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MOVE 04.13 .12 VOLU ME 10 ISSUE 26


+ in this issue MISSOURI BUSINESS

Three local businesses settle into new locations.


Texas star brings her charm to Mizzou Arena.


Ketching up with the CoMo French fry scene.


Cover: Photo by Justin Pierce, Historical photos provided by John Ott







Rock Bridge Brewery Company cuts the ribbon at Shakespeare's.

Taking a taste of Columbia's French fry offerings.



MOVE talks with award-winning country musician Miranda Lambert.

Fashion columnist Kayla Elam takes a look at Prada's ugly chic.


Emma gets ever closer and closer to her first-ever smooch.





Some local T-shirt customization shops roll in the spring business.

Taking a look at the past and future of the old Pasta Factory.



Wells' 'Invisible Man' explores the downside to being unseen.

'Crime and Punishment' will make you get the guilt off your chest.


Folk monster M. Ward keeps it consistent on his latest.



The Times They Are A-Changin' In this country, we're more than familiar with the promise of change. In case you forgot, our last president reached office riding the platform of "change we can believe in." This November, we will decide whether or not that change was worth believing in, but I think we can all agree there's still work to be done. As a university, we're no different. This fall will bring a myriad of changes as the Tigers join a new, geographically inapplicable conference. New uniforms, new opponents, new rivalries. Right now, our "MIZ-SEC" chants are loud, but who knows what volume they'll be at if (when?) we got rolled over by the Crimson Tide. Even as a city, the concept of change is hard to ignore — especially when it comes in the form of a giant multipurpose loft/retail/restaurant complex. Every walk down Ninth Street comes with a reminder of the change coming August 2013 and a hope that our generally beloved downtown will transform into an even more enjoyable place to live. Yet, we don't have to always have to look too far down the calendar for change. Coach Frank Haith brought the future of Missouri basketball a year early, and while I'm not up on my politics, Barack Obama did kill Osama bin Laden with a paintball gun, a laser pointer and some retractable sporks. And as for good ol' CoMo, change is happening as we speak (or read — whatever). Businesses like Bleu and Roxy's are getting settled into their new pads, Hot Box is headed to new territory this summer, and the old Pasta Factory is fixing itself up. The times are always a-changin'. We don't always have to look for that change in our crystal balls. One hundred percent of changes start in the present. There you go. Your words of wisdom for the day. Now what are you waiting for? Go get some freaking Hot Box before it's May already!



The restaurant/wine bar moves into Boone Tavern.

move editor / brandon foster editor-in-chief / kelly olejnik managing editor / pat iversen copy chief / kelsey maffett production manager / ashley lane photo editor / nick ehrhard designers / savannah kannberg, scott macdonald, brandon foster writers / joey ukrop, cat geissler, cassie kibens, alfie cox, savannah kannberg, matt ingram, briana brooks, megan lewis, megan suddarth, kayla elam, claire landsbaum, miles dobis, emma woodhouse


Hot Box Cookies looks toward the future.


Formerly Sideshow, the venue adopts owner's daugher's name for new spot.



Kayla Basso, sophomore health science major “I think we should expand it and open a few more things that are friendly for the whole family. When my parents come visit, we just go there to eat. Especially if you’re under 21, you have to find something on our own to do.”

MOVE asks, “What would you

change about downtown Columbia?” Drew Hansel, freshman biology major

“I would have them put in a soccer bar, like some of the ones we have in St. Louis, where you can go in early Saturday and Sunday mornings and watch the games from England or Italy or wherever else. My friends on my floor watch soccer, so it would be a good place for us to hang out.”

Abbie Messmer, junior mechanical engineering major “I would change the architecture. I think it’s pretty downtown, but I think it could be a lot prettier. The downtown where I’m from has a lot of older style architecture with a lot of intricate things, like stainedglass windows, that give it a lot of character.”

Andrea Jankelow, freshman journalism major “I wish there were more funky thrift stores. Our downtown is cool, but it’s kind of contrived — or put in a fudge store! Every small town deserves a fudge store.”

@ManeaterMOVE 2 MOVE •



emma woodhouse romance columnist

Lowering the bar In which Emma gets the boy but not the boots.

New brewery? » We’ll drink to that. Rock Bridge Brewing Company debuts three new beers in a ceremony at Shakespeare's.

Good times, manly ribbons and a variety of delicious-looking types of beer were on display at the Rock Bridge Brewing Company’s ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday at Shakespeare’s Pizza. Two years of preparation were required to see the event through, according to a news release. The ceremony did not disappoint. Shakespeare’s local iconic status made it a no-brainer as the host for this event, Rock Bridge Brewing Co. owner Dave Brouder says. “Columbia has supported Shakespeare’s for years now,” Brouder says. “It has become not only an iconic figure for the town but an integral part of the community as well. Because of that, we felt that it was the right place to hold this event.” Following the actual ribboncutting ceremony were introductions of the brewery, its objectives and three of its beers: Cysquatch IPA, Sif ’s Blonde and Farmer’s Daughter

Peppered Rye Saison. The event was lively, with many attendees shouting in support of the beer. Many people seemed very excited for the brewery’s presence in Columbia. The three new brands of Rock Bridge beer went on sale after the event and were bought by many enthusiastic customers. Brewmaster Stu Burkemper says his extensive work in cities like Chicago and Munich have helped him develop a signature taste the city of Columbia can look forward to if they choose to buy Rock Bridge beer. “My background, with the science and schooling I received, was invaluable because it allowed me to try different things that would give our beer a distinctive taste,” he says. The opportunity to be Columbia’s only draft beer brewery, along with Columbia being a beer-friendly community, made his decision to base the brewery here an easy choice after many years of developing the idea,


Owner David Brouder and Eric Peterson cut the ribbon outside of Shakespeare's Pizza Wednesday for the new production brewery Rock Bridge Brewing Co.

