Page 2, The Loafer • September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 3
Volume 26 Issue #39
Publisher - Bill Williams • Editor - Sandi Williams • Layout & Design - Christy Leach • O!ce Manager - Luci Tate Cover Design - Bill May • Graphic Arts Director - Don Sprinkle • Photography - Mark Marquette Contributing Sta" - Jim Kelly, Andy Ross, Ken Silvers, Mark Marquette, Daniel Leach, Pat Bussard Advertising - Dave Carter, Akey Kincaid, Mark Marquette, Lisa Lyons, Brian Still Published by Creative Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 3596, Johnson City, TN 37602 Phone: 423/283-4324 FAX - 423/283-4369 • e-mail: (editorial) (advertising) All advertisements are accepted and published by the publisher upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof.The agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and save the publisher harmless from any loss of expense resulting from claims or suits based upon contents of any advertisement,including claims or suits for defamation,libel,right of privacy,plagiarism,and copyright infringement.
Page 4, The Loafer • September 4, 2012
A Season to Savor Mary B. Martin School of the Arts Fourth year kicks o! with hip-hop, Mexican culture, turn-of-century band music, apocalypse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September 4, 2012 โ ข The Loafer, Page 5
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Page 6, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
Salt N Pepper Soul Food Restaurant 3002 East Oakland Avenue, Johnson City
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Page 8, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 9
ETSU Theatre and Dance Announces 2012-13 Season
N),( ',*'"+( 5$##( 2,-$+( 5$%)( %),( &".,/;( “Beautiful Bodies”( 5)$&)( %,##'( %),( '%"6;( "?( '$G( 2,'%( ?6$,+/'( Z( 9#*$6,@( W$'2,%)@( <*6%)*@( T$+*@(H,''$,(*+/(>3,(9*6"#(Z(5)"( )*:,( -*%),6,/( "+( *( &"#/@( '+"5;( ,:,+$+-( %"( &,#,26*%,( 9#*$6,F'( A6,-+*+&;8( ( N),( +$-)%( 5*'( $+%,+/,/( %"( 2,( *2"3%( 5$+,@( ?3+( *+/( -"''$A@( 23%( $+'%,*/( 2,&".,'( *(%$.,("?(6,:,#*%$"+(*'(%),(5".,+( /$'&3''( 2";?6$,+/'@( &*6,,6'@( #$?,( &)"$&,'@(*+/(2$"#"-$&*#(&#"&R'(%)*%( R,,A(%$&R$+-8 “Beautiful Bodies”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ew York Times( 2,'%S',##$+-( *3%)"6( ?"6( %),( +":,#( Beautiful Bodies( *+/( "%),6(5"6R'@(5$##(#,*/(*(%*#RS2*&R( ',''$"+(*?