Preliminary Program 1st PEF World Summit

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Michele Galatola

Sylvain Chevassus

Jim Fava

DG Environment, European Commission

Ministry of Sustainable Development, France

UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative

Preliminary Programme Version: 12th September 2013

Masayuki Kanzaki JEMAI, Japan

Pascal Gréverath EU Food SCP Roundtable & Nestlé

Ulf Jaeckel

Mark Barthel

Ministry of Environment, Germany


Alison Watson Livestock Partnership (LEAP) / FAO

Paul Bruijn

Euan Murray

Laura Draucker

Heineken, Netherlands

The Sustainability


Consortium (TSC)

Protocol, USA

PEF World Summit Benchmarking Sustainability of Products and Organisations 8-9 October 2013 Berlin

Why PEF now? When Sylvain Chevassus of the French Environmental Ministry suggested at the 6th PCF World Summit almost two years ago to rename the PCF World Forum into PEF World Forum, we were not aware that he revealed the future direction to us. Since then, many have asked to acknowledge the need to look more closely at all environmental impacts beyond climate change and to move ahead from Product Carbon Footprinting (PCF) to Product Environmental Footprinting (PEF). Obviously, for the practical management in companies and for communication approaches to consumers more integrated approaches are required. To better host this important dialogue we have decided to follow Sylvain‘s revelation: PCF World Forum is now PEF World Forum.

The 1st PEF World Summit On 8-9 October 2013 we will host in Berlin the 1st PEF World Summit which was formerly announced as 9th PCF World Summit. At its heart: the EU Environmental Footprinting initiative, its selected pilot projects, its implications for businesses and updates from a range of international carbon footprinting and product sustainability initiatives. In the inspiring retreat-like atmosphere of historic industrial Country Estate Borsig, situated at a beautiful lake in the countryside just outside Berlin, we will discuss and explore how product sustainability will manifest in the near future. To give you an idea where the journey will take us please turn the page and find boiled down information on the speakers and why we invited them. This reader will be updated regularly.

What is PEF all about? In spring 2013 the European Commission released the Communication on “Building the Single Market for Green Products” with a Recommendation on the use of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the Organisation Environmental Footprint (OEF) methods. With PEF and OEF you will be able to compare the environmental performance of products and organisations and communicate it to consumers and business partners. The methodologies will form the basis for future EU regulations. To reach these ambitious goals further refinement is required which is aspired in the upcoming pilot phase. The completion of the pilot process is due 2017. From then on we will have a better picture on how to implement PEF/OEF into everyday business, communication to the consumer, risk assessment and environmental policies to turn sustainable production

and consumption into a real option and not a niche market. Until then we have the possibility to forge environmental footprinting into something feasible and credible. What will happen with carbon footprinting? Carbon footprinting is part of the emerging methods for environmental footprinting, addressing the environmental challenge of climate change. So it will continue to be an essential part of the dialogue. And obviously the fight against climate change is not over yet. So, whatever route we take we remain fully committed to carbon footprinting AND addressing overall sustainability of products – step by step. Jan Christian Polanía Giese Programme Director PEF World Summit

Preliminary Programme Overview Day 1, Tuesday, 08 October 2013


Social Activities: Run & Fun


Check-in and welcome coffee


Welcome Chair: Guido Axmann | PEF World Forum


Introduction & Overview Jan Christian Polanía Giese & Rasmus Priess | PEF World Forum


Keynote Surprise Guest


The EU Environmental Footprint Pilot Phase Michele Galatola | European Commission, DG Environment The EU Food SCP Round Table: A prototype for efficient implementation of PEF at sector level? Pascal Gréverath | Food SCP Round Table & Nestlé


Meet & Greet (coffee)


The Sustainability Consortium - Updates and relation to the Environmental Footprint Pilot Phase Euan Murray | The Sustainability Consortium

12:30 Country Response Forum • PEF - an adequate instrument for German environmental policies? Ulf Jaeckel | German Federal Ministry of Environment • Perspectives from the environmental labelling pilot phase Sylvain Chevassus | French Ministry for Sustainable Development • The Italian Environmental Footprint Programme (tbc) Martina Hauser | Italian Ministry of the Environment • Statements on Carbon and Environmental Footprinting Alice Baverstock | DEFRA, UK Hanna Schreiber | Environment Agency Austria Masayuki Kanzaki | JEMAI, Japan Sophie Fallaha | CIRAIG, Canada