Brouder says. “We did a lot of research as to what would and wouldn’t sell, along with asking questions to restaurant owners as to what people usually drank, and Columbia seemed like a good fit for us,” he says. “Also, the town did not have a brewery before us, and in an effort for them to support breweries, the decision was made to start one.” Burkemper says he feels the future of the company in Columbia has a lot of potential, considering the reaction it received when first announcing it was coming here and during the event Wednesday. “I want the beer to go in different locations, to stack up nationally,” he says. “I really want this beer to put Columbia on the map as far as beer brands are concerned so that if you go in a Chicago bar, you can say, ‘I want a Columbia beer,’ and they know exactly what you are talking about.” alfie cox | senior staff writer


Lambert lands in Columbia catches up with the country singer, who plays at Mizzou » MOVE Arena on Sunday with openers Chris Young and Jerrod Niemann. Get ready for the hot country chick herself: Miranda Lambert is ready to light up the stage and rock your boots. The 2012 American Country Music Album of the Year winner is riding through the country on her “On Fire” tour. “(The) tour is going great,” Lambert said in an email. “My shows are always a mix of songs from all my albums plus some rocking cover songs. It’s always exciting having new material, though, so we will be incorporating a lot of songs from Four the Record during this tour. Fans can probably expect to hear my newest song, ‘Over You,’ but also my older hits like ‘Gunpowder and Lead’ and ‘The House That Built Me.’” Lambert is touring with fellow artists Chris Young and Jerrod Niemann. Being the only girl on the road can get a bit rough, she says. “I enjoy hanging out with my guest artists, band, and crew, but sometimes I miss having girls around too,” Lambert says. “That’s why I love it when the other Pistol Annies decide to come out with me.” There are many benefits to getting to perform in front of a packed crowd, but Lambert has a favorite one. “Being on stage performing and having your fans sing every word of

every song with you is a natural ‘high’ for me,” Lambert says. “I wouldn’t want to do anything else with my life. Of course there are days when I would rather be home and hang out with my dogs and husband, but I think that’s the same for everyone.” Songs with particular meanings behind the words have a larger effect on audiences than others. This is the case for Lambert’s new single, “Over You.” This song has a special place in her heart. “Over You” was written by both Lambert and her husband, fellow country star Blake Shelton. At the time of its release, Lambert’s father-inlaw and one of her childhood friends passed away, so the song has taken on a lot of meaning for the star. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Blake and I had this song to fall back on during these difficult times,” Lambert says. “We both cried when we wrote it, and it was the most emotional songwriting experience either of us has ever had, since it’s about the tremendous loss of his brother in a tragic car accident.” Lambert recently took home the Album of the Year award from the 2012 American Country Music Awards for her album, Four the Record, and even

now she’s still in shock. “I am still blown away by the other albums that were nominated for ACM Album of the Year,” she says. “They are all amazing pieces of art, and I am so humbled that mine was eve in the category with those, let alone that it won. Winning awards is a huge thrill and honor, especially winning Album of the Year, because it means that my record was embraced by my peers in the industry while my fans paid hardearned money for it to help make it so successful. I am so blessed to get to do what I love for a living, and winning awards just puts it over the top.” Singing and performing for crowds of thousands isn’t the only passion that Lambert has in this world. She also started the MuttNation Foundation in 2009, which raises funds for abandoned and abused animals. “I started raising money several years back for the Humane Society of East Texas, the shelter where I used to hang out and walk the dogs,” she says. “I have seven rescue dogs — two of them, Delta and Cher, travel with me on the road, but the others are too big to be on the bus with me full time — so it’s a cause that’s very dear to my heart.” megan suddarth | senior staff writer