%,6(,*&)(A,6?"6.*+&,("?( 0=,*3%$?3#( ="/$,'@1( 5)$&)( 5$##( 2,( A,6?"6.,/(M&%8(UaSIU8 7( ."/,6+( */*A%*%$"+( "?( "+,( "?( Q$##$*.( >)*R,'A,*6,F'( -6,*%,'%( %6*-,/$,'( 5$##( "A,+( $+( T":,.2,6@( [3'%( 5,,R'( ?"##"5$+-( %),( P8>8( A6,'$/,+%$*#( ,#,&%$"+8(( >,%($+(A6,',+%(/*;@(“Caesar 2012” %,##'( %),( '%"6;( "?( *( -6"3A( "?( &"+'A$6*%"6'(Z('".,(."%$:*%,/(2;( *(#":,("?(%),$6(&"3+%6;(*+/("%),6'( 2;('A$%,?3#($+%,+%$"+'(Z(*+/(%),$6( *''*''$+*%$"+(A#"%(*-*$+'%(]".*+( /$&%*%"6(H3#$3'(9*,'*68((N),(')"5( 5$##( 2,( A,6?"6.,/( T":8( UeSUa( 3+/,6( %),( /$6,&%$"+( "?( ON>P( *''"&$*%,( A6"?,''"6( ^,62( !*6R,6@( 5)"( *#'"( 56"%,( %),( */*A%*%$"+8(( ^*##( *-*$+( 5$##( ',6:,( *'( ',%( /,'$-+,6@(*+/(>)*?,6(5$##(":,6',,( #$-)%$+-(/,'$-+8(( M+( B,&8( c@( *( >%3/,+%( B*+&,( >)"5&*',( 5$##( ?,*%36,( &)"6,"-6*A);( 2;( '%3/,+%'( ?6".( *(/*+&,(&".A"'$%$"+(&#*''(%*3-)%( 2;( 9*6*( ^*6R,6@( ON>P( *''$'%*+%( A6"?,''"6("?(%),*%6,(*+/(/*+&,8 B36$+-( %),( 'A6$+-( ',.,'%,6@( %),( /$:$'$"+( 5$##( A6,',+%( T"k#(
9"5*6/F'( “Blithe Spirit,”( 7A6$#( UUSU_8( ( E+( %)$'( &".,/;@( 5)$&)( )*'( *AA,*6,/( "+( =6"*/5*;( +3.,6"3'(%$.,'@(+":,#$'%(9)*6#,'( 9"+/".$+,( $+:$%,'( %),( ,&&,+%6$&( <*/*.,( 76&*%$( %"( )"'%( *( 'l*+&,( *%( )$'( )".,( ?"6( 6,',*6&)("+()$'(+,G%( 2""R8( !#*+'( 2*&RL$6,( 5),+( 9)*6#,'F( #*%,( 5$?,@( O#:$6*@( $'( '3.."+,/( *+/( /,&$/,'(%"()*3+%()$.( *+/()$'(&366,+%(5$?,@( ]3%)8( ( ="22;( \3+R@( A6"?,''"6("?(%),*%6,@( 5$##( /$6,&%( “Blithe Spirit,”( 5$%)( >)*?,6( *'( ',%( /,'$-+,6( *+/( ^*##( *'( #$-)%$+-( /,'$-+,68(( N),( ',*'"+( 5$##( &"+&#3/,( 7A6$#( IeS Ia( 5$%)( *( ',6$,'( "?( "+,S*&%( A6"/3&%$"+'( /$6,&%,/( 2;( ON>P( '%3/,+%'8( ( >,*'"+( A*'','( *6,( +"5( "+( '*#,(?"6(meJ(,*&)8(\"6(
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Page 10, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
eSaA.(S(N),(Y*##,6;(j(=*66(!)"%"-6*A)$&'(*%(UeI(O*'%(<*$+(>%6,,% M!OT(Y7WWO]d(?,*%36$+-(*+(,G)$2$%(?6".(B68(b,++,%)(=6$/#,(,+%$%#,/(0E+%,6A6,%*%$"+'( E+(Q*%,6&"#"61 cSaA.(S(Q$##$*.(b$+-(<3',3.(*%(_Ue(7&*/,.;(B6$:, M!OTETY(]O9O!NEMT(?"6(],L#,&%$"+'("?(>,#?@(936*%,/(2;(<*6;(<"#"+;@(H")+'"+(9$%;@(NT
September 6, 2012
cSKA.(S(Y*##,6;(<*##"6;(*%(UUI(O*'%(<*$+( >%6,,% Y]7TB(M!OTETYh(H"$+(!"##;(<*##"6;($+(),6( 26*+/(+,5(,G)$2$%$"+('A*&,h
