$ *))#4-$ -"*-$ 2*B#5$ #D#0:$ A/0.$ 5/,4.$ +(B#$ 5(47(47h$ -"#$ B(4.$ /&$ *))#4-$ -"*-$ A/,+.$ 5/,4.$ 7//.$ 0#*.(47$ -"#$J"/4#$6//BK$Z,5-$ "#*0(47$"(2$.#5)0(6#$ -"#$ -:J#5$ /&$ -*+#5$ "#$ J+*45$ -/$ 5"*0#$ *5$ Z/4#56/0/,7"L5$ 4#X-$ -#++#0$ (4$ 0#5(.#4)#$ (5$ *$ J#0&/02*4)#$ (4$ (-5#+&K$ “There will be tales of ghosts,”$ "#$ 5*:5K$ “Tales of kings, of warriors! Tales of derring-do, and long times past, and also

last week.”$ %4#$ "*+&$ /&$ -"#$ 5-/0:-#++#0L5$ 2(55(/4$(5$-/$J0/2/-#$-0*.(-(/4*+$ d0(5"$),+-,0#$(4$"(5$"/2#$)/,4-0:K$ “I’m very conscious that I sit in

a tradition,”$ "#$ 5*:5K$ “It’s very important for me to pass that tradition on. That’s at the core of my work. Irish young people today, they might have rap or they might have soccer, but at the same time they know that they have this great cultural tradition. My job is to !ire them up and get them involved.”$ !"#$ /-"#0$ "*+&$ /&$"(5$2(55(/4$(5$-/$ -0*452(-$ -"#$ d0(5"$ (.(/2$ -/$ -"#$ 0#5-$ /&$ -"#$ A/0+.$ 6:$ J#0&/02(47$*)0/55$ -"#$ 7+/6#K$ !"#$ bK3K$(5$/4#$/&$"(5$ &*D/0(-#$ J+*)#5$ -/$-/,0. “America is a huge place in the Irish i m a g i n a t i o n ,”

"#$#XJ+*(45K$“It’s a real privilege to go to places in America where Irish people settled down through the centuries and to be able to reconnect through my stories. Then I take stories home from America to share with the Irish, so they know what a great country you have over there across the water.” !()B#-5$*0#$\OW$&/0$*.,+-5$*4.$ \OO$ &/0$ 5#4(/05?$ 5-,.#4-5?$ *4.$ )"(+.0#4$,4.#0$OPK$<++$-()B#-$5-,65$ A(++$ 5*D#$ *,.(#4)#$ 2#26#05$ OG$ J#0)#4-$ /4$ 5*2#@.*:$ .(4(47$ *-$ !"#$ Q0##B5(.#$ V#5-*,0*4-?$ !"#$ 1(4(47$ V//2?$ /0$ R*(4$ 3-0##-$ Q*&qK$ <$ .#-*(+#.$ 5)"#.,+#$ /&$ -"#$ WGOW$5#*5/4$(5$*D*(+*6+#$*-$AAAK 5-/0:-#++(47)#4-#0K4#-K$ 3#*5/4$ J*55#5$ -"*-$ /&&#0$ 4#*0+:$ ]G$ J#0)#4-$5*D(475$A(++$6#$*D*(+*6+#$ &/0$*$+(2(-#.$-(2#$A"(+#$5,JJ+(#5$ +*5-K$H/0$2/0#$(4&/02*-(/4$*6/,-$ Storytelling Live!$ /0$ -/$ 2*B#$ *$ 70/,J$ 0#5#0D*-(/4?$ )*++$ ^PGG_$ []W@P8[W$#X-K$WWW$/0$^9W8_$[O8@ OWEUK$



Page 12, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Symphony of the Mountains Reach for the Stars Free concert July 28th

!"0/,7"$ -"#$ 7#4#0/,5$ 5,J@ J/0-$ /&$ -"#$ R*0)(*$ *4.$ R*0D(4$ `(++(*2?$ Z0K$ H/,4.*-(/4?$ T0/@<0-$ *4.$ -"#$ b4(D#05(-:$ /&$ c(07(4(*L5$ Q/++#7#$ *-$ I(5#?$ 3:2J"/4:$ /&$ -"#$ R/,4-*(45$ A(++$ 6#$ J0#5#4-@ (47$ *$ &0##$ /,-.//0$ )/4)#0-K$ <5$ 3:2J"/4:$/&$-"#$R/,4-*(45$6#@ 7(45$ -"#(0$ UU-"$ 3#*5/4$ A(-"$ -"#$ -"#2#$ “Reach for the Stars,”$ -"#$ &0##$ )/4)#0-$ A(++$ 6#$ J#0&/02#.$ ,4.#0$ 5-*05$ *-$ -"#$ M*B#$ *-$ bc<$ I(5#$/4$3*-,0.*:?$Z,+:$WP-"$5-*0-@ (47$*-$PFGG$JK2K$“We have such a fun concert planned this year”$ 5*(.$ 3:2@ J"/4:$ /&$ -"#$ R/,4@ -*(45$R,5()$1(0#)-/0l Q/4.,)-/0$ Q/04#+(*$ M*#22+($ %0-"K$ “It is a fantastic opportunity to introduce the whole family to the Symphony at no cost and in a relaxed and fun setting.” !"#$ )/4)#0-$ A(++$

&#*-,0#$ *$ A(.#$ 0*47#$ /&$ 2,5()*+$ /&&#0(475K$“The Flight of the Bumblebee”$ *4.$ “Swan Lake, Waltz”$ *0#$*2/47$5/2#$/&$-"#$2/0#$-0*@ .(-(/4*+$ J(#)#5?$ 6,-$ -"#$ )/4)#0-$ *+5/$ (4)+,.#5$ 6#*)"$ 2,5()$ +(B#$ gMy Girl” *4.$*$S#*)"$S/:5$R#.@ +#:K$<+5/?$A"(+#$-"#$5-*05$)/2J#-#$ (4$M/4./4$*-$-"#$%+:2J()$`*2#5?$ -"#$5-*05$A(++$6#$5"(4(47$(4$I(5#$ *5$ -"#:$ J+*:$ “Olympic Fanfare and Theme”$(4$"/4/0$/&$-"#$rrr$ %+:2J(*.K

3J#)(*+$7,#5-5$A(++$(4)+,.#$*$ J#0&/02*4)#$ 6:$ (4-#04*-(/4*++:$ 0#)/74(>#.$ -#4/0?$ V*4.*++$ %,-@ +*4.$ *4.$ *$ 2/.#04$ .*:$ )/2J/@ 5(-(/4$ #4-(-+#.$ “In These Mountains” 6:$+/)*+$)/2J/5#0$V/6#0-$ Z#-#0K$$“There is a little something for everyone in this concert”$ M*#22+($%0-"$5*(.K$ !"#$ )/4)#0-$ 6#7(45$ *-$ PFGG$ JK2K$ *4.$ *.2(55(/4$ (5$ &0##K$ !"#$ J,6+()$ (5$ (4D(-#.$ -/$ 60(47$ 6+*4@ B#-5?$ +*A4$ )"*(05$ *4.$ *$ J()4()$ -/$ #4Y/:$ .,0(47$ -"#$ 5"/AK$ S/X#.$ 2#*+5$ A(++$ 6#$ *D*(+*6+#$ -"0/,7"$ T0/@<0-$ -"#$ #D#4(47$ /&$ -"#$ #D#4-$ *4.$ 2*:$ 6#$ J0#@/0.#0$ 6:$ )*++(47$ ^WEU_$ 8EU@9]WGK$ H/0$ 2/0#$ (4&/02*-(/4$ )/4@ -*)-$ -"#$ 3:2J"/4:$ /&$ -"#$ R/,4-*(45$ /&'()#$ *-$ ^9W8_$8[W@P9WU$/0$D(5(-$ -"#(0$ A#65(-#$ *-$ AAAK 3:2J"/4:%&!"#R/,4@ -*(45K/07K

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 13

Bus Tour to Hungry 2012 Mountain City Mother State Park’s Sunower Fes!val Arts & Cra#s Fes!val July 21st

!"#$ 3/,-"A#5-$ c(07(4(*$ R,5#,2$ ;(5-/0()*+$ 3-*-#$ T*0B$ (5$ J+#*5#.$ -/$ *44/,4)#$ *$ 4#A$ 6,5$ -/,0$ -/$ ;,470:$ R/-"#0$ 3-*-#$ T*0BL5$ <0-5$ m$ Q0*&-5$ H#5-(D*+$ /4$ 3*-,0.*:?$ Z,+:$ WO5-K$ !"(5$ -/,0$ (4D(-#5$ 2#26#05$ /&$ -"#$ J,6+()$ -/$ #4Y/:$ *$ .*:$ /&$ *0-(5-5?$ )0*&-#05?$2,5()*+$*0-(5-5?$.*4)#05?$ 2,5()(*45$ *4.$ *$ D*0(#-:$ /&$ &//.$ D#4./05$ *-$ -"#$ +/47#5-$ 0,44(47$ &#5-(D*+$ "#+.$ (4$ *$ c(07(4(*$ 3-*-#$ T*0BK !"#$ *44,*+$ ;,470:$ R/-"#0$ H#5-(D*+$ (5$ 5J/45/0#.$ 6:$ -"#$ <0-$ M#*7,#$ /&$ R*0(/4K$ =X"(6(-/05$ *4.$ D#4./05$ A(++$ 6#$ -"0/,7"/,-$ -"#$ J*0B?$ (4)+,.(47$ /D#0+//B(47$ ;,470:$ R/-"#0$ M*B#K$ d-#25$ &/0$ 5*+#$ (4)+,.#$ 6*5B#-5?$ .#)/0*-(D#$ A//.?$J/--#0:?$&,04(-,0#?$Y#A#+0:?$ )*4.+#5?$ '(4#$ *0-?$ 5/*J5?$ 5-*(4#.$ 7+*55$ *4.$ 2/0#K$ 1#2/45-0*-(/45$ /&$ &0/4-(#0$ +(&#$ A(++$ 6#$ J0/D(.#.$ 6:$!"#$H0/4-(#0$R#4K !"#$ <0-$ M#*7,#$ /&$ R*0(/4$

