Page 2, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 3
Volume 26 Issue #35
Publisher - Bill Williams • Editor - Sandi Williams • Layout & Design - Christy Leach • O!ce Manager - Luci Tate Cover Design - Bill May • Graphic Arts Director - Don Sprinkle • Photography - Mark Marquette Contributing Sta" - Jim Kelly, Andy Ross, Ken Silvers, Mark Marquette, Pat Bussard Advertising - Dave Carter, Akey Kincaid, Mark Marquette, Lisa Lyons, Brian Still Published by Creative Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 3596, Johnson City, TN 37602 Phone: 423/283-4324 FAX - 423/283-4369 • e-mail: (editorial) (advertising All advertisements are accepted and published by the publisher upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof.The agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and save the publisher harmless from any loss of expense resulting from claims or suits based upon contents of any advertisement,including claims or suits for defamation,libel,right of privacy,plagiarism,and copyright infringement.
Page 4, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
Johnson City Welcomes the Umoja Festival
&'+% ('"#?% &#% #$*% $*&0#% -.% #$*% *9*'#3%4&8#%*9*'#8%$&9*%"',)(+*+% E*))^K'-E'% 8#-0?#*))"';% ;0-(483% "',)(+"';% #$*% `22W% 8#-0?#*))"';% .*&#(0*3% Tribes and Bridges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a`1C% Va1^VTX`% -0% Ba`1C% a`X^`Y\T@
August 10th and 11th !"#$% &'% &''(&)% &##*'+&',*% -.% /-0*% #$&'% 123222% 4*-4)*3% #$*% 5/-6&% 7*8#"9&)% :0"';8% "'% 4*-4)*% .0-/% <&8#% =*''*88**% &'+% &,0-88% #$*% 0*;"-'% #-% ,*)*:0&#*% >.0",&'% >/*0",&'% ,()#(0*3% +"9*08"#?% &'+% #$*% &,,*4#&',*% &'+% *+(,&#"-'% -.% -#$*0% ,()#(0*8@% =$*% <&8#% =*''*88**% A#&#*% 5'"9*08"#?% B<=A5C% 5/-6&D5'"#?% 7*8#"9&)% "8% $*)+% &''(&))?% "'% >(;(8#% -'% #$*% ;0-('+8% -.% #$*% Freedom Hall Civic Center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ohnson City Convention and Visitors Bureau@% % FL#G8% 9*0?% "'#*0*8#"';% #-% 8**% #$*% ,()#(0*8% &'+% #0&+"#"-'8% ,*)*:0&#*+% &#% #$"8% .*8#"9&)3% E$",$% #0()?% :0"';8% #-;*#$*0% &% E"+*% 0&';*% -.% *#$'","#"*8% #-% ,*)*:0&#*% #$*"0% +"..*0*',*8@M%%% =$*%5/-6&%7*8#"9&)3%,0*&#*+%:?% 5/-6&3%&%,-//('"#?%-0;&'"N&#"-'% -.% O-$'8-'% P"#?% E$-8*% ;-&)% "8% #-% 40-/-#*%*#$'",%+"9*08"#?%&'+%#$*% F('"9*08&)% )-9*% -.% )".*3M% "8% $*)+% "'% ,-'6(',#"-'% E"#$% #$*% <=A5%
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August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 5
Original music contest This year, Hands On! Regional Museum will celebrate its 25th birthday! Help us celebrate by creating an original piece of music, with or without words, that represents the fun children and families have while visiting Hands On!
Use your instruments, use your hands, use your imagination! Guidelines: ¥ must be an original track created by a local musician or band ¥ track must be editable to 15, 30, and 60 seconds long ¥ child and family friendly ¥ submission deadline: October 1, 2012 If your track is selected, it will be featured on the museumÕs TV commercials, radio ads, and available for download on the web and facebook pages. This is a great way to promote yourself or your band!
All tracks submitted become the property of Hands On! Regional Museum with credit given to writers and musicians.
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7-2012 198
To submit your original track email to:
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n g i o d sM u s nal
Virginia Living Magazine named 32 Abingdon Businesses & Orginzations as “The Best of Virginia” Virginia Living% 4(:)",&#"-'% ,-'+(,#*+% 8(09*?8% 8*&0,$"';% .-0% F#$*% :*8#% 0*8#&(0&'#8% &'+% :&083% 8$-48% &'+% :-(#"b(*83% *9*'% +*0/&#-)-;"8#8% &'+% &0,$"#*,#8M% .0-/%&,0-88%#$*%P-//-'E*&)#$@%% Z*&0)?%#*'%#$-(8&'+%0*84-'+*+% &'+% 1`% =-E'% -.% >:"';+-'% :(8"'*88*8% &'+% -0;&'"N&#"-'8% /&+*% #$*% ,(#3% :0"';"';% $-/*% “Best of Virginia”% &E&0+8% "'% #$*% A-(#$E*8#*0'% 0*;"-'@% % “Virginia Living is a high-quality life and lifestyle magazine about Virginia and Abingdon is honored to have so many of our great businesses represented in their “Best of Virginia” section,”% 8&"+% ]*9"'% P-8#*))-3%Q"0*,#-0%-.%=-(0"8/%.-0% #$*%=-E'%-.%>:"';+-'. “It really goes to show how popular many of Abingdon’s local business are throughout Virginia.” =-E'% -.% >:"';+-'%:(8"'*88*8%#--K%$-/*% #$"0#**'% F7"08#% [)&,*M% &E&0+83% E"#$% 8*9*0&)% :(8"'*88*8% &'+% -0;&'"N&#"-'8% 0*,*"9"';% &E&0+8% "'%+"..*0*'#%,&#*;-0"*8@%% =$*% =-E'% -.% >:"';+-'% E"))% 0*,-;'"N*% #$*% E"''*08% +(0"';% #$*%J*&,$%[&0#?%-'%>(;(8#%TY#$% &#% c&##(0*% 7"*)+% .0-/% X^T24/@%%
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Page 6, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
New Music Releases