!*6R(;"36(&*6($+(72$+-/"+F'(<3+$&$A*#(W"%(S(2,%5,,+(%),(\*6.,6F'(<*6R,%(*+/(^"3',("+( <*$+(S(*+/(&*%&)(%),(%6"##,;(?"6(?6,,h(E%(5$##(%*R,(;"3(%"(*##("?(%),',(-*##,6$,'(2,-$++$+-(*%( eA.(*+/(#""A(*6"3+/(,:,6;(%5,+%;(.$+3%,'8
cSaA.(S(>,&6,%(Y*6/,+(Y*##,6;(*+/(93'%".( \6*.$+-(*%(_Uc(Q,'%(<*$+(>%6,,% M!OT(>NPBEM(5$%)(L$+,(*6%(2;(9*%),6$+,( Q*#/,+
eScA.(S(p*44;F4(9"??,,(]"*'%,6'(*%(VaJ(O*'%(<*$+( >%6,,% M!OTETY(]O9O!NEMT(?"6(!*.,#*(^*-;(*+/( 9*%),6$+,(q*3-)+Sb,,+ Zazzy'z Coffee Roasters Anthony's Desserts Wolf Hills Brewing Co. The Gallery @ Barr Photographics William King Museum
`SKA.(S(76%'(B,A"%(*%(VU_(B,A"%(>D3*6, M!OT(^MP>Oh(>,,(5"6R'(2;(5*%,6&"#"6$'%( 9),+-(\,+(d,)(*+/(B,A"%(.,.2,6'(!*%( W,).R3)#@(7*6"+(=6""R'(Q"#%,6'@(>),6;#( B*+$,#'@(*+/(9*%),6$+,(Q*#/,+
eS`A.(S(7+%)"+;F'(B,'',6%'(*%(_JU(O*'%(<*$+(>%6,,% M!OTETY(]O9O!NEMT(?"6(!*.,#*(^*-;(*+/( 9*%),6$+,(q*3-)+Sb,,+ eSaA.(S(Q"#?(^$##'(=6,5$+-(9"8(*%(VIJ(!*6R(>%6,,% M!OTETY(]O9O!NEMT(?"6(P+)$+-,/C(T,5(Q"6R'( 2;(W$+/',;(^"#/,6L$,#/
Gallery Mallory
aSUJA.(S(^"3',("+(<*$+(*%(IVU(Q,'%(<*$+( >%6,,% M!OTETY(]O9O!NEMT(?"6(76%("?(%),( ^$-)#*+/'
Greg Howser, Dance
Continued on page 11
Secret Garden Gallery and Custom Framing Arts Depot
House on Main
Zazzy'z Coffee Roasters Anthony's Desserts Wolf Hills Brewing Co.
The Gallery @ Barr Photogra William King Museum
September 4, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 11
Continued from page 10
Cheng Fen Yeh, Studying Brown
Quinn Hawkesworth, "Spring" textile
Lindsey Holderfield, WHBC2
Zazzy'z Coffee Roasters Anthony's Desserts Wolf Hills Brewing Co.
Page 12, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
Paper Windows Photographic Project Session 5 Winners Announced %$%#,/@( ],L#,&%$"+'@( 5*'( W$+/*( W,"+*6/8( ( W$+/*( &*A%36,/( %),( )$'%"6$&( =6$'%"#( '$-+( *%( +$-)%( 6,L#,&%,/( +"%( "+#;( $+( %),( 5$+/"5( -#*''( "?( *( &*6( 23%($+(%),(.$66"6(*'(5,##8(( H3/-,'( &"..,+%,/( %)*%( %)$'( 5*'( "+,( "?( %),( ."'%( 3+$D3,(A)"%"'(,+%,6,/($+( %)*%( $%( 5*'( 2"%)( 3+$D3,( *+/( &6,*%$:,8( W$+/*( %$%#,/( ),6( A$,&,( *'( 0N5$+( ],L#,&%$"+'18 N),( ',&"+/( A#*&,( &"+%,+/,6( 5*'( ',+%( $+( 2;( b,,-*+( >"3%),6#*+/S >$+-#,%"+8((b,,-*+F'(A$,&,( 5*'( %$%#,/( 0],L#,&%$"+'( "?( \*##1( *+/( 5*'( %*R,+( *%( =6$'%"#F'( 2,#":,/( >%,,#,( 96,,R( !*6R8( ( E+( %),( A)"%"( ;"3( &*+( ',,( *+(,G*&%(6,L#,&%$"+("?(%),(%36+$+-( %6,,'( $+( %),( A#*&$/( >%,,#,( 96,,R( W*R,.
