Binder for april 3

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Saenz-Ruiz and Frey named track-and-field ‘performers of the week’

Veronica Roth’s young adult series hits the big screen Page 7

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April 3, 2014 — Vol. 92, Issue 12

Student Senate offers new mission for Loras by JERRY HUGUELET | for the Lorian

Behind every successful organization are a clearly defined mission and well-designed strategy for achieving that mission. This year, the Student Senate set a goal to better align itself with student needs and therefore more accurately represent the student body. In order to accomplish this, the Senate set about enacting a new constitution which more closely reflects its goals and mission. I am proud to present the new mission of the Loras Student Senate: “The Loras College Student Union shall be the representative student voice of the students of Loras College and will serve as the intermediary between the students, administration, and alumni of Loras College. The Loras College Student Union is predicated

on addressing student issues and promoting the mission of Loras College in an ethical way. The Loras College Student Union will effectively communicate with the administration Jerry Huguelet to ensure that student concerns are being addressed in an appropriate and timely manner. Loras College strives to develop a community of active learners, reflective thinkers, ethical decision makers, and responsible contributors, and the Loras College Student Union strives to ensure that those goals are met in a way that is most beneficial to all students. Members of Student Union are role models on

campus and therefore strive for high achievement academically, spiritually, and ethically.” This new mission not only helps to re-focus the Senate on its main goal of serving the student body, but it also gives the Senate the proper tools to carry out this goal. All of the changes to the structure of Student Senate were made in order to allow the student body easier access to those who represent them; together, we can make Loras a better experience for the entire student population. The Student Senate’s purpose is to be available and accountable to the students so that we can help you solve any issues you bring to our attention. One of the biggest changes to Senate is a reduction in the number of representatives from each class, from seven to five senators. A smaller Senate is

Symposium connects Loras and Irish Church

by HANNAH WAY| executive copy editor

Can Irish Catholicism be redeemed? This was both the name of a keynote session and a pressing, reoccurring question at this past weekend’s symposium: The Catholic Church in Ireland Today. The symposium, which took place on campus last weekend, sought to explore the dramatic changes in the contemporary Irish Catholic Church. Experts from both Ireland and North America, representing a variety of disciplines including literature, sociology, and political science, came to campus in order to participate in this discussion and offer insight into the arguably tumultuous situation. It was made possible through the generosity of the Kucera Center for Catholic Studies, the Sisters of the Presentation, and William Lynch (’64). “The symposium came about from a growing awareness of Irish Studies on campus,” said John Waldmeir, professor of religious studies and symposium co-organizer and speaker. “From our semester-long program in Ireland to the Irish Studies minor to the work of faculty members in the field — Loras is gaining a reputation in this area of John Littleton scholarship.” The Friday night keynote session featured two of Ireland’s foremost experts on Contemporary Catholicism: Eamon Maher and John Littleton. Maher is currently the director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies at ITT Dublin, and Littleton is currently the director of the Priory Institute in Dublin. Both have authored and edited a number of books which deal with the topic of Irish Catholicism, especial-

ly in light of Ireland’s growing secularization. Maher and Littleton have worked with Loras in the past, including meeting with groups of students who have traveled to Ireland for research projects over the years. “While there have been similar events in Ireland, this was the first of its kind in the United States,” said David Cochran, professor of political science and symposium co-organizer. “We were very lucky to have Maher and Fr. Littleton, two of Ireland’s foremost experts on contemporary Catholicism in that country, doing their first such event in the US; as well as Michele Dillion, one of the leading sociologists of Catholicism working in the US, and Jim Rogers, editor of the leading Irish Studies journal in the US.” The symposium continued Saturday and included seven more talks in addition to opportunities for dialogue and discussion between the presenters and the audience. The talks, which were arranged into three different sessions, dealt with topics ranging from the representation of Irish missionaries in literature to the emergence of contemplative movements in contemporary Ireland. One of the talks given on Saturday was by Waldmeir on the topic of understanding the Irish Church in light of the 2012 Eucharistic Congress in Dublin. He led a group of students who attended this International Congress as a part his research. While in Ireland, this group met and talked with both Maher and Littleton. “My goal has been to study the two congresses that occurred in Ireland, in 1932 and 2012, in order to draw attention to the surprising similarities and differences,” said Waldmeir. “They certainly are different from one another, but not necessarily in ways that everyone would immediately

recognize.” One key difference between the two congresses is the contrasting societies in which each took place. Faced with plummeting numbers of practicing Catholics due in part to secularization and the abuse crisis, discussion about the contemporary Irish Church could have easily become discouraging. However, many of the talks focused on the readiness of the Church for a renewal of sorts. And often, this hope came in the form of Pope Francis’ witness as a humble servant worth looking up to. In addition to the weekend-long symposium, Maher offered a lecture during comEamon Maher mon time on Monday. He addressed how the Church has played a role in Contemporary Irish literature, a topic he has co-edited a book about. “Both the symposium and the common time lecture gave insight into issues that I have a strong interest in,” said first-year Ellie Horst. “I am hoping to stud abroad with the Ireland program, but Maher’s lecture also connected to different classes I have had. It offered an interesting perspective on how Catholicism has shaped our culture and the culture of Ireland.” Although Loras has brought many respected speakers to campus over the past year, this symposium was also a major event in the larger academic world. Ultimately, it offered the Loras community an opportunity to be engaged with the growing question of Catholic identity in a changing world.

more engaged with the student body, identifying the needs and concerns of Duhawks and collaborating more closely with the organizations students already support and work so hard within. In addition, the new constitution carefully defines the role of each senator and member of the executive board. For the first time, the student body will know the responsibility of each member of the Senate and will thus be able to hold their representatives accountable. The new constitution now reflects the goal and mission of Student Senate. This goal and mission is not complete without the input and support of each and every student on this campus. We need you, the student body, to constantly hold us accountable so that together we may strive for a better Loras College and continue its mission.

Social work class hosting clothing drive by CASSANDRA BUSCH| news editor

Throughout the month of March until the end of April, students and the whole Loras community will have the opportunity to do a little spring cleaning and benefit those in need at the same time. The Practice 2 Social Work class is putting on a clothing drive to benefit the Open Closet at St. John’s Lutheran Church. The Open Closet takes donations and provides them for free for people in the Dubuque community in need. At Loras, there will be a box for daily drop-offs in the Campus Ministry office. To encourage last-minute donations, the class will be tabling outside the cafeteria on Apr. 23 and 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The organization is especially low on clothes for boys at the moment, but any donations besides undergarments are needed. The Open Closet collects donations year-round, but has specific office hours in which donations are accepted. The office collects the clothing from 9-11 a.m. on the first and third Saturdays of every month. Sophomore Elizabeth Jendra is one of the students from the Practice 2 Social Work class. “We decided to do this clothing drive for a class project. We wanted to do something that would not only help the Loras community involved, but also help the Dubuque community as a whole. We had heard of the Open Closet through social media sites,” Jendra said. “We don’t necessarily have a goal for how much we want to collect, but we have high hopes that many will contribute to this awesome cause.” This drive will provide students the opportunity to clean out their closets and donate to a great cause at the same time, to benefit people in the community in need of a helping hand.



The Lorian April 3, 2014

Duhawk Dance Marathon: ‘The reason why Loras dances’ by BRIE PUMILIA| staff writer

This past week, Duhawk DM tallied up their highest number of dancers to date for the big event totaling 383 participants. With this, the first of many milestones being made, our Miracle Families continue to reach great milestones with the help and support of the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. The next family we would like to introduce is the Ryan family: Nick, Sarah, Miracle Addison, Angel Elliot, Peyton, and Parker. In the seventh month of her pregnancy, Sarah Ryan was diagnosed with preeclampsia, which is characterized as high blood pressure and excessive amounts of protein in one’s urine during pregnancy. They went to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics for close monitoring and after many tests found out their son Elliott was suffering from IUGR, his twin sister, Addison, was a whole pound bigger than him. Sarah remained on bed rest in the hospital, but symptoms worsened. On September 19th, 2006, the UIHC High Risk Maternal doctors decided they were going to do an emergency c-section. Soon after Addison was born at 30 weeks and 5 days, weighing 3 pounds, 4 ounces. One minute later Elliott was born weighing 2 pounds, 3 ounces and whisked away to be assessed by the NICU staff. While commuting back and forth from the hospital to visit their babies, the Ryan’s received a call that Addison was suffering from an infection the doctors could not find the source of. She had to be intubated to help her little body fight the virus. Soon after, the staff began rushing in and out of Elliott’s room. Elliott’s belly had become very swollen and distended. After several x-rays, the doctors gave the Ryans the news said that he had developed NEC, a preemie’s gravest diagnosis. Elliott’s intestines had perforated from the air that was trapped in his belly. He was taken to emergency surgery and after many anxiety-driven hours, the family received tragic news. They were told NEC had already destroyed most of El-

Win a night with a Loras Knight by ANDREA BERNS | staff writer


The Ryan family sends love up to Elliott, who they believe gave strength to his sister to rally back against her own infection. liott’s intestines. After another emergency surgery, the Ryans had to make a decision no parents ever wants to face. They had to decide if Elliot would endure another surgery that could give him one to two weeks of life, or let God take him back to heaven. They decided to let their brave little Elliot go back to be with God. Before he left, his sister was able to meet him for the first and only time. As she was laid next to Elliott, Addison reached out and grabbed her baby brother’s hand. The Ryans believe Addison’s baby brother was so brave and so strong, that he gave all of his strength to save his big sister. Addison rallied back after her infection and continued on working to achieve her milestones, such as acquiring her suck/

swallow reflex, and maintaining her own temperature. She spent 81 days struggling with feeding difficulties and multiple infections, and had to be intubated four times. But on December 9th, Addison was able to go home. Today, Addison is 7-years-old and is intelligent, playful and loves school. She loves to play and find mischief around every corner. She also has a little sister Peyton and brother Parker. Her smile lights up the room, and the Ryans thank her guardian angel for that. These kiddos are the reason why Loras dances. Whether a dancer, volunteer, or donating to a friend, all are making miracles for these kids.

The Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual auction tomorrow, April 4, at 7 p.m. in the Ballrooms. This event is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Knights of Columbus. They auction off dinners with their members to raise money for charities such as Spark for Change, a movement started by Rwandans for Rwandans, to help children in Africa pay for school supplies, tuition and meals. The goal for this year is to raise $2500. While Night With a Knight previously auctioned off individual dinners with members in a date-like atmosphere, this year it will be a group-meal so seminarians will be able to participate as well. In addition to meals with the members, there will also be gift baskets available to bid on donated by various organizations on campus such as Dance Marathon, FOCUS, and CAB. The CAB basket includes a meet and greet pass for country singer Dustin Lynch, the Spring Fest artist this year. “It’s a really fun night,” said senior Joel Pohland, the organizer of the event. “There are a lot of great people there. And we do a social hour prior to the auction where you can meet people, dance, and have a very nice time.” The auction is open to everyone on campus. The actual dinner with the Knights is yet to be determined but is guaranteed to be a fun and worthwhile experience. “Knights ranging from first-years to seniors are included in this dinner,” said Pohland. “So be on the lookout to see who’s all included.” The auction is a fundraiser for a great cause, and the Knights would like to ask anyone who is available on April 4 to at-


The Lorian

April 3, 2014


‘Light It Up Blue’ rose autism awareness by ALEXANDRIA SETTANNI | for the Lorian

Wednesday, April 2 was World Autism Day. April is recognized as Autism Awareness Month and the second has become an internationally observed day for the diagnosis. In order to celebrate and kick off the month, April 2nd is the day to light it up blue! Blue is one of the symbolic colors of autism awareness. Many buildings worldwide “go blue” to honor the day. The Empire State Building in New York, the Ada Bridge in Belgrade, Serbia, and the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia are just a few examples. Light It Up Blue has come to Dubuque as well. Mercy Hospital has an autism center which organized the day throughout the

city. Driving through Dubuque, one could see the Mercy Hospital sign, the clock tower, and Dubuque Public School signs have gone blue. The Holy Family School system agreed to wear blue instead of their uniforms for the day as a fundraiser to purchase books about disability to circulate through the school districts. What about Loras? The eDUcation Club and Du-Buddies teamed up to turn the campus blue for Wednesday. Puzzle pieces are another symbol of autism awareness, and the organizations helped to make puzzle piece decorations that were distributed to faculty and staff to place on their doors or windows, and puzzle piece pins were passed out to all members of the Duhawk community during

Meet Board of Regents member Mary Meehan

by ANDREA BERNS | staff writer

Mary Meehan, one of the newer additions to the Board of Regents, has been a member since 2013 where she serves on the Pricing Committee. Meehan earned her bachelor’s degree in Sociology, her master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling, and her doctorate degree at Seton Hall Catholic University in New Jersey. Since then, she has served as the Vice President for Mental Health at St. Mary’s Hospital, an Administer and CEO at St. Vincent’s Westchester in New York, and the Vice President at Seton Hall University. She currently is the President of Alverno College, a Catholic women’s liberal arts institution in Milwaukee, Wisconsin—one of the largest women’s colleges in the country. Meehan notes that her current occupation helps her in serving on the Pricing

Committee. “I bring my experience to the board regarding national trends and changes in governmental regulations and funding that impacts colleges and universities,” Meehan said. Though she did not graduate from Loras, she notes that she has long admired the college and has served on several national higher education boards with our very own President Collins. “I have a great deal of respect for President Collins as I know first-hand of his advocacy for the college as well as the tireless commitment to the Catholic mission—all because of the student focus that is at the heart of every decision made at Loras,” she said. “What I admire most about Loras is the commitment to student learning that is shared by all at the college as well as the passion I see expressed by alumni for their alma mater. I have never met a Loras grad who does not love and appreciate the education they received.” Meehan’s responsibilities as a member are significant. “[The Regents] ensure the mission of the college beginning with Catholic identity, but also including the integrity of the academic mission, all the while mindful of the fiduciary responsibilities that come with governance,” Meehan said. “Loras is a gem, and I am honored to serve at this great college. I have found this board to be highly engaged and committed to the full development of our students.”

HealthCheck360° wins Data into Action Award

The Center for Business Analytics at Loras College is proud to recognize HealthCheck360°, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cottingham & Butler, as the 2014 Data into Action Innovation Award recipient for demonstrating excellence in the use of business analytics through their health score analytics system. As a performance-based wellness company, HealthCheck360° is focused on improving employee health and minimizing employer medical costs through the use of analytics. The company obtains an employee’s biometric data through various incentives and translates it into an easy-to-understand health scorecard. HealthCheck360° then provides an incentive eligibility report to the employer based on the employee’s health scorecard results. Through researching 10,262 of their repeat health scorecard participants, HealthCheck360° found their scoring algorithm is highly correlative to health claims costs: the lower the employee’s Health Risk Level, the less claims the employee had annually. With this research, the company also confirmed capturing and tracking the health of any given population is a wellness best practice. “This journey has taken us from a company having a lot of data to a company using a lot of data. The focus in the last year has been solely on proving our worth on an objective basis with data analytics as our backbone,” said Danny Ready, business analyst with Cottingham & Butler. Another best practice they uncovered is to measure health risk migration, or those who consistently improve their health scorecard annually. Of their 5,252 participants, they experienced a 65% increase in their Ideal risk population and a significant decrease in the other groups: a 20% reduction in Moderate; a 25% reduction in High; and a 37% reduction in their Very High risk groups. “HealthCheck360° prides itself on quantifying the positive impact of its health and wellness programs. We are very pleased and honored to receive this award from Loras College. We believe that our current endeavors are only beginning to demonstrate the overall impact of outcome-based wellness programs and look forward to continuing to work with our partner companies on furthering this effort,” said Michael Kelly, director of HealthCheck360°. In addition to best practices, HealthCheck360° proved the value of their business analytics system with an impressive case study of a large manufacturing client. By comparing their client’s six-year medical spending against the Mercer’s 2012 National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans industry average, HealthCheck360° found they had taken their client from paying $1,264 over to paying $2,334 under the industry average per participant.

Wednesday, April 2, was World Autism Day. April is recognized as Autism Awareness Month. lunch. Campus dining set out blue food for students to enjoy in the café and the library staff contributed by posting a “Who do you wear blue for” board in the lobby. The trees along Loras Boulevard between the ARC and Keane Hall were also lit as a part of the day’s celebration. The organizations encourage students to

wear their blue throughout the month and help to recognize this spectrum disorder. Remember that if someone has met one person with autism, they have met one person with autism. Every person is unique. It is hard to visually identify someone with autism spectrum disorder by looking at them because no physical signs are present. Mozart, Thomas Jefferson, Susan Boyle, and Daryl Hannah were all had some form of autism. Autism is a spectrum disorder, which means the severity of areas such as communication, behavior, and social interaction varies in each person. Please do not be so quick to judge or put down individuals on the spectrum, instead welcome and embrace the uniqueness everyone has.

Announcement of New Certificate Program in Business Analytics

Loras College announced the launch of their new Certificate Program in Business Analytics today as a part of their 2nd annual Business Analytics Symposium. Taught in an engaging online environment, the 10-week program provides mid-career professionals an opportunity to add value to their organization and advance their career through business analytics practices. “We designed the Certificate Program with the busy professional in mind—they may not currently have the time or the means to pursue our MBA in Business Analytics—but they now have the opportunity to have a quick but meaningful immersion in business analytics,” said Dan Conway, Ph.D., Loras College MBA program director and associate professor of business analytics. The Certificate Program in Business Analytics core curriculum has five primary learning objectives: • An introduction to data science methods and techniques • Technology awareness and basic understanding of the applicability to a wide range of analytics scenarios • Hands-on experience with multiple technologies, including R and Tableau • Ability to design and develop performance management processes • Provide context for the ethics of business analysis “Data science and analytics are transforming how organizations interact with customers, suppliers, and society, yet the field of analytics is projected to have a shortage of 1.5 million individuals through 2015,” said Conway. “The Certificate Program helps to narrow that gap and give professionals a leg up on their competition.” Individual and corporate discounted rates are available. For more information on the program, contact Michael Friend at or call (563) 588-7166. About the Loras College Center for Business Analytics: The Loras College Center for Business Analytics is the region’s leading institution geared toward professional and organizational enhancement through the effective analysis of big data. Program offerings are designed to meet the continuing education needs of today’s savvy professional by enhancing the competencies of individuals working in multiple sectors—such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, gaming and insurance— that can benefit from greater analytical skills. For more information, visit www.loras. edu/bigdata. About the Loras College MBA in Business Analytics: The Loras College MBA in Business Analytics is ideal for those looking to enter the rapidly growing field of data management. Students will gain knowledge of analytical tools, learn to evaluate and analyze past performance, and improve decision-making and business outcomes. The program is designed to create thoughtful leaders in the field of analytics by enhancing the professional competencies of individuals working in business environments that will benefit from greater analytics skills and providing educational and field experiences for those wishing to contribute to business analytics

Scholarships available for 2015 China J-term by ANDREA BERNS | staff writer

Students who decide to take the 2015 J-term HIS 278: Chinese Cities in the Past and Present will have the opportunity receive a scholarship to use toward their trip to China. Two very generous alumni made donations to Loras College specifically to support the J-term course traveling to China in 2015 and 2017. “These donations defray the travel expenses of the instructor and the rising director, and allow Loras College to award twelve scholarships to students each time the J-term course in China is offered,” said Dr. Lee Zhu, professor of history. These twelve scholarships are worth $1,200 each. “As a result, the student taking the J-term course in China in 2015 and receiving a scholarship only has to pay $1,800.” These generous donations will greatly assist the students qualified for the scholarships, making the cost significantly more affordable.

“Loras College’s strategic plan envisions scholarships for studying-abroad,” Dr. Zhu continues. “Scholarships awarded to students taking the J-term course in China in 2015 are the first of such scholarships offered by Loras College.” If students have any questions, they should contact Dr. Zhu or Abbie Behrens in the Center for Experiential LearningStudy Abroad Office.