Jamey Johnson Will Release Hank Cochran Tribute Album Livin For a Song, on Oct. 16. % =$"8% TX^8-';% 40-6*,#% .*&#(0*8% , - ) ) & : - 0 & # " - ' 8% E"#$% !"))"*% Z*)8-'3% e*0)*% f&;;&0+3% ]0"8% ]0"8#-..*08-'3% g*-0;*% A#0&"#3% <//?)-(% f&00"83% >)"8-'% ]0&(883% <)9"8% P-8#*))-3% h&?% [0",*3% h-''"*%Q(''3%d"',*%g"))3%c**%>''% !-/&,K% &'+% -#$*08@% FIf I had to dream up somebody like Hank to in!luence songwriters, I couldn’t have done a better job,”% O-$'8-'% 8&?8. “That’s what he was--not just for me, but for Willie and for a lot of people--just a helpful friend. If he knew you needed help with something, he could help you. He was there. And that’s what I want to be for the people in my life, same as Hank. He in!luenced me, not only as an artist and songwriter, but also as a person.”% =$*% '*E% &):(/%"8%&%.-))-E^(4%#-%#$*%`22Y%
&):(/% That Lonesome Song3% E$",$% E&8% ,*0#"S"*+% 4)&#"'(/% &'+% ('"9*08&))?% $&")*+% :?% ,0"#",8% &8% &% /&8#*04"*,*@% L'% `22W3% $*% E-'% A-';% -.% #$*% i*&0% .0-/% #$*% P-('#0?% e(8",% >88-,"&#"-'% &'+% #$*% >,&+*/?% -.% P-('#0?% e(8",% .-0% ,-^E0"#"';% #$*% g*-0;*% A#0&"#% $"#%“Give It Away.”%f*%E-'%A-';%-.% #$*%i*&0%.0-/%:-#$%-0;&'"N&#"-'8% #E-% ?*&08% )&#*0% .-0% “In Color,”% &'+% &)8-% 0*,*"9*+% S"9*% g0&//?% '-/"'&#"-'8%+(0"';%`22V^T2@% Easton Corbin will release All Over The Road, Sept. 18.%=$*%TT^8-';% 8*#%"',)(+*8%#$*%.&8#^0"8"';%8"';)*% “Lovin’ You Is Fun”@ “‘All Over the Road’ is a fun title,”% <&8#-'% ,-'#*'+83% “but it’s also actually what we’re doing out there. We’re all over the road trying to get music out to everybody, so I just thought it made sense.”% =$"8% "8% #$*% .-))-E^(4% #-% <&8#-'G8% 8*).^ #"#)*+% `2T2% &):(/% .*&#(0"';% $"8% S"08#% #E-% 8"';)*8% ^% “A Little More Country Than That”%&'+%“Roll With It” ^%/&K"';%$"/%#$*%S"08#%,-('#0?% /&)*% &0#"8#% "'% TW% ?*&08% #-% $&9*% $"8% S"08#% #E-% ,-'8*,(#"9*% 8"';)*8% 0*&,$% Z-@% T@% % <'#*0#&"'/*'#% !**K)?% 8&"+% “He is singing oldschool songs, full of wit and heart,”
and “It sounds effortless…sit back and remember why you fell in love with country music in the !irst place.”% J")):-&0+% '&/*+% <&8#-'% #$*% =-4% Z*E% P-('#0?% >0#"8#% -.% `2T2% E$")*% [*-4)*% 8#&#*+% “… sounds like the second coming of George Strait with his neotraditional tunes.”% L'% Q*,*/:*0%
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August 7, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 7
Theatre Bristol Celebrates
The Mumford and sons
=$"8%8$-E%"8%8(0*%#-%:*%#&)K*+%&:-(#%.-0% &%)-';%#"/*%E"#$%)"9*%/(8",%-'%8#&;*%.0-/%% T[e%=^%T`>e%A&#(0+&?3%>(;(8#%TT@%<'6-?% 8-/*%-.%#$*%:*8#%)-,&)%/(8","&'8%&'+%#$*%
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FREE WATER For Designated Drivers
For more information about this event visit Theatre Bristol on Facebook
Page 8, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012
Art Exhibits
The William King Museum: Center for Art and Cultural Heritage announces exhibition, reDomestication: Ceramics by Birdie Boone >(;(8#%1T%^Q*,*/:*0%`13%`2T`
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Walk in the WellFields with Carrie Sparks% &#% #$*% f*)*'% !"))"&/8% J&0:0-E% L'#*040*#&#"9*% =0&")_% A&)#9"))*3% d>@% A4-'8-0*+% :?k% e(8*(/% -.% #$*% e"++)*% >44&)&,$"&'8%d"0;"'"&%f";$)&'+8% [0-;0&/%[&0#'*0%A('+&?3%>(;(8#% T`3%&#%`k22%4@/@%P-'#&,#k%e(8*(/% `WX^aVX^1X11@%=$*%E&)K%.-))-E8% #$*%2@X%/")*%)-';%f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e(8*(/% "8% -4*'% e-'+&?% ^A&#(0+&?% .0-/% T2k22% &/% ^% ak22% 4/% &'+% A('+&?% .0-/% Tk22% 4/% ^% ak22% 4/@% % >+/"##&',*% "8% >+()#8% m1@223% A*'"-0% P"#"N*'8% m`@22@% P$")+0*'% X^T`% m`@22@% % Website Music in the Park A('+&?3% >(;(8#% T`3% 14/^% \4/@% =$*% f"8#-0",% =0**% A#0**#8% Z*";$:-0$--+%e(8",%"'%#$*%[&0K% E"))% .*&#(0*% #$*% UN-'*% h&';*08@% =$*% ,-',*0#% "8% "'% d*#*0&'8% [&0K3% T22\% A-(#$E*8#% >9*'(*3% O@P@% J0"';% ?-(0% )&E'% ,$&"0% -0% :)&'K*#% &'+% 84*'+% &% 0*)&H"';% &.#*0'--'%('+*0%#$*%8$&+*%#0**8@%
August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 9
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The William King Museum: Center for Art and Cultural Heritage NEW membership program@% !"#$% #E-% 8"/4)*% ,$-",*8% &'+% &% '*E% &00&?% -.% :*'*S"#83% #$*8*% /*/:*08$"48% &0*% #$*% 4*0.*,#% F-'*% 8"N*% S"#8% &))@M% L'+"9"+(&)% /*/:*08$"48%&0*%ma2@%L'+"9"+(&)% 8*'"-08% BX\nC3% #*&,$*083% &'+% &,#"9*%/")"#&0?%/*/:*08$"48%&0*% m12@% 7&/")?% /*/:*08$"48% &0*% mX\%E$",$%,-9*0%#E-%&+()#8%)"9"';% "'% #$*% 8&/*% $-(8*$-)+@% A*'"-08% BX\nC3% #*&,$*083% &'+% &,#"9*% /")"#&0?%.&/")?%/*/:*08$"48%&0*% m\\@%!"#$%#$*8*%0*+*S"'*+%)*9*)83% &++"#"-'&)% :*'*S"#8% E"))% '-E% :*% "',)(+*+% E"#$% &))% /*/:*08$"48@% 7-0% /-0*% "'.-0/&#"-'% www. or 276-628-5005@% U0% 4(0,$&8*% /*/:*08$"48% -')"'*% &#% www.
