11 minute read
Grandparents, Parents of Alumni, and Grandparents of Alumni are an important part of Lovett’s special community. We are grateful for their continued support and active involvement in the lives of so many current and past Lovett students.
Anonymous (5) Melba Adams Dale Sheetz Aiken ’69 Jennifer and John Akin ’89 Judith Albright Susan and Larry Alexander Sue and Steve Allen Donna Pope Allman ’72 and David Allman ’72 Sharon O’Neal Altenbach ’74 and Bob Altenbach Anne Howard Ames ’77 and John Ames Dean and Bob Anastasi Judith Anderson Judy and Gregory Andrews Sharon and Bonneau Ansley Jane and Dave Apple Celeta and Hamilton Arden Gary Arnold ’72 June Borg Arnold ’72 Yetty Levenson Arp ’64 and Charlie Arp ’62 Gail Ashcraft Violet Austin Barbie Fancher Avery ’71 and Herb Avery Debbie Roach Avery ’71 and Tom Avery ’71 Suzy and Curtis Baggett Ruth and Michael Bair Jackie Baker Dottie Ballard William Balocki Eloise Banks Harriet and Gary Barnett Anne Barron Jane and Robert Batten Lola and Charlie Battle Eleanor Baughman Katie and Sam Bayne Barbara and Frank Bazzel ’68 Ellen and Duncan Beard Mary Crain Beard ’64 Patty Slick Beem ’65 and Brian Beem ’65 Diana and Thomas Bell Ida and Jim Bell Claire Yancey Benedict ’65 and Bryan Benedict Joan Benson Janet Selig and Jeffrey Bernstein Carrie and Andy Beskin Marianne Beverly Anna and Bruce Biggs Rosalind and M. Lynnwood Bishop Elaine Oastler Blackmon ’79 Kay and Ronald Blum Mignon and Billy Bohannon Melinda and Scott Bond Merritt Bond Lora Childs Boniface ’80 and Barry Boniface Ruthanna and William Bost Jennifer and Brian Boutté Marcie and Jay Bowen ’80 Stacy and Howard Boyd ’80 Laura Winship Boyd ’72 and Cosmo Boyd ’70
Lynn and Edward Brentnall ’65 Shelly and Hugh Bronaugh Anne and John Brown Debbie Johnson Brown ’74 Neysa Brown Shirley and Norris Broyles ’42 Millie and James Brunson Liza and Randy Bryan Rosemary Bryant Laurie and Gordon Buchmiller Mary and Jim Buczek Devereux and Edward Burch Gina Bussey Marilyn and Rhen Cain Lila Cothran Campbell ’81 Janice Carnal Linda and Tom Carpenter Anne and Jim Carson Dancy and Michael Cassell Dee Hewlett Caudell ’66 and Tom Caudell Ellen and William Chapman Sidney and Don Childress Patti and Jordan Clark Barbara and Jesse Claypoole Diana and Mac Cochran Laura and Billy Cohen Cynthia and Jamie Coleman Mary Collier Pamela and Mark Connell ’77 Ansley Merritt Conner ’83 and Mark Conner Joellyn and Jim Conway Scott Cook ’85 Becky and Courts Cooledge Laura Hopkins Corrigan ’73 and Frank Corrigan Martha and Jeff Coursey Nancy and Brooks Cowles ’76 Mary Anne and Charles Cronan Taliaferro Crozer Electa and Edwin Culver Greer Cummings Brad Currey Betty Jo and Andy Currie Ruth Curtis Lyn and John Darden Tee Price Davis ’65 and Cantey Davis Brenda and Dwight Davis Muff Davis JoAnn and Michael Day Mary Dunn DeBorde Marg and Dick Denny Moira Desloge Juli Fleming and Daniel Deveault Sylvia and Bruce Dick Lisa Dobbs Mary and Everette Doffermyre Sylvia and Donald Dorough Carol Goodman Doty ’83 and Charles Doty Margaret Denny Dozier ’73 and Scott Dozier Elise and Carl Drake Susan and Hunt Dunlap ’77 Cheryl and Dan DuPree Kay and Fred Durand Betty Walker Dykes Nan and Ed Easterlin Dede and Chuck Edmundson Katharine and Alan Elsas LL ’53 Pam Threlkeld Elting ’70 and Mike Elting Kathy and Jon Erickson ’75 Marilyn Wallace Evans ’66 Eva and Bill Ewing Sarah and David Falgoust Steve Fallon Susan and Dan Faulk Stephanie and John Feininger ’69 Jan and William Ferguson Paul