The Lorian


April 3, 2014

One student’s plug for Rod Blum As many of you know the 2014 Congressional campaigns are well on their way. Due to the retirement of our own Senator Tom Harkin (D), Iowa’s current First District Representative Bruce Braley (D) will run against the yet Nate Kapraun to be determined Republican candidate to fill Harkin’s old seat. This then leaves Braley’s seat wide open for this year’s election. Both Democrats and Republicans are campaigning hard to sway voters to side with their candidate. With that being said, I am personally endorsing Rod Blum for the Republican nominee for this year’s Congressional Race. Rod Blum is a local businessman who has achieved his own version of the American Dream by building his software company, Digital Canal Corporation, from the ground up. He was also named Iowa Entrepreneur of the Year in the High-Tech category. Rod is a loving father and husband, Christian, businessman, real-estate developer,

coach, student pilot and conservative and the Sanctity of Life. What this columnist. Did I mention he is a fellow means for all of us college students Duhawk who graduated with a degree in is that he a down-to-earth guy, that Finance back in 1977? will go to Washington looking to cut The main reason why Rod is running the national debt, balance the budget, for Congress is because “recent polls lower taxes, protect our individual have shown that 80% of Americans rights, reign in Government policies, do not believe their and most of all, children will be better permit businesses Rod Blum is a local off than their parents. to thrive allowing One of the things that job opportunities to businessman who has separated our exist which will later has achieved his great country from give students like us own version of the the rest of the world jobs. Because, after is our citizens have all, are we not going American Dream by always had hope and to college to earn a building his software belief for a better degree to eventually company, Digital tomorrow – belief get a job? Be informed that our children when you walk into Canal Corporation, will live better than the voting booth this from the ground up. us. Every generation November and select in this country has the candidate that the lived better than the whole country can previous.” And that is why he is fighting benefit from, and for me that choice is to keep that dream alive for us! Rod Blum. Rod believes in five specific You can find out more information cornerstones that will guide him at his website: when voting on legislation: Personal and follow him on Twitter @ Responsibility, Constitutionally-Limited BlumforCongress. Government, Fiscal Sanity, Free Markets #Blum2014


Alaska, Justin Bieber and the Death Star While Russia seeks to take Alaska back, American citizens demand Justin Bieber’s return to Canada ... and a Death Star. And no, this is not a late April Fool’s joke. These are three petitions that have received, or are on their way to receive the necessary signatures to warrant a response from President Obama’s administration. This January, a petition receiving just under 35,000 signatures (during this time, only 25,000 were necessary to require an answer) via the website “We the People,” requested that the U.S. government begin construction on a Death Star by the year 2016. Paul Shawcross, President Obama’s science and technology adviser, responded to this inquiry, stating, “This isn’t the petition response you’re looking for,” before going on to explain the practical reasons why a Death Star would be impractical at this time. For example, “The Administration does not support blowing up planets” and although such construction would

create jobs, the cost also would greatly increase the deficit. Perhaps it was due to these antics that a new number of signatures became necessary to cross the threshold to warrant a response: 100,000. Needless to say, Star Wars fans around the world rejoice at these allusions to the much beloved franchise. However, the fact that government time and resources went to make this lengthy, if not delightfully sarcastic, response, is a little concerning to the average citizen. What about the important and genuine petitions that are meant to better our society. Take for instance, the one demanding the deportation of Justin Bieber back to Canada. After all, this petition received over 100,000 signatures. Such a response in numbers typically warrants a response from the White House within 30 days, however the public still eagerly awaits what the Obama Administration has to say about the 20-year-old pop star’s future in the United States.

Again, one would have to question the use of White House resources. After all, shouldn’t we be concentrating on the whole “Russia issue”? Don’t worry, there’s a petition there, too. In fact, on Tuesday, an article was released by NPR discussing a new petition that seeks Alaska’s secession and return to Russia. At the time of this article’s publication, the petition had already reached 37,000 signatures. Although one may get a giggle at the poorly Photoshopped image of penguins holding up “Alaska is Next” signs, this still seems to be yet another distraction for the government during a time of international turbulence and uncertainty. But the administration’s reply to the Death Star request does make us stop and ask ourselves: if our government leaders are this creative and innovative when dealing with preposterous, if not amusing, requests such as these, shouldn’t our country be in a much better state? — The Lorian staff

Letters to the editor are welcomed Do you have an opinion on something and want to write a “letter to the editor?” Do you have more questions about an article you read? Corrections or clarifications? A differing opinion about an issue brought up that you want to be heard? We want your input. It’s not just the writers for the Lorian that have print-worthy material; you do, too. To submit a “letter to the editor,” please e-mail us at or Also, if you or an organization you are a part of is doing something noteworthy, or wants to get news out about an upcoming event, we also accept articles from guest writers as long as we are told a few days in advance.

Editorial staff co-executive editor: MARY AGNOLI co-executive editor/ features editor: COLIN HALBMAIER news editor: CASSANDRA BUSCH sports editor: RYAN GRAHAM advertising manager: MICHAEL ROVANSEK executive copy editor: HANNAH WAY


If interested, contact Michael Rovansek at

Alumnus provides answer to student’s question about God To the Editor: The question from “Unbeliever” in Dr. Mike’s column in the March 20 edition of The Lorian raises the most fundamental issue each of us confronts in life. At some point, each of us grapples with the nature of our being and the purpose of our very existence. We ask: Is there a God? Since there is no more important question, it requires thorough and thoughtful study. As with almost any pursuit of knowledge, it is worthwhile to learn from others who have already studied this ultimate question. I’d suggest Unbeliever start with the journey of Francis Collins, a physician-geneticist who currently heads the National Institutes of Health and before that was the renowned choreographer of a global network of scientists known as the Human Genome Project. In college, Collins decided he was an agnostic; as he pursued a graduate degree, he concluded he was an atheist. Because of his intellectual curiosity and commitment to science, he decided to subject the question “Is there a God?” to a scientific examination. His book, The Language of God, discusses his analysis and his journey. When he embarked on his examination of the existence of a Supreme Being, he studied Mere Christianity by legendary Oxford University scholar C. S. Lewis, another long-time agnostic who examined this fundamental issue. Collins notes that Lewis’ intellectual construct made him feel that his own initial thoughts were like those of a “schoolboy.” Then, if you’d like a somewhat different approach, read The Question of God, a byproduct of Armand Nicholi’s popular Harvard course, which is structured as a debate between C. S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud on questions of God, love, sex, and the meaning of life. Collins, Lewis, and Nicholi are not Catholic. They are intellectuals who bring great rigor to their analyses and arguments . I’m sure Father William Joensen will happily provide to any interested student suggestions for readings of great Catholic intellectuals. For those who believe in God but wonder if the Catholic Church is for you, check out www.whyimcatholic. com. Whether you are a believer or an unbeliever, you owe it to yourself to make a decision based on the best information and analysis available. To that end, these three books will be available this month on the Loras campus free of charge to anyone in the Loras community. I am a believer in God. Our life’s journey is a series of choices that lead us either toward unity with God and the completion of our nature by sharing in the joy of His divine life or away from God and an existence that leaves us unfulfilled and separated from divine life. It would indeed be a great personal calamity for each of us if we failed to understand our own nature and the consequences of the choices we make. Sincerely, ~ Tom Tauke (‘72) Regent Emeriti


The Lorian

April 3, 2014


Becoming a part of the Portuguese community This week let us not start at the beginning, let us, instead, start with a short Portuguese language lesson. Of course, my vocabulary in the language has gone up dramatically since my arrival, mostly out of necessity, because explaining to the taxi Kalli Miner driver that your residence is near the ‘Metro Santa Apalonia’ can only get one so far. And, God knows there isn’t a single driver in the city that doesn’t flash confused arched eyebrows upon showing him the six-line address of my temporary home. That being said, I am still no expert, but one does tend to pick up a few things. The particular word that I hope to discuss today won’t likely help you navigate the city in a MEO cab, but it may help you to not only read about, but to fully psychologically immerse yourself in the depth of emotion that is sometimes the Portuguese way. The word ‘Saudade,’ once fully understood, allows one to reach one’s very foreign hand into a purely Portuguese cultural basin. The trouble is though, that there literally is no translation in any other language of the word. So, I suppose the best way to articulate this uniquely Portuguese treasure, is through the story of the most enchanting Portuguese person I know. Leonor, or ‘Leo’ as she goes by, and I walked the streets of Lisbon for 6 hours on the hottest afternoon of the season, phone in her hand, camera in mine. Out of breath from climbing one of the seven bluffs (though I swear there are more), Leo announced with a look of absolute triumph and pleasure that we were lost! And, how happy she was to declare this, as a Portuguese woman who had lived in the city for three years already, getting lost


was a difficult feat for her. It’s a shame, though, considering it was once of her favorite past times; or, so I just learned. You see, I had only met Leo once before this day, at a bus stop where I asked about the ridiculous outfit (a female Men in Black suit, no doubt) she was wearing. Skipping the awkward ‘getting to know you’ careful conversations, both of us seemed to abandon all social norms and jump right into intense conversation. After an hour of enduring public transportation together we parted ways, though both of us feeling rather relieved to have had met each other (or met again we said, we’re sure that we’ve known each other in another realm). But just days later I received a rather odd message from a rather odd phone number saying, ‘let’s go get lost together, I’ll meet you at the bus stop.’ So, I knew it had to be her. Fast-forward and we’re at the top of the bluffs, as lost as ever talking very seriously about the troubles in Ukraine, issues with Portuguese streamlined education, and political parties. We decide that she is a European with an American heart, and I an American with a European one. Not out of desire, but out of lifestyle and what we each longed for most. Socially driven with a laid back, no planner personality, I was surely meant to be Portuguese. She, with a very type ‘A,’ lovingly bossy, and matter of fact vernacular, was undoubtedly more ‘American’ than me. A few weeks later, I had mistakenly brought a few Spanish friends to Leo’s flat, not realizing the rivaled conversation that would start of which country is better. Leo, always very critical of her country’s socio-political state, defended her stomping grounds most loyally. And, when the shouting and passionate gestures had ended, I asked Leo how she could feel