,5#5$ &#5-(D*+$ J0/)##.5$ -/$ &,4.$ )/++#7#$5)"/+*05"(J5$-/$.#5#0D(47$ 32:-"$ Q/,4-:$ 5-,.#4-5$ )/4-(4,(47$-"#(0$#.,)*-(/4$(4$*0-?$ 2,5()$ *4.$ -"#*-#0K$ d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c(07(4(*$ R,5#,2$ ;(5-/0()*+$ 3-*-#$ T*0B$ *-$ WEU@ ]W8@O8WWK

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Page 14, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

“Adventure Along the Backbone” Day Tripper Series by Lurah Lowery

I/,+.$ :/,$ +(B#$ *$ &0##$ J+*)#$ -/$D(5(-$-"(5$5,22#0$/0$(4$-"#$&*++$ -"*-$(5$&,++$/&$4*-,0*+$6#*,-:$*4.$ i,(-#$*$5(7"-$-/$5##u$!"#4$:/,L0#$

(4$ +,)B$ 6#)*,5#$ S*)B6/4#$ V/)B$ (4$ 6#*,-(&,+$ 3"*.:$ c*++#:?$ !#44K$ '(-5$ -"(5$ .#5)0(J-(/4$ J#0&#)-+:$ *4.$(5$Y,5-$*$5"/0-$.0(D#$&0/2$-"#$

!0(@Q(-(#5K$ S*)B6/4#$ V/)B$ (-5#+&$ (5$ 2*.#$ ,J$ /&$ ,4(i,#$ *4.$ A/4.0/,5$0/)B$&/02*-(/45$*4.$ (5$ 5,00/,4.#.$ 6:$ 60#*-"-*B(47$ 70##4#0:K$ =D#4$ -"#$ .0(D#$ -"#0#$ "*5$ *2*>(47$ 5(7"-5$ -/$ 5##K$ !"#0#$ *0#$ 2*4:$ 0/,-#5$ -/$ )"//5#$ &0/2?$ -A/$ 0/,-#5$ -"*-$ d$ B4/A$/&K$!"#$'(05-$/&$-"#5#$-A/$ 6#7(45$ (4$ <6(47./4?$ c*K$ *4.$ 7/#5$ -"0/,7"$ 1*2*5),5?$ c*K$ -/$ 3"*.:$ c*++#:?$ !#44K$ !"#$ 5#)/4.$ 0/,-#$(5$D(*$;A:$9WO$(4$!#44K$ R:$ &*2(+:$ *4.$ d$ )"/5#$ -"#$ 0/,-#$ -"0/,7"$ <6(47./4$ *4.$

1*2*5),5K$ !"#$ 5(7"-5$ -"#0#$ (4)+,.#$ -"#$ "(5-/0()$ -/A45$ /&$ <6(47./4$ *4.$ 1*2*5),5$ *4.$ -"#$ 0/++(47$ 2/,4-*(45$ *4.$ /J#4$ '(#+.5$/&$c(07(4(*K$!"#4$)/2#$-"#$ ),0D#5$ *4.$ -A(5-5$ /&$ -"#$ 0/*.$ -"0/,7"$ -"#$ 0/)B:$ 2/,4-*(45$ /&$ 3"*.:$c*++#:K bJ/4$ *00(D*+$ *-$ S*)B6/4#$ V/)B$ -"#$ '(05-$ -"(47$ :/,$ 5"/,+.$ ./$ (5$ 0#*.$ -"#$ 5(74$ -"*-$ 7(D#5$ 5*&#-:$ -(J5$ *4.$ J0#)*,-(/45$ &/0$ 4*D(7*-(47$ S*)B6/4#$ V/)BK$ !"#$ 5(74$ A(++$ *+5/$ '(++$ :/,$ (4$ /4$ -"#$ "(5-/0:$ /&$ S*)B6/4#$ V/)BK$ S#$ J0#J*0#.$ A(-"$ -#44(5$ 5"/#5?$

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a*D(7*-(47$ S*)B6/4#$V/)B$(5$*-$:/,0$+#(5,0#$ *4.$ )/2J+#-#+:$ &0##K$ <&-#0$ #4Y/:(47$-"#$5(7"-5$&0/2$-"#$-/J$ /&$ S*)B6/4#$ V/)B$ )/2#$ ./A4$

Continued on page 15

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 15 photography since high school. After graduation from ETSU, I would like to be a staff writer/ photographer for a magazine, newspaper or website or freelance to several publications. I am engaged to Nathaniel Spell, and have been with him for !ive years.

&/0$ *$ 4()#$ J()4()$ (4$ -"#$ 5"#+-#0$ -"#4$)//+$/&&$(4$-"#$0(D#0K$I"#4$ J+*44(47$ :/,0$ -0(J?$ 6#$ 5,0#$ -/$

Continued from page 14 B##J$ (4$ 2(4.$ -"*-$ )*2J(47$ (5$ 4/-$*++/A#.$/4$-"#$70/,4.5$*4.$ -"*-$-"#$70/,4.5$*0#$J0/"(6(-#.$ *&-#0$.*0BK Author BIO:$ I am 21 years old and live in Abingdon, Va. I am a student at ETSU and will be a senior this fall. My major is in journalism and my minor is in photography. I have had an interest in journalism and

Page 16, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Appalachian Summer Fes!val Events Z,+:$ O[?PJ2@@3"(JA0#)B#.N$ <4$ =4-#0-*(42#4-$ 6:$ 1/4*+.$ R*07,+(#5F$ $ !"#$ <2*>(47$ <.D#4-,0#5$ /&$ M/,(5$ .#$ V/,7#2/4-$^*5$!/+.$6:$;(25#+&_K$

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July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 17

Rob-Con Comics Show Viking Hall, July 21

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Page 18, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Moon Landing Flood of Memories

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Continued on page 19

Continued from page 18 -"#25#+D#5K$ $ <++$ -"0##$ Apollo 11$ D/:*7#05$ A#0#$ i,(-#$ 0#-()#4-$ *-$ -"#$ &#5-(D#$ 0#,4(/45$ /&$ )0#A$ *4.$ 5,JJ/0-$ -#*25$ .,0(47$ -"#$ 9G-"$ *44(D#05*0:$ )#+#60*-(/45$ (4$ WGG[K$$ %4)#$*6+#$-/$7,#55$#*)"$/-"@ #05L$#D#0:$2/D#?$-"#$-"0##$&*2/,5$ *5-0/4*,-5$ "*.$ 7/4#$ D#0:$ 5#J*@ 0*-#$A*:5$/D#0$-"#$.#)*.#5K$$3-(++?$ -"#(0$ (4)0#.(6+#$ Y/,04#:$ *)0/55$ W9G?GGG$ 2(+#5$ /&$ /,-#0$ 5J*)#$ -/$ 6#$ )*J-,0#.$ 6:$ -"#$ 70*D(-:$ /&$ *4/-"#0$ A/0+.$ *--0*)-5$ *++$ B(4.5$ /&$ &*5)(4*-(/4$ (4$ -"#$ "#*0-5$ *4.$ 2(4.5$ /&$ 2/5-$ J#/J+#K$ <&-#0$ *++?$ -"#$ 3,4$ *4.$ R//4$ *0#$ -"#$ 2/5-$ &*2(+(*0$ /6Y#)-5$ (4$ -"#$ 5B:?$ *4.$ #D#0:$",2*4$"*5$*$5"*0#.$#XJ#@ 0(#4)#$ (4$ /65#0D(47$ -"#2K$ $ %4+:$ OW$ ",2*45v4(4#$ 5-(++$ *+(D#v )*4$-#++$:/,$'(05-"*4.$A"*-$A*+B@ (47$/4$-"#$R//4$&##+5$+(B#K $Q/22*4.$J(+/-$R()"*#+$Q/+@ +(45?$PO?$"*5$6##4$-"#$2/5-$D/)*+$ *6/,-$ -"#$ <J/++/$ OO$ 2(55(/4?$ *5$ "#$ 0#2*(4#.$ (4$ /06(-$ *4.$ #XJ#@ 0(#4)#.$ -"#$ ,4(i,#$ 5#45*-(/4$ /&$ 6#(47$),-$/&&$&0/2$-"#$#4-(0#$)(D(@ +(>#.$A/0+.$#*)"$J*55$6#"(4.$-"#$ R//4K$ $ <$ &/02#0$ .(0#)-/0$ /&$ -"#$

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 19 32(-"5/4(*4$d45-(-,-#?$"#$"*5$ A0(--#4$5#D#0*+$6//B5$*4.$0#@ 2*(4#.$*$5J*)#$*.D/)*-#K <025-0/47?$ PO?$ 6#)*2#$ -"#$ 0#)+,5(D#$ "#0/$ *5$ 2/5-$ ,4(i,#$ J#05/4$ (4$ -"#$ A/0+.K$ a/$ /-"#0$ ",2*4$ A(++$ #D#0:$ +*:$ )+*(2$ -/$ "*D(47$ 6#)/2#$ -"#$ '(05-$ -/$ A*+B$ /4$ *4/-"#0$ A/0+.K$ $ <&-#0$ *$ &#A$ :#*05$ 6#"(4.$ -"#$ .#5B$ *-$ a<3<?$ "#$ 0#-0#*-#.$ -/$ "(5$ %"(/$ &*02?$ *4.$ -*,7"-$ *#0/5J*)#$ #47(4##0@ (47$ *-$ -"#$ b4(D#05(-:$ /&$ Q(4)(4@ 4*-($(4$-"#$O[PG5$6#&/0#$0#-(0(47$ )/2J+#-#+:K$$Q/45(.#0#.$-"#$6#5-$ J(+/-$/&$-"#$*5-0/4*,-$)/0J5?$<02@ 5-0/47$-//B$-"#$0/*.$/&$",2(+(-:$ *4.$ 5*(.$ +,)B$ (4$ -"#$ <J/++/$ 2(5@ 5(/4$ 5#i,#4)#$ A*5$ 0#5J/45(6+#$ &/0$J,--(47$"(2$(4$-"#$J/5(-(/4$/&$ ,4#i,*+#.$ &*2#K$ S,-$ <025-0/47$ "*5$*+A*:5$6##4$*$“go-to”$7,:$&/0$ (4J,-$ /4$ 5#0(/,5$ a<3<$ *&&*(05?$ *5$"#$5#0D#.$/4$-"#$6/*0.$/&$(4@ i,(0:$ (4-/$ -"#$ Q"*++#47#0$ 3J*)#$ 3",--+#$#XJ+/5(/4$*4.$/-"#0$#+(-#$ *JJ/(4-2#4-5$ *5$ -"#$ 5J*)#$ J0/@ 70*2L5$ xO$ *26*55*./0K$ $ a<3<$ A*5$ 4/$ ./,6-$ J+#*5#.$ -/$ "#*0$ <025-0/47$6#$5/$D/)*+$*6/,-$-"#$ *65,0.(-:$/&$/,0$4*-(/4L5$+#*.#05$ *++/A(47$ -"#$ 0#-(0#2#4-$ /&$ -"#$ 3J*)#$3",--+#$'+##-$A(-"/,-$"*D@ (47$*$4#A$2*44#.$5J*)#5"(J$(4$