>,''$"+( e( "?( %),( !*A,6( Q$+/"5'( !)"%"-6*A)$&( A6"[,&%( /,'&6$A%$"+( *'R,/( #"&*#( A)"%"-6*A),6'( %"( %)$+R( *2"3%( 6,L#,&%$"+'@( 6,L#,&%$"+'( $+( 5*%,6@( $+(-#*''@("6($+("+,F'(.$+/8((9*.,6*( 23??'( &*.,( "3%( ?"6( %)$'( ',''$"+i( *#."'%( VJ( A)"%"'( 5,6,( ,+%,6,/8(( N),( [3/-,'( )*/( *( :,6;( /$?L$&3#%( %*'R($+(+"%("+#;(+*.$+-("+,(*'(*( 5$++,6(23%(,:,+(/,&$/$+-("+(%),( I+/(*+/(V6/(A#*&,(&"+%,+/,6'8 N),(5$++,6("?(%)$'(%),(',''$"+(
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*+/( /,*/#$+,'( *6,( $+&#3/,/( ?"6( A32#$&(A,63'*#8
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j(_IVS`c_S_U`U($+( %),(9"..3+$%;(],#*%$"+'(M?L$&,8
September 4, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 13
Muriel Anderson & Jack Pearson Northeast State September 6th
Y3$%*6$'%(<36$,#(7+/,6'"+(*+/( 'A,&$*#(-3,'%(H*&R(!,*6'"+(6,%36+( %"( T"6%),*'%( >%*%,( 9"..3+$%;( 9"##,-,( "+( >,A%8( c( *%( `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B$'&":,6;( *+/( ),6( .3'$&( *AA,*6'($+(%),(L$#.(Vicki Cristina Barcelona8( ( >),( )*'( A,6?"6.,/( $+( *( 2#3,-6*''( 2*+/( *+/( )*'( 56$%%,+( .3'$&( ?"6( %),( T*'):$##,( 9)*.2,6( M6&),'%6*8( >),( 5*'( %),( L$6'%( 5".*+( %"( 5$+( %),( T*%$"+*#( \$+-,6A$&R$+-( Y3$%*6( 9)*.A$"+')$A( *+/( 5*'( *#'"( *5*6/,/( *( 26"+4,( #,:,#( ?"6( &#*''$&*#( $+( %),( IJJK( 7&"3'%$&( Y3$%*6( <*-*4$+,F'( !#*;,6'(
9)"$&,(A"##8(>),()*'(2,,+( &".A"'$+-( '$+&,( %),( *-,( "?( '$G( *+/( )*'( A32#$'),/( 5"6R'( ?"6( -3$%*6( *+/( "6&),'%6*@(:"$&,@(*+/('"#"( -3$%*68(( B"+F%( .$''( %),( &)*+&,( %"( ),*6( %5"( "?( %),( ."'%( %*#,+%,/( $+'%63.,+%*#( .3'$&$*+'( A,6?"6.$+-( %"/*;8( N),( ?6,,( &"+&,6%( $'( "A,+( %"( %),( A32#$&( *+/( 'A"+'"6,/( 2;( %),(
9"##,-,F'( 93#%36*#( 7&%$:$%$,'( 9"..$%%,,8( ( 9),&R( "3%( '*.A#,'( *%( 5558.36$,#*+/,6'"+8&".8( \"6( ."6,( $+?"6.*%$"+@( &"+%*&%( _IV8I`K8`ccK8
Page 14, The Loafer • September 4, 2012
Storytelling Live! Welcomes Teju September 4-8 9*##( )$.( N,[38( >%"6;%,##,6( N,[3."#*( M#"-2"+$( $'( "+,( "?( %),( &"3+%6;F'( A6,.$,6( 7?6$&*+S 7.,6$&*+( '%"6;%,##,6'@( ')*6$+-( ?"#R( %*#,'( *+/( '"+-'( ?6".( %),( &"3+%6;'$/,(%"(%),(&$%;(*+/(*##(%),( 5*;( %"( %),( &"+%$+,+%( "?( 7?6$&*8(( 7'( %),( +,G%( %,##,6( $+( 6,'$/,+&,( ?"6( H"+,'2"6"3-)F'( A"A3#*6( Storytelling Live!( A6"-6*.@( N,[3( 5$##( %,##( *( 5$/,( 6*+-,( "?( %6*/$%$"+*#( %*#,'( *+/( A,6'"+*#(
