Student groups work to raise breast cancer awareness • PAGE 5
themaneater The student voice of MU since 1955
Columbia, Missouri • Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Vol. 77, No. 14
Jungle tailgate sees highest attendance of semester SARAH CLANCEY Reporter
LGBTQ Resource Center Coordinator Ryan Black serves rainbow cake to those attending the celebration Monday in the Center for Social Justice. The Center for Social Justice commemorated its 15-year anniversary on National Coming Out Day.
LGBTQ Resource Center celebrates 15 years of advocacy, education JIMMY HIBSCH Staff Writer When Nikole Potulsky accepted the position as one of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Resource Center’s first coordinators 15 years ago, she said she knew change was on the horizon for MU’s LGBTQ community. “When I started hanging out at the resource center it was a library,
open by appointment only,” she said. “At the time, as students were coming out, they could go to the Triangle Coalition, the Women’s Center or bars — those were your options. The resource center was available, but it wasn’t really staffed.” In October 1995, a small group of graduate students and Women’s Center Director Laura Hacquard initiated the center. An undergraduate at the time, Potulsky and
MU switches emergency alert provider MICHELLE GAO Reporter Cooper Notification is the new provider of the UM system’s Emergency Mass Notification System, as of this semester. The system is provided to ensure emergency communication, delivering free alert messages to all campuses using multiple communication methods, including text message, e-mail and voice messages to cell and land-line phones. The UM System signed a three-year contract with Cooper Notification in May 2010. The contract with the old provider Everbridge, formerly National Notification Network, ended Aug. 27 and was not renewed. The Everbridge contract lasted for three
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years, beginning in 2007. Everbridge put in a bid for the UM System notification system contract again, but didn’t win the business, said Terry Robb, Division of Information Technology director. “We looked at all the features of the companies who offered bids,” Robb said. “We compared the features plus the price. Everbridge had fewer points than Cooper based upon our criteria.” Cooper Notification Marketing Vice President Ted Milburn said the reliability of Roam Secure Alert Network solution helped them win out. “The role of any mass notification system is extremely important on campus,” Milburn said. “It provides the ability to effectively alert first responders, students, faculty
and staff in the event of an emergency and provide real-time information and instructions.” Milburn said Cooper Notification will expand the notification capabilities so they can offer better service to ensure safety and security. Robb said the notification system provided by Cooper is about equivalent to that of Everbridge, but the Cooper system is more limited in how the notification is executed. “Cooper limits you to one contact cycle,” Robb said. “In other words, you can create your message and send it just once. While with Everbridge, you could send the same message as many times
Diversity requirement stagnant for two years ZACH MURDOCK Associate Editor
This is the second part of a three-part series on the diversity general education course requirement. It took pushes from two directions to get talks about a general education diversity course requirement off the ground — a letter from the Legion of Black Collegians and a report from the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative. Although both students and administrators backed proposals, it has been more than five years, and such a requirement does not yet exist. Among the list of 34 public Association of American Universities institutions, more than 20 have some kind of existing requirement for a diversity course, Chief Diversity Officer Roger Worthington said. MU is listed as having a partial requirement, partly because of students’ ability to voluntarily apply for and take classes fulfilling the Multicultural Certificate
see ALERT, page 6
On Check out The Maneater's audio slideshow coverage of the visit China's "Kite Master" made to Columbia. Listen to Arts podcasts throughout the week for talk on fashion, music and more.
see JUNGLE, page 6
Diversity at MU Series: Part 2 of 3
Everett Diedle, a then-graduate student, accepted co-coordinator positions at the center shortly after its inception. Potulsky said she saw the progression of the center firsthand. “Through our presence there, keeping the doors open and doing all kinds of programming and community organizing, people started utilizing the center more,” Potulsky see LGBTQ, page 6
The Jungle tailgate had 24 spots filled by 19 student organizations and groups of students Saturday. Ben Hansen, Missouri Students Association Department of Student Activities director and MSA presidential candidate, said this was the best-attended Jungle tailgate thus far. For the first time, MSA allowed students to reserve tailgate spaces for free for Saturday’s game. Previously, it cost $20 to reserve a spot. In addition to this change, individuals, regardless of whether they were affiliated with a student organization, were also allowed to reserve a space and vehicles were allowed in the tailgating area. Aside from the policy changes, MSA increased its efforts to promote The Jungle in the weeks following the game against the University of Miami-Ohio and before Saturday’s tailgate. “This is a promotional change mostly affecting the price,” MSA President Tim Noce said.
“Everything will work the same way it did previously.” Sixteen tailgating tents are available for use on a first come, first serve basis so students don’t have to bring their own. Students that reserved a tailgating spot received a VIP wristband, allowing them to check out games and sports equipment for use on Stankowski Field. The Jungle Steering Committee was created by MSA leaders in conjunction with the MSA Campus and Community Relations Committee to better plan and publicize the tailgating area. “We want to get students there to see how fun it is,” Noce said. “We are trying to dispel some of the myths.” Last week, Steering Committee members talked about The Jungle at Residence Hall Council meetings, passed out flyers at the B.O.B. concert and held a mock tailgate in Speakers Circle, where they grilled hamburgers and handed out free T-shirts. Committee Chairman Greg Loeffler said the increase in adver-
Tigers coast by Buffs The Missouri football team relied on an especially strong performance from its defense and special teams in the win. Sports, page 15
program. “The Multicultural Certificate is a voluntary thing,” Deputy Chancellor Mike Middleton said. “If somebody wants to get one, they do it by choice, but that’s sort of like singing to the choir.” The purpose of a mandatory diversity requirement, he said, is so all students are exposed to fundamental diversity concepts. INITIAL EFFORTS Following the Campus Climate Study, an initial push to impact diversity on campus led to several changes in the administration and by students. As a result of the campuswide study, a task force was charged to tackle a list of recommendations addressing diversity. The task force’s report spurred MU to create the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative in 2006 and to appoint Roger Worthington its chief diversity officer. Worthington said the initiasee CLASS, page 6
A history of MU's cannon Tales of tradition and mischief surround the history of the cannon used at Faurot Field on football gamedays. Arts, page 13
2 The Maneater
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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Top Stories on No. 1 — The diversity class students still wait for No. 2 —Phi Kappa Theta vandalized No. 3 — Faculty from programs deemed ‘low-producing’ speak up No. 4 — MU forum reacts to Rutgers tragedy No. 5 —MU ranks 58th nationally in sexual health report card
Events Calendar TUESDAY 12 U.S. Department of State Careers 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. S203 (Memorial Union) “The Short Amazing Life of Srinivasa Ramanujan” 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. S107 (Memorial Union)
Language Luncheon 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. S304 (Memorial Union)
Diversity in Action Noon to 1 p.m. S206 (Memorial Union)
Stitch ‘N Bitch 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. N214/215 (Memorial Union)
Fiddler on the Roof 7 p.m. Jesse Auditorium ( Jesse Hall)
James Militello/Staff Photographer
Sophomore Kayleigh Luther prepares to give blood Monday at the Hearnes Center. MU and The American Red Cross teamed up for the Mizzou Homecoming 25th Anniversary Blood Drive.