Network Lunch


Walk & Talk


Open Space Dialogue I • International Network of Product Sustainability Initiatives – Open Workshop Philip Strothmann | UNEP/SETAC LCI Mark Barthel | WRAP Euan Murray | TSC Jim Fava | UNEP/SETAC LCI Jan Christian Polanía Giese | PEF World Forum • Avoided Emissions Annemarie Kerkhof | Ecofys Marga Blom | KPN Nicola Pacskow | BASF • WBCSD/JBCE Workshop (tba) Andrea Brown | WBCSD Rana Pant | European Commission, DG JRC (tbc) 16:30

Meet & Greet (coffee)


Business Response Forum I A lot of experience has already been gathered in carbon and environmental footprinting (and LCA) over the last years. In the Business Response Forum international companies present theit experiences, case studies and their planned contribution to the 1st wave of Environmental Footprint Pilots • Paul Bruijn | Heineken • Desirae Early | Levi Strauss • Kristof Peerens | 3M • Terry Thiele | Lubrizol Corporation


Wrap up Day 1


Social Activities: Run & Fun


Aperitif & Dinner

Preliminary Programme Overview Day 2, Wednesday, 09 October 2013


Social Activities: Run & Fun


Check-in and welcome coffee


Reflections on Day 1 Jan Christian Polanía Giese | PEF World Forum


Keynote: 40 years of Life Cycle Assessment - From Coca Cola to Environmental Footprinting and Beyond Jim Fava | UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative & PE


Business Response Forum II Part II of the forum is dedicated discuss interactions between carbon and environmental footprint implementation and international trade and general experience in this field. The session aims to allow for a better understanding of the international perspective to support integration in the international development process. • Joséluis Samaniego | Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL/ECLAC) • Valentina Lira | Viña Concha y Toro • Jaemoon Lee | LG Electronics • Hyunhee Lee | Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) • Chien Jen-Shih | Taiwan Environmental Management Association (TEMA) • Emmanuel Ntakirutimana | Burundi Association of Manufacturers (AIB) • Paul Walakira | Uganda National Bureau of Standards, • Raymond Murenzi & Peace Ababo | Rwanda Bureau of Standards • Jean-Babtiste Manirakiza | Burundi Agricultural Export Board • Alison Watson | Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership 10:30

Meet & Greet (coffee)

11:00 Open Space Dialogue II • Reducing carbon emissions in the supply chain Christian Dietrich | Systain • How does a business with 1000´s of product lines measure and monitor the footprint of its supply chain without prohibitive costs? Craig Simmons | Best Foot Forward • Beyond GHG – Further impact categories in corporate and Scope 3 accounting Laura Draucker | WBCSD/WRI GHG Protocol • Measuring the full sustainabilty performance of material & products Kevin Brady | Sustainability Consultant 13:00

Network Lunch


Walk & Talk


Retailer Response Forum Retailer hold a key role in sustainable production and consumption. They can be both trader and producer with close relation to the supply chain partners and the consumers. In this forum they will present their perspective on the environmental footprint pilot phase and additional approaches to sustainable supply chain management and consumer communication. • Perspectives of the Retailers about the EU Environmental Footprint Pilot Phase: Opportunities and challenges of the Organisation Environmental Footprint Sector Rule (OEFSR) Steven van Hemelryck | Colruyt N.N. | Carrefour Carole Dubois | Quantis • Further Approaches Corinne Mercadie | Casino tba 15:30

Meet & Greet (coffee)

16:00 Outlook on the 2nd wave of the Environmental Footprint pilot phase Michele Galatola | European Commission, DG Environment (tba) 16:30

Wrap up 1st PEF World Summit and Outlook Rasmus Priess | PEF World Forum


Farewell Cocktail

Selection of Speakers Michele Galatola DG Environment/ European Commission

Michele and his team are leading the development and implementation of the EU Environmental Footprint methodologies. He will present the selected participants of the pilot phase and describe the following process. Thereby Michele will refer to the second wave of pilots that starts in early 2014 and covers food/ feed/drink products and sectors. Euan Murray The Sustainability Consortium (TSC)

