Columbia, Missouri • Tuesdsay, August 24, 2010
Vol. 77, No. 1
Freshmen enrollment tops 2008’s record
The first of thousands of freshmen rush through the Columns to symbolize their entrance into MU on Sunday night. At 6,160 students, the class of 2014 has 978 more students than the previous largest freshmen class. JARED GRAFMAN Staff Writer MU broke enrollment records for first-year fresh-
men, minority freshmen, undergraduate students and total enrollment as of the first day of courses for the fall semester.
“Over the past nine years we have seen a significant increase in the diversity of our campus, with total enrollment in certain minority student
groups increasing by more than 77 percent,” Enrollment Management Vice Provost Ann Korschgen said in an MU News Bureau release. According to the news release, 6,160 first-time freshmen were enrolled for the first day of classes. The opening day enrollment numbers for the cla ss of 2014 beat out the cla ss of 2012, the previous record cla ss, by 978 student s. There are als o 257 more minor ity student s enrolled than la st year’s record minority nu mb er s for o p en i n g d ay enrollment. Reasons for freshmen choosing MU vary from athletics and scholarships to a good community and academic programs. Freshman Michael English said he chose MU because of its journalism program. “I’m going into journalism and since Mizzou is the first journalism school in the world, as well as one of the top J schools overall, I chose Mizzou,” English said.
For some students, such as Mallory Lumpe, available scholarships played an important role in picking MU. “I came here for the meteorology program,” Lumpe said. “CAFNR has a lot of scholarships because it’s a small program.” Other students settled with MU because of the campus and community. “Once I went to tour the campus, I fell in love with it,” freshman Lainie Barron said. “I moved away from the Midwest a few years ago and I wanted to move back to it for college.” The news release stated there were increases in Bright Flight and Curators scholarships given to students this year. 512 students enrolled in the Bright Flight program compared to 474 last year and 511 students are Curator’s Scholars, 81 more students than last year. The average ACT score for this year’s freshmen class see ENROLLMENT, page 6
MU considers sports TV network MU is considering becoming one of the first universities in the nation to create its own sports television network, Athletic Department spokesman Chad Moller said. Television rights were a talking point earlier in the year, when both the University of Nebraska and the University of Colorado left the Big 12, to go to the Big Ten and the Pac-10, respectively. Moller said an MU sports net-
work would differ from existing stations owned by the university or operated by students, such as KOMU/Channel 8 and MUTV/ Channel 23, because it could focus solely on sports broadcasting. Viewers could see a pregame show, the entire game, live with commentators, followed by a postgame show with interviews. This would all be a product of the student body. Moller said the creation of an
MU sports network wouldn’t happen anytime soon. “(For) a 24/7 network, I would estimate, if it were to happen, it would be three to five years down the road due to the sheer volume of ground work and lead time which would be needed to build it properly, from equipment, to facilities, to personnel, to production, to dissee TV, page 6
MU iPhone app features campus map and more CAITLIN KERFIN Reporter The new MU iPhone application was expected to be released Monday but made its debut early on Aug. 20. This free app contains a campus map, news, dining hall menus, directory and event calendar. The goMizzou app was originally to be released earlier, Missouri Students Association
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President Tim Noce said. “We wanted to give ourselves some cushion time,” Noce said. “We wanted the official release day to be the first day of school, just in case something were to go wrong.” The new iPhone app has more than 1,000 downloads with a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5. “Everyone has a voice,” Noce said. “Feedback goes right to MSA, as well as the IT depart-
ment. Promoting that aspect will help students take hold in this application.” Noce said, as of yesterday, there were 20 e-mails with substantial feedback on ways to improve the app. Feedback can be publicly viewed on the iTunes website. The directory feature searches people on campus such as see iPHONE, page 6
Members of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority cheer for their new members Saturday during Bid Day on Francis Quadrangle. Out of the 1,452 women signed up to participate in Formal Recruitment this year, 1,100 of them received bids to join a sorority Saturday.
Formal recruitment ends, bids issued ANA STOCK Reporter Starting Aug. 16, masses of women wearing bright T-shirts crossed campus as a record-breaking Formal Recruitment for the
Aliens in Columbia
Listen to The Maneater's new Word on the Street podcast for reactions to the possibility of an MU sports TV network. See our website for online-exclusive content.
Local Columbia rapper Goone creates a buzz for his new album with extraterrestrial promotional efforts. Arts, page 23w
Panhellenic Association sororities commenced. According to a news release by PHA spokeswoman Michelle Hanko, a record-high 1,452 freshman, sophomore see RUSH, page 6
Missouri soccer preview See our game-by-game breakdown of the Missouri Tigers' Big 12 season and team expectations. Sports, page 27