2012 Abingdon Music Experience Beach August 18th, 2012@% =$*% 8-('+8% -.% :*&,$% /(8",% S"))% c&##(0*% 7"*)+% .0-/% X4/^T24/@% >+/"88"-'% "8% 7h<<% #-% $*&0% =$*% <'#*0#&"'*08% &'+% h";$#% =-% [&0#?@% % >% .&/")?%% .0"*'+)?% *9*'#% E"#$% "'S)&#&:)*8% .-0% #$*% K"+8% &'+% .--+% &'+% :*9*0&;*% 9*'+-08% -'% 8"#*@%
Continued on page 10
Page 10, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
Continued from page 9 c&##(0*% 7"*)+% "8% )-,&#*+% :*$"'+% #$*%>:"';+-'%[-)",*%Q*4&0#/*'#% -'%a`\%!*8#%e&"'%A#0**#@%P-'#&,#% #$*% >:"';+-'% P-'9*'#"-'% &'+% d"8"#-08% J(0*&(% &#% 276-6762282 -0% 1-800-435-3440@% J0"';% ?-(0% )&E'% ,$&"0% &'+% ?-(0% 8-(#$*0'%8$&;%/-9*8l
Tri-Cities Greek Fest! Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 11 a.m.10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18. 70**%&'+%-4*'%#-%#$*%4(:)",% 0&"'%-0%8$"'*%j%.*8#"9"#"*8%E"))%:*% $*)+%"'+--08%&'+%-(#+--08%('+*0% )&0;*%#*'#83%&'+%#$*0*%"8%4)*'#?%-.% 4&0K"';@% % c"8#*'% #-% #$*% )"9*% :&'+% The Greek Tycoons_% &'+% *'6-?% ;?0-8% &'+% g0**K% .0"*8_% &% g0**K% +&',*% #0-(4*_% &'+% ,$")+0*'G8% &0*&% .*&#(0"';% &'% "'S)&#&:)*% -:8#&,)*% ,-(08*3% .&,*^ 4&"'#"';3% :*&':&;% #-883% &'+% /-0*l% =$*% ,$(0,$% E"))% -..*0% #-(08% ;"9"';% ;(*8#8% &% ,)-8*^(4% )--K% #-% #$*% g0**K% U0#$-^ +-H% P$(0,$3% /&88&;*8% :?% &% )",*'8*+% /&88&;*% #$*0&4"8#3% &'+% &% g0**K% #&9*0'@% 7--+% "',)(+*83% 8-(9)&K"%B4-0K%K&:-:8C_% 4&8#",$"-% Bg0**K^8#?)*% )&8&;'&C3% /-(88&K&% B*;;4)&'#% &'+% 4-#&#-% ,&88*0-)*C3%g0**K%8&)&+3% &% 9*;*#&0"&'% 4)&#*3% &'+% 84&'&K-4"#&% B84"'&,$% 4"*C% &'+% % 9&0"*#?% -.% +*)","-(8% g0**K% 4&8^ #0"*8@% % g0**K% .0&44*8%
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ing Stock, Best Weathered Diesel Locomotive and Best Weathered Steam Locomotive. =$*% J*8#% -.% A$-E% E"'8% m\2% ;".#% ,*0#"S",&#*% .0-/% !*8#% d"0;"'"&% f-::"*8% &'+% P0&.#8@% 7"08#^4)&,*% E"''*08% 0*^ ,*"9*% m`2% ;".#% ,*0#"S",&#*8% .0-/% :-#$% f-::?#-E'% 5A>% &'+% QPP% L'8#&))8% &'+% A&)*8@% A*,-'+^4)&,*3% #$"0+^4)&,*% &'+% $-'-0&:)*% /*'^ #"-'% E"''*08% 0*,*"9*% &E&0+8% -.% 0*,-;'"#"-'@% % % P-'#*8#&'#8% /&?% 8(:/"#% &8% /&'?% *'#0"*8% &8% #$*?% E"8$3% :(#% ,&'% E"'% -')?% -',*% "'% *&,$% ,&#*;-0?@% <'#0?% .-0/8% &0*% &9&")&:)*%&#%#$*%/(8*(/%-0%f-:^ :?#-E'% 5A>3% -0% &#% www.memrr. org@% % <'#0"*8% E"))% :*% +"84)&?*+% "'% ,&8*8% "'% #$*% /(8*(/G8% /&"'% *H$":"#%0--/3%E$*0*%9"8"#-08%,&'% 9-#*% .-0% .&9-0"#*8@% =$*% E"''"';% /-+*)8% E"))% :*% &''-(',*+% -'% A*4#@% TY@% P-'#&,#% f?+*0% &#% -0% Q0@% 70*+% >)8-43% e<ehh% 40*8"^ +*'#%&'+%+"0*,#-0%-.%#$*%/(8*(/% Barter Theatre “The Red Velvet Cake War” By Jones, Hope and Wooten continues until August 18th@%=$"8%8$-E%40-/"8*8%#$&#%&% ,0&9"';% .-0% &% ;--+3% .&/")?^,*'^
#*0*+% A-(#$*0'% ,-/*+?% "8% 8&#"8^ S"*+@% “’The Red Velvet Cake War’ is a wonderful Southern comedy with characters that we all might recognize from our own families (though maybe not admit to!),” 8&"+% Q"0*,#-0% Z",$-)&8% ["4*0@% “And the crazier things get for the Verdeens, the more we can relate to them, because no one can !ight as mean, love as deep, or laugh as hard as family.”% =",K*#8% &0*k%% m123%m1a3%m1V@%%!"#$%#$*%h*+%d*)^ 9*#%P&K*%[&,K&;*3%;0-(48%-.%W%-0% /-0*% 0*,*"9*% &% )&0;*% 0*+% 9*)9*#% ,&K*% &'+% +0"'K% .0-/% =$*% J&0#*0% P&.o% 4)(8% &% #",K*#% .-0% #$"8% 8$-E% .-0% m12% &% 4*0% 4*08-'% P-'#&,#% `WX@X`Y@1VVT%-0%9"8"#%J&0#*0=$*^ &#0*@,-/@% Solar Workshop: Invest in Solar in 2012, Tuesday, August 21, 5:30-8:00pm.%O-"'%c";$#!&9*% A-)&0%"'%O-$'8-'%P"#?%.-0%&'%"'.-0^ /&#"9*% 8-)&0% E-0K8$-4% #-% )*&0'% E$?%`2T`%"8%#$*%:*8#%?*&0%#-%"'^ 9*8#% "'% 8-)&0@% !*% E"))% ,-9*0% #$*% #?4*8% -.% 8-)&0% *'*0;?% 4&,K&;*83% ,(00*'#% &'+% .(#(0*% "',*'#"9*83% &'+%8-)&0%40-6*,#%$";$)";$#8@%%=$*% E-0K8$-4% E"))% :*% $*)+% &#% Z*)^