'%"6$,'8( N,[3( #,*6+,/( '".,( "?( )$'( ?*:"6$%,( '%"6$,'( *%( %),( R+,,( "?( )$'( /*//;@( *( '%"6;%,##,6( 5)"',( $+L#3,+&,( #"".'( #*6-,8( ^,( 5*'( *( 6*$#6"*/(.*+("+(%),(P+$"+(!*&$L$&( #$+,(5)"(5*'()*+/;(5$%)('%"6$,'( *+/( A",.'8( “There would be my father sitting there and everybody else would be sitting around quiet listening to him talk,”(N,[3(6,&*##'. “That was just amazing to me. I
thought, ‘I want people to listen when I talk.’” 7'( $%( %36+,/( "3%@( A,"A#,( 5,6,( #$'%,+$+-( %"( N,[3( #"+-( 2,?"6,( ),( 5,+%( A6"8( =,?"6,( ),( 5,+%( $+%"( '%"6;%,##$+-@( 5)$#,( ),( 5*'( '%$##( *( '&)""#%,*&),6@( N,[3( 5*'( R+"5+( ?"6()$'('%3/,+%'F(-""/(*%%,+/*+&,( 6,&"6/'8( ^$'( %6$&R( 5*'( $+( %),( %$.$+-8( “All my students were on time because I’d always start a story right when the bell rang,” ),( '*;'8(“And in the afternoon, when they’d come back to homeroom, I’d start a story and stop it when the bell rang. I’d say it was going to start at 8:05 tomorrow morning.” The kids were always on time. N"/*;@( N,[3( '%$##( %36+'( %"( '%"6;%,##$+-(*'(*(?"6.("?(%,*&)$+-8( ^$'( %6*/$%$"+*#( %*#,'( *6,( #$R,( 5$+/"5'( $+%"( "%),6( &3#%36,'8( “If you keep a story the way it was in the beginning, it tells you something about the people,” ),( ,GA#*$+'8( ( 0I’ve been comparing folk tales from different cultures to see how they express different worldviews. My goal is to let people understand how they can see these worldviews in the stories. We want to make judgments on others based on how we see the world, but none of us sees things
the same way.” N"( R,,A( %)$+-'( #$:,#;@( N,[3( *&&".A*+$,'( )$.',#?( 5$%)( *( :*6$,%;("?($+'%63.,+%'@($+&#3/$+-( /63.'( *+/( )*6."+$&*8( ^,( *&D3$6,/( .*+;( "?( %),.( /36$+-( )$'( %6*:,#'( *26"*/@( 5),6,( ),F'( )*/( %),( "AA"6%3+$%;( %"( '"*R( 3A( *##( %),( /$??,6,+%( &3#%36,'( ),( %,*&),'( A,"A#,( *2"3%8( E+( 7?6$&*@( ),( 5*'( /,#$-)%,/( %"( ),*6( )$'( ?*%),6F'('%;#,("?('%"6;%,##$+-(,&)"( %)6"3-)(%),(&6"5/'("?(A,"A#,8( B36$+-( )$'( 6,'$/,+&;@( >,A%,.2,6( _( Z( a@( N,[3( 5$##( "??,6( /*$#;( .*%$+,,'( *%( ICJJ( A8.8( $+( %),( <*6;( =8( <*6%$+( >%"6;%,##$+-( ^*##($+(/"5+%"5+(H"+,'2"6"3-)8( N$&R,%'(*6,([3'%(mUI(?"6(*/3#%'(*+/( mUU( ?"6( ',+$"6'@( '%3/,+%'@( *+/( &)$#/6,+(3+/,6(Ua8(7##(%$&R,%('%32'( 5$##( '*:,( *3/$,+&,( .,.2,6'( UJ( A,6&,+%( "+( '*.,S/*;( /$+$+-( *%( N),( 96,,R'$/,( ],'%*36*+%@( N),( B$+$+-(]"".@("6(<*$+(>%6,,%(9*?l8 N),( 9,+%,6( $'( "A,+( UJ( *8.8( Z( e A8.8@( <"+/*;( %)6"3-)( >*%36/*;8 \"6( ."6,( $+?"6.*%$"+( *2"3% Storytelling Live!( "6( %"( .*R, *( -6"3A( 6,',6:*%$"+@( &*##( naJJo KeISaVKI(,G%8(III("6(n_IVo(KUVS UI`c8( 7( /,%*$#,/( '&),/3#,( "?( %), IJUI(',*'"+($'(*:*$#*2#,(*%(5558 '%"6;%,##$+-&,+%,68+,%8
