The Maneater - Volume 78 Isse 26

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camPuS | PG 3

TiGeRS flyinG hiGh afTeR ShaPe cOmmemORaTeS TOuRnamenT vicTORieS WORld aidS day The no. 13 Tigers will next play northwestern State at 7 p.m. friday in mizzou arena.

mu's Sexual health advocate Peer education offered free hiv testing to commemorate World aidS day on Thursday.

insiDe Campus.............................. 3 Outlook.............................. 7 Forum................................ 10 Sports.................................. 13







CDS point, dollar values show discrepancy MollY DuffY Staff Writer

Peter YankowskY/senior staff PhotograPher

english Department professor anand Prahlad performs thursday for an mu Pre-kwanzaa celebration at the gaines/oldham black culture center. Prahlad had two poetry books published and read one of his works to the audience.

columbia transit

City presents two transit options

elise Moser Staff Writer Negotiations between the City of Columbia and MU concerning Columbia Transit’s budget deficit problems continued through November. The city offered two solutions to eliminate the deficit: cut $1 million in transit services or charge MU students a mandatory $80 fee per semester that would go to Columbia Transit. Representatives from the City of Columbia and MU met Nov.

15 to discuss possible solutions for Columbia Transit’s $1 million budget deficit. “It seems very much like an all-or-nothing situation that we’ve been placed in,” Missouri Students Association President Eric Woods said. Woods is one of three MU students on the Transit Task Force, the group working to come to an agreement between the university and the city. He attended the meeting Nov. 15. In order to cut $1 million in ser-

vices, Columbia Transit is prepared to cut the Black and Gold lines completely, cut late buses on weekends and lengthen the interval that buses run from every 40 minutes to every 80 minutes, according to the city’s bus transportation Powerpoint presentation. “It’s unfair that we’re being faced with a decision to subsidize a failing public transportation system or lose services that many students depend on,” Woods said. The other option the city presented would be an $80 a semester fee

that MU students would be required to pay. This fee would prevent the Columbia Transit cuts and would increase services around the city. The City of Columbia estimates that the student fee would allow for 33 additional buses to be in service. It would also decrease wait time between buses, and MU students would be able to ride without paying additional bus fare by swiping their ID cards. Although the City of Columbia has suggested a fee increase for MU

See transit, page 6

citY of columbia

Aspen Heights has green light to build Katie Yaeger Staff Writer Aspen Heights will move ahead with plans to construct luxury student housing after the Columbia City Council voted in favor of rezoning the area last week on Nov. 21. Aspen Heights currently has housing communities near Louisiana State University, Texas State University and the University of Texas at San Antonio. New develop-

ments near Auburn University and the University of Georgia will open in fall 2012. Each Aspen Heights gated community contains two-, three- and four-bedroom houses. Community amenities include a clubhouse, pool, fitness room and movie theatre. According to the Aspen Heights website, the company has conducted focus groups with more than 5,000 students and continues to talk with students at each prospective campus

to learn about student housing preferences. Aspen Heights Chief Marketing Officer Jason Sherman said the company, which began market research in Columbia two years ago, is excited to build a development in the community. “Our market research team and public relations department have met exceptional individuals at the university, and we know that these students can benefit greatly from our prod-

uct,” Sherman said. “The University of Missouri is constantly growing in many positive ways, and Aspen Heights knows it can raise the bar in off-campus student housing.” The company chose the location because of its proximity to campus, retail spaces and local attractions, Sherman said. Sixth Ward City Councilwoman Barbara Hoppe, who was one of two See asPen, page 6

Products sold at Emporium and Timeout seem like a good deal: name brands right on campus, a quick snack on your way to class, somewhere to unload leftover meal plan points. But with prices represented in points, it can be easy to forget how much those products are actually costing students. Depending on which meal plan a student has, the majority of items offered at these on campus convenience stores are marked up from 300 to 500 percent from the products real value. Missouri Students Association senator and Maneater staff member Steven Dickherber converted point values to dollars and found this discrepancy between product value and price. With fellow MSA senator and Maneater staff member Zach Toombs, Dickherber found that a bag a granola and a 24-pack of water are offered at more than $15, and a 24-case of Gatorade costs $72 for a student with a 350-point meal plan. “We’re not looking for anything in particular,” Toombs said. “We’re hoping to, we’re reviewing the information objectively and just hoping to sort of further the cause of transparency at the university as far as finances go.” Campus Dining Services Director Julaine Kiehn said she agrees Emporium and Timeout do not offer desirable prices on items CDS does not manufacture. “Those convenience items aren’t a good value,” she said. “We have to offer them though because our customers want them, as I understand it.” Kiehn said the products with the best value are the ones CDS makes itself. “A sandwich that we can sell for .5 or .7 of a meal, that’s a pretty hefty sandwich,” she said. “We provide good values on that because we can make it.” According to a previous Maneater article on Emporium’s opening, students did voice a need for a quick way to grab breakfast. They probably did not expect to pay three times more than they would at a typical

See cDs, page 6




An overview of upcoming events, weather and more Reach us by email at

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Low attendance bothers Missouri players

Freshman Courtney Kiley laughs with friends during an MUsketch show Thursday at The Shack. MU Sketch will perform Friday and Saturday.

CPD investigates reported sexual assault at Pi Kappa Phi Luxury student housing set to replace mobile home park IFC approves alcohol consumption in fraternity houses for students of legal age Column: The war is over: Kansas forfeits for good

Correction In the Nov. 29 issue of The Maneater, there was an error in the story, “Police investigate sexual assault at Pi Kappa Phi.” A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Senior Coordinator of Greek Life Julie Drury declined to comment on the subject. In actuality, Drury could not be reached for comment. The Maneater regrets the error.

Events + Weather FRIDAY, DEC. 2

Diversity in Action Noon to 1 p.m., Room S206 Memorial Union Winter Extravaganza 7 to 11 p.m., Memorial Union



American Indian Fall Fest 5 to 7 p.m., MU Student Center

Concert Chorale 5 to 7 p.m., First Baptist Church

Holiday Brass Concert 7 to 9 p.m., MU Student Center

Graduate String Quartet 7 to 9 p.m., Missouri United Methodist Church

Contact us: 573.882.5500 Reporters for The Maneater are required to offer verification of all quotes for each source. If you notice an inaccuracy in one of our stories, please let us know.

Mostly Cloudy High: 46 Low: 40

Showers High: 56 Low: 36

AM Cloudy/ PM Sunny High: 39 Low: 26 | 573.882.7611 |

THE MANEATER 0216 Student Center • Columbia, MO 65211 573.882.5500 (phone) • 573.882.5550 (fax) The Maneater is the official student publication of the University of Missouri-Columbia and operates independently of the university, student government, the School of Journalism and any other campus entity. All text, photos, graphics and other content are property of The Maneater and may not be reproduced without permission. The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the University of Missouri or the MU Student Publications Board. The first copy of The Maneater is free, each additional copy is 25¢.

Travis Cornejo, Editor-in-Chief Katie Moritz, Managing Editor Jimmy Hibsch, Kelly Olejnik, Allison Prang, Sally French, News Editors Krissy Tripp, Projects Editor Kari Paul, A&E Editor Pat Iversen, Sports Editor Joel Samson Berntsen, MOVE Editor Avenly Jones, Multimedia Editor Aimee LaPlant, Online Development Jiaxi Lv, Online Assistant James Militello, Photo Editor Ashley Lane, Production Manager Celia Ampel, Assistant Editor Dana Schuermann, Production Assistant Casey Purcella, Graphics Assistant Abby Spudich, Copy Chief Caitlin Swieca, Laura Swan, Garrett Richie, Tony Puricelli Copy Editors Carter Parker, , Savannah Kannberg, Cassie Kibens, Scott Delhommer Designers Miranda Eikermann, Business Manager Katie Weber, Sales Manager Jacklyn Krupp, Nationals Accounts Luke Moore, Premiere Accounts Hannah Carlson, Katie Artemas, Courtney Ledo, Maria Lemakis, Advertising Account Representatives Becky Diehl, Adviser

FRIDAY, D E C E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 1 — T H E M A N E AT E R




Coverage of student organizations and university news Reach News Editors Jimmy Hibsch and Kelly Olejnik at and

SHAPE offers free HIV testing to commemorate World AIDS Day Alex StewArt Staff Writer Thursday was World AIDS Day, a day that “is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died,” the event’s official Facebook page said. MU’s Sexual Health Advocate Peer Education and Columbia’s global conversation project, Sharing Our World, each held events to commemorate the day, featuring free and confidential HIV testing, open discussions about sex, a documentary and a candlelight vigil. HIV testing ran Monday through Thursday at the Regional AIDS Network and Thursday through SHAPE in the MU Student Center, where 78 people partook in the opportunity and 150 stopped by to make crafts, eat cookies, add to the “remembrance quilt” and snag some free condoms. “We had a phenomenal turnout,” SHAPE outreach coordinator Genevieve Labe said. “It’s important to raise awareness and make prevention efforts because even though we’re in Columbia, Missouri, you can still get HIV/ AIDS.” SHAPE also had a booth selling jewelry made by South Africa women. These women are part of a skills development project through Cape Town’s University of the Western Cape Community Rehabilitation Project.