Weather Forecast Scattered T-storms High: 77 Low: 54
Scattered T-storms High: 70 Low: 44
Mostly sunny High: 67 Low: 44
N223 Memorial Union • Columbia, MO 65211 573.882.5500 (phone) • 573.882.5550 (fax) The Maneater is the official student publication of the University of Missouri-Columbia and operates independently of the university, student government, the School of Journalism and any other campus entity. All text, photos, graphics and other content are property of The Maneater and may not be reproduced without permission. The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the University of Missouri or the MU Student Publications Board. The first copy of The Maneater is free, each additional copy is 25¢. "I would cry and then buy everyone drinks."
Zach Toombs, Editor-in-Chief Lyndsie Manusos, Managing Editor Travis Cornejo, Kaylen Ralph, Wes Duplanier, Alicia Stice, News Editors Molly Harbarger, Projects Editor Megan Pearl, Forum Editor Katie Currid, A&E Editor Zach Mink, Sports Editor Pierce Courchaine, MOVE Editor Alex Pesek, Multimedia Editor Allan J. Vestal, Online Development Nicole Garner, Online Assistant Nick Agro, Photo Editor Shaina Cavazos, Production Manager Zach Murdock, Assistant Editor Maura Howard, Production Assistant Spencer Pearson, Graphics Assistant Katie Moritz, Copy Chief Leslie Rieder, Molly Harbarger, Emily Willroth, Margaux Henquinet, Copy Editors Ashley Lane, Jiaxi Lv, Shelby Brokaw, Steven Dickherber, Anna Keller, Jessica Farmer, Designers Molly Paskal, Business Manager Sarah Callen, Sales Manager Katie Weber, Nationals Accounts Krista Meany, Promotions Manager Haley Arndt, Graphic Designer Miranda Eikermann, Premiere Accounts Luke Moore, Katie Artemas, Courtney Ledo, Chelsea Harlan, Jacklyn Krupp, Advertising Account Representatives Becky Diehl, Adviser
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Maneater 3
Reach Travis Cornejo, U-news editor, at, Kaylen Ralph, Organizations editor, at
New car-sharing program has 17 users Joyu Wang Staff Writer WeCar, a car-sharing program available at MU since Aug. 18, has 17 registered users, with 37 pending applications, Student & Auxiliary Services spokeswoman Michelle Froese said. According to WeCar’s website, WeCar is operated through Enterprise Rent-A-Car. It provides MU students, faculty and staff with two hybrid vehicles and two sedans located at 911 E. Rollins St., outside the MU Student Center and Memorial Union. Students, faculty and staff can apply for the program online. A onetime application fee is now waived, and the annual membership fee is $35, plus a set rate per trip. Applicants younger than 21 must provide their own liability insurance. “This program supports MU’s sustainability initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as relieve congestion and parking demand on campus,” said Jeff Zeilenga, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs, in a news release. Parking and Transportation Director Jim Joy said he hadn’t seen the total ridership of the WeCar program yet, but he also doesn’t know how to measure the numbers if the program reduces the demand for individual cars on campus. “It could reduce the numbers of vehicles on campus,” Joy said. “But we have 24,000 parking spaces. I don’t know how much differences those four vehicles are going to make.” Froese said WeCar has not provided the information yet. “I think it’s a bit too early to determine if we have reduced the number of cars on campus,” Froese explained. “The program has only been up and running since August.” Joy said he also didn’t see a decrease in the number of parking permits offered this semester.
Ben Kreitner/The Maneater
Two WeCar vehicles sit last Sunday in front of the MU Student Center. There are currently 17 registered WeCar users. “People have different perception, but we are not out of capacity for parking vehicles on campus,” he said. “We may not offer parking spaces wherever they want, but we are not denying everyone a parking permit.” Joy emphasized, MU doesn’t make any profit from the WeCar Program, and the university is simply accommodating the program.
“This program is cost neutral for the university, provides a convenient service for the campus community and has the added benefit of being eco-friendly,” Froese said. Joy said whether the WeCar program would be expanded in the future is an open-ended question. “I am told I do not have the numbers,” Joy said. “But I am told it is being used
and a lot of students are interested in it, so I think it would take at least a year to become publicized and promote in that way.” Froese said she also expects the program to grow as word of mouth increases. “It will be the people who used it and tell others they like it,” Joy said. “This will also be a better marketing tool than simply posting notices in the MU Info.”
2010 MSA Election: Academic Issues
Two MSA candidates focus on academic issues in platforms Travis, Horan plan to create a syllabus archive and strengthen the College of Arts and Sciences. Missouri Students Association presidential candidate Josh Travis and running mate Michelle Horan plan to improve academics by creating a syllabus archive and strengthening the College of Arts and Sciences. The project would ultimately be an archive of course syllabi from this semester that will be available to students this November, Travis said. “The syllabus archive will be a very beneficial planning tool when choosing classes,” Travis said. The archive will give students the opportunity to download and compare syllabi while registering for spring semester courses. “The syllabus archive is important because every student has a different learning style,” Horan said. “Some students like courses that have more tests, some like courses that are mostly discussion.” Travis and Horan also plan to work on strengthening the general education program under the College of Arts
and Science. “Everyone has to take general education courses no matter the major,” Travis said. All students have to take general education classes within the College of Arts and Science. According to the Travis-Horan platform, the College of Arts and Science is where every student’s education starts. To improve the general education classes, faculty members need to be recruited, Travis said. He also said that because university funding is tight, there is not enough faculty to instruct general education classes and that current faculty members are forced to teach lower level courses instead of focusing on courses specific to their department. Travis and Horan also plan to strengthen the general education program by creating more course options. “We don’t have a specific pre-law major,” Horan said. “But creating those courses is a way the College of Arts and Sciences can be strengthened.” — Kelly Olejnik, staff writer
Hansen, Oxenreider plan to increase communication in course assessments. Of the four platform points in Ben Hansen and Kaitlin Oxenreider’s campaign for the Missouri Students Association presidency, one is devoted to scholarship. According to “Elect HansenOxenreider for MSA,” the campaign’s Facebook page, Hansen and Oxenreider plan to better the academic experience of students through improved communication in course assessments, recommendations and technology. One way Hansen and Oxenreider plan to improve course assessments is to make information from evaluations more easily available to students, Hansen said. “Students fill out course evaluations but have very little access to review the answers,” Hansen said. “We want to improve the amount of feedback students are able to get.” Hansen and Oxenreider also plan to make more information from course assessments available to students, Oxenreider said. “Students need to know more than just the name of the professor and the class’s location,” Oxenreider said. According to Hansen, having more information about professors and courses would
benefit more than just current students. “Students applying to the university would get more information about how much people have learned in classes,” Hansen said. Hansen and Oxenreider are also considering the possibility of adopting a mid-term course evaluation, which could benefit professors as much as students, Oxenreider said. “Professors want to make sure students are getting the most out of the class,” Oxenreider said. Outside of the classroom, Hansen and Oxenreider plan to expand upon MU’s textbook rental program. “Most students sell back their books at the end of the semester,” Hansen said. “Allowing students to rent books would save them money.” Another academic area the HansenOxenreider campaign plans to improve in is technology. Hansen and Oxenreider are looking into making improvements to programs already in existence at MU, such as e-books, which would cut costs for students, Hansen said. “We want to expand the textbook rental program to save money for students,” Oxenreider said. “Technology is expanding, so we’re expanding.” — Nathan Divers, staff writer
4 the maneater
The following investigations are in progress, and the following people were arrested or issued summons, according to police reports.