Mark Marquette views a moon rock at Neil Armstrong Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio '+(7"-K$ <+.0(4?$PW?$"*5$6##4$-"#$2/5-$ D(5(6+#$*4.$#*7#0$-/$)*5"$(4$/4$"(5$ &*2#$*5$-"#$5#)/4.$2*4$A"/$5#-$ &//-$ /4$ -"#$ R//4K$ $ !"*-$ 5-(72*$ /&$ 6#(47$ -"#$ /&-#4$ &/07/--#4$ xW$ 2//4$2*4$5#4-$-"#$*5-0/4*,-$/4$ *$ 5-0*47#$ Y/,04#:$ /&$ .0,7$ *6,5#$ *4.$ *+)/"/+(52?$ &0/2$ A"()"$ "#$ "*5$ 0#)/D#0#.$ *4.$ "*5$ #4Y/:#.$ *4$ #4#07(>#.$ +(&#$ &/0$ 5#D#0*+$ .#@ )*.#5K$$<+.0(4L5$2*4-0*$-/$Y,5-(&:$ "(5$(2J/0-*4)#$-/$-"#$5,))#55&,+$ Apollo 11$+*4.(47$/&$2//4$)0*&-$ g=*7+#k$ "*5$ 6##4F$ gWe landed together, side by side.”$ $ d4.##.?$ <+.0(4$"*5$*$J/(4-K$$;#$*4.$<02@ 5-0/47$A#0#4L-$6##0$6,..(#5?$6,-$ -"#:$A#0#$*$J#0&#)-$-#*2$/&$&*4@ -*5-()$ J(+/-$ *4.$ 60*(4:$ #47(4##0K$ <+.0(4$ "*.$ J,-$ -#45(/4$ 6#-A##4$ -"#$ -A/$ *5-0/4*,-5$ A"#4$ "#$ .#@ 2*4.#.$ -"#$ a<3<$ *5-0/4*,-$ /&@ '()#$.#)(.#$A"/$#X(-#.$2//45"(J$ =*7+#$ '(05-v5(4)#$ "#$ A*5$ 0(7"-$ 6#5(.#$ -"#$ .//0$ *4.$ -"/,7"-$ A*4-#.$ -/$ #X(-$ '(05-K$ $ !"#$ )/2@

Continued on page 20

Page 20, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Continued from page 19 2*4.#0?$ <025-0/47?$ A/4$ -"*-$ 0/,4.?$ 6,-$ <+.0(4$ 2*:$ "*D#$7/-$"(5$0#D#47#$*5$-"#$ 2//4$ 2*4$ (4$ -"#$ ()/4()$ J"/-/70*J"$ &0/2$ *++$ 5(X$ <J/++/$+*4.(475K$$j/,$B4/A$ -"#$ J"/-/?$ <+.0(4$ J/(5#.$ (4$ *$ 5"*++/A$ )0*-#0?$ "(5$ 7/+.$ &*)#$ 5"(#+.$ 0#'+#)-(47$ 6*)B$ <025-0/47?$-*B(47$-"#$J"/@ -/?$*4.$-"#$=*7+#$+*4.#0K$$ <+.0(4$ "*5$ 2*.#$ *$ 6/+.$ )/2#6*)B$ (4$ 0#)#4-$ :#*05$ *5$ *$ 5J*)#$ *.D/)*-#$ *4.$ 5-*,4)"$ .#6,4B#0$ /&$ -"#$ 5B#J-()5$ A"/$ 2*B#$ *4$ *7#4.*$ /&$ )+*(2(47$ -"#$ 2//4$ +*4.(475$ A#0#$ &*B#.$ -/$.,J#$-"#$A/0+.K$<-$*7#$EO$ "#$ J,4)"#.$ /,-$ *4$ *4-*7/@ 4(>(47$2*4$A"/$)"*++#47#.$ <+.0(4$ -/$ 5A#*0$ /4$ *$ S(6+#$ "#$A#4-$-/$-"#$R//4K$$d4$-"#$ *5-0/4*,-$0*4B5?$<+.0(4$A*5$ B4/A4$*5$g10K$V#4.#>D/,5?k$ *5$ "#$ (4D#4-#.$ -"#$ J0/)#@

.,0#5$ &/0$ -A/$ 5J*)#)0*&-$ )"*5@ (47$ ./A4$ #*)"$ /-"#0$ *4.$ 5*&#+:$ ./)B(47K$ $ ;#$ *+5/$ "*.$ -"#$ '(05-$ 5,))#55&,+$5J*)#A*+B$/&$-"#$2//4$ 5,(-$ J0/-/-:J#$ .,0(47$ `#mini 12?$ *5$ J0#D(/,5$ 5J*)#5,(-5$ "*.$ &/77#.$,J$-"#(0$D(5/05?$/D#0"#*-@ #.$ *4.$ -"#:$ A#0#$ -#00(6+:$ (4'+#X@ (6+#K$ <$ -0,#$ 5J*)#$ J(/4##0$ A(-"$ .##J$)/4-0(6,-(/45$-/$-"#$)/0#$/&$ -/.*:L5$ *)-(D(-(#5$ /4$ -"#$ d4-#04*@ -(/4*+$3J*)#$3-*-(/4?$<+.0(4$(5$/4#$ /&$a<3<L5$70#*-?$,4.#00*-#.$)/4@ -0(6,-/05K j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pollo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w Celestial events in the skies for the week of July 17-23, 2012, as compiled for The Loafer by Mark D. Marquette. I"#4$:/,$+//B$*-$-"#$-"(4?$ )0#5)#4-$R//4$+*-#0$-"(5$A##B$ "*47(47$*6/D#$-"#$#D#4(47$ -A(+(7"-?$-"(4B$/&$-"#$<2#0@ ()*L5$70#*-#5-$-0(,2J"?$-"#$ <J/++/$OO$2//4$+*4.(47$-"*-$ )*J-(D*-#.$-"#$A/0+.$&/0-:@ -"0##$:#*05$*7/$-"(5$A##BK$$ <4.$(&$:/,$J/(4-$*4:$J*(0$/&$ 6(4/),+*05$/0$#D#4$*$)"#*J$ -#+#5)/J#$*-$-"#$R//4?$:/,L++$ 6#$*2*>#.$*-$A"*-$:/,$5##K$$ =D#0:$4(7"-$-"#$R//4$+//B5$ .(&&#0#4-$*5$4#A$&#*-,0#5$*0#$ 0#D#*+#.$*5$-"#$+(4#$6#-A##4$ 4(7"-$*4.$.*:v-"#$-#02(4*@ -/0v)0##J5$-/$-"#$+#&-$/0$ +,4*0$A#5-K$H0##$+,4*0$2*J5$ /&$&#*-,0#5$*0#$*D*(+*6+#$*-$ Lunar$/0$ ./A4+/*.$-"#$J/J,+*0$Virtual Moon Atlas$&/0$5#0(/,5$+,4*0$ )*0-/70*J":K$%0?$#D#0:$32*0-$ T"/4#$/0$T*.$"*5$*4$g*JJk$&/0$ -"*-N Tuesday July 17 %4$ -"(5$ O[U[$ .*-#$ (4$ 5J*)#$ "(5-/0:?$ /4#$ 2(++(/4$ J#/J+#$ )0/A.#.$ -"#$ 6#*)"#5$ /&$ H+/0@ (.*$ )#4-0*+$ #*5-$ )/*5-$ -/$ 5##$ -"#$ 2(7"-:$ 3*-,04$ c$ 0/)B#-$ 6+*5-$/&&$A(-"$-"0##$*5-0/4*,-5$ 6/,4.$&/0$-"#$R//4K$ Wed. July 18 ;*JJ:$[O5-$6(0-".*:$-/$ Z/"4$`+#44?$A"/5#$4*2#$ (5$2/0#$5:4/4:2/,5$ A(-"$a<3<$-"*4$(-$(5$A(-"$ 9@-#02$b3$3#4*-/0$&0/2$ %"(/K$;#$A*5$-"#$'(05-$ <2#0()*4$-/$/06(-$-"#$ =*0-"$(4$O[UW?$-"*4$6#@ )*2#$-"#$/+.#5-$*5-0/4*,-$ A"#4$"#$'+#A$*6/*0.$ 3J*)#$3",--+#$1(5)/D#0:$ *-$*7#$EE$(4$O[[PK$ Thurs. July 19 a#A$R//4$(5$-/.*:?$ 0(7"-$*&-#0$2(.4(7"-$*-$ OWFW9$*2K$$R/D(47$-/$ -"#$+#&-?$/0$#*5-$/&$-"#$ 3,4?$(-$A(++$-*B#$*$)/,J+#$ #D#4(475$&/0$(-5$-"(4$7+/A$ -/$6#$5##4$*5$*$-",264*(+$ )0#5)#4-$(4$-"#$A#5-#04$ -A(+(7"-K$