Continued on page 11
August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 11
Continued from page 10
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Page 12, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
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August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 13
The Foggy Valley Murder Mystery
LampLight Theatre August 10-12
A Whodunit Slapstick Comedy. =$*%c&/4c";$#%=$*&#0*% ;*&08% (4% E"#$% #$*% '*H#% :"N&00*% &+9*'#(0*%.0-/%#$*%7-;;?%d&))*?% g&';@%%A-/*#$"';%8#0&';*%"8%;-"';% -'%&#%#$*%g--+"'%7&/")?%7('*0&)% [&0)-0% B=&H"+*0/?% &'+% !*++"';% P$&4*)C@% % >% 8*9*0*% 8#-0/% $&8% $"#% 7-;;?% d&))*?% &'+% #$*% 7('*0&)% [&0)-0% $&8% :*,-/*% &% 0*.(;*% .-0% 8-/*% 4*,()"&03% ('*H4*,#*+% -9*0'";$#% 9"8"#-08% "',)(+"';% &% .-0*";'% +*#*,#"9*@% >% 4-E*0% -(#&;*% &))-E8% .-0% &% /(0+*0*0% #-% *8,&4*%#$*%)-,&)%6&")@%=$"8%"8%&%8(0*% 0*,"4*%.-0%/&?$*/%&8%#$*%g--+"'% 7&/")?% &'+% .0"*'+8% 0*#(0'% #-% #$*% 8#&;*%"'%“The Foggy Valley Murder Mystery.” =$"';8%;-%F:(/4%"'%#$*%'";$#M% &'+% 0*8()#% "'% #$*% /(0+*0% -.% -'*% -.%#$*%('E&'#*+%;(*8#8@%%!"#$%'-% 4$-'*%8*09",*%&'+%0-&+8%:)-,K*+3% #$*% 7-;;?% d&))*?% g&';% 8,0&/:)*% #-% 40-#*,#% #$*/8*)9*8@% >8% #$*% *9*'"';% 40-;0*88*83% 4*-4)*% +"8&44*&0% &'+% 4&'+*/-'"(/% :0*&K8%-(#%"'#-%$")&0"-(8%:*+)&/@% !"#$% #$*% $*)4% -.% 0*+^'*,K% U#"8% [(0+?% B7('*0&)% f-/*% 8*,(0"#?% -.S",*0C3% P)-9"8% J-+"'*% B$"8% 8"+*^K",KC% &'+% >0#$(0% e,Q&9*0% B#$*% '*E% 6&'"#-0C3% #$*% ;&';% "8% +*#*0/"'*+% 8-)9*% #$*% /(0+*0% &'+%,&#,$%#$*%K"))*0%:?%.-))-E"';% ,)(*8%#$&#%$&9*%:**'%)*.#%:*$"'+@%% Z**+)*88%#-%8&?3%#$*?%#&K*%/&##*08% "'#-%#$*"0%-E'%$&'+8@% A4--)"*% &'+% e&/&% g--+"'% +*,"+*%#-%$&9*%&%)"##)*%F/*/-0"&)% 8*09",*M% .-0% #$*% +*,*&8*+% E$")*% 8*,0*#)?% #0?"';% #-% ;*#% #-% #$*% :-##-/% -.% #$"';8% &'+% S)(8$^ -(#% #$*% /(0+*0*0@% =$*% 8*09",*% "',)(+*8% 84*,"&)% /(8",% :?% =$*% g--+"'% 7&/")?% A"';*083% e"88% P)*/*'#"'*% f-;;3% &'+% <)9"8% L/4*08-'&#-03% P)-9"8% J-+"'*@% 7)-% h&K*8#0&E% E"))% 8$&0*% $*0% "'#*040*#"9*% /-9*/*'#% &)-';% E"#$% 84*,"&)% 0*,"#&#"-'8% .0-/% d"0;")%&'+%$"8%8"8#*083%L/&%&'+%50&% g--+"'@% % h*9@% P)?+*% f(/4*0+"'K% E"))% :0"';% &% ;0*&#% /*88&;*% -.% 0*9*)&#"-'% #$&#% "8% 8(0*% #-% *H4-8*% #$*%F8"''*0M%B/(0+*0*0C%&/-';8#% #$*/@% =$*% &(+"*',*% E"))% $&9*% #$*% -44-0#('"#?%#-%8-)9*%#$*%/?8#*0?@%% =$*% 8$-E% E"))% $&9*% 8(040"8*%
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>+()#83%m\%A#(+*'#83%&'+%70**%.-0% ,$")+0*'%('+*0%X@ 7-0% 0*8*09&#"-'8% &'+% "'.-0/&#"-'3% 4)*&8*% ,-'#&,#% #$*% c&/4c";$#% :-H% -.S",*% &#% Ba`1C% 1aY^WXT23% e-'+&?^% 70"+&?% .0-/% V%&@/@%^%\%4@/@%-0%-')"'*%&#%EEE@ )&/4)";$##$*&#0*@,-/@%
Page 14, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012
Ventures and Vistas of Unaka Montain Day Tripper Series by Rebekah Wilson
Beauty Spot from the parking lot
August 7, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 15 4&0K"';%)--4@%=$*%E&)K%#-%#$*%#-4% -.% #$*% ;0&88?% K'-:% "8% 8$-0#% &'+% 0*E&0+"';@% >#% #$*% 4*&K% "8% &% S"0*% 4"#%&'+%#$0**%+*8,*'+"';%#0&")8@% AE&))-E#&")% 4"4*9"'*% &'+% 4*&0)% ,0*8,*'#% :(##*0S)"*83% :**83% &'+% :**#)*8% :(NN% &0-('+% 4-))"'&#"';% #$*% S)*&:&'*83% ?&00-E8% &'+% -H*?*% 8('S)-E*08@% !$*'%L%;*#%:&,K%"'%/?%#0(,K3%#$*% +-;% $-48% &,0-88% /*% ,-9*0*+% "'% #$*"0%8#&/*'8@ =$0**%/")*8%.0-/%h-,K%P0**K% h-&+%"8%&'-#$*0%.-0K@%L%+0"9*%)*.#% &'+%2@1%/")*8%#-%5'&K&%e-('#&"'% U9*0)--K@% =$"8% "8% &% ;0&9*)% )-#%