Battle between abortion and birth control W

hether we are for or against abortion, for reasons moral, political, or religious, we can all agree on one thing: we want to see less abortions. Nobody likes them. Nobody wants to see a woman resort to that option, to feel that an abortion her only remaining Jessie Donels is choice. For this reason, we can agree across political parties that finding ways to reduce the number of abortions is an admirable goal. This, however, is where political and religious beliefs start to diverge. This is why it is important to look beyond the goals of laws relating to abortion, and look at their effects on women. A person’s stated beliefs may not match their underlying motives, particularly in the political realm. I’m talking about Texas’s abortion laws, passed in July of last year, which the 5th Circuit Court upheld this past week. The Abortion Bill (House Bill 2, Arizona) is touted by Republicans as a bill to make abortion safer for women. It requires all physicians who provide abortions to have admitting privileges in a hospital within 30 miles of the clinic, and places other restrictions on timing and location. On the surface, this bill makes sense. Women have a right to an abortion; therefore we should do our best to make sure it is safe for them to have one. But when you look at the results of this bill, you see that they don’t match the goal. Abortion hasn’t become any safer in Texas, instead, all but 5 clinics that provide abortion will be forced to shut down. With 13,224,097 women in Texas, this breaks down to 2,644,819 potential patients per clinic. Now obviously, I’m no statistician. Not all of these women are over 18, sexually active, or interested in abortion. But even


if I could eliminate those numbers, the answer leaves not enough clinics to provide the service that these women have a right to. The result—and perhaps the intent—of this law is clearly to limit access to abortion. This seems even more likely when you consider that, in support of their law, republican representatives offered no evidence that the affected clinics were less safe than surgical centers. The majority of support for the bill comes with the fears associated with clear sociopaths like Kermit Gosnell who have been convicted of murder for their monstrous practices. To my mind, there is an easier way to reduce the number of abortions, and it doesn’t limit a woman’s right to control her own body (a right guaranteed by the Supreme Court, twice). There is clear statistical evidence to demonstrate that when women are well informed with ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy – abstinence & birth control – and provided with access to the same, abortion goes down. According to the Center for Disease Control, abortions have decreased steadily since 2001. A number of studies have linked this national trend with increased access to birth control—if you are interested, you can check out the Contraceptive Choice Project by Washington University Medical School, or the 2011 Guttmacher report published in Perspectives on Reproductive and Sexual Health. All of this review leads to an important question—why are conservatives still fighting the birth control provisions in Obamacare? We all want fewer abortions, why not make birth control accessible? Hobby Lobby has been one of the more vocal companies arguing against this provision, and have recently wrapped up arguments before the Supreme Court. Perhaps the court decision will provide a clearer insight into this question, because I just don’t get it.

photo by KALLI MINER

This photo, taken during Kalli and Leo’s six hour walk, represents her character as someone that lives with one foot out the door at all times. two things at once like that? Granted, it certainly resonated with me; I was curious to hear her answer. A bottle of Portuguese-made wine and classic Fado music were her teaching materials of choice, as Leo tried to explain to us all what it is to have ‘Saudade.’ It is, she said, to be a torn person forever, to make homes everywhere but to know that home is nowhere. It is a longing and nostalgia for a time that has passed, but finding comfort in that it has, indeed,

passed. To feel ‘Saudade’ is to love and miss something so dearly, but to be at a painful, yet beautiful, ease in being away from it. No food, drink, music, or any like experience made me understand the Portuguese (in all that I know, and don’t know, of it’s history), like I did this day. And, I think I speak for all of us who sat around the table that night when I say that I had never felt more part of the Portuguese community than in those moments.

Hobby Lobby and the First Amendment R ecently the Supreme Court heard arguments surrounding Hobby Lobby’s lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This issue at hand is the controversial Jack Mescher contraception mandate, which has come from the rules for implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). As a gross simplification, the rule states that companies, which meet certain criteria, must make available contraception to their employees through the health insurance policies they provided. The Supreme Court consideration in this case is important, not merely because of the topic of contraception and the controversy it causes among moral objectors; but moreover, because this case may decide whether or not the First Amendment to Constitution protects corporate entities or businesses. Many folks have indicated that the First Amendment can only apply to persons, not businesses. Upon initial review, I was readily partial to this line of thinking, but then I began to consider the implications that limiting the First Amendment’s jurisdiction would have on freedoms more generally. While Hobby Lobby is invoking the freedom of religion aspect of the First Amendment, it is important to note that the there are additional components of the Amendment at play here. If the Supreme Court would interpret the First Amendment as not to be applicable to business, the decision could effectively remove the ability for businesses to


also be protected in speech, petition, and asserting grievances against the government. While it may be tempting to say that the First Amendment can only apply to persons and not businesses, we must consider the realities entailed through this interpretation.. Should the Supreme Court choose to rule on the case of Hobby Lobby as it relates to the entire First Amendment, and should the court fail to uphold the first amendment as applicable to businesses, there would be many larger issues arising than Hobby Lobby choosing to take issue with having to provide something it believes is harmful to people. Under the jurisdiction of this ruling would be included any business which engages in public discourse not related directly to its business. If persons are the only ones protected under the first amendment, what would happen to a labor union’s ability to air grievances against government policy? Where would protections exist for companies, which, aside from their actual business, partake in social justice? Would a small business owner be able to put a political sign in the front window? As unnatural as it may seem, I believe now that it remains pivotal, for upholding a free society, that the Constitutional protections of the First Amendment, be them religion, petition, speech or otherwise, maintain extension beyond the individual. It is important for people to advance their interests and deeply held convictions through peaceful and effective means—if that includes a business, then it ought to be protected. Though the opinion of Hobby Lobby may clash against some, it remains essentially important to our identity as free people that Hobby Lobby is able to abide by their principles; and that dissenters are able to dissent. I look forward to the Court’s ruling on this case--it will be significant either way.


The Lorian


April 3, 2014

I saw my first robin today, and for me, that means that spring is truly (and finally!) upon us. It’s been a long, long winter, and I think that we are all just excited to see the grass and sun again, and not have to bundle up like eskimos every time we go outside. However, spring comes with it’s own set of problems and annoyances for a lot of us: allergies. Allergies are not an uncommon thing, especially here in Iowa where the grass grows thick and the pollen runs rampant. No one is safe from spring allergies, but not to fear, there are ways to prevent it, and most of them are natural. Changing simple things from diet to cleaning methods can help alleviate annoying allergy symptoms that are all too common during this time of year. Simple eating habits can help to ease some allergies. Foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish and nuts, have anti-inflammatory properties for instance. Apples and other fruits such as oranges and strawberries that have a

Putting a Spring in Your Spirit by CASSIE BUSCH | news editor

large amount of vitamin C are also shown to help to prevent allergies in some cases. The skin of apples, onions, and tomatoes also contain quercetin, an antioxidant, that has been shown to improve function in the lungs. Red grapes contain resveratrol, another antioxidant, and this one has also been shown to reduce allergy symptoms. Finally, hot tea and soup help to ease congestion that makes allergy symptoms so irritating, so they may be worth a try. Cleaning is another easy and natural solution that can yield

results. Simple things like frequently washing your pillow cases and clothes can help to get nasty pollens out of your home environment. It also may be helpful to leave your shoes in the doorway, as they often carry in the allergens and you want to avoid mixing them with the rest of your things. Washing your hair every night can be helpful as well, especially if you use products. These are sticky and may hold on to irritants throughout the day. Rugs are also a potential holder of allergens, and if you want to keep one, you will want to keep it clean as possible.


by COLIN HALBMAIER | In the weeks leading up to the release of Divergent, my brother - an avid reader - praised the series of novels and how they were being made into movies. We have similar tastes in entertainment, so when I was home for the weekend, we left for the theater together. I had no idea what to expect; any information I had found online was vague at best, without looking at a plot summary riddled with spoilers. I went into Divergent blind, and walked out with nothing but respect. Without making too much of a comparison, Divergent works along the same lines as The Hunger Games. In a dystopian future, Chicago is split into five factions, each representing a different virtue: the selfless, peaceful, honest, brave, and intelligent. When children reach a certain age, they have the choice to break free of their birth faction and choose a new life for themselves, based on a test of their reactions to certain situations. But when Tris (Shailene Woodley) awakens from her test to discover that her results were inconclusive, she chooses the brave Dauntless over her family in the selfless Abnegation. At first, Tris has some difficulty finding her place with the Dauntless, who serve as the city guards and practice parkour-like movements and martial arts regularly. All the while, Tris must hide that she is Divergent while fitting in with her new family. Critics have drawn several parallels to The Hunger Games trilogy, which shares some roots with Divergent. There is a notable overlap in audiences, partially because of their shared origins in young adult novels. But while The Hunger Games are about bloodshed and rebellion, Divergent deals with the issue of identity in a society where each person can be cleanly put into a faction. Without spoiling the plot, not all is as perfect as the leaders of these factions assume, with schemes and scandals playing darker roles throughout the film. One of the more notable things about Divergent is its lack of superstar actors that most films revel in. Woodley played the lead in The Secret Life of the American Teen-

Mr. Banks Saves Cinema

Looking Back

Celebrating 175 Years

In 1873, the college, then known as St. Joseph’s College, moved to 14th Street (now Loras Blvd). It occupied a building constructed in the 1850s by the BVMs who used it as a hospital. This c. 1880 photo shows the college from across 14th St. (a dirt road) from what is now Prairie Street. The two additions to the right were demolished and replaced, so the only building in this photo that exists today is a small portion of the on the far left. In 1880, the population of Dubuque was approximately 22,500 and the enrollment at St. Joseph’s College was 82 students, with 8 in the graduating class. According to the college catalogue, board, tuition, bedding, washing & mending of articles was $190/year, and for so-called “day students” who lived off campus, tuition was $60 per year. But if you spent summer on campus, it was an additional $30. Piano lessons and use of a piano were $35/year. Books, stationery, pens, and ink were an additional $5.00 per year. Semi-annual payments for all fees and tuition had to be made in advance and if you dropped out there were no refunds after the first two weeks. (Photo courtesy of the Loras College Archives).