MU Police Thursday, sept. 7 Robert C. Britz, 18, of 305 S. Sixth St., on suspicion of possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana Olivia M. Arns, 20, of 901 Richmond Ave. on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor, resisting arrest, assault of a law enforcement officer and escape from custody Selestine Nichols, 21, of 2400 Creeks Edge Court, on suspicion of driving while intoxicated Alexandra L. Malaret, 19, of Jones Hall, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor Grace E. Corrigan, 19, of Jones Hall, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor FRIday, OCT. 8 Mila Mimica, 20, of 603 Kentucky Blvd., on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor Joseph A. Blanton, 23, 1433 Bodie
NEWS Drive, on suspicion of driving while intoxicated Amish K. Dudeja, 19, of 1433 Bodie Drive, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor Andrew T. Goellner, 20, of 1908 Juniper Circle, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor Nathan J. Alvey, 18, of 900 Virginia Ave., on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana Nicholas A. Steele, 18, of Wolpers Hall, on possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana Saturday, oct. 9 Aaron R. Gramlich, 21, of 506 S. Providence Road, on suspicion of resisting arrest and first-degree trespassing Cody M. Schanuel, 18, of Laws Hall, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor, first-degree trespassing and resisting arrest Cody Louis Wilbers, 21, of 506 S. Providence Road, on suspicion of first-degree trespassing, theft and resisting arrest Michael William Brockman, 23, of 506 S. Providence Road, on suspicion of first-degree trespassing and resisting arrest James M. Bopp, 19, of 4821 Clark Lane, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor Alexander P. Wagner, 19, of 1021 Ashland Road, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor Matthew K. Caldwell, 19, of Schurz Hall, on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor John B. Paul, 24, of 1417 Joann St., on suspicion of second-degree assault sunday, oct. 10 Walter B. Reilly, 18, of 900 S.
College Ave., on suspicion of possession of alcohol by a minor, driving while intoxicated, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana — Amanda Del Buono, staff writer
columbia Police Thurday, 0ct. 7 Lori A. Hardin, 22, of 1629 County Road 276, on suspicion of selling alcohol to drunkards and minors Corey R. Heather, 19, of 2306 Whitegate Drive, on suspicion of second-degree domestic assault and felonious restraint Charles R. Brockway, 20, of 402 S. Ninth St., on suspicion of consumption of alcohol by a minor and driving while intoxicated Tyler J. Grindstaff, 20, of 120 S. Tenth St., on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by minors Sawyer G. Hawkins, 18, of 507 Kentucky Blvd., on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Alex R. Jacobson, 18, of 26 E. North Cedar Lake Drive, on suspicion of possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana Darious A. Lucas, 20, of 1621 Ashland Road, on suspicion of attempting to distribute a controlled substance, second-degree trafficking and unlawful for certain persons to possess concealable weapons Friday, oct. 8 Nicole A. Bracken, 20, of 1403 Wilson Ave., on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Bertilla A. Burton, 22, of 501 N.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Garth Ave., on suspicion of thirddegree domestic assault Tony L. Cobbins Jr., 24, of 2511 Rose Drive, on suspicion of possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana Jillian N. Dank, 20, of 2500 Old 63 S., on suspicion of possession of false identification Hayley V. Harper, 21, of 305 Bennett Springs Court, on suspicion of second-degree burglary, third-degree domestic assault, firstdegree property damage and second-degree property damage Jacob A. Lambert, 25, of 1706 Stanford Drive, on suspicion of resisting or interfering with arrest Michael O. Nolan, 21, of 1109 E. Walnut St., on suspicion of nuisance in places open to public view Martha M. Combs, 20, of 120 S. Tenth St., on suspicion of possession of false identification and purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Brandon Finney, 19, of 1001 Rodgers St., on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Srijana Shrestha, 25, of 505 Fay St., on suspicion of third-degree domestic assault saturday, sept. 9 Colin P. Barry, 20, of Laws Hall, on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Evan T. Green, 19, of Mark Twain Hall, on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Brian W. Maurer, 20, of Hatch Hall, on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Kelsie J. McKinney, 19, of Lathrop Hall, on suspicion of possession of false identification and purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor
Molly H. Obyrne, 19, of 909 Curtis Ave., on suspicion of purchase or possession or alcohol by a minor Mary A. Smith, 20, of 406 Burnam Ave., on suspicion of possession of false identification and purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Nicholas D. Tuggle, 19, of 601 Rollins St., on suspicion of possession of false identification and purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor John M. Wider, 18, of Laws Hall, on suspicion of purchase or possession of alcohol by a minor Derrick A. Young, 22, of 202 W. Phyllis Ave., on suspicion of possession of controlled substances and second-degree domestic assault Kraig K. Greene, 23, of 16 E. Phyllis Ave., on suspicion of thirddegree assault sunday, sept. 10 Robert S. Tessman, 23, of 2309 W. Broadway, on suspicion of thirddegree domestic assault — Caitlin Jones, senior staff writer If you have information on these crimes, you may contact Crime Stoppers at 875-TIPS. All calls are confidential. If a court authority later proves innocence of a charge stated in the Blotter, contact The Maneater to request an updated entry.
Visit to check out the online blotter map!
the maneater 5
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Upgraded digital technology improves Ellis Fischel mobile mammograms Kaitlyn Gibson Staff Writer
Technology aboard the Ellis Fischel Cancer Center’s mobile mammography van is getting an update in an effort to digitalize test results. The new technology prevents positioning and exposure errors in breast examinations by implementing digital equipment instead of film. MU Health Center spokesman Matt Splett said the addition has already proved advantageous to both patients and physicians. “The patient benefits are in the accuracy and efficiency that the digital mammography technology provides,” Splett said. “Women who come to the van will leave the van knowing their mammogram is complete. The benefits for physicians are that the digital technology provides enhanced images of the breast with greater clarity to assist in diagnosing and detecting breast cancers.” Sue Sinele, a staff nurse at Ellis Fischel, said the digital technology allows hospital personnel to maneuver the X-ray images on board the van in a way that could not have been done before. “We can manipulate pictures by zooming in on new areas,” Sinele said. “It also gives us instant views so that if the view isn’t to the quality that (physicians) would like, we can take additional pictures on the
van while the patient is here so they don’t have to come back. Before we weren’t able to process pictures until we came back and a radiologist read it the next day.” Although Ellis Fischel has implemented this technology for several years, the traveling mammography van lacked the digital equipment due to a shortage of funds and technical issues. Sinele, who used to be a driver for the mammography van, said the $250,000 needed to fund the development came in part from MU. “As far as cost goes, we were able to apply to the university to have them pay for this for us,” Sinele said. “We had applied for it several years in a row, but at the time there were other projects going on. Luckily we were chosen this past year.” Ellis Fischel Cancer Center’s mobile mammography van travels to 26 central Missouri counties providing breast cancer screenings. The 44-foot-long van houses an examination room and a mammography suite. A certified radiology technologist and nurse examiner deliver the screenings, primarily targeting women in rural areas with little accessibility to full hospital facilities, Splett said. “By setting up at local businesses, (the mammography van) is a way for women to have their mammography done in an efficient manner, especially in rural areas,” Splett said.