Beauty Spot from the Peak =$*% 0$-+-+*'+0-'8% &0*% +0-44"';% #$*"0% :(+8% &'+% #$*% :)&N"';% :&,K8"+*% -.% 8(//*0% $&8% &00"9*+@% >.#*0% *H$&(8#"';% #$*% )-,&)% 4--)8% &'+% 8E"//"';% $-)*83%$"K"';%#$*%$";$*0%&)#"#(+*8% .**)8%)"K*%,&#,$"';%/?%:0*&#$%"'%&% S"0*@% 5'&K&% e-('#&"'% -.#*'% ;-*8% ('/*'#"-'*+% "'% 8(;;*8#"-'8% .-0% 8(//*0%$"K*8_%$-E*9*03%"#%"8%'-#% .&0% .0-/% #-E'3% -..*08% "',0*+":)*% 9"*E83% &'+% "8% &,,*88":)*% :?% .--#3% 9*$",)*%-0%$--.@% 70-/%L^`X3%L%#(0'%)*.#%-..%<H"#% 1X% -'#-% f&00"8% f-))-E% h-&+@% L%
/&K*% &% 0";$#% -'#-% Z-0#$% e&"'% Swallowtail pipevine butter!ly A#0**#% B=Z^T2WC% &'+% &% )*.#% -'#-% #$*% 0-&+% ,0-88*8% #$*% Z-0#$% h-,K%P0**K%h-&+%Bf";$E&?%1V\3% P&0-)"'&%:-0+*0%"'#-%[-4)&03%&'+% T2#$%A#@C%U',*%L%4&88%#$*%!&$--8% #$*% ;0&9*)% 0-&+% .-0K8% )*.#% -'#-% h&.#"';% U(#4-8#3% L% *'#*0% #$*% 5'&K&%e-('#&"'%h-&+@%=$*%0-&+% .-0*8#@% =$*% &"0% ,--)8% /*% )"K*% &% "8% 8("#&:)*% .-0% /-8#% ,&08@% U#$*0% ,0"84%/-0'"';3%&'+%L%&/%.0**%.0-/% #$&'%&%.*E%+"483%"#%"8%8/--#$%E"#$% #$*% $(/"+"#?@% L% 4&88% #$*% h-,K% E"+*% #(0'8@% =$*% >44&)&,$"&'% P0**K% h*,0*&#"-'% >0*&% &.#*0% 1@`% =0&")% "'#*08*,#8% #$*% 0-&+% &#% 2@a% /")*8% E$",$% -..*08% ,&/4% 8"#*83% &% /")*8%E$*0*%-..^0-&+%#0&")8%:*;"'% 840"';%E&#*0%8E"//"';%4--)%&'+% &#%9&0"-(8%4-"'#8%&)-';%#$*%/&"'% &%$"K*%#-%h-,K%P0**K%7&))8@% 0-&+@ L% ,-'#"'(*% -'% h-,K% P0**K% =$*% S"08#% -9*0)--K% "8% #$*% h-&+% #-E&0+% 5'&K&3% [-4)&0% &'+% 4-4()&0% J*&(#?% A4-#3% `% /")*8% L'+"&'% g0&9*% g&4@% >#% #$*% 4*&K% .0-/% 1V\@% !$*0*% #$*% ;0&9*)% -.% #$*% /-('#&"'% &.#*0% X@1% /")*83% .-0K83% L% #(0'% 0";$#% (4% #-% #$*%
Wild blueberries
E"#$%&%S"0*%4"#%&'+%&%9"*E%-.%#$*% /-('#&"'8%#$&#%.&+*8%.0-/%;0**'% "'#-%&%.-;%-.%;0&?8%&'+%:)(*8@%=$*% .-(0^/")*%h&##)*8'&K*%h"+;*%#0&")% 9*'#(0*8%-..%.0-/%#$*%'-0#$E*8#% *'+%-.%#$*%4&0K"';%)-#%&'+%)*&+8% #-%#$*%h-,K%P0**K%,&/4;0-('+@ L% 0*#(0'% #-% #$*% .-0K% &'+% +0"9*% 8#0&";$#% T@`% /")*8% #-% A#&/4"';% g0-('+% h"+;*% #0&")@% L% *&#% E")+% :)(*:*00"*8% &8% L% #0&9*)% #$*% ;0&88?% #0&")% :-0+*0*+% :?% )",$*'83% 0$-+-+*'+0-'8% &'+% :)&,K:*00"*8@% =$"8% 8"#*% "8% S)&#% "'% 4)&,*83% $&8% &% S"0*4"#% &'+% E-()+% /&K*%&'%*H,*))*'#%,&/48"#*@%
Continued on page 16
Page 16, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012
Continued from page 15
Unaka Mountain Overlook
Blue wood =$*% #0&")% "8% &))% +-E'$"))@% >:-(#% $&).E&?% +-E'3% L% *'#*0% "'#-% 0$-+-+*'+0-'% #$",K*#8@% =$*?% 8$&+*% #$*% ;0-('+% :(#% +-% '-#% ,0-E+% #$*% #0&")@% =$*'% L% &/% 8(00-('+*+% :?% 4"'*% #0**8% &'+% E&)K"';% -'% &% 8-.#% :*+% -.% .&))*'% '**+)*8@%=$"8%&0*&%E-()+%&)8-%:*% &,,-//-+&#"';%#-%,&/4*08@ >#% #$*% :-##-/3% #$*% #0&")% ,-'#"'(*8% #-% #$*% )*.#3% &'+% #$*% c"/*8#-'*% P-9*% #0&")% .-0K8% 0";$#% .-0% 1@`% /")*8% #-% #$*% c"/*8#-'*% P-9*%P&/4;0-('+@ =$*% #0&")% #-% h*+% 7-0K% 7&))8% "8% W@W% /")*8% .0-/% h-,K% P0**K% h-&+%&'+%T@`%/")*8%.0-/%=Z^T2W@% [&0K"';% "8% &9&")&:)*% &)-';% #$*% Stamping ground Ridge Trail
Continued on page 17
Continued from page 16
/&"'% 0-&+% E$",$% "8% '-E% 4&9*+@% =$"8% $"K*% "8% &440-H"/&#*)?% 2@`\% /")*8% .0-/% #$*% 0-&+% :(#% ,&'% :*% ,-'.(8"';% #-% '&9";&#*@% L#% ,0-88*8% #$*% 0"9*0% #E",*I-'*% 0";$#% &.#*0% #$*%-#$*0I:(#%"8%'*H#%#-%&%)&0;*% ,&/48"#*@% =$*% ,&/48"#*% "8% .0**% &'+%.())%-.%S"0*%4"#8%&'+%S)&#%4)&,*8% :(#%+-*8%'-#%)*&+%#-%#$*%.&))8@% U'%#$*%E&?3%L%8**%:)(*^#"'#*+% E--+% &8% ".% "#% $&+% :**'% +"44*+% "'% +?*@% >% 8&4^8#&"'% .(';(8% ,-//-')?% ,&))*+% Fg0**'% E--+^ Pearl Crescent butter!ly (orange)