Eleven Common Phrases (In Laywoman’s Terms) 1. “Bite the Bullet”- Deepthe middle of this Lenten by LOUISA PAVLIK | staff writer ly rooted in history, this season and I went from saying actually references consuming upwards of an old tradition of biting an actual bullet when un- three jars of peanut butter a day to NOTHING. dergoing a medical procedure. The development of Zero nut products. Granted, I am giving this up for western medicine allows now for something a little religious reasons, but cutting things completely more helpful, like, I don’t know ANESTHESIA, so too out of your life can lead to withdrawal symptoms should we let ourselves avoid the pain/embarrass- (mine include crying and pity parties). Sometimes, ment/suffering that we can get away with avoiding. we have to gradually cut out. Maybe try to only 2. “Waking Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed”- have one liter of Diet Coke per day instead of two. I am notoriously unpleasant when overly tired 6. “Let Your Hair Down” - If it looks ratchor hungry- like a giant baby crying for McDon- et, please refrain. Otherwise, shake it out boo. alds, if you will. This saying, more of a descrip7. “No Spring Chicken” - I will not toler tion than life rule, is often used to rationalize ate ageism. Isn’t forty the new twelve anyway? someone just being a bad sport about this com8. “A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned” - Or, plicated thing we call life. I need to suck it up. a penny saved is a penny not spent on a fun 3. “Eat Humble Pie” - This one I think we c o n c e r t o r g u m s o t h a t y o u d o n ’ t h a v e b a d could all do with sticking to for a minute. Ev- b r e a t h w h e n y o u m e e t s a i d c u t i e i n a n e l eryone gets a trophy these days. Everyone gets e v a t o r . L i v e a l i t t l e . B e c a u s e … ( s e e # 9 ) 30+ likes on a picture of them finishing their 5k. 9. “You Can’t Take It With You” - #Tru I get it. You’re fit. But you’re not super(wo)man. 10. “Beating a Dead Horse” - How did this 4. “Break the Ice” - Now, I have met some real even catch on? What kind of sicko does this? characters by using my innate charm and wit 11. “A Little Bird Told Me” - If by a little bird en route on public transportation, in the Du- you mean the girl down the hall who hasn’t liked hawk Market, and even exchanged banter with you since Launch into Loras, then yes I guess a lita cutie in the elevator. However, some people tle bird told you. Stop gossiping and don’t blame are painfully shy. You’ve got nothing to prove! God’s animals for your own nosiness. Sicko. It’s alright to keep to yourself once in a while. Another deep investigation of eleven concepts has Socialites like me will understand. I promise. came and went. I thank you for reading and, hey, 5. “Go Cold Turkey”- See, we are right about in remember my favorite saying: Don’t Be a Stranger.

April 3, 2014


‘Divergent’ Breaks Free

There are other solutions as well, such as over-the-counter antihistamines and saline sinus sprays to clean out your nose. Consulting your doctor can also yield more options, such as immunotherapy. In immunotherapy, you receive one or two shorts a week that give you very small amounts of the irritant that is causing your allergy symptoms. These shots are administered over six months, and after that maintenance shots are required every month or so for the next three to five years. The internet will provide many more solutions and prevention methods to allergies as well for you to try, although many may not prove to be effective. Allergies can be very specific to the individual, and if you want the best results, a nurse or doctor will be your best bet to consult to find a solution that is right for you. You don’t have to suffer through another season of itching and irritation, take steps this spring to enjoy the weather and get outside without worrying!

Note: Saving Mr. Banks that later succumbed to tuberby NINO ERBA | staff writer comes out on the 18th, so culosis, an event that she nevm a k e s u r e t o g e t t h i s D i s n e y b i o p i c A S A P ! er really recovered from. P.L. Travers is her pen For those of us with DVD/VHS collections, there name; her real name is Helen Goff. We do know are some people who have seen how movies are this much: Travers hated the Mary Poppins film, made, and the struggle it took to make them. How- and the stage productions have been noted to be ever, some movies have been truly tumultuous to markedly different from the film. Despite this, the make (yet are truly delightful when finished). One film won five Oscars (including Best Actress for Juexample is Mary Poppins, the classic Disney film. lie Andrews) and continues to be a Disney classic. Though beloved by millions since its 1964 premiere, Saving Mr. Banks has its virtues as well. The Saving Mr. Banks shows an in-depth look at how bright and cheery look, along with its 1960s décombative the proceedings were behind the scenes. cor, is aesthetically pleasing. There are plenty of P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson), writer of the references for lovers of Mary Poppins in the film. Mary Poppins books, is a neurotic, emotionally Mr. Banks hinges on two central performancvulnerable woman who is egged into working with es. Tom Hanks doesn’t sound or look quite like Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) and his filmmakers af- the real Disney did, but there are several moter years of resisting to make Mary Poppins due ments where his acting allows some depth into to the author’s financial troubles. Once in Califor- what Disney was like. And Thompson is excellent nia, however, she finds problems with practically as the remarkably stubborn Travers, who opens everything that Disney has planned for the movie herself just enough to allow the film to be made. adaptation. She doesn’t like the songs, she despises Depending on your view of Mary Poppins, animation, and she’s very protective of Mary Pop- this film could be an acquired taste. But for pins. Flashbacks help show that she had a rough those of us who watched it at a young age and and emotionally traumatic childhood when she was still cherish it, the wind is in the east for Savliving in Australia (she later relocated to London). ing Mr. Banks. It’s not practically perfect in evIf the movie is accurate, Travers had a close re- ery way, but it is a good offering nonetheless. lationship with her father, who was an alcoholic

The Lorian

co-executive editor

ager and a major part in The Spectacular Now, but has few other claims to fame. Nevertheless, I found her acting to be excellent and fitting for the role of Tris. Supporting actors, including Theo James and Ashley Judd, are equally obscure, but carry their roles well. That being said, Jennifer Lawrence’s moment came with the Hunger Games, and the number of big-name movies she’s appeared in has risen exponentially since then. That doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll be seeing a lot more of Woodley on the horizon, but the door has been opened that much wider for her. In a movie that spans nearly two-and-a-half hours, it’s important to keep things rolling, and Divergent has no problems doing so. The film’s plotline is solid - which is no surprise, given its novel origins - and the pace is quick in all but a few necessary slower scenes. A soundtrack featuring Ellie Goulding and Junkie XL fits the film perfectly and keeps the tensions high and audiences engaged. That’s not to say that Divergent is perfect. There were points near the end that I found myself wanting things to wrap up, but the nature of film made it necessary to continue for just a little longer. Some major plot points were glossed over a little too much, but at the same time, I appreciated not being beaten over the head with obvious plot devices. The film was predictable at times, but not unlikably so. I enjoyed being able to follow along and have some sense of what was happening, while still having a surprise or two thrown in. While I’m not an avid movie-goer, I could see myself thinking of Divergent as my favorite movie of the year. I could respect and follow its plot, the relatively young cast made for refreshing new faces without the association with previous films, and the whole cinematic experience was a pleasure to see. If you consider yourself a fan of The Hunger Games and other sci-fi/dystopian young adult novels, you might find more in Divergent than you would otherwise think.

The Wolf Occupies Hollywood by NINO ERBA | staff writer

Note: This bad boy is out on DVD, so enjoy this Oscar nominee at home (which is really the best place to watch it because this movie is very NSFW)! If there is anyone reading who has ever hated the Occupy Wall Street movement or wondered why it was ever created or existed, that means that he or she needs to see this movie even more. Martin Scorsese’s masterful The Wolf of Wall Street combines top-tier acting, biography, disgusting displays of over-the-top excess, and a record number of F-bombs for a movie that hits big and sticks with you. Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) arrives on Wall Street as a bright-eyed young man eager to learn the tricks of the trade. Through coaching by his early boss (Matthew McConaughey), he quickly becomes another Wall Street slime ball waiting to make as much money as possible in any way possible. Which, of course, means that many of the things he pulls off is illegal. But money he makes: millions of dollars, and you need to remember that this film starts in the 1980’s (which, by the way,

was the decade that the movie Wall Street was made in). As unsettling and disturbing as it is to watch these sleazes blow off unsuspecting Americans of their money and use whatever money they have on things like prostitutes and drugs, this film pulls off a neat trick. Most of us would like to be rich, but The Wolf of Wall Street takes those fantasies to an extreme. Belfort takes enough drugs to rival Keith Richards. This man is so driven by money and pleasure, not to mention consumed and corrupted by those things, that it’s truly amazing to know that the real Belfort is still alive. However, he comes across as so charismatic and easygoing that it’s easy to indulge in the fantasy, even when we hate what we see. What makes this film special apart from Scorsese’s direction and Terence Winter’s screenplay is the array of standout performances. Aussie actress Margot Robbie has several big scenes as Belfort’s long-suffering second wife. Jonah Hill (nominated for a Best Supporting Actor) gives one of his best performances yet as Belfort’s main partner in crime. Matthew McConaughey, though his role is short, gives

proof that his comeback is real after a string of ill-received romantic comedies. Rob Reiner makes a convincing return to movie acting as Belfort’s short-tempered father, Max. However, the crown jewel of The Wolf of Wall Street is a doozy. Most of us know that DiCaprio has been an excellent actor in movies ranging from Catch Me If You Can and Inception to Django Unchained and this ranks as one of his very best efforts. To be so repulsive yet so charming is an extraordinary feat, and despite the fact that his Oscar nomination will most likely remain that (it did), it’s one of the closest times he’s ever come to winning the award. Brace yourselves: In addition to the profuse swearing and revolting acts committed on screen, the movie is almost 3 hours long! It’s worth it, though. After the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, Wall Street was met with considerable contempt. The Wolf of Wall Street is the perfect justification for all the bad press and distrust the New York landmark has received in the last several years. It’s also one of the year’s best films.


The Lorian April 3, 2014

Come join the

Paideia Quiz Bowl Thursday, April 3, 7:00 p.m. Cost is $3/person Compete for a pinata full of candy and surprises!




Come bid on a

Night with a Knight Friday, April 4, 7:00 p.m. Marie Graber Ballroom Come support the local Knights of Columbus by bidding on a night out with your fellow Duhawks!

Loras College Choirs present the

2014 Spring Concer t Saturday, April 5, 7:30 p.m. Christ the King Chapel Free Admission Featuring the music of Mozart, Handel, and more!

