Lovett 2017-18 Annual Report

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Dear Lovett Community,


he Lovett Board of Trustees would like to thank each of you for your support of The Lovett School this past year. Lovett’s mission to develop young men and women of honor, faith, and wisdom

has never been more relevant. Students must develop both their intellect and their character in order to thrive in college and in life. Lovett’s steadfast commitment to the education of the whole child has prepared our graduates for productive lives of leadership and service to others, two traits that our country and world desperately need. Your financial support this past year helps Lovett deliver the exceptional education our students deserve. We simply could not provide an educational experience worthy of Eva Edwards Lovett’s vision without your financial support. In fact, during the 2017-2018 fiscal year, more than 10.5 percent of our annual budget resulted from your philanthropic efforts, led by our Endowment funding and our True Blue Annual Fund. Thank you for your commitment to Lovett and for your continued support to our school. As we welcome our new Head of School Meredyth Cole to Lovett and approach our centennial in 2026, we look forward to a bright future for the Lovett community.


you! R. Reid French, Jr. ’89 Chairman, Board of Trustees

2017-18 Annual Report 2017-18 Annual Report



Dear Lovett Community,


he Lovett Board of Trustees would like to thank each of you for your support of The Lovett School this past year. Lovett’s mission to develop young men and women of honor, faith, and wisdom

has never been more relevant. Students must develop both their intellect and their character in order to thrive in college and in life. Lovett’s steadfast commitment to the education of the whole child has prepared our graduates for productive lives of leadership and service to others, two traits that our country and world desperately need. Your financial support this past year helps Lovett deliver the exceptional education our students deserve. We simply could not provide an educational experience worthy of Eva Edwards Lovett’s vision without your financial support. In fact, during the 2017-2018 fiscal year, more than 10.5 percent of our annual budget resulted from your philanthropic efforts, led by our Endowment funding and our True Blue Annual Fund. Thank you for your commitment to Lovett and for your continued support to our school. As we welcome our new Head of School Meredyth Cole to Lovett and approach our centennial in 2026, we look forward to a bright future for the Lovett community.


you! R. Reid French, Jr. ’89 Chairman, Board of Trustees

2017-18 Annual Report



The Lovett School Board of Trustees, 2018-19 Officers

Active Trustees

Chairman of the Board:

David B. Allman ’72 Yetty Levenson Arp ’64 Katherine J. Bayne Katherine Rowland Boudreau ’91 Frank H. Briggs III Harold M. Cohen Malon W. Courts Sylvia L. Dick Elise Blitch Drake Michael S. Hardee, M.D. Raymond J. Kotwicki, M.D. Donald M. Leebern III

Anne Helms Marino James B. Meyer Eileen Keough Millard ’80 James T. Mills, Jr. ’74 Wade Wright Mitchell ’88 C.V. Nalley IV ’90 Carla Y. Neal-Haley, M.D. David Wall Rice, Ph.D. Nancy Brumley Robitaille ’84 Irma Shrivastava John Keith White ’83 Burke W. Whitman ’74

John T. Glover Deborah Hodge Harrison William F. Henagan ’76 J. H. Hilsman III LL ’57 Dorothy Smith Knox Hines ’69 Jeffrey F. Hines, M.D. John R. Holder ’73 Dabney Mann Hollis Clayton F. Jackson ’77 Harrison Jones II Michael L. Keough ’74 Frank Kinnett Amy Rollins Kreisler ’88 Kathryn McCain Lee Robert C. Loudermilk, Jr. ’78 C. Knox Massey, Jr. Jane Kerr Mathews James M. McIntyre ’83

C. V. Nalley III Robert E. Peterson Elizabeth Dykes Pope ’79 Mark C. Pope IV ’68 Jan N. Portman Alfred R. Roach, Jr. ’62 William H. Rogers, Jr. Arthur W. Rollins ’77 Christian B. Schoen ’79 F. Blair Schmidt-Fellner Richard F. Smith Richard W. Sorenson John R. Wells Elizabeth B. West Gerald J. Wilkins Frank L. Wilson III ’72

R. Reid French, Jr. ’89 Vice Chairman:

John O. Knox ’88 Secretary:

David B. Kahn ’81 Finance Committee Chair:

John C. Staton III ’84 Ex Officio:

Nancy B. Robitaille ’84

Trustees Emeriti David F. Apple, Jr., M.D. Charles R. Arp, Jr., D.D.S. ’62 Thomas A. Avery ’71 C. Duncan Beard Avril Beckford, M.D. Brian M. J. Boutté Gordon A. Buchmiller, Jr. J. Donald Childress Bradley Currey, Jr. Sallie Adams Daniel ’68 John M. Darden III Richard A. Denny, Jr. Bruce L. Dick Margaret Denny Dozier ’73 Daniel M. DuPree Russell R. French William B. Fryer Thomas C. Gallagher

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Contents 06 Pride of Lovett Lions 07 Thank You for your Impact 08 Lovett Philanthropic Opportunities 10 Thank You to our Volunteers 12 True Blue Annual Fund Volunteers 13 Alumni Volunteers 13 New Parent Campaign Volunteers

14 Thank You to our Donors 16 20 30 32 40

Members of The 1926 Society Gifts from our Parents Gifts from our Grandparents Gifts from our Alumni Gifts from our Parents of Alumni and Grandparents of Alumni 43 Gifts from Friends of Lovett 44 Gifts from our Faculty and Staff 45 Restricted Gifts

46 Newly Endowed Funds 48 Thank you for the Special Gifts 50 Honorary Gifts 55 Memorial Gifts 57 Foundation, Corporation, and Organization Gifts 57 Matching Gifts 58 Run ’n Lovett 59 Gifts to Siempre Verde 59 Gifts-in-Kind 59 Tickets for Teachers 60 Gifts to Breakthrough Atlanta 61 Gifts to Lab Atlanta 62 Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program

64 External Affairs Staff 65 A Closer Look at Financials 2017-18

2017-18 Annual Report



2017-18 Pride of Lovett Lions The Pride of Lovett Lions recognizes Lovett donors whose philanthropy has reached an extraordinary level, warranting special recognition and thanks.

Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Childress Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Currey, Jr. Lettie Pate Evans Foundation, Inc. Exposition Foundation, Inc. John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fuqua The Robert J. Glenn Family Mr. and Mrs. John T. Glover The Goizueta Foundation* The Family of James T. Hite Mr. and Mrs. John R. Holder Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Holder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Holder Mr. and Mrs. W. Barrett Howell Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hoyt, Jr. Mr. and Ms. Clayton F. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. David B. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Keough Dr. and Mrs. Nevin S. Kreisler Mr. and Mrs. Wilton D. Looney Mr. R. Charles Loudermilk, Sr. Lovett Alumni Association Lovett Parent Association The C. Knox Massey, Jr. Family *New for 2017-18

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Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mathews, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael McIntyre and Sadler Family Foundation II Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. Morris Stuart and Eulene Murray Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V. Nalley III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Pearce III Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James P. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Pope III Mr. and Mrs. John C. Portman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Rackley Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robitaille* O. Wayne Rollins Foundation Mr. and Mrs. R. Randall Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Rankin M. Smith, Sr. Mrs. Sara H. Smith The Tull Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Wallace, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Watkins Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Wood* Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, Inc. David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Fund

Thank you for your IMPACT The Power Of Your 2017-18 True Blue Support:

$1,706 per student is raised through True Blue

2,367 donors to True Blue Annual Fund


of faculty impacted by your True Blue donations


of True Blue dollars are from 1926 Society members


of the total budget is funded by True Blue

Lovett Endowment Fund 15-Year Growth: Legend Total Endowment




Financial Aid Endowment


Faculty/Staff Support Endowment


Named Endowment Funds (IN TENS)

True Blue Annual Fund Over The Last 15 Years:

Amount Raised (IN MILLIONS)

Average Gift


Corporate Match


Volunteers (IN ONES)

2017-18 Annual Report



Lovett Philanthropic Opportunities

True Blue Annual Fund

The 1926 Society

This is the most important giving initiative at Lovett. Participation is critical, and gifts—large and small—make possible the enhanced resources and programs that make each student’s education unique and powerful. True Blue funds five percent of Lovett’s annual operating budget expenses.

Every year, The 1926 Society members play a critical role in Lovett’s ongoing progress as an exceptional independent school, providing 80 percent of all dollars raised. Membership is extended to those who contribute $2,500 or more to the True Blue Annual Fund or contribute at Young Alumni Leadership levels. Members of The 1926 Society pave the way for a stronger and ever-growing Lovett. Thank you for your consideration of leadership support of our school.

ICON: ADDITIONAL ICON: For those who have given to the annual fund for 10+ consecutive years.


50th Class Reunion Endowment Fund

Lovett Legacy Society

This fund provides an annual award to a Lovett teacher who embodies the qualities that have long been the hallmarks of effective independent school faculty, excellence in classroom teaching, and overall contributions to the Lovett community. On the occasion of their 50th class reunion celebrations, Lovett alumni have their first opportunity to support this important fund.

The Lovett Legacy Society is comprised of people who have generously provided for a planned gift. A planned gift is a commitment that is made today that provides significant benefits to you, as well as future support to Lovett’s vision for learning—sometimes much more than you might otherwise have thought possible. We are honored to include all Legacy Socitey members in this report.



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ICONS The icons shown below each description are used throughout this report to denote donors who gave new gifts and pledges to Lovett Advancement Programs during the 2017-18 year.

Endowment Thank you! We are pleased to announce that we have finished a quiet, three-year campaign to support Lovett’s Endowment. The key areas of focus were the Academic Resource Center, Breakthrough Atlanta, Faculty/Staff Support, Financial Aid, Siempre Verde, and Sustainability. Thanks to the generous support of our community, we succeeded in surpassing our goal and raised over $16 million towards these important areas of school life. As part of this initiative, many of you generously gave towards the Penny and Billy Peebles Endowment Funds to honor and celebrate their 15 years of unmatched support of Lovett. Your gifts went to create both Faculty/Staff Support and Financial Aid funds. If you gave to any endowment fund over the last three years, you will see an endowment icon next to your name, indicating your participation in the amazing effort.

New Parent Campaign Each year, we make a special effort to engage families new to the Lovett community. In the fall, they are given the opportunity to participate in True Blue, and in the spring, they learn about some of our other philanthropic opportunities on campus. New parents receiving an icon this year contributed to Lovett’s endowment.



Breakthrough Atlanta

Lab Atlanta

Breakthrough Atlanta is a signature program at Lovett. Breakthrough Atlanta’s mission is twofold: to provide an academically intense pathway to college for motivated metro Atlanta public school students and to provide an intensive hands-on teacher training experience (internship) for high school and college students, inspiring a new generation of teachers.

Lab Atlanta is Lovett’s newest signature program. It is a Midtown-based semester school for 10th graders offering honors-level academic curriculum and an immersive, city-based design and innovation experience. Participation allows students to develop civically-engaged, design-minded leadership skills and discover how they might help create a bright future for themselves and their city.



2017-18 Annual Report




you! to our

Volunteers 12 2017-18 True Blue Annual Fund Volunteers 13 2017-18 New Parent Campaign Volunteers 13 2017-18 Alumni Volunteers

2017-18 Annual Report



2017-18 True Blue Annual Fund Volunteers True Blue Co-Chairs Ann and Charlie Elsas

1926 Society Committee Ann and Will Shearer, Co-Chairs Kate and Lanny Allgood Sam Bayne Duncan Beard Julie and Tom Bradbury ’92 Katie and Steve Bush Alison and Rob Carnegie Erin and Jack Cay Mary Pillow and Bryant Cornett Catherine and Dan Diffley Elizabeth and Jack Draughon Rusty French Kara and Marc Galbraith Lesee Whitaker Googe ’87 and Trey Googe Debbie and Michael Hardee Laura and Daniel Hathaway Suzanne and Andrew Hough Tammy and Michael Jaje ’89 Melissa Bunnen Jernigan ’76 and James Jernigan Alison Dobes Key ’88 and Tom Key Frank Kinnett Shannon Lientz Kollme ’89 and Chris Kollme Mary Lucy and Jim Lester Carrie and Matt Lovein

Kip Lynch ’89 Anne Marino Katie and Greg Mauldin Ed McCrady Adrian Robinson Darby and Dale Sands ’91 Laura and Mike Schmidt Stephanie and Fielder Shurling ’88 Megan Apple Stephenson ’93 and John Stephenson ’93 Katie and Seth Stewart Kelly and Robert Turner Beth and Alex Van Winkle ’82 Lesley and Trey Wainwright Becton and Trey Wallace ’98 Kira and Leonard Wood ’94 Lisa Wyatt

New Parent Committee Amy and Chad French, Co-Chairs Betsy and Webb Armentrout Zach Cheroff Ayars and Matt Ehret Ginny and Hays Evans Amy and Jeff Githens Pringle and Kennith Jackson Payal and Sameer Kapoor Kristi Kinnett Roche ’89 and Geddings Roche Mary and Matt Sawhill Jaclyn and Wes Slagle

Parent Committee Nikki and John Edwards, Lower School Co-Chairs Jennifer and Tom Puricelli, Middle School Co-Chairs Cara and John Mulcahy, Upper School Co-Chairs Molly Ware Beery ’87 and Bill Beery, Finish Strong 12th Grade Co-Chairs Patrick and Amanda Arnold Kathleen and Mark Beck Kim and Mike Becker Sumner Caudell Bradshaw ’97 and Wes Bradshaw ’95 Ed Burch Shauna and Jason Byars Elizabeth and Chris Castellaw Michelle and Jim Clifton ’84 Kirstie and Sonny Cohen Paige Coker Elizabeth and Rodes Cole Catherine and Cal Collier Cameron Darweesh Amy and Michael De Simone Kattia and Greg Easterly Molly and Ed Feinour Nancy and Eric Ferrara Paige and Brian Fielden Hope and Geoff Friedman ’87

Tiffany and Fraser Gough, 6th Grade Co-Chairs Amanda Hall Chad Harlan, 5th Grade Chair Mika and Josh Harris, 2nd Grade Co-Chairs Kerry and Keith Heyward Leigh Hallman Hoke ’89 and Charles Hoke Jordan Scott Holden ’99 and Colin Holden ’99 Rebecca and Michael Hollingsworth Kasia and Tom Horner, 1st Grade Co-Chairs Parker and Harry Jones, 10th Grade Co-Chairs Emily and Rob Jordan ’87 Lauren and Todd Kalen Lauren and Chip Kelso Lora and Rob Kight ’80 Marianna and Todd King, 11th Grade Co-Chairs Sarah Toole Lindsay ’87 and Douglas Lindsay ’88 Allison and Bill Maner ’81 Laura and Chris Martorella, Kindergarten Co-Chairs Mary Millians Denise and Jay Mitchell Sarah and David Moreland

We have greatly enjoyed volunteering with True Blue since 2014. Each year we have been overwhelmed by the generosity, enthusiasm, and loyalty that exists within the Lovett community. Thanks to an army of committed volunteers and the incredible development staff, 2017-18 True Blue has raised $2,850,618. These numbers and funds help make countless meaningful opportunities available to our students and faculty. We are grateful to see the impact of True Blue’s efforts every day in every corner of our campus. Thank you for helping to make True Blue such an effective and important part of our school.” Ann and Charlie Elsas | 2017-18 True Blue Annual Fund Co-Chairs Parents of Chase ’25, Palmer ’27, and Francie ’31

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2017-18 Alumni Volunteers Alice and Richard Nolen Carrie and Cy Philpott, 3rd Grade Co-Chairs Isabel and John Pope ’86 Jennifer and John Raulet ’92 Virginia and Jack Rhodes Gigi Rouland, 4th Grade Chair Gwyn and Tim Schneider Taylor and Rolf Schwieger Amy and Jeff Smith Melanie and James Stevens Amanda and Nate Stibbs, 7th Grade Co-Chairs Kimbrell and Tee Stribling ’96 Mary Crawford and Keith Taylor Sarah and Gordon Watt, 8th Grade Co-Chairs Cheryl and Kevin Windom, 9th Grade Co-Chairs Katherine and Michael Woocher Kelly and Trey Wood Anne Fair and Jim Woodward ’92 Lindsey and Todd Wrigley ’97 Erin and Ron Yabroudy

Alumni Committee Greer Barber Pope ’90, Co-Chair Sarah Price ’05, Co-Chair

Grandparent Committee Alan Elsas LL ’53, Chair

Parents of Alumni Committee Cindy Kattel Price ’78, Chair

Faculty/Staff Committee Kristie Walden, Lower School Captain Chris Ekholm, Middle School Captain Jonathan Newman, Upper School Captain

2017-18 New Parent Campaign Volunteers

Alumni Executive Board

Glenn Smith Kincaid ’63 Roger Moister ’63 Bobby Mitchell ’64 Debbie Roach Avery ’71 Ann Travis Davis ’77 Donald Jackson ’77 Jim Sherman ’80 Marlyn Rollins Chapman ’81 Clarence Luckett ’81 Andy Wiggers ’82 Ruth Baldwin Russ ’84 Cooper Jobe ’86 Ed Smith ’86 Taryn Chilivis Bowman ’87 Robert Lacey ’87 Michael Jaje ’89 Julie Walker Grigsby ’91 Brad Pope ’91 Kathryn Jones Edmunds ’92 Brooks Beard ’93 Leigh Faulk Cummings ’93 Roberta Lea Deupree ’93 Amy Erbesfield Clayton ’94 Amy Stribling Rees ’94 Brad Tedder ’94 Elizabeth Kane Wing ’94

Wes Bradshaw ’95 Caroline Fuller Lockerman ’95 Parker Allen Tekin ’95 Chas Watson ’95 Watt Boone ’96 Tricia Brock Madden ’96 Jim Schubert ’96 Ashley Burleson Bundy ’97 Lauren Logan Hooks ’97 Justin Jones ’97 Charles Beard ’00 Hunter Lamon ’00 Ansley Wallace Ghegan ’01 Bennett Rudder ’01 Katie Head Stewart ’01 Sarah Berg ’02 Ali Dick Blaisdell ’02 Taylor Dozier ’02 Mack Horton ’02 Ashley Johnston ’02 Haley Gage Champion ’03 Abbie Odom McBurnette ’03 Lindsay Conrad Gerakitis ’03 Jonathan Luk ’03 Preston Davis ’04 Caroline English ’04 Julia Gray ’04 Josephine Phelps Long ’04 Ashley McArthur ’04 Laura Pope Service ’04 Patrick Shaw ’04 Alex Heaton ’05 Allison Mcwilliams ’05 Lee Anne Bradshaw ’07 Maggie Dozier Carr ’07 Zach Whorton ’08 Stuart Coleman ’09 Dallas Denny ’10 Jesslyn Rollins ’10 Wils Davis ’11 Mallie Easterlin ’11 Evan Harms ’11 Kaki Pope ’11 Lauren Formica ’12 Peter Diaz ’12

Grant Fergusson ’12 Will Collins ’12 Camille Kapaun ’12 Lorin Rogers ’12 Frances Neal Travis ’12 Elizabeth Bogue ’13 Samantha Dietz ’13 Preston Hill ’13 Kimberly McDonald ’13 Alexander Panos ’13 Charlotte Bunch ’14 Matthew Cartledge ’14 Tori Cole Cervantes ’14 Frankie DeBorde ’14 Patrick Keough ’14 Janie Price ’14 Claire Stratton ’14 Mary Winslow Anderson ’15 Malone Laird ’15 Vallie Candler ’15 Jake Fulwiler ’15 Mirabel Michelson ’15 Chapman Monroe ’15 Cros Saint ’15 Sam Baker ’16 Shivam Daftari ’16 Dominique David ’16 Mary Stewart DeLong ’16 Caroline Carr Grant ’16 Carson Lindauer ’16 Max McCrady ’16 Evan Mercer ’16 Hollis Rhodes ’16 Aaron Schunk ’16 Caroline Stevens ’16 Camryn Bragg ’17 Chip Fankhauser ’17 Sarah Houghton ’17 Bennett Kahn ’17 Harriet Knox ’17 Michael Moore ’17 Lizzie Nunnally ’17 Elizabeth Olsen ’17 Anna Salmon ’17 Cameron Wilson ’17

Aimee Simmons Connolly ’95 and Colin Connolly ’94, Co-Chairs Mayo and Tom Barranco Kate and Brooks Castellaw Meredith and Brad Courts

Julia and Eli Green Brandee and Brandon Houston Samantha and Michael Minutelli Lynne and Wes Moss Scott and Paul Pilcher

Amy Kain Spivey ’97 and John Spivey ’97 Harrison and Brennan Spry Rebecca Warner Strang ’93 and Rob Strang Martin and Stephen Yoder

President: Tyler Caswell ’04 President-Elect: Seale Arnold Lindsay ’90 Past-President: McKee Nunnally ’87 Ray Crim ’63 Kurt Hohlstein ’76 Larry Jackson ’77 Franklin Thomas ’80 Knox Culpepper ’81 Jessica Jordan Walmsley ’84 Kate McIntosh Pearce ’90 Greer Barber Pope ’90 Rebecca Warner Strang ’93 Thaddeus Rolle ’04 Sarah Price ’05 Cameron Bagley Zakem ’07

Alumni Class Leaders

2017-18 Annual Report




you! to our

Donors 16 Members of The 1926 Society 20 Gifts from our Parents 30 Gifts from our Grandparents 32 Gifts from our Alumni 40 Gifts from our Parents of Alumni and Grandparents of Alumni 43 Gifts from Friends of Lovett 44 Gifts from our Faculty and Staff 45 Restricted Gifts

2017-18 Annual Report



Members of

The 1926 Society The Head of School’s Circle $20,000 or more Anonymous Angela and Eric Cunningham Suying and John DeBorde ’83 Margaret DeBorde ’78 Freddy and Gregg Goldenberg Gregg and Freddy Goldenberg Family Foundation Laura DeBorde Henry ’73 and Brian Henry Teresa and Brian Howard Jane and Clay Jackson ’77 Jennifer and David Kahn ’81 David & Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation, Inc. Rae and John O. Knox ’88 Molly Yellowlees Lanier ’85 and Tommy Lanier The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Stacey and Don Leebern Wilton Looney Marguerite and Frank Owens Elizabeth DeBorde Ramsey ’75 and Tom Ramsey Cathy Craig Rollins ’80 and Art Rollins ’77 Peggy and Randall Rollins Miranda and Harry Shapiro Fredna and Larry Woodall Mabia and Kyle Woodall ’01 Woodall Family Foundation

The Trustee’s Circle $15,000 to $19,999 Sarah and Malon Courts Kate and Greg Fornasiero Donald and Marilyn Keough Foundation Louise Baxter King Charitable Foundation Amy Rollins Kreisler ’88 and Nevin Kreisler Mims and J. Lanier Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation Amy and Ron McMurtrie Molly Osborne Pam Rollins ’75 Joan and Rick Smith

The Chairman’s Circle $10,000 to $14,999 Susan and Larry Alexander Katie and Sam Bayne

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The Benefactor’s Circle $5,000 to $9,999

Jane and Jon Breviu Sidney and Don Childress The J. Donald Childress Foundation, Inc. Lynda and Richard Courts Marg and Dick Denny Moira and Edward Desloge Martha Marshall Dykes Family Foundation, Inc. The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc. Capey and Lindsay Freeman Keri and Tom Gugliotta The Gugliotta Family Foundation, Inc. Chad Harlan The HBB Foundation Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Beth and Tommy Holder ’75 Jill and John Holder ’73 Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Tamara and Kent Kelley Mary Jane and Dave Kirkpatrick Malinda and David Krantz Linda Reale and Steve Kremer Jane Mathews Eileen Keough Millard ’80 and Chris Millard Antonia and Wright Mitchell ’88 Michelle and Jeff Neville Penny and Billy Peebles India and Jim Peters Nancy and John Pope Mary Fleming Williams Riley ’80 Betsy and Mark West Fran and Barney Whitaker Burke Whitman ’74 Tracy and Jim Winchester Carla and Leonard Wood Kira and Leonard Wood ’94 Jane and Harold Wyatt Lisa and Harold Wyatt Wyatt Family Foundation

Donna Pope Allman ’72 and David Allman ’72 Betsy and Webb Armentrout Yetty Levenson Arp ’64 and Charlie Arp ’62 Hilton and Butler Ball Ellen and Duncan Beard Amy and Jeff Bernard Helen and William Bost Kelly Rowland Boudreau ’91 and Tommy Boudreau Beverly Freeman Briggs ’92 and Bo Briggs Nancy and Coleman Budd Jan and Gene Burleson Myla and Garry Capers Alison Lewis and Rob Carnegie Claudia and Jon Carroll Adriana Garcia and Roberto Casas Aimee and Zeke Cassinelli Court Coursey ’90 Sally and Brad Currey Lyn and John Darden Andrea and Cameron Darweesh M. Austin Davis Foundation, Inc. Tracy Dean Sylvia and Bruce Dick Tracy and MacKay Drake Judy and David Easterly Steve Fallon Jan and William Ferguson Marie Brumley Foster ’84 and Brad Foster Jackie and Tom Fricke Sade and Bill Fryer Duvall and Rex Fuqua Hua Yang and Steve Gao Sandra and John Glover The Glover Family Foundation, Inc. Hua Li and James Guido Carla Neal-Haley and Leon Haley Deborah Harrison Ira C. Herbert Family Foundation, Inc. Allison and Geoff Hill Rebecca and Michael Hollingsworth Lara and Sam Holmes Clayton and Barrett Howell ’79

Nancy and Bill Izlar Melissa Bunnen Jernigan ’76 and James Jernigan The Ruth R. Hoyt-Anne H. Jolley Foundation, Inc. Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97 Margery and William Jones Hope and Charles Jones BeBe and Steve Kane Frances and Jim Kerr Morgan and Charley King ’97 Marianna and Todd King Anu Murthy and Chandru Krishnamurthy Priti and Nick Lakha Kathy and Richard Lee Karen Apple Mathews ’83 and George Mathews ’83 Lori and Ric Mayfield Caroline Noonan Mayfield ’09 Molly and John Mears Kim and Jim Meyer Lethea Quin Mitchell ’78 and Doug Mitchell Whitney and Peter Moister ’64 Adele and Paul Morgan Anne and John Mori Lynne and Wes Moss LeeAnn and Walter Muller Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation Rene and Jim Nalley Kim and Tom Noonan Marshall Noonan ’13 Norman Foundation, Inc. Mary Hopkins Nunnally ’81 Marilyn and John O’Neal Maureen and Bob O’Shaughnessy Nancy and Mark Oswald Melanie and Vinod Paidipalli Lindsey Rodbell Palangio ’95 Laura and Peter Panos Beth and David Park Libby and Gene Pearce Allison Bussey Peavy ’91 and Jay Peavy Bet Dykes Pope ’79 and Carter Pope ’74 Sharmila and Sreeni Prabhu Ashley Preisinger Mark Preisinger Blair and Tripp Rackley Realan Foundation, Inc. Emille and Bruce Reid Katherine Bone Richert ’91 and John Richert Reed and Brad Roberts Nancy Brumley Robitaille ’84 and Dan Robitaille