August 7, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 17 Red Fork Falls
,(4M%#$0"9*8%-..%#$*%.0*8$)?%.&))*'% E--+%-.%-&K%&'+%&)+*0%#0**8%&'+% #(0'8%#$*%:&0K%&%;0**'%:)(*%,-)-0@% =$*%#0&")%)*&+8%#-%#$*%#-4%-.%#$*% .&))8% &'+% "8% &% 8#**43% 4-#*'#"&))?% 8)"44*0?%+*8,*'#@%f-)+"';%0--#8% &'+% E&)K"';% 8)-E)?% &0*% ,0(,"&)% .-0%8&.*#?@% =$*% &440-H"/&#*)?% Y2^ .--#% E&#*0.&))% /"8#8% /*% &8% L% &440-&,$% &'+% 8)"+*% 8b(&##"';% +-E'%&%8)",K%0-,K%"'#-%#$*%4--)% &#% #$*% :&8*@% =$*% E&#*0% "8% ,$"))?% :(#% 0*.0*8$"';% &.#*0% &% )-';% )&N?%
+&?@% L% ;-% #-% &% )-E*0% 4--)% E$*0*% /?% .0"*'+% e"K*% A&9&0+&% ,&#,$*8% &% '&#"9*% 0&"':-E% S"8$% &)/-8#% "'8#&'#)?@% 7-0% &:-(#% T22% ?&0+8% #$*%0"9*0%,-'#"'(*8%E"#$%8)"44*0?% 0-,K8%&'+%#0",K)"';%.&))8@ =-% *H"#3% L% ,-'#"'(*% #$*% 8&/*% +"0*,#"-'%T@`%/")*8%&'+%#(0'%-'#-% =Z^T2W% <&8#@% 7-(0% /")*8% .0-/% #$*% *H"#% "8% #$*% c"/*8#-'*% P-9*%
P&/4;0-('+@% =Z^T2W% 84)"#8% )*.#3% &'+% =Z^TW1% ;-*8% 0";$#@% =&K*% =Z% ^TW1%#$0-(;$%5'",-"%P-('#?%&'+% )*.#%#-%L^`X@% BIO:I am a senior studying journalism and Spanish at East Tennessee State University. My interests include the outdoors, travel, dogs, adrenaline, culture and trying new food. I would like
to write guide books for places which are not well-documented or be a foreign correspondent. I recently returned from studying botany and Spanish in Ecuador; the details can be found on my blog at rebekahwilsonecuador.
Page 18, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
=$*%!&#&(;&%d&))*?%h&")0-&+% f"8#-0",&)% A-,"*#?% t% e(8*(/% "8% 4)*&8*+% #-% &''-(',*% "#8% >(#(/'% c*&.% h&")% <H,(08"-'% #$0-(;$% #$*% A,*'",% f"&E&88**% h"9*0% g-0;*% "'% <&8#% =*''*88**% -'% A&#(0+&?3% U,#-:*0% X@% % P-/*% 0"+*% E"#$% (8% &'+% *H4*0"*',*% #$*% &+9*'#(0*% -.% -)+^#"/*% 0&")0-&+"';% E$")*% *'6-?"';% #$*% ;)-0?% -.% :)&N"';% &(#(/'%.-)"&;*%,-)-08%&8%E*%9"*E% #$*% /-('#&"'83% 9&))*?8% &'+% #$*% :0*&#$%#&K"';%0"9*0%;-0;*@% =$"8% E"))% :*% -(0% S"08#% -44-0#('"#?% #-% -4*0&#*% &% #0&"'% +(0"';% #$*% .&))% ,-)-08% #$0-(;$% #$*% /-8#% :*&(#".()% 0"9*0% ;-0;*% "'% #$*% 5A% &8% #$*% 0&")0-&+% #0&,K8% #0&9*)%&)-';%#$*%f"&E&88**%h"9*0@% =$*%#0"4%E"))%#&K*%&%\2^/")*3%1%u% $-(0% 0-('+% #0"4% 0&")% *H,(08"-'% &)-';% #$"8% :*&(#".()% 0"9*0% #-% #$*% .&/-(8% Ff"&E&88**% c--4@M% g*#% &% 4&'-0&/",%9"*E%-.%8-/*%-.%/-8#% 8,*'",%&0*&%"'%<&8#%=*''*88**@
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Rail Excursion, Valley Chapter Box 432 Johnson 37605- 0432.% i-(%
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August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 19
David Holts
Plays Tribute to Doc Watson Asheville
7-(0^#"/*% g0&//?% &E&0+% E"''*0%Q&9"+%f-)#%#0&,*8%#$*%)".*% &'+% )*;&,?% -.% .-)K% )*;*'+% Q-,% !&#8-'% E$-% 4&88*+% &E&?% -'% e&?%`V3%`2T`%&.#*0%&%0*/&0K&:)*% /(8",&)% ,&0**0% #$&#% *8#&:)"8$*+% $"/%.-0*9*0%&8%&%'&#"-'&)%#0*&8(0*% -.%E-0)+E"+*%"/4-0#&',*@%L'%#$"8% )"9*)?% &'+% *'#*0#&"'"';% 84*,"&)% /&#"'**% 4*0.-0/&',*3% O-"'"';% f-)#%-'%:&88%&'+%$&0/-'?%9-,&)8%
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7-0% "#8% 0-)*% "'% #$*% 40*8*09&#"-'% &'+% ,-'#"'(&#"-'% -.% #$*% #0&+"#"-'&)% /(8",3% +&',*% &'+% 8#-0?#*))"';% $*0"#&;*% -.% #$*% A-(#$*0'% >44&)&,$"&'% e-('#&"'83% Q&9"+% f-)#% $&8% '&/*+%>8$*9"))*G8%A$"'+";%-'%#$*% g0**'% &8% #$*% :*'*S","&0?% .-0% #$*% 40-,**+8%
=-% -:#&"'% /-0*% "'.-0/&#"-'% -'% A Tribute to Doc Watson with David Holt’s >(;(8#% T`3% `2T`%&#%Q"&'&%!-0#$&/%=$*&#0*% -0% #-% 4(0,$&8*% #",K*#8% Bm`2@22C3% ,&))% #$*% #$*&#0*G8% :-H% -.S",*% &#% (828) 257-4530% -0% 9"8"#% www.