“(South Africa is) the country with highest population of HIV-positive people in the world,” Labe said. Once the jewelry is sold, SHAPE will send all the proceeds back to the women who crafted them. Next to the jewelry booth were drummers in a traditional African drumming circle. This is the 16th year SHAPE has honored World AIDS Day on campus, a “global health day” that was the first of its kind when it began in 1988. In past years, SHAPE has had roughly 100 attendees every Dec. 1. Students are able to leave their mark on the day by sewing their own patch to SHAPE’s remembrance quilt that they add to every year. Sharing Our World played a documentary Wednesday titled “Tiny Tears” about orphans in Brazil, Thailand, Africa and the United States living with HIV and AIDS and their caretakers. Its goal was to show viewers that these children need and deserve love as much as any healthy child. It also displayed the struggle to live a normal life and the steps people take to look at the bright side during their short time on Earth. “I used to say these children are dying of AIDS,” said one caretaker in the movie. “But now I say they are living with HIV.” RAIN hosted a candlelight vigil last night at the corner of College Avenue and Broadway to honor those who died from AIDS. There was also a Service of Remembrance held in

Justin Pierce/ staff PhotograPher

Mu students erika farver and Kelly heins participate in the the annual candlelight vigil on thursday night at the corner of Broadway and college avenue. the vigil was sponsored by the regional aiDs network.

Firestone Baars Chapel at Stephens College. Thursday is Downtown Awareness Night, where bars in The District waive the cover charge for those wearing a red wristband, indicating they attended a World AIDS Day event or took advantage of the free HIV testing, from 9 p.m. to midnight. Participating establishments include Harpo’s, Salty’s, Campus

Bar & Grill, Bengal’s, Shiloh Bar & Grill and Willie’s. The theme for World AIDS day is “Getting to Zero,” a mantra that reminds people of the World AIDS Campaign’s goal: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. This theme will remain until 2015.

New task force looks Consulting firm launches survey for Residential Life Master Plan to improve MU KAy yeung

One Mizzou: 2020 Vision for Excellence has until March 31 to come up with the fully outlined task force. emmy Boyd Staff Writer After three years of planning and rewriting drafts, a new task force on the MU campus has until March 31 to come up with a plan to help students graduate in three years. The plan is a part of One Mizzou: 2020 Vision for Excellence, a program designed to better MU by 2020. “I first got involved as one of the faculty members of the committee that created the initial draft of the plan,” said Pat Okker, Strategic Planning and Resource Advisory Council chairwoman. “That draft was then revised after many different groups had a chance to review it.” According to the task force’s website, the plan was designed to help MU respond to challenges it might face in the future. “In days of diminishing resources and increasing responsibilities in public higher education, it is appropriate that we take charge of our own future and shape our own destiny, as this plan intends,” Chancellor Brady Deaton said in a letter on the task force website. “And as our world, our nation and our state respond to rapid change, so will this plan evolve, while supporting the values for which MU stands: respect, responsibility, discovery and excellence.” The strategic plan has three main goals to expand and strengthen programs that improve the lives of the citizens of Missouri,

the nation and the world. Each goal also has objectives and goals within them, with detailed descriptions of how each goal needs to be met and what organizations are in charge of making sure the goal is met. The plan is managed and outlined on its website “We envisioned a website where one can say, ‘I’m interested in this school. Here’s the actions that are needed,’” Progress Committee Chairman Tom Phillips said. “You click on it and it says, ‘Here’s what we’ve done on that.’ The website would be updated at least annually, if not more frequently.” MU Faculty Council Chairman Harry Tyrer said members have begun planning how they will provide solutions to a number of objectives. The plan will also help ensure that MU is a good steward of the funds it receives from taxpayers and students’ tuition, he said. “We are examining many of the aspects of university life,” Tyrer said. “We’re going to try to make education better for students.” Although Deaton has said he brings brochures and information on the task force with him when he visits universities across the country, some MU students are in the dark as to what the plan will bring to MU’s future. “I’m not really sure what Mizzou is trying to gain from the plan,” freshman Chanel Fisher said. “I’ve barely heard anything about it.” According to the website, the plan will build investments by launching an ambitious new strategy, the Mizzou Advantage, which has five targeted initiatives that will bring recognition and new resources to the university through “unique interdisciplinary programs of teaching, research and service.”

Staff Writer On Nov. 17, a student housing consulting firm launched a survey at MU to learn about students’ housing needs and preferences. With approximately 33,000 students enrolled in MU this year, only 800 of them submitted their survey. However, 800 responses could be sufficient enough to show student housing trends. Residential Life spokeswoman Harriett Green-Sappington said the survey would provide valuable information for updating the project, the Residential Life Master Plan. The survey will be analyzed by Anderson Strickler, LLC., the student housing consulting firm which has been working on the master plan with MU since 2000. Teamed with Mackey Mitchell Architects, the master plan aims to renovate and replace all 19 existing residence halls, most of which have more than 40 years’ history, according to the company’s website. In 2001, the UM System Board of Curators approved the implementation of the comprehensive Residential Life Master Plan. “The market has changed so much,” Residential Life Director Frankie Minor said. “But the advice that Greg Strickler has given us over time has allowed us to make our system financially viable.” Strickler is one of the key personnel of Anderson Strickler. Minor said students’ expectations of housing amenities continue to rise. “Students preferred to live in facilities designed to promote the formation of communities, a preference in line with the university’s living-learning system,” Minor said. Freshman Dalton Boggs, who lives in Lathrop Hall, said he is very satisfied with the living environment. “The condition is very nice and decent,” Boggs said. “The room is functional. It’s conve-

nient, and you can actually bike to school.” Mikhail Zolotarev, a graduate student studying Russian literature, said his expectations for housing are basic. “Electricity, gas and air conditioning is enough for me,” Zolotarev said. “Wireless is not necessary, since the Internet on campus is really great. I have come to MU for four months, and I don’t have Internet in my house.” Green-Sappington said money is also the biggest challenge. Since the enrollment of MU students is increasing and the construction materials are more and more expensive, the challenges are financial and strategic in that the team needs to maximize the number of beds MU has on hand at any one time in order to afford the projects. “Our budgets were established last in 2005 for the residence hall projects,” GreenSappington said. “Since then, the economic challenges have impacted everyday life and costs of goods sold. These have a direct impact on the cost of construction materials, which in turn impacts our project.” Green-Sappington said the latest estimation of the plan’s cost is $360 million. In order to create financially feasible development solutions, the project team will evaluate campus growth projections, enrollment projections and current class makeup of residents in residence halls as they complete the market analyses, Green-Sappington said. Green-Sappington said this is the second time Anderson Strickler, LLC., has conducted a student housing survey at MU. The first one was completed in 2004, in conjunction with the 2005 update. Senior Tami Robertson, a transfer student, said she almost could not attend MU because of the room shortage. She is now living in a house off campus within a 25-minute walking distance. “It would be great to have more dorms here,” Robertson said.