Yingjun Zhang/The Maneater
The Ellis Fischel Cancer Center is under construction and will be located in the new patient care tower at University Hospital. The construction has an estimated completion date of early 2013. ness month, a coincidence Splett said has added to the public’s appreciation of the developments. “I think there’s a general awareness amongst the public that this new technology is one way we are providing women life-saving cancer screening services,” Splett said. Despite publicity discrediting the idea of annual mammo-
“Last week the van traveled to Eldon where some women who didn’t have the ability to drive to an actual hospital were able to walk to the van to have their annual screening done. We are providing a valuable service throughout the state.” The promotion of the mammography van and its new technology overlaps with breast cancer aware-
WRC promotes safe alcohol use ALCOHOL Jimmy Hibsch Staff Writer
The Wellness Resource Center’s Alcohol Responsibility Month began Wednesday with a resource fair. Wellness Resource Center Coordinator Traci Harr said the month is a conglomeration of events meant to teach students alcohol-related safety techniques. “Alcohol Responsibility Month is a premiere month of events that are student-led and student-oriented to educate our campus and community on how to drink responsibly and make the most out of your time at college,” she said. Harr said choosing October was a strategic decision. “We have it in October, hoping that people can carry on that knowledge the rest of the fall semester and into the spring,” she said. Wellness Resource Center Director Kim Dude brought Alcohol Responsibility Month to MU 28 years ago, though it was just a week of activities until 1990. She said because October is such a busy month with Homecoming, it was more logical to spread the week’s events over the span of the entire month. “The misuse and abuse of alcohol is the number one health problem on every college campus,” she said. “It’s important to bring attention to the issue and educate people on the choices they can make.” Harr said she predicts Friday’s walk will draw a high number of participants. The event, which begins at noon and ends at midnight on Stankowski Field, provides
an environment for students to enjoy themselves sans alcohol, she said. “It was done as a way to remember and reflect on the unfortunate incidents that have happened and the people who have lost their lives due to a drinking and driving accident or an alcohol-related death,” she said. “We’ve been really fortunate on our campus that we haven’t had a lot of alcohol-related student deaths, so now we just use the walk as a 12-hour celebration, a fun Friday night activity, to get together and have an alcohol-free event.” Carolyn Cornelison, a renowned keynote speaker on alcohol responsibility, will speak Monday at Jesse Auditorium. Harr said she ensures Cornelison’s presentation will entice the audience. “We wouldn’t pick her to speak unless she had a powerful message to share,” Harr said. “It’s a free opportunity to see a nationally renowned speaker who really impacts decision-making and makes students think a little differently about their surroundings.” These two events are a few of the several that Alcohol Responsibility Month will feature. This year, the planning committee chose to sponsor fewer events, but Harr said the events it chose have a greater impact. “We’ve whittled the month down to only the events we know students like the most,” she said. “We’ve tried and tested many different events, and now we’ve got it down to the ones that are working for us.” Although he typically works with tobacco prevention in the Wellness
MU honors Breast Cancer Awareness month Allison Prang Staff Writer
RESPONSIBLITY October is Alcohol Responsibility Month at MU. The Wellness Resource Center is hosting a variety of events throughout the month.
21 Shots Lunchbag Noon - 1 p.m. Stotler Lounge Legal Issues Panel Lunchbag Noon - 1 p.m. Stotler Lounge Movie “Haze” screening 7 p.m. Chamber Auditorium Alcohol and Nutrition Lunchbag Noon - 1 p.m. Memorial Union N201
Source: MU Wellness Resource Center ASHLEY LANE/GRAPHIC DESIGNER
Resource Center, graduate assistant Lucas Blount said all Wellness Resource Center employees come together for Alcohol Responsibility Month. “We kind of do ‘all hands on deck’ throughout October because Alcohol Responsibility Month is our biggest event of the year,” he said. “We don’t push alcohol abstinence. We push safe use of alcohol.” Formerly a student member of the planning committee during her tenure at MU, Harr now oversees the program. “We got to get really creative and think of some cool ideas relating to dinosaurs just to kind of remind people that alcohol responsibility doesn’t have to be what we picture it in our minds: very dull, boring or one-sided,” she said. “It’s very interactive and very fun.”
grams, Sinele said the importance of the American Cancer Society’s guidelines. “It is important that women everywhere still get their mammograms every year,” she said. “Selfbreast exams should be done every month from your 20s on. You can detect smaller changes which leads to finding cancers earlier.”
Students are seeing a lot of pink on campus for Breast Cancer Awareness Month due to efforts from a variety of student organizations aiming to not only raise breast cancer awareness, but to educate the MU community on how to prevent breast cancer. “The week that was the biggest week was October 4 through 10,” said Michelle Horan, Missouri Students Association vice presidential candidate. “A lot of things are probably going to be up for the whole month.” Horan said that last semester, the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority came to MSA to coordinate getting pink lighting around campus outside of the bookstore. She said MSA decided to do a lot of their breast cancer awareness ideas the same week as Zeta Tau Alpha’s events. Zeta Tau Alpha Assistant Philanthropy Chair Samantha Hutmacher said Zeta Tau Alpha’s philanthropy is breast cancer awareness and education, and that aside from working with MSA, they also passed out pink ribbons and ran lemonade stands. “This year was the first year we were able to get legislation passed for lights around campus,” Hutmacher said. Horan said MSA wanted to get lighting around Jesse Hall and the columns, but because Jesse is a ceremonial building, they were unable to do so. MSA printed table tents with facts about breast cancer and post-
ers for some of the residence halls. Horan said another poster is supposed to go up under the archway in Memorial Student Union and MSA, along with Zeta Tau Alpha, had banners printed for the MU Student Center. “It’s something they’re very passionate about and I specifically wanted to do something for it this year and MSA was really behind me,” Horan said. “I think that MSA was more excited to take on this project because it was something that had never been brought to us.” Along with MSA and Zeta Tau Alpha, the Mizzou Black Men’s Initiative has started their “Brothers for the Cure” campaign to help raise awareness about the prevalence of breast cancer in men and women, said Philip Simpkins, initiative ambassador. Simpkins said 2 percent of men get breast cancer and many do not know before it is too late to cure. Simpkins said the initiative is still talking about what they want to do to raise awareness, but has tossed around ideas for a rally and gathering at the Gaines/Oldham Black Cultural Center. Simpkins said they also wear pink every week and will be selling buttons outside of Memorial Student Union on Thursday and Friday. All of the proceeds will go toward breast cancer awareness. Simpkins said the Mizzou Black Men’s Initiative wants to make Brothers for the Cure an annual event. “We really want to have an impact on the Mizzou campus as far as breast cancer awareness is concerned,” he said.
