The EU PEF/OEF Pilot Phase (2013-2016)
Dr. Michele Galatola Product team leader DG Environment – Sustainable Production and Consumption Unit
Challenges Why a pilot phase? •
Life Cycle data (quality & availability)
Need to develop consistent product and sector-specific rules
Involvement of stakeholders (particularly SMEs and developing countries)
The verification system
Convergence of methods at EU level and internationally
EU Pilot on PEF/OEF
Pilots' objectives: 1. Test the process for the development of PEFCRs and OEFSRs 2. Test different approaches for verification systems (embedded impacts, traceability) 3. Communication vehicles
The pilot can be on an intermediate or a final product. There is no obligation to run both a PEF and OEF pilot
The role of PEFCRs
Defining the goal and scope of the study; Defining relevant/irrelevant impact categories; Identifying appropriate system boundaries for the analysis; Identifying key parameters and life-cycle stages; Providing guidance on possible data sources; Completing the Resource Use and Emissions Profile phase; Providing further specification on how to solve multifunctionality problems.
Disclosure & Communication
Future In the context of the EU PEF Pilots, the PEFCRs shall also include a policies specific section describing the 3-4 best ways of communicating the results of a PEF-profile to different stakeholders (B2B and B2C as appropriate). The choice of these communication vehicles will be part of the consultation process led by each Technical Secretariat. The chosen communication vehicles will then be tested during the last phase of the pilot. More details about this element of the pilot will be provided at a later stage.
Disclosure & Communication
• PEF external communication report • PEF performance tracking report • PEF declaration • PEF label
• OEF external communication report • OEF performance tracking report
Future policies
On-going study titled: "Investigating options for different compliance systems for PEF and OEF declarations" Contractors: BIO Intelligence Service, IEEP, Ecologic Delivery: early 2014 Objective: to identify and describe the most appropriate compliance system/mechanism for PEF/OEF declaration.
Verification The study will: •
Review and describe existing compliance systems/mechanisms used for mandatory or voluntary policy tools used for products or organisations.
Define and characterise various options for compliance systems/mechanisms;
Assess the estimated average costs of selected options;
Assess the possible/expected reliability rate of selected options;
Compare the estimated costs and reliability rate of selected options with those of existing compliance systems; and
Provide recommendations on the most suitable option(s) for PEF/OEF declaration.
Particular emphasis: systems/mechanisms which address Future policies embedded/indirect characteristics (e.g. land-use, eco-toxicity, etc) Challenging to measure such aspects but crucial in order to consolidate the reliability of PEF/OEF. Coverage: • verification of data, methodology, traceability • conformity assessment and market surveillance
Pilot phase
1st wave of pilots
2nd wave of pilots
• Call for volunteers April 2013
• Call for volunteers expected beginning 2014
• No food and drink related products (ENVIFOOD Protocol)
• Open to food and drink related products
Pilot phase WHO can propose a pilot: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Single companies Cluster of companies National, European or non-European industry associations NGOs Member States or non EU governments Universities, Research Institutions International organisations Any mix of the organisations mentioned above
As leaders As proponents / participants The Commission will lead on a limited number of pilots
Technical Advisory Board
Steering Committee
• • • • •
Tech. Secretariat 1
Tech. Secretariat 2
PAs Ind.
Tech. Secretariat …n
PAs Ind.
PAs Ind.
MS representatives Commission Representative from pilots Representatives of main stakeholder groups Approvals, monitoring and conflict resolution
EF Technical Helpdesk
Major competitors or their representatives – 75% of EU market invited (yearly turnover) All companies contributing to more than 10% of the market are invited 51% of the EU market actively participating Wide range of stakeholders (SMEs, consumers and environmental associations) involved
Technical Secretariat
Holds the pen Does the technical work (find & evaluate existing PCRs or sector guidance, performs screening, define benchmarks and classes of performance, etc) Involves a representative amount of stakeholders Organises meetings and consultations Manages comments
EC Support
Technical Helpdesk Logistics related to meetings Testing of verification Tools to support "users"
EF Helpdesk
Technical assistance to "piloters" and to the Commission Team Face-to-face training (to all stakeholders) on PEF and OEF methods Face-to-face training (to "piloters" carrying out the supporting studies) on PEFCR/OEFSR implementation 5 webinar-based trainings on subjects requested by participants Off-line e-learning packages (PEFCR and OEFSR) available in 3 EU languages (EN, FR + 1 among ES, PT, DE, PL, IT) Data centre Set-up of the web-commenting tool Support during the verification phase Support during the internal (EC) evaluation of the pilot phase results The call for tender has been published on 19 April with deadline 4 June.
Reference Timing
Analysis of existing PCRs and scope definition + draft definition of representative product
Preliminary work
1st physical consultation (scope, + draft definition of representative product)
Month 3
Analysis of results for 1st physical consultation
Month 4
Feedback on 1st physical consultation
Month 5
Future policies
Steering Committee: approval of scope and representative product definition Definition of the model for the screening
Month 5 to month 6
PEF Screening (impact assessment, interpretation and conclusion, report)
Month 5 to month 8
Draft PEFCRs based on PEF screening
Month 9-10
1st open consultation (results PEF screening and draft PEFCRs, additional environmental information)
Month 10
Analysis of comments from 1st open consultation
Month 11
Feedback on 1st open consultation
Month 12
Drafting the final PEFCR
Month 13-14
2nd physical consultation meeting (Brussels, on the final PEFCRs, time validity of the PEFCR)
End of month 14
Analysis of comments from the 2nd physical consultation
Future policies Month 15
Feedback on 2nd physical consultation
Month 16
Steering Committee: approval of final draft of the PEFCR PEFCR supporting studies
Month 17-21*
2nd open consultation (results final PEF, benchmark and classes)
Month 22
Analysis of comments from the 2nd open consultation
Month 23
Feedback on 2nd open consultation
Month 24
Review of the draft final PEFCR
Month 20 to month 23
Analysis of comments from the Review, and Feedback on Review comments (with help of steering committee if needed)
Month 23
Revising draft final PEFCR + summary of all feedback
From month 23 to month 24 Month 24
Release of the final PEFCR
For any further information http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eussd/smgp/ env-environmental-footprint@ec.europa.eu
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9th PCF World Summit 8-9 October 2013 Berlin International carbon and environmental footprint standards and initiatives Sustainability benchmarking of products and suppliers Product category and sector level implementation Environmental footprinting at scale