Members of The 1926 Society

Alexia Alarcon Rogers and Lin Rogers Shayla and Chip Rumely June Bishop Seiler ’78 and John Seiler Linda and Steve Selig LL ’56 Selig Foundation, Inc. Sally and Dick Sorenson Deb and Paul Spitale Harrison and Brennan Spry Maggie and John Staton ’84 Stephanie Thomas Stephens ’97 and Austin Stephens Carrie and Scott Taylor ’84 Patricia Bowman Terwilliger Family Foundation Patricia and Christian Ulrich Reyne and Gerry Vinci Wendi and John Wells Polly and Keith White ’83 Sarah and Neal Williams ’78 Ellie and Will Williams Cathy Young Wilson ’72 and Frank Wilson ’72 Katherine and Michael Woocher Roberta and Craig Wrigley

The Founder’s Circle $2,500 to $4,900 Anonymous (2) Sara and Hunter Abercrombie Evelyn and Freddy Achecar Alba Adamo Arthur A. Allen Company LLC Chris Allen Kate and Lanny Allgood American Endowment Foundation Lallie and Tony Amon Karen and Charles Andros Jennifer and Bonneau Ansley Jane and Dave Apple Courtney and Rob Arasi The Arnold Foundation Kimberly Arp Babbit ’88 and Joel Babbit Susan and PJ Bain Yvonne Amon Baldock ’86 and Brent Baldock Linda and Jim Balkcom Lara and Michael Balser Mayo and Tom Barranco Chase and Marty Battaglio Kathleen and Mark Beck Molly Ware Beery ’87 and Bill Beery Ashley and Lloyd Bell ’85 Natalie and Colin Bernardino Carrie and Andy Beskin Ali Dick Blaisdell ’02 and Andrew Blaisdell

Hollee and Kyle Bollman Dan Boone Dan & Merrie Boone Foundation Jennifer and Brian Boutté Marcie and Jay Bowen ’80 Julie and Tom Bradbury ’92 Sumner Caudell Bradshaw ’97 and Wes Bradshaw ’95 Amanda Glenn Brady ’88 Andrea and John Bray Ashley Davis Brewer ’98 Kate and Lyons Brewer Chinda and Remco Brok Jake Bryant Margaret Bryant Ashley Burleson Bundy ’97 and Rick Bundy Denice and Ed Burch Jocelyn and Alan Burleson ’01 Katie and Steve Bush Susan Sineath Calahan ’87 and Doug Calahan Margaret and Matt Callihan Dee Hewlett Caudell ’66 and Tom Caudell Erin and Jack Cay Mark Chandler ’77 Julie Chang Marlyn Rollins Chapman ’81 and Owens Chapman

Dorothy Marshall Christians ’96 and Dean Christians Andrea and Jim Claussen Kirstie and Sonny Cohen Paige Coker Holly Hill and David Cole Pamela and Mark Connell ’77 Erin and Patrick Connolly ’01 Aimee Simmons Connolly ’95 and Colin Connolly ’94 Mary Pillow and Bryant Cornett Meredith and Brad Courts Betty and Sean Coy Katie and Doug Crenshaw ’85 Kim and Robert Cumbie Janeen and Kevin Cunningham Sallie Adams Daniel ’68 Beth and James Davie Kelsey and Preston Davis ’04 Muff Davis Lindsay and David Dendy Rezzan Ayhan and Annap Derebail Hyde and Bruce Desloge Roberta Lea Deupree ’93 and Reed Deupree Alison and Kris Dickson Catherine and Dan Diffley Jodi and Timothy Dod

Ann Dodd ’91 Powers Dorsett Carol Goodman Doty ’83 and Charles Doty Margaret Denny Dozier ’73 and Scott Dozier Elise and Carl Drake Elizabeth and Jack Draughon Ryan Smith Dunlap ’97 and Sam Dunlap Barbara Dye Pat Dye Elaine Dyer Nan and Ed Easterlin Kattia and Greg Easterly Elizabeth and Cole Ebert Nikki and John Edwards Christy and Chad Eikhoff Virginia and Brent Eiland Gretchen and Edward Ellis The Harriet W. & Edward P. Ellis Trust Ann and Charlie Elsas Nayla and Said Elshihabi Emily and Brad Ferguson Catherine Sterne Fleetwood ’90 and Thomas Fleetwood Lauren and Mike Flint McCamey and Randall Fontes

2017-18 Annual Report



Members of The 1926 Society

Cindy and Bill Fowler Amy and Chad French Sarah and Reid French ’89 Vicki and Rusty French Kara and Marc Galbraith Joann and Tom Gallagher Mary-Frances and Tom Garrett Lauren Lindberg Gearon ’86 and Michael Gearon Mary and Richard Gerakitis ’74 Amy and Jeff Githens Betsy and Scott Givens Billy Glisson ’01 Kelly and Tom Godfrey The Lanier Goodman Foundation Lesee Whitaker Googe ’87 and Trey Googe Tiffany and Fraser Gough Julia and Eli Green Mary Kathryn Lientz Green ’92 and B.J. Green Beth and Kevin Greene Sally and Bo Griffith Kerri Gallagher Griggs ’92 and Jim Griggs Trish Gross and Scott Ehlers Lizzy and Jay Hale Debbie and Michael Hardee Jacqueline and Owen Hardy Kathleen and Michael Harrison Laura and Daniel Hathaway Babette and Bill Henagan ’76 The Henagan Foundation Amie and Fred Herbert Jennifer and David Higgins Sivan and Jeff Hines Anne Steele and Mark Hinshaw Dale and Kurt Hohlstein ’76 Dabney and Sam Hollis Lauren Logan Hooks ’97 and Hudson Hooks

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Kasia and Tom Horner Brandee and Brandon Houston Tatty and Harry Howard Robin and Hilton Howell Kristin Lucas Huber ’97 and Harris Huber Dana and Joe Hudepohl Natasha and Ty Huggins Jing and John Hung Catherine and Rob Hutchinson Pringle and Kennith Jackson Tammy and Michael Jaje ’89 Jae and Wadsworth Jarrell Corrie and Wayne Johnson Cookie and Harrison Jones Natasha and Riley Jones Parker and Harry Jones Jiong and Baxter Jones ’75 Leslie and Dan Kahrs Lauren and Todd Kalen Stacey and Marc Kalish Leigh Kandzari Lauren and Chip Kelso Melinda and Laine Kenan Emily Thomas Kendrick ’94 and Hugh Kendrick Jinny and Michael Keough ’74 Alison Dobes Key ’88 and Tom Key Lora and Rob Kight ’80 Bonnie Warner Kimmerly ’88 and Scott Kimmerly Judy and Frank Kinnett Shannon and Brad Kinzey ’76 Molly and Reid Knox ’96 Shannon Lientz Kollme ’89 and Chris Kollme Lauren and Chris Kuzniak Carol Cline Lacy ’76 and Doug Lacy ’76 The Lacy Foundation Melissa and Keith Lamberson

Alison and Bill Lathrop Fang Lee Marianna and Ashley Lee Sharon and Chuck Leone Mary Lucy and Jim Lester Courtney and Les Lewis Sarah Toole Lindsay ’87 and Douglas Lindsay ’88 Julie and Neal Littlejohn Frances and Robin Loudermilk ’78 Loudermilk Foundation, Inc. Carrie and Matt Lovein Kimberly and Brian Lusink Molly and Kip Lynch ’89 Missy Means Madden ’97 and Patrick Madden Tucker and Dan Mahoney Amy and Robert Malone Anne and Michael Marino Kathy Martin Elizabeth Massey Jamie and Knox Massey, III Louise Massey Mary Ann and Knox Massey, Jr. Erin and Casey Masters ’96 Margaret and Charles Mathis Katie and Greg Mauldin Ileana Chu and Dave McAllister Angela and Ian McCarthy Jenny and Doug McCartney Kim and Steve McCollam Pattie and Ed McCrady Katie McDowell Emily and Mike McIntyre ’83 Tracy French McMillan ’92 and Kelly McMillan Sally Lynch Mefford ’91 and Taylor Mefford Moire and Preston Menning ’95 Tara and Mark Metcalf

Stacie Metcalfe Linda Roelofs Miller ’64 and Jay Miller Mary Millians Ibby and Jim Mills ’74 Samantha and Mike Minutelli Sue and Bobby Mitchell ’64 Emily and Carrick Mollenkamp ’87 Jenn and Phil Molner Dinah Moog Tripps Moog ’88 Carter and Hampton Morris ’69 Sarah and Doug Murray ’89 Rose and Dikembe Mutombo Katie and Slater Nalley Jennie and Allen Nance National Financial Services LLC Kristin and Tommy Newberry ’85 Elizabeth and Ben Newton Norfolk Southern Corp. Robyn and Kim Norgaard Claudia and Richard North Maria and Peter Novak Laura and McKee Nunnally ’87 Stephy and Charles Ogilvie Meg and Kevin O’Keefe Nancy and Nils Okeson Lee Davis Olsen ’74 and Steve Olsen ’74 Miranda and Armin Oskouei Lollie Henry Owings ’02 and Pierce Owings Alexandra and Pierre Panos Manisha and Harry Patel Ilene and Richard Patrick Elizabeth Pearce ’87 Cathy and Bob Peterson Kim and David Phillips Elizabeth Abernathy Poindexter ’87 and John Poindexter Kay and James Polk

Members of The 1926 Society

Other than the church, no other organization has molded our lives more than The Lovett School. What makes Lovett so special is the faculty’s sincere focus on each student’s strengths, setting up a mindset that lasts for a lifetime. This is why, whether from near or afar, we have and will continue to support this fine organization.” Lee Davis Olsen ’74 and Steve Olsen ’74 | Alumni and Parents of Alumni Key Largo, FL | 39 consecutive years of True Blue support

Leigh and Tee Pollard Chilton and Mark Pope ’68 Angela and Carter Posner Britt and Ben Prevost Cindy Kattel Price ’78 and Van Price ’75 Brittain and Scott Prigge Lissa and Spence Pryor Jennifer and Tom Puricelli Tish and Rowland Radford Madhavi and Naveen Rajdev Jennifer and John Raulet ’92 Marion and Robert Reid Renaissance Charitable Foundation Virginia and Jack Rhodes Susan Hennessy Rich ’83 and Joe Rich Adrian and John Robinson Fran and Joe Rogers Wilson Rogers ’98 Andrea and Tim Rollins ’81 Katie Boydston Rollins ’07 and Win Rollins ’07 Gigi Rouland Sherri and Eric Russell Darby and Dale Sands ’91 Anna and Craig Savage Dina and Eric Schimpf Tracy Thurkow and Mike Schlund Laura and Mike Schmidt Ellen Ferguson Schneidau ’85 and Marc Schneidau Scottie and Chris Schoen ’79 Bill Schuh June Bishop Seiler ’78 and John Seiler Tad Selby Laura and Rutherford Seydel ’81 Nancy and Cyrus Sharp Jeannie and Jeff Shaver Ann and Will Shearer Jessica and Kelly Sheehy

Peggy and John Shepard ’74 Irma and Manish Shrivastava Stephanie and Fielder Shurling ’88 Lori and Jon Siegel Kathryn and Jay Simms Barbara and Chuck Slick ’69 Kathryn and Gary Smith Meadow Bond Smith ’87 and Hop Smith Mary and Howard Spiva Jennifer and John Srouji Megan Apple Stephenson ’93 and John Stephenson ’93 Katie and Seth Stewart Elizabeth and Clay Stone Storey Foundation Inc. Rebecca Warner Strang ’93 and Rob Strang Nancy and Ben Tarbutton Robin and Stephen Tedder Amanda and Jody Tucker ’92 Katie and Ricks Tucker Kelly and Robert Turner Clay and Martin Underwood ’97 Jean Barry Underwood ’82 and Will Underwood Ami and M.J. Vaidya Beth and Alex Van Winkle ’82 Ann and Dennis Vohs Katherine King Wahl ’86 and David Wahl Lesley and Trey Wainwright Becton and Trey Wallace ’98 Kelly and Thadd Wallace Kati and Chris Walters Lisa and Joe Wargo Stewart Lathan and Robert Watkins ’86 Stuart and Chip Watson Jennifer and Erik Weiss Terri and Rick Western Elizabeth and Brian White

Katie Murphy White ’01 and Chris White Melissa and Rhett White Caroline and Andy Wildman Leah and Bob Wilkerson Kendrick and Chris Williams Becky and Tom Williams Beth and Ridley Williams ’85 Thomas and Loraine Williams Foundation Virginia Williams Cheryl and Kevin Windom Victoria and Scott Wolle Kelly and Trey Wood Anne Fair and Jim Woodward ’92 Anne Pearce Worrell ’97 and Andrew Worrell SuYan Su and SanJun Wu Tyler and Robby Wynne ’95 Young Hur and Jay Yang Lois Miner Yates ’69 and Danny Yates Mary and Bob Yellowlees Lucy Chiao-Yen and Andrew Yen Martin and Stephen Yoder Susan and Jason Yost Amelia and Brent Zelnak Alana and Marko Zrno

Young Alumni Leadership Circles of The 1926 Society The Riverbank Pride Circle Class of 2003 or later: $1,000+ William Bridges ’03 Mary Nell Falgoust Williams ’03 Lorin Young ’03 Preston Davis ’04 Michelle Domanico ’04 Sabrina Altenbach Gibson ’04 Charles Slick ’04 Allison Mcwilliams ’05

Kyle Collins ’06 Kelsey Holder Robinson ’06 Whitney Thompson ’06 Maggie Dozier Carr ’07 Katie Boydston Rolllins ’07 and Win Rolllins ’07 Alex Western ’07 Barnett Williams ’07 Cameron Bagley Zakem ’07 Caroline Noonan Mayfield ’09 Connor Green ’10 Winn Perrett ’11 Elwyn Bridges ’12 Marshall Noonan ’13

The Lion’s Circle Class of 2008 or later: $500-$999 Jane Cowan ’08 Thomas MacDonald ’09 Jonathan Carkhuff ’10 Amanda Cartledge ’10 Olivia Utt ’11 Matthew Wilkes ’11 Will Collins ’12 Patrick Emerson ’12 William Smith ’13 Camille Ward ’15

The Blue and White Circle Class of 2013 or later: $250-$499 Robbie Baker ’13 Virginia Dalton ’14 Janie Price ’14 Kimberlin Rogers ’14 Rachael Western ’14 Madison Hardee ’15 Devyn Edelstein ’16 Whitney Gumpert ’16 Lizzie Nunnally ’17 Gregory Rogers ’17

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our

Parents 2017-18 True Blue Participation:


Anonymous (2), (3), (4), (1) Whitney Troope and Sam Abdallah Sara and Hunter Abercrombie Erin and Patrick Abernethy Kirsten and Rod Abney Evelyn and Freddy Achecar Alba Adamo Charlene Adams Kerry Heyward and Keith Adams Pam and John Adams Robynne and John Adams Kelli Adams Maddock Gerthy and Trevor Agard Kristen Buras and Joe Aguilar Rabah Masood and Absar Ahmed Ashley and Andrew Aiken ’93 Anna and Gil Aleman Jennifer Shih and Chad Aleman Jenine and Dan Alig Chris Allen Heather and Lathan Allen Sue and Steve Allen Kate and Lanny Allgood Tonya Johnson and Mario Allmon Hannah and Justin Amick Blair and Thornton Anderson Jennifer and Chris Andrews Karen and Charles Andros Heather and David Ansari ’84 Jennifer and Bonneau Ansley Beth Radford Anthony ’82 and Matt Anthony Courtney and Rob Arasi Mariana and Ozzie Areu Betsy and Webb Armentrout Renee and Bob Arndt Amanda and Patrick Arnold Lolita Beyah Atkinson and Warren Atkinson Tracey and Jeff Atwater Ledina and Dean Austin Kimberly Arp Babbit ’88 and Joel Babbit Holly and Bryan Baer

20 | Lovett

Susan and PJ Bain Yvonne Amon Baldock ’86 and Brent Baldock Hilton and Butler Ball Paige and Brian Balocki Lara and Michael Balser Ann and Cliff Bargeron Lauren MacLanahan and Cory Barker Joan and Charlie Barnwell ’76 Mayo and Tom Barranco Cheri and Jim Barwis Meredith and Craig Bass Gail Batista Chase and Marty Battaglio Carmen and David Batten Erin and Morris Baxter Sarah and Richard Bayman Katie and Sam Bayne Alissa Portman Beard ’96 and Brooks Beard ’93 Holly and Chris Beavor Kathleen and Mark Beck Kim and Mike Becker Molly Ware Beery ’87 and Bill Beery

Ashley and Lloyd Bell ’85 Candace and Sam Bell Cassandra Bell Fiona and Scott Bell Alice Benton Karen and Hadley Benton ’88 Jenn Wade-Berg ’88 and John Berg Amy and Jeff Bernard Natalie and Colin Bernardino Susan and Brett Beveridge Jim Black ’93 Nancy and Dameron Black ’88 Angelle Blaske Hollee and Kyle Bollman DeAnn and Spencer Bomar Lisa and John Borden Helen and William Bost Stevi and Russel Botha Kelly Rowland Boudreau ’91 and Tommy Boudreau Jennifer and Brian Boutté Lori and Patrick Bowen Taryn Chilivis Bowman ’87 and Pete Bowman Julie and Tom Bradbury ’92 Sumner Caudell Bradshaw ’97 and Wes Bradshaw ’95

A special Lovett Lion



This year, the True Blue Annual Fund received three special gifts. These gifts enabled us to meet and exceed our goal of $2,850,000. We received generous donations from both the Lovett Alumni Association and LionBackers. Additionally, we received a truly remarkable gift from our own Lovett Parent Association. These volunteer organizations embody the giving spirit that permeates the Lovett community. Thank you!

Gifts from our Parents

Amanda Glenn Brady ’88 Jason Brady Paige and Alan Brasher Andrea and John Bray Frances and Ian Bresnahan Jane and Jon Breviu Kate and Lyons Brewer Beverly Freeman Briggs ’92 and Bo Briggs Ashley Broach Zac Broach Chinda and Remco Brok Katherine Brokaw and Steve Russ Dore Hopkins Brooks ’83 and Steve Brooks Marla-Deen and Steve Brooks ’85 Lisa Szafranic and Matt Brown Sefi and Matt Brown Natalie and James Brunson Jake Bryant Margaret Bryant Tia and Michael Buckham-White Ella and Allen Buckley Mary and Jim Buczek Ashley Burleson Bundy ’97 and Rick Bundy Denice and Ed Burch Tippi and Sam Burch Jocelyn and Alan Burleson ’01 Katie and Steve Bush Shauna and Jason Byars Sharon and David Byers Erica and Chuck Cain Susan Sineath Calahan ’87 and Doug Calahan Elizabeth and Chris Caldwell Keri and Ken Caldwell Keira and Jay Camillo Janica and Steve Campbell Lila Campbell ’81 Myla and Garry Capers Alison Lewis and Rob Carnegie Trayce and Jeff Carr Angie and Ritt Carrano Claudia and Jon Carroll Erika and Anson Carter Anne Cartledge Adriana Garcia and Roberto Casas Aimee and Zeke Cassinelli Elizabeth and Chris Castellaw Kate and Brooks Castellaw Erin and Jack Cay Julie Chang Marlyn Rollins Chapman ’81 and Owens Chapman Teresa Lei and JC Chen

Tracy Chevalier Sidney and Don Childress Kimberly and David Childs Phi and Jae Choi Maria and Yoo Chong Dorothy Marshall Christians ’96 and Dean Christians Ileana Chu and Dave McAllister Rosemary Church and Patrick O’Byrne Shirma Prescott-Clark and Marcus Clark Erin and John Clarke Mary Kelly Stribling Clary ’03 and Benjamin Clary Andrea and Jim Claussen Amy Erbesfield Clayton ’94 and Trey Clayton Michelle and Jim Clifton ’84 Kirstie and Sonny Cohen Laura and Billy Cohen Paige Coker Elizabeth and Rodes Cole Holly Hill and David Cole Catherine and Cal Collier Susan and Grant Collingsworth Aimee Simmons Connolly ’95 and Colin Connolly ’94 Lisa and Shawn Coombs Mary Pillow and Bryant Cornett Meredith and Brad Courts Sarah and Malon Courts Vini and Luke Cousins Betty and Sean Coy Heather and John Creighton Katie and Doug Crenshaw ’85 Tracy and Eric Cross Laura and Jim Crowley Kim and Robert Cumbie Angela and Eric Cunningham Janeen and Kevin Cunningham Dan Dalke Jennifer and Jon Dangar Alice and Colin Daniel Amy and Barry Darsey Marsha and Michael Darville Andrea and Cameron Darweesh Beth and James Davie Lindsay and Frederic Dawson Rozmin and Sol Daya Amy and Michael De Simone Tess and Alan Dean Tracy Dean Dianne and Paul Degenkolb Debbie and Mark Degner Noelle and Brandon Delley Megan and Dean Dellinger Dorsey and Geoff DeLong

KEY: 1926 Society True Blue Annual Fund 10+ Consecutive Years of Giving New Parent Campaign Endowment Legacy Society 50th Reunion Fund

Julie and Mike D’Emilio Lindsay and David Dendy Karen and Steve Denker Rezzan Ayhan and Annap Derebail Charmi and Anish Desai Hyde and Bruce Desloge Kira and Kevin Deter Roberta Lea Deupree ’93 and Reed Deupree Debbie and Mike Dickerson Alison and Kris Dickson Catherine and Dan Diffley Linda and Danny Diulus Andrea Dod Jodi and Timothy Dod Ann Dodd ’91 Lindsay Wills and Francis Doehner Caroline and Frank Doherty Jennifer and Mark Doller Sarah Dorian Carol Goodman Doty ’83 and Charles Doty Laura and Brad Dowling Amy and Brad Dozier Tracy and MacKay Drake Atira Goodwin and Karisa Drayton Elizabeth and Jack Draughon Robin and Scott Dubord Karen and Glenn Duffard Cherie and Mark Duffield Ryan Smith Dunlap ’97 and Sam Dunlap Susan and Hunt Dunlap ’77 Pollyanna and Mason Dunn Barbara Dye Pat Dye Kattia and Greg Easterly Leigh and Jay Eastland

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Parents

Elizabeth and Cole Ebert Cindy and David Eckardt Amy Brown Edelstein ’87 and Bruce Edelstein Hima and Ravi Edupuganti Heather and Jonathan Edwards Nikki and John Edwards Trish Gross and Scott Ehlers Ayars and Matt Ehret Christy and Chad Eikhoff Virginia and Brent Eiland Mary Elizabeth and Drew Ellenburg Gretchen and Edward Ellis Ann and Charlie Elsas Nayla and Said Elshihabi Laura and Ed Eschleman Ginny and Hays Evans Stacey Ewing Steve Fallon Allison Booker Fankhauser ’87 Molly and Ed Feinour Emily and Brad Ferguson Missy and Jay Ferguson Corbin and David Feroleto Nancy and Eric Ferrara Paige and Brian Fielden Jennifer and Bryan Finch Maggie Yates Fischer ’96 and Brooks Fischer ’93 Catherine Sterne Fleetwood ’90 and Thomas Fleetwood Lauren and Mike Flint Stacy and Wendell Floyd Emily Jenkins Followill ’88 and Tom Followill McCamey and Randall Fontes Carol Fox Formisano ’86 and Nick Formisano Kate and Greg Fornasiero Marie Brumley Foster ’84 and Brad Foster Heyward Morris Fougerousse ’97 and J.P. Fougerousse Felice and Mike Frank Deni-Kay Haas Freier ’91 and Jason Freier Amy and Chad French Sarah and Reid French ’89 Jackie and Tom Fricke Hope and Geoff Friedman ’87 Kelly and Johnny Friedman Sara and Brandon Friedman Meredith and Ed Gaile Kara and Marc Galbraith Greer and Colin Gallagher ’96 Sue and Bob Gallagher Rashi and Atul Gambhir Liza Gandis

22 | Lovett

Miranda and Armin Oskouei “How was your day?” It’s the quintessential carpool pick-up question that Miranda and Armin Oskouei have been asking their second grade son, Rocco, since the day he started at Lovett. They have been ready with reassurances if needed; however, they “can honestly say that he has not once mentioned having a bad day. He truly enjoys his teachers, the staff, his friends, and most importantly, how Lovett makes learning fun and enjoyable.” The Oskoueis were welcomed with open arms when they arrived for Rocco’s Kindergarten year. “I am so thankful for that experience and for the lifelong friends that not only Rocco has made, but the entire Oskouei family as well.” Lovett’s shared sense of community was especially evident to Miranda during this year’s closing chapel. “I only knew a couple of seniors at the time, but by the end I had tears in my eyes. I was absolutely moved by the bond between the teachers, staff, and students and the obvious love and support that had been given to these students throughout their time at Lovett. It was just another reminder of how fortunate all our children are to be here.” That gratitude has inspired Miranda and Armin to give back to the school as volunteers and as donors. Miranda served on the Lower School’s teacher appreciation committee and looks forward to serving as a 2018-19 committee chair for the Lower School’s Fall Festival, while Armin always enjoys signing up for multi-sensory room days and his turn as class mystery reader. The Oskoueis support the True Blue Annual Fund because, as Armin puts it, “running such a spectacular operation requires a lot of capital,” not all of which can be covered by tuition. They want Lovett to be able “to push our students to greater levels and give them access to opportunities that are truly life changing” for them and for others. “If we can get our students to achieve high levels of success, they will then be able to affect a great magnitude of people.” Armin and Miranda believe that even a little time or money invested by fellow parents, alumni, and Lovett community members will “compound and help maintain and expand the mission of this excellent school.” This combined support will be “a greatly compounded investment into the future, beyond anything we could do ourselves.”