Police arrested three people Monday evening after one of them allegedly stole from a Walmart Supercenter. At 7:21 p.m. officers were dispatched to the Walmart at 415 Conley Road in response to a larceny report, Columbia Police Department spokeswoman Latisha Stroer said. Loss prevention officers observed Ronald Mixon, 48, select three bottles of vodka and put them down his pants. He then left the store without paying for the items and drove away in a car belonging to Marva Connor, 57. The police went to Connor’s residence and arrested her for a felony warrant for an original charge of theft. Mixon was not present in the apartment, but Kelvin Joe, 46, was present and was also arrested for a misdemeanor warrant for a number of charges. Mixon was eventually located in his own residence and arrested on charges of steal-

2. five students in parking lot arrested on drug charges

3. waiter arrested on charges of selling to Minors A server at Tequila’s Mexican Restaurant at 3605 S. Providence Road was arrested Tuesday on charges of selling alcohol to minors. A plain-clothes officer was performing a business check at 3:10 p.m. and witnessed minors ordering alcoholic bev-


r Pa



Broadway Blvd.

Stadium Blvd.


Super 8 Motel 3216 Clark Lane St. Charles Rd.

Old 63

Five MU students were arrested in a campus parking lot early Tuesday on drug charges, according to an MU police report. They were in a dark grey passenger car in AV-14, and the officer saw the car pull off to the side, MU Police Department Capt. Brian Weimer said. “It looked suspicious, so the officer checked it out and located the subject,” Weimer said. R achel Dixon-Mo ore, Nwakaja Gyasi, Keith Lovett, Eric Clark and Adam Mason, all 18, were arrested on suspicion of possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana just after midnight. Clark was also arrested on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia.



AV-14 Parking Lot . Rock Quarry Rd.

1. Man caught putting vodka down pants arrested on shoplifting charges

Worley St.

70Business LoopWalmart Supercenter 70 415 Conley RoadRd.

College Ave.

The following investigations are in progress, and the following people were arrested or issued summons, according to police reports.

ing, third offense. Since he had a prior trespass warning from Walmart, he was also charged with first-degree trespassing.

Providence Rd.


Fairvew Rd.


Mexican Restaurant 3605 S. Providence Road 3 Tequila’s

E. New Haven Rd.


erages from Javier Espinosa, 27. Espinosa failed to verify that the customers were old enough to drink, according to a Columbia Police Department report. Espinosa was arrested on charges of selling alcohol to drunkards and minors. 4. two arrested after fight about snoring Two men were arrested on charges of disturbing the peace after getting into a fight

about snoring. Columbia Police Department officers were dispatched at 3:15 a.m. Thursday to the Super 8 motel at 3216 Clark Lane in response to a disturbance. They contacted Michael Reed, 28, and Roger Ferris, 34, who were involved in the disturbance, according to Stroer. The two men had been arguing over Reed’s snoring too loudly. Reed had been drinking, according to a police report. Both Reed and Ferris were

arrested on charges of disturbing the peace. — Kelsey Maffett and Turner Johnson of The Maneater staff If you have information on these crimes, you may contact Crime Stoppers at 875-TIPS. All calls are confidential. If a court authority later proves innocence of a charge stated in the Blotter, contact The Maneater to request an updated entry.

FRIDAY, D E C E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 1 — T H E M A N E AT E R



MU study abroad continues growth The program grew by 13 percent from the 2010-11 academic year to 2011-12. AMANDA SVOBODA Staff Writer The number of students choosing to study abroad during their time at MU reached a record high during the 2009-10 school year. MU student participation in these programs is above the national average, according to an

STUDY ABROAD AT MU The study abroad program has received increased interest from students during the past two school years.

MU has observed a 10 percent increase in study abroad interest, compared to the national average of 4 percent.

10% 4% Missouri National average

More than


of students who chose to study abroad do so on short-term programs.


MU news release. Study Abroad Director Barbra Lindeman said throughout the previous year, MU has observed a 10 percent increase in study abroad interest, compared to the national average of 4 percent. She said this increase is accounted for by students’ competition in a global job market as well as personal benefits. “An increasing number of university students across the U.S. understand that in order to be competitive in a global job market and to effectively address complex global issues,” Lindeman said. “We all need to gain an understanding of the world views and languages of people outside the U.S.” Lindeman said the personal benefits to studying abroad for students include the ability to view their own cultures from a different perspective, greater clarity regarding academic and professional goals, increased independence and greater ability to adapt to differences. “My experience abroad has made me value my education more,” senior Kate Bohnert said. “I’m more confident in Spanish classes and my problem-solving skills have matured.” Bohnert has studied abroad in both Peru and Costa Rica, enhancing her medical skills as well as her Spanish-speaking ability. She said gaining confidence and being innovative were

important for walking places in her experiences. “You have to adapt to a new culture, which is a maturing process for a lot of people,” she said. “You are outside of your comfort zone. I was more confident coming back.” According to the release, more than 75 percent of students who chose to study abroad do so on short-term programs. “We are delighted that such a high percentage of our undergraduates choose to participate in study abroad,” Lindeman said in the release. “Although this is due in large part to increased participation in short-term study abroad programs, we remain committed to offering MU students excellent semester and academic year options as well, which facilitate deeper immersion into host cultures and increased opportunities for language acquisition.” Despite tough economic situations some students face, Lindeman said students and their families continue to demonstrate interest in increasing their knowledge and skills by investing in study abroad opportunities. “It enriched my education,” Bohnert said. “They value higher education more in Peru because not everyone can afford it. When I got back, that’s when I was grateful I had the opportunity to have a higher education.”

think so just because in the past they’ve brought in speakers who were socialists,” she said. “So, I want to say yes, but I can’t speak for them.” Woods said the decision did not come about because of any biases. “Politics obviously has nothing to do with our decision not to bring Ann Coulter,” he said. “It’s just the process wasn’t followed, and the money’s not there.” MSA bylaws dictate that for MSA to be a part of an event, it has to be a part of the planning from start to finish. “We have to have a complete equal share in all planning,” Woods said. “They came to us with an event in mind, with a day already picked, and so by that time, they didn’t qualify for our co-program.” The Speakers Committee has already allocated all the money they have this year. “(MSA Speakers Committee Chairwoman) Amanda Gastler’s speakers budget has already been pretty much tapped for the year,” Woods said. “She’s been able to bring a lot of very good and very expensive speakers on a very small budget.” Swysgood said the College Republicans contacted MSA a couple months ago for a couple thousand dollars and they responded saying they did not want to be involved. However, Gastler said when she was contacted the College Republicans had already

planned the event and was only in need of funding. As for MSA’s bias, Woods said the liberal speakers brought in in the past were either not promoting their views or were not connected to MSA. The Black Programming Committee brought socialist activist Angela Davis because of her involvement with civil rights, Woods said, not because of her political agenda. The second liberal speaker the College Republicans mentioned was Jarvis Tyner, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Communist Party USA, who was funded by a student organization not associated with MSA. Woods said MSA would have considered Coulter fairly if procedure had been followed. “We vet every speaker that is brought to us in terms of how many students it will appeal to, whether the funds are there (and) how can we get sponsors for it,” he said. Swysgood said the College Republicans will be looking into private funding to compensate for the money they are not receiving from MSA. Regardless of how they pay for the event, they hope to raise awareness of their apparent mistreatment. “We’re just hoping to be able to bring to light that we’re trying to bring Ann Coulter, and we’re facing a lot of issues and not getting a lot of support from the university that we also pay student fees toward,” Swysgood said.


Graduate students Yi-Yun Lan of China and Aamer Trambu of India work together on a business project. MU ranks above the national average for the number of students involved in a study abroad program.

Lindeman said though fitting studying abroad into students’ schedules can be challenging, most, if not all, degree programs allow room for it with the right planning. For students of highly sequenced majors like nursing, MU is flexible in ensuring they have the same opportunities. “In situations like this, students can either choose to study abroad earlier in their academic careers before they enter their highly-sequenced courses or to participate on one of the increasing number of short-term programs that MU offers,” she said. According to the release with MU’s continual increase in international recruitment, the pro-

gram has experienced a 13 percent growth from the 2010-11 academic year to 2011-12. Lindeman said information on studying abroad is among the most commonly requested by prospective MU students. The MU Office of Admissions and International Center cooperate to make this information available to students. “It’s one of the only times in your life that you can get away from school and go abroad,” Bohnert said. “You’re learning on the streets and from your host families. You’re learning how to live for yourself in another country.”