Stylish Knights

photo by Katherine Edwards

The Knights of Columbus donate to a number of charitable foundations to help those in need, but the money for these donations doesn’t come from just anywhere. The Knights work hard to raise funds - including getting haircuts! Over the past few weeks, the Knights have been collecting donations for their annual haircut fundraiser. Their peers donated money toward bizarre haircuts, including a pineapple, the last airbender, and even a lizard. On Tuesday, the votes were counted and the winning styles were imprinted on the Knights’ heads by stylists at Capri College. The Knights will walk around with their new styles for the next week.



Write numbers in the spaces so that each row, column, and 3x3 box contain the numbers 1 through 9.

Mind & Soul

l o o d y

April 3, 2014


What are you looking for? the life that is true life: Location and Announcements by FR. GROSS | for the Lorian



The Lorian is continuing a column by Dr. Mike Boyd, director of the Counseling Center. Here, he will answer student questions concerning anything that relates to keeping it together while going through this crazy thing called college. Send questions or comments to Dr. Mike, Loras Box 100, or to the e-mail address All names of those sending questions will be kept confidential.

The Lorian

Lonely for Friends Hey Mike: I seem to be having a hard time making friends here. No one seems friendly. Any advice that won’t make me look desperate for friends? — Lonesome but not Desperate

Mike says: Believe me; most people your age feel much the same way. You and several hundred other young people come together, not knowing anyone else. A few of those people are very social and outgoing and make friends fast. Many are a bit more shy and watch as other get together easily, and wonder why they can’t. Here are some ideas: - Join one or more of the many organizations on campus. Having a common interest is one way that people can work through those shy moments of wondering what to say to someone. - Ask someone in a class if they would like to get together to study. I know they might say “No,” but take a risk. Most relationships start with someone taking the first chance. - If you restrict yourself to only people who are “beautiful” or “smart” or “out-going” you restrict yourself to a small section of the possibilities. Look at all of the people you encounter and consider ways of starting a conversation. - Do you walk between classes and see the same person walking that same way? Start a conversation. Be willing to be bold. If someone considers you “too needy,” that is their loss. Really believe this. It is the most important advice here. Good luck.

Hey Duhawks! I hope you made it through midterms without a hitch. I pray you received some spiritual wisdom through the Loras Mission: “Don’t Get Robbed” this week which concludes tonight with Fr. Joensen and me offering spiritual nuggets on how not to get robbed of peace which then leads to our Lenten Reconciliation Service at 8 p.m. Let’s have a full chapel! I do want to give you two updates. First, my office has moved from Wahlert Hall to Campus Ministry. I am excited to join my other campus ministry colleagues. Please stop by and say hi! Just to peak


Realities of change: expect, embrace and grow by ANDY UPAH

St. Pius X Seminary

Pesky Parents Hey Mike: Recently, I’ve gotten myself into a healthy relationship with a girl that I love deeply. We have been going together for a while now, and it just keeps getting better. We have never done anything sexual, because we both firmly believe in waiting until marriage. My problem isn’t with her, though; it’s with my parents. They know who she is, and I think they have an inkling as to how we feel about each other, but every time her name comes up in the conversation they roll their eyes slightly, and get a tone in their voice that says quite clearly, “You naive boy, you are only going to end up hurting yourself.” I love this girl with all my heart, and it really doesn’t matter to me what my parents think about us. My question is how can I get them to accept us as a couple, and, in the least, acknowledge that I am an adult now, and can choose who and how I fall in love and that I can (no, must) make my own mistakes to fully grow as an adult. The only thing I need from them in this matter is, perhaps, a shoulder to cry on when and if it goes south. — Misunderstood

Mike says: Well Misunderstood, it sounds like you have too many people caring about you. Well not really, but think about it. Your parents’ only reason for rolling their eyes and getting that tone to their voices is that they are afraid for you. When you were little, they could protect you by holding your hand. They want to still hold your hand and protect you. They just do not realize that what they are doing is hurtful. You have to talk to them. Here are some ideas. - First, you need an ice breaker. Try taking this copy of The Lorian to show to your parents. Start with the parent that is less likely to get upset. That is practice. Then go to the other one, hopefully with an ally. Do not do this to divide them, though. That can only lead to a fight between them which will spill over into your problem. - For them to be more comfortable, they need to know the girl you love. Be willing to talk about her and be frank. If there are things you worry they will not like (different race, religion, background) do not hide them, but talk of how they are balanced with good things. - Finally, if you address this problem as you did in your note to me, and be firm, they will understand. They may still act protective, but that is because they love you.

your interest of a possible visit to my office, I have a piece of Loras College art that depicts a former president of Loras College who later became a bishop in Illinois. You have to come to find out the answer. Second, I received a new assignment from the Archbishop. Beginning next academic year I will be Chaplain of Loras full-time and relieved of my seminary duties at St. Pius X Seminary. Fr. Joensen will remain as Dean of Spiritual Life. The last two years I have been Associate Chaplain and Vice Rector of St. Pius X Seminary. With this change of assignment, I will be more present on campus and available to the community. At the end of the semester, I will be moving to campus and out of the seminary residence, Vianney House. I want to thank the Archbishop for his generosity of assigning Fr. Joensen, Fr. Wathier and myself to Loras. With the tight numbers of priests, it is very generous that he continues to send three priests to serve the college. Let us continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and to pray for our Loras seminarians who are in discernment and formation. That’s the news; now you know! I pray you are all having a fruitful Lent. We are almost to Easter break, let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. I’ll see you around campus!

For us as seminarians, if the last couple of years have been underscored by anything, it is surely one thing – change. A new pope, new archbishop, new seminaries, and now even new rectors… it has kept us on our toes to be sure! Is this a complaint? Not in the slightest. In fact, we had better get used to it! Things are always going to be changing for us: New parish assignments every few years, new bosses, new co-workers, new friends… Certainly we will have assignments that we will not want to leave. We will be comfortable with the parishioners, church staff, and community leaders. But then that letter will come saying we are moving to the other end of the diocese and boom, everything has changed. These changes can be a positive thing, because it means new opportunities, from which we can learn and grow. It can be good for the parishioners too. A pastor typically moves every six years. The lectionary cycle of readings is three years. By the time the priest moves, you have heard him read each bible passage at least twice and possibly give the same basic homilies, so it is good to get a fresh take on things. Besides that, it points out that the church is more than the pastor; at its core, it is Jesus made present in the Eucharist, and everything else is secondary.

MASS TIMES at Christ the King 5:15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m. Sunday

All this change stuff is not exclusive to seminarians and priests… every college student should be prepared for it and embrace it. It will make you a better friend and employee. How? Well, your friends’ circumstances are going to change quickly. Many will move far away. Marriages may be closely followed by babies, and the things you used to do with your friends won’t be as easy to do. This will mean a lot of adjusting to changes in order to maintain relationships. When I used to work in IT consulting, I could always count on people rejecting any sort of changes that affected their daily work, even if it would be an improvement for the company. However, managers like employees who can adjust well to change, and these are the people who get promoted to be managers themselves, so it is your best interest to be able to handle change well. The other take away from constant change is to really appreciate the time you have with your friends and family. Things can change so quickly. My cousins and I used to go on a ski trip every year, and it was a great time. Then people started getting real jobs and having kids and it made it next to impossible to get everyone together at the same time for five days away. Do not put off opportunities thinking there will be a next time. Seize the moments at hand and enjoy them as much as you can. In short, expect change and embrace it; use it as an opportunity to grow while recognizing the importance of living in the moment. Finally, as in everything, have faith in God that He will help you through whatever changes come your way!

ADORATION at St. Joseph’s Chapel 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday at Christ the King 9 p.m. Thursday


The Lorian


April 3, 2014

Baseball team bounces back from slow start Duhawks sweep intracity rival UD by KATIE TRUESDALE | sportswriter

Due to weather, the Duhawks were forced to postpone their opening conference game of the season against Wartburg College and reschedule their upcoming game against UW-Platteville due to poor field conditions. With an 11-day break for the Duhawks due to the weather, they were finally able to play a game against Cornell last Wednesday. The Duhawks took over early in the game after hits from sophomores Pat Walsh and Spence Bonner brought in the game’s first run, putting the Duhawks ahead. Thanks to a few fielding errors by Cornell, the Duhawks were able to bring in three runs by the bottom of the first inning. As the game continued on, the Duhawks kept pouring it on. They were up 6-0 in the top of the third and by the top of the seventh the score was 14-0. Loras pitched six different players throughout the seven inning game and had a combined ten strike outs and only allowed seven total hits. The win over Cornell brought the Duhawks record to 2-5 for the season. “We need to continue to improve our focus as individuals and as a team,” said junior Adam Schwoebel. “There are some days where it seems like our focus is there and others it seems like it’s lacking. If we can bring it every day, we’ll be able to play a couple of good series as a team and finish the year strong.”