When Romeo asked me out (our date is still TBA), I knew he was a decent guy. He’s good looking. He can sing. He’s easygoing. I wasn’t really that into him, but I figured I’d give it a shot. A few days later, I was lying in bed, pretending I was doing homework, when Romeo asked me to study with him. I was already doing something extremely important (shopping online), and I was wearing my favorite pajamas (red flannel with polar bears). In any other circumstance I would have declined immediately. But, because I promised you, my singular reader, to pursue my kiss like it’s a Horcrux, I put on some yoga pants (what an upgrade) and headed up the single flight of stairs separating our living quarters. You’re welcome. Things we talked about while “studying,” plus my thoughts on each: 1. His fraternity - Oh, you’re in one of those? How interesting and unique. 2. The class we have together - I’d rather be in lecture. 3. Music - He has decent taste. I can work with it. 4. His fraternity - This sounds familiar. 5. His fraternity - I changed out of my polar bear pajamas for this? I’m being harsh, but let’s be honest, we didn’t have a whole lot to talk about. He was cute though, and he seemed nervous. I cut him some slack. The next day, I was enjoying a mid-class nap when my phone vibrated, startling me awake. It was a single vibration — the email kind. This should not be confused with the double vibration, which signifies a text message or Facebook notification. I’m pretty sure that’s the kind of vibration the Beach Boys were singing about. The email vibrate conveys a different meaning entirely. It’s like Navi, that fairy from Zelda — annoying as hell and ever-present. Emails are dreadful. Emails are more than three times as likely (according to my very own Department of Incorrect but Extremely Useful Statistics) to bear bad news than any other form of communication. But that day was a lucky one. That day it was a package email. The “You Got a Package, Yay!” email is rare but always exciting. It’s like Oprah announcing her retirement all over again. I ran through my schedule in my head, deciding what was OK to skip so I could get to my package as quickly as possible. Once class was over, I was out the door with sonic speed. The package was from my parents. I ripped off the paper eagerly, unveiling an Urban Outfitters box. I wondered aloud whether it would be a new dress or the boots I had said I wanted. I started to slice the sides open with scissors but abandoned neatness entirely in an effort to speed up the process, ripping the box apart with abandon. Mini Twizzlers packages and Hershey’s bars came spilling out. It was like a sad piñata. My spoiled-brat heart pouted. So much for a new pair of boots. Expectations are inevitable. Sometimes they result in disappointment. Other times they’re exceeded, leaving you surprised, impressed and feeling a little foolish. That’s why I like to set extremely low goals — work out once a week (a quick run will do), wake up on time half the time and shower at least twice a week. Then I’m all impressed with myself when I accomplish more. It’s called the Law of Diminishing Dissatisfaction. I’m kidding (mostly). But this whole column thing has got me feeling all pressured to kiss someone, and even though that’s exactly what I signed up for, I don’t like it. I’ve set my expectations high, and it’s a little scary. Four weeks from now, I could be feeling like I opened up a Sperry’s box and found a couple of Reese’s peanut butter cups. I don’t know about Romeo yet. Maybe next time we have a “study” date he’ll charm my pants off (literally or figuratively). But for now, I’m setting my expectations low. I found a guy who seems to dig me, and that’s farther than I was a few months ago. If I keep this up, I’ll be married by the time I’m 47! Seriously, though, I’m just going to go with it. If I actually snag myself a kiss, it’ll be the cherry lip-gloss on the top. 04.13.12 •




claire landsbaum


literary columnist

In the realm of the unseen ‘Invisible Man’ » Wells’ expounds upon anonymity.

You’re sitting at a table in Plaza 900… by yourself. A few of your friends walk in together. The group heads toward the seating area, and you smile and wave, confident they’re headed in your direction. You slow down on your salad, wanting plenty of time to chat. They’re getting closer. You’re just opening your mouth for a friendly greeting when they pass you, settling on a table slightly to your left. Your heart shatters into a million tiny pieces. Everyone has experienced invisibility. Painful cafeteria scenes and wistful crushes are common to the human developmental experience, but the whole “no one sees you or cares, really” thing never loses its sting. It’s easy to feel lost in the crowd, especially considering we populate the earth with 7 billion others. H.G. Wells epitomizes this distressing truth in his novel “The Invisible Man.” Wells’ tragi-comedy about a scientist gone astray is still around more than a century later because readers feel a poignant connection to its main character. “The Invisible Man” is less about the homicidal rages of a mad chemist and more about what makes the guy so homicidal in the first place: a desolate sense of anonymity. Not that he starts out homicidal. Wells’ readers witness Griffin, said mad scientist, sliding down the slippery slope of instability until he lands firmly in the realm of the insane. Griffin’s early career is promising, since he’s a genius and all. He spends his youthful years at university studying physics but is really only fascinated with the science behind invisibility. After several failed attempts, he finally works out how to turn animate objects invisible and decides to test his methods on the most obvious subject: himself. Unfortunately, invisibility is a bit more than Griffin has bargained for. At first elated by the “freedom” that comes with being invisible, Griffin rapidly realizes that invisibility is more a curse than a blessing. His unusual state draws only gawkers and pursuers. He is driven from everywhere he seeks refuge. In no way does society seek to honor his scientific achievements (it’s not every day a young scientist puzzles out the secret to invisibility, right?). Rather than the acceptance he seeks, literal invisibility only isolates Griffin further. Trapped inside his invisible body, he goes completely berserk. Hard as he tries, he cannot hope to coexist with a society of people who will never truly “recognize” him. Griffin’s condition is a metaphor for the painful human condition of invisibility. The average person’s affliction is not quite as literal as Griffin’s, but that doesn’t make it any less severe. On a campus of roughly 30,000 individuals, it’s difficult to feel like, well, an individual. The sense of ambiguity can be overwhelming, especially coming from an atmosphere of uniqueness, recognition and personalized guidance — namely, high school. Anonymity swallows Griffin whole; he cannot bear a society in which his genius is ignored. He clings tight to the desperate, ironic hope that feats of invisibility will win him recognition. In average cases, invisibility is a state of mind, not a state of being. Resign ourselves to invisibility, and we’ll surely go insane — feeling trapped inside our own heads is never desirable, per se. We can work toward our own visibility. Not in the footsteps of Griffin (homicidal rages and drastic scientific endeavors are generally frowned upon), but by positively contributing to society. If we make our mark on the world, we won’t blend into the background.