September 4, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 15
Performance and Lecture Series to Feature a Variety of Events for 2012-13 at Tusculum College
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Continued on page 16
Page 16, The Loafer • September 4, 2012
Continued from page 15 `CVJ(A8.8@(<"+/*;@(B,&8(UJ@($+(%),( 7++$,(^"-*+(=;6/(*3/$%"6$3.i S(9,+%6*#(=*##,%(N),*%6,F'(A6"S /3&%$"+("?(0>+"5(Q)$%,@1(\6$/*;S >3+/*;@(H*+8(UaSIJ(n`(A8.8(')"5'( "+( H*+8( UaSUK( *+/( I( A8.8( ')"5'( "+(H*+8(UKSIJo@(($+(%),(7++$,(^"S -*+(=;6/(*3/$%"6$3.i S(0!6"[,&%(=6*$+5*')@1(*(6,*#$%;(
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September 4, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 17
Kingsport Oktoberfest Celebrates Oompah Olympics
d"3( &*+( &".,( "3%( *+/( &),,6( "+( ;"36( #"&*#( )$-)( '&)""#( $+( %),( L$6'%( *++3*#( M".A*)( M#;.S A$&'( *%( %),( b$+-'A"6%( MR%"2,6S ?,'%8( ( Q*%&)( N,++(,'',,F'( L$+,'%( )$-)( '&)""#( *#3.+$( &".A,%,( ?"6( %),(M".A*)(M#;.A$&'(9)*.A$"+( *+/(*(meJJ(/"+*%$"+(%"(%),$6()$-)( '&)""#F'(*%)#,%$&(/,A*6%.,+%8 0N)$'( $'( *( &"..3+$%;( ?,'%$S :*#(*+/(A,"A#,(),6,(*6,(A6"3/("?( 5),6,( %),;( 5,+%( %"( )$-)( '&)""#8( Q,( %)"3-)%( $%( 5"3#/( 2,( ?3+@( $+( %)$'(M#;.A$&(;,*6@(%"()*:,(*(#$%%#,( ?3+(5$%)(%)*%(*%(b$+-'A"6%(MR%"S 2,6?,'%@1( '*$/( "6-*+$4,6( >%,A)*S +$,(9*6'"+8 N),( M".A*)( M#;.A$&'( $'( *( ?3+( L$##,/( &".A,%$%$:,( ,:,+%( %)*%( A$%'( #"&*#( )$-)( '&)""#( *#3.+$( :'( ,*&)("%),6($+(*(2*%%#,(?"6(%),(2,'%( )$-)( '&)""#( *#3.+$8( ( ( O*&)( %,*.( .3'%( &"+'$'%( "?( ?"36( .,.2,6'8( N),( 26,*R( /"5+( .3'%( &"+'$'%( "?("+,(&"*&)@("+,(?,.*#,(*#3.+$( *+/(%5"(*#3.+$("?(&)"$&,8(T"(*&S %$:,('%3/,+%'(*6,(*##"5,/8( N),( M".A*)( M#;.A$&'( 5$##( 2,( ),#/( "+( >*%36/*;( >,A%,.2,6( II+/@( IJUI( *%( b$+-'A"6%( MR%"S 2,6?,'%( $+( /"5+%"5+( b$+-'A"6%( *+/( 5$##( &"+'$'%( "?( L$:,( ,:,+%'8( N),',(,:,+%'(5$##(2,(*(?3+S.$+/S ,/( &".A,%$%$"+( %)*%( 5$##( 26$+-( %),( &"..3+$%;( %"-,%),6( $+( %),( 'A$6$%("?(-""/(5$##8(N),(L$:,(,:,+%'( 5$##(2,(*'(?"##"5'C( Ghe N&en5lin5 <tein Com=etition Z(^"5(#"+-(&*+(;"3( -"g((9"+%,'%*+%'(&".A,%,(?"6(%),( d3,+-#$+-( >%,$+( 9".A,%$%$"+( "+( 5)"(&*+()"#/(%),(=,,6(>%,$+(%),( #"+-,'%8( ( E%F'( *( .*%&)( "?( 26*3+@( 26*$+'(*+/(2,,6@(*+/(),;@($?(7#(&*+( /"($%@('"(&*+(;"3h Ghe Barrel Koll Z(O*&)(%,*.( .,.2,6( .3'%( 6"##( *( ee( -*##"+( 5""/,+(2*66,#(/"5+(%),(*AA6"G( eJ( ;*6/( &"36',@( *+/( 6,%36+( %),S 2*66,#(%"(%),('%*6%XL$+$')(#$+,8( Ghe CretOel Goss Z( O*&)( %,*.( .,.2,6( 5$##( %*R,( *( %36+(
