European Grid Master Class „Understanding the Public“ L’Energia Spiegata – Festival dell’Energia 15 June 2012 14:00 – 17:00 Università per Stranieri di Perugia
PROGRAMME Vision 2050 and the Need Case SuperSmart Grid Antonella Battaglini, Renewables-Grid-Initiative
Public and Local Opposition to New Grid Lines Lucile Barras, THEMA1
The Value of Collaborative Approches in Energy Developments Maarten Wolsink, Università di Amsterdam
Insights on Media Coverage of Grid Expansion Projects Emilio Conti, Vice Presidente di Nimby Forum Marco Pisciottani, Direzione Relazioni Esterne e Comunicazione Terna
Grassroots Campaigns and their Influence on Societal Issues Tommaso Franci, Amici della Terra
European Grid Master Class Capacity Building for a Renewables’ Grid in Europe
In an effort to face climate change, upcoming scarcity of fossil resources, and further energy security issues, the EU and its member states have decided to shift their energy system towards a renewable energy-based one.
In the electricity sector, a big challenge is to adapt the power grid in time. Besides regulatory barriers, public opposition against new transmission lines contribute to very long and conflict-ridden planning procedures. While increased participation is now being introduced and tested in the plan ning procedures, distrust between citizens developers is casting a shadow on and grid these efforts.
Knowledge gaps and lack of mutual understanding make it difficult to find a common ground. The objective of the Grid Master Class is to build the capacities of the various actors to enable a widely supported grid development, in line with today’s possibilities and expectations.
The module “Understanding the Grid” is a crash course on grid basics: technology – impact on health and environment – legal framework conditions – planning procedures – participation opportunities. The module “Understanding the Public” is an intensive course on public opposition and participation: public and local opposition – the value of collaborative approaches – media coverage and public perception of grids – grassroot campaigns. you like to host a Grid Master Class or stay updated on next opportunities to Would participate? Don’t hesitate to contact us. Lucile Barras THEMA1 GmbH Torstr. 154, 10115 Berlin Germany +49 30 779 0 779 14
European Grid Master Class „Understanding the Public“ L’Energia Spiegata – Festival dell’Energia 15 June 2012 14:00 – 17:00 Università per Stranieri di Perugia
PROGRAMME Vision 2050 and the Need Case SuperSmart Grid Antonella Battaglini, Renewables-Grid-Initiative
Public and Local Opposition to New Grid Lines Lucile Barras, THEMA1
The Value of Collaborative Approches in Energy Developments Maarten Wolsink, Università di Amsterdam
Insights on Media Coverage of Grid Expansion Projects Emilio Conti, Vice Presidente di Nimby Forum Marco Pisciottani, Direzione Relazioni Esterne e Comunicazione Terna
Grassroots Campaigns and their Influence on Societal Issues Tommaso Franci, Amici della Terra
European Grid Master Class Capacity Building for a Renewables’ Grid in Europe
In an effort to face climate change, upcoming scarcity of fossil resources, and further energy security issues, the EU and its member states have decided to shift their energy system towards a renewable energy-based one.
In the electricity sector, a big challenge is to adapt the power grid in time. Besides regulatory barriers, public opposition against new transmission lines contribute to very long and conflict-ridden planning procedures. While increased participation is now being introduced and tested in the plan ning procedures, distrust between citizens and grid developers is casting a shadow on these efforts.
Knowledge gaps and lack of mutual understanding make it difficult to find a common ground. The objective of the Grid Master Class is to build the capacities of the various actors to enable a widely supported grid development, in line with today’s possibilities and expectations.
The module “Understanding the Grid” is a crash course on grid basics: technology – impact on health and environment – legal framework conditions –
planning procedures – participation opportunities. The module “Understanding the Public” is an intensive course on public opposition and participation: public and local opposition – the value of collaborative approaches – media coverage and public perception of grids – grassroot campaigns. Would you like to host a Grid Master Class or stay updated on next opportunities to participate? Don’t hesitate to contact us.
Lucile Barras THEMA1 GmbH Torstr. 154, 10115 Berlin Germany +49 30 779 0 779 14