Helen He and Lee Gao Hua Yang and Steve Gao Roseann and Jeff Gapusan Carla Civita-Garcia and Gerardo Garcia Beth and Joe Garrett Mary-Frances and Tom Garrett Lauren Lindberg Gearon ’86 and Michael Gearon Bess and Bill George Missy and Eric Geralds Ansley Wallace Ghegan ’01 and Dru Ghegan ’01 Barb and David Ghegan ’89 Kathy Crawford Ghirardini ’84 and Bill Ghirardini Kimbrough Mobley Gibson ’84 and Raymond Gibson Ina and Randy Gill Lea and Chuck Gilliland Kelly Gilstrap Laurie and Jay Gipson Amy and Jeff Githens Betsy and Scott Givens Cameron Davis Glass ’99 and Robert Glass Kelly and Tom Godfrey Freddy and Gregg Goldenberg Maggie and Steve Goodsell ’79 Lesee Whitaker Googe ’87 and Trey Googe Jennifer and John Gordon Tiffany and Fraser Gough Parul and Manish Govin Emily and Robert Graham Rebecca and Bruce Grant Genie Ison Gray ’88 and Russell Gray Heidi and Alan Gray Julia and Eli Green Mary Kathryn Lientz Green ’92 and B.J. Green Beth and Kevin Greene Mary Katherine and Tom Greene Sally and Bo Griffith Kerri Gallagher Griggs ’92 and Jim Griggs Keri and Tom Gugliotta Hua Li and James Guido Turia and John Gumpert Navita and Vivek Gupta Lexi and Scott Haden Mary Elaine and Clay Haden Paige and Todd Hager Wendy and Mike Hahn Lizzy and Jay Hale Carla Neal-Haley and Leon Haley Amanda Hall Pete Hall Roz and Jeff Hall John Ham Karen and Bob Hammer

Julie and Stewart Hammond Stacy Williams Hanley ’92 and Joe Hanley ’88 Kellie and Travis Hannon Burch and Mark Hanson Debbie and Michael Hardee Jacqueline and Owen Hardy Chad Harlan Kara and Mike Harner Paul Harper Jill and Christopher Harris Mika and Josh Harris Susan Caudell Harris ’94 and Kevin Harris Bill Harrison Deborah Harrison Kathleen and Michael Harrison Laura and Daniel Hathaway Ellice Hawkins Camilla Heard Nicole and Joey Hedgemon ’91 Bo Heiner Julie Heiner Amie and Fred Herbert Helen and Jeff Herbert Ana Combes-Osacar and Roberto Herrera Jennifer and Richard Hicks Jennifer and David Higgins Allison and Geoff Hill Anne Steele and Mark Hinshaw Kyle Orr Hinson ’97 and John Hinson Eugenia and Stephen Hobbs Dale and Kurt Hohlstein ’76 Leigh Hallman Hoke ’89 and Charles Hoke Jordan Scott Holden ’99 and Colin Holden ’99 Martha Ashley and Patrick Holder Nora Hurt and Robert Holland Rebecca and Michael Hollingsworth Dabney and Sam Hollis Lara and Sam Holmes Dena and Tom Hong Lauren Logan Hooks ’97 and Hudson Hooks Shana and Shawn Horan Lucy and Bill Horlock Elizabeth and Shane Hornbuckle Kasia and Tom Horner Suzanne and Andrew Hough Natalie and Walker Houk ’86 Brandee and Brandon Houston Lane and Clark Howard Teresa and Brian Howard Clayton and Barrett Howell ’79 Holly and Steve Howell Kathryn and Evan Howell Robin and Hilton Howell

Kadee and Ryan Hoyt Jamie and Chuck Hubbard Kristin Lucas Huber ’97 and Harris Huber Dana and Joe Hudepohl Dana and Will Hudson Harriet Huger Huger Natasha and Ty Huggins Jing and John Hung Christine and Bill Hunt Tricia Grant Hunt ’92 and Steve Hunt Lee Hunter ’91 Amy Dick Hurst ’90 and Matt Hurst ’80 Kerry and Bailey Izard ’81 Nancy and Bill Izlar Jane and Clay Jackson ’77 Malissa Jackson Pringle and Kennith Jackson Suci and Hardie Jackson Linda and David Jacoppo Tammy and Michael Jaje ’89 Molly and John Jamieson Juliette and Trey Jarrard Melissa Bunnen Jernigan ’76 and James Jernigan Corrie and Wayne Johnson Eve and Brad Johnson Katie and West Johnson Andrea and Gordon Jones ’88 Anne and Mark Jones Carolyn Jones ’85 Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97 Kristin and Bryan Jones Mary and Lewis Jones Natasha and Riley Jones Parker and Harry Jones Robin and David Jones Suzanne and Brent Jones Emily and Rob Jordan ’87 Suparna Malempati and Ash Joshi Katie and Rob Joslin Jennifer and David Kahn ’81 Leslie and Dan Kahrs Lauren and Todd Kalen Stacey and Marc Kalish Becca and Robbie Kamerschen Cal and Mark Kanaly Leigh Kandzari Payal and Sameer Kapoor Maria and Bill Katsadouros Lara Kauffman and Matt Collins Paige and Rocky Kaufmann ’93 Debbie and Mike Kazamias Jennifer and Sammy Kellett ’90

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Parents

Tamara and Kent Kelley Bonnie and Ted Kelly Deborah Bonner Kelly ’87 and Scott Kelly ’88 Jenna and Graham Kelly Lauren and Chip Kelso Kate and Mike Kemether Staci and Jonathan Kemp Lori and Thornton Kennedy ’92 Tonia and Vince Kenny Frances and Jim Kerr Alison Dobes Key ’88 and Tom Key Meera and Jaideep Kibe Lora and Rob Kight ’80 Michelle and Chris Kilroy Nina and Jeffrey Kim Daryl Kimche Bonnie Warner Kimmerly ’88 and Scott Kimmerly Jennifer King Lynn and Brian King Marianna and Todd King Vickie Scott Kirbo ’85 and Tom Kirbo Katie and Dow Kirkpatrick ’89 Mary Jane and Dave Kirkpatrick Cindy and Travis Klavohn Jackie Knotts Molly and Reid Knox ’96 Rae and John O. Knox ’88

24 | Lovett

Shannon Lientz Kollme ’89 and Chris Kollme Anne and Matt Konigsmark Meimei Zhou and Lingbin Kong Debbie and Herb Kosmahl Katie and Ryan Koudele Malinda and David Krantz Amy Rollins Kreisler ’88 and Nevin Kreisler Linda Reale and Steve Kremer Anu Murthy and Chandru Krishnamurthy Ali and Joey Kusky Lauren and Chris Kuzniak Natalie and Robert Lacey ’87 Priti and Nick Lakha Nadia Parmar and Karim Lakhani Chhavi and Subodh Lal Melissa and Keith Lamberson Chloe and Beau Lambert Annie and Hunter Lamon ’00 Jacquelyn and Frank Lankford Alison and Bill Lathrop Beth Crenshaw and Michael Lawings Mandy and Joe LeCompte Cheryl and Bruce Lee Fang Lee Marianna and Ashley Lee Stacey and Don Leebern Jennifer and Jeremy Legg Sharon and Chuck Leone Margaret and Alec Lesley ’93 Mary Lucy and Jim Lester Vivian Chavez-Lett and Cachao Lett Colleen and John Letter Whitney and Robert Lewallen Courtney and Les Lewis Wendy and James Lewis Kristy Light Catherine and Douglas Lindauer Sarah Toole Lindsay ’87 and Douglas Lindsay ’88 Seale Arnold Lindsay ’90 and Andrew Lindsay ’90 Marsha and James Little Elizabeth and Steve Long Kathryn Long Bowdre George Longo ’01 and Rob Longo Alethia and Borris Love Carrie and Matt Lovein Elisabeth Estes Lovett ’91 and Peter Lovett Mei Xiang and Jeffrey Lu Ying Hao and David Lu Lisa and Patrick Luke Magner and Porter Lummus Kimberly and Brian Lusink

Grayson and Ben Lutz Molly and Kip Lynch ’89 Shawn and Bruce Mackinson Ann and Allen Madden ’86 Missy Means Madden ’97 and Patrick Madden Tucker and Dan Mahoney Chris Maier Tuba and Doug Malinowski Amy and Robert Malone Allison and Bill Maner ’81 Sheila and Lee Mann Georgia Ware Margeson ’84 and Billy Margeson Anne and Michael Marino Beth and Michael Marshall ’89 Kacey Crim Marshall ’91 and Whit Marshall ’91 Shelley and Paul Marshall Courtney and Ed Martin Kathy Martin Marion and Paul Martin Betty Wube and Danny Maru Jamie and Knox ’81 Massey Karen Apple Mathews ’83 and George Mathews ’83 Erica and William Matos Katie and Greg Mauldin Bernadette and Mark May-Beaver Lori and Ric Mayfield Ania and Dan McBreen Kaci and Darby McCamy Jenny and Doug McCartney Kim and Steve McCollam Lauren Bone McColskey ’89 and John McColskey Kristen and Hank McCord ’97 Pattie and Ed McCrady Carolyn and Jim McDonald ’86 Katie McDowell Stacia McFadden Mary Blythe Kane McGehee ’91 Trey McGehee Chris and Brian McGowan Carol McKown Sandy and Jody McKown Amy and Chesley McLeod Laura and David McMahan Tracy French McMillan ’92 and Kelly McMillan Amy and Ron McMurtrie Beth and Michael McPherson ’83 Molly and John Mears Ali and Barry Medintz Sherri Berger and Nate Medoff Sally Lynch Mefford ’91 and Taylor Mefford Bindu Bareddy and Suraj Menachery Moire and Preston Menning ’95

Gifts from our Parents

Alexia and Lin Rogers Alexia and Lin Rogers have been part of the Lovett community for five years, and in that short time, have demonstrated their love and commitment for the school in many different ways. Lin, Chairman of Rogers Electric, and Alexia have one son at Lovett: Andres Sosa, Class of 2024. They also have 18-month-old twins, Aletia and Mila. In addition to volunteering on campus and attending many Lovett sporting events, they are also Chairman’s Circle True Blue donors as well as very generous endowment donors. Alexia is also involved in the Lovett International Alliance, which is committed to expanding international awareness through programs for the entire community. Alexia shared, “Being of Latin descent, I feel that Lovett has opened its arms to diversity and embraced different cultures.” Alexia and Lin did a lot of research when it came to choosing a school for Andres. When asked what prompted them to choose Lovett, they said, “After reviewing all of the private schools in the Atlanta area, we felt that Lovett was the best fit for our son educationally, both for academics and for personal development.” One particular instance of parental pride was watching Andres perform in the fifth grade talent show. Seeing the joy, fulfillment, and growth in him was very moving for them both. Andres shares that he feels Lovett is a welcoming place. He likes the track and football field, especially since that is where Field Day is held. He says, “It is a place to really test your limits!” The Rogers share that they support Lovett philanthropically for a variety of reasons, but it really comes down to the two things they believe are necessary to raise a successful child: the best education available and strong personal growth in the arts and sports. Lin says, “Lovett succeeds in both of these areas, but it all takes funding. Parents have to understand what it takes to keep Lovett one of the top schools in the country and understand the energy, time, and funding needed to sustain this for the future.” Alexia and Lin say that watching Andres develop into a confident young man and a son to be proud of has been an experience of pure joy.

Laila and Salim Merchant Tara and Mark Metcalf Stacie Metcalfe Sydney Metcalfe Heather Jackson Metzger ’87 and Dave Metzger Amy and Stefano Miele Eileen Keough Millard ’80 and Chris Millard Alex Millians ’86 Mary Millians Michele and Matt Minetola Lanesha and Scott Minnix Samantha and Mike Minutelli Micky and Ashok Mishra Antonia and Wright Mitchell ’88 Denise and Jay Mitchell Lethea Quin Mitchell ’78 and Doug Mitchell Liz and Bobby Mitchell ’89 Nitu Bansal and Alok Mittal Andree and Michael Janis ’87 Maria and Chris Moffett Jenn and Phil Molner Lauren and John Monroe Andrea and Ned Montag Tripps Moog ’88 Christine and Joe Moore Leah and Bo Moore Olesya and Kevin Moore Julie and Rob Moran Sarah and David Moreland Courtney and Ricardo Moreno Adele and Paul Morgan Anne and John Mori Christine and James Morrison Erin and Peck Morton Lynne and Wes Moss Anna and Price Muir ’91 Cara and John Mulcahy LeeAnn and Walter Muller Sarah and Doug Murray ’89 Rose and Dikembe Mutombo Faith and Derrick Myers Tiffany and Dan Myers Katie and Slater Nalley Kim and Clay Nalley ’90 Jennie and Allen Nance Sadhna and Jay Nandwana Leslie Neely Payton Neely René and Eric Nelson Wisti and Brian Nelson Michelle and Jeff Neville Kristin and Tommy Newberry ’85

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Parents

Elizabeth and Ben Newton Katie Dearing Newton ’89 and Boyd Newton Zoe and Jesse Nieminen Reetika and Arun Nijhawan Laura and David Nix Rebecca and Jon Nixon Robyn Curnow Curnow and Kim Norgaard Kristin and Lourenco Norton Maria and Peter Novak Jennifer and Scott Novellas Cici and David Nowland Laura and McKee Nunnally ’87 Sarah and Sean O’Brien Ivan Ocana Monica Ocana Meredith and Derek Odegard Shannon and Kevin O’Donnell Stephy and Charles Ogilvie LaShonda and Coleman Oglesbee Amy and Mark Ohde Meg and Kevin O’Keefe Nancy and Nils Okeson Catherine and Chris Olivier Kathy McCarroll Olmstead ’88 and George Olmstead ’89 Elizabeth and Gerry O’Meara Marilyn and John O’Neal Kara and Patrick O’Neil Maureen and Bob O’Shaughnessy Miranda and Armin Oskouei Shannon and Nathan Ottinger Jennifer and Bryan Overly Becki Scannaliato and Clint Padgett Melanie and Vinod Paidipalli Erin Polk Dixon ’94 and Ian Palmer Lei Fang and Yong Pan Alexandra and Pierre Panos Laura and Peter Panos Alice and Kyu Park Beth and David Park Tanya Parker-Rodriguez Mariah and Michael Parsons Alvira and Mayank Patel Amisha and Sand Patel Manisha and Harry Patel Sandy and Ajay Patel Shital and Pete Patel Medha and Shailesh Patkar Ilene and Richard Patrick Don Patterson Evelyn Patterson Bobby Pavloff Mary Clancy and Kevin Peak Kate McIntosh Pearce ’90 and Peter Pearce

26 | Lovett

Gifts from our Parents

Allison Bussey Peavy ’91 and Jay Peavy Jennifer and Michael Peeker Viorica and Stefan Pencea April Perez Lamarck Perez Michelle and Jay Perkins Malloy and Robert Peterson ’94 Kim and David Phillips Carrie and Cy Philpott Anna and Nick Pieschel Scott and Paul Pilcher Dallas and Scott Pioli Maureen and Dave Pitfield Kimberly Glaser Pitts ’94 and Jennings Pitts ’93 Elizabeth Abernathy Poindexter ’87 and John Poindexter Mary Ellen and Joe Poindexter Leigh and Tee Pollard Angie and Alan Pope Catharine and Cooper Pope ’93 Crosby and Brad Pope ’91 Greer Barber Pope ’90 and Bryan Pope ’90 Isabel and John Pope ’86 Adrienne Baumer Port ’86 and Chris Port Rosemary and Will Porter ’93 Anne and John Portman ’97 Angela and Carter Posner Nancy Dorough Powell ’92 and Crawford Powell Sharmila and Sreeni Prabhu Ashley Preisinger Mark Preisinger Suzanne and Ryan Prescott Cheryl and Joe Pressley Britt and Ben Prevost Brittain and Scott Prigge Lisa and Lee Pritchard Susan and David Propp Lissa and Spence Pryor Janet and Tom Pugh Jennifer and Tom Puricelli Anne Rackley Blair and Tripp Rackley Gene Rackley Madhavi and Naveen Rajdev Suzanne and Michael Raponi Jennifer and John Raulet ’92 Amy Stribling Rees ’94 and Dave Rees Emily and Stanton Reid Regan Reinhold Jennifer and Alex Reynolds Cathy and Scott Rhodes Virginia and Jack Rhodes Shay and Allen Richardson

Katherine Bone Richert ’91 and John Richert Helena and Chad Ricker Arshima Rieara Kim Nikles and Michael Roach Denise Roberts Diane Roberts Reed and Brad Roberts Adrian and John Robinson Marci and Tommy Robinson Stacy and David Rodenhiser Frank Rodriguez Sunny and Stuart Roesel Alexia Alarcon Rogers and Lin Rogers Steffi and Jake Rohn Jane Cofer ’85 and David Roper Jennifer and Joel Rosenfeld Gigi Rouland Ashley and Martin Russell Sherri and Eric Russell Karn and Dan Rutulante Susanne Estes Saad ’87 and John Saad Era Singh and Ashoo Saigal Susan and Fred Saint Myriam and Robby Saint-Cloud Beth Salvati and Steve Samp Anne and Mac Sams Lindsey Prather Sanders ’99 and Robert Sanders Darby and Dale Sands ’91 Holly and Palmer Sanford Joni Milsap Santos ’89 and Carter Santos Tena and Jaime Sarabia ’94 Anna and Craig Savage Mary and Matt Sawhill Wanda Saxon Lauren and Matt Schilpp Dina and Eric Schimpf Lora and Rob Schipper Tracy Thurkow and Mike Schlund Laura and Mike Schmidt Terri and Blair Schmidt-Fellner Ellen Ferguson Schneidau ’85 and Marc Schneidau Gwyn and Tim Schneider Bill Schuh Sandra Switzer and Eric Schunk Paige Regenstein Schwartz ’92 and Mike Schwartz Xiang Li Li and Mark Schwartz Taylor and Rolf Schwieger Elizabeth and George Scott Karen and Steve Sear Virginia Pearce Seawell ’90 and Haygood Seawell June Bishop Seiler ’78 and John Seiler Tad Selby

KEY: 1926 Society True Blue Annual Fund 10+ Consecutive Years of Giving New Parent Campaign Endowment Legacy Society 50th Reunion Fund

Stephanie Sanders Selig ’90 and Blake Selig ’90 Frances and Greg Seminara Cathy and Adam Shaifer Miranda and Harry Shapiro Parveen Jaglan-Sharma and Atul Sharma Nancy and Cyrus Sharp Jeannie and Jeff Shaver Ann and Will Shearer Jessica and Kelly Sheehy Scarlett and Jeff Shell Ashley and David Shepherd Stephanie and Ed Sherling Nancy and Jim Sherman ’80 Kristen Shore Irma and Manish Shrivastava Stephanie and Fielder Shurling ’88 Lori and Jon Siegel Susan and Dunning Silliman Kathryn and Jay Simms Libby and Frampton Simons Catherine and Jake Sisley Hitomi Okamoto and Ben Skaggs Jaclyn and Wes Slagle Gabriella Yanez-Uribe and Henri Slezinger Laurie and Zac Smilack Amy and Jeff Smith Jennifer and Thomas Smith Joan and Rick Smith Kathryn and Gary Smith LeeAnn Landers Smith ’95 and Parker Smith Leslie and Edwin Smith Meadow Bond Smith ’87 and Hop Smith Monica and Randy Smith Nancy and Todd Smith

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Parents

Sharonne Smith Smith Stephanie and Matt Smith Tiffany and Ed Smith ’86 Deb and Paul Spitale Mary and Howard Spiva Amy Kain Spivey ’97 and John Spivey ’97 Harrison and Brennan Spry Jennifer and John Srouji Angela and David Stallings Gin Stanley Kristie Stargell Mary and John Stark Maggie and John Staton ’84 Margaret and John Stedman Nichole and John Steel Virginia and Brian Stephens Megan Apple Stephenson ’93 and John Stephenson ’93 Melanie and James Stevens Katie and Seth Stewart Sandy and Peter Stewart Amanda and Nate Stibbs Elizabeth and Clay Stone Amy and Zach Story Rebecca Warner Strang ’93 and Rob Strang Amanda and Jeff Stratton ’90 Kathy and Todd Stratton ’84 Kimbrell and Tee Stribling ’96 Brenda and Doug Strickland Debbie and Charles Stubbs Mary Mac and Sadler Stukes Christine and Richard Sturm Sue and Jamie Suber Audrey and Scottie Summers Jerry Tatum Jenny and Wes Taubel Carrie and Scott Taylor ’84 Mary Crawford and Keith Taylor Sean Taylor Stacy Taylor Nikki and Marcus Teague Robin and Stephen Tedder Stephanie and Mark Teichner Etenesh Geda and Benyam Tesema Mimi and Kevin Thomas Robin Thomas-Tatum Jennifer Kawwass and Peter Thompson Katya and Guerry Thornton ’68 Allison and Brian Timberlake Shannon Nease and Tom Tindall ’79 Pam Perry Tinkler ’81 and Doug Tinkler Carmen and Bob Titelman

28 | Lovett

Gloria Hardiman-Tobin and Elvin Tobin Courtney and Kyle Tomlin Mary Beth Pullin Toole ’84 and Barckley Toole Jennifer and Bill Toomey Tiffiny Hughes-Troutman and Charles Troutman Amanda and Jody Tucker ’92 Beth and Kent Tucker ’95 Katie and Ricks Tucker Iris and Jason Turner Kelly and Robert Turner Megan and Chris Turner Leslie and Nelson Tyrone Patricia and Christian Ulrich Cathy and Bernard Umeri Clay and Martin Underwood ’97 Jean Barry Underwood ’82 and Will Underwood Kim and Paul Urbanowicz Alexie Vagner Ami and M.J. Vaidya Robin and Guillermo Valls Susan and Todd Van Dyke Beth and Alex Van Winkle ’82 Rhonda Vassar Sara Ann and Woody Vaughan ’86 Reyne and Gerry Vinci Kristin and Rick Volkmann Emily Giannini Volpe ’94 and Eric Volpe Carolyn and Steve Wade Yvonne and Jim Wade Aaron Wagner Nicole Wagner Katherine King Wahl ’86 and David Wahl Lesley and Trey Wainwright Courtney and Jamie Walker Dorothy Traver Walker ’92 and Phillip Walker Becton and Trey Wallace ’98 John Wallace Kathy Wallace Kelly and Thadd Wallace Darlene Walls Simone and Daniel Walsh Natalie Crim Walter ’93 and Ned Walter Ann and Jim Walters Kati and Chris Walters Brook and Andy Wardner ’94 Lisa and Joe Wargo Karen Isaac Warren ’82 and Johnny Warren Shivana and Dan Waterman Velva Bass and Mario Watkins Stuart and Chip Watson Sarah and Gordon Watt Lisa and Rusty Watts

Kristen and Timothy Weeden Paige Craig and Mike Weinberger Jennifer and Erik Weiss Christina and Bryan West Nancy B. and Stephen Westfall Beth Albright and Ernie Wetzler Sam Weyman Fran and Barney Whitaker Elizabeth and Brian White Katie Murphy White ’01 and Chris White Melissa and Rhett White Nicole and Barnabas White Susan and Tom Wilby Caroline and Andy Wildman Leah and Bob Wilkerson Becky and Tom Williams Ellie and Will Williams Jenny Williams Kendrick and Chris Williams Stephanie and Glen Williams Cheryl and Kevin Windom Victoria and Scott Wolle Stacy Sodel Womack ’80 and Shay Womack ’80 Katherine and Michael Woocher Amy and David Wood Kelly and Trey Wood Kira and Leonard Wood ’94 Mabia and Kyle Woodall ’01 Leslie Wooddall Anne Fair and Jim Woodward ’92 Christina and Tom Woodward ’90 Katie and Jason Wright Wendy and Tom Wright Lindsey and Todd Wrigley ’97 SuYan Su and SanJun Wu Lisa and Harold Wyatt Tyler and Robby Wynne ’95 Jiong and Baxter Jones ’75 Amy Zhang and Nan Xiao Ling Liu and Jingsheng Yang Young Hur and Jay Yang Hillary and Steve Yarmowich Hanna Yazvinskaya and Vad Yazvinski Lucy Chiao-Yen and Andrew Yen Lorren and Brett Yerger Martin and Stephen Yoder Margaret and Trey York Susan and Jason Yost Diahann and Kevin Young Teresa and Vincent Young Amelia and Brent Zelnak Jane and Steve Zoellick Alana and Marko Zrno

Gifts from our Parents

The Janis Family In 2010, Andrée and Michael Janis ’87 watched their eldest daughter, Gabriella ’23, enter the doors of the Lower School as a new Lovett Kindergartener. Two years later, her sister Olivia ’25 would do the same. These girls may have seemed like two of many students eager for the school year to begin, but for Michael and Lovett, their arrival was a homecoming. Nearly four decades earlier, Headmaster Alan Strand hired a promising young math teacher living in Cleveland, Ohio, to teach in Lovett’s Upper School. It was the fall of 1973, and Les Janis, his wife, and their two children packed their belongings and moved South. The couple’s eldest child, Michael, arrived on the Riverbank that year as part of Mrs. Vaught’s pre-Kindergarten* class. A couple of years later, Michael’s younger sister, Tracy Janis McCarley ’88, enrolled. Teachers wore many hats in the 70s, and Les was no exception: teaching, serving as a guidance counselor, and initiating “interim term,” a program that gave seniors an opportunity to experience work through internships. Les also played a pivotal role in Lovett Athletics, starting the wrestling program. Ten years after Les, Michael’s mother Joni began teaching Social Studies in the Middle School. He remembers her tenure with pride, noting, “She was a true innovator in the classroom and in bringing diversity to campus with CAFE (Cultural Appreciation for Everyone).” Joni Janis retired in 2013 after 32 years of service to Lovett. “Generations of alumni talk about how much they learned in my parents’ classes and how they grew under their mentorship,” Michael recalls. “Likewise, Jay Freer inspired my sister to major in theater in college. For me, it was Lovett’s great English and history teachers who sparked my interest in writing and research, helping to put me on the path to a doctorate and a professorship.” The Janis Family is still making a positive impact on Lovett today. Andrée is a respected, instrumental Lovett volunteer presently serving a second term as president of the Lovett International Alliance (LIA). She also volunteers for FOTA’s Spring Arts Festival. The entire family volunteers for admissions, welcoming visitors, and giving tours. “When you consider the extent of the influence of Lovett, you become aware of its positive impact on our lives. Philanthropy makes it possible for Lovett to nurture young people and to achieve excellence in education; those reasons are enough to make anyone feel good about contributing,” Michael adds. “As an educator, I’d also like to underscore the inestimable value of recruiting and retaining outstanding faculty. Donations ensure that we support their incredible hard work and dedication. Through community service and outreach, Lovett is a pillar of the community. Giving to Lovett means supporting a much larger community beyond the campus.” *Lovett’s last year offering pre-Kindergarten was 2002-03.