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 21 Fri. July 20 <$.*:$-/$6#$0#2#26#0#.$ &/0#D#0?$A"#4$(4$O[U[$-A/$ ",2*45$+*4.#.$*4.$A*+B#.$/4$ -"#$R//4K$$d-$A*5$*$-0(,2J"$ /D#0$-"#$Q/22,4(5-$3/D(#-$ b4(/4?$*4.$)*2#$-/$&0,(-(/4$ *$)"*++#47#$/&$T0#5(.#4-$Z/"4$ HK$f#44#.:$Y,5-$#(7"-$:#*05$ #*0+(#0K$$<-$*$)/5-$/&$\9G$6(++(/4$ (4$O[U[$./++*05?$<2#0()*$A/4$ -"#$R//4$V*)#$A(-"$-"#$V,5@ 5(*45?$A"/$A*+B#.$*A*:$A(-"@ /,-$*$+,4*0$-0(J$6#)*,5#$-"#(0$ 2*22/-"$a@O$2//4$0/)B#-$ "*.$&*(+#.$-A()#$(4$-#5-K Sat. July 21 S+*5-(47$/&&$-"#$R//4$/4$ -"(5$.*-#$(4$O[U[$A(-"$]]$ J/,4.5$/&$0/)B5?$.,5-$*4.$ )/0#$5*2J+(47$-,6#5?$a#(+$ <025-0/47$*4.$S,>>$<+.0(4$ '+#A$-"#(0$M,4*0$R/.,+#$ g=*7+#k$-/$*$5*&#$+(4B$,J$ A(-"$R()"*#+$Q/++(45$(4$-"#$ <J/++/$OO$Q/22*4.$R/.@ ,+#$gQ/+,26(*Kk$$!"#:$6#7*4$ -"#(0$-"0##@.*:$-0(J$"/2#$

A(-"$-"#$2/5-$J0()#+#55$6/X$ /&$0/)B5$-"#$A/0+.$"*5$#D#0$ 5##4K$Q/+,26(*$(5$/4$.(5J+*:$ *-$-"#$32(-"5/4(*4$d45-(-,-#$(4$ I*5"(47-/4?$1QK Sun. July 22 !/4(7"-$&0/2$-"#$5-*0-$/&$ -A(+(7"-$*0/,4.$[FO]$J2$*4.$ A"#4$(-$5#-5$*-$OG$J2?$-"#$ -"(4$)0#5)#4-$R//4$"/D#05$ *6/D#$-"#$"/0(>/4K$$V(5(47$,J$ &0/2$(-$*+/47$-"#$#)+(J-()$*0#$ 0#.$R*05$*4.$:#++/A$3*-,04?$ A(-"$60(7"-?$A"(-#$3J()*$6#+/A$ -"#2K$$ Mon. July 23 !"#$A/0+.$*70(),+-,0#$(5$ ,4.#05-//.$(4$70#*-$.#-*(+$ -"*4B5$-/$*$5*-#++(-#$-"*-$ 5-*0-#.$2*JJ(47$)0/J5$(4$-"#$ =*0-"K$a<3<L5$M*4.5*-$O$A*5$ +*,4)"#.$/4$-"(5$.*-#$(4$O[EW?$ J*D(47$-"#$A*:$&/0$*$6#-@ -#0$,4.#05-*4.(47$/&$7+/6*+$ 70/A(47$J*--#045$*4.$-0#4.5$ .,0(47$&/,0$.#)*.#5$/&$./>#45$ /&$5*-#++(-#5$-"*-$&/++/A#.K$

Page 22, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

This week I have a double feature for movie fans!

Andrew Gareld or Tobey Maguire... Who’s A Be$er “Spidey” d$ *2$ 6#7(44(47$ 2:$ '(05-$ 0#D(#A$ -"(5$ A##B$ A(-"$ *$ )/4-0/D#05(*+$ /J(4(/4F$ <4.0#A$ `*0'(#+.$^g!"#$3/)(*+$a#-A/0Bk_$ (5$ *$ 6#--#0$ 3J(.#0@R*4$ -"*4$ !/6#:$ R*7,(0#K$ d&$ d$ "*D#$ ,J5#-$ :/,0$3J(.#:$5)#4#5?$dL2$5/00:N$d$ &##+$ `*0'(#+.$ (5$ 6#--#0$ 5,(-#.$ -/$ -"#$ 0/+#$ /&$ -"#$ A#6$ 5+(47(47$ "#0/?$ *4.$ (5$ &*0$ +#55$ gA"(4:k$ -"*-$ R*7,(0#K$ d$ 0#*+(>#$ R*7,(0#$ A*5$ -"#$ '(05-$ -/$ J/0-0*:$ -"#$ J/J,+*0$ )/2()$ +#7#4.?$ *4.$ "#$ A*5$ '(4#$ (4$ -"#$ -"0##$ J0#D(/,5$ 3J(.#0@ R*4$'(+25?$6,-$`*0'(#+.$-*B#5$ -"#$ )"*0*)-#0$ -/$ *4$ #4-(0#+:$ .(&&#0#4-$+#D#+K $ d4$ -"#$ g0#6//-k$ /&$ -"#$ 2#7*$ 5,))#55&,+$ '(+2$ 5#0(#5?$ “The Amazing Spider-Man”?$ -"#$ '(+22*B#05$ "*D#$ -*B#4$ -"#$ "#0/$ 6*)B$ -/$ "(5$ "(7"$ 5)"//+$ .*:5?$ A"#0#$ "#$ (5$ *$ 6,++(#.$ 4#0.K$ I#$ *0#$ '(05-$ (4-0/.,)#.$ -/$ T#-#0$ T*0B#0$ (4$-"#$'(+2$*5$*$)"(+.?$A"#0#$ A#$5##$"(5$J*0#4-5$&/0$*$60(#&$ -(2#?$ *4.$ .(5)/D#0$ "/A$ "#$ )*2#$ -/$ +(D#$ A(-"$ "(5$ Uncle Ben$ ^R*0-(4$ 3"##4_$ *4.$ Aunt May$ ^3*++:$ H(#+._K$ !"#$ '(+2$ -"#4$ '+*5"#5$ &/0A*0.$ -/$ T#-#0L5$ "(7"$ 5)"//+$ .*:5?$ *4.$ "/A$ "#$ (5$ .#*+(47$ A(-"$ #D#0:.*:$ +(&#$ *-$ R(.-/A4$ 3)(#4)#$ ;(7"$ 3)"//+K$ I"(+#$ "#$)/4-#4.5$A(-"$*$Y/)B$6,++:?$ "#$ (5$ .#*+(47$ A(-"$ "(5$ )0,5"$ /4$&#++/A$5-,.#4-$Gwen Stacy$ ^=22*$3-/4#_K$ <5(.#$ &0/2$ "(5$ "(7"$

Continued on page 23

Continued from page 22 5)"//+$ .0*2*?$ T#-#0?$ *5$ &*45$ *+0#*.:$ B4/A?$ (5$ 6(--#4$ 6:$ *$ 7#4#-()*++:$2/.('(#.$5J(.#0?$*4.$ -"#$0#5,+-$-0*45&/025$T#-#0$(4-/$*$ g5J(.#02*4kK$ I"(+#$ .(5)/D#0(47$ "(5$ 4#A$ 5J(.#0@+(B#$ *6(+(-(#5$ *4.$ "/A$ -/$ ,5#$ -"#2?$ T#-#0$ (5$ 5"/)B#.$ 6:$ -"#$ ,4#XJ#)-#.$ .#*-"$ /&$ "(5$ b4)+#$ S#4K$ <5$ (&$ T#-#0$.(.4L-$"*D#$#4/,7"$-/$.#*+$ A(-"?$ -"#$ D(++*(4$ /&$ 2/D(#?$ The Lizard$ ^V":5$ d&*45_$ 5//4$ 2*B#5$ "(5$J0#5#4)#$B4/A4?$*4.$T#-#0L5$ 6*--+#5$ A(-"$ -"#$ 5)*+:$ 6#(47$ *0#$ &0/4-$ *4.$ )#4-#0K$ !"#$ '(+2$ ./#5$ *$ A/4.#0&,+$ Y/6$ /&$ 2*B(47$ -"#$ '(7"-5$ 6#-A##4$ The Lizard$ *4.$ Spider-Man$5J#)-*),+*0?$*4.$d$*2$ -"#$'(05-$-/$*.2(-?$-"#$81$#&&#)-5$ /&$ 3J(.#:$ 5A(47(47$ -"0/,7"$ -"#$ 5-0##-5$/&$ajQ$*0#$-"0(++(47K$ 3#D#0*+$ 5)#4#5$ 5"/A$ ,5$ -"#$ D(#A$ &0/2$ 3J(.#0@R*4L5$ J#05J#)-(D#?$ *4.$ -"(5$ A*5$ *$ ,4(i,#$ J*0-$ /&$ -"#$ '(+2K$ $ d&$ d$ "*.$ *4:$&*,+-5$A(-"$-"#$'(+2?$(-$A/,+.$ 6#$ -"#$ &*)-$ A#$ 4#D#0$ 5##$ "/A$ T*0B#0$ )*2#$ -/$ .#5(74$ "(5$ )//+$ )/5-,2#?$ /0$ A"*-$ "*JJ#4#.$ -/$ b4)+#$S#4L5$B(++#0K$;/A#D#0?$*&-#0$ -"#$ #X-0#2#+:$ g6,5:k$ gSpiderMan 3k?$ -"/5#$ *0#$ *+2/5-$ 2,-#$