MU will give honorary degrees to actor Robert Loggia and author William Trogdon at the commencement ceremonies this month. A 1951 graduate of the School of Journalism, Loggia has since appeared in more than 100 movies throughout his career, being named “one of the most respected and admired actors of our generation.” He has been nominated for numerous Emmy Awards and an Academy Award for his performance in “Jagged Edge.” He has also appeared in “Independence Day,” “Scarface,” “Gladiator,” “The Sopranos” and “Malcolm in the Middle.” “Robert Loggia’s career as a major supporting actor in American film and television is second to none,” Department of Theatre Chairman Clyde Ruffin said in a news release. “He is truly one of the most distinguished University of Missouri alumni.” Known as William Least Heat-Moon in the literary world, Trogdon holds four separate degrees from MU, three in English and one in photojournalism. During his time at MU, he was a member of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity and was later a professor. He penned “Blue Highways” in 1982, a book that chronicles a cross-country trip in Trogdon’s van. The book sat atop the New York Times best-seller list for 34 weeks. Best recognized for his travel novels, Trogdon also delves a bit into historical writing. He has written books about Christopher Columbus’ journeys and the like. “William Trogdon has deep ties to the University of Missouri,”

English professor Pat Okker said in a news release. “His attention to the oft-neglected parts of American culture captured the nation’s readers.” In a previous Maneater story, Honorary Degrees Committee chairman Bill Lamberson said the selection of choosing recipients of the honorary degrees usually takes several years. Candidates are initially presented to the committee, then to the Faculty Council and are ultimately approved by the UM System Board of Curators and then Chancellor Brady Deaton. Guidelines for nominations include a connection to either MU or the state, and a high degree of distinction. “If it’s a person that has really close ties to the community, you have to be outstanding in some way,” Lamberson said. “The more distinct the ties, the more outstanding the individual has to be.” Nominations are open for subsequent commencement ceremonies. To nominate a candidate, a letter outlining the nominee’s distinctions and ties to the university or state should be submitted to the Honorary Degrees Committee. “We have names that are already approved that you would recognize, but we don’t announce those until they agree to come receive the degree,” Lamberson said. Loggia and Trogdon are speaking at 8:30 a.m. Dec. 17 at the Honors Commencement Ceremony in Jesse Auditorium.

Actor, author to receive College Republicans accuse MSA of liberal bias honorary degrees According to MSA, the College Republicans did not request funding to bring Ann Coulter to campus properly. MOLLY DUFFY Staff Writer The MU College Republicans are planning to bring conservative political activist Ann Coulter to campus in April, but the process isn’t going as smoothly as they’d hoped. The organization hoped to receive funding from Missouri Students Association Speakers Committee, but MSA President Eric Woods said MSA denied the request because the College Republicans didn’t follow procedure and the committee has already allocated all of its money. Members of College Republicans think the rejection is because MSA is “liberally slanted,” according to emails several members have been sending to MSA members. Coulter is an author, commentator and columnist. Her works include “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob in Endangering America” and “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.” College Republican Vice President Amanda Swysgood said she believes MSA’s previous speaker selection shows a bias toward more liberal speakers. “I can’t really say, (but) I

—Jimmy Hibsch, news editor




CDS: Costs due to inability to TRANSIT: Fee buy items in bulk, Kiehn says increase suggested Continued from page 1 grocery store for brand name products. Kiehn said CDS cannot buy items in bulk like grocery stores

do because of a lack of space. By buying smaller numbers of items, the individual price of the item goes up. “(Pricing) is all based on how much that product costs us,”

Kiehn said. CDS buys most of these products from U.S. Foods, a national foodservice distributor. Kiehn said regardless of which large distributing company CDS buys from, the price would be about the same. Toombs said he is trying to acquire a copy of CDS’ contract with the distributor. CDS’ budget is made in November, before the next year’s freshman class size is determined. The past few years, enrollment has been higher than expected. “That’s a good problem to have, but in the mean time we’ve set our rates based on a lower number of students,” Kiehn said. “The fixed costs for those meals are spread among all those students.” With more students than planned paying fixed costs, CDS is making more money than expected. That money goes to its reserves, which fund equipment purchases, facility renovations, program changes and other projects. Last fiscal year, though, CDS had the means to transfer out about $5 million to Student Affairs, which takes a portion of the money earned by several MU facilities. Student Affairs Vice Chancellor Cathy Scroggs said CDS’s contributions have helped fund the Virginia Avenue Housing project, the MU Student Center project and the Student Recreation Complex project. “All the funds are used for projects in ‘student’ facilities,” Scroggs said in an email. While the money students spend at Emporium and Timeout is staying on campus, Toombs and Dickherber don’t think that justifies their inflated prices. The two plan to ask CDS to begin posting the cost of goods in dollar amounts alongside an item’s point value.

Continued from page 1 students, both Columbia College and Stephens College have said they would not increase student fees to pay for Columbia Transit. Columbia residents would also not be expected to pay for the $1 million budget deficit, Woods said. “While (MU students) do make up most of the ridership, if we are going to come together as a community, then it should include all members of the community,” he said. He said that Columbia Mayor Bob McDavid strongly opposes a tax increase to pay for the transit deficit. “The mayor has said continually that he will not raise taxes on the community,” Woods said. “But I think what he neglects to consider is that the students at the university make up a large amount of the community. A fee increase is in effect a tax increase.” Negotiations are going on between the City of Columbia and MU as part of the Transit Task Force. Representatives from the city as well as the university are members of the task force. Both Woods and MSA Senate Speaker Jacob Sloan said they question how Columbia Transit accrued a

$1 million budget deficit. Woods said McDavid did not provide a satisfactory answer to the question. “Essentially, what they’ve been doing is pulling money from a savings account to subsidize the transit system,” Woods said. After Tuesday’s meeting, Woods and Sloan discussed working on an alternative plan with Sixth Ward Councilwoman Barbara Hoppe. Her ward includes areas of Columbia the Black and Gold lines service. “She said she would be interested in having more discussion about this proposal and possibly working for a better plan,” Sloan said. Both Woods and Sloan said they hope to continue the conversation between the city and the university. “Our plan is to continue to discuss,” Sloan said. “I don’t want the conversation to die, because that doesn’t help anyone.” One alternative that has already been explored is creating a transit service through the university that would be independent of Columbia Transit. However, this system would be difficult to implement because of the number of students who live off campus, Sloan said.

ASPEN: Residents to leave in 2012 Continued from page 1

council members who voted against the rezoning, said the new community will increase traffic to and from MU. “We have a lot of student apartment complexes in the area, more than we can handle in terms of traffic and the few routes that go to the university,” she said. “It will have a huge impact on traffic if bus services aren’t provided, and even if one is, a lot of (visitors) going back and forth won’t have access if we don’t have a better bus system.” Hoppe said the planned unit development for Columbia’s Aspen Heights location has been reduced from 9.5 to 8.5 residents per acre, allowing for a community total of 936 bedrooms. Aspen Heights will conduct focus groups to determine a market-competitive and student-driven price, Sherman said. Residence Halls Association President Chris Rucker said he thinks Aspen Heights might be too expensive for students. “I know student housing is always something people say they need, but (companies) need to listen to students because they’re going to be the ones living there,” Rucker said. “There will be people interested, but a lot of people are not going to be able to because it costs too much.” Aspen Heights will begin working with city departments to obtain a building permit and complete other necessary procedures before construction. The Columbia City Council will not have any further involvement with the development, Hoppe said. Grace Haun, Missouri Students Association Campus and Community Relations chairwoman, said most students with whom she has spoken to are disappointed with the City Council’s decision to rezone the area. “They wish we would have come

up with a better solution than rezoning low-income housing,” she said. “I don’t think I talked to one student who was for rezoning.” Current Regency residents will have to leave the mobile home park late this spring, but residents with school-aged children or disabilities will move out in April or May. The Regency was initially going to have to have residents leave in late February, but Aspen Heights opposed the date, Sherman said. “Because Aspen Heights is purchasing (the) property, the residents will be able to stay in their homes during the winter months and have the opportunity (to) benefit from approximately $300,000 in financial assistance from Aspen Heights,” Sherman said. “In no way does Aspen Heights support removing these residents from their homes as Regency of Missouri had earlier planned, and we will be proactive in assisting the residents in any way possible.” Haun said she thinks Aspen Heights will still attract student residents once the community is built. “I think they will find incentives,” she said. “I think students will live there. They’ll fill their spaces because there is such a high demand for housing.” Haun said she would not be interested in living in Aspen Heights because of the situation. “Getting rid of a tract of land for low-income housing really hurts residents who live there and are always in Columbia,” she said. “To do something for students at the expense of Columbia residents, I don’t think that’s right, and unfortunately, that’s what happened.” Sherman said Aspen Heights understands why students support Columbia’s need for low-income housing and encourages them to continue to work with the local government and the community.