(L-R) Michael ’87, Gabriella ’23, Olivia ’25, and Andrée Mobo Janis (President, Lovett International Alliance)

We give every year because we believe in Lovett’s integrity. The commitment to inclusivity—in admissions and in campus life—has distinguished Lovett beyond measure. This commitment has benefitted countless students and families and, in turn, has benefitted the Lovett community as a whole, which has grown as it realizes key aspects of its mission, such as respect for diversity, service to others, and moral awareness. Having linked ethics and equity to philanthropy, Lovett is following the lead of our nation’s great colleges and universities. We realize how fortunate we are to be part of this experience.” Michael Janis ’87, PhD Associate Professor of English Morehouse College 2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our

Grandparents Anonymous (2), (1) Judith Albright Susan and Larry Alexander Elizabeth and Carl Allen Lallie and Tony Amon Judith Anderson Jane and Dave Apple Celeta and Hamilton Arden Martha and Richard Armstrong Yetty Levenson Arp ’64 and Charlie Arp ’62 Janet and Robeert Atwater Violet Austin Suzy and Curtis Baggett Linda and Jim Balkcom Dorothy Ballard William Balocki Eloise Banks Harriet and Gary Barnett Anne Barron Carolyn Batterson Eleanor Baughman Karen Beard Helaine and Clifford Bell Ida and Jim Bell Jo and Terrell Benton June Bishop Janet and Walter Boden Merritt Bond Ruthanna and William Bost Mary and Marvin Brantley Joanna and John Brennan Berney Bridges Joan and Don Brown Judy and Cal Bryson Lucinda Bunnen Devereux and Edward Burch Jan and Gene Burleson Gina Bussey William Byrne Mary and William Cain Melfort Campbell Marg and Robert Carnegie Dee Hewlett Caudell ’66 and Tom Caudell Ellen and William Chapman

30 | Lovett

Barbara and Jesse Claypoole Louisa Coker Mary and Calvin Collier Lynda and Richard Courts Neil Crawford Sandra and Jeffrey Cross Robbie and Edwin Culver Mary and Greer Cummings Ofelia and Stephen Darling Marg and Dick Denny Moira and Edward Desloge Sylvia and Bruce Dick Jean and John Dickey Mildred Dickson Sue and Louis Dod Mary and Everette Doffermyre Powers Dorsett Sally and John Draughon Kay and Fred Durand Judy and David Easterly Mrs. Edwards Katharine and Alan Elsas LL ’53 Pamela and Jack Faircloth Jan and William Ferguson Margaret and Emilio Ferrara MaryAnn Fesenmeier Skeet and Pat Fischer Caroline Lovell Fleetwood ’62 Cindy and Bill Fowler Masie Francis Sara Ostrom King LL ’54 and Jerry Frasier Capey and Lindsay Freeman Vicki and Rusty French Susan and Sam Friedman Dorothy Fuqua Kathleen Fusco

Joann and Tom Gallagher Alana Gambol Carol and Benjamin Garland Marjorie and Richard Garrett Dot and Luther Gause Dee Holt George ’70 and Ross George ’72 John Gilbert Thomas Gillespie Jay Githens Wayne and Art Glaser Priscilla and Luther Glass Mary F. and Ed Glasscock Betsy Glenn Gladys and Aaron Goldberg Vicki and Alan Goldenberg Julie and John Gooch Emma and Robert Green Linda and John Greene Donna and Jim Hackman Charlotte and Tony Hall Mike and David Handley Kinsey and Gordon Harper Maria and Richard Harrison Elizabeth and Tom Hawk Nancy and Doug Henley Nell Hilburn Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines William Horlock Candice and Thomas Horner Tatty and Harry Howard Trinx and Mark Howard Fay Howell Sherry and Charles Hubbard Jane and John Huffard Gladys Isaac Mary Izard Dorothy Jackson Joni and Les Janis Julie Jenkins Diane and Donald Johnson

Gifts from our Grandparents

Mary and Jay Johnson Patricia and Ronald Joines Cookie and Harrison Jones Hope and Charles Jones Jack Jones Judy and Carroll Jones ’62 Lynne and Bliss Jones Margery and William Jones Mrs. Jones Jay Jordan BeBe and Steve Kane Nada and Bassam Kawwass Margaret and Juergen Keil Clinton and Don Kennedy Yvonne and Robert Kenny Don Keough Margaret and Khurshid Khan Judy and Frank Kinnett Harriet and Kip Kirkpatrick Gini and John O. Knox ’69 Annetta Kornblum Ann and William Kuzniak Sandra Lacefield Jane Threlkeld Lamon ’74 and Hollis Lamon ’73 Ann Lassiter Pat and Charles Lee Toni and Charles Leone Paula and Chuck Lesley Elizabeth and Donald Lewis Julie and Neal Littlejohn Wilton Looney Frances and William Lovett Miriam and Bob Lovett Leslie and Ed Lucas Nancy and Jerome Lynn Tassie and Richard Madden Trudy and Bert Madden Carol and Mike Marshall Mary Ann and Knox Massey Jane Mathews Margaret and Charles Mathis Shirley Maxwell Eleonora and Robert McCabe Diane and Pat McDowell Penny McLanahan Marcy and Pete McTier Sally and Colby Menning Joanne and Ed Michaels Sue and Bobby Mitchell ’64 Susan and Guy Mitchell Jackie and Anthony Montag Dinah Moog Jan and Rick Mooney

Betsy and Sandy Morehouse Alice and David Moreland Carter and Hampton Morris ’69 Amy Murphy Rene and Jim Nalley Shelby Jordan and Fred Neely Suze Jones-Nicholas and Patrick Nicholas Carol Nikles Sally and McKee Nunnally Marguerite and Frank Owens Ann and William Ozier Dona Pavloff Jacqueline and Jobe Payne Libby and Gene Pearce Lucy Stockard Perry LL ’49 and Richard Perry Dolly and Mike Peters India and Jim Peters Cathy and Bob Peterson Kay and James Polk Beverly Pope Chilton and Mark Pope ’68 Nancy and John Pope Sam Porter Jack Portman ’66 Tish and Rowland Radford Kitty and Larry Rajnik Barbara and Ernest Ramsay Lynn and Kent Regenstein ’63 Emille and Bruce Reid Kay and Thomas Reid Jackie and Tommy Roche Peggy and Randall Rollins Faye and George Russell Marilyn and James Sams Kathy and Jerry Sands Dianne Sayers Elizabeth and John Schneidau Cynthia Schoonover Lewis Scruggs Penny Seawell Janet Selig and Jeffrey Bernstein Linda and Steve Selig LL ’56 Peggy and Stephen Semancik Marsha and Howard Shaffer Rita Sharp Elizabeth Sherling Toby and Arnold Sidman Janie and Nelson Sims Patricia and David Slagle Becky and Randolph Smith Laurie and Claude Spratley Lizanne and John Stephenson Martha and Henry Stibbs Ruth and Robert Stickley

KEY: 1926 Society True Blue Annual Fund 10+ Consecutive Years of Giving New Parent Campaign Endowment Legacy Society 50th Reunion Fund

Mary Rita and Carl Stimmel Sharon Samford Stribling ’69 and Strib Stribling ’69 Nancy and Ben Tarbutton Patricia and Davis Temple Pamela Terp Patricia Terwilliger Clara Traver Sara and Tuck Tucker ’66 Linda and John Tuffey Jan and Ray Turner Elizabeth and Richard Uihlein Ann and Dennis Vohs Susan and Richard Volkmann Elizabeth Wallace Becky Warner Charles Warren Carol and Gil Watson Karen and Gerald Weiss Karen and John White Elizabeth and James Wildman Jane and Paul Wilgus Virginia Williams Cathy Young Wilson ’72 and Frank Wilson ’72 Tracy and Jim Winchester Tricia and Herb Windom Barry Wood Carla and Leonard Wood Fredna and Larry Woodall Roerta and Craig Wrigley Jane and Harold Wyatt Margie and Robert Wynne Lois Miner Yates ’69 and Danny Yates Steve Yoder Nancy Zelinski

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our

Alumni 2017-18 True Blue Participation: Little Lovett Anonymous John Seydel ’30 Lucy Stockard Perry ’49 Rosalind Rieser ’52 Fontaine Yearley Draper ’53 Alan Elsas ’53 Sara Ostrom King ’54 Steve Selig ’56 Skip Hilsman ’57

Class of 1962 Charlie Arp Carol Chandler Dew Pam Barclay Fitzgerald Caroline Lovell Fleetwood Shirley Gates Francis Diane Dendy Greer Greg Gregory John Hitchins Jackie Garson Howard Carroll Jones Sue Ellen Wolf Korach George McDaniel Al Roach Carole Camp Stribling Brock Timmons Frank Walsh

Class of 1963 Alan Amery Celeste Barclay Judy Bauer Cohen Ray Crim Ann Duncan Dangar Davie Lemer Davis Marcia Edwards Farber Mary Lou Roelofs Floyd Glenn Smith Kincaid Andy Lemer Ham Lokey

32 | Lovett

17% Allen Metz Freddie Missbach Roger Moister Kent Regenstein Joanne Martin Scott David Toal David Walters Claudia Lewis Wright

Class of 1964 Libba Wilson Alford Yetty Levenson Arp Craig Bledsoe Chuck Bradley Wood Lovell Fleming McClelland Linda Roelofs Miller Bobby Mitchell Peter Moister Betty Lyons Newman Knott Rice Marianne Stribling

Class of 1965 Brian Beem Patty Slick Beem Claire Yancey Benedict Ed Brentnall Randy Coley Tee Price Davis Amanda Alston Gregory Rocky Lange Millie Finch Pryles Penny McCarty Rue Rob Settle Ken Wolfe

Class of 1966 Anonymous Jann Berry Ammann Mary Bray Tom Campbell

Betty Johnson Hudson Jeff Muir Scott Offen Jane Canipe Rooks Abner Simonton Stan Smith Connie Roelofs Washburn Jim Williamson

Class of 1968

Dee Hewlett Caudell Jim Connah Hal Curtis Meredith Smith Daniel John Dietrichs Pam Poole Durden Marilyn Wallace Evans Lou Gerland Troy Green Tere Haas-Arthur David Hartz Bob Irvin Bill Krenson Kay Lawrence Lee Fred Lines Teri North Milhous Jo Crawford Phelps Robert Polatty Jack Portman John Raine Laura Sherard Jack Sibley Tom Slick Flo Criss Smith Rankin Smith Deedee Roberts Stafford Linda Murphy Stone Mike Stone Tuck Tucker Frank Virgin Jan Montgomery Wellon

Class of 1967 Larry Alberson Nancy Wade Blalock Susan Reddic Blalock Jack Bowdoin Lillian Deakins Clarke Mary Clay Rice Courtland Donna Downing Charlie Gregory Susan Boyd Hodgson

Anonymous Frank Bazzel Sallie Adams Daniel Allison Massey Eustace Anne Barnwell Harshaw Daniel Hope Earle Johnson David Murphy Johnny North Mary McLennan Pearson Mark Pope Clay Scofield Craig Stone Guerry Thornton Maribett Bearden Varner Emily Winship Alan Yates Amanda Shively Yates

Class of 1969 Julie Textor Badger Bertram Boley John Feininger Allen Goodwin Wawa Smith Hines Thad King John O. Knox Hampton Morris Keith Porter Edwin Quin Chuck Slick Sharon Samford Stribling Strib Stribling Guy Tucker David Waller Patty Taulman Wills Randy Wolfe Sally Sullivant Wolfe Lois Miner Yates

Class of 1970 Joel Bickerstaff Cosmo Boyd

Gifts from our Alumni

Cindy Gilbert Dawson Dee Holt George Bill Runge Bill Witteman

Class of 1971 Anonymous Debbie Roach Avery Tom Avery Anne Holloway Bachman Joanne Pair Bonnett Rex Bray Clare McGaughey Bryan John Bryan Morgan Ellington Bill Hudgins Marsh King Mary Gossett Dalton King Anne Hart Lummus Bill Lummus John Lundeen Leila Martin Becky Neal McDonald Perry McIntyre Harrison Rogers Nancy Popkin Rousso Dick Simms Dana Graham Tetzlaff Tom White

Class of 1972 David Allman Donna Pope Allman June Borg Arnold Laura Winship Boyd Robb Bunnen Bill Edwards Ross George Roslyn Redfearn Gregory Michael Habif Jane Ray Kell Cathy Young Wilson Frank Wilson

Class of 1973 Mike Armstrong Margaret Denny Dozier Don Griscom Laura DeBorde Henry John Holder Jack Howkins Jan Hewlett Howkins Julia Adair Janas

Mary Coleman George Jones Julie Fritts Kaptur Hollis Lamon Todd Lowenberg Dudley Wood Macfarlane Nancy Budd McWilliams Carol Fitzgerald Silva Charles Wilmer

Class of 1974 Sharon O’Neal Altenbach Nancy Sterne Bowden David Bowie Jeff Conley Florence Hall Edwards Richard Gerakitis Phil Keb Michael Keough Jane Threlkeld Lamon Bob Miller Judy McKee Miller Jim Mills Lee Davis Olsen Steve Olsen Jane Orahood Richard Polatty Carter Pope Belinda Bunnen Reusch John Shepard Kathy Black Shoji Clare Magbee Weaver Burke Whitman

Class of 1975 Jon Erickson Gale Gibson Evans Clark Hanger Susan Rafshoon Heaps Tommy Holder Baxter Jones Patty Wilson Major Stephen Preston Van Price Elizabeth DeBorde Ramsey Chet Rollins Pam Rollins Rollins Bryan Timberlake Mary Holloway Timberlake

Class of 1976 Charlie Barnwell Cecile Stewart Bone Jon Hayden

Bill Henagan Kurt Hohlstein Barbara Johnson Irvine Dana Jordan Jago Melissa Bunnen Jernigan Bill Jones Brent Kaplan Brad Kinzey Carol Cline Lacy Doug Lacy Betsy Barnes Malcolm Leslie Schwartz Price Allison Garner Rollins Caroline Ferris Spain Carol Cusick Stelling Don Truslow David Wilson Donna Poole Zick

Class of 1977 Andrew Bleke Chip Busbey

Mark Chandler Mark Connell Tricia Biggers Crawford Elizabeth Millians Diehl Sanford Mitchell Dunklin Hunt Dunlap Rob Friedman Bruce Gilbert Nowland Gwynn Clay Jackson Donald Jackson Larry Jackson Nancy Broyles James Julia Wallace Johnston Jeff Portman Art Rollins Marshall Sanders

Class of 1978 Anonymous Liz Bouis Susan Bravman Coleman Budd

From its founding days, Lovett has always placed an emphasis on service to others in the development of well-rounded students. As alumni, your continued financial support and active participation as members of the broader Lovett community empower current and future Lovett students in formulating and realizing their dreams for the future. Thank you to all alumni who continue to generously support Lovett in providing an exceptional educational experience to current and future generations.” Greer Barber Pope ’90 and Sara Price ’05 Alumni Co-Chairs, True Blue Annual Fund 2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Alumni

Virginia Ottley Craighill Louise Davie Margaret DeBorde Jay Freer Courtney Wright Jenks Robin Loudermilk Bert Madden Lethea Quin Mitchell Caroline Bleke Paris Cindy Kattel Price June Bishop Seiler Jana Portman Simmons Cole Taylor Neal Williams Howard Young

Rob Kight John Kiser Katherine Madden Scott Mayfield Eileen Keough Millard Jorgia Rice Northrup Mary Fleming Williams Riley Cathy Craig Rollins Ben Selman Susan Wright Selman Jim Sherman Michael Whitman Shay Womack Stacy Sodel Womack

Class of 1979

Class of 1981

Anonymous Elaine Oastler Blackmon Stan Brown Kenny Budd Brown Dennis Sam Evins David Golden Steve Goodsell Lee Denny Griffith Chris Hohlstein Barrett Howell Elizabeth Massey Philip Millians Sally Rogers Mitchell Bet Dykes Pope Amy Fargason Price Kenneth Sanders Chris Schoen James Sewell Tom Tindall Sloat Van Winkle Margie Vaught Connie Quarles Wonham

Thom Archbold Kathy Larkin Bremer Gray Campbell Lila Campbell Marlyn Rollins Chapman Bailey Izard Glen Jackson David Kahn Clarke Keough Libby Glenn Lanier Clarence Luckett Bill Maner Knox Massey Chris Means Matt Merritt Mary Hopkins Nunnally Bill Pyron Paul Raulet Tim Rollins Rutherford Seydel Robert Shuford Lucia Rawson Strickland Pam Perry Tinkler Betsy Locke Williams

Class of 1980 Anonymous (1), (1) Nancy Barr Jay Bowen Tricia Bowers-Young ZeZe Mathews Buck Beth Cairns Ann Sanders Gadbois Peggy Wardle Hagood Kathleen Mathews Hohlstein Matt Hurst Richard Jones David Kahn

34 | Lovett

Class of 1982 Beth Radford Anthony Moreland Bell Mary Jo Celaya Dooley Anne Fitten Glenn Stephanie Apple Kiser Jim Landers Lane Jordan Lynch Clare Kelly O’Shaughnessey Jean Barry Underwood Alex Van Winkle

Karen Isaac Warren Thad Warren

Class of 1983 John Barnett Dore Hopkins Brooks Ansley Merritt Conner John DeBorde Carol Goodman Doty Liza Conrades Hutchinson Ann MacKenna Louise Massey George Mathews Karen Apple Mathews Shannon McIntosh Mike McIntyre Michael McPherson Susan Millican Papanicolaou Susan Hennessy Rich Bob Staley Cindy Berghel vonWaldner Keith White

Class of 1984 Walter Anderson David Ansari Arthur Barbee Bethany Garrecht Busbey Jim Clifton Sandy Draper Susan Evins Marie Brumley Foster Kathy Crawford Ghirardini Kimbrough Mobley Gibson Ellen Brown Landers Georgia Ware Margeson Virginia Shurling McDonough Jack Messerly Nancy Brumley Robitaille Ruth Baldwin Russ Mary Bostwick Ryan Lisa Attridge Songy Tammy Friedman Stanton John Staton Todd Stratton Scott Taylor Mary Beth Pullin Toole Jessica Jordan Walmsley Laura Conrades Wilson

Class of 1985 Charles Abney Lloyd Bell

Leslie Dougherty Biddle Mike Biondo Caroline Crowder Bowen Steve Brooks Georgia Vella Carrell Ashley Clark Jane Cofer Scott Cook Doug Crenshaw Clarke Davie Render Freeman Jennifer Kitchens James Sam Jannetta Carolyn Jones Vickie Scott Kirbo Elizabeth Land Molly Yellowlees Lanier Shan Morris Tommy Newberry Amy Law Raley Mindunn Bryant Rose Ellen Ferguson Schneidau Andrew Suzman Ridley Williams

Class of 1986 David Apple Yvonne Amon Baldock Leigh Champion Carol Fox Formisano Lauren Lindberg Gearon Walker Houk Bill Jannetta Felton Jenkins Cooper Jobe Jay Jordan Stephanie Lane Robert Watkins Scott Levitt Allen Madden Jim McDonald Karen Vaughan McManus Alex Millians Jennifer McCracken New John Pope Adrienne Baumer Port Ed Smith Matthew Tully Woody Vaughan Katherine King Wahl Georganna Howell Weatherholtz

Gifts from our Alumni

Class of 1987 Anonymous Caroline Abney Molly Ware Beery Saunders Glenn Bohan Taryn Chilivis Bowman Cindy Whaley Burton Susan Sineath Calahan Dina Puckett Chumney Mary Alston Glenn Drew Amy Brown Edelstein Allison Booker Fankhauser Geoff Friedman Lesee Whitaker Googe John Grant Wynne Jarboe Harpenau Kennon Hines Michael Janis Rob Jordan Deborah Bonner Kelly Fran Tidwell Killebrew Robert Lacey David Lee Kem McIntosh Lee Sarah Toole Lindsay Heather Jackson Metzger Carrick Mollenkamp Meri Beth Baumer Morris McKee Nunnally John O’Callaghan Kent Devine O’Callaghan David Oyler Elizabeth Pearce Elizabeth Abernathy Poindexter Hugh Pope Miles Redd David Riggans Susanne Estes Saad Hunter Smith Meadow Bond Smith Winston White Dan Willey

Class of 1988 Kimberly Arp Babbit Hadley Benton Dameron Black Andy Braddy Amanda Glenn Brady Rachel Blackwood Chance Emily Jenkins Followill

Genie Ison Gray Joe Hanley Pammie Orthwein Jensen Gordon Jones Scott Kelly Alison Dobes Key Bonnie Warner Kimmerly John O. Knox Amy Rollins Kreisler John Lange Douglas Lindsay Tracy Janis McCarley Wright Mitchell Tripps Moog Elizabeth Rue Norris Kathy McCarroll Olmstead Marc Overcash Molly Hilsman Scales J.J. McCraney Shaw Jeff Shaw Fielder Shurling Stacy Rooker Sparks Ethan Staats Morgan Meredith Tjepkema Jenn Wade-Berg Katrina Merritt Walker

Class of 1989 Evan Allison Beth Battle Anderson Hayes Batson Caroline Clarke Boggs Jessica Reinertsen Clingman Reid French David Ghegan Elizabeth Bond Glass Lara McGinty Hall Caroline Corish Hobson Leigh Hallman Hoke Michael Jaje Rob Johnston Dow Kirkpatrick Shannon Lientz Kollme Kip Lynch Michael Marshall Lauren Bone McColskey Bobby Mitchell Doug Murray Katie Dearing Newton George Olmstead Joni Milsap Santos Yancey Hansberger Snavely Susie Wootton Jeff Zivan

Class of 1990 Jason Aiken Caroline Allison Doug Astrop Elisabeth Brook Awamleh Court Coursey Beth Klement Dwyer Catherine Sterne Fleetwood Jennifer King Fletcher Bill Gordon Matt Hopkins Amy Dick Hurst Sammy Kellett Sarah Kemeness Andrew Lindsay Seale Arnold Lindsay Jennifer Manning Clay Nalley Kate McIntosh Pearce Bryan Pope Greer Barber Pope Amy Cairney Prewett Virginia Pearce Seawell Blake Selig Stephanie Sanders Selig Jeff Stratton Kam Tekin Tricia Sineath Thornton Chris Wegener Tom Woodward Chad Wright

Class of 1991 Pratima Bakshi Shandon Moog Benedict Kelly Rowland Boudreau Bates Brown Michelle Lokey Carlson Ann Dodd Jed Dorsey Deni-Kay Haas Freier Jill Harkleroad Greene Joey Hedgemon Lee Hunter Scott Letson Elisabeth Estes Lovett Kacey Crim Marshall Whit Marshall Mary Blythe Kane McGehee Sally Lynch Mefford Price Muir Allison Bussey Peavy Brad Pope Katherine Bone Richert

KEY: 1926 Society True Blue Annual Fund 10+ Consecutive Years of Giving New Parent Campaign Endowment Legacy Society 50th Reunion Fund

Dale Sands Jeff Sladkus Kate Sellers Stotts Marie Faulk Thomas Leonora Davis Wilgus Jenny Phillips Wilkins

Class of 1992 Anonymous Michael Benner Tom Bradbury Beverly Freeman Briggs Grace Chun Frederic Dawson Willis Dobbs Kathryn Jones Edmunds Jeremy Ellis David Fosgate Mark Ghegan Mary Kathryn Lientz Green Kerri Gallagher Griggs Stacy Williams Hanley Tricia Grant Hunt Ree Waguespack Kennedy Thornton Kennedy Alison Hitchins Knox Bryan Knox Dany Lee Charlotte Dillon Little Tracy French McMillan Nancy Dorough Powell John Raulet Paige Regenstein Schwartz Lacey Calhoun Sikora Bob Tidwell Jody Tucker

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Alumni

Dorothy Traver Walker Susan Warren Jim Woodward

Class of 1993 Andrew Aiken Richard Battle Brooks Beard Jim Black Stephen Brandt Ashley Leary Connell Robert Covington Leigh Faulk Cummings Roberta Lea Deupree Brooks Fischer Stephanie Smith Gill Jeffrey Glover Todd Gray Ashley Harris Healy Rocky Kaufmann Byron Kirkpatrick Alec Lesley Brett Lesley Josh Lindenbaum Wood Lovell Henrietta Ware Pertuz Neal Pickens Jennings Pitts Cooper Pope Will Porter Mary Stewart Sloan John Stephenson Megan Apple Stephenson Jeff Stortz Eric Stotts Rebecca Warner Strang Jordan Thompson Susanna Boone Ver Eecke Natalie Crim Walter Geoffrey Walton

Class of 1994 Hunt Anderson Billy Benedict Brooks Castellaw Amy Erbesfield Clayton Colin Connolly Clay Crim Brandy Cross Addy Dana Erin Polk Dixon Susan Caudell Harris Melanie Wallace Huckabee

36 | Lovett

Catherine Mitchell Jaxon Julia Smith Johnson Emily Thomas Kendrick Ryan Lucas Marjorie Evans Miller Robert Peterson Kenan Co ulon Pickens Kimberly Glaser Pitts John Ralls Amy Stribling Rees Jaime Sarabia Warren Schmidt Brettany Shannon Emily Giannini Volpe Andy Wardner Travis Weitz Justin Whitfield Wiechart Elizabeth Kane Wing Leonard Wood

Class of 1995 Lauren Millichap Boehm Lauren Bonner Wes Bradshaw Davis Brannan Land Bridgers Aimee Simmons Connolly Courtney Johnson Davenport Jimmy Davis Courtney Johnson Deitz Leigh Rudder Dobbs Dawn Koehler Dwyer Kim Loeb Grossman Brian Harper Valerie Widener Harper Garry Hill Laura McCall Hill Alex Kirkpatrick Preston Menning Brittany Glenn Molinaro Amber Woodard Moore Lindsay Nevin Ryan Oliver Libba Allison Osborne Lindsey Rodbell Palangio LeeAnn Landers Smith Mary Mac Clarke Southerland Parker Allen Tekin Laura Hatfield Troup Kent Tucker Julie Isaf Walker Chas Watson Robby Wynne

Class of 1996 Lizzie Lokey Aldrich Alissa Portman Beard Watt Boone Jeremy Bramwell Dorothy Marshall Christians Lindsey McCraney Daniel Cole Jamison Deming Charles Elrod Jessica King Fagin Maggie Yates Fischer Colin Gallagher Jane Servine Hood Busy Hackett Kimball Grant Kinnett Reid Knox Suzanne Henry Loyd Tricia Brock Madden

Casey Masters Hans Pusch Jim Schubert Tee Stribling

Class of 1997 Anonymous Andrew Altenbach Hunter Amos Meggan Arp Elizabeth Woodall Biber Lauren Gable Blair Brian Boe Elizabeth Brantley Bostian Meaghan Goodwin Boyd

Gifts from our Alumni

Sumner Caudell Bradshaw Anna Macgregor Bramwell Christine Lakin Breault Ashley Burleson Bundy Michael Capron JR Ching Tammi D’Anjou D’Anjou Turner Andrew Day J.D. Dinos Ryan Smith Dunlap Tara Young Earley Chuck Eitel Daniel Epstein Janet Ann Aldridge Ford Heyward Morris Fougerousse Anna Regenstein Glaser Kevin Glaser Domenica Mascaro Grant Allison Hardy Kate Sykes Henry Brian Himot Kyle Orr Hinson Lauren Logan Hooks Kristin Lucas Huber Drew Johnson Katie Wyatt Johnson Lauren Johnson Jessica Allen Jones Justin Jones C.J. Kelly Corley Kenna Charley King Kim Miske Lacy Parker Lange Will Lovell Missy Means Madden Temple Gregory Makuch Hank McCord Alex Miller Craig Murray Burt Peters John Portman Julia Gatins Price Christina Horten Pristera Hamilton Fryer Reavey Hill Redwine Daniel Reed Jonathan Regenstein Will Settle Amy Kain Spivey John Spivey Lauren Steinberg Anna Wynne Stephens