Ferguson Mary Ann Fesenmeier Elizabeth and John Floyd Mary Lou Roelofs Floyd ’63 and Edward Floyd Emily Jenkins Followill ’88 and Tom Followill Carol Fox Formisano ’86 and Nick Formisano Cindy and Bill Fowler Sara Ostrom King LL ’54 and Jerry Frasier Masie Francis Debbie and Steve Franks Cheryl Frazier Mary and Lindsay Freeman Sarah and Reid French ’89 Vicki and Rusty French Sade and Bill Fryer Diane and Richard Fulton Duvall and Rex Fuqua Peggy and Kevin Gallagher Joann and Tom Gallagher Micki and Carl Gambrell Carol and Benjamin Garland Dot and Luther Gause Dee Holt George ’70 and Ross George ’72 Mary and Richard Gerakitis ’74 Kimbrough Mobley Gibson ’84 and Raymond Gibson John Gilbert Jay Githens Priscilla and Jack Glass Betsy Ryan Glenn Betty and Alston Glenn Sandra and John Glover Gladys and Aaron Goldberg Alexa Zillessen Goodman ’74 and Bob Goodman Nancy Gould Martha and Jerrold Graber Heidi and Alan Gray Charla and Ashley Gray Linda and John Greene Amanda Alston Gregory ’65 and Greg Gregory ’62 Barbara Grondzki Donna and Jim Hackman Peggy Wardle Hagood ’80 Carla Neal-Haley and Leon Haley Missie Wall Hall ’78 Charlotte and Tony Hall Bettie and Samuel Hamilton Mike and David Handley Debbie and Michael Hardee Mimi Bondurant Hardie ’77 Kinsey and Gordon Harper Cassandra and Alvord Harris Kathleen and Michael Harrison Elizabeth and Tom Hawk Ellice Hawkins Shirley Helmke Babette and Bill Henagan ’76 Jim Hendrix Patty Hene Janis and Barry Henry Laura DeBorde Henry ’73 and Brian Henry Nancy and Benny High Bette Hines Phyllis and Chesley Hines Sivan and Jeff Hines Wawa Smith Hines ’69 and Richard Hines Margaret and John Hitchins ’62 Dale and Kurt Hohlstein ’76 Donna and Bill Holden Jill and John Holder ’73 Beth and Tommy Holder ’75 Dabney and Sam Hollis Gloria Horne Candice and Thomas Horner Rhetta Kilpatrick ’70 and Reese Horton Edi and Earl Houghton Julia and Hollis Houk ’83 Trinx and Mark Howard Tatty and Harry Howard Pam Howard Mary and Lee Howard Jackie Garson Howard ’62 Fay Howell Robin and Hilton Howell Gue and Bill Hudson Emily Huie Catherine and Rob Hutchinson Ellen Balser Hyman ’62 and Barry Hyman Lucy and John Ibbotson Cindy and Roger Infante Sally and David Ingram Michelle and Claiborne Irby Abby and John Irby Susan and Henry Ivey Jane and Clay Jackson ’77 Claire and Glen Jackson ’81 Larry Jackson ’77 Rebecca and Ronald Jackson Dana Jordan Jago ’76 and Ken Jago Betsy and Glenn James Joni and Les Janis Mary and Bill Jenkins Dan Johnson Faye and Gary Johnson Janet and George Johnson Harriett Johnson Jill and Rodger Johnson Kim and Bill Johnston Patricia and Ronald Joines Lynne and Bliss Jones Bob Jones Hope and Charles Jones Mary Coleman George Jones ’73 and Craig Jones Andrea and Gordon Jones ’88 Cookie and Harrison Jones Cheryl and Nelson Jones Margery and William Jones Joan Jordan Virginia and Peter Joslin Jeanne and David Kafer Denise and Jim Kagey
BeBe and Steve Kane Nada and Bassam Kawwass Kelli and Phil Keb ’74 Judith and Fred Keith Yvonne and Robert Kenny Jinny and Michael Keough ’74 Fran Tidwell Killebrew ’87 and Chris Killebrew Dick King Mary Gossett Dalton King ’71 and Marsh King ’71 Shannon and Brad Kinzey ’76 Harriet and Kip Kirkpatrick Claudia and Jim Klee Anne and William Knapp John O. Knox ’69 Annetta Kornblum Nancy and Mike Kota Carol Cline Lacy ’76 and Doug Lacy ’76 Anne Hood Laird ’81 and Cody Laird Ann and Raymond Lamberson Debbie and Rocky Lange ’65 Jane and John Lanier Mims and Reese Lanier Molly Yellowlees Lanier ’85 and Tommy Lanier Sally and John Lanigan Ann Lassiter Laura and Philip Law Kem McIntosh Lee ’87 and David Lee ’87 Kathy and Richard Lee Stacey and Don Leebern Mary Anne and Steve Lembo Toni and Charles Leone Paula and Chuck Lesley Stacey and Chuck Lewinstein Barbara and Rick Lewis Elizabeth and Don Lewis Joanna and Kevin Link Julie and Neal Littlejohn Angela and David Long Joanna and Joe Longo Frances and Robin Loudermilk ’78 Jody and Wood Lovell ’64 Miriam Lovett Leslie and Ed Lucas Rena Lyle Kelly and Bert Madden ’78 Georgia Ware Margeson ’84 and Billy Margeson Anne and Michael Marino Andrea McCarter and Louis Martin Jenifer and Robert Marx Knox Massey Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Mathews Jane Mathews Karen Apple Mathews ’83 and George Mathews ’83 Anne and Chip Matthews ’78 Jane Matthews-Hirsch ’83 and Mike Hirsch Shirley Maxwell Jenny and Doug McCartney Libba McDonald Diane and Pat McDowell Karen and Hawk McIntosh Joan Pruitt McIntyre Emily and Mike McIntyre ’83 Martha and Robert McNeill Beth and Michael McPherson ’83 Nancy Budd McWilliams ’73 Patricia and Allen Meadors Ella and Chris Means ’81 Jill and Chuck Melito Kim and Jim Meyer Joanne and Ed Michaels Julie and Philip Millians ’79 Ibby and Jim Mills ’74 Theresa and Michael Millsap Angela Mitchell Sue and Bobby Mitchell ’64 Lethea Quin Mitchell ’78 and Doug Mitchell Susan and Guy Mitchell Sally Rogers Mitchell ’79 and Jim Mitchell Mary Lu and Wade Mitchell Alice and David Moreland Andrea and Dave Morgan Nancy and Alan Morris Carter and Hampton Morris ’69 Sarah and Jim Morrison Adel and Bill Muir ’65 Cara and John Mulcahy Patricia Muller Amy Murphy Rene and Jim Nalley Shelby and Fred Neely
Why would you NOT make a contribution to Lovett that costs you nothing and reduces your Georgia taxes dollar-for-dollar? It’s simple how it works: write a check to the Georgia GOAL Program for up to $2,500 (for a married couple filing jointly) and designate it for Lovett. Your donation will be deducted from your state income tax. It takes less than three minutes and
helps the school provide scholarships to deserving students. Georgia GOAL*
is just one more way Lovett can attract the best and brightest students.”
–Ed Michaels, Grandparent
* See page 62 for more information on Georgia GOAL.
Lynne and Will Nelson Michelle and Jeff Neville Suze Jones-Nicholas and Patrick Nicholas Kim and Tom Noonan Clare Kelly O’Shaughnessey ’82 and Michael O’Shaghnessey Shirley and John Oatis Faye and Lofton Odom Ann and Scott Offen ’67 Nancy and Nils Okeson Kathy McCarroll Olmstead ’88 and George Olmstead ’89 Lee Davis Olsen ’74 and Steve Olsen ’74 Nancy and Mark Oswald Susan and Steve Owings Ann and William Ozier Susan and John Packman Nancy and David Page Karen and Richard Parker Ann Moore and Peter Pate Bobby Pavloff Kathy and David Payne Jacqueline and Jobe Payne Libby and Gene Pearce India and Jim Peters Wendy and Pete Petersen Cathy and Bob Peterson Caroline and Rubin Piha Elizabeth Abernathy Poindexter ’87 and John Poindexter Anne and Samuel Polk Greer Barber Pope ’90 and Bryan Pope ’90 Isabel and John Pope ’86 Nancy and John Pope Chilton and Mark Pope ’68 Melody and Michael Popkin Harriet and Alex Porter Sam Porter Pamela Powell Cindy Kattel Price ’78 and Van Price ’75 Victoria and Junius Prince Tish and Rowland Radford Debbie and Brian Ragen Selina and Gordon Rainey Susan and Mac Ralls Elizabeth DeBorde Ramsey ’75 and Tom Ramsey Bonnie and David Rees Catharine Enright and Walton Reeves