the maneater
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
ARREST: Argument LIGHTS: Police respond to all calls set off domestic assault Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1 at 1:22 a.m. Sunday. Washington was not at the woman’s apartment when police arrived and one of the woman’s friends had come over to lend support, Haden said. “We made contact with the victim then,” Haden said. “She had swelling to her forehead, blood on and around her nose and on her shirt.” The victim, 23, told police she invited Washington over, but while he was there, the two got into an argument and Washington struck her in the face, causing the injury, Haden said. When she asked him to leave,
he refused. Police went to Washington’s home in the 3500 block of La Mesa Drive and arrested him without incident. “He said they got in an argument but denied assaulting her,” Haden said. According to the Missouri Revised Statutes, third-degree domestic assault is a class A misdemeanor. A spokesman for the Boone County Jail confirmed Washington had been arrested Sunday and was later released on a $1,000 bond. — Alicia Stice, News Editor
TICKETS: Students to no longer show IDs Continued from page 1 ticket scanners were put into place and the student sections were relocated. Babcock said the scanners were a good change, but they are still working on the system a little bit. “In general, on the way in the gate, we felt like they were very efficient,” Babcock said. “From the student section we eliminated the wristband and the showing of the student IDs and we felt like it streamlined things.” Babcock said an area that needs work is re-entrance into the stadium. Students can come and go at their leisure but those handling the scanners had difficulty keeping up. “We want to scan the tickets again to allow the students back in because once the barcode is initially scanned it is not valid,” Babcock said. “If people want to leave and tailgate at halftime and they want to come back in the third quarter, we have to rescan the ticket on their way out of the stadium to revalidate it. We had trouble with that, because there were so many people going out that we did not get the chance to rescan the all of the tickets of the students going out.” Babcock said they will continue to improve the system, but it really boils down to getting the tickets scanned out so they can come back in. “We always want to analyze and improve our system efficiencies,” Babcock said. “We had to be a little flexible allowing students back in after halftime as a result.” Junior Chelsie Temmen said the scanners weren’t much of a time reliever compared to last year’s system. “I don’t think the scanning went faster,” Temmen said. “Usually they just checked the tickets and gave you a wristband. It seemed like there was a delay of three or four seconds before it would actually scan the barcode and ring it through.” Sophomore Shakera Scott said she liked the scanning system. She just didn’t expect the change. “I liked the wristbands last year because I got to keep them as a keepsake from each game and as a freshman that
need assistance.” The campus’ emergency phone system, which includes emergency phones in elevators, residence hall buildings and parking structures and the bluelight system, has been used in 1,634 situations since its inception in July 2005, according to data from MUPD. Of the calls, three resulted in filed reports. The most recent report was filed April 27 and the remaining two were in 2008. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Statistical Analysis Center website, 375 crimes were reported on MU's campus in 2004. In 2005, when the system was first implemented, 356 crimes were reported. For subsequent years, 384, 388, 368 and 370 crimes were reported. Charles Gibson, chief of the Contra Costa Community College District police department, said in the Inside Higher Ed article that there has not been a verified emergency call in his five years at Contra Costa. Most uses of the phones came from people calling to report flat tires or ask for directions. “The blue phones might make people feel good, but if I’m a bad guy, I’m not really deterred by that phone,” Gibson said. Gibson said he expects most emergency calls to come in from cell phones. Despite the low number of reports filed at MU as a result of the blue-light phones, Noce said the system is worthwhile even if it helps one person.
“Even if it just saves one person from being held at gunpoint for their wallet or something like that, it’s definitely worth the money,” Noce said. Each emergency phone costs $25.25 per month to operate, Telecommunications Infrastructure engineer Mike Anderson said. This puts the operating cost for the system at about $64,842 annually. Anderson said he is unsure of the electrical cost for each blue-light phone, but guessed it was minimal. Seville said maintenance on the blue-light phones is conducted frequent. “Telecom services the telephones and the MU Police check to make sure the telephones are working,” Seville said. “Campus Facilities has evening maintenance employees who check all outdoor lighting in parking lots, along pathways and emergency lights.” One of former MSA president Jordan Paul’s goals in office was to post additional blue-light phones in Greektown. “We commissioned a Greek Safety Survey to gauge what the safety issues and concerns were in the Greek community, and the blue-light item came back over 75 percent in favor of expanding blue lights,” Paul said. “I don’t know that there was a glaring need for more blue lights on any area of campus, but one area that did concern us was Greektown because so many students live there.” Because of these results, two new blue-light phones were added to Greektown in 2009.
According to Maneater archives, in 2009 the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee rejected a funding request for additional emergency phones in Greektown due to the devices’ infrequent use. “We didn’t see enough of a usage in present emergency phones for actual emergencies,” then SFCIC Chairman Bryan VanGronigen said. VanGronigen, who is a former Interfraternity Council president, said the majority of calls were false alarms once police officers got to the phone. Although Noce said he would like to see more blue-light phones on campus, he said MSA has been looking into a new safety measure similar to the blue-light phone system. “There was another emergency phone service that we were looking into that has to do with having something on your cell phone that tracks it down,” Noce said. “I don’t know much about the new program since it’s so new, but it essentially squeezes an entire emergency blue-light phone into your cell phone.” Noce said this would be beneficial to improve safety on campus, but it is unlikely to happen anytime soon because of financial issues. “I definitely think that is a pretty viable option, but the problem is that it costs money,” Noce said. “Budget times are pretty tight, and a lot of people aren’t willing to spend money like they were a few years ago.”
JUNGLE: 10 of 50 spots were filled Continued from page 1
was important,” Scott said. “I guess it is kind of easier though because you don’t have to waste time to put the wristband on and stuff. They just scan your ticket.” Students are not required to show their student IDs anymore, but it is still suggested, according to Babcock. “We are encouraging students to have their ID and tickets visible so we can get them into the stadium as fast as possible,” Babcock said. Student organizations, such as Tiger’s Lair and the general student section have new seating arrangements this season after students complained their organizations seating was not together. Babcock said they are suggesting members of student organizations enter through specified gates for the students’ convenience. “We are encouraging students to come in through gates 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the east side,” Babcock said. “Tiger’s Lair should come through gate 4E, so students can just walk through to their section straight ahead. Student groups should come through gate 3E and general students through gates 5E and 6E.” Temmen said with the way the sections are now set up, she could save her money and still get close to the action. “I was on the 50-yard line first row, so I had just as good of seats as Tiger’s Lair,” Temmen said.