Stephanie Thomas Stephens Kara Brannan Stewart Peter Stewart Rebecca Stewart Dean Stith Amy Merritt Swick Barrett Thornhill Martin Underwood Darcy Clements Velazquez Rochelle Webb Taylor Weitz Wes Whitten Jane Wilkinson Anne Pearce Worrell Todd Wrigley Alston Yates Montine Mansell Zapf

Class of 1998 Anonymous Patrick Abel Nicky Lapelle Arnold Katie Tritschler Boone Ashley Davis Brewer Johanna Ellis Patrick Fagan Amy Arnold McBrien Robin Ralls Wilson Rogers Kelley Cohen Shaw Caroline Virgin Smith Trey Wallace Brittany Gallagher Wilson Perry Offen Yates

Class of 1999 Anonymous Hadley Heaton Abernethy Casey Beard Ryan Bradburn Katie Day Bridgers Jesse Dyer Quincy Evans Cameron Davis Glass Charles Guthrie Colin Holden Jordan Scott Holden Ashley Lewis Maiola Becky Robinson-Zeigler Lindsey Prather Sanders Jonathan Schuerholz Kelen Carlock Settle Michael Thrasher

Class of 2000 Anonymous Charles Beard Bradfield Evans Mary Kathryn Flynt Chris Foster Kyle George Mary Benton Curtis Guthrie Reg Jones Morgan Hipp King Hunter Lamon Sarah Jones Lightcap Missy Craft Martin Chris Maxwell Walter Maycock Ashley Peters McGuinness Megan Kota Morris Wade Morris Lauran Lightmas Nichols Marcellus Rolle

Class of 2001 Katy Long Allen Andrew Allman Daniel Allman Callie Carpenter Andrews Barden Brown Grace Young Brown Alan Burleson Jim Caswell Jeffrey Chang Blake Cohen Patrick Connolly Jeremy Crane Shep Dinos Colin Fagan Whitney Feininger Ansley Wallace Ghegan Dru Ghegan Billy Glisson Bunny Boyd Howell Clare Johnson Paige Grantham Leatherman Allen Lightcap Bowdre George Longo Billy Mathis Michael McCord Wes Paterson Skip Perry Sarah Armstrong Porwoll Dan Regenstein Bennett Rudder Katherine Rogers Snell Katie Murphy White

Kyle Woodall Ross Wyatt

Class of 2002 Anonymous Marisa Abernethy Johnson Bazzel Christy Nickles Bell Ali Dick Blaisdell Kristen Klee Brinkley Mary Pierce Zirkle Bullock Frank Corrigan Hagan Dick Taylor Dozier Heather Rogers Halcik Ashley Johnston David Johnston Mary Katherine McRae Gopi Nayak Mary Flynn Detlefs Niemitz Lollie Henry Owings Martin Rosenthal Anne Slick Mike Thomann John Thrasher Carr Van Brocklin

Class of 2003 Matt Abernethy Christina Sirockman Alexander Catherine Inman Barrett Jennifer Bickerstaff Bongiovi Emily Boyd William Bridges Sara Brochstein Taylor Brown Haley Gage Champion Mary Kelly Stribling Clary Maria Means Cote Kate Crosby Crosby Emily Head David Blakely Sasser Engel Brantley Evans Kate Richards Fleetwood Lindsay Conrad Gerakitis Richard Gerakitis Fred Hand Ryan Harms Carter King Austin Lamon Jonathan Luk Abbie Odom McBurnette Abbey Ghegan McFarland Meredith Conrad Mott

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Alumni

KEY: 1926 Society True Blue Annual Fund 10+ Consecutive Years of Giving New Parent Campaign Endowment Legacy Society 50th Reunion Fund

Josephine Phelps Long Laura Holder Menkes Eleanor Hand Mitchell Sarah Rollins Moister Shannon Johnston Motley Bailey Peterson Odom Catherine Orr Pete Riley David Rogers Rachel Avery Simpson Charles Slick Kristen Steenerson Cornelius Thiels Austen Clark Tully Jeff Upshaw Graham Welsh Lawren Williams Shannon Johns Zemantauski

Class of 2005 Irfana Jetha Noorani Jill Ormand Emily Kota O’Rouke Rebecca Smith Presnell Morgan Snellings Rogers Jeffrey Sacks Lauren Phillips Smith James Stokes Anne Timberlake Mary Nell Falgoust Williams Lorin Young

Class of 2004 Anonymous (3) Paul Anderson Neeley Odom Bain Mat Barnwell Laura Clark Bartlett Anne Russell Calvert Bazzel Michael Bleke Tyler Caswell William Cherry Stuart Childress Kyndal Hayes Close Will Cowan Preston Davis Michelle Domanico Chris DuPuis Caroline English Betsy Keough Flood Sabrina Altenbach Gibson Julia Gray Maggie Gage Hasting Tyler Karlen

38 | Lovett

Anonymous Leigh Falgoust Alexander William Allen Henry Almquist Harrison Bain Katelin Baker James Bikoff Asa Candler Graham Dozier Jenny Drinkard Pujan Gandhi Jessica Holt Nathaniel Hutchinson Katie Madden Allison McWilliams Paul Merz Wilson Oswald Sarah Price Duncan Shepard Charlie Smith William Underwood Liza Wiley Lynn Bazzel Wilmoth

Class of 2006 Anonymous (2) Katie Keough Anderson Laura Sasser Coleman Kyle Collins Grant Cooper Andrew Horner Laura Young Morgan Jay Perrett William Pratesi

Emma McCarthy Pugliares Chris Riley Katie Jackson Riley Kelsey Holder Robinson Steven Robinson Michael Seaborn Lindsay Sween Whitney Thompson Robert Thrasher

Class of 2007 Anonymous Maggie Dozier Carr Ellie English Jennifer Gambrell Lee Anne Bradshaw Gilmore Lee Hopkins Patrick Hutchinson Edward Kenna Ford Kinzey Trevor Martin Barrett Nichols Katie Boydston Rollins Win Rollins Margaret Shepard Slaughter Caroline Smith Suzanne Clark Stearns Caroline Tritschler Alex Western Barnett Williams Blanton Winship Cameron Bagley Zakem

Will Deisley Amanda Dunn Barron Flood John Gerakitis Austin Heaton Kyle James Olivia Leonaitis Eliza Macdonald Thomas MacDonald Caroline Noonan Mayfield Boothe Perry Ross Pope Lee Price Elizabeth Selman Rudd Michael Steele Caroline Wagerman Perrin Williams Mary Scott Wolters

Class of 2010 Jonathan Carkhuff Amanda Cartledge Laura Beth Ellis Connor Green Cedric Heckel-Jones Sam Hempel Eric Hood Alexandra Horst Davis Millians Aleha Saleh S.E. Spencer Campbell Wilson

Class of 2008

Class of 2011

Anonymous Andrew Bleke Lucy Goins Blough Jane Cowan Mary Grace Gallagher Charlie Loudermilk Grace Mabon Schaefer Marks Natalie Nora Marshall Alison Meares English Saunders Caroline Smith

Anonymous Deana Anastasi Allison Bond Margaret Brennan Edward Brentnall Maggie Cox Wils Davis Hillary Degenkolb Mallie Easterlin Hannah English Michael Glander Kendrick Goodman Paige Hogan Charlotte Muller Kelsey Neville Fraser Parker Winn Perrett Hunter Rich CoCo Street Olivia Utt

Class of 2009 Katie Adams Clay Bond Gene Brooks Stuart Coleman Martin Connell Lollie Corrigan

Gifts from our Alumni

Matthew Wilkes Felicia Wilkins Sarah Brook Williams

Class of 2012 Katie Bazzel Archer Elwyn Bridges Will Collins Caroline Deisley Drew Ellis Patrick Emerson Lauren Formica Megan Fricke Jack Geraghty Tate Mabon Chris Rezek Lorin Rogers Kelly Scalf George Smith George Spencer

Class of 2013 Robbie Baker Broughton Barry Heather Degenkolb Leslie Espenschied Will Ewing Victoria Hohlstein Marshall Noonan William Smith

Class of 2014 Caroline Barry Kennedy Crenshaw Virginia Dalton Clara Easterlin Ben Flood Riley Frazer Aggie Fricke Grace Horlock Audrey Jackson Alex Kenan Janie Price Cameron Robinson Kimberlin Rogers Claire Stratton Ben Timberlake George Timberlake Rachael Western

Olivia Rezek Carson Rich Will Russ Nick Sear Henry Simons Camille Ward

Class of 2016 Sam Baker Meredith Bond Matthew BouttĂŠ Shivam Daftari Francesca DeWeerdt Devyn Edelstein Whitney Gumpert Charlotte Lee Harrison Lyle Lauren Stratton

Class of 2017 Mason Anthony David Barnwell Quinn Barry Anne Hardin Will Horlock Bennett Kahn Grey McCarthy Thomas Murray Lizzie Nunnally Ryan Pate Ford Robinson Gregory Rogers Sam Rollins Max Russ John Staton Robert Wilkes

Class of 2018 Marilyn BouttĂŠ Emma Ellis Gabi Kimche-Gilstrap Grayson Nix Katie Preisinger Tep Seth Caroline Smith Noah Smith Edan Tesema Phillip Thornton

Class of 2015 Will Geraghty Madison Hardee Bryn McCarthy

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our

Parents of Alumni and Grandparents of Alumni

Anonymous (4) Winnie Akers Elizabeth and Carl Allen Julie Allison Donna Pope Allman ’72 and David Allman ’72 Elkin Alston Julie Altenbach Sharon O’Neal Altenbach ’74 and Bob Altenbach Lallie and Tony Amon Dean and Bob Anastasi Jane and Dave Apple June Borg Arnold ’72 Yetty Levenson Arp ’64 and Charlie Arp ’62 Gail Ashcraft Debbie Roach Avery ’71 and Tom Avery ’71 Deborah and Dwight Baker Lucy and David Barry Tiana and Tim Barton Ellen Battle Lola and Charlie Battle Eleanor Baughman Barbara and Frank Bazzel ’68 Ellen and Duncan Beard Megan and Frank Bedinger Patty Slick Beem ’65 and Brian Beem ’65 Wendy Bell Claire Yancey Benedict ’65 and Bryan Benedict Tuddy Benton Janet Selig and Jeffrey Bernstein Margot and Currell Berry Carrie and Andy Beskin Marianne Beverly Beth and Joel Bickerstaff ’70 June Bishop Jane and Dameron Black Elaine Oastler Blackmon ’79

40 | Lovett

Janet and Walter Boden Bertram Boley ’69 Vicki and Philip Bolton Melinda and Scott Bond Merritt Bond Ann Gordon and Bussey Bonner Dan Boone Maureen Bostwick and John Beiser Marcie and Jay Bowen ’80 Laura Winship Boyd ’72 and Cosmo Boyd ’70 Holly and Reggie Bradford Lynn and Ed Brentnall ’65 Elizabeth and Charlie Brooks Joan and Don Brown Kim and Phillip Brunson Tricia Buce Laurie and Gordon Buchmiller Missy and Kenny Budd ’79 Nancy and Coleman Budd Lucinda Bunnen Jan and Gene Burleson Gina Bussey Aileen and Gary Byrd Dee Hewlett Caudell ’66 and Tom Caudell Carole and Donn Chambers Kathy Christian Ina and Rich Clark Jordan Clark Sherry and Jeff Cohen Cynthia and Jamie Coleman Pamela and Mark Connell ’77 Ansley Merritt Conner ’83 and Mark Conner Darlene and Chip Conrad Sara Cook Scott Cook ’85 Mary Clay Rice Courtland ’67 and John Courtland James Crawford Debbie and Don Cross Sally and Brad Currey Lyn and John Darden Muff Davis Tee Price Davis ’65 and Cantey Davis John DeBorde

Laura Deisley Marg and Dick Denny Juli Fleming and Daniel Deveault Missy and Peter Diaz Sylvia and Bruce Dick Lisa Dobbs Melody and Ron Domanico Kim and Bill Doyle Margaret Denny Dozier ’73 and Scott Dozier Elise and Carl Drake Fontaine Yearley Draper ’53 and Frank Draper Maria and Jim Drinkard Louise and Tommy Duffy Sanford Mitchell Dunklin ’77 and Philip Dunklin Deborah and Chris Dunn Cheryl and Dan DuPree Elaine Dyer Betty Dykes Nan and Ed Easterlin Dede and Chuck Edmundson Beth and Thad Ellis Kathy and Jon Erickson ’75 Lenne and Dennis Espenschied Claire and Marshall Evans Gale Gibson Evans ’75 and Al Evans Marilyn Wallace Evans ’66 and Cromwell Evans Susan Evins Eva and Bill Ewing Terri and Steve Ewing Pam and Rich Fagan Sarah and David Falgoust Robin and John Farrow Susan and Dan Faulk Stephanie and John Feininger ’69 Jan and William Ferguson Skeet and Pat Fischer Elizabeth and John Floyd Mary Lou Roelofs Floyd ’63 and Edward Floyd Rocky Ford Debbie and Steve Franks Sara Ostron King LL ’54 and Jerry Frasier Connie and John Frazer Cynthia and Stephen Frazier Capey and Lindsay Freeman Vicki and Rusty French Jackie and Tom Fricke Susan and Sam Friedman Sade and Bill Fryer Dorothy Fuqua Duvall and Rex Fuqua Joann and Tom Gallagher Peggy and Kevin Gallagher Micki and Carl Gambrell

Gifts from our Parents of Alumni and Grandparents of Alumni

Dee Holt George ’70 and Ross George ’72 Mary and Billy George Beth and John Geraghty Mary and Richard Gerakitis ’74 Wayne and Art Glaser Betty and Alston Glenn Sandra and John Glover Alison and Howard Gould Bud Gould Nancy Gould Diane Dendy Greer ’62 and Bob Greer Kelley and Trey Greer Charlie Gregory ’67 Lee Denny Griffith ’79 and Robert Griffith Suzanne and Nowland Gwynn ’77 Robin and Michael Hagerty Elizabeth and Jeff Hagood Peggy Wardle Hagood ’80 Dawne and Mike Hall Linda and Dick Hall Kinsey and Gordon Harper Bebe and Bill Hatcher Jean and John Hatfield Samia and Daniel Hazim Jane and Jack Head Sarah and Louis Hempel Babette and Bill Henagan ’76 Chuck Henderson Jim Hendrix Nancy and Doug Henley Laura DeBorde Henry ’73 and Brian Henry Meg Heyer Steve Heyer Glenda and Perry Hickman Penney and Jackson Hill Fran and Skip Hilsman ’57 Sivan and Jeff Hines Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Margaret and John Hitchins ’62 Ann and Bob Holder Beth and Tommy Holder ’75 Jill and John Holder ’73 Susan Hooper Laurie and Doug Horst Nova and Michael Horten Edi and Earl Houghton Jackie Garson Howard ’62 Tatty and Harry Howard Fay Howell Jan Hewlett Howkins ’73 and Jack Howkins ’73 Fred Hoyt Jane and John Huffard

Patti Hughes Emily Huie Kathy Hunsinger Catherine and Rob Hutchinson Barbara Johnson Irvine ’76 and Bruce Irvine Gladys Isaac Mary Izard Claire and Glen Jackson ’81 Dorothy Jackson Larry Jackson ’77 Dana Jordan Jago ’76 and Ken Jago Betsy and Glenn James Joni and Les Janis Jae and Wadsworth Jarrell Julie Jenkins Courtney Wright Jenks ’78 and Kyle Jenks Jill and Rodger Johnson Kim and Bill Johnston Bob Jones Cookie and Harrison Jones Jack Jones Margery and William Jones Mary Coleman George Jones ’73 and Craig Jones Suze Jones-Nicholas and Patrick Nicholas Jay Jordan Denise and Jim Kagey BeBe and Steve Kane Kelli and Phil Keb ’74 Judith and Fred Keith Carol and Jim Kelly Melinda and Laine Kenan Clinton and Don Kennedy Amy and Lawrence Kenny Don Keough Jinny and Michael Keough ’74 Pat and James Kermes Fran Tidwell Killebrew ’87 and Chris Killebrew Dolly Chiu and John Kim Mary Gossett Dalton King ’71 and Marsh King ’71 Judy and Frank Kinnett Shannon and Brad Kinzey ’76 Harriet and Kip Kirkpatrick Claudia and Jim Klee Gini and John O. Knox ’69 Nancy and Mike Kota Carol Cline Lacy ’76 and Doug Lacy ’76 Ada and Harry Lamon Jane Threlkeld Lamon ’74 and Hollis Lamon ’73 Lynne and A.J. Land Debbie and Rocky Lange ’65 Jane and Michael Langley Mims and J. Lanier

KEY: 1926 Society True Blue Annual Fund 10+ Consecutive Years of Giving New Parent Campaign Endowment Legacy Society 50th Reunion Fund

Molly Yellowlees Lanier ’85 and Tommy Lanier Joan and Bill Law Laura and Philip Law Kathy and Richard Lee Kem McIntosh Lee ’87 and David Lee ’87 Paige and Walton Lee Paula and Chuck Lesley Helen Letts Betty and Fred Lines ’66 Joanna and Kevin Link Jane and Scott Livingston Angela Morris-Long and David Long Lisa and George Longino Wilton Looney Frances and Robin Loudermilk ’78 Jody and Wood Lovell ’64 Leslie and Ed Lucas Susan and Gordon Luk Hunter Lyle Rena Lyle Nancy and Chip MacDonald Kelly and Bert Madden ’78 Trudy and Bert Madden Lamar Maddox Roger Manis Carol and Mike Marshall Gina and David Marshall Mrs. Martin Mary Ann and Knox Massey Jane Mathews Beth and Scott Mayfield ’80 Mary Jo and Gray McCalley Angela and Ian McCarthy Leslie and John McClaugherty Libba McDonald

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our Parents of Alumni and Grandparents of Alumni

Alice McDonough Virginia Shurling McDonough ’84 Anna and Todd McGarrity Gregory and Claude McGinnis Karen and Hawk McIntosh Emily and Mike McIntyre ’83 Helen and Perry McIntyre ’71 Joan McIntyre Julie and John McIntyre Nancy Budd McWilliams ’73 Patricia and Allen Meadors Ella and Chris Means ’81 Jill and Chuck Melito Sally and Colby Menning Kim and Jim Meyer Linda Roelofs Miller ’64 and Jay Miller Pinney Allen and Buddy Miller Julie and Philip Millians ’79 Ibby and Jim Mills ’74 Angela Mitchell Robbin Mitchell Sally Rogers Mitchell ’79 and Jim Mitchell Sue and Bobby Mitchell ’64 Dinah Moog Andrea and Dave Morgan Carter and Hampton Morris ’69 Meri Beth Baumer Morris ’87 and Shan Morris ’85 Doris and Jeff Muir ’67 Amy Murphy Rene and Jim Nalley Joy and Kennard Neal Jane and Jack Nichols Jo Ann and Nick Nicholson Kim and Tom Noonan Claudia and Richard North Laura and McKee Nunnally ’87 Sally and McKee Nunnally Penny O’Callaghan Faye and Lofton Odom Ann and Scott Offen ’67 Lee Davis Olsen ’74 and Steve Olsen ’74 Rick Ormand Judy and Dolph Orthwein Molly Osborne Clare Kelly O’Shaughnessey ’82 and Michael O’Shaughnessey Nancy and Mark Oswald Marguerite and Frank Owens Ansley and David Oyler ’87 Mary and Joe Padgett Karen and Richard Parker Ann Moore and Peter Pate Diana and David Paterson

42 | Lovett

Libby and Gene Pearce Lucy Stockard Perry ’49 and Richard Perry India and Jim Peters Cathy and Bob Peterson Jo Crawford Phelps ’66 and John Phelps Kay and James Polk Bet Dykes Pope ’79 and Carter Pope ’74 Beverly Pope Chilton and Mark Pope ’68 Nancy and John Pope Melody and Michael Popkin Jack Portman ’66 Lisa and Jeff Portman ’77 Cindy Kattel Price ’78 and Van Price ’75 Libby and Ernie Prickett Elizabeth Pritchett Jeanmarie and Alan Quarterman Tish and Rowland Radford Rhonda and Bill Railey Susan and Mac Ralls Elizabeth DeBorde Ramsey ’75 and Tom Ramsey Paul Raulet ’81 Louise Orahood Ray ’72 Sue and Buddy Redd Catharine Enright and Walton Reeves Helen Regenstein Lynn and Kent Regenstein ’63 Marion and Robert Reid Belinda Bunnen Reusch ’74 and Ken Reusch Denise and Chris Rezek Susan Hennessy Rich ’83 and Joe Rich Melanie and Russ Richards Renee and John Richardson Pat and Ray Riddle Rosalind Rieser ’52 Mary Fleming Williams Riley ’80 Virginia and Al Roach ’62 Gusanita and Henry Roberson Alain and Kim Robinson Nancy Brumley Robitaille ’84 and Dan Robitaille Ashley and Bill Rogers Fran and Joe Rogers Allison Garner Rollins ’76 and Chet Rollins ’75 Andrea and Tim Rollins ’81 Cathy Craig Rollins ’80 and Art Rollins ’77 Peggy and Randall Rollins Doris and James Rowe Avril Beckford and Lawrence Rowley Melinda and Jon Rue Penny McCarty Rue ’65 and Les Rue Shayla and Chip Rumely

Bill Runge ’70 Ruth Baldwin Russ ’84 and Miles Russ Amanda and David Saltin Karen and Marshall Sanders ’77 Kathy and Jerry Sands Laura Saunders Anne and Andy Sayles Sue and Ken Scalf Scottie and Chris Schoen ’79 Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Kim and Tim Schroeder Karen and John Schuerholz Renee and Jim Schwarzkopf Pat Scott Linda and Steve Selig ’56 Susan Wright Selman ’80 and Ben Selman ’80 Kay and Rob Settle ’65 Robert Settle Kim and James Sewell ’79 Laura and Rutherford Seydel ’81 John Seydel ’30 Janice and John Shackleton Peggy and John Shepard ’74 Laura Sherard ’66 Karen and Rick Shinall Cary and Jack Sibley ’66 Jana Portman Simmons ’78 and Jed Simmons Sharon and Dick Simms ’71 Barbara and Chuck Slick ’69 DiAnne and Stan Smith ’67 Jill and Rankin Smith ’66 Julie and Marvin Smith Laura and Charlie Smith Lisa Attridge Songy ’84 and David Songy Sally and Dick Sorenson Caroline Ferris Spain ’76 and Chris Spain Mary and Andy Spencer David Stacy Lizanne and John Stephenson Linda Murphy Stone ’66 and Mike Stone ’66 Marty Stone Chatty Stover Carole Camp Stribling ’62 Sharon Samford Stribling ’69 and Strib Stribling ’69 Paula and Bob Thomann Cathy and Ken Thrasher Mary Holloway Timberlake ’75 and Bryan Timberlake ’75 Catherine and Tom Towles Sally Train Clara Traver Stacey and Bobby Triesch Sara and Tuck Tucker ’66

Gifts from

Friends of Lovett Jill and Tony Turner Mary and Paul Underwood Kathy and Bob Vernay Susan and Frank Virgin ’66 Ann and Dennis Vohs Belle and Bob Voyles Lisle and Ed Waits Elizabeth Wallace Sarah and Jim Wallace Marilyn Walthall Don Walton Becky Warner Darlene and Thad Warren ’82 Carol and Gil Watson Verna Weckerling Wendi and John Wells Betsy and Mark West Terri and Rick Western Mary Louise White Polly and Keith White ’83 William White Julia Whitfield Vicki and Howe Whitman Jane and Paul Wilgus Leah and Bob Wilkerson Elise and Tom Wilkes Denise and Gerald Wilkins Cathy and Andy Williams Kaki Williams Melanie and Jim Williams Nancy and John Williams Sarah and Neal Williams ’78 Tricia and Jimmy Williams Virginia Williams Cathy Young Wilson ’72 and Frank Wilson ’72 Jackie and John Wilson Susan and Jim Wingate Lou and Blanton Winship Carla and Leonard Wood Ann Woodall Fredna and Larry Woodall Claudia Lewis Wright ’63 Roberta and Craig Wrigley Margie and Robert Wynne Ida Yancey Delia and Rob Yanker Amanda Shively Yates ’68 and Alan Yates ’68 Lois Miner Yates ’69 and Danny Yates Mary and Bob Yellowlees Becky and Howard Young ’78 Azeb Tadesse and Abate Zewide Donna Poole Zick ’76 Gladine Zimmerman

Anonymous (1), (1), (4) Mary Alden Carolyn and Jim Alexander Linda and Rick Allen Frances Anne and Whit Anderson Molly Arkon Dana and Greg Averbuch Harold Bailey Mary and John Baldwin Aurie and Morgan Barnes Rozzie Bird Missy Black Virginia Bowers Lynn Bradley Sara and Ronn Bronzetti Taylor and Michael Butkus Joye and Tony Callaway Donna Campbell Julie Campbell Betty Ann Chapman Susan Chapman Debbie and Rick Chase Beth and Ray Chenault Pete Ciaschini Derick Close Elliott Close Nancy and Frank Coletta Ann and John Collins Sue and Mike Copps Kathy and Brant Davis Walker Davis Carole Day Sandee Dean Earl Dolive Robert Edge Thad Ellis Carol and Bill Fox Anne Fuentes Kim Garcia Palmer and Doug Garson Linda Gibbs Cindy and James Hamner Rike Harrison Emily Heimermann Stephanie and Ian Henderson James Holladay Jeff Hollis Kadee and Ryan Hoyt Jeffers Jeffers Judy Jenks and Jan Pylant GeLaine Joachim

Edwina and Tom Johnson Tommy Johnson Natalie Ross and Ralph Jordan David Joyce Robert Kerr Alison and Philip Kolodkin James Lamberth Jane Lamkin Erin and John Lockett Beth Ma Diane and Bruce MacEwen Iranzu Mansoa Debbie and Glenn Maron Merri and Lee McLean David Meriwether Debby Meyer Ted Moore Hillarie Morris Jeff Morton Randy and Bob Murphy Joseph Paker Michaela Pease Mary Peebles Benjamin Pellegrini Martha and Thomas Penney Johannah and David Plyler Debbie and Roger Press Sand Price Charlie Rea Sandy Redella Jane Douglas and Tom Reynolds David Rice Steve Rich Rosalind and Jerome Richardson Deen Sanders James Sanders Linda Seaborn John Sibley Teresa and Randy Silver Lindsey Sones Jeter Sorrells Betty and John Stone Sheila Stone Kyle Stonis John Stout Catherine Trotter Joanna and Graham Ward Helen and Ray Weeks Clara and Billy Wellons Libby and Jenner Wood Barbara Wyle