F RIDAY, D E C E M BE R 2 , 2 0 1 1 — T H E M AN E AT E R


OUTLOOK ON CAMPUS, AROUND THE NATION A collection of top stories from student newspapers across the nation


Regional and national news with student views Reach News Editors Allison Prang and Sally French at and

Sheriffs investigate $100,000 copper theft from APAC Industries

Protests to continue in response to tuition increase CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON - Students and various organizations are set to band together at the chancellor’s office in Long Beach on Monday to demand a re-vote of the 9 percent increase in tuition approved by the CSU Board of Trustees. Following the decision, Lt. Gov. and CSU Trustee Gavin Newsom issued a statement in which he requested a re-vote. The demand for the re-vote stems from the manner in which the board came to a decision. “...this vote was held not at the chancellor’s office, but instead at an undisclosed location because the Board of Trustees actually left the offices because there was too much commotion inside and outside the building and they felt threatened,” said CSUF alumnus Chirag Bhakta, who said he will be attending the rally. Student protesters hope their participation will result in a re-vote and greater community awareness of the tuition increases. “The ladder to higher education keeps getting harder and harder to climb,” Bhakta said. “The fact that we have fee increases itself means that there needs to be greater public awareness on the current funding of public education.” —The Daily Titan By Yvette Quintero

Institute of International Education survey: More U.S. college students studying abroad PENN STATE UNIVERSITY - A November survey by the Institute of International Education has found that the number of U.S. college students studying abroad is on a rise for the second year in a row. Penn State University Park was ranked seventh among research universities in 2009-2010, according to the Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. Nationwide, 270,604 U.S. students studied abroad for credit during 2009-2010, an increase of four percent over the previous year, according to the report. Compared to 10 years ago, U.S. student participation in study abroad has increased 88 percent. Barbara Rowe, Executive Director of Education Abroad at University Office of Global Programs, said the number of Penn State students study abroad these years has been steady, and more students would choose non-traditional countries as their study abroad destinations. —The Daily Collegian By Wenqian Zhu

Local anti-war activists disagree on implications of U.S. involvement in Libya UNIVERSITY OF IOWA - No new antiwar protests are in the works in Iowa City, despite reports of hostility at the hands of insurgents in post-Gaddafi Libya. But local anti-war activists disagree on the actual implications of President Obama’s decision to intervene in the Libyan conflict this spring. University of Iowa graduate student Dustin Krutsinger organized a protest this past spring against U.S. involvement in Libya. According to a recently leaked United Nations document reported by The Independent, Libyans have been detained — and Africans in Libya lynched — by rebel forces now vying for power. “Now that we realize that the people we were supporting weren’t as good as we had hoped, I’m glad we didn’t put in any more time or money into this campaign,” Krutsinger said. —The Daily Iowan By Melissa Dawkins — compiled by Caroline Bauman


An estimated $100,000 in copper wire was stolen from APAC Industries. APAC Industries is located at 6791 N. Highway VV.

Approximately 15,000 feet of coated copper wiring was stolen Wednesday evening. An estimated $100,000 in copper wire was stolen from APAC Industries, according to the Boone County Sheriff ’s Department. Deputies responded to APAC Industries at 6791 N. Highway VV at about 7 a.m. Thursday. Thieves entered Wednesday evening after the business was closed and stole 45 wooden spools, approximately 15,000 feet, of coated copper wiring. There was no sign of forced entry, according to the Boone County Sheriff ’s Department. The wire, which was kept outside of

the business, is believed to have been taken when the thieves entered the property from an adjacent property. There is a gate at the front entrance, but no fence or barrier separating it from the other property, Detective Tom O’Sullivan said. The building was empty at the time, O’Sullivan said. He said he could not comment on if the building has security cameras. O’Sullivan said in the last six months, there have been about a dozen reports of copper theft, an increase from past years. “Copper is fetching a pretty good price these days, and these thieves know it,” he said. “Vacant buildings, construction sights, construction companies, public utility sights. They’re stealing it and taking it to recycling facilities for cash.”

Mark Robinett, who works in business development with New World Recycling, said copper sells for $1.20 to $2.95 per pound. He said the price depends on the size, clarity and grade of the copper. For example, he said an extension cord would likely be worth $1.20, where a thick, stripped wire would be worth $2.95. O’Sullivan said it could be difficult to match the stolen copper with the owners. “In some incidents copper has some markings that the owner can identify, but a lot of other times it all looks the same so you can’t tell if it’s yours or not,” he said. —Dani Kass, senior staff writer

Columbia Police Department announces plans for warrant roundup Residents with warrants are encouraged to turn themselves in. Columbia Police Department announced plans for its biannual warrant roundup, expecting to knock on the doors of approximately 650 residents with warrants out for their arrests. The roundup will begin Saturday and continue through Dec. 10. “Officers will be on special assignment to handle the warrant roundup,” CPD spokeswoman Latisha Stroer said. “There will be a certain amount each day that go out and go to the address and try to execute the warrant at the time.” The roundup happens twice each year: once during the spring and again

in the fall. “It reduces the amounts of warrants in the system and frees up the court system,” Stroer said. “When someone has a warrant, then the case is still pending and it slows down the courts. When someone has a warrant it usually means they haven’t paid a fine or cost, or they didn’t show up for their court date.” When that happens, the municipal court sends a letter to offenders letting them know they missed a court date or didn’t pay a fine and that there is now a warrant out for their arrest. Officers will deal with warrants for serious offenses like stealing, DWI and resisting arrest next week, she said. CPD is encouraging people with warrants to turn themselves in because it will expedite the process for the offenders. “If we have to go to someone’s house,

it may not be the most convenient time for them because they may have their children there,” Stroer said. “If we go to their work, they miss work and need to collect the bond to get out.” People can have more control over when they are arrested by turning themselves in, she said. Turning oneself over to the department does not affect punishment, but there is still a requirement to pay a bond fee and warrant fee to avoid jail time. “It would cost them more money if they had appeared and said they didn’t have the money right now,” Stroer said. “They have to pay a warrant fee that you wouldn’t have to pay if you had shown up to court.” Residents can check their warrant status at CPD’s website. —Megan Hager, senior staff writer

FRIDAY, D E C E M BE R 2 , 2 0 1 1 — T H E M AN E AT E R




student debt The plan would cap monthly loan repayments at 10 percent of monthly income.

Caitlin Holland Staff Writer


eniors in 2010 who took out student loans to finance their education averaged $25,250 in debt upon graduation, according to a report from the Institute for College Access & Success’ Project on Student Debt. To combat the student loan debt issue facing college-educated Americans, President Barack Obama created a plan to assist students: the “Pay As You Earn” plan, announced Oct. 26. According to a White House news release, 1.6 million people will be eligible for the plan, which will cap monthly government-backed student loan payments at 10 percent of students’ current incomes. This new cap, previously set at 15 percent, will affect current college students and recent graduates. In addition, January will mark the start of a loan consolidation and interest rate reduction plan to 6 million people with student loan debt. This initiative to assist students comes in response to rising student inability to repay loans in a sluggish economy. But it does not apply to private student loans that might come with fees and might not have fixed interest rates. MU students experienced a 5.8 percent increase in tuition and fees this year from the 201011 year, leaving in-state tuition at $8,928 and out-of-state at $20,870. According to the 2012

budget report, this fee increase is a response to dwindling state support for the UM System. In the report, a graph detailing state support and inflation shows MU requires $332 million to operate and received only $179 million from the state for the 2011-12 year, demanding a tuition hike to compensate for state funds. Freshman Brady Finn said he struggles with the expense of out-of-state tuition. He has seven siblings and his parents care for three of his cousins as well. Finn said he was drawn to MU for its journalism program and hopes to work in sports broadcasting after graduation. “We need like ‘Extreme Makeover: College Edition’ where they give us all scholarships,” he said. “(My parents) have been really good working on that with each other. They have bank accounts set up for all of us. I see it as, we took in three cousins and did something good, so obviously that’s going to work itself out and something good is going to happen to us. Maybe it’s not going to be with helping us pay for college, maybe it’ll be with us all getting jobs to help pay back the loans. But some way or another, it’s all going to come full circle.”,a blog created for college students and graduates to post about struggles with loans and the emotional stress they cause, features this message on its sidebar:

“We were told to work hard and stay in school, and that it would pay off. We are not lazy. We are not entitled. We are drowning in debt with few means of escape. We would give anything to pay our debt, but we are un(der)employed due to the jobs crisis and lack of consumer protections and refinancing rights make things extremely difficult. The student loan bubble may not burst with a bang, but it is slowly suffocating us.” The website tells stories of insurmountable debt caused by loans taken on to finance college education. Many posters describe owing more than $100,000 without job prospects in their field of study on the horizon. Others explain the challenge interest rates pose as they meet minimum monthly payments but only make a small dent on their overall debt. Several express the concern that the debt will remain with them to the grave. Finn said he plans on taking the necessary steps to establish residency in Missouri to get instate tuition next year. He said he plans to transfer his job at The Home Depot to the Columbia branch to fulfill part of the residency requirements. “I’m going to stay here over the summer to get in-state tuition to knock down on that a little bit, just to try and lessen the debt,” he said. “It’s always going to be there lingering in the

WHY YOUNG ADULTS ARE FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT ON PARENTS Mid-life parents cite why their young adult children still rely on them.


19% 32%


25% 31%


Freshman Brady Finn was drawn to MU for its journalism program. He hopes to one day work in sports broadcasting.


MU students experienced a 5.8 percent increase in tuition and fees this year from the previous academic year with in-state tuition at $8,928 and out-of-state at $20,870. In 2010, students who took out student loans to finance their education averaged $25,250 in debt upon graduation.


Freshman Brady Finn struggles with the expense of out-of-state tuition. Finn’s parents are responsible for his seven siblings and three of his cousins.

back of my mind, whether it’s a big number or small number. I’m just going to have to use my education and make the most of it.” MU spokesman Christian Basi said 83 percent of those enrolled receive some sort of financial aid and some students receive multiple forms of financial aid. In addition, he said about 3.5 percent of students received federal work study awards. He said student scholarships based on tuition increase when tuition rises, keeping the two proportionate. Occupy COMO participant Paul Allaire said he believes there is something fundamentally wrong with the student loan process. He said he knows a former MU student struggling with paying back student loans. “I look at all sides of everything,” Allaire said. “His costs should have never been that high to begin with. They guarantee and rubber-stamped something that he was going to fail at.” Finn said he applied for multiple scholarships through organizations outside MU, but did not receive any. He said he feels pressure to do his best in school because his parents are supportive and try not to concern him with finances, but he worries about job prospects in sports broadcasting after he graduates.

“I think about what if I end up working at Walmart, and I’m underemployed, and I haven’t put my major to what I can put it to and get the right job,” he said. “But with sports broadcasting, I know I’m not going to start right away with my own radio show on ESPN. I know I’m going to have to start low and work my way up. I need to get my feet on the ground and get going. It’ll take a while.” Allaire said he is also concerned about high tuition and costs associated with attending college, leaving students with few payment options. “It’s ridiculous,” he said. “It just seems to me that’s a big moneymaking business over there. Then they take everybody’s tax money and put it in. The ridiculous amount students are paying doesn’t seem to cover what they’re spending.” Allaire said the benefit of a college education is questionable today because high-paying job prospects are scarce for college graduates. “I know that even for lowpaying jobs right now, it’s not very good,” he said. “Anybody that wants to work can work. But whether or not they can work in their field for a meaningful salary, that’s a good question.”




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‘Pay As You Go’ plan will benefit graduates President Barack Obama recently passed an executive order, “Pay As You Go,” that will allow college graduates to repay their loans at only 10 percent of their monthly income. This lowers the cap from 15 percent. We applaud Obama’s effort to bypass our incoherent and inactive congress and create useful laws. We also applaud Obama because he’s making an effort to turn his speeches into reality. He made many promises to improve higher education. He also makes frequent speeches about the need to educate the labor force and bring meritocracy a little closer to reality. This is a realistic way to do so rather than simply saying that he wants it and congress isn’t giving. The average graduate has $25,000 in debt, but that’s only the average. Students graduating in mountains of debt are often underemployed, receiving low wages and trying to make due in large cities where jobs are actually available and rent costs are inflated. Students don’t usually dream of moving back to Mom and Dad’s house, but bad credit, and sometimes lack of fiscal responsibility, require it. Although it’s great Obama is making this plan, it’s also important for students to do their part. Educate yourself and be realistic about the average salaries and employment rates of those in your degree program. Calculate how long you’ll be paying back those loans and set goals to make it work. The federal government has information in place to allow families looking at college to plan better. You can calculate your average salary, likely debt and see how long it will take you to pay it back. Students can also make goals, say pay back the loans in five years, and calculate how much they’ll need to be paying monthly in order to achieve that goal. In addition, the “Pay As You Go” plan creates a compromise between creditors and those standing behind the Occupy Wall Street protests, requesting that graduates be able to default on student loans. It’s unfair student loans can’t be defaulted on, but irresponsible spenders unable to live within their means can default. However, creditors can take someone’s fancy car or large house back. The market values of diplomas and graduation caps are much lower because a degree isn’t a tangible good. This plan makes loans more manageable, while still requiring gradu-

College Republicans need to learn definition of bias The College Republicans want to bring Ann Coulter to campus. Unfortunately, due to the liberal bias of the Missouri Students Association, they can’t. False. Real story: The College Republicans planned to bring Ann Coulter to campus. They set a date and though we did not get them to say Coulter confirmed coming to campus, all plans were made. Then they went to MSA. This issue with this is MSA doesn’t just sponsor events. It’s part of MSA bylaws that students must involve MSA in event planning when they want funding. MSA looks at a variety of factors when deciding whether or not to host, such as how many students would come, the speaker’s benefit to students and whether or not the organization asking for money followed the rules. Although it’s fair to say a big name such as Ann Coulter would likely have a large audience, the simple fact is that College Republicans failed to turn in their paperwork in time. They didn’t follow the rules, and now they have to miss out. Nobody likes bureaucracy, but even more, people don’t like hearing about conspiracies and false political agendas. It’s ludicrous for College Republicans to accuse MSA of a liberal agenda because they’re upset. For starters, it came up during the election of MSA President Eric Woods that he had been active in College Republicans earlier in his college career. Unless Woods is actually a super sneaky spy, it’s doubtful he has some sort of liberal bias where he plans to shoot down any attempts at a conservative speaker. S.E. Cupp, anyone? Not that the political affiliations of MSA are actually a factor. It just adds to the ridiculousness of these allegations. College Republicans, like any other group, has the right to request funding. If they fail to meet funding requirements, there are a couple of options: 1. Have another offensive affirmative action bake sale and raise the money 2. Find other ways to fund the speaker 3. Suck it up and try again next year Even if MSA decided to take pity on the situation and give them the funding, there is no money for it. It already allocated this part of its budget to student organizations that actually followed procedures. It’s time for the College Republicans to stop mirroring our broken congress with their political allegations and simply own up. Perhaps a simple “whoops” is in order here.

ates to pay off their debt. Some banks and creditors may be predatory, but it’s important for students to properly educate themselves on these manners for this reason.