event,” Hansen said. “We’re spending money on the event for hiring police, creating a perimeter, more or less, having reservations. So this is the first official student tailgate that actually has infrastructure.” According to estimates from MSA, The Jungle was only expected to fill 20 percent of the lot. Hansen said the low turnout wasn’t a problem for MSA. “We want to test it out and see how it goes to begin with,” Hansen said. “It’s to our advantage to have fewer people come than for it to be so overwhelming that we can’t even control it.” Hansen said about 200 students attended the event, and out of the approximately 50 spots available, 10 were filled. Aside from MSA, five student organizations reserved spots at the tailgate: Tiger’s Lair, The Residence Halls Association, The Student Bar Association, The Maneater, KCOU/88.1 FM and Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. The MU Police Department was also on hand, with one to two officers on bicycle stationed at the lot throughout the hours leading up to the game. RHA Programming Coordinator Natasha Desai said the event was a great way for students to get into the
mood for the game. “It’s a cool idea to gather a lot of students together from different organizations and be able to have them all in one place to kind of emphasize the game day spirit,” Desai said. MSA President Tim Noce said The Jungle was created in order to compensate for the troubles MU students had establishing a tailgating spot in the past. Previous unofficial tailgates, such as Frat Pit and Reactor Field, were shut down due to safety issues. Noce said the problems that arose at Reactor Field motivated MSA to establish an official tailgate for students. “That was really the spark that lit the flame for the student government,” Noce said “When that was shut down, it was a huge area for all sorts of students, and no student was involved in the conversation of shutting it down.” With more than 80 percent of the lot vacant, The Jungle seemed empty compared to surrounding fraternity and alumni tailgates. Hansen said the low attendance was a result of the event’s marketing not being the main priority for the first game of the season. “Up until now we’ve been spending our time trying to build a sound infrastructure, a solid event that we can handle,” Hansen said. “Since we’ve been spending so much time
on that, we haven’t had as much time to market the event for the first game.” Noce said MSA is planning to improve communication for the event in order to increase attendance. “I think the bottom line is we need to do a better job communicating,” Noce said. “That’s what we need to do to make the event better. I heard a lot of myths that people asked me about the tailgate. Some people said, ‘Oh, I can’t drink there,’ but that’s obviously not true.” Hansen is also aiming to improve attendance for The Jungle. “We’re looking at in what ways can we make the event more accessible,” Hansen said. “By that I’m referring to possibly allowing one vehicle inside the lot per group as a viable alternative to having an unloading zone, and also exploring the possibility of increasing the number of wristbands we give away per group.” Despite the slow start, Noce said he would like to see The Jungle become a mainstay at MU. “My vision is, I want to come here 10 years from now and have it be the place that students want to go on game day and be the place where alumni want to say, ‘Oh, this is the place where I was as a student,’” Noce said. “I’d like eventually for it to become a campus tradition.”
the maneater 7
Green Dot program aims to prevent sexual violence The event teaches how to intervene safely in potentially violent situations. JIMMY HIBSCH Staff Writer In an effort to combat sexual violence on campus, MU’s Green Dot program held its first public event Monday at Lowry Mall. “We are tabling to raise more awareness about our Green Dot program,” said Holly Hanover, Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center co-coordinator, at the event. “We started the program last semester, but we’re still trying to get more people involved. We want people to get a better idea of who we are.” Green Dot is a new branch of RSVP, which aims to proactively prevent relationship violence. The program accomplished one of RSVP’s missions, Co-Coordinator Kim Scates said. “Green Dot is our violence prevention strategy,” Scates said. “A goal of the RSVP Center is to significantly reduce the number of individuals affected by powerbased personal violence. We do that by teaching students to make their part of the world a little safer by intervening in potentially violent situations, so everyone goes home safe that evening.” A Green Dot can be anything from breaking up an argument to keeping an eye on a friend, Hanover said.
GAME CHANGERS Green Dot statements and actions anyone can use to create a culture intolerant of violence:
Violence against women is a serious problem on college campuses, including ours. We have to create a culture intolerant of violence. When we are going to a party, my friends and I always have some plan in place to look out for each other. If I know I’m getting drunk, I have worked out with a friend I trust how I’m going to get home. We don’t ever leave a friend behind. Source: The Green Dot Strategy SPENCER PEARSON/GRAPHICS ASSISTANT
“If you see two people having a heated argument, maybe check in to make sure it doesn’t get to a level of violence,” Hanover said. “Green Dot is really about checking in with people, making sure they’re OK.” The MU program began last April, after Dorothy Edwards, founder of the national Green Dot Strategy, came to campus for an educational consultation. RSVP Center Coordinator Danica Pape said Edwards laid out guidelines for initiating the program at MU. “We started by gradually introducing bystander intervention in general before using the Green Dot Strategy,” Pape said. “Today’s event was our first large-scale, public Green Dot event, but we have been participating in fairs and having trainings in classrooms, residence halls and Greek chapters since last year.” Green Dot spoke with 1,200 new Greek Life women Sunday,
Buttons, bracelets and information from the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center sit on a table Saturday on Lowry Mall. Green Dot Mizzou attempts to educate students on preventing violent sexual crimes. as a part of the Greek 2 Greek program, and will speak to 600 new Greek Life men Tuesday. Freshman Chi Omega member Theresa Beno said Green Dot’s lessons comforted her. “I learned about how we, especially women in the Greek community, need to look out for each other and stop acts of violence before it’s too late,” Beno said. “It’s reassuring to know that other people are concerned with your safety when you go out
at night.” Pape estimated thousands of students, faculty and staff are involved in the program by actively performing Green Dots after learning about the program. She said there are about 30 to 45 people who are in charge Green Dot’s internal operations. Last spring, MU hosted its first Green Dot Conference, where participants were given opportunities to practice Green Dot’s philosophy. The event will be held
again this year at 10 a.m. Oct. 2 in Stotler Lounge. Pape said she encourages anyone to attend. “I think Green Dot is so important because it is something everyone can do to keep violence from happening in our community,” she said. “No one has to do everything, but everyone can do something. We would love to have a ton of people attend. The more people who know about Green Dot, the better.”