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts from our

Faculty and Staff 2017-18 True Blue Participation:

94% 100% 97% Lower School Anonymous Jennifer Achilles Umberto Aguilar Bradford Akers Dan Alig Jenine Alig Steve Allen Trevett Allen Yesenia Alonso Jessie Amador Bob Amar Katie Keough Anderson ’06 Shelly Anderson Katie Bazzel Archer ’12 Kate Bachman Colleen Bailey Teddi Bair Maria Baloucoune Joan Barnwell Sharon Barrow Janie Beck Donna Becker Marianne Beverly Nancy Black Jennifer Blake Paige Blonder Jan Boner Jen Boomer Patrick Boswell Jennifer Boutté Amanda Bowers Conway Brackett Kathleen Bryant Tricia Buce Jim Buczek Mary Buczek Kathy Butts Matt Callihan Libby Campanella Rob Carder Angie Carrano Trish Carter Colleen Carter-Lunceford

44 | Lovett

Middle School Jill Chang Elvira Chinen Rachel Chou Carla Civita-Garcia Gina Conrad Thomas Cooper Anna Bland Costello Jeremy Crane ’01 Andrea Crews-Brown Sally Crouse Jim Crowley Nancy Cruz Amy Darsey Ricky Davis Laura Deisley Caroline Derrick Betsy Dimmel Erin Polk Dixon ’94 Michelle Doak Sarah Dorian Maria Drinkard Carey Duda Jordan Dunn Barbara Edmundson Chris Ekholm Lynn Elliott James Farrell Juli Fleming Courtney Fowler Debbie Franks Steve Franks Cynthia Frazier Jay Freer ’78 Rhoda Freer Sara Friedman Beth Garrett Barb Ghegan Kendrick Goodman ’11 Nancy Gould Krishna Grady Dana Graham Katherine Granger Charissa Gransden

Upper School

Heidi Gray Keisha Green Ethan Greenberg Gayle Greenwood Brent Greer Kelley Greer Sarah Griffin Tricia Griffin Harriet Haan Megan Hale Reid Hamilton Beverly Hamrick Greg Hamrick Mike Harner Leah Hartman Kimbrough Haverstock Ellice Hawkins Rebecca Hernandez Lacey Hester Justin Hicks Wendy Hines Mamie Hodnett Michael Hollingsworth Edi Houghton Rene Houngblame Moriah Housman Brian Howard Betty Hu Patti Hughes Diane Husmann Greg Hyde Betsy James Joni Janis Jessica Jaret Sant Jimmy Jewell Katie Johnson Kim Johnston Chase Jones Lauren Jones Tommy Jones Laura Jordan Bertelie Jules

Lara Kauffman Jennifer Kellett Liz Kennedy Joy Kenyon Leena Kiber Jennifer King Lynn King Tyron Kirkland Daniel Ko Anne Konigsmark Katie Koudele Ryan Koudele Marie Lanning Mike Lanning Stewart Lathan Kelly Lecceardone Riikka Lehtonen Janice Lichtenstein Joanna Link Marsha Little Will Lozier Rena Lyle Shawn Mackinson Maria Madden Lindsey Majekodunmi Billy Maldonado Marc Mallet Mac Malsnee Ashley Marshall Robyn Martin Bernadette May-Beaver Mark May-Beaver Chris Mayer Susan McCluskey Larken McCord Christine McCulloch Virginia Shurling McDonough ’84 Katy McDougal Katie McDowell Stacia McFadden Rebecca McGhee Perry McIntyre ’71 Jennifer McKissick Karen McLeavy Laurie McRae Sally Lynch Mefford ’91 Chuck Melito Jill Melito Rebecca Metzger Cy Meyer Jessica Middleton David Mimnaugh Annie Miner Angela Mitchell Tom Moak

2017-2018 Restricted Gifts Joseph Moody Andrea Morgan Megan Kota Morris ’00 Nolan Morris Wade Morris ’00 Angela Morris-Long Allison Morrow Amy Murphy Jennifer Murphy Mike Muschamp Vince Nasca Amjad Nasrallah Irma Navarro Brown Jonathan Newman Rachel Norwood Mary Elizabeth Notario Faye Odom Debi Ohayon Rebecca Olivares Jeremy Oliver Mary Olszewski Lance Oubs Bryan Overly Anne Page Ian Palmer Pascaline Papillon-Ivey Sarah Parham Jackie Parks Jack Parrish Brian Patterson Joy Patty Lannitra Peaks-Turner Elizabeth Pearce ’87 Billy Peebles Asti Penabad Stacie Penland April Perez Elizabeth Perkins Timothy Pitchford Starr Pollock Michelle Pope Ben Posten George Pribish Christina Pugh Rhonda Railey Susan Ralls Kevin Randolph Ryan Randolph Robert Ray Wade Reck Alex Reynolds Jennifer Reynolds Paige Reznikov John Rice Monica Rodgers

Caroline Rollins Symphony Romaine Andi Rountree Jeff Rountree Morgan Rutherford Kelly Ryan Laura Salichs-Rodriguez Anne Sams Mike Sanders Jen Sarginson Angela Sauter Kevin Sauter Andy Sayles Ashley Schick Yasmine Schmid Katherine Schneider Virginia Seiler Grant Serafy Ashley Sharpton Monique Shields David Silverman Nancy Skinner Laurie Smilack Christina Smith Meadow Bond Smith ’87 Diane Staats Carrie Stafford Mary Stark Anna Sterne Amy Story Allie Strader Kimbrell Stribling Tommy Stucky Mary Mac Stukes Margie Swaim Sandra Switzer Azeb Tadesse Jennifer Tatasciore Tanya Taylor Laura Tidwell Mary Holloway Timberlake ’75 Beth Tucker Cameron Tuomi Deborah Ulrich Jerry Ulrich Lauren Upadhyay Katie Vernon Ryan Veselsky Caroline Wagerman ’09 Quincy Waidelich Kristie Walden Mary Beth Walker Karey Walter Buddy Warren

Anonymous Ansley Atlanta Real Estate Mason Anthony ’17 Raymone and Byron Aris Martha and Fred Assaf Fred Beloin Victoria Bentley Christopher Bethel James Bikoff ’05 Ivia Bouza-Martinez Cary Bouza-Merida Kristen Brock Alex Brown Chris Collier Suzanne and George Cox Evelyn Davis David Dial Valarie and Jim Easterling Emma Ellis ’18 Adam Epstein Michael Evert Pat and Warner Fox Friend of Lovett Running Program Elizabeth and John Geise Georgia Defense Lawyers Association Jack Geraghty ’12 Will Geraghty ’15 GGNSC Administrative Services LLC Meg Gleason Darlene and Tom Glenn Gene Harber Anne Hardin ’17 Elena and Eric Hawkins Hawkins Parnell Thackston & Young Healthcare Georgia Foundation Alison Hindmon Johnson, Anderson, Miller & Moskowitz Perry Robert Kaufman Alma Keric Janis Kilgore Richard King

Mary Kay Waterman Michelle Westerhold Lizzie White Sarah Widener Jeff Wierzba Leslie Williams Susan Wingate

Alona and Eric Lacefield Christian Lang Debra Levorse Lovett Volunteer Council Kristi Lowery Patty Wilson Major ’75 and Bill Major Allan Marshall Betsy and Tommy Marshall David Marshall Sheila and Andrew Marshall Pat Mechas Karen and Steve Merz Kimberly and Gregory Minana Diane and Matt Moffett Lauren Moore Thomas Murray ’17 Grayson Nix ’18 Leslie Parker Ryan Pate ’17 Debbie Peacock Deanna and Joe Powell Kristen and Aaron Pratt Amy Fargason Price ’79 and Clark Price Everett Puri Kathy and John Reinhardt Stella and Al Ringer Rahul Sheth Steven Simms Starnes Davis Florie LLP Therese Tran White Truist Sabrina Tuck David Underwood Kendal Vassar Jan and John Wade Bernita and Kayle Wallace Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial Fran and Steve Whittle William Wood WPM Commercial, Inc. Vickie and Jun Ying

Kate Winne Blair Wood Kristin Wyckoff Tidwell Teresa Young Alyssa Zackin Tom Zwierlein

2017-18 Annual Report



Newly Endowed Funds 2017-18 The Jan and Gene Burleson Faculty Support Endowment Fund

The Ann M. Holder Head of School Discretionary Fund

This fund was established in March 2018 by parents of alumni and grandparents Jan and Gene Burleson. The Burleson family made this commitment to Lovett in appreciation of the dedicated faculty who helped educate their son and daughter. The proceeds from this fund will support faculty salaries and benefits to help attract and retain high-quality teachers.

In December 2017, this fund was created by Ann Holder’s three children—Ann ’80, Kenneth ’79, and Marshall ’77—to honor her many personal and leadership contributions to Lovett. Ann served as the second female member of the Lovett Board of Trustees and as its first female officer. She was also the chair of the Lovett Parent Association (LPA), where she helped conceive and oversee one of the school’s most successful fundraising initiatives, the Cook and Lovett cookbook. Distributions from the fund are made in the exclusive discretion of the Head of School and may be applied to meet any need of the school that he or she deems appropriate.

The John M. Darden III Family Fund for Faculty Enrichment Established in October 2017, Emeritus Board Member John M. Darden III and his wife, Lyn, created this fund to provide deserving Lovett faculty and staff with opportunities for professional development that might not otherwise be available to them. Stipends from this fund can be used for programs, such as seminars, courses, or travel, which offer enrichment and inspire growth.

The Drake Family Financial Aid Fund (no longer anonymous)

Established in 2008 by parents of alumni Elise and Carl Drake, this scholarship provides support for faculty and staff children who qualify for need-based tuition support, as well as other students who are in need of financial assistance for Lovett tuition. The fund helps students who could not otherwise afford a Lovett education and experience.

The Julie Muir Harlan ’94 Financial Aid Endowment Fund In 2018, Chad Harlan established this fund to honor his wife, Julie Muir Harlan ’94, and her memory at The Lovett School. Julie, a 13year student at Lovett, was deeply involved with and committed to the school as a student, an alumnae, and a parent to Charlie ’25 and Smith. This fund supports need-based financial aid and helps provide a Lovett education and experience to students who could not otherwise afford to attend the school.

46 | Lovett

The Jill and John Holder Family Faculty Enrichment Fund Established by an anonymous donor, this fund was established in 2011 to honor John Holder ’73 upon his retirement as Lovett’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The proceeds from this fund help Lovett teachers pursue professional development opportunities by supporting participation in workshops, seminars, study, research, and travel.

The LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley Endowment Fund Created in January 2018, the LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley Foundation wants to recognize excellence in teaching to honor the memory of Mrs. Jolley. LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley began teaching in 1923 in the one room Marietta Campground School. Her father Leamond N. Lassiter served on the Cobb County Board of Education for many years, and Lassiter High School is named for him. Distributions from this fund are used to support faculty and staff development.

The Janice Lichtenstein Support Staff Endowment Fund This fund was created in 2018 by gifts from the 2017-18 Lovett Board of Trustees and the Lovett community to honor Janice Lichtenstein for her 18 years of service to Lovett, 14 of those years supporting Headmaster Billy Peebles. This fund supports the Lichtenstein Award for Support Staff, which annually celebrates a Lovett employee who provides exemplary services “behind the scenes” in a quiet, professional, and dedicated manner.

The Nick Marshall ’17 Scholarship Endowment Fund Nick Marshall ’17 was a valuable member of and contributor to the Lovett community and excelled in all areas of school life. Created in 2018 by Laura and David Nix, The Gift of Hope Foundation—established by Laura’s parents, Robert and Mary Fink—and Jennifer and David Kahn ’81, this award in Nick’s name supports a deserving Middle or Upper School student whose attendance at Lovett will be life-changing for both the recipient and his or her family.

The Charles E. Oakley Service Award Endowment Fund Established in 2018, this fund supports the Charles E. Oakley Service Award. The Oakley Service Award was created by the school in 1997 to honor Charles Oakley, who in 36 years of service to the school, demonstrated uncommon skill and tireless generosity of spirit to members of the Lovett community. The award recognizes an individual who most closely exemplifies Charlie Oakley’s example of dedicated and generous service to others.

The Oskouei Family Financial Literacy, Investment, and Entrepreneurship Endowment Fund Parents Miranda and Armin Oskouei established this fund in November 2017 to increase education about financial literacy, investing, and business creation. The proceeds from this fund will be used to support and enhance non-credit financial literacy classes for Lovett’s Upper School students.

The Billy and Penny Peebles Faculty Support Endowment Fund In June 2018, The Lovett School established this fund to honor Billy and Penny Peebles and their 15 years of service to Lovett. Billy and Penny Peebles began their tenure at The Lovett School in July 2003, when Billy Peebles was appointed as the school’s 12th Head of School. With gifts from the 2017-18 Board of Trustees and the community made in honor of the Peebles, this fund supports Lovett faculty and staff compensation.

The Billy and Penny Peebles Financial Aid Endowment Fund In June 2018, The Lovett School established this fund to honor Billy and Penny Peebles and their 15 years of service to Lovett. Billy and Penny Peebles began their tenure at The Lovett School in July 2003, when Billy Peebles was appointed as the school’s 12th Head of School. With gifts from the 2017-18 Board of Trustees and the community made in honor of the Peebles, this fund supports Lovett’s need-based financial aid.

2017-18 Annual Report




you! for the

Special Gifts 50 Honorary Gifts 55 Memorial Gifts 57 Foundation, Corporation, and Organization Gifts 57 Matching Gifts 58 Run ’n Lovett 59 Gifts to Siempre Verde 59 Gifts-in-Kind 59 Tickets for Teachers 60 Gifts to Breakthrough Atlanta 61 Gifts to Lab Atlanta 62 Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program

2017-18 Annual Report



Honorary Gifts Nancy and Coleman Budd

Ricky Davis

Kelsey Austin ’22

Nancy Budd McWilliams ’73

Emma Ellis ’18

Violet Austin

Carter Bundy ’29

Laura Deisley

Samantha Austin ’19

Jan and Gene Burleson

Violet Austin

Davis Burch ’20

Anonymous Erica and Chuck Cain

Kate Bachman

Devereux and Edward Burch

Dewberry Capital Foundation


Katy Burch ’21


Celeste Barkley

Devereux and Edward Burch

Francesca DeWeerdt ’16


Thomas Burch ’26

Regan Reinhold

Tom Bartelt

Devereux and Edward Burch

Sabrina DeWeerdt ’18

Emily Nelson and Carrick Mollenkamp ’87

Winnie Burch ’29

Regan Reinhold

Tiana and Tim Barton

Devereux and Edward Burch Mary and William Cain

Davis Dickson ’24


Janie Beck

Pearson Burleson ’30

Alisa Dinkel


Jan and Gene Burleson


Cliff Bell ’21

Allison Cain ’27

Charlotte Dixon ’23

Cassandra Bell Helaine and Clifford Bell

Erica and Chuck Cain

Kay and James Polk

Drew Carnegie ’24

Carson Dod ’23

Tony Biello

Alison Lewis and Rob Carnegie

Jodi and Timothy Dod


Jameson Carnegie ’19

Margaret Denny Dozier ’73

Jane and Dameron Black

Alison Lewis and Rob Carnegie

Katie and Taylor Dozier ’02

William Carnegie ’22

Fontaine Yearley Draper ’53

Alison Lewis and Rob Carnegie


Angie Carrano

Bill Dunkel

Sofia Adamo ’29

Clara Traver Charlie Walker ’25 Lilla Walker ’21 Dorothy Traver Walker ’92 and Phillip Walker



Alba Adamo

Nancy Black

Mikayla Carter ’24

Matigan Edwards ’29

Courtney Alexander


Margaret and Jurgen Keil

Nikki and John Edwards


Patrick Boswell

Quade Edwards ’27

Dan Alig


Nancy and Glenn Cartledge Joy and Kennard Neal


Connie Braddy

Georgia Ekonomou

Jenine Alig Anonymous

Anonymous Libby and Ernie Prickett

Steve Allen

Bob Braddy

Anonymous Kate and Mike Kemether Phillip Thornton ’18 Edan Tesema ’18

Anonymous Healthcare Georgia Foundation Libby and Ernie Prickett Karen and Steve Merz Mary and Andy Spencer

Maria Alzate

Amanda Glenn Brady ’88

2018 Lovett Baseball Champions Holly and Chris Beavor Marie Brumley Foster ’84 and Brad Foster Kimbrough Mobley Gibson ’84 and Raymond Gibson Suci and Hardie Jackson Catherine and Douglas Lindauer Carol McKown Rene’ and Eric Nelson Laura and David Nix Elizabeth and Gerry O’Meara Amisha and Sand Patel Elizabeth Abernathy Poindexter ’87 and John Poindexter Kristen and Aaron Pratt Stella and Al Ringer June Bishop Seiler ’78 and John Seiler Leslie and Edwin Smith Jean Barry Underwood ’82 and Will Underwood

Kate Abercrombie ’23 Mary Ann Fesenmeier

Malia Allmon ’24



Bob Amar

Steve Brown

Grace Anne Muller ’18


Caroline Andros ’22

Jake Bryant ’23

Karen and Charles Andros

Jake Bryant Margaret Bryant Margaret and Charles Mathis

Yetty Levenson Arp ’64 and Charlie Arp ’62

Kathleen Bryant Jennifer and Sammy Kellett ’90

Anonymous Kimberly Arp Babbit ’88 and Joel Babbit

Tricia Buce

Karen and Charles Andros

Porter Andros ’25

50 | Lovett

Anne and Michael Marino

Jordan Clark Suzanne Stearns

Class of 1969 Patty and Guy Tucker ’69

Kate Coker ’25 Paige Coker

Meredyth and John Cole Kathy and Richard Lee

O’Mara Cook Anonymous

Al Coy ’21 Betty and Sean Coy

Ane Phan Coy ’24 Betty and Sean Coy

Parker Coy ’22 Betty and Sean Coy

Coley Young Cuttino ’04 Becky and Howard Young ’78

Amy Darsey Amy and Zach Story

Mildred Dickson

Nikki and John Edwards Paul Anderson ’04

Lynn Elliott Anonymous

Penny and Sam Evins ’79 Anonymous

Catherine Fontes ’30 Cynthia Schoonover

Julia Fontes ’27 Cynthia Schoonover

Courtney Fowler Anonymous

Debbie Franks Anonymous

Steve Franks Anonymous

Jay Freer ’78 Anne Russell Calvertt Bazzel ’04 and Johnson Bazzel ’02 Stephanie Sanders Selig ’90 and Blake Selig ’90 The Stephanie & Blake Selig Foundation, Inc.

Honorary Gifts

Reid French ’89

Fannie Bradley Hinson ’27

Jennifer and David Kahn ’81

Porter Lummus


Kyle Orr Hinson ’97 and John Hinson


Joanna and John Brennan

Rusty French

Mamie Hodnett

Corinne Kalen ’29

Rena Lyle



Kinsey and Gordon Harper


Evy Galbraith ’22

Jill and John Holder ’73

Ella Kamerschen ’24

Maria Madden

Alana Gambol


Jo and Terrell Benton

Lovett 8th Grade Girls Track

Jack Geraghty ’12

Bill Holleman

Mary Eliza Kamerschen ’20

Mac Malsnee

Beth and John Geraghty

Jo and Terrell Benton


Will Geraghty ’15

Helen Adams and Perry McIntyre ’71 Emily Nelson and Carrick Mollenkamp ’87

Wells Kamerschen ’21

Russ Malsnee

Beth and John Geraghty

Dabney Hollis

Jo and Terrell Benton


Mary and Richard Gerakitis ’74

Gil Benjamin Primrose School of Five Forks

Lara Kauffman

George Mathews ’83




Grant Howard ’24

Betsy Ghegan ’29

Lane and Clark Howard

Jaq Kellett ’23

Bernadette May-Beaver

Elizabeth Wallace

Marsha and Howard Shaffer


Stephi Howard ’18

Jason Giannitti

Lane and Clark Howard

Jennifer Kellett

Mark May-Beaver

Laura and Daniel Hathaway



Emory Howell ’19

Freddy Goldenberg

Nell Hilburn

Sam Kellett ’26

Katherine Maynard

Vicki and Alan Goldenberg

Marsha and Howard Shaffer

Priti and Nick Lakha

Ellie Hunt ’22

Gregg Goldenberg

Doris and James Rowe

Leena Kiber

Cacki McDonald ’29

Vicki and Alan Goldenberg

Jennifer and Sammy Kellett ’90

Libba McDonald

Tatum Hunt ’24

Keisha Green

Doris and James Rowe

Robbie and Shane Kimbrough ’85

Laney McDowell ’23


Karl Hwang


William Green ’24


Nathan Klavohn ’21

William McDowell ’26

Mary and Everette Doffermyre Emma and Robert Green

Jane and Clay Jackson ’77

Ann Lassiter


Elise Kuzniak ’24

Meme Greene ’19

Jessica Jaret Sant

Nancy Zelinski


Mike Lanning

Jimmy Jewell


Mary Blythe Kayne McGehee ’91

Debbie and Roger Press

Michael Lanning

BeBe and Steve Kane

Luanne LaGrone Johnson ’82


Mike McIntyre ’83

Janeen and Kevin Cunningham

Stewart Lathan


Dotsie Jones ’20


Allison McWilliams ’05

Hope and Charles Jones

Kelly Lecceardone

Nancy Budd McWilliams ’73

Everett Jones ’29

Ann and Will Shearer

Chuck Melito

Charles Leone ’25

Paige Grantham Leatherman ’01

Evelyn Harmon

Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97 Kim Miske Lacy ’97 and Michael Lacy

Toni and Charles Leone

Ellie Menning ’31

Wanda Saxon

Gunner Jones ’26

Barby Levy

William Byrne

Grace Harrison ’18


McCamy Menning ’29

Maria and Richard Harrison

Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97 Kim Miske Lacy ’97 and Michael Lacy

Janice Lichtenstein

Katie Harrison ’21

Henry Jones ’22

William Byrne Sally and Colby Menning

Maria and Richard Harrison

Hope and Charles Jones

Ellice Hawkins

Hollis Jordan ’24


Shelby and Fred Neely

Anonymous Wilton Looney Randy and Bob Murphy Mary and Andy Spencer

Laila Heard ’23

Robert Jordan ’18

Joanna Link

Margaret and Khurshid Khan

Mary Katherine and Tom Greene

Gayle Greenwood Gigi Rouland

John Gumpert Julie Campbell

Turia Gumpert Julie Campbell

Aretina Hamilton Anonymous

Diane and Pat McDowell Diane and Pat McDowell

Kane McGehee ’31 Mary Blythe Kanye McGehee ’91 Trey McGehee

Rene Merritt Katrina Merritt Walker ’88 and Derek Walker

Rebecca Metzger

Shelby and Fred Neely

Ann and Will Shearer

Makailah Teague ’18

Jim Hendrix

Shelby Jordan ’19

Marsha Little

Eileen Keough Millard ’80


Shelby and Fred Neely



Justin Hicks

Jay Joshi ’21

Dylan Luke ’30

Emma Montag ’16

Kate and Lanny Allgood

Suparna Malempati and Ash Joshi

Patricia and Ronald Joines

Jackie and Anthony Montag

2017-18 Annual Report



Honorary Gifts

Liza Montag ’22

Penny and Billy Peebles

Jackie and Anthony Montag

Anonymous (6) Linda and Rick Allen William Allen ’05 Jessie Amador Karen and Charles Andros Beth Radford Anthony ’82 and Matt Anthony Jane and Dave Apple Courtney and Rob Arasi Yetty Levenon Arp ’64 and Charlie Arp ’62 Dana and Greg Averbuch Debbie Roach Avery ’71 and Tom Avery ’71 Kimberly Arp Babbitt ’88 and Joel Babbit Colleen and Steve Bailey Mary and John Baldwin Hilton and Butler Ball Joan and Charlie Barnwell ’76 Tiana and Tim Barton Sarah and Richard Bayman Katie and Sam Bayne Ellen and Duncan Beard Janie and Michael Beck Megan and Frank Bedinger Gil Benjamin Margot and Currell Berry Rozzie Bird Jane and Dameron Black Jim Black ’93 Nancy and Dameron Black ’88 Ali Dick Blaisdell ’02 and Andrew Blaisdell Melinda and Scott Bond Merritt Bond Jen and Craig Boomer Haley and Patrick Boswell Jennifer and Brian Boutte Marilyn Boutte ’18 Lori and Patrick Bowen Julie and Tom Bradbury ’92 Amanda Glenn Brady ’88 Joanna and John Brennan Jane and Jon Breviu Bev Freman Briggs ’92 and Bo Briggs Chinda and Remco Brok Laurie and Gordon Buchmiller Carol and Coleman Budd ’78 Missy and Kenny Budd ’79 Lucinda Bunnen Robb Bunnen ’72 Taylor and Michael Butkus Erica and Chuck Cain Margaret and Matt Callihan Susan Sineath Calahan ’87 and Doug Calahan