THE M A N E AT E R — F R I DAY, D E C E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 1



The opinions expressed by The Maneater columnists do not represent the opinions of The Maneater editorial board. STUDENT ISSUES


TIME: The readers or How to de-stress during finals week the content? Alex Basak Since 1923, TIME Magazine has been a national and international staple of America and its history. It was the first weekly news magazine in the United States. Since its inception, TIME has become not only a magazine but also a mouth-watering business. Time Warner, established in 1989 when Time Inc. merged with Warner Communications, has become an entertainment empire. In fact, three of the biggest names in magazine publication belong to the company: TIME, Fortune and Sports Illustrated. Other subsidiaries of Time Warner include New Line Cinema, HBO, TBS, Warner Bros., Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, CNN, DC Comics and Castle Rock Entertainment. In 2010, the company’s operating income was $5.427 billion. On the money front, it seems that TIME has done pretty well for itself. With that acknowledged, it would be hard to overlook money as a motivator for all things TIME: which articles make it into the magazine and which ones don’t, cover design and layout, color scheme. As a business selling a product, and doing so very well, it isn’t hard to figure TIME out. I recently became aware of a trend among international and national covers of TIME magazine. Although the content of the magazine remains virtually the same, as of late TIME has been giving the overseas-cover spot to the most relevant stories, usually about touchy topics such as how the United States will never save Afghanistan. However, in the U.S., the covers seem to have been dumbed down or made a bit more ignorant. Since relevance is a consistent theme in the news world, one could maintain that these covers are still relevant to the U.S. readers. But when TIME’s story about the hopes of the Arab Spring being at risk went out, we here in the states got a cover announcing that sometimes, stress can be good for you. When the rest of the world got “Travels Through Islam”, we got “Chore Wars”. There is endless controversy over this trend, with pictures of lined up covers from the U.S., Europe, Asia and the South Pacific all over the Internet. I first saw one of these pictures on Facebook. Many of my friends met the picture with disapproving comments, making blanket statements about government and business and how the two affect each other. “Way to sell out, TIME,” was one of the first comments I saw. Is there really any question that TIME sold out? They have to sell, right? Editors need to consistently choose pieces of writing that will sell to target audiences and that will also sell advertisements that reach demographics. Like every publication, every movie, album or TV show, there is a business that backs the work. And though selling out is a phrase that carries a generally negative connotation among artists, writers, actors — the whole lot — there really is no music sweeter to the ears of a businessman. As a business, TIME (or Time Warner) is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. A corporation as big and as influential as Time Warner can’t let one of its most notable publications perform poorly. There are countless studies done and polls taken to get to the bottom of what TIME readers want to read, so as for these covers, you really can’t place the blame on TIME. They aren’t filtering what the U.S. population is reading about; they’re giving the U.S. population, us, exactly what we want. If you want to blame someone for the less globally-conscious issues of magazines that you’re reading off of the newsstand, look around you. The only people to blame are the readers.

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Sheela Lal

I’ve just started writing this column at 12:45 a.m. on a Thursday morning. That’s really late for me. I like snuggling into my bed by midnight so I can be rudely awoken by KBIA at 7:30 the next morning. Alas, it is the penultimate week before finals, and like everyone else, I’m trying to get everything done without completely losing my head. If you’re curious, I’m currently writing a paper on the political context to the acquisition of women’s rights in Mexico and Brazil before independence and during the third wave of democracy. Riveting. It’s strange, knowing this is the last time (for a couple of years, anyway) I’ll get to experience the rush of anxiety that comes after Thanksgiving break. I’m not going to miss it by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s been integral in my school life since 10th grade. Sorry about that tangent. Anyway, this column isn’t going to be some witty (or bitchy — semantics), 600-word diatribe about a minute issue no one cares about. I want to take this space to remind the readers to study safely.

There is no reason to drink obscene amounts of coffee or energy drinks — they’ll just make you jittery (ah, fuck off 5-hour Energy. It has the exact same effect) and further distract you from (re?) learning the material from the semester. Personally, I have found orange juice to be a phenomenal replacement for caffeine. It has all the vitamins (see vitamin C) to keep you energized and therefore, awake. It’s readily available around campus, so give it a try! If you aren’t much of an orange juice fan, water is a pretty good beverage as well. Keeping yourself hydrated and alert might be important. This goes without saying, but please try not to use “study drugs.” Most of the prescription medicines students use to stay alert have nasty side effects, especially when they aren’t prescribed for them. There’s a reason it takes 12 to 13 years to become a psychiatrist. A typical undergraduate probably doesn’t understand the chemistry behind the drug and will probably do more harm than good. Naps and breaks are great for those studying all day — just make sure the studying isn’t a break from the breaks. I won’t lecture anyone on how to take a nap — you know your body. I will let you know that the LGBTQ Resource Center will be hosting naptime from 1 to 2 p.m. every day during

finals week. Cramming knowledge comes with cramming study food into our mouths. Remember to try to balance out the snack food. Healthier foods will help your mind stay focused. Junk food doesn’t usually have that benefit. Conjointly with the healthy food comes keeping your body physically healthy. Take a break and go for a walk or run. Go to the rec. (hey, you’re paying $135 a semester for it) and utilize the machines or lift. Dance with some friends. Clean your room. Practice some yoga! There are a bunch of free videos on YouTube, and it will help you de-stress at your desk. Do something to keep your body active. My last piece of advice is to be polite to people. The next three weeks are going to be hell for everyone. If we are all on the same base level of “edge” anxiety, reacting at that level is just going to communally compound the stress. Just take a deep breath. Finals week will not kill you. I promise. (This is my “lastly” — let’s try not to make rape jokes regarding finals. They aren’t actually funny. Saying you’re going to show sexual aggression against a couple pieces of paper trivializes trauma. Insensitive is the word I’m thinking of.)


Are Republicans missing an opportunity in Jon Huntsman? Josh Hinton Now that the Republican primary seems to have solidified as a twoman race between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, candidates like Jon Huntsman are surely questioning whether it’s worth the money and effort to stay in the race. But considering the flaws of Gingrich and Romney, are Republicans missing an opportunity in Huntsman? President Barack Obama’s campaign could be able to sink Romney’s campaign in 2012 if it can effectively show how much Romney has changed political positions over the years. While running for Senate or governor in the liberal state of Massachusetts, Romney was more liberal. To be fair, this is the only way a Republican can get elected in a liberal state. But Romney said that he explicitly supports Roe vs. Wade, then more recently said, “… as a pro-life Republican, I am in favor of having the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.” He was also more pro-gun control, and more supportive of government having a role in health care. Newt Gingrich has been more consistent over the years, but he has

problems of his own. His work for the government mortgage company Freddie Mac is mysterious and has been called everything from lobbying to corruption. His hostile attitude toward the media may turn off independents in the general election. So, what’s so great about Jon Huntsman? He has experience in the state and federal levels of government, both domestically and internationally. He was elected governor of Utah for two terms, serving from 2005 until he was appointed ambassador to China in 2009. He was ambassador to Singapore under President George H. W. Bush and United States trade representative under President George W. Bush. He was also an executive and CEO of companies and foundations created by his father from 1993 until 2001. As governor, he cut taxes, reformed education and reduced regulations. During his term, Utah had one of the highest job growth rates in the nation. The Pew Research Center rated Utah the best managed state during his tenure and he left office with an 84 percent approval rating. Thus he has credentials as a conservative, and experience from across several levels of government and in the private sector. So why can’t he get more support from Republicans? In a crowded

field, he has been boxed out along with several other candidates. But more specifically, he was appointed to a role by President Obama, which obviously doesn’t sit well with conservatives. He also believes in evolution and climate change, but disagrees with a cap and trade system. He supports same-sex civil unions, but opposes same-sex marriage. His tone has sometimes been combative when asked about issues of science. Like Mitt Romney, he is a Mormon, which according to polls causes concern among some people. Huntsman also has no lurking issues I can find except that his father’s company operates in Iran along with many other countries, which would hardly be an issue for most people. Republicans and conservatives for a while have hurt themselves by being hostile, or seeming to be hostile, to scientific consensus. There are many conservative proposals for how to deal with climate change without major government intervention, so Republicans would benefit from not allowing Democrats to monopolize the issue. Huntsman’s positions on issues like these will help, not hurt, him in a general election against Obama. Considering Huntsman’s moderate conservative political stances, he would probably give Republicans the best chance to win.




Tuesday & Maneater Friday

FRIDAY, D E C E M BE R 2 , 2 0 1 1 — T H E M AN E AT E R


Nate Atkins

The BCS ... or “NCAA Football”?