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Page 18, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 19
25 Years with Hands On! Museum d"3F6,($+:$%,/(%"(&,#,26*%,(Ie(;,*6'(5$%)( ^*+/'(M+h(],-$"+*#(<3',3.("+(\6$/*;@( >,A%,.2,6(`%)(?6".(cCJJSaCJJ(A.8((N),(?6,,( ,:,+%(5$##($+&#3/,C ! N"3&)S*SN63&R($+(%),('%6,,%(S(5$%)( #"%'("?(-6,*%(%63&R'(%"(%"3&)(*+/(&#$.2("+( n6,'&),/3#,/(?6".(73-3'%(\$6'%(\6$/*;o ! <,+%"'(-,;',6(A6"-6*.' ! <*R,(;"36("5+(Ie%)(=$6%)/*;(%$,S /;,(%S')$6%(nmUe(,*&)@(*+/(;"3(-,%(*(?6,,( A*''(%"(:$'$%(*-*$+($+(>,A%,.2,6o ! N,.A"6*6;(%*%%""' ! 76%(*&%$:$%$,'(5$%)(%),(H")+'"+(9$%;( 76,*(76%'(9"3+&$# ! >&$,+&,(A6"-6*.'($+(%),(.3',3.( 2*##6"".(*+/($+(%),(.3',3. ! W$:,(.3'$&(2;(N)$'(<"3+%*$+(*+/( PTWE<ENOB ! =$6%)/*;(&*R,(/"+*%,/(2;(\""/(9$%; ! !#3'('*:,(Iev($+(%),(-$?%(')"A(*+/( 6,-$'%,6(?"6(-$:,*5*;'h(
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September 7th
*(.,.2,6')$A($+&#3/,(?6,,(*/.$''$"+(?"6(*(?3##(;,*6i( /$'&"3+%'("+(-3,'%(*/.$''$"+'(n26$+-(*(?6$,+/(*+/(%),;( '*:,(%""hoi(*+/(/$'&"3+%'($+(%),(-$?%(')"A@("+(2$6%)/*;( A*6%$,'@(*+/('3..,6(&*.A'8 M%),6(5*;'(%"(-,%($+:"#:,/C ^*+/'(M+h(!)"%"(9"+%,'%(S(#"-("+%"(%),(.3',3.F'( ?*&,2""R(A*-,(*%(5558?*&,2""R8&".X)*+/'"+.3S ',3.(%"(:"%,(?"6(;"36(?*:"6$%,(A)"%"($+(%),(%),(Ie%)( =$6%)/*;(!)"%"(7#23.8((!)"%"'("?(%),(.3',3.(?6".( %"/*;@(;,'%,6/*;@("6(Ie(;,*6'(*-"h((N"('32.$%(;"36( "5+(A)"%"@(,.*$#($%(%"()*+/'"+j)*+/'"+.3',3.8 "6-8((9"+%,'%(,+/'(>,A%,.2,6(VJ%)8 ^*+/'(M+h(<3'$&(9"+%,'%(S(],-$"+*#(2*+/'(*+/( .3'$&$*+'(&*+('32.$%(%),$6("6$-$+*#(.3'$&(n5$%)( "6(5$%)"3%(5"6/'o(%)*%(6,A6,',+%'(%),(?3+()*/(2;( &)$#/6,+(*+/(?*.$#$,'(*%(^*+/'(M+h((<3'%(2,(3A2,*%( *+/(?*.$#;(?6$,+/#;(*+/(,/$%*2#,(%"(Ue@(VJ@("6(cJ( ',&"+/'(#"+-8((N),(5$++$+-(%6*&R(5$##(2,(?,*%36,/("+( %),(.3',3.F'(Nq('A"%'@(6*/$"(*/'@(*+/(*:*$#*2#,(?"6( /"5+#"*/("+(%),(5,2(*+/(?*&,2""R(A*-,'8((9"+%,'%( /,*/#$+,(M&%"2,6(U'%8 \"6(."6,($+?"6.*%$"+@(A#,*',(&"+%*&%(n_IVo(_V_S^7TB( n_IcVo("6(:$'$%(%),(.3',3.F'(5,2(A*-,(*%()%%ACXX5558 )*+/'"+.3',3.8"6-X
Page 20, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