Laura Young Morgan ’06 Becky and Howard Young ’78

John Mori ’22 Anne and John Mori

Rankin Mori ’20 Anne and John Mori

Carter and Hampton Morris ’69 Anonymous

Wade Morris ’00 Anonymous Kim and Robert Cumbie Noah Smith ’18

Angela Morris-Long Anonymous

Celia Morton ’24 Erin and Peck Morton

Jake Moss ’30 Lynne and Wes Moss

Amy Murphy Emma Ellis ’18

Mike Muschamp Anonymous

Lyla Myers ’27 Sandra and Jeffrey Cross

Nicholas Neely ’30 Rita Sharp

Tyler Neville ’20 Dolly and Mike Peters

Bill Nichols Maggie and Tyler Caswell ’04

Mimi Norton de Matos ’18 Keira and Jay Camillo

Jack Nowland ’18 Cici and David Nowland

Faye Odom Mei Xiang and Jeffrey Lu

Bryan Overly Sarah Price ’05

Jamie Palmer Anonymous

Michael Pardee Anonymous

Zora Payne ’24 Jacqueline and Jobe Payne

Elizabeth Pearce ’87 Anonymous Anne Pearce Worrell ’97 and Andrew Worrell

52 | Lovett

Keira and Jay Camillo Jonathan Carkhuff ’10 Maggie Dozier Carr ’07 and Alex Carr Angie and Ritt Carrano Aimee and Zeke Cassinelli Aahil Chamadia ’18 Leslie Chapman ’19 Marlyn Rollins Chapman ’81 and Owens Chapman Debbie and Rick Chase The J. Donald Childress Foundation, Inc. Sidney and Don Childress Pete Ciaschini Jordan Clark Elliott Close Cynthia and Jamie Coleman Lara Kauffman and Matt Collins Pamela and Mark Connell ’77 Darlene and Chip Conrad Sue and Mike Copps Sarah and Malon Courts Betty and Sean Coy Angela and Eric Cunningham Sally Adams Daniel ’68 Tee Price Davis ’65 and Cantey Davis Sandee Dean Caroline Deisley ’12 Laura Deisley William Deisley ’09 Missy and Peter Diaz Sylvia and Bruce Dick Powers Dorsett Roy and Janet Dorsey Foundation Laura and Brad Dowling Graham Dozier ’05 Margaret Denny Dozier ’73 and Scott Dozier Elise and Carl Drake Louise and Tommy Duffy Sanford Mitchell Dunklin ’77 and Philip Dunklin Lewis Dunn ’24 Pollyanna and Mason Dunn Cheryl and Dan DuPree Elaine Dyer Nikki and John Edwards Mary Elizabeth and Drew Ellenburg Lynn Elliott Beth and Thad Ellis Drew Ellis ’12 Emma Ellis ’18 Laura Beth Ellis ’10 Thad Ellis Penny and Sam Evins ’79 Stacey Ewing

Terri Ellis-Ewing and Steve Ewing Exposition Foundation, Inc. Stephanie and John Feininger ’69 Debbie and Steve Franks The Fraser Parker Foundation Deni Kay Haas Freier ’91 and Jason Freier Amy and Chad French Sarah and Reid French ’89 Vicki and Rusty French Kelly and Johnny Friedman Sade and Bill Fryer Duvall and Rex Fuqua The J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. Joann and Tom Gallagher Palmer and Doug Garson Barb and David Ghegan ’89 Kathy Crawford Ghirardini ’84 and Bill Ghirardini Betsy Glenn Carrie and Jeffrey Glover ’93 Sandra and John Glover The Glover Family Foundation, Inc. Maggie and Steve Goodsell ’79 Jennifer and John Gordon Dana Graham Heidi and Alan Gray Kerri Gallagher Griggs ’92 and Jim Griggs Peggy Wardle Hagood ’80 Cindy and James Hamner Debbie and Michael Hardee Bill Harrison Beverly and David Hartz ’66 Babette and Bill Henagan ’76 The Henagan Foundation Jim Hendrix Meg Heyer Steve Heyer Sivan and Jeff Hines Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Anne Steele and Mark Hinshaw Eugenia and Stephen Hobbs Mamie and Michael Hodnett Alex Hohlstein ’19 Dale and Kurt Hohlstein ’76 Victoria Hohlstein ’13 Beth and Tommy Holder ’75 Jill and John Holder ’73 James Holladay Dabney and Sam Hollis Alexandra Horst ’10 Laurie and Doug Horst Edi and Earl Houghton Kristin Lucas Huber ’97 and Harris Huber Jane and John Huffard

Honorary Gifts

Patti Hughes Amy Dick Hurst ’90 and Matt Hurst ’80 Catherine and Rob Hutchinson Claire and Glen Jackson ’81 Jane and Clay Jackson ’77 Nancy Broyles James ’77 and Doug James Molly and John Jamieson Courtney Wright Jenks ’78 and Kyle Jenks Melissa Bunnen Jernigan ’76 and James Jernigan Katie and West Johnson Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97 Mary Coleman George Jones ’73 and Craig Jones Jennifer and David Kahn ’81 Kelli and Phil Keb ’74 Bonnie and Ted Kelly Jenna and Graham Kelly Donald and Marilyn Keough Foundation Alison Dobes Key ’88 and Tom Key Leena Kiber Lora and Rob Kight ’80 Michelle and Chris Kilroy Louise Baxter King Charitable Foundation Marianna and Todd King Judy and Frank Kinnett Katie and Dow Kirkpatrick ’89 Mary Jane and Dave Kirkpatrick Cindy and Travis Klavohn Amy Rollins Kreisler ’88 and Nevin Kreisler Linda Reale and Steve Kremer Annie and Hunter Lamon ’00 Molly Yellowlees Lanier ’85 and Tommy Lanier Marie and Mike Lanning Kathy and Richard Lee Stacey and Don Leebern Sharon and Chuck Leone Courtney and Les Lewis Catherine and Douglas Lindauer Joanna and Kevin Link Angela Morris-Long and David Long Kathryn Long Wilton Looney Alethia and Borris Love Lovett Parent Association Lubo Fund, Inc. Colleen Carter-Lunceford and Mark Lunceford Beth Ma Eliza Macdonald ’09 Nancy and Chip MacDonald Diane and Bruce MacEwen Amy and Robert Malone The Ma-Ran Foundation

Anne and Michael Marino Shelley and Paul Marshall Marion and Paul Martin Robyn Martin Mary Ann and Knox Massey Jane Mathews Karen Apple Mathews ’83 and George Mathews ’83 Katie and Greg Mauldin Mary Jo and Gray McCalley Kim and Steve McCollam Patty and Ed McCrady Alice McDonough Anna and Todd McGarrity Rebecca and Tim McGhee Penny McLanahan Merri and Lee McLean Tracy French McMillan ’92 and Kelly McMillan Allison McWilliams ’05 Nancy Budd McWilliams ’73 Stacie Metcalfe Kim and Jim Meyer Eileen Keough Millard ’80 and Chris Millard Alex Millians ’86 Julie and Philip Millians ’79 Ibby and Jim Mills ’74 Samantha and Mike Minutelli Antonia and Wright Mitchell ’88 Denise and Jay Mitchell Eleanor Hand Mitchell ’04 and Anthony Mitchell Lethea Quin Mitchell ’78 and Doug Mitchell Lauren and John Monroe Andrea and Ned Montag Anne and John Mori Carter and Hampton Morris ’69 Anna and Price Muir ’91 LeeAnn and Walter Muller Randy and Bob Murphy Stuart and Eulene Murray Foundation Katie and Slater Nalley Kim and Clay Nalley ’90 Wisti and Brian Nelson Michelle and Jeff Neville Kristin and Lourenco Norton Jennifer and Scott Novellas Sally and McKee Nunnally Molly Osborne Mary and Joe Padgett Alexandra and Pierre Panos Michael Panos ’20 Karen and Richard Parker Alvira and Mayank Patel

Elizabeth Pearce ’87 Libby and Gene Pearce Allison Bussey Peavy ’91 and Jay Peavy Mary Peebles Cathy and Bob Peterson Jo Crawford Phelps ’66 and John Phelps Elizabeth Abernathy Poindexter ’87 and John Poindexter Greer Barber Pope ’90 and Bryan Pope ’90 The Mark C. Pope III Foundation Mark Pope Chilton and Mark Pope ’68 Michelle Pope Debbie and Roger Press Cindy Kattel Price ’78 and Van Price ’75 Janie Price ’14 Primrose School of Five Forks Jeanmarie and Alan Quarterman Susan and Mac Ralls Sandy Redella Amy Stribling Rees ’94 and Dave Rees Belinda Bunnen Reusch ’74 and Ken Reusch Arshima Rieara Kim Nikles and Michael Roach Gusanita and Henry Roberson Reed and Brad Roberts Alain and Kim Robinson Cameron Robinson ’14 Ford Robinson ’17 Fran and Jo Rogers Ashley and Bill Rogers Kinny Roper Andi and Jeff Rountree Avril Beckford and Lawrence Rowley Mike Sanders Tep Seth ’18

Yasmine and Jon Schmid Laura and Mike Schmidt Terri and Blair Schmidt Fellner Karen and John Schuerholz Renee and Jim Schwarzkopf Virginia Pearce Seawell ’90 and Haygood Seawell Grant Serafy Kay Settle Stephanie and Ed Sherling Irma and Manish Shrivastava Cary and Jack Sibley ’66 Jana Portman Simmons ’78 and Jed Simmons Barbara and Chuck Slick ’69 Caroline Smith ’07 Caroline Smith ’18 Charlie Smith ’05 George Smith ’12 Jennifer and Thomas Smith Laura and Charlie Smith Meadow Bond Smith ’87 and Hop Smith Noah Smith ’18 Tiffany and Ed Smith ’86 William Smith ’13 Sally and Dick Sorenson Mary and Andy Spencer Diane Staats Mary and John Stark Anna Sterne Sharon Samford Stribling ’69 and Strib Stribling ’69 Jerry Tatum Carrie and Scott Taylor ’84 Robin Thomas Tatum Cathy and Ken Thrasher

2017-18 Annual Report



Honorary Gifts

Mary Holloway Timberlake ’75 and Bryan Timberlake ’75 Shannon Nease and Tom Tindall ’79 Pam Perry Tinkler ’81 and Doug Tinkler Gloria Hardiman Tobin and Elvin Tobin Clara Traver Troop 304, BSA Catherine Trotter Jill and Tony Turner Patricia and Christian Ulrich Jean Barry Underwood ’82 and Will Underwood Olivia Utt ’11 Lisle and Ed Waits Dorothy Traver Walker ’92 and Phillip Walker Velva Bass and Mario Watkins Sarah and Gordon Watt Clara and Billy Wellons Wendi and John Wells Betsy and Mark West Elizabeth and Brian White Lizzie White Polly and Keith White ’83 Burke Whitman ’74 Denise and Gerald Wilkins Nancy Williams Becky and Tom Williams Cathy Young Wilson ’72 and Frank Wilson ’72 Jackie and John Wilson Christina and Tom Woodward ’90 Mary and Bob Yellowlees Amelia and Brent Zelnak

Perrin Raulet ’22

Spenser Simrill ’94

Linda Whatley

Jennifer and John Raulet ’92



Celeste Rault

Laurie Smilack

Annabel White ’28

Betsy Glenn

Bindu Bareddy and Suraj Menachery

Peggy and Stephen Semancik

Noah Smith ’18

Peggy and Stephen Semancik

Alex Reynolds Anonymous

Jennifer Reynolds Anonymous

Jackson Rhodes ’25 Judy and Cal Bryson

Thomas Rhodes ’27

Amy and Jeff Smith

Randolph Smith ’23 Becky and Randolph Smith

Joan and Rick Smith Anonymous

Judy and Cal Bryson

Mary Spencer

Nancy Brumley Robitaille ’84

Haley and Patrick Boswell

Nancy Spetnagel


Elisabeth Brook Awamleh ’90 and Majed Awamleh

Monica Rodgers Anonymous

Ashley and Bill Rogers Anonymous

Jeff Rountree

Mark Stark Jordan Scott Holden ’99 and Colin Holden ’99

Sandy Sturgeon

Charlotte and Tony Hall

Adrienne Williams Anonymous

Bridger Williams ’30


Caroline English ’04

Jen Sarginson

Clara Traver


Adele and Paul Morgan


Logan Schwartz ’24

Quincy Waidelich

Jo Crawford Phelps ’66

Lynn and Kent Regenstein ’63


Josephine Phelps Long ’04 and Parker Long

Crawford Schwieger ’18

Chase Wallace ’28 Elizabeth Wallace

Paul J. Pilcher

Margaret and Neil Crawford

Mattie Schwieger ’20

Rhyne Wallace ’30

Margaret and Neil Crawford

Elizabeth Wallace

June Bishop Seiler ’78

Caroline Watson ’24


Carol and Gil Watson

Kay Settle

Eleanor Weyman ’21


Jodi and Timothy Dod

Ashley Sharpton

John Wells

Ann and Will Shearer


Mike Shields

Lee Wetzler ’28

Paige and Brian Balocki

Beth Albright and Ernie Wetzler

Hunt Shurling ’22

Henry Wetzler

Eleanor Baughman

Beth Albright and Ernie Wetzler

54 | Lovett

Ellie Wildman ’23

Mike Sanders

Mary Holloway Timberlake ’75

April Perez

Caroline Clarke Boggs ’89 and Christopher Boggs Meggan Arp Dillard ’97 and Joseph Dillard



Deborah and Jerry Ulrich

Ken Rau

Sabrina Wilder


Yasmine Schmid

Eloise Banks

Fran and Steve Whittle

Lindsey Prather Sanders ’99 and Robert Sanders

Jan and Ray Turner

Carson Pressley ’26

Noah Whittle ’22

Ken Thrasher

Wanda Saxon


Fran and Steve Whittle

Keno Sadler

Sarah Turner ’25

Starr Pollock

Morgan Whittle ’22


Kelly Ryan

Sloane Saxon ’20

Mary Ellen and Joe Poindexter

Fran and Steve Whittle

Kathleen Fusco

Dorothy Traver Walker ’92 and Phillip Walker

Elaine Poindexter ’30

Lillian Whittle ’20

Stephanie Sanders Selig ’90 and Blake Selig ’90 The Stephanie & Blake Selig Foundation, Inc.



Paul Pilcher

Fiona White ’27

Zoe Williams ’18 Keira and Jay Camillo

Cathy Young Wilson ’72 Stutz Wimmer Cynthia and Stephen Frazier Kathy and Richard Lee Jane and Lamar Maddox William Pratesi ’06

Greer Windom ’21 Tricia and Herb Windom

Ritter Windom ’20 Tricia and Herb Windom

Elizabeth Kane Wing ’94 BeBe and Steve Kane

Isabella Ying ’29 Vickie and Jun Ying

Jacob Ying ’28 Vickie and Jun Ying

Emma Yoder ’24 Steve Yoder

Skylar Yost ’27 Mary Ellen and Joe Poindexter

Jana Young ’11 Becky and Howard Young ’78

Aldric Zhang ’24 Anonymous

Tom Zwierlein Katie Adams ’09

Memorial Gifts Bussey Bonner III Aurie and Morgan Barnes Kathy and Brant Davis Walker Davis

Ellen Brueck Bonnie Warner Kimmerly ’88 and Scott Kimmerly Polly and Keith White ’83

Richard P. Clark, Jr. Austen Clark Tully ’04 and Adam Tully

Bruce Cohen ’68 Kelley Cohen Shaw ’98 and Kelly Shaw

Tyler Cross ’06 Perrin Williams ’09

Dan Dalke Henry Almquist ’05 Michael Glander ’11 Healthcare Georgia Foundation Carol Cline Lacy ’76 and Doug Lacy ’76 The Lacy Foundation Karen and Steve Merz Aleha Saleh ’10

Marie Davie Anne Barron

Scott Dawkins ’94 Brettany Shannon ’94

Chris Deisley Rachel Sprecher

Mary W. Ezzell Jeanette and Chas Watson ’95

Imogene B. Fly Katie and Doug Crenshaw ’85

Wert Fox Carol Fox Formisano ’86 and Nick Formisano

Jim Glasser Anonymous Patrick Connolly ’01 Maggie Yates Fischer ’96 and Brooks Fischer ’93 Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Brett Jamison ’89 David Joyce Jane and Jack Nichols Jenny Phillips Wilkins ’91 and Dan Wilkins Amanda Shively Yates ’68 and Alan Yates ’68

Bob Glenn Amanda Glenn Brady ’88

Paul Hackett ’13 Alston & Bird Anonymous 2

Fred and Martha Assaf Tiana and Tim Barton T.J. Barton ’09 Bird Loechl Brittain & McCants Law Firm Kelly Allison Boyd ’10 Conrad Busch, Jr. Shelly Corgel John T. Crews III Brian Dalton ’13 The Dayton Foundation Lauren Lindberg Gearon ’86 and Michael Gearon D. Gayle Gellerstedt Lou and Tom Glenn Jane and Clay Jackson ’77 Rebecca and James Lamberth Ellen Brown Landers ’84 and Jim Landers ’82 Coley Loudermilk ’15 Frances and Robin Loudermilk ’78 Sharon Maddox Elise Eplan ’78 and Robert Marcovitch Michaels Family Charitable Foundation Kim and Tom Noonan Elizabeth Pearce ’87 Chilton and Mark Pope ’68 Dan Preister Vicki and Joe Riedel John Rogers Mary Bostwick Ryan ’84 and Hurley Ryan Monique Shields Southeastern Council of Foundations Crystal and Kevin Stephens Robyn and Gilbert Sugiura Carrie and Scott Taylor ’84 Vita and Alan Thompson Clara Traver Jean Barry Underwood ’82 and Will Underwood Betsy and Bill Verner

Michael Halad Felicia Wilkins ’11

Julie Muir Harlan ’94 Patty Slick Beem ’65 and Brian Beem ’65 Tee Price Davis ’65 and Cantey Davis Chad Harlan Katie and Greg Mauldin Anna and Price Muir ’91 Doris and Jeff Muir ’67 Amy Fargason Price ’79 and Clark Price

Cindy Kattel Price ’78 and Van Price ’75 Janie Price ’14 Lee Price ’09 Sarah Price ’05 Millie Finch Pryles ’65 WPM Commercial, Inc.

Regine Heckel-Jones Anne and Mark Jones

Barrett Howell ’41 Helen and Ray Weeks

John Reeve Inman Catherine Inman Barrett ’03

Ali Surdyk Jones ’92 Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97

David E. Jones Anonymous

Edward Kane Emily Winship ’68

Tommy Lanier ’14 Anonymous Hyde and Bruce Desloge Audrey Jackson ’14 Lauren and John Monroe Janie Price ’14 Ben Timberlake ’14 George Timberlake ’14

Wilton Looney Anonymous (2) Libby and Ernie Prickett Studie and Zach Young

Cathy Louis Lovell ’66 Jody and Wood Lovell ’64 Susannah and Will Lovell ’97

Nick Marshall ’17 Anonymous (2) Ansley Atlanta Real Estate Beth Radford Anthony ’82 and Matt Anthony Mason Anthony ’17 Martha and Fred Assaf Megan and Frank Bedinger Fred Beloin Victoria Bentley Christopher Bethel Melinda and Scott Bond Ivia Bouza-Martinez Cary Bouza-Merida Kristen Brock Chris Collier Suzanne and George Cox Evelyn Davis David Dial

Valarie and Jim Easterling Adam Epstein Michael Evert Pat and Warner Fox Elizabeth and John Geise GGNSC Administrative Services LLC Georgia Defense Lawyers Association Beth and John Geraghty Jack Geraghty ’12 Will Geraghty ’15 Gift of Hope Foundation Meg Gleason Darlene and Tom Glenn Anne Hardin ’17 Elena and Eric Hawkins Hawkins Parnell Thackston & Young Alison Hindmon Johnson, Anderson, Miller & Moskowitz Perry Robert Kaufman Alma Keric Janis Kilgore Christian Lang Molly Yellowlees Lanier ’85 and Tommy Lanier Debra Levorse Kristi Lowery Patty Wilson Major ’75 and Bill Major Debbie and Glenn Maron Allan Marshall Betsy and Tommy Marshall David Marshall David Marshall Gina Marshall Sheila and Andrew Marshall Pat Mechas Kimberly and Gregory Minana Diane and Matt Moffett Lauren Moore Elizabeth Josephine Murray ’25 Julie McCall Murray ’23 Sarah and Doug Murray ’89 Thomas Murray ’17 Grayson Nix ’18 Laura and David Nix Claudia and Richard North Ann Moore and Peter Pate Ryan Pate ’17 Debbie Peacock Benjamin Pellegrini India and Jim Peters Kristen and Aaron Pratt Everett Puri Kathy and John Reinhardt

2017-18 Annual Report



Memorial Gifts

Renee and John Richardson Rahul Sheth Starnes Davis Florie LLP Maggie and John Staton ’84 Pam Perry Tinkler ’81 and Doug Tinkler Therese Tran White Sabrina Tuck David Underwood ’20 Jan and John Wade Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial William Wood

Ed McCrady Anonymous Amie and Fred Herbert Ira C. Herbert Family Foundation, Inc. Betsy and Mark West

Teresa Old McGregor ’77 Christine and Rob Friedman ’77 Scottie and Donald Jackson ’77 Nancy Broyles James ’77 and Doug James

Jeannie Meriwether Lindsay Conrad Gerakitis ’03 and Richard Gerakitis ’03 The Gift of Hope Foundation, Inc. Marcelle Harris Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Kathy and Tom Post

Mark Mixon Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97

Tanna Morgan Anonymous

Betty and McKee Nunnally LL ’29 Sally and McKee Nunnally

Opal Omanson Anonymous

Carol Ordover Erin and Patrick Connolly ’01

Teeny Parker Carolyn and Jim Alexander Caroline Allison ’90 Julie Wells Allison Beth Battle Anderson ’89 and Ed Anderson Frances Anne and Whit Anderson Virginia Bowers Lynn Bradley Betty Ann Chapman Susan Chapman Chateau Villa Apartments Erin and Patrick Connolly ’01 Lynn Elliott Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Emily Huie Lee Hunter ’91 Paula and Chuck Lesley Betty and Fred Lines ’66

Joanna and Kevin Link Jane Kerr Mathews Libba Allison Osborne ’95 and Granger Osborne Clare Kelly O’Shaughnessy ’82 and Michael O’Shaughnessey Joseph Paker Sand Price Warren Schmidt ’94 Pat Scott Linda Seaborn Caroline Ferris Spain ’76 and Chris Spain Kaki Williams Barbara Wyle

Bill Parker Anonymous Jane and Clay Jackson ’77

Jitendra Patel Manisha and Harry Patel

Carr Payne Pilkerton Realtors

Gayle Poole ’64 Donna Poole Zick ’76

Louis Sherman Nancy and Jim Sherman ’80

Jeanette Sherwood Anonymous Vicki Benjamin

Rual Stephens David Murphy ’68

Cam Street Anonymous Charlotte Muller ’11

Lloyd Thompson Alicia Thompson and Averil Taylor

Jerry Tidwell Anonymous

Lyn Ucci Barron Flood ’09

John Portman

Anne Lynn Van Buren

Anonymous Jane and Clay Jackson ’77

James E. Warren, Jr.

Jack Benny Posten Anonymous

Sara Rau Anonymous

Louise Orahood Ray ’72 Michelle and Jimmy Davis ’95 Jane Orahood ’74

John Regan Katie and Doug Crenshaw ’85

Connor Reynolds ’14 Anonymous Riley Frazer ’14 Rhona Reynolds

Susan Riley Anonymous

Lee Schilling ’85 Leigh Champion ’86

Gwin Schroder White ’68 Emily Winship ’68

Rob Settle ’65 Anonymous Ellen Battle Walter G. Canipe Foundation Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Jessica Allen Jones ’97 and Justin Jones ’97

56 | Lovett

Kathy McCarroll Olmstead ’88 and George Olmstead ’89 Elizabeth Post Libby and Ernie Prickett Kelen Carlock Settle ’99 and Will Settle ’97 Barbara and Chuck Slick ’69

Anonymous Class of 1968 Ginger and Daniel Hope ’68

Winnie Webb Anonymous Wilton Looney

Gene Williams ’68 Emily Winship ’68

John A. Williams Anonymous Kim and Steve McCollam Sarah Brook Williams ’11

Eunice Willis Anonymous

Michael Woodall ’00 Elizabeth Woodall Biber ’97 and Jay Biber

Wink Wynne ’04 Ashley and David Shepherd Anna Wynne Stephens ’97 and Kurt Stephens Graham Welsh ’04 Margie and Robert Wynne

Mark Wynne ’06 Ashley and David Shepherd Anna Wynne Stephens ’97 and Kurt Stephens Margie and Robert Wynne

Foundation, Corporation, and Organization Gifts 1999 R. Randall Rollins Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Aaron Rents, Inc. Abbott Laboratories Alston & Bird Anonymous The Arnold Foundation Arthur A. Allen Company LLC ASW Distillery Battle Family Foundation, Inc. Dan & Merrie Boone Foundation Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC The Brooks Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Walter G. Canipe Foundation Carter Chateau Villa Apartments The J. Donald Childress Foundation, Inc. Lovett Class of 1968 CLC Foundation Collins Cooper Carusi Architects, Inc. Colonial Hill Foundation Courts Foundation, Inc. Cowan Foundation M. Austin Davis Foundation, Inc. The Dayton Foundation Roy and Janet Dorsey Foundation

Martha Marshall Dykes Family Foundation, Inc. The Harriet W. & Edward P. Ellis Trust Ernst & Young Exposition Foundation, Inc. The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc. The Fraser-Parker Foundation Frazier & Deeter Foundation The J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc. The Gause Foundation Genuine Parts Company The Gift of Hope Foundation, Inc. Jack and Anne Glenn Charitable Foundation The Glover Family Foundation, Inc. The John N. Goddard Foundation, Inc. The Goizueta Foundation Gregg and Freddy Goldenberg Family Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. The Lanier Goodman Foundation The Gugliotta Family Foundation, Inc. The HBB Foundation Healy Commercial Real Estate, LLC The Henagan Foundation Ira C. Herbert Family Foundation, Inc. Jane & Andrew Head Family Foundation

The Hobbs Foundation The Howell Fund, Inc. The Ruth R. Hoyt-Anne H. Jolley Foundation, Inc. Robert L. Huffines, Jr. Foundation David & Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation, Inc. Kelin Foundation Donald and Marilyn Keough Foundation Louise Baxter King Charitable Foundation The Lacy Foundation The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley Foundation The Martha and Wilton Looney Foundation Loudermilk Foundation, Inc. Lovett Alumni Association Lovett Friends of the Arts Lovett Girl Scouts Lovett LionBackers Lovett Parent Association Lubo Fund, Inc. The Ma-Ran Foundation The John and Julia McIntyre Family Fund

Stuart and Eulene Murray Foundation Norfolk Southern Corp. Norman Foundation, Inc. Paramount Staffing, LLC Pilkerton Realtors The Mark C. Pope III Foundation Primrose School of Five Forks Realan Foundation, Inc. The Reveas Foundation H. English and Ermine Carter Robinson Foundation Sadler Family Foundation II The Schroeder Foundation Selig Foundation, Inc. The Stephanie & Blake Selig Foundation, Inc. Paul B. and Mildred Seydel Foundation, Inc. Spartanburg County Foundation Steamboat Investment Inc. Storey Foundation Inc. Patricia Bowman Terwilliger Family Foundation The Tull Charitable Foundation Troop 304, BSA Ed Uihlein Family Foundation Thomas and Loraine Williams Foundation The L & C Wood Family Foundation, Inc. Woodall Family Foundation Wyatt Family Foundation

Matching Gifts Adobe Assurant Foundation Matching Gifts Program Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bank of America BD Associates Bernstein Global Wealth Management BNY Mellon Community Partnership Capital Group Charitable Giving Programs Citizens Bank The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program Decatur Capital Management

Delta Air Lines Eaton Equifax Inc. Fifth Third Bank Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Google Matching Gift Program Greater Horizons The Home Depot IBM Corporation ITW Foundation JLL

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Mastercard International Microsoft Corporation Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Novartis The NYSE Foundation, Inc. Oracle The Prudential Foundation Pulte Group RSUI Group Salesforce SAP Matching Gift Program

Scripps Networks Interactive SunTrust Bank SunTrust Foundation Symantec Tegna Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. UBS UnitedHealth Group Viking Global Foundation Voya Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Workday

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts to Run ’n Lovett Diamond Sponsors Arrow Exterminators Heritage Plastics Larry Jackson Rare Coins Rogers Electric The Carland Group

Sapphire Sponsors Interstate Truck Equipment, Inc. (ITE) Wilmington Trust ZWJ Investment Counsel

Platinum Sponsors Corks & Caps Fallon Benefits Group Ironwood Insurance Services, LLC The Kahn Family National Distributing Company Piece of Cake, Inc.