Old Pasta Factory's future lies in the past JUSTIN PIERCE / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

“It will be pretty nice once it's all restored correctly,” says Jason Cook, owner of Dream Catcher Studios. Walking through the glassy marble columns of the red brick building at 1020 E. Broadway feels like taking a step back in time. Located on the corner of Hitt Street and Broadway, the 13,000-square-foot Herald building features Victorian style architecture. Although the space has hosted myriad businesses over the years, many Columbians refer to it as the Pasta Factory. Founder of Alley A Realty, John Ott owns and maintains the Herald building. Alley A’s main focus is on restoring properties and preserving history for the future, according to its website. Ott purchased the building in December 2011. The building was built in 1892 by the owner E.W. Stephens and designed by architect Frederick Bell, one of the architects involved in the construction of Red Campus on the Francis Quadrangle. The building was the only structure designed by Bell in downtown Columbia. Not only does the building have a rich architectural background, it also was the home of the Columbia Herald-Statesman Newspaper. “The Herald-Statesman was housed in the front portion,” Ott says. “It was run by E.W. Stephens, son of the land donor of Stephens College. He was a notable person for his newspaper and

printing company.” The Herald building contained presses that printed legal books for many states across the Midwest. The Stephens Company was also the first firm in Columbia to hire women, according to the Pasta Factory’s website. The Herald building made the transition to pasta in 1986, moving on from its printing past. R. Otto Maly moved the Pasta Factory from its former location at Crossroads West Shopping Center to the Herald building.

The Pasta Factory remained a staple for Columbia diners for 25 years, until it moved to its current location in the Fairview Marketplace in March 2011. “We’re currently looking for a restaurant to move into the location,” Ott says. “The building is the correct layout for a restaurant, and features one of the best patios in Columbia.” Ott is considering relocating the restaurant entrance from the side to the front of the building. He also plans to return other elements of the building back to their original configuration. When originally built, the Herald building featured a polygonal corner tower rising above the intersection of East Broadway and Hitt Street. The tower had two clocks and a whistle that gave the weather forecast and announced the nightly curfew through various signal. “There’s a possibility the clock tower will be brought back,” Ott says. “We’ve been investigating with structural engineers and architects and have been told the structure still exists. It wasn’t a design failure that brought the clock down, just lack of maintenance.” The clock tower was removed from the northwest corner of the Herald building in 1973. “It will be pretty nice once it’s all restored correctly,” Dream Catcher Studios owner Jason Cook says. Dream Catcher Studios is the current tenant in the storefront portion of the Herald building. They specialize in skateboarding, art, music, fashion and body art. Dream Catcher Studios was founded 18 years ago and moved into the building in 2009. “It’s great being directly on Broadway, just being in the heart of downtown,” Cook said. “Especially now with the foot traffic from the bars and restaurants in the area.” Although the Herald building has undergone a multitude of changes over the past 120 years, the future looks bright. “It has a rich history and a positive future,” Ott said. joey ukrop | staff writer









The revered space rockers return with their seventh studio album, featuring single “Hey Jane” and its violent 10-minute music video. The band said the release, which has more of a pop-based sound, was inspired by the recent live performances of their seminal 1997 album, Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space.


MOVE • 04.13.12


Based on a book of the same name, this film stars Tilda Swinton (“Adaptation,” “The Chronicles of Narnia”) as a mother coming to grips with the habits of her murderous son, Kevin (Ezra Miller). The thriller has received very positive reviews thus far and also stars John C. Reilly (“Step Brothers”) in a serious role as Kevin’s father.


Following the lead singer-less creation that was 2011’s Gloss Drop (which already featured vocal help from Gary Numan and others), the trio is back with remixes from Shabazz Palaces, Gang Gang Dance and The Field. But let’s face it, the real reason to buy a Battles album is for the awesomely delicious album covers.


Grass is greener at Boone Tavern for Bleu


The restaurant was previously located at the corner of Cherry and Eighth streets.

What makes Missouri a special place isn’t only the abundance of agricultural resources, it’s the fact restaurant owners take pride in these resources by buying their produce and meat locally. Bleu Restaurant and Wine Bar owner Travis Tucker knows firsthand how farmers in Missouri strive to grow the best food and hasn’t strayed from his roots since leaving the Thayer cattle farm he was raised on. Tucker’s motto is simple: Deal with things as they come. “I miss it quite a lot sometimes because it was a slower pace for sure,” Tucker says. “It taught me how to think whenever a situation comes your way.” The pace has definitely picked up since opening Bleu in 2001, and it has become one of the few restaurants to defy the odds of the 75 percent failure rate he says all restaurants face. Tucker’s appreciation for where food comes from has never been overlooked in the bigger scheme of things. “My grandmother was an avid cook, and she grew everything that she cooked from scratch,” Tucker says. “She took it from seed to the table.” Tucker’s environment has definitely shaped him and is the reason why he continuously supports local farming, even though it isn’t always practical, he says. But being practical can often lead to a person to be caged in, and luckily for Tucker, his ethical and smart business moves have led to a whole new start for himself and his restaurant. “Hopefully we’ll see a lot of growth, and so far we’re seeing that,” Tucker says. “That’s all we can do to keep up at this point.” Bleu Restaurant and Wine bar has moved from its former location on the corner of Cherry and Eighth streets to Boone Tavern. Previously, the available seating was numbered at 94, but the restaurant can now accommodate 600 people. Patrons will now be able to choose from indoor seating or enjoy the new outdoor courtyard space. The fear of competition hasn’t fazed other local restaurant owners; instead they have shown their support in his new business venture and what he’s brought to Boone Tavern, Tucker says. “We will still maintain serving contemporary American food,” Tucker says. “We do twists on some of the classics in American cuisine and of course the blending of different types of cooking.” Quality and presentation is just as important to Tucker because it all is a package deal when it comes to the value. And now that they have a larger location, there is more opportunity for a varied atmosphere, where people who are seeking a peaceful or exciting place for the night can choose between distinct areas. The dining will offer a more quiet and upscale atmosphere, another will have more action and displayed TV, and the courtyard is the place for those who like to dine al fresco. “We’re thrilled to have a new space to be able to accommodate groups, events and things we couldn’t do before,” Tucker says. These space constraints are no longer an issue for Bleu. Now Tucker will be able to see how his restaurant performs after having removed these barriers. cat geissler | staff writer


Cookie joint drops location like it's Hot


Owner Corey Rimmel plans to focus on increasing catering and wholesale orders.