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Reach Wes Duplantier, city, state and nation editor, at and Alicia Stice, crime editor,
Left, Right and Center
Ethan Simonds Political Columnist
Senate has no good pick By all appearances, the U.S. Senate race in Missouri is boiling down to Democrat Robin Carnahan and Republican Roy Blunt. Both are established political names; Carnahan is in her second term as Missouri’s Secretary of State and Blunt is already a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Each side came to the race armed with standard-issue political rhetoric and took no time in using it, with Blunt calling Carnahan a “rubber stamp” for President Barack Obama’s agenda to Carnahan calling “bull” on Blunt. I’d like to take a moment to call out some “bull” of my own. Both have taken generic approaches to their campaigns. Blunt has fallen back on the basic Republican model of critiquing Obama and the health care reform bill and linking his opponent to those issues. Carnahan appears in commercials wearing work gloves, surrounded by the livestock of her family’s cattle farm. She cites her bovine expertise as justification to call bull on not only Blunt, but also the bigwigs in Washington D.C. Blunt criticizes Carnahan as being an Obama crony in the making, just another liberal face in the crowd. As the polls show, Obama is losing his luster to the American people — even those who voted for him in 2008. Carnahan fills page after page of her speeches with concern and anger over Blunt’s penchant for taking lobbyist dollars and his backing of controversial earmarks. This race embodies what I see as one of the chief problems in American politics. Neither candidate really says anything of merit about what they plan to do if elected. The focus is not on what they themselves plan to do, but on the terrible things their opponent has done or will continue to do. Neither candidate is subtle in their generic campaign philosophy. They push the same idea from different sides of the political spectrum by basically saying they are tired of the same old bull from Washington. The nature of their campaigns seem to me to show they are more concerned with being elected than actually giving voters any real reason to elect them. Sure, America is tired of Washington and Obama to one degree or another, but is that really the biggest issue in your mind, or is it just the easiest route to office? Carnahan decries Blunt’s and Washington’s spending habits, saying they shouldn’t spend money they don’t have, and yet she is a vocal supporter of both the health care bill and the stimulus package. The health care bill should cost at least $900 billion, and the stimulus package set us back another $862 billion. Maybe we had almost $2 trillion sitting in our national checking account. Or maybe that should fall under the “spending money we don’t have” category. Blunt, in his plaid shirt, acts the part of the down-home Missourian, but the lobbyist contributions, earmarks and financial bailout that characterize him say otherwise. Carnahan and Blunt seem to be in a twoperson race for the Senate seat. Unfortunately for Missouri voters, it looks like it’s going to be picking your poison. Ethan Simonds is a sophomore journalism major at MU. He can be reached at ewsxv7@
The Maneater 9
Groups meet to call for peace The Columbia Peace Coalition has met to commemorate the events of 9/11 since 2001. Beth Pearl Reporter
Nine years ago, on Sept. 11, several Columbia residents spontaneously gathered in Peace Park to commemorate the tragedy. They have continued to meet each year on the anniversary of the attacks to remember the lives lost and to ask for peace, reconciliation and an end to war. They are the members of the Columbia Peace Coalition, a collection of local groups that promote non-violence and tolerance. Stephanie Ebbs/The Maneater Saturday, they held a vigil called Geography professor Larry Brown speaks at the Mid-Missouri Peaceworks’ Sept. 11 “No More Victims” at the A.P. Green commemoration Saturday night at the A.P. Green Chapel. His speech advocated nonvioChapel. lence in dealing with present issues. Mid-Missouri Pe a c e wo rk s violence. Director Mark Haim helped organize umph of love over war. Rev. Heather Morgan of the “In supporting a war that has the memorial, which featured speakColumbia Hope Church was the first caused the end to many lives, we are ers and songs about peace. speaker. She emphasized the imporall terrorists,” Brown said. The event’s call for an end to viotance of inter-religious dialogue and The night ended with a canlence and the beginning of forgiveunderstanding between conflicting dlelight vigil beneath the arch of ness, he said, is necessary now more peoples. She also urged the audience Memorial Union. The crowd gaththan ever as the nation faces division to give up its desire for vengeance. ered in a circle, each holding a small over issues fueled by “Islamaphobia,” “Retribution does not work,” she candle, and participated in two minas he called it, and hatred. said, comparing violence and hatred utes of reflective silence before sing“We’re issuing a call not only to to a thorn that must be uprooted ing together three verses of “We end foreign wars, but for peace and and reconciled in every community. Shall Overcome.” reconciliation at home,” he said. MU geography professor Larry Letitia Denhartog, a member of The night’s message was to honor Brown delivered a speech on the the Rock Bridge Christian Church, the lives lost on Sept. 11, to ask for need to end the conflicts abroad. He attended the gathering. an end to the wars in the Middle asked the audience to look for alter“I remember how much I shut East and to promote tolerance and natives to war and violence in order down after Sept. 11,” she said. “I diversity. to achieve an end to terror. don’t want us to have to go through About 50 people attended the “We’re not going to get peaceful that again as a country or as a event, which began with songs from results from violent action,” he said. world.” Caravan, a choral group whose perHe also spoke of the recent Haim said the group would gather formers sing and dance with mesthreat by one Florida pastor to burn again next year. sages of peace and love. Qur’ans, condemning people who “(We gather) in the spirit of hope Their songs echoed the hope of he believes manipulate the fears of for peace, and in the need to end a the event’s organizers. The lyrics the masses in order to create more tragic cycle of violence,” he said. focused on world peace and the tri-
String of vehicular theft continues Multiple unlocked cars in Columbia have been broken into. Steve Cassidy staff writer Columbia Police have seen a rapid increase in the number of items reported stolen from vehicles in the past week. According to a Columbia Police Department news release, officers investigated two cases where items were reported stolen from cars parked at the Academy of Fine Arts, located at 3210 South Providence Road. The thefts reportedly occurred at about 7:30 a.m. “The items were unable to be recovered and no suspect has been found at this time,” CPD spokeswoman Jessie Haden said. The string of thefts continued later on Sept. 8. At roughly 5:30 p.m., officers were called to investigate three separate reports of vehicular theft. All three cars were parked in the
parking lot of Jazzercise, at 120 East Nifong Blvd. The next day, Sept. 9, officers were called to Green Meadow Day Care, where a resident spoke of another theft. The reason for the large and sudden increase in thefts is believed to be the weather. “This time of year, theft rates always increase because people want to leave their windows down so their car won’t get hot or because they think they can leave for just a moment without locking their cars,” Haden said. She also said police are advising residents to lock their vehicles, as all of the reported cases involved unlocked cars. Another tip she offered was to secure items of value and keep them out of sight of passersby. “Criminals are more likely to break into a car if they know for sure there is something of value to take,” Haden said. CPD is stressing that these are the only things that can be done.
According to a news release, the most popular items stolen were purses because of their contents: wallets, money and identification. The police have developed multiple leads. One officer recognized the suspect’s vehicle to be a 2010 black Chevrolet Tahoe with dark tinted windows. On Sept. 11, a Columbia resident said he saw a vehicle that fit the description at a business just outside of city limits. Haden said the citizen was a little concerned upon seeing the Tahoe and his concern elevated when he saw the passenger walk out to the car and switch its current Tennessee license plates for Missouri ones. At that point, he called the police and told them what he had witnessed. The police believe the string of thefts to be the work of a local identity theft gang known as the Felony Lane Gang. “We urge anyone who may have information to call Crime Stoppers at 875-TIPS,” Haden said in the news release. “It is our main priority that no one else be victimized.”
10 The Maneater
forum Reach Megan Pearl, forum editor, at
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
themaneater The Student Voice of the University of Missouri Founded in 1955 by Joel Gold and Jim Willard
Zach Toombs, editor-in-chief — Lyndsie Manusos, managing editor —
Our Opinion Editorials represent the majority opinion of The Maneater Editorial Board.