Euan leads the strategic development of the TSC to ensure it continues to grow to meet its mission. His role covers internationalisation, new products and services and alternative funding models. He will update on TSC activities with a focus on decisions taken in relation to the EU Environmental Footprint pilot phase. Sylvain Chevassus Ministry of Sustainable Development France Since 2008 Sylvain has been working on sustainable consumption and production policy. His more particular mission is to establish links between EU and national policy, notably on environmental footprint issues. The environmental labelling programme in France continues – Sylvain will describe the next steps, including possible options for communication. Ulf Jaeckel Federal Ministry for the Environment Germany Ulf is head of division for product policy and consumer affairs. His division is dealing with sustainable consumption issues, standard setting, green public procurement, ecodesign, labelling, etc. Based on the ongoing evaluation of the EU environmental footprint process, Ulf will share an adjusted perspective of the German Ministry of Environment.

Hanna Schreiber Environment Agency Austria Austria Hanna is an expert on LCA at Environment Agency Austria. Besides carrying out complete LCAs in external and internal projects, she is responsible for maintainance of the LCA database GEMIS-Austria. In the Country Response Forum she will provide a statement on Austria’s perspective on the EU environmental footprint initiative. Paul Bruijn Heineken Netherlands Paul is responsible for the Carbon Footprinting work for Heineken worldwide. He has been involved in mapping the Carbon Footprint of 24 operating companies in detail. Important focus areas for improvement are packaging materials and beer cooling. In the Business Response Forum he will present Heineken´s recently published carbon footprint study on beer. Pascal Gréverath Food SCP Round Table & Nestlé

Pascal is co-chair of the Food Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Roundtable Steering Committee. He will refer on the close links between the Envifood Protocol and the outcomes of the second PEF/OEF pilot phase.

Alison Watson Lifestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership (LEAP) Alison is manager of LEAP founded in July 2012. It is a partnership between FAO and agro and food business representatives and further stakeholders. The main focus is the development of broadly recognized sector specific guidelines for monitoring and managing environmental impact of the livestock sector. Alison will present LEAP’s work and opportunities for collaboration.

Mark Barthel WRAP UK Mark is WRAP’s lead for the Product Sustainability Forum (PSF), which involves a collaboration of over 80 organisations interested in working together to quantify, reduce and communicate the environmental impacts of everyday products. In a workshop Mark will present and discuss the recently founded International Network of Product Sustainability Initiatives (INPSI). Jim Fava UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (LCI) & PE

Jim is co-founder of the Life Cycle Initiative and headed the US delegation in the development of ISO LCA standards. In his keynote speech “40 years of Life Cycle Approaches – from Coca Cola to Product Environmental Footprinting & Beyond” Jim will take a step back and take a look where we came from and where life cycle thinking can lead us. Martina Hauser (tbc) Ministry of the Environment Italy Martina is leader of a countless number of projects for environmental protection and energy efficiency around the world. She will give an overview on the Italian Environmental Footprint Programme and discuss it in the European context. Selected case studies from the participating companies like car manufacturer Lamborghini will complete the session. Laura Draucker WRI/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol USA Laura Draucker is a Senior Associate with the Climate and Energy Program. She is part of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and works to develop standards and guidance to measure and reduce GHG emissions. At the conference she will discuss how the GHG Protocol Corporate Standards can be used to address environmental impacts beyond GHG.

Chien-Jen Shih Taiwan Environmental Management Association (TEMA) Taiwan Chien-Jen is the secretary general of TEMA. The organisation focuses on governments’s projects that relate with environmental education and greenhouse gas emission management. ChienJen presents lessons learned during the development of the Carbon Labelling System in Taiwan and complements his perspective with an outlook on the future of the initiative. Annemarie Kerkhof ECOFYS Netherlands Ecofys in cooperation with WWF, Utrecht University and leading companies, took the initiative to invetory main methodological issues related to calculation and communication of emission reductions enabled by innovative products. Annemarie’s will address how avoided emissions can be communicated by companies from various sectors in a credible and comparable way. Christian Dietrich Systain Germany Christian is director for environmental sustainability and responsible for the Carbon Performance Improvement Initiative (CPI2), an initiative of textile and footwear retailers aiming to reduce carbon emissions in their supply chains. Christian will explain the benchmarking function and other features of the tool.