Page 20, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012
Perseid Meteors Shower this Weekend
A#&0;&N*083% ;*#% 0*&+?% #$"8% E**K*'+% .-0% &% 4*0.*,#% -44-0#('"#?% #-% 8**% 8-/*% F8$--#"';%8#&08@M% < 9 * 0 ? : - + ?% K'-E8% &:-(#% F#$&#% /*#*-0% 8$-E*0% "'% >(;(8#3M% E"#$% *&,$% -.% (8% $&9"';% &% /*/-0?% -0% #E-% -.% ,&/4"';% -0% $&';"';% -(#8"+*% E&#,$"';% #$*% &''(&)% ,*)*8#"&)% S"0*E-0K8@% =$*% .&/-(8% Perseid Meteor Shower $&44*'8% &;&"'% #$"8% E**K*'+3% &'+% #$*0*% "8% 9*0?% )"##)*% /--')";$#% #-% "'#*0.*0*I -(0%,*)*8#"&)%'*";$:-0%:*"';%&%.&#% ,0*8,*'#% #$&#% E"))% -')?% *'$&',*% #$*% 9"8(&)% 0*E&0+8% -.% #$*% *&0)?% A('+&?%/-0'"';%/*#*-0%4*&K%-.% #$"8%0*)"&:)*%8$-E*0@ i-(G))% 8**% 8-/*% /*#*-08% #$0-(;$-(#% #$*% E**K3% :(#% A&#(0+&?%'";$#DA('+&?%/-0'"';% "8% #$*% :*8#% #"/*% #-% )--K@% % >8% -(0% 4&0#% -.% <&0#$% 0-#&#*8% #-% $*&+% .-0E&0+% "'#-% -(0% -0:"#% &0-('+% #$*% A('3% E*% $"#% /-0*% ,-8/",% +*:0"8%+"0*,#)?3%8-%*&0)?%/-0'"';%
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Continued on page 21
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Continued on page 22
Page 22, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012
Continued from page 21
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August 7, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 23
IVAN PARKER Paramount Theatre
August 10th, 7pm The Gospel Christian Music Association presents Ivan Parker
f*% "8% #&K"';% #$*% ,-('#0?% :?% 8#-0/% E"#$% '(/*0-(8% &44*&0&',*8% -'% '&#"-'&)% #*)*9"8"-'%&'+%;(*8#%&44*&0&',*8% -'% #$*% J"))% &'+% g)-0"&% g&"#$*0% $-/*,-/"';% 9"+*-% 8*0"*8@% % L9&'% "8% &% 9*#*0&'% "'% #$*% g-84*)% e(8",% L'+(8#0?@% % f*% $&8% :**'% 9-#*+% 7&9-0"#*% e&)*% d-,&)"8#% V% #"/*8% &'+% 7&9-0"#*% c*&+% d-,&)"8#% .-0% X% ,-'8*,(#"9*% ?*&08% &'+% E&8% &E&0+*+% A-)-"8#% -.% #$*% i*&0% V% #"/*8% :?% A"';"';% Z*E8% 7&'8% >E&0+8@% L9&'% "8% K'-E'% .-0% $"8% 9*08&#")"#?% "'% /(8",% 8#?)*83% &'+% &(+"*',*8%*9*0?E$*0*%&0*%+0&E'% #-%#$*%/*88&;*%&'+%#$*%/(8",%#$&#% L9&'% [&0K*0% +*)"9*08@% =",K*#8% m`2% L'+"9"+(&)%h*8*09*+@
Adopt Kimba
]"/:&% "8% &% V% /-'#$% -)+% =*00"*0% /"H% &'+% /*+"(/% 8"N*+% .*/&)*@%A$*%"8%84&?*+%&'+%,(00*'#% E"#$% 0-(#"'*% 8$-#8@% % ]"/:&% "8% &% 9*0?%8E**#%&'+%"8%E&"#"';%.-0%$*0% .-0*9*0%$-/*@%A$*%;*#8%&)-';%E*))% E"#$%-#$*0%+-;8@%]"/:&%"8%84&?*+% &'+% ,(00*'#% -'% 8$-#8@% =-% &+-4#% ]"/:&% ,&))% h*;"'&% &#% a`1^`1V^ \`1W@% =$*% J0"+;*% f-/*% Z-% ]"))% >'"/&)% h*8,(*% ]"';84-0#% 423239-5237
Page 24, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012
August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 25
The Watch !$*'% +-% ?-(% 0*&)"N*% #$*% /-9"*%?-(%&0*%E&#,$"';%"8%&%#0&"'% E0*,Kq%!$*'%?-(%&0*%&%/*0*%T2% /"'(#*8% "'#-% #$*% S")/3% &'+% ?-(% &0*% E-'+*0"';% E$*'% #$*% /"8*0?% E"))%*'+3%&'+%"#%8**/8%#-%0('%.-0% &'-#$*0%*'+)*88%`%$-(08@%L%&/%8&+%
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Page 26, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
Go for the Gold U',*%&;&"'3%E*%S"'+%-(08*)9*8% "'% #$*% ;0"4% -.% U)?/4",% .*9*03% E*% &))%;&#$*0%&0-('+%#$*%=d%8,0**'8% #-% E&#,$% #$*% -4*'"';% ,*0*/-'?% 8#0&";$#% .0-/% c-'+-'I&'% -4*'"';% ,*0*/-'?% #$&#% LG/% '-#% *'#"0*)?% 8(0*% E&8'G#% &% .*9*0% +0*&/I:(#% E*% E&#,$*+% "#% &'?E&?l% 7-0% /*3% #$*% ,-/"';% -.% #$*% A(//*0% U)?/4",8% &)E&?8% /*&'8% -'*% #$"';I#$*% 4$-'*% "8% ;-"';%#-%8#&0#%0"';"';@%!$?%+-*8% #$*% 4$-'*% 0"';q% A"/4)*3% )-,&)% 40*88% E&'#8% #-% "'#*09"*E% /*% &:-(#% #$*% ;&/*83% .-0% ?-(% 8**3% L% E&8% -',*% &'% U)?/4",% h-E"';% P-&,$@% U$3%8(0*3%?-(%+"+'G#%K'-E%#$"8@% L%'*9*0%/&+*%/(,$%-.%"#3%:(#%L%E&8% 40-(+% -.% #$*% #E-% ?*&08% L% 84*'#% "'84"0"';% ?-(';% >#$)*#*8% #-% ;-% .-0%#$*%;-)+@%!$&#%)*+%/*%#-%#$*% *H,"#"';% E-0)+% -.% h-E"';q% L#% &))% ;-*8%:&,K%#-%E$*'%L%E&8%&%?-(';% )&+3% &'+% L% E&8% #$*% 8#&0% /*/:*0% -.% #$*% <&8#% >44&)&,$"&'% i-(#$% h-E"';% c*&;(*% &'+% A$-E% P$-"03% E*%E*0*%&%S"'*%;0-(4%-.%40*^#**'8% E$-% $&+% #$*% &:")"#?% #-% b(",K)?% /-9*% (48#0*&/3% E$")8#% :0*&K"';% -(#% "'#-% 8'&44?% 0*'+"#"-'8% -.% 8-';8%.0-/%J0-&+E&?%/(8",&)8@% L% :*,&/*% &% 8#&'+-(#% +(0"';% -(0% ,-/4*#"#"9*% 8*&8-'@% =$*?% ,&))*+% /*% &% “double-threat”, .-0% L% 4-88*88*+% #$*% 8K"))% #-% '-#% -')?%