Not happy with the actual results of this season of college football? Grab a copy of “NCAA Football ‘12” and simulate it. I completed the annual ritual this week and, as usual, the results were amusing. Boise State snuck into the BCS National Championship Game and defeated Texas A&M for the crown. South Carolina, Utah and North Carolina State won their respective conferences. Results like these are obviously video game material, but that is what the NCAA franchise has come to offer us: A sneak peek into a world of college football where only the computers are in charge. It might seem unworldly for NC State to play in a BCS bowl game, and we all know there’s next to no way Texas A&M exceeds expectations. But take a moment of pause to ask yourself… what would you think of this year’s actual results if they had been computed the same way? Would any of us believe that Oklahoma State would blow a 24-7 lead to lose to Iowa State, or that Oklahoma would be on pace to lose three times? Shit happens in college football. “NCAA Football” does its best to emulate it. And the game portrays some trends and occurrences that uniquely correspond with what we often see from the actual game — such as Notre Dame being overrated and the Big East putting out a less-than-worthy champion. (I can’t decide whether Texas A&M’s blowing of a two-touchdown fourth quarter lead in the simulation’s title game was a coincidence or not.) Of course, the game is not without its flaws: No living and breathing linebacker boasts a 6-foot vertical. And in real life, most wide receivers understand the concept of coming back to the football. And we know that even if those flaws were eliminated, football is never as simple as a computer simulation. The human element — that under-the-weather, us-against-the-world meter — keeps football or any sport from being about what the paper says going in. In real life, fumbles aren’t the result of odds probabilities. Planes go down and sex scandals erupt. Real life also proves our pre-season notetaking can be devastatingly wrong. We learned this year that Tyler Wilson can fill Ryan Mallett’s shoes and the rebuilt TCU defense is capable of giving up 50 points in a game. But in “NCAA Football,” a player ranked 85 will consistently play no worse than an 80. The thing is, we all realize it’s only a video game. We know, at least in principal, that complex humans demand more reasoned assessment than what a computer system can give them. We understand that, but yet it’s the Bowl Championship Series’ system of perceptive and statistical analysis we use to stage a field of champions. In the BCS, there’s not even the simulation of matchups; it’s just the paper... and the polls of coaches and journalists that too often subscribe to those statistics. This isn’t to discredit the value of factual data: Comparison fuels discussion and discussion fuels the fun of the game. Statistics help us comprehend a 120-team sport we otherwise couldn’t keep up with. But as the fallacies of “NCAA Football” highlight, a game created, played and enjoyed by humans just doesn’t equate when that personal element is tossed by the wayside. A computer system is only as efficient as the humans that develop it. And I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of Utah running the show in every version of “NCAA Football.”



Comprehensive coverage of Missouri athletics, by students, for students Reach Sports Editor Pat Iversen at

Tigers flying high after pair of tournament victories SETH BOSTER Staff Writer Missouri senior guard Marcus Denmon is dead serious when he says he wants everyone to believe his behemoth 6-foot-9, 267-pound senior teammate Steve Moore, sitting nearby, has a three-point shot. Moore just explained the moment Nov. 22 inside Kansas City’s Sprint Center for the Progressive CBE Championship match against then-No. 18 California when he received a pass from sophomore point guard Phil Pressey at the top of the key. He looked to pass to forward Kadeem Green before defenders barraged the freshman. And so, with 3:46 left in the first half, he pulled up. And it swished. “I just took a risk and let it rip and luckily it went through,” Moore said. Denmon interjected. “Hey, you can make that shot, Steve,” he said, calmly at first. “Seriously, Steve can make the three! People think it’s like a sight to see, but he can make it!” Before the season tipped off, perhaps there were doubters. After all, skepticism can be expected when a team loses one of its all-Big 12 performers (senior forward Laurence Bowers) for the season and embarks on an unknown campaign with a fairly unknown new coach (Frank Haith). The No. 13 Tigers have seemingly made believers, defeating every opponent by at least 15 points, including Notre Dame and Cal for the CBE championship en route to a 6-0 start. And the entire team is feeling the energy. “It’s not the critic who counts,” senior guard Kim English said, quoting Theodore Roosevelt. “We just get better every day. We’re just focused on getting better every day. We’ve earned these wins.” English, familiar with the critical attention that came after his disappointing season last year, has shined thus far. He leads the Big 12 shooting .625 from the arch, having made 25 of his 40 attempts. English attributes his success to his preparation. Even when practice ends, he said he won’t leave until he makes an extra 200 shots. “It adds to your confidence, seeing the ball


Senior guard Marcus Denmon jumps into the spotlight during the introductions before the game against Mercer. Denmon and company have surpass expectations and currently sit at No. 13 in this week’s AP Poll.

go through the net,” English said. English often expresses his comfort with Haith on the sidelines and said his “good friend” Jack McClinton, whom Haith coached at Miami, was right. “He told me how much he loved playing for coach Haith,” English said. “I went into this experience with open arms, expecting the love to play for coach Haith. And I have.” The words of praise are mutual between players and their coach. “This group of guys, they love playing the game,” Haith said. “There’s a fine line in terms of looseness, (but) I want our players to be confident. And they’re an experienced group, so they’re confident. I want them enjoying themselves. The last thing I always say to the guys is to have fun. I want to see them smiling, enjoying the moment and enjoying the opportunity they have to play this great game.” On a team laden with five seniors in its eight-man rotation, Haith was tasked implementing a different style of play than the “Fastest 40 Minutes” brand that former coach

Mike Anderson established before moving on to Arkansas. Haith’s team has certainly won with its speed. But its efficient offense and gritty defense that has heads turning to the Tigers, who lead the league in both field goal percentage and turnover margin. “As a coach, you always want to see if your guys are buying in to what you preach to them,” Haith said. “When you take over an experienced ball club like we have, that is a concern, because they’ve done things a certain way for three years. In terms of your teaching, they see it paying dividends because you’re winning. They see the execution happening and they see positive things happening.” The start might be surprising to many who were sleeping on the Tigers, but not Haith. “These guys are talented,” he said. “They’re good kids, I heard that before I even took the job. So, I don’t know if I’m surprised by any of this. These guys want to be good. And they’ve bought in.”

MU athletics department launches Mizzou Network SAM ROURKE Staff Writer Missouri fans have a new place to keep up to date with Tiger athletics, relive the greatest Missouri sports moments and watch select live sporting events with the Mizzou Network’s launch last Wednesday. “The network will be the new digital home for unique Mizzou content,” Associate Athletics Director Andrew Grinch said. The content on the website will be primarily athletics-related, but Grinch said there will also be non-athletics content about important events happening on Missouri’s campus. Athletics content includes pre- and postgame interviews, game highlights, behind-the-scenes features, archived games and select live sporting events. Non-athletics content can be found under the university tab on the site’s home page. The network can be found at or and can be accessed from any computer or tablet with Internet access. A Mizzou Tigers Sports application can also be purchased for smartphones via iTunes or the Android Market. The majority of the content on the site is free, but there is a small portion of premium content that viewers must subscribe to. The cost is $9.95 a month or $79.95 a year. Grinch said the premium content will primarily be live audio and video streaming

of Olympic sports, such as softball, baseball, gymnastics and wrestling. But the majority of content on the site will continue to remain free, he said. Free content includes men’s basketball coach Frank Haith discussing Missouri’s matchup Friday with Northwestern State and volleyball coach Wayne Kreklow previewing the Tigers’ upcoming NCAA tournament matchups. For viewers wanting to relive some of the Tigers’ greatest athletic moments, videos of Missouri’s upset victory over then-No. 1 Oklahoma on last year’s Homecoming and the Tigers’ 2007 Border Showdown victory over the Kansas Jayhawks are currently available online. Some content will appeal to older Missouri alumni, like a black-and-white video of the Tigers’ 1961 Orange Bowl win over Navy. “We have gotten good feedback on the historical content,” Grinch said. “We plan to continue to find content that many people have never seen before.” Freshman Brandon Weiss has downloaded the application and viewed content on the site and so far has been impressed. “It gives you more access to the coaches and an inside view to the teams,” Weiss said. Additional available content includes the Mizzou Legends series, where the network catches up with former Tiger athletic greats. The first available video in the series features former Missouri quarterback Chase Daniel reflecting

on his fond memories of Missouri and gives fans an update on his current life in the NFL. Grinch said after more than a year of work, it is nice to get the network up and running but the process of improvement is still ongoing. “Our goal is to add more interesting content and continue to get better and better,” Grinch said.


NETWORK Missouri's athletics department launched the Mizzou Network on Thursday in an effort to add more exclusive online coverage of Missouri sports.

Key Features:

All-Access features like 1Mizzou player/coach interviews and

highlights Live streaming of select games

2 of historic Missouri 3Replays games will add multi4Department camera aspect to live streams in the future







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