The beloved Hot Box Cookies, cookie capital of Columbia, will be moving to a new location this summer. Hot Box Cookies owner Corey Rimmel is moving to a larger location in order to expand his kitchen and sales. The new location will bring a few changes. “A lot of people don’t know that we do gift delivery, and that’s really one thing I plan on promoting a lot when I do open,” Rimmel says. Hot Box Cookies opened in October 2008 and will close its current location sometime this summer. The new location will open before school is back in session this fall. Rimmel said he would reveal the new location in late May. “I saw Columbia as a growing town and I have free time on my hands — the opportunity presented itself and I went with it,” Rimmel says. Rimmel had the original idea for the concept of Hot Box Cookies, and then included a couple of partners as more preparation went into the process of opening Hot Box Cookies. For the past year and a half, Rimmel has operated Hot Box Cookies solely with the help of 12 to 13 employees. “I’ve always wanted to have my own business,” Rimmel says. “I’ve always had an entrepreneurial attitude about myself.” Currently Hot Box Cookies produces about 500 cookies on slow days and 2,000 on busy ones. In its new location, Hot Box Cookies will still deliver cookies to MU and the Columbia area, and it might add a few items to its menu. Rimmel thinks the move will boost sales quite a bit because he will be able to do more wholesale and catering orders. He says the delivery service will be faster because of the addition of a couple of parking spots outside the new location for delivery vehicles. Rimmel wants Hot Box Cookies to one day be one of the top three places to go in Columbia, but thinks the business is still a long way from it. “My ultimate goal is to make Hot Box into a staple of Columbia, one of those places you bring your parents back when you’re visiting Columbia again,” Rimmel says. Rally House sporting goods store will be taking the space currently occupied by Hot Box and Cool Stuff, and Hot Box will vacate its current location by mid-May, according to the Columbia Missourian. cassie kibens | reporter



Roxy’s bridges gap between venue, bar

A long-lasting love for music took a young man's dream and made it into a 18-year career and business venture named in his daughter’s honor. Rolla native Jesse Garcia was a self-proclaimed “military brat” who, like other children of parents in the armed forces, spent most of his early years moving across America. These years would serve to be the most crucial in his development as a musician because of the exposure to the music of different cultures across the country. Now, Garcia is determined to unite various music platforms under one roof, and with prior knowledge, he's confident Roxy's can find a comfortable place among other established music venues in Columbia. "If you've been working in an industry long enough, you have a leg up on how things should operate,” Garcia says. "I've been lucky enough to work with some great talents in the music venue world.” Throughout the years, Garcia has seen great businesses flourish and inferior businesses come and go. Learning from other people’s successes and mistakes gives him the confidence to make something successful on his own, he says. Specifically, it was the time spent working with The Blue Note owner Richard King for more than four years that makes him believe it is possible to establish a venue that appeals to all demographics. “It's a blue-collar music venue with a wide array of talent, but we always strive to provide a slightly more sophisticated feel and at the same time offering blue-collar prices,” Garcia says. The atmosphere at Roxy’s is very similar to Sideshow, Garcia’s old music venue. Aside from a change in location and name, the only other big change is exposing Columbia to various types of music. DJs from all over the country take the stage on Wednesdays and Saturdays while local and national talent fill out the rest of the week’s schedule. “We modeled what we did with Roxy’s off of what we thought was missing in Columbia’s music scene,” Garcia says. “We saw a niche.” When Garcia worked for the club Shattered in the 1980s, he witnessed the building of a niche that offered both a music venue and a neighborhood bar. In a town filled with sports-crazed college students, Shattered became a fortress for people just looking for a night out on the town and away from the sports bars. During the same time, Mojo’s and The Blue Note offered premier talent, but the people with not-sodeep pockets often found themselves at Shattered enjoying the local and regional talent. “I try to be eclectic as I can be,” Garcia says. “I’ve entertained so many different kinds of bands from rock and folk, jazz and blues to punk and metal.” Where there is major competition, individuality is a means of survival. One way Garcia hopes to be a strong contender is by creating different house and specialty drinks that reflect well on the type of business he is running. “You’ll be able to get the drink that you want, but we also have some great bartenders with our recipes that we created that can vary night to night,” Garcia says. Holding benefit concerts for local charities is Garcia’s way of giving back to a community that has been good to him over the years. Recently he’s worked with the Dream Factory and is going to continue to support the local high school competition Battle of the Bands at Roxy’s. Garcia is on to greener pastures, where he believes Roxy’s has better soil to grow. cat geissler | staff writer



Featuring Al Anderson (who, cool story, has a brother who was a drummer for Twisted Sister) and Junior Marvin, this historic group includes musicians who backed Bob Marley himself. With its new LP, Miracle, the group stops by The Blue Note with opener Austin Kolb Band. Reggae fans, don’t miss this one.



After four years of recording guitar riffs really slowly and then speeding them up with GarageBand, this power metal sextet emerges from their moms’ basements with their fifth studio album. Rumor has it the deluxe version comes packaged with a bottle of aspirin to help out with that massive headache you’re gonna get.



Looking for a move that hits a little closer to home? You’ll have a hard time finding one that fills that description better than this film, which Ragtag’s website describes as “an unabashed love letter to (the director’s) hometown.” This one-time event will feature an appearance by director Josh Slates, presenting his debut feature.