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 23 J/(4-5K $ Q/4)#04(47$ -"#$ *)-/05?$`*0'(#+.?$A"/$ "*5$ 0#J/0-#.$ "(5$ '(05-$ ;*++/A##4$ )/5-,2#$ A*5$ *$ 3J(.#0@R*4$ 7#-,J?$ &##+5$ "#$ A*5$ 6/04$ -/$ J+*:$ -"#$ 0/+#?$ *4.$ -"*4B&,++:$ .#5-(4:$ (4-#0D#4#.$ -/$ *&&/0.$ "(2$ -"#$ /JJ/0-,4(-:K$ `*0'(#+.?$ A"(+#$J/0-0*:(47$-##4$ *475-$A(-"$-"#$J#0&#)-$ -/,)"?$ *+5/$ (5$ D#0:$ 5,))#55&,+$ (4$ "*4.+(47$ 3J(.#0@ R*4L5$ +#*04(47$ ),0D#K$ =22*$ 3-/4#$(5$70#*-$(4$"#0$0/+#?$*4.$"*5$ A/4.#0&,+$ /45)0##4$ )"#2(5-0:$ A(-"$ `*0'(#+.K$ !"#$ 5,JJ/0-(47$ *)-/05$ *0#$ A#++$ )*5-$ (4$ -"#(0$ 0#5J#)-(D#$ 0/+#5?$ *4.$ !"#$ M(>*0.$ (5$*$2*0D#+/,5$)0#*-(/4?$J0/D(47$ -/$6#$*$"(7"$/)-*4#$&/#$&/0$3J(.#0@ R*4K$d&$:/,$*0#$*$5,J#0"#0/$&*4?$ /0$ Y,5-$ *$ 2/D(#$ &*4?$ *..$ “The Amazing Spider-Man”$ -/$ :/,0$ +(5-$ /&$ 5,22#0$ 2/D(#5$ &/0$ A#6@ 5+(47(47$&,4K$(Rated PG-13) A-



!"#$ 5#)/4.$ '(+2$ -"(5$ A##B$ (5$ gBravek?$ -"#$ 4#A$ )/2J,-#0@ *4(2*-#.$ &*4-*5:$ *.D#4-,0#$ &0/2$ T(X*0K$ I"#0#*5$ -"#$ *&/0#2#4-(/4#.$ '(+2$ "*5$ 3J(.#0@R*4$ '+:(47$ -"0/,7"$ -"#$ 5B:5)0*J#05$ /&$ ajQ?$ -"(5$ '(+2$ "*5$ -"#$ +/47$ 0#.$ "*(0$ /&$ +#*.$ )"*0*)-#0$Merida$^D/)(#.$6:$f#++:$ R*)./4*+._$ )/45-*4-+:$ '+:(47$ *0/,4.$"#0$"#*.K$d4$&*)-?$R#0(.*L5$ "*(0$ (5$ 5/$ *--#4-(/4$ 70*66(47?$ (-$ 5"/,+.$ "*D#$ 6##4$ 7(D#4$ *$ )/@ 5-*0$ 6(++(47K$ R#0(.*$ +(D#5$ (4$ OG-"$ )#4-,0:$ 3)/-+*4.?$ *4.$ 0#5(.#5$ (4$ *$)*5-+#$A(-"$J*0#4-5$King Fergus$ ^S(++:$Q/44/++:_$*4.$Queen Elinor$ ^=22*$ !"/2J5/4_?$ A"#0#$ 5"#$

"*5$ *$ A/4.#0&,+$ +(&#$ ./(47$ "#0$ &*D/0(-#$ J*5-$ -(2#5?$ 5"//-(47$ *$ 6/A$ *4.$ *00/A?$ *4.$ 0(.(47$ *0/,4.$/4$"#0$",7#$"/05#K$I"(+#$ -"#$*&/0#2#4-(/4#.$(5$4/-$#X*)-+:$ -"#$ -:J()*+$ +(&#$ /&$ *$ J0(4)#55?$ R#0(.*$(5$4/-$-:J()*+$(4$*4:A*:K $ !"#$ &*6,+/,5$ ^(4$ "#0$ 2(4._$ +(&#$ /&$ R#0(.*$ (5$ *6/,-$ -/$ )/2#$ -/$ *$ 5)0##)"(47$ "*+-?$ A"#4$ -"#$ t,##4$ (4&/025$ "#0$ .*,7"-#0?$ 5"#$ "*5$ 5,(-/05$ )/2(47$ &0/2$ )+*45$ -"0/,7"/,-$ -"#$ +*4.$ -/$ A(4$ "#0$ "*4.$ (4$ 2*00(*7#K$ !"#$ &0##@5J(0(-#.$ -##4*7#0$ A(++$ "*D#$ 4/4#$ /&$ -"(5?$ *4.$ 0#6#+5K$ R#0(.*$ 0#)0,(-5$*$A(-)"$-/$)*5-$*$5J#++$&/0$ "#0$ (4$ *4$ #&&/0-$ -/$ g)"*47#k$ "#0$ 2/2K$ %&$ )/,05#?$ R#0(.*$ "*5$ 4/$ (.#*$ A"*-$ A(++$ *)-,*++:$ "*JJ#4$

-/$ "#0$ 2/2$ ,4-(+$ (-L5$ -//$ +*-#K$ I"(+#$ R#0(.*$ (5$ .#*+(47$ A(-"$ -"#$ )"*47#$ (4$ "#0$ 2/2?$ f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h$Y,5-$*5$A# A*4-$ 3)/-+*4.$ -/$ 6#K$ !"#$ '(+2$ (5$ '(++#.$A(-"$i,(0B:$",2/0?$54*JJ:$ .(*+/7,#?$ A/4.#0&,+$ *4(2*-(/4?$ *4.$ J+#4-:$ /&$ "#*0-K$ “Brave”$ (5 -"#$A/4.#0&,+$-*+#$/&$*$7(0+$A"/?$ A"(+#$ *$ J0(4)#55?$ (5$ *6+#$ -/$ +(D#$ -"#$*.D#4-,0/,5$+(&#$"#0$-0,#$5#+&$ .#2*4.5K$(Rated PG) A-$$$

Page 24, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 25

Designer Show House 2012

William King Museum The William King Museum: Center for Art and Cultural Heritage$ (5$ J+#*5#.$ -/$ 60(47$ 6*)B$ (-5$ Designer Showhouse$ .,0(47$ -"#$ Virginia Highlands Festival$ -"(5$ 5,22#0K$ !"#$ #D#4-?$ A"()"$ *+5/$ -//B$ J+*)#$ (4$ O[[[?$ A(++$&#*-,0#$*$"/2#$*-$O8O$R*(4$ 3-0##-$(4$<6(47./4$-"*-$A(++$"*D#$ 0//25$.#)/0*-#.$6:$J0/&#55(/4*+$ .#5(74#05K$ $ H0/2$ !",05.*:@ 3,4.*:$ .,0(47$ -"#$ ;(7"+*4.5$ H#5-(D*+?$ -"#$ "/,5#$ A(++$ 6#$ /J#4$ &0/2$ OO$ *K2K$ -/$ ]$ JK2K$ &/0$ A*+B@ -"0/,7"$-/,05K$<.2(55(/4$(5$\OG$ *-$ -"#$ .//0$ *4.$ -"#$ 1#5(74#0$ 3"/A"/,5#$(5$*$&#*-,0#.$6,5$5-/J$ .,0(47$-"#$H#5-(D*+K 1#5(74#05$ (4)+,.#.$ (4$ -"#$ WGOW$ 3"/A"/,5#$ *0#$ <+&0#5)/$ M(&#5-:+#5?$ d4)K?$ S#00:$ ;/2#$ Q#4-#05?$d4)K?$1#5(74(47$d4-#0(/05?$ d4)K?$ !"#$ H*60()$ `*++#0:$ m$ 1*D(.$ M:/45?$ H/X7+/D#$ <4-(i,#5$ m$ =-)K$ M+)?$ `0*"*2$ M*4.5)*J#$ <0)"(-#)-,0#?$ Z*)B5/4$ d4-#0(/0$

1#5(74$*4.$H,04(5"(47$Q/2J*4:?$ Z/#+$ ;*0-#$ H,04(-,0#$ R*B#0?$ d4)K?$ R*74/+(*?$ 3(2J+:$ a*-,0*+?$ d4)K?$ 3"*.:$S,5(4#55?$*4.$I(+.$%0)"(.$ 1#5(74$3-,.(/K <+/47$ A(-"$ -"#$ -/,05$ /&$ -"#$ 3"/A"/,5#?$ -A/$ A/0B5"/J5$ A(++$ 6#$ J0#5#4-#.$ 6:$ 7,#5-$ .#5(74#05K$ %4$ I#.4#5.*:?$ <,7,5-$ O?$ <))#55/0(>(47$ j/,0$ ;/2#$I/0B5"/J$A(++$-*B#$J+*)#K$ I/0B5"/J$ J*0-()(J*4-5$ A(++$ 6#$ Y/(4(47$ZV$R(++#0$&/0$*$5-(2,+*-(47$ *4.$ (4&/02*-(D#$ 5#55(/4$ A"#0#$ -"#:$ A(++$ +#*04$ "/A$ -/$ 70/,J$ *))#55/0(#5?$ 2*B(47$ *$ "/2#$ 2/0#$ (4D(-(47$ *4.$ D(5,*++:$ *JJ#*+(47K$ !"#:$ A(++$ 7#-$ -(J5$ &0/2$ -"(5$ J0/&#55(/4*+$ .#5(74#0$ /4$ *)i,(0(47$ 4#A$ J(#)#5$ -/$ *))#4-,*-#$ *4:$ #+#2#4-$ /&$ *$ 0//2$ A"(+#$ #2J"*5(>(47$ (-5$ *0)"(-#)-,0*+$&#*-,0#5K %4$ I#.4#5.*:?$ <,7,5-$ P?$ -"#$ Q/+/0$ H/0#)*5-(47$ !0#4.5$ &/0$WGO8$I/0B5"/J$A(++$6#$"#+.K$

R*0(+:4$ Q"#00:?$ *$ J0/&#55(/4*+$ .#5(74#0$ &0/2$ Q"*0+/--#?$ a/0-"$ Q*0/+(4*$ A(++$ )/4.,)-$ -"(5$ A/0B5"/J$ -"*-$ :/,$ A/4L-$ A*4-$ -/$ 2(55N$ I/0B5"/J$ *--#4.##5$ A(++$ '(4.$ /,-$ A"()"$ J*+#--#5$ *4.$ J*--#045$A/0B$-/7#-"#0$-/$2*B#$ *$ "/2#$ A*02$ *4.$ (4D(-(47$ /0$ ,06*4$*4.$#X)(-(47K <.D*4)#$-()B#-5$*0#$0#i,(0#.$ &/0$ 6/-"$ A/0B5"/J5K$ I/0B5"/J5$ A(++$ 0,4$ &0/2$ OO$ *K2K$ -/$ W$ JK2K$ !()B#-5$ *0#$ \]G$ *4.$ (4)+,.#$ -"#$ A/0B5"/J?$ +,4)"?$ *4.$ *$ J0(D*-#$ -/,0$/&$-"#$1#5(74#0$3"/A"/,5#K$ !/$ J,0)"*5#$ -()B#-5?$ J+#*5#$

