DeWitt wins ‘most outstanding wrestler’ at Regionals Page 8
20 years later, why do we still love Pokemon? Page 5 March 5, 2015 — Vol. 93, Issue 11
Duhawks dance the night away at Salsa Night by andrea berns | staff writer
A live band, dancing and plentiful chips and salsa: ¡Qué divertido! Last Saturday, Feb. 28, marked the 6th annual Salsa Night, and it was a hit. Salsa Night is an event hosted by four Loras organizations — UNICEF, CAB, LISA, and the Student Union—as a fundraiser for UNICEF. For the past 6 years, UNICEF has sponsored a live salsa band to help bring music, fun and dancing into the ACC Ballrooms for this lively fundraiser. The event, which drew over 100 people, brought students, families and staff together. “My friends and I look forward to Salsa Night each year,” said senior Johnny Mitchell. “It is an opportunity to have fun, hear great live music, and to experience cultural traditions with people who are passionate about world issues.” UNICEF works throughout the year to help raise money for various long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance programs that aid children and mothers in developing countries. This year, the funds are aimed to assist West African countries affected by Ebola. The group raised over $700. “We hope to bring in diversity and entertainment to campus while educating the community about global issues and fundraising to support UNICEF’s work on the field all over the world,” explained UNICEF senior advisor, Lina Rodriguez. This school year, Rodriguez was named a National Council Member, a prestigious position within college UNICEF chapters. The Council consists of seven college students from all over the United States who work directly with the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. Each student is in charge of a zone where he or she manages, works with and serves as a resource for clubs within that zone. Rodriguez serves as the National Council Member for Zone Four, which covers around 25 campus clubs in the Midwest. This event is just one of the ways that Loras’ chapter of UNICEF raises money throughout the year. Salsa dancing was a unique and entertaining way to allow students and the Dubuque community to experience an enjoyable custom of a different culture while simultaneously raising awareness. “Since I am from Colombia, salsa dancing is part of my culture and is something I grew up with,” Rodriguez said. “I can bring in a little bit of my culture, and people can have fun experiencing it. Being able to share that with the campus and Dubuque community is very rewarding.”
photos by Mark Fuentebella
St. Pat’s auction raises funds for service by Hannah way | for the lorian
Loras offers eight service trips that allow students to travel across the country and the world throughout the year, and this year more than 100 students applied to take part in these experiences. With more interest then ever before, it is becoming more and more important to raise money to continue to provide service to these communities and allow students to become involved in these life-changing experiences. In addition to individual fundraising that goes on throughout the year, the service trip team has benefited from the St. Patrick’s Auction, a Loras tradition for more than 55 years. Last year, nearly 350 students, staff, alumni and community members gathered for the St. Pat’s Auction, which included music, both live and silent auctions and a gift card raffle. This year, hundreds of items will be up for bid and all proceeds go toward the service trip fund that helps alleviate the cost of the trips, allowing students to give back
Loras students and faculty members pose for a picture in front of their work side in New Orleans, LA. photo CONTRIBUTED
to the community partners at each location. This year, the Auction will be held on March 13 in the ACC ballrooms. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. with the bidding on live auction items beginning at 6 p.m. The St. Pat’s Auction provides an opportunity to connect with current students, hear directly
about their involvement with service trips, and to experience the wonderful chaos and joy that comes with the exciting live auction. For seminarian and senior Michael McAndrew, the service trip to New Jersey over J-Term break offered him an opportunity to grow in a way that is unique.
“I had the opportunity work with eight other students to serve with an organization known as the De Sales Service Works,” said McAndrew. “While in Camden we assembled and distributed hundreds of sack lunches to the homeless and hungry, visited and served in a homeless shelter, tutored and played with children at the local school, and attended AA/NA meetings in the area. The experience was more valuable than I could have ever hoped. We had the freedom to give ourselves in service to those we met and we grew very close as a group.” These types of experiences are what allow Duhawks to have a unique college experience, different from many other institutions. The St. Pat’s Auction, a tradition in itself, has become an important event for bringing together Duhawks, young and old, for the sake of service and community. For information on the auction or donating an item, contact Heather Jungblut at heather.jungblut@loras.edu.