Following the win, the Duhawks moved The following day, the Duhawks had anon to their first Iowa Conference opponent of other double header against the Storm. Loras the season, the Simpson Storm, in two double brought in the first run of the game in the top headers on both Saturday of the third, but Simpson and Sunday. answered with three runs With the Storm scoring of their own in the bot“ We expect to win every a run in each of the first tom of the fourth inning. three innings of game one, Loras would bring in two game in the conference. the Duhawks were on their more runs in the fourth but We feel like we are one heels. They struggled to trailed by two after Simpof the top teams in the get on the board throughson scored in the fourth as out the game despite some IIAC and can be extremely well. The Duhawks did all promising hits in the final they could to catch Simpcompetitive during innings. At the end of the son, but a run in the fifth conference play and into would be all the Duhawks game, the score remained 0-3 Simpson. could come up with and the tournament. Thus In game two of the douthey fell to the Storm 4-5. far, it’s been frustrating ble header, the Duhawks As final game of the because we know we’re were able to come back afweekend between the Dubetter than we’ve shown hawks and Storm got unter their loss in game one. With two runs in the top of and it just comes back to derway, the Storm jumped the second and another in to a huge lead. By the bringing that consistent out the top of the seventh, the fourth inning the Storm focus everyday.” Duhawks finished the game were up six runs over the with a win of 3-0 over the Adam Schwoebel, Duhawks. In the sixth inStorm. Schwoebel pitched ning Loras was able to close junior pitcher Loras’ third shutout of the the gap a bit after a great hit season. from senior Eric DeSousa “As a team and individuthat brought in three RBIs als we really have to limit the errors because and made the score 8-4. In the top of the that is what has killing us lately,” said sopho- eighth inning, Loras was able to bring in one more Patrick Walsh. “Errors are going to hap- more run to make the score 8-5 but that would pen, they are a part of the game. But we need be all they could muster. to work on not making the same errors over Following their 1-3 weekend against Simpand over again.” son, the Duhawks looked to bounce back in






a double-header against cross-town rival Dubuque. In game one, the Duhawks took a 4-0 lead early. It started in the third as senior Mike Pudlo tripled to bring in a run from senior Mark Jablonski. The Duhawks poured it on in the fourth thanks to a three-run homer from senior Niko Andriotis. After a Spartan run in the bottom of the fourth, the Duhawks pulled away with five more runs in the next two innings. When it was all said and done, the Duhawks were able to hold off UD and took game one 9-4. In game two of the double-header, the first three innings were filled with scoring on both sides. The game was tied 2-2 after the first and thanks to a pair of UD errors in the second, Loras took a slim 5-4 lead entering the third. In the third, Andriotis and Jablonski both drove in two runs, giving the Duhawks a 9-4 lead. The Duhawks were able to hold on and sweep the series, winning the game 10-6. “We expect to win every game in the conference,” said Schwoebel. “We feel like we are one of the top teams in the IIAC and can be extremely competitive during conference play and into the tournament. Thus far, it’s been frustrating because we know we’re better than we’ve shown and it just comes back to bringing that consistent focus everyday.” After sweeping Dubuque, the Duhawks improved their record to 5-8 and 3-3 in the Iowa Conference. The Duhawks next games will take place Thursday and Friday at home against Luther College.

Men’s and women’s track & field teams dominate competition Duhawks take first at the Knox College Outdoor Open

Ward and Zac Gassman along with sophomores Nick Ball and Devan Kennedy took first in the 4X100-meter relay. The team of Ward, Gassman, Ball and first-year Brandon by RYAN GRAHAM | sports editor The men’s and women’s track-and-field Grandoville won the 4X400-meter relay. In the field, first-year Ben Kieler won the teams both took first place in the Knox Colhigh jump, first-year Joseph Yonkoff won lege Outdoor Open in Galesburg, IL the pole vault and sophomore Keonthis past Friday. tae Neely took first in the long jump. Both the men and women had a Two Duhawk throwers, junior Jorbevy of first place finishers. On the dan Burkholder (discus) and sophwomen’s side, senior Emily Roth omore Evan Rossing (javelin) won won the 400-meter dash. Firsttheir events as well. year Maggie Saenz Ruiz placed At the end of the day, the Duhawks first in the 5,000-meter run. Jublew away their competition. The niors Emily Sotelo (400-meter women placed first out of six teams, hurdles) and Hallie scoring 298 points. The Martin (steeplechase) next closest school was also won their events. Sophomore Zach Frey and Cornell with 189 points. In the relays, the On the men’s side, Lorfirst-year Maggie Saenz team of first-year Alexas took first out of nine Ruiz set personal records ia Hanson, sophomore teams, scoring 292 Brittnee Powers and and are named the Iowa points; more than three seniors Laura Wondra Conference Men’s and times as many as the and Donna Johnston runner-up Cornell, who Women’s Track & Field won the 4X100-meter finished with 96 points. relay. The 4X400-mePerformers of the Week. For their efforts ter relay was taken by over the weekend, two the team of Wondra, Duhawks were named Johnston, Powers and junior EmIowa Conference Track & Field ily Sotelo. Performers of the Week. Maggie In the field, senior Katie LangSaenz Ruiz won the award for finmeier took first in the high jump ishing the 5,000-meter run with a and first-year Amy Gladis won the time of 17:43.54, a personal record pole vault. and good for third all-time in LorOn the men’s side, sophomore as history. On the men’s side, Zach Zach Frey took first in the 800-meFrey won the award for finishing the ter run. Senior Mark Chapman won the 1,500-meter run. Senior Rob Howe 800-meter dash in 1:55.33. This was also a placed first in the 5,000-meter run and personal record and good enough for 14th sophomore Jake Brock finished with the overall in Division III. The Duhawks’ next meet will take place fastest time in the 100-meter hurdles. this Saturday at the Wartburg Select Meet The men’s team also saw two relay teams in Waverly, IA. take home first-place finishes. Juniors Kyle

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The Lorian

April 3, 2014


Men’s golf season gets underway

Junior Brian Falvey returns the ball during the Duhawks’ match against St. Mary’s University.

Windy conditions give Duhawks fits in St. Louis

by MADDIE WHALEN | sportswriter

photo via

The men’s golf team started their spring season at the Gorlok Spring Invitational in St. Louis. Sophomore John Nugent was the low scorer for Loras with a score of 75 the first day and 85 the second for a combined score of 164. Nugent finished 49th of the 87 golfers. Nugent was followed closely by sophomore Jason Beer who shot a 166. Beer shot a 79 on the first day and an 89 on the second. The third lowest score came from sophomore Logan Bahl who finished with a 83 and 84 for a total weekend score of 167. Beer and Bahl finished 54th and 57th, respectively. “Our tournament this weekend was up and down,” said head coach Buddy Sodemann. “With the weather this winter, the tournament this weekend was the first chance to not only play outside, but practice outside. That being said, I was pleased with the efforts of some of our players. We are excited to get back to practice and work on our weaknesses.” Sodemann went on to talk about his team’s goals for the upcoming season. “We need to work on our consistency on a daily basis,” he said. “If we do that, it will give us a chance to score well in our tournaments. A team goal this year is to finish in the top half our league.” The Duhawks have another tournament this weekend at Pinnacle Country Club in the Quad Cities. The team is looking forward to competing this weekend because it is a 14-team tournament consisting of some of the strongest teams in the Midwest.


Duhawks still in search of first win ‘‘

Tennis team is swept by St. Mary’s University, 9-0

“Playing indoors and outdoors is incredibly different,” Kurt said. “We haven’t been playing outside much due to the weather. Hopefully we will get some nice weather and put together a nice run at the end of the season.”

by RYAN GRAHAM | sports editor

After a month-long layoff, the Duhawks finally got back onto the courts last Sunday against St. Mary’s University. The Cardinals swept Loras, winning all nine of the match ups. In singles competition, the Duhawks were outscored 72-25 as a whole. They struggled in the three doubles competitions as well, scoring only seven points to St. Mary’s 24. The lost brings the Duhawks record to 0-7 on the season. “St. Mary’s is a tough team,” said head coach Daniel Kurt. “But the biggest difference on Saturday was how they were able to adjust to the weather. It was extremely windy on the courts and they were playing much safer shots and executed those better than we were able to. We also found out on Saturday that our No. 3 (junior Ulises Hernandez) was being held out by his doctor, so we didn’t even have a day to adjust. We had to switch up doubles partners, and I think that was part of the reason we struggled so much in doubles.

Daniel Kurt,


head coach | Men’s Tennis

We should have Ulises back this weekend so that is good.” Looking ahead, the Duhawks will continue to search for their first win of the season as they take on conference opponents Central, Simpson and Coe over the course of the next week. Central comes in ranked fourth in conference with a record of 8-5; Simpson is fifth with a record of 5-8 and 0-1 in conference; and Coe leads the con-

ference with a 4-0 conference record and an 18-4 record overall. “It is tough to get a read on Central as they have not played a single match in conference yet,” Kurt said. “But they are usually top 3 in the conference so that will be a tough match. Simpson will be a really close match. We have beaten them the last two years and hopefully we can make it three years in a row. Coe is one of the best teams in the country, so every member of the team will need to bring their A-game if we want any shot at beating Coe.” As the seasons change and the weather becomes warmer, the Duhawks will need to adjust to playing outdoors. “Playing indoors and outdoors is incredibly different,” Kurt said. “We haven’t been playing outside much due to the weather. Hopefully we will get some nice weather and put together a nice run at the end of the season.” The Duhawks next games will take place Saturday, April 5, outside the AWC. Loras is set to face off against Central college at 9 a.m. and will take on Simpson later in the day at 1 p.m.

Softball team look to heat up as conference play approaches Loras sits even at 10-10 overall as it prepares for 6-game homestand by BOO WOOD | sportswriter

Last weekend, the Duhawks headed to Mt. Vernon to take on Cornell College in a double header. In game one, Cornell jumped on the board early in the bottom of the third when Abby Haubold stepped to the plate with the bases loaded and two outs. Haubold sent a bases-clearing double into the right center gap to give the Rams a 3-0 lead. The Rams would also add a pair of runs in the bottom of the fourth to extend their lead to five. After a lead-off walk to junior Nora Zerante, the Duhawks’ bats would come alive. First-year Danielle Stromert followed the walk with a single. With runners on first and second, sophomore Makaila Haase singled to load the bases for the hot-hitting junior Katie Serpico. Serpico managed to earn a walk after a long at-bat, driving in the Duhawks’ first run of the game. After a fielder’s choice which resulted in a throw-out at the plate, the Duhawks would end the inning and their scoring chances with a fly out. The Duhawks would hold off the Rams for the remainder of the game but were only able to produce one run and the Rams took the first game 5-2. In the second game, the Duhawks found themselves in a seven-run hole after the first inning. Still trailing by seven, the Duhawks started to see the ball better out of the pitcher’s hand. Stromert started things off with a single, followed by singles from Zerante and Haase. With ducks on the pond, senior Alaina Rigdon walked to bring in the first run for the Duhawks. Sophomore Kali Koopmann would continue the rally with an RBI-single to left field. Sophomore Ashlee Hoffmann stepped to the plate and hit a bomb to the fence which would score a pair of runners to put the Duhawks within three, 7-4. In the fifth, the Duhawks had runners in scoring posi-

