Binder for march 13

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Women’s basketball

table the immaturity Cafeteria seating reminiscent of high school cliques

Duhawks compete in NCAA tournament Page 12

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March 13, 2014 — Vol. 92, Issue 10

St. Pat’s Auction helps fund service trip by hannah way | executive copy editor

For over 56 years, Loras has been putting on the St. Pat’s Auction, an event which has become a tradition in its own right. Bringing together students, faculty and staff, and alumni, the St. Pat’s Auction provides an evening of fun for a good cause. This year, hundreds of items will be up for bid with all proceeds going toward the Service Trip Fund which helps alleviate the cost of the trips and allows students to give back to the community partners at each location. The Auction will be held this Friday in the ballrooms. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. with the bidding on live auction items beginning at 6

p.m. Items up for auction include the number one housing spot, musical instruments, vacation packages, and Debbie Gross’ famous Scotch-a-roo’s. In addition to the live auction, there will be a gift-card draw and a raffle for a 40-inch Samsung Smart TV. Loras College offers eight service trips that travel across the country and the world throughout the year, and this year over 100 students applied to take part in these experiences. With more students showing interest than ever before, it is becoming more and more important to fundraise in order to continue to provide service to these communities and allow students to become involved in

these life-changing experiences. Last year, close to 350 students, staff, alumni, and community members gathered for the St. Pat’s Auction which included music, both live and silent auctions, and a gift-card raffle. The St. Pat’s Auction, a tradition in itself, has become an important event, bringing together Duhawks, young and old, for the sake of service and community. Raffle tickets for the Samsung Smart TV are being sold during lunch hours in the ACC by the CORE team and will be sold the night of the auction. For more information on what items are being auctioned off this year, stop by Campus Ministry.

End the R-word Week by seabelo montwedi | staff writer

For the third consecutive year, Du-Buddies hosted the End the R-word annual event. The event is a week-long campaign aimed at eliminating the word “retarded”. “The main goal of the campaign is to eliminate the derogatory use of the word ‘retarded’ from the English language” said Mary Dodson, president of Du Buddies. The campaign’s goal is to promote the human dignity of each individual. Du Buddies partnered with several organizations such as, eDucation Club, CAB, and the Catholic Identity Committee, to sponsor this year’s campaign, with the theme, “Du Buddies P.E.E.R.S. End the R-Word”. Through this theme, the campaign was aimed at promoting Participation, Equality, Empowerment, Respect, and Socialization (P.E.E.R.S.). In addition, each weekday embodied one of the words from the acronym. To kick-start the campaign, Du Buddies held a Du-Buddies families panel. This event celebrated Participation by bringing in Mary Schroeder, the mother of one of the buddies, and Josh and his mother Kathy Brokus, who are members of the Du-Buddies community. These panelists spoke about their journey with Du-Buddies and the significance of this week in their lives. As Mary Dodson remarked, the Du-Buddies community is “lucky to have them share their inspirational stories.” To celebrate Tuesday’s mini theme, Equality, Du-Buddies partnered with the Intercultural Programs Office to host a DuTalk on the topic of Equality and ending the R-word. Although the discussions

First-years Audrey Hooks and Ellie Horst dance the chicken dance with their DuBuddy. photo by Courtney bowen

P. quality E. mpowerment E. espect R. ocialization S. articipation

P.E.E.R.S. was a slogan used by the campaign to promote the week’s goals. Each letter represented a day’s events and focus. were fruitful, the most memorable moment of the event was when two buddies, Jayne Sudmeier and Kellie Klein, who are in the Du-Buddies executive board, gave personal testimonies. “End the R-Word means you need to respect others, not treat them badly, and not hurt their feelings. Think before you talk, because when you say the r-word it hurts. When I hear the r-word, I feel angry. It has

to stop. My Du-Buddies family has been so supportive of me and I am very grateful for them,” said Klein. “End the R-Word Week is about treating people with respect. I’m not ‘retarded’ and I am not stupid. I am Jayne, a group leader of Du-Buddies. I feel happy when people give me the courtesy of respecting me and my circumstances. I want people to take action and speak out for all those with disabilities and say they care for them. I want all the students at Loras College and in Du-Buddies to be respected and loved for all time,” said Sudmeier in her testimony. Wednesday was a t-shirt decorating day. Everyone from the Loras and Du-Buddies community was invited to bring their own t-shirt to decorate and wear at the talent show, which was held on Friday. This was followed by a prayer service on Thursday, promoting Respect. “It was nice to bring the faith element into the week,” said Dodson. To end the campaign, Du-Buddies held a talent show, featuring people from the Du-Buddies community, both inside and outside of Loras. The idea was for everyone to socialize and have fun, to prove that we can interact with one another regardless of our mental challenges. Most importantly, the goal of this event was to show that people that are mentally challenged can and should be part of society. “We hope the week helped make everyone at Loras more aware of the importance of promoting human dignity. Our buddies are our peers, and they should be treated with respect and equality,” said Dodson.

Students raised money for service trips sponsored by Campus Ministry during last year’s St. Pat’s Auction. photo contributed by campus ministry

Loras celebrates Heritage Week

In commemoration of a rich 175-year legacy as the first Catholic college in Iowa and second oldest Catholic College west of the Mississippi River, Loras College will celebrate its annual Heritage Week March 17-21. The week-long celebration’s keynote event, a Hesburgh Lecture with Rev. Ronald J. Nuzzi, Ph.D., titled “Only the Strong Can Be Gentle: Toward Spirituality for Leadership” will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18 in the Alumni Campus Center, Marie Graber Ballroom. Sponsored by the University of Notre Dame Alumni Club of Dubuque, the event is free and open to the public. Nuzzi, a priest of the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, served as a high school administrator and currently is the Director of Catholic Leadership Programs in the Alliance for the Catholic Education at the University of Notre Dame. He is a nationally known speaker and author. In addition to the Hesburgh Lecture, Loras will offer the following free public events: Saturday, March 15 through Friday, April 25 the Center for Dubuque History at Loras College will exhibit a seamless, 110-foot panoramic group portrait picturing hundreds of DubuqueFest 2013 festival-goers. The Center for Dubuque History at Loras College (CDH) will be open to the public from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, with Director Michael Gibson (MA ’91) available to answer any questions. The CDH is located on the lower level of the Loras College Academic Resource Center and contains numerous and varied sources of local history including: more than 30,000 photographs, sketches, and manuscripts. The Special Collections of the Loras College Library will be open to the public from 6:00 p.m. until 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 19. Located in Room 302 of the Loras College Academic Resource Center. The collection contains over 7,500 items including a collection of Bibles in over 225 languages of the world and the Rev. Karl G. Schroeder T. S. Eliot collection. All are invited to join the St. Joseph’s Day Mass, presided over by Most Rev. Michael O. Jackels, Archbishop of Dubuque, at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19 in Christ the King Chapel.

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