04.13.12 •



Drew Ko

TOTAL FASHION MOVE kayla elam fashion columnist

The devil made me do it (the one in Prada, that is) As the models filed onto the runway in mismatched prints and egregiously embellished black coats last February, balanced precariously on stilettos appearing to be of futuristic construction, a dull roar wafted across the blogosphere and fashion industry. Miuccia Prada had once again delivered a show full of what can only be kindly labeled as unusual taste but also one that is irresistible to the fashion set. Critics and fashion followers alike were again left to ponder these concepts that were so genius, so mad, so weird but so uniquely Prada. It was just another day in Prada-land where all the tailored, classic chicness taught to us by Giorgio Armani and Oscar de la Renta is to be cast aside and left for the ones that need a color-by-numbers approach to dressing. “I am such an individual I can wear this frayed skirt that cost thousands and freaking rocket shoes!” Prada seems to preach to her loyal fanbase who in turn embrace the unusual and turn away from the disapproving eyes of the masses. This rise of “ugly chic” (as it has been dubbed by numerous publications) is ironic, non? The way boxy shoes, skirts frayed at the hems (as they were in Spring 2010) and the iconic “banana” collection took over the fashion world and, in turn, what we average shoppers are wearing now. Prada’s influence has been so great that the Met Costume Institute has decided to use her archives as their annual fashion fixture that opens the night of the Met Gala this May. Prada is paired with famed designer Elsa Schiaparelli who also pushed the boundaries of beautiful. I, for one, think that Prada cannot be worthy of any greater honor. I mentioned the Spring 2011 collection, which I have lovingly dubbed the “bananas” collection for its crazy use of color, pattern and — of course — images of monkeys. It was a collection whose likeness surprisingly created a ripple effect through the fast fashion retail market. The collection — which was shown two years ago — is still spawning neon-striped skirts being bought and sold across malls and boutiques this season. And this is besides the fact that the collection was used on more covers of magazines than any other collection in 2011, both standard fashion titles and indie titles alike. It is reminiscent of that scene in “Mean Girls” when Regina has holes cut through her tank and the next day the entire female student body has adopted this, ahem, unusual look. Miuccia Prada and her team are like the quirky, self-deprecating Regina Georges of the fashion world in that regard. The scope of Miuccia’s influence is indeed immeasurable, and it still astonishes me how ugly chic has turned into everyday chic. One of my favorite fashion characters, the carroty little man known as Giorgio Armani, complained to the press recently, calling Prada’s clothes “sometimes ugly.” I must agree (though he must not have looked at the sickly green color of his own batch of couture dresses), but only because Prada herself has stated that she “fights against her own good taste.” I mean who else would take a theme to such an extreme as to have it labeled as ugly and unappealing? But I guess that is just the thing: How ugly can her tastes be if they are selling worldwide? Ugly is all in the definition. Miuccia has created a multi-billion dollar brand based on the ideals that not everything we value should be defined as “beautiful” in such and cut-and-dry way. Why can’t a fork or a vintage car be beautiful or inspiring? In a world becoming increasingly full of safe fashion due in large part for fear of the backlash of the ever-present media and social networking folks, Prada has made her quirky mark and opened a world full of weird just crying to be embraced. It may be argued that Prada has had a large part in making not only ugly chic, but weird cool — not only within clothing but art and personality in general. Which makes me think, if weird is cool I may be winning at life. And from my rocket shoe-loving soul, I thank Prada for that.


EYES ON THE FRIES savannah kannberg | senior staff writer cassie kibens | reporter alfie cox | senior staff writer ALL RATINGS ARE OUT OF 5

Late Night Rollins Fries I'm going to miss Late Night when I go without the meal plan next year. (Staying on it? Bring cheese sticks to my apartment, please!) The fries are the best thing to order because it doesn't take 20 minutes to get them. Don't come here expecting rosemary fries from Food Network’s Michael Symon, though. These are greasy, soggy things. And I have no problem with that. This is what you eat when you need a study break or get hungry late at night. They're equal to fast food fries, and the grease overload is probably going to kill you, but I keep ordering them. -SK Flavor: 2.5 Crispiness: 2 Saltiness: 3 Grease Factor: 4.5


The Shack - Waffle Fries The Shack is always chintzy with their waffle fries. Eight fries, really? I may not count calories, but I do count my fries. But since McDonald's was cruelly kicked off campus, beggars can't be choosers. The few fries you get? Worth it for the taste and the crispiness. A fellow taste-tester described the flavor as "Cajun barbecue" but that might be because she's a Texan. Beware: The seasoning can be sporadic, as is the salt. Put your own on. My biggest complaint, though, is that orders always gets messed up here. As a reformed vegetarian, I've had very few cheeseburgers in my life, but at least I know that burgers need buns. And that take-out orders are put in bags. -SK Flavor: 4 Crispiness: 4 Saltiness: 2 Grease Factor: 2


Five Guys Burgers and Fries Five Guys Style These are go-to fries. When I say I want French fries, I mean Five Guys fries. They're crispy, even when being left out for two hours (not that anyone recommends eating them then). Although the fries don't always look pretty, Five Guys knows fries. And how to add ridiculous amounts of grease on to everything. Each bag is a ticking time bomb toward a heart attack, especially with the amount of tasty fries put in each bag. The fries taste like the potatoes were just dropped off that morning in Columbia, even though the ones I tasted were allegedly from Brad Reed Farms in Idaho Falls, Idaho, a good 20 hours away. -CK, SK