tion after Stromert doubled to left center. After runs from to take on Coe College. The ninth-ranked Kohawks got Haase and Koopmann the Duhawks ended their scoring off to an early lead, driving in a run in the bottom of the spree at 6. In the bottom half of the inning the Rams put first. After three scoreless innings, the Duhawks tied it up seven runs on the board to hold off the Duhawks and the thanks to a Hoffmann double that drove in Koopmann. game ended 14-6. Loras was not able to muster any more runs however, The following day, the Duhawks faced off against the and thanks to a big five-run fifth inning, Coe took the first Martin Luther College Knights. The Duhawks went up game of the series 6-1. early to take a 2-0 lead. With Koopmann on third, firstIn the second game of the double header, the Duhawks year Cate Paulsen put the ball on the ground and the struck first with RBIs from Haase and Mangialardi. Coe Duhawks tallied another. Haase entered the next inning struck back and held onto a slim 3-2 lead after one. The with a homer to centerfield. Followed Duhawks’ offense struggled after this by walks from Koopmann and Rigdon, point however, and Coe broke the Lara Mangialardi roped a shot up the game open with seven runs between “ We just didn’t capitalize middle that brought in both runners. the fourth and sixth innings. The Duon bringing in runners Mangialardi would score on a pass ball hawks would go on to lose the game and we had some missed and also pitch a complete seven inning 11-3 in six innings. opportunities. The little game to earn the win, 8-2. Mangialardi “We can compete with (Coe) for things hurt us today. If improved to 4-2 on the mound for the sure,” Serpico said. “But we just didn’t Duhawks. capitalize on bringing in runners and we would have strung a In game two of the double-header, we had some missed opportunities. few hits or plays together The Duhawks got to work early. A twoThe little things hurt us today. If we here or there, it would run bomb off the bat of Alaina Rigdon would have strung a few hits or plays have been a completely capped a four-run first for the Dutogether here or there, it would have different ballgame.” hawks. Later in the fourth, Serpico hit Katie Serpico, been a completely different ballgame.” the solo long shot putting Loras up 7-2. Serpico has shown good power from junior catcher In the same inning and with two on, the mound and is currently tied for sophomore Sam Shindelar laid down a most home runs in the Iowa Conferbunt single to load the bases. Paulsen ence with five. stepped to the plate and smashed a shot to the left side, “Having two years of experience under my belt has scoring one. A pitch in the dirt by the Knights’ Emily Wal- helped me understand what the pitching is like and what dick allowed Angelini to score. Paulsen and Stromert each to expect,” she said. “The constant repetitions at practice, singled in the inning, combining for three RBIs and giving putting myself in different situations and learning to hit the Duhawks a 12-2 edge. On the Bump for the Duhawks my pitch has helped as well. I feel that my power has alwas sophomore Holly Klein who quickly retired Knight ways been there, it was just tweaking and adjusting some after Knight for the remainder of the game. The Duhawks things that just helped me finally break through.” took the game 15-3 in five innings. The Duhawks next challenge will come Thursday at On Tuesday, the Duhawks took headed to Cedar Rapids home against the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.




The Lorian

April 3, 2014



Each year, there are three certainties when it comes to March Madness. First, there will be basketball. No matter how painful it might be to watch a bunch of try-hard white guys from a mid-major school Ryan Graham stumble their way to sports editor 19 points in a half — it’s still basketball. The second certainty this time of year is that there will be brackets. Brackets are like excuses; everyone’s got one and they all suck. After the first round, almost every bracket is covered in more red than a ginger convention. The worst part of it all is that for some reason, everyone needs to tell you about their bracket. Why the hell do I care if UCONN ruined your Final Four? What exactly am I supposed to do with that information? The third and final inevitability of March Madness? Riots. Why? Who the hell knows? Apparently, March Madness gives college students across the country the license to get ripped off malt liquor and light their living room couch on fire. It doesn’t matter if their school wins or loses; the riot is inevitable. It happened several times over the course of Dayton’s run to the Final Four this year. There were riots in the streets of Madison after the Badgers took down Arizona Saturday night. Arizona had a riot of its own after the same game— one that led to 15 arrests and countless injuries to rioters from beanbag rounds and tear gas. Why do students base their rioting decisions on athletic events? Especially when they have virtually no connection to the team itself. Not one of those tens of thousands of rioters has ever been to a practice. They weren’t involved in the recruiting process. I doubt most of them could name more than three players on the team. Yet the moment the team wins or loses, all of a sudden their lives have been altered so drastically that they feel the need to gather up their empty bottles from the recycling bin and play target practice with riot police? What the hell does that accomplish? Now, in the rioters’ defense, I’m sure getting drunk and walking among all those people is fun. I’ve been to Dayton on St. Patrick’s Day and believe me; it was nothing short of amazing. To give you an idea; I am no longer allowed on the University of Dayton campus. But how do these large-scale celebrations get so out of hand? Look, I get it. As college students, we’re looking for pretty much any reason to celebrate. This goes beyond just Arizona, Wisconsin and Dayton. This is a question that all college students need to consider: Why do these celebrations need to turn violent? It ruins the party for everyone. Most of the time, cops don’t care about college students drinking. (That is of course, unless you live in Dubuque.) It’s something they’re willing to tolerate as long as everyone drinks responsibly. But the minute someone throws that first bottle, or winds up for that first punch; the celebration is over. Now the police are obligated to step in. Now people get drinking tickets. Now people go to jail. Just stop it already. I’m not saying you can’t be happy for your college. I’m not condemning school spirit; if you want to celebrate after a big win, fine. If you want to run shirtless through the streets screaming like a dumb-ass, be my guest. If you want to get loaded on Natty Light and Jell-O shots and pass out in the street, hey— it’s a free country. But stop with the violence. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us.


Sophomore Kaitlyn Kutsch attacks the net during the Duhawks’ 14-4 win over Fontbonne College last Saturday in the Rock Bowl.

Lacrosse team looks to rebound from 2-game slide Sophomore Kaitlyn Kutsch leads the Iowa Conference in goals

in the second half, at one time going on a 5-0 run. When the final whistle blew, the Duhawks fell to Beloit 14-8. Kutsch led the team in goals with four. Looking to rebound from their recent loss, the Duhawks took by JILL LEIBFORTH | sportswriter The Duhawks had been chomping at the bit to get back on the on Fontbonne University on a sunny Saturday afternoon in the field after a game cancellation due to bad weather. Thankfully, Rock Bowl. The Duhawks came out strong and jumped out to an Mother Nature cooperated long enough for the Duhawks to host 8-0 run to begin the game. The Duhawks added six more goals in the Albion Britons in the Rock Bowl for the 2014 home opener the second half and won the game 14-4. The Duhawks were led in scoring by Kutsch with nine goals. First-year goal keeper Claire on Saturday, March 22. Unfortunately, the game did not go as the Duhawks had Sheahan turned in a strong performance as well, picking up the planned. Albion scored quickly and continued to capitalize on win by allowing only four goals and adding 12 saves. The Duhawks returned their opportunities throughto action the following day out the first half. against Mount St. Joseph. The The Duhawks began to Duhawks were in a hole earshow some life, as sophomore ly, allowing five unanswered Kaitlyn Kutsch and first-year goals to start the game. DeAnna Schwalbe both added spite two Kutsch goals, Mount goals in the first half. St. Joseph led at the half, 13The Duhawks had a change 2. Despite a more even second in goal in the second half, as half, the Duhawks fell 18-3. first-year Meredith Gawlick On Tuesday night, the entered the net and first-year Duhawks looked to rebound Claire Sheahan joined the against Carthage College in offensive attack. Kutsch and the sixth game of their seven Schwalbe continued to make game home-stand. their presence known by finThe Duhawks fell behind ishing up the second half with early to the conference leading another goal each. Despite Lady Reds 3-0. Despite three their efforts, at the final whisgoals from Kutsch in the first, tle, Loras fell to Albion 19-4. the Duhawks were in a huge Just a few days later, the hole 16-5 at the half. Duhawks were determined to photo by KATHERINE EDWARDS The Duhawks were only put the loss to Albion behind First-year Anna Schwalbe takes a shot on goal during the able to muster two more goals them as they set their sights Duhawks’ win over Fontbonne Saturday. Schwalbe was tied for in the game and fell by the on the University of Dubuque. the team lead in draw controls with six during the game. score of 25-7. Kutsch finished The Duhawks took down the the game with five goals. FirstSpartans 11-7, giving them their first Rock Bowl win and first years Anna Schwalbe and Hannah Nelson also chipped in with conference victory. goals. The loss brings the Duhawks’ record to 2-3 in the MWLC Schwalbe was the first Duhawk to strike the back of the net, and 3-6 overall. scoring within the first few minutes against Dubuque. Shortly Kutsch is currently first in the Midwest Women’s Lacrosse after, Midwest Women’s Lacrosse Conference Player of the Week, Conference with 50 goals on the season. Kaitlyn Kutsch racked up four goals in the first half alone. “My teammates are a big part of my success,” Kutsch said. During the game, success on draw controls created many opportunities. This was proven by first-year Hannah Nelson’s goal “They come to every practice and every game willing to work their butts off. They have given me a lot of great opportunities to just moments after an excellent draw control win. Once the second half was underway, Kutsch took over in the go to goal. They work so hard up and down the field to move the scoring department. She began with an early goal just minutes ball around and create movement which has created successful after the second half began. The Spartans put up a fight closing opportunities.” Kutsch went on to talk about the influence of her head coach. the gap to 7-5 for a short time in the second half. In the end, Spar“Coach Goetz has had huge effects on my success,” she said. tan’s goalkeeper, Danielle Williams was no match for Kutsch as “She has worked so hard to build this program and has put countshe found the back of the net three more times. To close out the less hours into the team. She is always willing to give up a few night, Anna Schwalbe added another goal to her total making the hours to work with me and she inspires everyone to want to play. score 11-5. Dubuque continued to fight, but the Duhawks would She has been an amazing coach over the last two seasons and she stand victorious over their rivals with an 11-7 win. Following their win over Dubuque, the Duhawks faced off continues to teach myself and the team so much about both skills against Beloit College. The Duhawks started off strong as the and attitude. We are really lucky to have such a positive influence score was tied at half 4-4. However, Beloit began to hit their stride in a developing program.”

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