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A great meteor shower and both an evening and morning gathering of planets are great reasons to look up this week. The Perseid Meteor Shower will not disappoint those losing sleep this weekend to see the cosmic debris burning up Earth’s atmosphere. Meanwhile, planets Mars and Saturn make an early evening triangle in the southwest, and Venus and Jupiter play tag with the Moon in the predawn sky. Tues. Aug. 7 The Milky Way and stars of the Summer Triangle are high in the northeast at sunset, and moving overhead in our nighttime skies. Straddling the great, starry arm of our Galaxy are the bright stars Deneb, north, Vega in the center and Altair at the south end of the triangle. Wed. Aug. 8 Mars, Saturn and the star Spica make a triangle in the southwest evening twilight. They are in the constellation Virgo the Virgin Maiden. Thurs. Aug. 9 The Moon is at Last Quarter today at 2:55 pm when it makes a right angle with the Sun and Earth. It will move eastward day-byday, and be a fat crescent by the weekend. Fri. Aug. 10 Scorpius the Scorpion is crawling around the southern horizon these August nights, looking like a giant fish hook. Scan the south skies for a reddish star, the heart of Scorpius—Aldebaran. Sat. Aug. 11 Tonight to dawn Sunday will be the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower, and the light from the crescent Moon will only interfere with the faint “shooting stars.” Find a dark, light pollution free spot in our mountains or lakes and enjoy celestial fireworks. Sun. Aug. 12 On this 1962 date in space history, the Soviet Union launched the second of two manned spacecraft in a propaganda spectacular. On Aug. 12, 1962 the USSR launched their Vostok 3 spaceship with Andrian Nikolayev aboard, and 24 hours later Vostok 4 with Pavel Popovich was rocketed into orbit. The two cosmonauts talked to each other in space, but never got close enough to see each other. Nikolayev stayed in space four days, a record for years until the 14-day Gemini 7 in December 1965. Mon. Aug. 13 This morning, the thin crescent Moon is above the brilliant planet Venus, a spectacular site in Taurus the Bull. Adding to the scene is yellowish Jupiter and red star Aldebaran.
August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 27
Page 28, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012
August 7, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 29
The Johnson City Community Theatre
Premiere of Oliver! August 10
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Page 30, The Loafer • August 7, 2012
Hush: A Little Meditation About Jon Lord and the Hammond Organ >)#$-(;$% /?% -4"'"-'8% ,$&';*% +&")?3% &'+% 8-/*#"/*8% $-(0)?3% L% E"))% /-0*% -.#*'% #$&'% '-#%#*))%?-(%#$&#%#$*%;0*&#*8#%4-4% 8-';% -.% &))% #"/*% "8% =$*% ]"'K8G% TVXa% /"'"^/&8#*04"*,*% “You Really Got Me.” P0*+"#*+%&8%:*"';% &% K*?% f*&9?% e*#&)% .-0*0(''*03% #$"8%8-';%"8%4*0$&48%/-8#%E"+*)?% K'-E'% 9"&% #$*% 9*08"-'% 0*,-0+*+% :?% d&'% f&)*'% "'% TVWY@% >% )"##)*% K'-E'% .&,#3% &#% )*&8#% #-% /*3% "8% #$&#%#$*%4"&'-%#0&,K%$*&0+%-'%#$*% -0";"'&)%0*,-0+"';%E&8%)&"+%+-E'% :?% &'% &/:"#"-(8% ?-(';% J0"#"8$% /(8","&'% '&/*+% O-'&#$&'% Q-(;)&8% c-0+@% =$"8% ?-(';% 4"&'-% 4)&?*0% E-()+% )&#*0% 8$-0#*'% $"8% S"08#% '&/*% #-% O-'% &'+% ;-% -'% #-% :*,-/*% -'*% -.% #$*% /-8#% "/40*88"9*% f&//-'+% U0;&'% 4)&?*08% "'%4-4%/(8",%$"8#-0?@%O(8#% -'*%?*&0%:*.-0*%$"8%+*&#$% &% ,-(4)*% -.% E**K8% &;-3% $*% :*,&/*% Q0@% O-'% c-0+% E$*'% #$*% 5'"9*08"#?% -.% c*",*8#*03% )-,&#*+% "'% $"8% $-/*#-E'3% &E&0+*+% $"/% E"#$% &'% $-'-0&0?% Q-,#-0% -.% e(8",% +*;0**@% >% E*))^ +*8*09*+% $-'-0% "8% ;"9*'% #-% c-0+G8% "/40*88"9*% ,&0**03%'-#%-')?%&8%&%0-,K% /(8","&'% :(#% &)8-% &8% &% ,-/4-8*0% -.% J&0-b(*^ #"';*+% 8?/4$-'",% E-0K8% &8% E*))@% e?% .&9-0"#*% *H&/4)*% -.% $-E% #$*8*% #E-% "'S)(*',*8% /**#% "8% #$*% 9*08"-'% -.% J--K*0% =@% t% =$*% eg8G% “Green Onions”% c-0+% 0*,-0+*+% E"#$%The Hoochie Coochie Men%"'%`221%B&9&")&:)*3%-.%
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August 7, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 31
Page 32, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ August 7, 2012