)/4-*)-$ 1#6$ f#00$ *-$ WEU@UWP@ ]GG]$ #X-K$ OOO$ /0$ *-$ dkerr@$ !()B#-5$ )*4$ *+5/$6#$J,0)"*5#.$/4+(4#$*-$AAAK A(++(*2B(475-/0#K)/2K!()B#-5$&/0$ -"#$ <,7,5-$ O5-$ A/0B5"/J$ 2,5-$ 6#$0#5#0D#.$6:$Z,+:$WE-"K$!()B#-5$ &/0$ -"#$ <,7,5-$ P-"$ A/0B5"/J$ A(++$ 6#$ *D*(+*6+#$ ,4-(+$ <,7,5-$ 9-"K$ $ H/0$ 2/0#$ (4&/02*-(/4$ *6/,-$ -"#$ 1#5(74#0$ 3"/A"/,5#$ WGOW$*4.$-"#$A/0B5"/J5?$J+#*5#$ D(5(-$ ,5$ /4$ -"#$ A#6$ *-$ AAAK I(++(*2f(47R,5#,2K/07$ /0$ 6:$ J"/4#$*-$WEU@UWP@]GG]K William King Museum is

located at 415 Academy Drive, off West Main Street or Russell Road, in Abingdon. The Museum features !ive exhibition galleries, resident artist studios, a museum store and outdoor sculpture garden. Educational programs in the visual arts are offered year-round for both children and adults, and school audiences are served by in-house and outreach programs. Accredited by the American Association of Museums, the William King Museum is a partner of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and a member of the Virginia Association of Museums and is funded in part by the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Page 26, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

Hitchcock’s Other Window

H/0$ (-5$ +*5-$ -"0##$ :#*05$ /4$ -"#$ *(0?$ +/47$ 0,44(47$ Alfred Hitchcock Presents$ 5+(7"-+:$ )"*47#.K$ =XJ*4.(47$ -/$ *$ &,++$ "/,0?$ *4.$ )"*47(47$ -"#$ -(-+#$ -/$ The Alfred Hitchcock Hour$A"()"$ (5$ #55#4-(*++:$ -"#$ 5*2#$ 5"/AK$ ;(-)")/)B$ *JJ#*05$ *-$ 6/-"$ -"#$ 6#7(44(47$ *4.$ #4.5$ /&$ #*)"$ 5#72#4-?$ (4$ -"#$ 2(..+#$ &/0$ -"#$ 5-*-(/4$60#*B?$*4.$-"#$5"/A5$*0#$ *++$ -"#$ ,5,*+$ /0.#0$ /&$ 5,5J#45#$ *4.$2:5-#0:$-*+#5K$ b4+(B#$ Presents, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour$ (5$ 0*0#+:$ 5"/A4$ /4$-#+#D(5(/4?$*4.$(5$4/-$*D*(+*6+#$ /4$ "/2#$ D(.#/K$ d4$ &*)-?$ ,4-(+$ *$ &#A$ :#*05$ *7/?$ d$ A*5$ )/2J+#-#+:$ ,4*A*0#$ -"*-$ -"#0#$ #D#4$ A*5$ *4$ "/,0$ +/47$ D#05(/4$ /&$ Alfred Hitchcock PresentsK$dL2$*$+*07#$&*4$ /&$ ;(-)")/)B$ *4.$ d$ )/45(.#0$ "(5$ !c$ /,-J,-$ -/$ 6#$ /4#$ /&$ -"#$ -0,+:$ 70#*-$ !c$ 5#0(#5K$ I"#4$ A*5$ -"#$ +*5-$-(2#$*$2*Y/0$2/D(#$.(0#)-/0$ *4.$()/4$J0#5#4-#.$5-/0(#5$/&$"(5$ )"//5(47$ A##B+:$ /4$ -#+#D(5(/4u$ ;(-)")/)B$ A*5$ (4D/+D#.$ (4$ 2*4:$ *5J#)-5$/&$-"#$5#0(#5h$"#$A*5$4/-$ Y,5-$*$gS*4B*6+#$T0#5#4)#Kk$ ;(-)"$ A/,+.$ .(0#)-$ /4#$ /0$ -A/$ #J(5/.#5$ J#0$ 5#*5/4?$ "*.$ *JJ0/D*+$/D#0$#D#0:$5-/0:$J()B#.$ &/0$ -"#$ 5#0(#5?$ A/,+.$ 0#D(#A$ 0/,7"$ ),-5$ /&$ #*)"$ #J(5/.#?$ *4.$

A/,+.$ 2*B#$ 5)0(J-$ 5,77#5-(/45$ A"#4$ 4##.#.K$ <$ 4,26#0$ /&$ &,++$ +#47-"$ #J(5/.#5$ "*D#$ 0#)#4-+:$ 5,0&*)#.$ /4$ j/,!,6#?$ '(4*++:$ 7(D(47$2#$*$)"*4)#$-/$5##$5#D#0*+$ #J(5/.#5$ /&$ -"#$ 5#0(#5K$ dLD#$ /4+:$ 5##4$ *0/,4.$ 5(X$ /&$ -"#$ 4(4#-:@ -"0##$ '(+2#.$ "/,05K$ !"#$ /-"#0$ 4(7"-?$ d$ A*-)"#.$ *4$ #J(5/.#$ -"*-$ A*5$ -0,+:$ #X)#J-(/4*+?$ 4/-$ /4+:$ *5$ *4$ #J(5/.#$ /&$ The Alfred Hitchcock Hour?$ 6,-$ *5$ /4#$ /&$ -"#$ 2/5-$ 5,5J#45#&,+$ "/,05$ /&$ -#+#D(5(/4$ d$ "*D#$ #D#0$ 5##4K$ <4$ #J(5/.#$ &0/2$ -"#$ -"(0.$ *4.$ '(4*+$ 5#*5/4?$ “An Unlocked Window”,$ A"()"$A*5$'(05-$60/*.)*5-$/4$aSQ$ /4$H#60,*0:$O]?$O[U]K$$ “An Unlocked Window”$ (5$ *$ 5-/0:$ /&$ *$ 5#0(*+$ B(++#0$ /4$ -"#$ +//5#?$*$B(++#0$A"/$/4+:$5-*+B5$*4.$ B(++5$ :/,47$ 4,05#5K$ !"#$ /J#4(47$ 5)#4#$ 5"/A5?$ *$ 4,05#$ +#*D(47$ *$ "/,5#?$ *4.$ A*+B(47$ -"/,7"$ -"#$ J*0Bv*+/4#$ ^A"()"$ (5$ *+A*:5$ *$ A(5#$ )"/()#$ (4$ *4:-"(47$ A(-"$ -"#$ 4*2#$ g;(-)")/)Bk$ '+/*-(47$ *0/,4.$ (-_K$ 3"#L5$ &/++/A#.$ 6:$ *$ 2*4$ (4$ *$ +/47$ .*0B$ )/*-?$ "*-?$ 7+/D#5?$ -"#$ A"/+#$ 4(4#$ :*0.5K$ 3-*4.(47$ 0(7"-$ 6#"(4.$ "#0?$ -"#$ B(++#0$5*:5F$gH0(.*u$j/,L0#$5,)"$*$ J0#--:$4,05#?$H0(.*Kk$3"#$5)0#*25?$ *4.$:/,$5##$"(2$)/D#0$"#0$2/,-"$ *4.$.0*7$"#0$*A*:K$!"#4$-"#$B(++#0$