Flavor: 4-4.5, but Cajun Style is even better, despite its tonguenumbing abilities Crispiness: 3 Saltiness: 3.5 Grease Factor: 5

Addison's - Mojito Fries Addison's has spectacular fries with a great zest and variation that every customer would like. The highlight is definitely the Mojito fries, which have the perfect combination of flavor, crunchiness and saltiness. It blends together perfectly to create a symphony of good flavor and left a lasting impression for this reviewer. The fries are salted well and do not taste overdone: they add just enough salt to give the fries a good flavor while still letting the potato taste come through. The flavor is zesty and bold with a little spice, which could come from pepper or really good salt. Who knows? All you need to know is that with an affordable price along with great variety, the fries from Addison's are tough to beat. -AC


Flavor: 4.5 Crispiness: 4.5 Saltiness: 3 Grease Factor: 2

Ingredient - Sweet Potato Fries

Left: Flame Wedge Sandal. Right: Tail Light Flame Sandal. Both from Prada's Spring 2012 collection.


MOVE • 04.13.12


Be they waffle, mojito or freedom, MOVE’s got you covered when it comes to fries in Columbia. From top, fries from Late Night Rollins, The Shack, Five Guys and Ingredient. The Heidelberg - French Fries On the other hand, the fries from Heidelberg haven't changed since the Reagan administration, sad to say. The fries are good at times but come off too hard and flavorless. It feels like I’m tasting a warm sock at times because of the lack of zest or pop in each bite. Yes, I know, fries are supposed to be crisp, but they were very overboard with it. I can taste some salt but not nearly enough to keep me invested in eating the fries: they just come off as unimaginative and old. Fries are only as good as the salt that is put on them. Since there isn’t much salt to speak of, there's not much to say about these underwhelming, bland fries. -AC


I decided to mix it up with sweet potato fries. The first fry was a little bizarre, but good-bizarre. The aforementioned Texan noted the "big flavor" because you can taste both saltiness and sweetness in one little fry. The pile of fries may look greasy, but they're "steamed" instead. It's like they're sweating, something I should be doing after eating all of these fries. What's also interesting about the fries here is that they don't have a consistent shape, like a sweet potato. Don't expect bright orange fries, like the ones from Trader Joe's. These ones are darker. Perhaps that makes them healthier? Ingredient's are easily the best sweet potato fries in CoMo. -CK

Flavor: 2.5 Crispiness: 2.5 Saltiness: 1.5 Grease Factor: 1


Flavor: 3.5 Crispiness: 1 Saltiness: 3.5 Grease Factor: 1

och | staff writer


miles dobis

music columnist

M. Ward stays expected in the best way Ever the consummate troubadour, singer-songwriter Matt Ward has been kicking around for more than a decade, as wandering and multi-faceted as the characters he sings about. In addition to his solo work under the stage name M. Ward, he has also contributed to the supergroups Monsters of Folk and Tired Pony, as well as collaborated with indie and nowTV star Zooey Deschanel. Despite these many ventures, Ward always brings a sense of calm and quiet observance to the proceedings, usually being the whispery conscious in rooms often full of egos. This characteristic exaggerates itself in his solo work, and his latest, A Wasteland Companion is no different; it’s a charming, almost too-relaxed display of acoustic folk that has just enough flashes of excitement and wonderment to make the ease worthwhile. Even so, Companion is a remarkably laid-back affair, even for a Ward release, mostly paring down the guest appearances and sonic experimentation of his last solo outing, Hold Time in exchange for more introspection and reflection. This approach serves its maker well, but also limits the album’s appeal to a pleasant, self-contained throwaway. Ward’s approach has always been distinct: His voice is dusty and wry, his delivery slightly lagging behind the beat (this is made all the more charming by his precise and distinct guitar plucking style). Indeed this style is so potent it’s best when left alone, and A Wasteland Companion shines when it does precisely that. Tracks like “There’s a Key” and “Clean Slate” are unadorned and pretty in a beguilingly simple way, little more than Ward’s voice, guitar and some banjo fills. Yet his plainspoken imagery and compositional simplicity are winning. This approach is made all the more charming with some subtle sonic shadings, far from large ones, but additions that elevate Ward’s naturally earthy songs. “The First Time I Ran Away” supplements its pretty melody with some almost-not-there drum backing and a slight electronic tint, giving a gauzy track the sonic impression of a sunset. Just as effectively, bells and strings are tastefully added to “Wild Goose.” These are unobtrusive and tasteful additions, never straying far from the author’s relaxed, slightly wistful melodic approach. The album’s sleepiness is given some occasional shots in the arm however, usually by the New Girl herself, Ms. Deschanel. Her two duet tracks, “Me and My Shadow” and “Sweetheart” are given the full treatment, with bass, electric and drums all thrown onto some of the quicker tempos on the album. They work in giving life to the album’s flow, particularly the latter, which capitalizes on Deschanel’s "aw shucks," winsome vocal work to make a charming and slightly goofy back-and-forth. Her contributions are appreciated but un-showy, just the kind of work Ward appreciates. Elsewhere, however, the method of adding sonic embellishments seems a little forced. The album is a bit too sleepy and long to begin with, and the production work sometimes detracts from the charming simplicity of Ward’s compositions. The title track spoils an actually very pretty melody with a bizarre coda of audience noise and gloomy electronic textures. Overall though, Ward’s work is a little too consistent, and though his brevity is seen on individual tracks, the album as a whole is leisurely and mellow, allowing just enough mixup to peak through the surface. Its charm lies in the fact that Ward seems to like it this way, and his approach gives Wasteland Companion a definite presence (if not a voice) for listeners to latch on to. “Pure Joy” is a quiet little closer, Ward’s sweet ode to a reunited love, and its vibe and technique speak of the album as a whole. Amiable, observant and given a vague sheen of Americana and folk, Wasteland Companion serves to give a glimpse of a writer whose style can’t be concretely tracked down but can carry an entire album, if not completely elevate it. But at this point, Ward has little to prove to anyone, and the lazy afternoon this album provides is a wonderful, if slight, glimpse at his talents. M. WARD — A WASTELAND COMPANION 3.5 OUT OF 5 STARS