58 | Lovett

Rush Truck Centers Watersports Central, Inc. Yates Insurance Agency

Gold Sponsors Astra Group, Inc. Carter USA The Coca-Cola Company Hailey Realty Company Kitchens Kelley Gaynes, P.C. Laseter’s Tavern at Vinings Linder Security Systems, Inc. West Paces Ferry Orthodontics White & Hodge Co., Inc.

Family Sponsors Babbit Family Ball Family Barnwell Family Beard Family

Bell Family (Ashley and Lloyd) Black Family Boudreau Family Bowman Family Brady Family (Amanda Glenn Brady) Calahan Family Chapman Family Connolly Family Deupree Family Formisano Family Foster Family French Family (Sarah and Reid) Gearon Family Ghegan Family (Barbara and David) Glass Family Higgins Family Hohlstein Family Hoke Family Hooks Family

Hurst Family Jaje Family Kennedy Family (Kelly and Doug) Penny and Palmer King Kirkpatrick Family (Katie and Dow) Knox Family (Molly and Reid) Kreisler Family Lindsay Family (Sarah and Douglas) Madden Family (Ann and Allen) Mathews Family McMillan Family Millard Family Mitchell Family (Lethea and Doug) Mitchell Family (Antonia and Wright) Moog Family Murray Family Nalley Family (Kimberly and Clay) Newton Family (Katie and Boyd) Nunnally Family

Gifts to Siempre Verde Whitney Troope and Houssam Abdallah Mariana and Ozzie Areu Molly Arkon Lolita Beyah Atkinson and Warren Atkinson Janie and Michael Beck Natalie and Colin Bernardino James Bikoff Nancy and Dameron Black ’88 Colin and Jennifer Blake Jennifer and Brian Boutté Chivilis Bowman Taryn Chilivis Bowman ’87 and Pete Bowman Constance and Robert Braddy Katherine and Joseph Brewer Alexander Brown Angie and Richard Carrano Betty Phan and Sean Coy Lisa Dobbs Sade and William Fryer Duvall and John Fuqua

Hua Yang and Steven Gao Carrie and Jeffrey Glover ’93 Richard Hall James Hendrix, Jr. Jordan Scott Holden’99 and Colin Holden ’99 Scott Holden Dabney and Samuel Hollis Erika and Matthew Hughes ’03 Catherine and Rob Hutchinson Nathaniel Hutchinson ’05 Patrick Hutchinson ’07 Trey and Juliette Jarrard A. Felton Jenkins Erin Croom and Byron Kirkpatrick ’93 Angela Morris-Long and David Long Kacey Crim Marshall ’91 and Whit Marshall ’91 Helen Adams and Perry McIntyre ’71 S. Paul Merz ’05 Karen and Stephen Merz Joanne and Edward Michaels Arun and Reetika Nijhawan

Lourenco and Kristin Norton Stephanie and Charles Ogilvie Penny and Billy Peebles Debbie and Roger Press Elizabeth and Ernie Prickett Jennifer and Thomas Puricelli Jennifer and Alex Reynolds Jenny Sanders Elizabeth and Frampton Simons Anne Slick ’02 Mary and Andrew Spencer Rebecca and John Spotts Sandra and Peter Stewart Bill and Lesley Wainwright Nancy and Donald Walton Allyson and Chad Watkins ’90 Leonora Davis Wilgus ’91 and Charles Wilgus Laura Wilson Anne and Jim Woodward ’92 Lindsey and Todd Wrigley ’97

Gifts-in-Kind Olmstead Family Peavy Family Penny and Billy Peebles Pope Family (Greer and Bryan) Rees Family Russ Family (Ruth and Miles) Selig Family Smith Family (LeeAnn and Parker) Smith Family (Meadow and Hop) Staton Family Stephenson Family Wahl Family Walker Family (Dorothy and Phillip) Wallace Family (Rhyne and Trey) Wood Family (Kira and Leonard) Woodall Family Woodward Family (Anne Fair and Jim)

ASW Distillery Canoe Chipotle Dewberry Capital Foundation Flying Biscuit

Jim Jones Marlow’s Tavern Mellow Mushroom Lindsey and Chase Paris Publix Grocery Store #725

SOHO St. Angelo’s Pizza Lorraine Tufts Unsukay Willy’s Mexicana Grill

Tickets for Teachers Patty Slick Beem ’65 Jack and Barbara Chynoweth Denise and Jim Kagey

Antonia and Wright Mitchell ’88 Andi and Jeff Rountree

2017-18 Annual Report



Gifts to Breakthrough Atlanta

Breakthrough Atlanta Annual Fund Donors Aaron’s, Inc. John Ahmann Vinita Ahuja Ashley and Andrew Aiken ’93 Joiel and Courtney Alexander Susan and Larry Alexander Jennifer and James Andrews Anonymous Donor Arby’s Foundation Mariana and Ozzie Areu Lara and Jonathan Baldwin Hilton and Butler Ball Angela and Mitch Ballantyne Lara and Michael Balser Bank of America Patricia and Emmett Barnes Tiana and Timothy Barton Barton Executive Search, Inc. Kimberly and Michael Becker Gilbert Benjamin Jane and Dameron Black Nancy and Dameron Black ’88 James Black Martha Bosworth Jennifer and Brian Boutté Chanel and Joseph Boveri Katherine and Lyons Brewer Ashley Brooks Neysa Dillon Brown Lucinda Bunnen Walter Butler Susan Sineath Calahan ’87 and Doug Calahan Erin and Jack Cay Min and Jun Chen Chick-fil-A Foundation Sidney and Don Childress Dorothy Marshall Christians ’97 and Dean Christians Hollister Hill and David Cole Pamela and Mark Connell ’77 Aimee Simmons Connolly ’95 and Colin Connolly ’94 Mary Pillow and William Cornett Missy and Clay Courts Ann and Keith Cowan Jeremy Crane ’01 Heather and John Creighton Katie and Doug Crenshaw ’85 Angela and Eric Cunningham

60 | Lovett

Sally and Bradley Currey Troy David Beth and James Davie F. T. Davis Patrick Davis Tess and Alan Dean Laura Deisley Delta Air Lines Sylvia and Bruce Dick Catherine and Daniel Diffley Lisa Dobbs Carol Goodman Doty ’83 and Charles Doty Cheryl and Daniel DuPree The Equifax Foundation Exposition Foundation, Inc. William and Jan Ferguson James Fite The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc. Sarah and Reid French ’89 Sara and Thomas Fricke Duvall and John Fuqua Peggy and Kevin Gallagher Susan and Robert Gallagher Lauren Lindburg Gearon ’86 and Michael Gearon Genuine Parts Company Georgia-Pacific Foundation Mary and Richard Gerakitis ’74 Barbara and David Ghegan ’89 The Gift of Hope Foundation, Inc. Amy and Jeff Githens Mary and Scott Givens The Goizueta Foundation GPS Hospitality Holdco, LLC Gramercy Fine Linens Alan Greensmith Ellen and Layton Grisette Carla Neal-Haley and Leon Haley, Jr. John Hamilton Kellie and Travis Hannon Burch and Mark Hanson John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation Ryan Harms Harrington Global Healthcare Stella Harris Kimberly Haynes Babette and Bill Henagan ’76 The Henagan Foundation Sheila Hill Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Sivan and Jeffrey Hines Elizabeth Hines Cheryl Hodgins

Dale and Kurt Hohlstein ’76 Beth and Tommy Holder ’75 Jill and John Holder ’73 The Home Depot Clayton and Barrett Howell ’79 The Howell Fund, Inc. Kristin Lucas Huber ’97 and Harris Huber Joseph and Dana Hudepohl Bill Ide Integral Group William and Nancy Izlar Jane and Clay Jackson ’77 Robert Jackson Molly and John Jamieson Catherine Mitchell Jaxon ’94 and James Jaxon Jamar Jeffers Kelly and Simms Jenkins Melissa Bunnen Jernigan ’76 and James Jernigan David Jernigan Russell Jolivet Suzanne and Brentley Jones Jennifer and David Kahn ’81 David & Jennifer Kahn Family Foundation, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Susan Kalen Rebecca and Robert Kamerschen Kelin Foundation Jennifer and Sammy Kellett ’90 Bonnie and Edward Kelly Marianna and Michael King Charles King Mary Jane and David Kirkpatrick Andrea and Michael Koepke Amy and Nevin Kreisler Lab Solutions Priti and Nikunj Lakha Chloe and Beau Lambert The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. The Lanier Goodman Foundation Jacquelyn and Frank Lankford Amanda and Joseph LeCompte Donald Lee Ashe Lemon Seale Arnold Lindsay ’90 and Andrew Lindsay Lovett 8th Grade Girls Track Team Lubo Fund, Inc. Molly and Kip Lynch ’89 Christopher and Laura Martorella Kathryn and Gregory Mauldin Jennifer and Douglas McCartney Katie McDowell

Shonda McGee Amy and Ronald McMurtrie Merrill Lynch Eileen Keough Millard ’80 and Chris Millard Pinney Allen and Charles Miller Antonia and Wright Mitchell ’88 Lethea Quinn Mitchell ’78 and Doug Mitchell Jennifer and Phillip Molner Christine and Joseph Moore Ricardo Moreno Carter and Hampton Morris ’69 Sarah and Doug Murray ’89 Faith and Derrick Myers Jennifer and Allen Nance Michelle and Jeff Neville Next Generation Foundation Laura and David Nix Richard North Amy and Mark Ohde Meghan and Kevin O’Keefe Nancy and Nils Okeson Oral Surgery Specialists of Atlanta Erin Palermo Mary and David Park Katherine and David Payne Elizabeth Pearce ’87 Penny and Billy Peebles Kimberly and Doug Pesce A Piece of Cake, Inc. Dallas, Scott and Mia Pioli Johannah and David Plyler Leigh and Otis Pollard Chilton and Mark Pope ’68 Crosby and Brad Pope ’91 The Mark C. Pope III Foundation Rebecca Powers Barbie and Scott Pressly Primrose School of Five Forks Lissa and Spence Pryor Suzanne and Michael Raponi Realan Foundation, Inc. Regan Reinhold Belinda Bunnen Reusch ’74 and Ken Reusch Melanie and Russell Richards Adrian and John Robinson Nancy Brumley Robitaille ’84 and Dan Robitaille Andrea and Tim Rollins ’81 Cathy Craig Rollins ’80 and Art Rollins ’77 Jennifer and Joel Rosenfeld Kari and Matthew Samuelson Darby and Dale Sands ’91 Joni Milsap Santos ’89 and Carter Santos

Gifts to Breakthrough Atlanta

Dina and Eric Schimpf Laura and Michael Schmidt Stephanie Sunders Selig ’90 and Blake Selig ’90 The Stephanie & Blake Selig Foundation, Inc. Marsha and Howard Shaffer Miranda and Harry Shapiro Sherpani Partners Tiffany and Ed Smith ’86 Candace Smith Harrison Smith Patrick Sonnett Felicia Stennis Crystal and Kevin Stephens Melanie and James Stevens Elizabeth and Clay Stone Amy and Zachary Story Kimbrell and William Stribling ’96 Sujata and James Suber SunTrust Bank Jenny and Wesley Taubel Sean Taylor Robin and Stephen Tedder Third Rail Studios Mimi and Kevin Thomas Robin Thomas-Tatum Jennifer and William Toomey Zachary Tracer Clara Traver Troutman Sanders Patricia and Christian Ulrich Paul Vickers

Vinings Rotary Club Katherine King Wahl ’86 and David Wahl Dorothy Traver Walker ’92 and Phillip Walker Charles Walker Lilla Walker Darlene Walls Natalie Crim Walter ’93 and Ned Walter Ann and James Walters Edna Wardlaw Charitable Trust Stewart Lathan and Robert ’86 Watkins Kristen and Timothy Weeden Helen and Ray Weeks Wells Fargo Polly and Keith White ’83 Catherine Whitis Noni Whitley Anne and Homer Whitman Becky and Thomas Williams Kendrick and Chris Williams Lauren and Robert Winborne Mary Louise and Blanton Winship Jennifer Woods Rebecca Martin and Stephen Yoder The Zeist Foundation, Inc.

Breakthrough Atlanta Honorary Gifts Courtney Alexander Anonymous

Timothy Barton Anonymous Sherpani Partners

Jane and Dameron Black

Mary and David Park Suzanne and Michael Raponi Regan Reinhold Harrison Smith Tiffany and Ed Smith ’86 Sujata and James Suber Sean Taylor Robin and Stephen Tedder Darlene Walls Rebecca Martin and Stephen Yoder Gilbert Benjamin Mary Louise and Blanton Winship Christine and Joseph Moore

Clara Traver

Richard W. Gerakitis Anonymous

Dabney M. Hollis Gilbert Benjamin

Dana Hudepohl Jennifer and Joel Rosenfeld

Jennifer Kellett Missy and Clay Courts Anonymous

Maria Madden Lovett 8th Grade Girls Track Team

Nancy Robitaille

Kathryn B. Mauldin


Jennifer and Joel Rosenfeld

Monica Rodgers

Katherine M. Maynard Jeff Neville

Anonymous Ashley Brooks Cheryl Hodgins

John C. Hamilton

Monique Shields

Billy Peebles


Priti and Nikunj Lakha

Mariana and Ozzie Areu Kimberly and Michael Becker James Black Min and Jun Chen Dale and Kurt Hohlstein ’76 William and Nancy Izlar Suzanne and Brentley Jones Lethea Quinn Mitchell ’78 and Doug Mitchell Michelle and Jeff Neville Amy and Mark Ohde Meghan and Kevin O’Keefe

Breakthrough Atlanta Memorial Gifts Imogene B. Fly Katie and Doug Crenshaw ’85

Paul H. Hackett Anonymous

W. Barrett Howell Helen and Ray Weeks

John J. Regan Katie and Doug Crenshaw ’85

Gifts to Lab Atlanta Lab Atlanta Annual Donors Anonymous Quail T. Arnold Erica and Charles Cain Sally and Bradley Currey Liz Davis Laura W. Deisley Danielle Elkins Laura Flusche The Goizueta Foundation Jessica and Daniel Gordon ’95 Abby and John Irby Scott Jones

Jodi and Ross Mansbach Katie McDowell Michaels Family Charitable Foundation Antonia and Wright Mitchell ’88 Stuart and Eulene Murray Foundation Jennifer and Allen Nance Michael W. Pardee Penny and Billy Peebles Cathy Craig Rollins ’80 and Art Rollins ’77 Kinny Roper J. Scott Sanchez J.N. Shorthouse Rachel Sprecher Steamboat Investment Inc.

Amanda and Jeff Stratton ’90 Elizabeth and Mark West J. Stanfield Williams ’99 Cathy Young Wilson ’72 and Frank ’72 Wilson The Zeist Foundation, Inc. Michael Zeto

Aretina Hamilton

Lab Atlanta Honorary Donors

Billy Peebles

Laura W. Deisley Anonymous Erica and Charles Cain

Dewberry Capital Foundation Anonymous


Karl J. Hwang Anonymous

Michael W. Pardee Anonymous Erica and Charles Cain Kinny Roper

Spenser D. Simrill Anonymous

Adrienne N. Williams Anonymous

2017-18 Annual Report



Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program Thanks to the support of the Lovett community, $2,839,962 has been redirected for Lovett financial aid since the inception of the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program. In 2010, our trustees unanimously approved participation in the Georgia private school tax credit program. The Lovett community now has the opportunity to redirect their Georgia tax liability to support independent school education. Participation in this program helps us offer need-based scholarships to new Lovett students when financial need is at an all-time high. Longtime GOAL donor and advocate Bill Fryer expressed his excitement for this giving opportunity saying, “For virtually anyone who pays Georgia income taxes, the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program makes it possible for you and Lovett to achieve three remarkable results. 1. It significantly increases financial aid. 2. It frees up philanthropic dollars for other needs. 3. It allows you to increase your financial support of Lovett at no additional cost.” Too good to be true? No. You simply redirect what would otherwise be a check to the state of Georgia for income tax to a payment in an equal amount to Lovett through a tax credit available under the GOAL program. Please allow the Lovett Development team to walk you through the quick and painless process to participate in this program. This is truly found money. It makes a significant difference to the school’s annual financial position, provides financial support to families who desperately need it, and frees cash to provide the myriad of opportunities afforded to all of our Lovett students. For more information about the Georgia Private School Tax Credit Program and Lovett, please visit We are so grateful to the many individuals and corporations who redirected $385,972 through their participation in this program in 2018.

2018 Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Aaronson Mr. Keith Adams and Ms. Kerry Heyward Dr. and Mrs. Hunt D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andros Mr. and Mrs. David P. Ansari, Esq. Mr. William Ansley Dr. and Mrs. David F. Apple, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Arasi Mr. Paul Arbet and Mr. John Ventimiglia Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arnold Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Arp Mr. and Mrs. Majed Awamleh Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter Bailey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Bain Mr. and Mrs. P. Butler Ball Mr. and Mrs. Willis M. Ball Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Balser Mr. and Mrs. W. Clifton Bargeron Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Harrison Barnes Mr. and Mrs. David Batten Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Bayne II Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Bazzel Mr. and Mrs. Johnson T. Bazzel Mr. and Mrs. C. Duncan Beard Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Beem Mr. and Mrs. William N. Benedict III

62 | Lovett

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Beskin Mr. and Mrs. Shiv Bhandari Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Black Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blench Mr. Merritt S. Bond Mr. and Mrs. William Bond Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Boutté Ms. Lisa Szafranic and Mr. Matthew Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Burleson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Byars Mr. and Mrs. David R. Byers Mr. and Mrs. Asa G. Candler VII Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carrano II Ms. Anne Cartledge Mr. Roberto Casas and Mrs. Adriana Garcia Mr. Charles Cates and Mrs. Stephanie Cassatt Mr. Allan W. Chanaberry Mr. and Mrs. Dean Christians Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Randolph C. Coley Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Connell III Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Courts II Mr. and Mrs. John S. Creighton, Sr. Drs. Gail and Booker H. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. De Simone

Ms. Laura W. Deisley Ms. Lisa Dobbs Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Dowling Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Edelstein Mr. and Mrs. Chad Eikhoff Mr. and Mrs. M. Timothy Elder Mr. and Mrs. H. Alan Elsas Drs. Eric and Nancy Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradberry Foster Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fougerousse Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Freier Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. French Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid French, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fryer Mr. and Mrs. Colin T. Gallagher Mr. Steven Gao and Ms. Hua Yang Mrs. Carla Civita-Garcia and Mr. J. Gerardo Garcia Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ghegan Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe Ghirardini Drs. Charles and Lea Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Goldfarb Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Green Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hackney Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart Hammond, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Harlan, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hayne Ms. Camilla Heard Mr. and Mrs. W. Barry Henry Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hoke Mr. and Mrs. Colin W. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Holder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hollingsworth II Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Horan Mr. Ryan Hoyt Mr. Harris Huber and Dr. Kristin L. Huber Mr. Lee C. Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Barry Hyman Mr. and Mrs. John H. Irby Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Irby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Jackson Mr. Douglas Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Kennith Jackson Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Jaje, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Les Janis Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jernigan Ms. Lauren M. Johnson Ms. Leighton Johnson

Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program

Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Jones, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Justin P. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Mark M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryan Jones Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kagey Mr. and Mrs. David Brian Kahn Mr. and Mrs. W. Todd Kalen Dr. David E. Kandzari Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly Mr. Nabeel A. Khan and Dr. Martha X. Aguilera Mr. and Mrs. Brian King Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. King Mr. and Mrs. Bradford A. Kinzey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kleekamp Mr. and Mrs. John O. Knox, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Nevin S. Kreisler Mrs. Carmela L. Reale and Mr. Stephen A. Kremer Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Lacefield Mr. and Mrs. Nikunj R. Lakha Dr. and Mrs. Subodh Kumar Lal Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Letson Mrs. Kristen E. Light Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Light Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. C. Burt Livezey, Jr. Mr. Mark Lunceford and Dr. Colleen Carter-Lunceford Ms. Rena Lyle Mr. Jonathan Maccabee

Mr. J. Russell Magbee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Makuch Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lee Mann III Mr. and Mrs. Geraud Mansour Mark III Signs, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Martin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Mauldin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. McBreen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McCuean Mrs. Mary Blythe Kane McGehee Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. McMurtrie Mrs. Nancy Budd McWilliams Dr. Hima B. Bareddy and Dr. Suraj J. Menachery Ms. Mary M. Millians Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mitchell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chris B. Moffett Dr. and Mrs. Adrian M. Mogos Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Moister, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Moore, Jr. Mr. Alexander Morehouse Mr. and Mrs. W. Hampton Morris Ms. Margaret Morton Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mullins Dr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Derrick D. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Clay V. Nalley IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Neville, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Odegard

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Oyler Mr. and Mrs. Vinod Paidipalli Palladian Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Panos Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Partin Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pass Mr. George R. Pavloff, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Peak Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Pecora-Saipe Mr. and Mrs. James A. Polk Mr. and Mrs. Bryan H. Pope Ms. Michelle H. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Scott Prigge Mr. Liang Qiao Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Redd, Jr. Dr. Catharine A. Enright and Dr. Walton H. Reeves Dr. Jennifer Reynolds and Mr. Alexander Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. F. Jackson Rhodes III Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robitaille Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Rollins, Jr. Mr. R. Christopher Routledge Dr. Heather Samady and Dr. Habib Samady Mr. Stephen Samp and Ms. Elizabeth Salvati Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schuerholz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz

Dr. and Mrs. John G. Seiler III Selig Enterprises Inc Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shepard Ms. Kristen Shore Mr. and Mrs. C. Fielder Shurling Mr. and Mrs. Charles U. Slick Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sorenson Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens II Mr. and Mrs. William L. Stribling IV Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Teichner Mr. Thomas Tindall Mr. and Mrs. Christian K. Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. James B. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Wargo Ms. Stewart Lathan and Mr. Robert C. Watkins III Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Erik B. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. West Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith White Dr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Windom Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Wolle Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Woocher Mr. Louis Wood Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Wrigley Mr. and Mrs. Todd Robert Wrigley Mr. and Mrs. Ron Yabroudy

2017-18 Annual Report



External Affairs Stewart Lathan Assistant Head of School for External Affairs Michelle Pope Executive Assistant for External Affairs

Alumni Lara Kauffman Director of Alumni Programs Starr Pollock Assistant Director of Alumni Programs

Communications and Marketing Courtney Fowler Director of Communications and Marketing Jennifer Boomer Graphic Designer Perry McIntyre ’71 Sports Information Director Caroline Rollins Digital Communications Manager Lindsey Wohlfrom Communications and Marketing Manager

Community Relations Jennifer Boutté Manager, Community Relations/ Development Office Coordinator

Development Elizabeth Pearce ’87 Chief Development Officer Jessica Amador Development Manager for Leadership Giving Katherine Bachman Development Database Associate Nancy Black Development Manager for Stewardship and Events Kathleen Bryant Director of Annual Giving Jennifer Kellett Leadership and Parent Annual Giving Manager Tricia Brock Madden ’96 Alumni Annual Giving Manager Katie McDowell Director of Development for Strategic Partnerships April Perez Director of Advancement Services Denise Walker Development Associate for Advancement Services

64 | Lovett

A Closer Look at Financials* 2017-18 2017-18 True Blue Annual Fund True Blue Unrestricted Giving:



True Blue Restricted Giving:


Includes gifts from parent organizations


Impact Distribution

Operating Revenues Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,106,000 Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,589,000 Annual Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,830,000 Auxiliary Svcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,010,000 Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,967,000 Interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220,000 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975,000 Less: Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3,546,000) ___________ ___________ Total Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $56,151,000

% % % % % % % % _____ _____ 100%

Grandparents, Parents of Alumni, and Foundations





Operating Expenses Salaries & Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36,713,000 Educational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,325,000 Student Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,197,000 Auxiliary Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,066,000 Physical Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,735,000 Plant Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,002,000 Administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,145,000 Institutional and Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,262,000 Programs and Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,531,000 ___________ ___________ Total Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $51,976,000

% % % % % % % % % _____ _____ 100%

Other Special Contributions Breakthrough Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $776,000 Friends of the Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135,000 LionBackers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $354,000 Lovett Parent Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $72,000

Capital and Endowment Assets


5-Year True Blue Annual Fund Giving 20172018

$2 .85 Million


$2 .75 Million


$2 .61 Million


$2 .28 Million


$2 .14 Million $3 .0

$2 .8

$2 .6

$2 .4

$2 .2

*All amounts are unaudited


$2 .0

Endowment Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $101,265,000 Property Plant and Equipment Value (net) . . . . . . . . . $92,045,000


The Lovett School 4075 Paces Ferry Road, N.W. Atlanta GA 30327-3009 (404) 262-3032 |

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Atlanta, GA Permit No. 1443

Mission The Lovett School is a community that seeks to develop young men and women of honor, faith, and wisdom with the character and intellect to thrive in college and in life. Founded in 1926 by Eva Edwards Lovett, we continue today as an Atlanta independent school serving children in Kindergarten through Grade 12. With an emphasis on the whole child, we provide integrated experiences in academics, arts, athletics, and service through an education grounded in learning, character, and community.

Learning Lovett faculty and staff inspire our students to love learning. We help them discover how to think critically, communicate effectively, engage creatively, and collaborate purposefully. We create opportunities for them to grow in all dimensions— intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic, moral, and spiritual.

Character Lovett teaches the qualities of servant leadership and sound character— honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion, courage, and integrity. We celebrate the uniqueness of each individual within an intentionally inclusive, diverse, and welcoming environment. We honor God in an atmosphere that is rooted in Judeo-Christian beliefs and is further enriched by a variety of religious traditions.

Community Lovett is a dedicated community of students and teachers, joined by loyal parents, staff, alumni, trustees, and friends. We are committed—with shared purposes and principles—to improving our school, our city, our society, our environment, and our world. Approved by The Lovett School Board of Trustees, February 2012.

Character Pledge The following Character Pledge embodies the moral vision of the Lovett community: “We, who are members of the Lovett community, seek to live lives of good character. We believe that good character grows from daily acts of honesty, respect, responsibility, and compassion. We pledge ourselves to develop these ideals with courage and integrity, striving to do what is right at all times.”

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