+*,7"5$*$.(5-(4)-(D#$+*,7"$-"*-$(5$ 0#J#*-#.$.,0(47$-"#$#J(5/.#?$(-L5$ 4/-$0#*++:$*4$#D(+$+*,7"?$2/0#$/&$ *$.*0B+:$2(5)"(#D/,5$/4#K$ I#$),-$-/$*$+*07#?$.*0B?$"/,5#$ (4$-"#$)/,4-0:?$*4.$-"#$5-/0:$/4$ -"#$0*.(/$/&$-"#$B(++(475K$!"#0#L5$ -"0##$ A/2#4$ (4$ -"(5$ "/,5#?$ -A/$ /&$ A"()"$ *0#$ 4,05#5?$ *+/47$ A(-"$*$)*0#-*B#0K$!"#0#$*0#$-A/$ 2#4$J0#5#4-$*5$A#++?$/4#$(5$-"#$ 4,05#5L$ J*-(#4-?$ 6#.0(..#4?$ *4.$ (4$ *4$ /X:7#4$ -#4-K$ !"#$ /-"#0$ 2*4$(5$5/2#$-:J#$/&$*(.$&0/2$-"#$ )+(4()$ &/0$ -"#$ 4,05#5K$ d-$ ./#54L-$ "#+J$-"(475$-"*-$-"#$"/,5#$,5#.$ /4$ -"#$ 7//.$ /+#$ b4(D#05*+$ 6*)B$ +/-?$ (5$ -"#$ 5*2#$ "/,5#$ -"*-$ A*5$ /4)#$ B4/A4$ -/$ "*D#$ "/,5#.$ *$ R05K$ S*-#5K$ !"#$ A"/+#$ 5"/A$ 6,(+.5$ *2*>(47$ -#45(/4$ *0/,4.$ g(5$-"#$B(++#0$7/(47$-/$5-0(B#$"#0#$ 4#X-uk$!A(5-5$*4.$-,045$*6/,4.?$ *4.$ dL++$ +#*D#$ (-$ *-$ -"*-$ -/$ *D/(.$ -"/5#$ g5J/(+#05k$ A#$ *++$ A/00:$ *6/,-$-"#5#$.*:5K$ !"(5$ (5$ *$ J#0&#)-$ #X*2J+#$ /&$ A"*-$ -"#$ 6#5-$ /&$ -#+#D(5(/4$ )*4$ 6#?$ 5(2J+:$ 70#*-$ 5-/0:-#++(47?$ *4.$ A"#4$ :/,$ )/45(.#0$ "/A$ &#A$ 5#0(#5$ -"#0#$ *0#$ A(-"$ -"*-$ )/26(4*-(/4$ /&$ #+#2#4-5$ -"*-$ 2*.#$ ;(-)")/)BL5$ 5"/A5$ A"*-$ -"#:$ *0#?$ (-L5$ *$ -0,#$ 7#2$ /&$ *4$ #J(5/.#K$ dL2$ 5,0#$ 2:$ /A4$ &#*05?$ *4.$ -"(5$ .(.$ 5J//B$ 2#?$ A*5$ 4/-$ *(.#.$ 6:$ -"#$ &*)-$ -"*-$ d$ A*5$ A*-)"(47$ -"(5$ &/0$ -"#$ '(05-$ -(2#$ D#0:$+*-#$*-$4(7"-?$*+/4#?$(4$*$0//2$ A(-"$4/$+(7"-5$/4K$d$A*5$5-0#*2(47$ -"#$ #J(5/.#$ -/$ 2:$ !c$ A(-"$ -"#$ "#+J$ /&$ /4#$ /&$ -"/5#$ +/D#+:$ +(--+#$ .#D()#5$-"*-$*++/A5$:/,$-/$A*-)"$ j/,!,6#$/4$:/,0$!cK$ T#0&#)-$ ;*++/A##4$ D(#A(47$ *4.$ dL2$ 7+*.$ (-L5$ 6+*)B$ *4.$ A"(-#v)/+/0?$ #D#4$ .*0B+:$ +(-$ )/+/0?$)*4$-*B#$*A*:$&0/2$*$5-/0:$ +(B#$ -"(5K$ d$ "(7"+:$ 0#)/22#4.$ 5##B(47$ -"(5$ /,-?$ *4.$ A*-)"(47$ (-K$a/-$Y,5-$*5$*$J0*)-(-(/4#0$/&$*++$ -"(475$;(-)"?$6,-$*5$*$+/D#0$/&$!c?$ *4.$ 5/2#/4#$ A"/$ *+A*:5$ 0#D#+5$ (4$ '(4.(47$ -"/5#$ +(--+#$ Y#A#+5$ :/,$ B4#A$ 4/-"(47$ *6/,-K$ 3/$ -/4(7"-?$'(0#$,J$-"#$j/,!,6#$*4.$ -:J#$ (4$ g<4$ b4+/)B#.$ I(4./A$ ;(-)")/)Bk?$ :/,L++$ '(4.$ (-K$ V(7"-$ -"#0#$ *+/47$ A(-"$ -"#$ O[PU$ 0#@ 2*B#$ &0/2$ -"#$ PG5$ 0#D(D*+$ /&$ Alfred Hitchcock Presents$ ^A"()"$ "*.$(-5$2/2#4-5?$6,-$)/,+.$4#D#0$ i,(-#$ 0#*)"$ -"#$ 5*2#$ 2*0B_K$ a*-,0*++:?$ :/,$ 5"/,+.$ A*-)"$ -"#$ O[U]$ D#05(/4K$ d$ -"(4B$ :/,L++$ 6#$ (4$&/0$*$-#45#$-0#*-K$3##$:/,$4#X-$ A##B?$ &/++/A$ 2#$ /4$ !A(--#0$ n !"*-<4.:V/55K

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 27

Contra Dance & Cupcakes

Jonesborough, July 22nd The Historic Jonesborough Dance Society A(++$ "/+.$ *$ A*+->$ A/0B5"/J?$)/4-0*$.*4)#$*4.$),J@ )*B#$ )/4-#5-$ /4$ 3,4.*:?$ Z,+:$ WW?$ WGOW?$ *-$ -"#$ ;(5-/0()$ Z/4#56/0@ /,7"$ c(5(-/05$ Q#4-#0?$ OOE$ S//4#$ 3-0##-K$<.2(55(/4$-/$-"#$.*4)#$(5$ \E?$\]$&/0$;Z13$2#26#05$*4.$\]$ &/0$&,++$-(2#$5-,.#4-5K$<++$.*4)#5$ *0#$ 52/B#$ *4.$ *+)/"/+$ &0##K$ $ a/$ J*0-4#0$ (5$ 4#)#55*0:K$ $ H*2(+(#5$ *4.$)"(+.0#4$*0#$A#+)/2#N$ !"#$*&-#04//4$A(++$6#7(4$A(-"$ *$&0##$A*+->$A/0B5"/J$&/0$6#7(4@ 4#05$*-$OFO]J2K$<5"#D(++#L5$&*D/0@ (-#$A*+->$-#*)"#0?$3)/--$S*X+*$A(++$ -#*)"$ -"#$ 6#7(44(47$ A*+->$ 5-#J$ *4.$ J0/70#55$ -/$ 5(2J+#$ -,045$ (4$ -"#$ 9]@2(4,-#$ 5#55(/4K$ $ <++$ *0#$ A#+)/2#$ -/$ *--#4.?$ (4)+,.(47$ -"/5#$ A"/$ "*D#4L-$ :#-$ +#*04#.$ -"#$5(2J+#?$&,4?$:#-$+(&#@)"*47(47$ &/02$ /&$ 2/D#2#4-$ *4.$ #XJ0#5@ 5(/4$B4/A4$*5$A*+->K

T#0&/02(47$ &/0$ -"#$ )/4-0*$ .*4)#$ A(++$ 6#$ Good & Plenty$ &0/2$ <5"#D(++#?$ A"()"$ )/45(5-5$ /&$ f*0#4$ `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“Our dancers love sweet treats at the break after dancing

for an hour or so. A cupcake contest will meet our snack needs in a fun and creative way”$ /&&#05$ #D#4-$/07*4(>#0?$1*D(.$I(+#:K S*B#$ *4.$ &0/5-$ 5(X$ /0$ 2/0#$ /&$-"#$),J)*B#5$/&$:/,0$.0#*25K$$ S0(47$ -"#2$ -/$ -"#$ .*4)#$ *+/47$ A(-"$ 5/2#/4#$ A"/$ "*5$ 4#D#0$ )/4-0*$ .*4)#.$ 6#&/0#$ *4.$ -"#:$ 7#-$ (4$ HV==$ -/$ -"#$ .*4)#N$ $ <-$ -"#$ 9FGGJ2$ 60#*B?$ (45-#*.$ /&$ f+/4.(B#$ S*05?$ A#$ A(++$ #4Y/:$ -"#$ )/4-#5-*4-L5$ /&&#0(475$ *&-#0$ Y,.7#5$ 1Z$ *4.$ <++(5/4$ I(4'(#+.?$ /A4#05$ /&$ -"#$ Q0*>:$ Q,J)*B#?$

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

)/4-0*$.*4)#5$(4$2/5-$5-*-#5K$$!"#$ 2/.#04$ )/4-0*$ .*4)#5$ J0/D(.#$ .*4)#05$ /&$ *++$ *7#5$ *4.$ #XJ#0(@ #4)#$+#D#+5$A(-"$-"#$/JJ/0-,4(-:$ -/$52(+#?$2/D#?$)/44#)-?$'+(0-$*4.$ )0#*-#$*4$#D#4(47$/&$.*4)#$4(0D*@ 4*$A(-"$#*)"$/-"#0K$$a/$J0#D(/,5$ .*4)#$ #XJ#0(#4)#$ (5$ 4#)#55*0:K$$ a/$&*4):$&//-A/0B$(5$0#i,(0#.K$$d&$ :/,$)*4$A*+B$*4.$)/,4-$-/$#(7"-?$ :/,$)*4$)/4-0*$.*4)#N Q/4-0*$ .*4)#5$ *0#$ )/22,@ 4(-:$ #D#4-5K$ $ <-$ *+2/5-$ *4:$ )/4@ -0*$ :/,$ A(++$ '(4.$ J#/J+#$ /&$ *++$ *7#5$ *4.$ *++$ .*4)#$ 5B(++$ +#D#+5?$ &0/2$ :/,47$ -/$ /+.?$ 6#7(44#0$ -/$ #XJ#0-K$ $ Q/4-0*$ .*4)#05$ &/02$ *$ D#0:$/J#4$*4.$A#+)/2(47$70/,J$ /&$J#/J+#K$$j/,$)*4$)/2#$*+/4#$/0$ A(-"$/-"#05$5(4)#$(-$(5$*$-0*.(-(/4$ -/$ .*4)#$ A(-"$ *$ D*0(#-:$ /&$ J*0-@ 4#05$ -"0/,7"/,-$ -"#$ 4(7"-K$ $ d-$ (5$ J#0&#)-+:$ *))#J-*6+#$ &/0$ #(-"#0$ *$2*4$/0$*$A/2*4$-/$*5B$5/2#@ /4#$-/$.*4)#K$$d-L5$*$70#*-$A*:$-/$ 2*B#$&0(#4.5$A(-"$5/2#/4#$-"#:$ "*D#4L-$2#-$6#&/0#K$j/,$A(++$'(4.$ )/4-0*$ .*4)(47$ *$ 70#*-$ A*:$ -/$ 2*B#$4#A$&0(#4.5K$$ H/0$ 2/0#$ (4&/02*-(/4?$ )/4@ -*)-$ #D#4-$ /07*4(>#0?$ 1*D(.$ I(@ +#:?$ *-$ 9W8@]89@PPE[$ /0$ D(5(-$ AAAK"(5-/0()Y/4#56/0/,7"@ .*4)#5/)(#-:K/07

Page 28, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 29

“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” Barter Theatre Ends July 21st