How Neil Armstrong Became the First Man on the Moon
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Continued on page 22
September 4, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 21
Page 22, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
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Page 24, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
Celestial events in the skies for the week of Sept. 4-10, 2012 as compiled for The Loafer by Mark D. Marquette. p"/$*&*#(#$-)%($'(*(?*$+%(&"+,("?(#$-)%(%)*%($'(',,+(*6&)$+-( *2":,(%),()"6$4"+(2,?"6,("6(*?%,6(/*;#$-)%8((>,A%,.2,6($'(*( -""/(."+%)(%"(',,(4"/$*&*#(#$-)%@(5)$&)($'($##3.$+*%,/(/3'%( $+(%),(>"#*6(>;'%,.8(>%*6%(#""R$+-(*%(e(*.(2,#"5(%),(26$-)%( A#*+,%(H3A$%,6(5$%)(%),(6,/('%*6(7#/,2*6*+(2,'$/,($%8((N),( 5*+$+-(&6,'&,+%(<""+(5$##($+%,6?,6,(*(#$%%#,(%)$'(5,,R@(23%( %),(6,'%("?(%),(."+%)(5$##(2,($/,*#(?"6(',,$+-(%)$'($##3'$:,( #$-)%8((((( G&es? <e=t? P M+&,(%),(?"&3'("?("36(*%%,+%$"+(*##('A6$+-(*+/('3..,6@(<*6'(*+/(>*%36+(*6,( +,*6#;(#"'%($+(%),(,:,+$+-(%5$#$-)%(*'(%),;(.":,(&#"',6(%"(%),(>3+8(]$'$+-($+(%),( ,*'%(*?%,6(UCVJ(*.($'(26$-)%(H3A$%,6(*+/(%),(6,/(,;,("?(N*363'(%),(=3##@(7#/,2*6*+8(( N),(A*$6(5$##(-*6+,6("36(*%%,+%$"+(%)6"3-)(%),(5$+%,6(+$-)%'(*),*/8( Qed? <e=t? R N),(<$#R;(Q*;('A*+'(":,6),*/(*'(/*6R+,''(%*R,'()"#/(2;(K(A.8((7'($%(63+'(?6".( +"6%)(%"('"3%)@(.*+;(,*';(%"(',,(&"+'%,##*%$"+'(&*+(2,(?"3+/8((N"(%),(+"6%)($'(%),( ?*.$#$*6(0<1(A*%%,6+("?(9*''$"A,$*(%),(u3,,+@(*+/(%"(%),('"3%)($'(%),(L$'))""R("?( '%*6'(%)*%(&".A6$',(>&"6A$3'(%),(>&"6A$"+(5$%)($%'(6,/('%*6(7#/,2*6*+8( Gh&rs? <e=t? S N),(%)6,,('%*6'("?(%),(>3..,6(N6$*+-#,(*6,()$-)(":,6),*/(*%(/*6R@(B,+,2(%"(%),( +"6%)@(q,-*(%),(26$-)%,'%($+(%),(.$//#,@(*+/(7#%*$6(%"(%),('"3%)8((7'(%$.,(A*'','@( %),(%6$*+-#,("?('%*6'(.":,'(5,'%5*6/($+(%),(+$-)%8( Jri? <e=t? T 7#'"($+(%),('"3%)($+(%),(.$//#,("?(%),(<$#R;(Q*;($'(*(-6"3A("?('%*6'(%)*%(#""R(#$R,(
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Page 26, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012
Premium Rush
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September 4, 2012 • The Loafer, Page 29
I’d Like to Clear Up Some Rumors
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Page 30, The Loafer • September 4, 2012
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September 4, 2012 â&#x20AC;˘ The Loafer, Page 31
Page 32, The Loafer â&#x20AC;˘ September 4, 2012