Alice Baverstock Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) UK Alice is team leader in sustainable products and supply chains at Defra, the UK Environment Ministry. She is the UK policy lead on environmental footprinting and environmental labelling. In the Country Response Forum of the summit she will present the British perspective on environmental footprinting.

Emmanuel Ntakirutimana Burundi Association of Manufacturers (AIB) Burundi Emmanuel is managing director of Akezamutima S.U.R.L., a local agro-food business, and representative of the AIB. He will present the viewpoints of companies operating in Burundi on international environmental and carbon footprint initiatives.

Craig Simmons Best Foot Forward UK Craig is the innovation director and co-founder of BFF. He provides technical leadership on BFF´s more challenging projects like product portfolio footprinting. Craig will discuss how businesses with thousands of product lines measure and monitor the footprint of its supply chain without prohibitive costs associated with individual life cycle analysis. Kevin Brady Sustainability Consultant Canada For over 20 years Kevin has been helping leading public and private sector organisations integrate environmental and social factors into their core-decision making process. Kevin will dive into measuring sustainability of products and materials, point out key sustainability assessment information needs and discuss further development requirements. Masayuki Kanzaki Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry Japan Masayuki is manager of the LCA center of JEMAI, being in charge of LCA support and dissemination for industries. He previously engaged in development and operation of CFP communication and Eco-Leaf program. He contributed to international projects on institutional LCA frameworks. Masayuki will report on the current status of Japanese LCA communication programs and related activities.

The Venue The “Landgut A. Borsig“, formerly home of Berlin`s famous industrial family Borsig, is situated right in the heart of the picturesque Havelland, well known for its lakes and eponymous river, the Havel. It is a historic place of science and research, of industry and politics and renowned for its beautiful surroundings with a large lake and park, hosting rare botanic species and wildlife. The property was carefully renovated only using environmental friendly material and with extra care to the efficiency of the buildings. Furthermore, all catering is arranged according to seasonal and regional offers. The “Bio Hotel” is ‘Bioland’ certified due to features such as: a in-house PV installation and rain water use in all restrooms and environmentally friendly produced furniture. This setting creates the perfect atmosphere for the 1st PEF World Summit, leaving room for both in-depth thematic discussions and presentations as well as many opportunities for intensive dialogues and networking with other Summit participants in this inspiring environment. Additionally, the Landgut has the ideal natural surroundings for many recreational activities to unwind after an intense conference day.

1st PEF World Summit, Berlin 08-09 Oct 2013

REGISTRATION FORM − FAX to +49 30 779 0 779 99 Your Choice of Registration Package

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August Early Bird

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€1490 +VAT

€1640 +VAT

€1790 +VAT

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€550 +VAT

€650 +VAT

€750 +VAT

(includes two-day pass, network dinner and presentations as PDF) (includes two-day pass, network dinner and presentations as PDF)

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* For environmental, consumer and government organisations as well as scientists and participants from economies in transition. You can also register online and pay by credit card at

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About THEMA1 THEMA1 is an independent Berlin based think-do-tank specialised in accelerating the transition to a low carbon society. Founded in 2006 by Guido Axmann and Jacob Bilabel, THEMA1 initiates and ­operates projects in the fields of sustainable consumption, renewable energy grids, a green music and entertainment industry, and mass mobilisation of the public towards a low carbon future. Each of THEMA1’s activities is defined by the strong belief of its founders that ‘Talk without action means nothing‘. THEMA1’s innovative blend of ­ activities ­reflects the growing importance of cross-­sector partnerships and synergetic ­ approaches. THEMA1 strives for win-win cooperation with business, NGOs and public stakeholders by fostering ­supply and ­demand for innovations that are ­sustainable – both from the business and climate points of view. With its purpose of pioneering new forms of cooperation and promoting better communication among business, civil society and public policy ­leaders in Europe, THEMA1 operates in three complementary spheres of activity: • Development and initiation of ­ sustainable business models with the aim of ­accelera­ting the transition to a low carbon society • Management of cross-sector partnerships with business, government and civil society organisations • Design, organisation and facilitation of international multi-stakeholder dialogues and complex change processes

Projects: PEF World Forum PCF Project Germany / Platform for Climate Compatible Consumption Germany Carbon Film Quote Green Club Index Green Music Initiative Grid-Master-Class Renewables-Grid-Initiative

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