!"#$S*0-#0$T+*:#05$*0#$-*B(47$)"(+.0#4$ /&$ *++$ *7#5$ -/$ *$ 2*7()*+$ +*4.$ /&$ #4.+#55$ J/55(6(+(-(#5$ *4.$ (2*7(4*-(/4?$ A"#0#$ )"/)/+*-#$ 0(D#05$ '+/A?$ 7,2$ )*4$ -*5-#$ +(B#$ *$ -"0##$ )/,05#$ 2#*+$ *4.$ )"/)/+*-#$ )*4$ -0*D#+$-"0/,7"$!c$-,6#5N$gQ"*0+(#$*4.$-"#$ Q"/)/+*-#$H*)-/0:k$6#7(45$*-$S*0-#0$3-*7#$ dd$/4$Z,4#$WU$*4.$0,45$-"0/,7"$Z,+:$WOK S*5#.$ /4$ 6//B$ 6:$ V/*+.$ 1*"+$ *4.$ *.*J-#.$ 6:$ V()"*0.$ VK$ `#/07#?$ -"#$ J+*:$ &/++/A5$ Q"*0+(#$ S,)B#-$ *4.$ "(5$ `0*4.J*$ Z/#$*5$-"#:$5##B$/4#$/&$-"#$)/D#-#.$7/+.#4$ -()B#-5$-"*-$/&&#0$*$J0(>#$/&$*$+(&#-(2#v-/$ -/,0$ -"#$ 2:5-#0(/,5$ I/4B*$ )"/)/+*-#$ &*)-/0:K$!"(5$(5$-"#$D#0:$'(05-$-(2#$I/4B*$ "*5$ /J#4#.$ "(5$ &*)-/0:$ -/$ *4:/4#?$ *4.$ -"#5#$A(44#05$*4.$-"#(0$7,#5-$*0#$#X)(-#.$ -/$5##$A"*-L5$(45(.#K$1(0#)-/0$Z/"4$;*0.:$ 6#+(#D#5$ I(++:$ I/4B*$ (5$ D#0:$ J*55(/4*-#$ *6/,-$ )"/)/+*-#$ *4.$ "(5$ #4-",5(*52$ (5$ )*-)"(47K$ gHe LOVES chocolate and everything that has even the slightest association with chocolate, and most of all, he loves that people love his chocolate. It is impossible not to get wrapped up in Willy Wonka’s passion for chocolate. You’ll

see,”$ 5*(.$ ;*0.:K$ d4$ *..(-(/4$ -/$ Q"*0+(#$ S,)B#-?$ -"#0#L5$ <,7,5-,5$ `+//J?$ c(/+#-$ S#*,0#7*0.#?$c#0,)*$3*+-$*4.$R(B#$!#*D##K$ <+/47$A(-"$*$-/,0?$#*)"$)"(+.$A(++$*+5/$7#-$ *$+(&#-(2#$5,JJ+:$/&$)*4.:N$S,-?$A*(-?$)/,+.$ -"#0#$6#$*4$#D#4$6#--#0$J0(>#$/4$-"#$+(4#u$ Q"*0+(#$(5$5//4$7/(47$-/$'(4.$/,-N f*-:$ S0/A4?$ -"#$ *0-(5-()$ .(0#)-/0$ /&$ !"#$ S*0-#0$ T+*:#05$ (5$ #X)(-#.$ -/$ 60(47$ -"(5$ 5"/A$ -/$ )"(+.0#4$ /&$ *++$ *7#5$ -"(5$ 5,22#0K$ d-$ (5$ &,++$ /&$ (2*7(4*-(/4$ *4.$ B(.5$ *0#$ -"#$ 6#5-$ A"#4$ (-$ )/2#5$ -/$ (2*7(4*-(/4$5"#$6#+(#D#5.“’Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ is going to be great: true to the book and truly magical and mysterious. Mandy Williams has written some wonderful original music that really captures the world of Willy Wonka.” !()B#-5$*0#$\OOK$Q*++$WEUKUWPK8[[O$/0$ D(5(-$ AAAKS*0-#0!"#*-0#K)/2$ &/0$ 2/0#$ (4&/02*-(/4K

Enter a world of imagination with The Barter Players as they present “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”

Page 30, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

The Fishin’ Hole” Remembering Andy Gri%th %4#$ /&$ 2:$ &*D/0(-#$ 2/D(#5?$ V()"*0.$ R,++(7*4L5$ “Same Time Next Year”$^O[EP_$(5$6,(+-$*0/,4.$ *$ 5#0(#5$ /&$ D(.#/$ 2/4-*7#5$ )"0/4()+(47$ -"#$ -A#4-:@'(D#@:#*0$ +/D#$ *&&*(0$ 6#-A##4$ `#/07#$ *4.$ 1/0(5$ ^J+*:#.$ 6:$ <+*4$ <+.*$ *4.$ =++#4$ S,05-:4_$ -"*-$ 6#7*4$ (4$ O[]O$*4.$)/4-(4,#.$-"0/,7"$-"#$ +*-#$ O[EG5K$ <))/2J*4(#.$ 6:$ -"#$ J/(74*4-$“The Last Time I Felt Like This”$ ^*$ .,#-$ 6:$ Z/"44:$ R*-"(5$ *4.$Z*4#$%+(D/0_?$-"#5#$2/4-*7#5$ 7(D#$ )/4-#X-$ -/$ -"#$ *44,*+$ 2##-(475$ /&$ /,0$ -A/$ *.,+-#0/,5$ +/D#05K$ !"#$ O[UO@O[UU$ 2/4-*7#$ J0#5#4-5$ ,5$ A(-"$ (2*7#5$ /&$ *5-0/4*,-$Z/"4$`+#44?$!c$+*A:#0$ T#00:$ R*5/4?$ -"#$ 6,(+.(47$ /&$ -"#$ S#0+(4$ I*++?$ a*-*+(#$ I//.$ (4$ “West Side Story,”$ R*0-(4$ M,-"#0$ f(47$ *-$ -"#$ O[U8$ R*0)"$ /4$ I*5"(47-/4?$ Z/"4$ f#44#.:?$ Z0K$ 5*+,-(47$ "(5$ .#*.$ &*-"#0?$ *$ 70/,J$ /&$ )0*>#.$ 7(0+5$ "/+.(47$ ,J$ *$ “Beatles 4 Ever”$ 6*44#0?$ *$ 52(+(47$ S*00:$ `/+.A*-#0?$ MSZ$ *4.$ ;,6#0-$ ;,2J"0#:$ /4$ "/05#6*)B?$ <44#--#$ H,4()#++/$ *4.$ H0*4B(#$ <D*+/4$ 5-0/++(47$ *+/47$ -"#$ 6#*)"?$ *$ J*0*.#$ /&$ c(#-4*2$ A*0$ J0/-#5-#05?$ <--(),5$ H(4)"$ (4$ -"#$ )/,0-0//2$ ^&0/2$ V()"*0.$R,++(7*4L5$#*0+(#0$()/4()$ '(+2$ “To Kill A Mockingbird”),$ *4.?$*5$:/,$2(7"-$"*D#$7,#55#.?$ <4.:$ *4.$ "(5$ 5/4?$ %J(#?$ &0/2$ “The Andy Grif!ith Show”.$ !"#$ *JJ#*0*4)#$ /&$ <4.:$ `0(&'(-"$ (4$ -"(5$ 2/4-*7#$ (5$ -#++(47v(4$ -"#$ 2(.5-$ /&$ -"(5$ D#0:$ -,06,+#4-$ J#0(/.?$ A"#4$ /,0$ 5#45#5$ A#0#$ *55*,+-#.$ 6:$ 0*,)/,5$ A*0$ J0/-#5-/05?$ 5)0#*2(47$ S#*-+#2*4(*@(4&#5-#.$ &#2*+#5?$ `/+.A*-#0L5$ J*0*4/(.$ 0*4-5?$ )"/0,5#5$ /&$ gI#$ 3"*++$

%D#0)/2#?k$ *4.$ -",4.#0/,5$ #XJ+/5(/45$ &0/2$ a<3<L5$ 2//4@ 6/,4.$ 0/)B#-5?$ R*:6#00:$ J0/D(.#.$ *4$ /*5(5v*+6#(-$ *$ D#0:$ ,40#*+(5-()$ /4#v&0/2$ *++$ -"(5$ 4/(5#K$ <5$ V()"*0.$ f#++:$ ^4/$ 0#+*-(/4?$ *+-"/,7"$ d$ .(.$ A/0B$ A(-"$ "(2$ *-$ -"#$ b4(D#05(-:$ /&$ !#44#55##_$4/-#.$(4$"(5$5)"/+*0+:$ :#-$ #4-#0-*(4(47$ O[PO$ 6//B?$ The Andy Grif!ith Show?$ “the series offers a needed parable for our times. Like the solid old westerns that create a dream vision of the American past, with its clear moral code, the Grif!ith show captures a romantic myth that continues to entice and satisfy our yearnings for a simpler world, one

!illed with hope, purpose, respect, love, laughter, understanding, and a sense, of belonging and permanence.”$ T#0"*J5$ -"(5$ #XJ+*(45$ A":$ <4.:$ `0(&'(-"$ (5$ /&-#4$)/2J*0#.$-/$<--(),5$H(4)"?$ "(5$+*A@#4&/0)#2#4-$)/,4-#0J*0-$ &0/2$ *4/-"#0$ 52*++$ 3/,-"#04$ -/A4$.,0(47$-"#$5*2#$J#0(/.K 1,0(47$ -"#$ `0(&'(-"$ 5"/AL5$ #(7"-@:#*0$ 0,4?$ &0/2$ O[UG@UP?$ d$ A*5$ +(D(47$ (4$ *$ 52*++$ -/A4$ (4$ A#5-#04$ a/0-"$ Q*0/+(4*?$ 4/-$ &*0$ &0/2$R-K$<(0:?$-"#$(45J(0*-(/4$&/0$ -"#$ '()-(/4*+$ -/A4$ /&$ R*:6#00:K$ H(4.(47$ 2:5#+&$ (22#05#.$ (4$ -"#$ Y/:5$ *4.$ "/00/05$ /&$ 52*++$ -/A4$ +(&#?$ d$ "*.$ 4/$ .#5(0#$ -/$ +(D#$ (4$

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July 17, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 31

Page 32, The Loafer • July 17, 2012

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