Columbia T’s up It doesn’t even require stepping foot in the door to be enticed by the shop. Sarcastic and witty sayings galore are a delight to anyone with a sense of humor, drawing in customers and daring them to take a look around. The first glance reveals a nugget of teen humor: “I Facebooked your mom.” Social media AND a mom joke? This place could work. A second glance is necessary: "After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF.” Oh my God. Preach it, T-shirt. Each look brings the eyes a new present. “I hope I don’t blackout cause this is awesome.” “It’s science. Not applicable in Kansas.” “Hogwarts Alumni.” Humorous statements such as these are showcased across the walls and visible through the windows of ACME Hot and Fresh T-shirts, appealing to the young crowds of college students and Columbia natives that pass the downtown shop on a daily basis. It competes to fulfill Columbia’s T-shirt-printing needs with two other businesses in the downtown area, The Flying Cow Shirt Company and Sonshine Productions, as well as Missouri Cotton Exchange and Snow Creek Apparel outside of downtown. With the bout of spring fever that currently has the Midwest in its fresh, sunny grip, many of the shops are smack in the middle of their busiest time of the year. “This is the busiest we’ve

been in a long time,” says Jordan Roudenis, an assistant manager and graphic designer at ACME. The store specializes in designing shirts for groups, as well as creating shirts for individual purchase. Roudenis says a combination of the warm weather and the recent occurrence of spring break, in addition to St. Patrick’s Day, have contributed to this spring being hectic. The MU Greek Life community is bringing in quite a bit of business for ACME as well, as sororities and fraternities are lining up their T-shirt designs for the next school year. Ryan Johnson, a graphic artist at Sonshine Graphics, says the shop's busiest time is actually not in the spring. In fact, it’s the opposite. The company, he says, works more with

Central Methodist University students than it does with MU-affiliated groups. “Our busiest time of year is around fall and Homecoming,” Johnson says. “We do a lot with the strength and conditioning program for the CMU football team.” Johnson says, like many of the other stores, Sonshine Graphics provides individual T-shirt designs as well as options for groups. Most of the individual shirts purchased revolve around humor. “You see more humorous shirts when it’s only one person wanting one,” Johnson says. “We try to be original with our designs. We do some hand-drawn stuff.” The graphic artists in each store come up with numerous unique designs, but anyone is welcome to embrace his or her own creativity. Customers are encouraged to bring in their own ideas for print. A variety of designs, colors and different shirt styles are offered at each of the five locations, making it simple for customers to achieve the T-shirt of their dreams. A plain white tee (and no, we don’t mean the band) can become a masterpiece at any of these stores, providing citizens of Columbia with an easy opportunity to update their wardrobes and showcase their unique personalities. megan lewis | staff writer



Date night in...

These date night options let you get the best of Columbia without having to take out a loan.

The perfect date. Instantly, something comes to mind, whether it was the word “expensive” or “romantic.” Well, I have explored most of downtown Columbia and found the "perfect date” to cater to both parties on a Saturday night. To really experience all that Columbia has to offer, it would be best to start the date around 6 p.m. Dinner is an important meal of the day, so why not start with there? The Rome specializes in Italian food and is conveniently located in the heart of downtown at 114 S. Ninth St. The Rome offers a rather dimly-lit atmosphere, which sets the mood for romance. The Rome’s offerings include pasta, fettuccine alfredo, seafood ravioli,

burgers, sandwiches, calzones and yes, of course, pizza. The prices here range from about $7-15 for an individual serving size. Here at The Rome, those who are picky can still find something to satisfy their appetites. For dessert, pastries at one of Columbia’s best kept secrets, The Velvet Cupcake. The Velvet Cupcake is a small shop located downtown at 201 S. Ninth St. The shop closes it doors at 9 p.m., so it would wise to head over at about 7:30 or 8. Some of the assorted pastries you can find include red velvet cupcakes, carrot cupcakes, PB&J cupcakes, Nutella hazelnut cupcakes, triple chocolate ganache cupcakes and even white wedding cake cupcakes that are in stock and ready when ordered. You also have the option to order coffee, chocolate-covered strawberries and truffles — yum! To make this list even better, most of the items on the menu are about $3 each. The Velvet Cupcake caters to those with both a sweet tooth and a modest budget.



For those still up for a night on the town with a little more to spend, there are various entertainment options located in The District. Two interesting ideas to check out besides your typical late-night movie are the Missouri Theatre and Déjà Vu Comedy Club. The first option is seeing a play or show at the Missouri Theatre, located at 203 S. Ninth St. Shows here range from "The Beauty and the Beast" to the percussion group "Stomp." Ticket prices are individually about $10-30, and some shows are free to MU students. Those with a funny bone might be interested in visiting some of the comedy acts at Déjà Vu, located at 405 E. Cherry St., and show times range between 8-10 p.m. The night does not have to end after dessert. Hopefully this view into some of the places the city of Columbia has to offer inspires you to check some of these places out and determine their worth for yourself. briana brooks | reporter 04.13.12 •





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