Lynn and Kent Regenstein ’63 Benedette and Thomas Reh Emilie and Bruce Reid Belinda Bunnen Reusch ’74 and Ken Reusch Denise and Chris Rezek Susan Hennessy Rich ’83 and Joe Rich Melanie and Russ Richards Mary Fleming Riley ’80 Elaine Rittenbaum Mary Ritter Nancy Brumley Robitaille ’84 and Dan Robitaille Jackie and Tommy Roche Robin Rodbell Ashley and Bill Rogers Lynn and Bill Rogers Fran and Joe Rogers George Rolle Cathy Craig Rollins ’80 and Art Rollins ’77 Allison Garner Rollins ’76 and Chet Rollins ’75 Peggy Rollins Andrea and Tim Rollins ’81 Penny McCarty Rue ’65 and Les Rue Shayla and Chip Rumely Ruth Baldwin Russ ’84 and Miles Russ Susanne Estes Saad ’87 and John Saad Amanda and David Saltin Faye Sampson-Russell and George Russell Marilyn and James Sams Susan and Scott Sanders Melissa and Steve Sanderson ’80 Kathy and Jerry Sands Dianne Sayers Beth Schilpp Dottie and Jan Schipper Scottie and Chris Schoen ’79 Cynthia Schoonover Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Kim and Tim Schroeder Karen and John Schuerholz Sandra Switzer and Eric Schunk Hilary Harp ’77 and Michael Schwarz Pat Scott Alma and Lee Scroggins Lewis Scruggs The Seawell Family June Bishop Seiler ’78 and John Seiler Linda and Steve Selig ’56 Susan Wright Selman ’80 and Ben Selman ’80 Peggy and Stephen Semancik Kay Settle Kim and James Sewell ’79 Janice and John Shackleton Rita Sharp Renee and Thomas Sheehy Patty Clay and John Sheets Marcy Sheets Peggy and John Shepard ’74 Jim Sherman ’80 Nancy Sherman Addie Shopshire-Rolle Jana Portman Simmons ’78 and Jed Simmons Shiranne and Randy Simmons Chuck Slick ’69 Alana Smith Julie and Marvin Smith Jill and Rankin Smith ’66 Joan and Rick Smith Laura and Charlie Smith DiAnne and Stan Smith ’67 Sophie Coppedge Smulders ’84 and Hajo Smulders Nancy and Thomas Snell Lisa Attridge Songy ’84 and David Songy Dick Sorenson ’70 Allison Spears Mary and Andy Spencer Elizabeth Spiegel Roberta Sprouse Marty Spry Ellen Stein Karen and Warren Steinberg Patty and Jeff Stewart Martha and Henry Stibbs Rosie Perez Stokes ’76 and Jim Stokes Mary Cobb Torrance Stone ’63 and Buz Stone Nancy Tarbutton Barbara and Jack Taylor Miriam and Don Taylor Patricia and Davis Temple Eva and Cecily Thompson Mary Holloway Timberlake ’75 and Bryan Timberlake ’75 Pam Perry Tinkler ’81 and Doug Tinkler Mary Beth Pullin Toole ’84 and Barckley Toole Catherine and Tom Towles Linda and John Tuffey Jan Turner Jean Barry Underwood ’82 and Will Underwood Kathy and Bob Vernay Susan and Frank Virgin ’66 Ann and Dennis Vohs Susan and Richard Volkmann Don Waguespack Darlene Walls Nancy and Don Walton Brook and Andy Wardner ’94 Becky Warner Karen and Michael Warren Darlene and Thad Warren ’82 Janice and James Watkins Carol and Gil Watson Roy Weidman Karen and Gerald Weiss Debbie and Brad Weitz Wendi and John Wells Betsy and Mark West Terri and Rick Western Fran and Barney Whitaker Karen and John White Polly and Keith White ’83 Caroline Stewart Whitlock ’71 and John Whitlock Elizabeth Wildman James Wildman Sallie Wilgus JoAnn Wilkinson Diane and Charles Williams Kaki Williams Liz Forsyth Williams ’87 and Taylor Williams Cathy Young Wilson ’72 and Frank Wilson ’72 Tracy and Jim Winchester Tricia and Herb Windom Lou and Blanton Winship Carla and Leonard Wood Fredna and Larry Woodall Jane and Harold Wyatt Margie and Robert Wynne Lois Miner Yates ’69 and Danny Yates Steve Yoder LeeAnn Hailey Young ’83 and Jay Young Jean and Mark Young ’74 Nancy Zelinski Donna Poole Zick ’76