Binder for 101013

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Team remains undefeated in conference Page 11

Perhaps the visual experience of the year Page 6 October 10, 2013 — Vol. 92, Issue 3

Loras raises $44 million for endowment

College is in the midst of a campaign to raise $75 million for students and faculty by MARY AGNOLI

| co-executive editor

Today, Loras will be hosting the public launch of the “Inspiring Lives and Leadership: The Loras Legacy” campaign. Although the goal for this operation to raise $75 million in the next three years may sound lofty, the campaign already has reached more than half that figure. “It’s not about buildings; it’s about grow-

ing the endowment,” said Mike Doyle, the vice president of institutional advancement. “We want to increase the amount of scholarship aid available to students and ensure that we can retain our top faculty. Across the board, our faculty is outstanding.” At the moment, however, the current average annual salary of a full-time, tenured Loras faculty member is substantially less than the national average. And the overall endowment is far less than the college’s peer schools, including St. Ambrose, Luther and St. John’s. This is what the campaign is trying to remedy.

“It’s a 75-million-dollar campaign, of which we’ve already raised nearly $44 million,” said Doyle. “We hope to continue to grow that pot and surpass the $75 million as we move forward.” Although the operation had its “quiet” start in June of 2010, and had a low-key announcement in May to make people aware. All those involved in the campaign now are ready to make a more formal public statement. The whole operation goes far beyond just the development team. The Alumni Office, President Collins, faculty and staff members, the board of regents, the campaign steering

committee and several other individuals are key to the operation’s success. “We’ve been going out and seeing key donors, alumni and friends of the college that want to support Loras students and faculty,” said Doyle. Today, however, is about more than just announcing the most updated figure, but it’s about bringing together the Loras community through prayer and fellowship. “(Today) is a celebration of what we’ve accomplished,” said Doyle. “But also a “kickoff” to continue on towards that goal … we want to ensure that Loras is here for another 175 years.”

Class of 1963 to announce 2 seniors hit all a significant gift on Friday the right notes by CASSANDRA BUSCH

| news editor

The college’s 175th anniversary is not the only special milestone being celebrated this year. The Class of 1963 is celebrating a momentous occasion with its 50th class reunion. For the past few years, Loras has helped the 50th-year reunion classes organize a gift. This is a donation from members of the class that is accumulated over the course of a year or more. This year’s gift combines all of the Class of 1963’s Loras Fund gifts, endowment donations and documented estate gift commitments since last school year. The Class of ’63 has a committee comprised of 16 men. Each committee member is communicating with former classmates and asking if they would be willing to donate towards the class gift, while also encouraging their fellow alumni to try and make it back to campus for Homecoming week to celebrate. Future and current Loras students will benefit greatly from the generosity and hard work of the alumni of ’63. The funds from this gift will be dedicated to budget-relief and endowment enhancement. The gift raised by the class of ’63 reportedly will be a record-setting amount for the gift tradition. The exact amount will be presented on Friday, Oct. 11, at the class dinner by Mike Colloton, one of the Class of 1963 Reunion Committee members. Donations will continue to be collected up until this weekend.

“Many of the members of the class of 1963 have been quite successful based on their Loras education, persistence, hard work and a measure of good luck,” Colloton said. “These alumni obviously felt it was a good time to give back and perhaps contribute to the success of the next generation of Loras students.” Eric Solberg, director of major and planned Giving, also has been working alongside the alumni to coordinate the gift efforts. “Few if any classes are more engaged with Loras than the photo contributed by LORAS 1963 PURGOLD Class of ’63,” Solberg said. “Several The student government officers of the Class of 1963 class members are pose for a photo. current board of of 1963 has set the standard for 50th regent members or regent emeriti, reunion classes and we hope this moformer National Alumni Board memmentum continues with future 50th bers, etc. This group is intrinsically reunions.” motivated to leave their personal and The members of the Class of 1963 is class’ legacy here. commemorating both their anniversa“Their generosity will make it possiry and the 175th anniversary of Loras ble for current and future generations with their great generosity that will be of students to experience Loras College,” Solberg continued. “The Class enjoyed by students for years to come.

Duhawks Du Spirit

The Loras College Board of Regents will sing the praises of music students Kevin Duggan and Joel Pohland during a Friday luncheon

Along with other Homecoming events, the board of regents will gather for a luncheon celebrating the recent accomplishments and efforts of two students. Seniors Kevin Duggan and Joel Pohland will be recognized for the musical tributes they have written specifically for the 175th anniversary on Friday, Oct. 11, at the board of regents luncheon. Duggan, a music education major, commissioned an original work “A Crown Has Found Me” with texts from Hymns of the Nativity. Duggan specifically wrote the piece for the Loras Concert Choir, including parts for the piano, orchestra bells, violin, cello and snare drum. Pohland, also a music education major, is arranging “Variations of Adoramus Christe,” based on the “Loras Alma Mater Adoramus Christe,” by Theodore Dubois. Pohland is writing for the Loras Wind Ensemble; the piece is to be finished by next fall. Both pieces are a tribute to the school to help celebrate the 175th anniversary. Duggan and Pohland both were first published last academic year when their pieces premiered at fall choir and wind ensemble concerts. Since last fall, each has been writing and arranging more and more music. “It’s a great opportunity to participate in the 175th Anniversary,” Pohland said. “The both of us have each put in a lot of effort on our pieces, and we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished.” Duggan’s “A Crown Has Found Me” will be performed at the fall concert “Mysteries of Christmas.” Pohland’s piece will premiere in the fall of 2014.

The Loras community gathered in the Rock Bowl on Monday to celebrate Homecoming week together. Fall sports were presented, the cheerleaders performed, and Mr. and Mrs. Loras, Kevin Baynes and Teresa Gwardys, were crowned.

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