RHA should work with MSA in tackling student conduct policy The Residence Halls Association is trying to implement a Judicial Branch into its system for students who violate rules of the residence halls and have to appear before the Office of Student Conduct. The idea is to get additional students to give input on crime-andpunishment decisions, rather than subjecting rebels without a cause to the potentially unsympathetic wrath of pure administration. However, the addition of an RHA Judicial Branch for the project is entirely unnecessary, because the Missouri Students Association has had the same endeavor in the works since March. In short, RHA needs better communication with other student government entities — not an entirely new branch. Also, the students involved with MSA’s Judicial Branch have acknowledged before that their role has shrunk to one that’s nearly negligible, and reconstructing the input in student conduct positions was aimed at increasing the significance of the branch. Considering that one judicial branch within student government has already been rendered nearly useless and is struggling to come back from the dead, adding another student judicial branch on campus with the same idea isn’t exactly conducive to anyone’s success. However, it’s possible that RHA doesn’t even know MSA is already working on this. There hasn’t been a joint session between the student governments this semester, and the session last semester was rescheduled until the end of the semester, when it was accepted that it wouldn’t be happening. Communication and organization are key to successful policies, not creating more positions with fancy names. The most important benefit of all student governments working together on the project is the ability to help all students, and not just those who get in trouble in the residence halls.
Students should utilize car-sharing programs Wait. So, there’s a program at MU that offers a car when you need it without the hassle of paying for a spot and maintenance, with the added benefit of being eco-friendly, and only 54 people on campus have manifested any sort of interest in it? Although Parking and Transportation Services can’t judge the impact the cars are having on campus now — the cars have only been on campus since August — if students continue signing up for the program, we think it has the potential to have a significant impact. The program has already seen success in lessening problems with parking at the University of Michigan. There are 24,000 spaces on MU’s campus — not everyone can bring a car onto campus. Nor do most students have a real need for a car all of the time. However, the cars could really benefit freshmen, international students and those of us whose parents gave the car they drove in high school to a younger sibling during the times they really need it. The WeCar program is also cost neutral to the university, as the program is operated through Enterprise Rent-A-Car, though it’s worth noting that students wishing to use it will pay $35 for membership plus individual trips. Another program meant to aid the campus’ movement toward sustainable living is the RideShare program, also new to the university. RideShare sets up the opportunity for students to carpool back and forth from home and school, and, considering a lot of MU students are from Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, this also holds the potential to be a really convenient savior from Megabus or having to tote your own car around. Because few students are signing up for this, we encourage Student and Auxiliary Services to get the information on WeCar and RideShare out to students however possible. Perhaps adding URLs or the method on how to sign up for the WeCar on the car decals would entice students to look further into it. Naturally, that mandates students pay attention, and look out for these programs as an alternative to trying to keep their own cars on campus.
Illustration by Chelsea Myers
Letters to the editor must include phone numbers. Guest columns must be about 450 words and include e-mail addresses. All letters must be signed to be published. The Maneater reserves the right to edit letters and columns for style and length. Letters and columns can be e-mailed to, faxed to 882-5550 or dropped off at N223 Memorial Union.
Letter to the Editor
‘Celebrate Ability Week’ success, thanks to MU community As Chairman of the planning committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Mizzou community for making Celebrate Ability Week such a success. Faculty and staff members stepped up and supported the activities that were held as part of the week, and students showed up in droves to participate in accessible sporting events, educational seminars, and other aspects of the week such as “An Evening with Mark Zupan.” It is one thing to plan and hold event such as this, which aimed to raise awareness of disability issues, foster a more inclusive campus environment, and show the capabilities people who live with physical and/or cognitive challenges; it is quite another to have the week be as well attended and supported as it was. It was truly a week of celebration, and the organizers and participants involved in Celebrate Ability Week truly appreciate those in our university community who were such an important part of the week. We are Mizzou!!! Troy Balthazor Celebrate Ability Week Chairman
" " "
“Maybe college students should become better teachers for their own parents.”
— Researcher J. Dennis Fortenberry, on the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
“It was a pretty clear incident of road rage and it was pretty con cerning. Why are you carrying around a collapsible baton in your car, anyway?” — CPD spokeswoman Jessie Haden, on a recent incident of road rage
“They’re going to have to be prepared – more prepared than if they were going to steal smaller items.”
— CPD spokeswoman Jessie Haden, on recent thefts
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
the maneater 11
The opinions expressed by The Maneater columnists do not represent the opinions of The Maneater editorial board.
Cosmopolitan, GQ set double standard Katie McCormick
“Fifty ways to make your man scream with pleasure” — doesn’t this sound like a thought-provoking read? The Cosmopolitans of the world use this literary tactic to really draw in the masses. Women read these magazines constantly to see the next new way to keep their man around. Intelligence and wit is never mentioned but rather, every sexual position and fantasy invented. They have everything from the proper way to lick his ear right down to what it really means when he says, “I’m too tired.” I enjoy the occasional discussion of sexual ventures as much as the next girl, but Cosmo strongly upsets me. One of the big reasons is the way women actually perceive the magazine. I thought almost everyone viewed it as a comedy gold mine, what with the juxtaposition of being self-conscious about your sex life to being self-conscious about your body to being self-conscious about your man’s attitude toward you. Regarding the latter, my favorite article was “What his crying style says about him” and goes into telling the woman how his
crying is something she needs to work on. In the most serious tone I can possibly effuse, do women truly take this advice seriously? After reading two articles without my signature snide and cynical attitude, I was overcome with self-pity, to say the least, and I thought my next move would be whoring myself out. Isn’t the purpose of the magazine to act like the sexually-charged, confident friend you have always wanted? I more or less pictured it as that bitch you don’t know why you are friends with who says you’re fat, even if they’re obese. I am not trying to generalize it and say all women who read Cosmo believe it’s the Holy Grail of advice, but I know a multitude of chicks that salivate over the little changes made to the same columns the magazine’s been putting out throughout its existence. All of this is, without a doubt, frustrating, but what I am really irked by is not the actual magazine. This is not just one big circular argument, but rather, I am more bothered by the male counterparts to the Cosmos out there. These would be your GQs or your Maxims, but not as hardcore as the Playboy wonders. In these magazines, they usually have scantily-clad women on the cover, followed by 10 ways towards better pecks, then rounding it out with a few stupid jokes like “21 animals with crap on their
heads.” Yes, sex is prevalent, and yes, body issues are mentioned, but never in a demeaning way. The one thing I notice right off the bat is the difference in discussion of sex. In women’s magazines, they constantly tell you how to get your man to have a cartoon reaction with the eyes popping out of his head by using sex. It’s always “tend to your man’s jewels” or “stroke his member” (God forbid we call it a penis), but more importantly, it’s how to please him. In the guys’ magazines, you never once see an article on how to please your woman. They basically state how to pick up a hottie — but guys are always good in the sack, so they don’t need help keeping her around. I may sound like an angry feminist, but I’m criticizing both magazines for enabling and almost promoting sexist attitudes. I understand the constant need to compete with all the hypersexual aspects of our society, but come on, people! Have some dignity and stop planning your romantic evening using position No. 146 from the February Cosmo while wearing the lingerie they said hides those love handles. Not only are you risking a possible sprain, but also it adds unnecessary pressure to a relationship. Instead of memorizing the entire magazine, why don’t you just ask your guy what he really wants, and tell him what you want?
Deadspin reports on players’ game, on and off the field — don't like it? Don't read it Tripp Stelnicki
The story goes like this: A star quarterback was traded. New team, new city — of course, new road beef. The quarterback was a married man, but chores like monogamy are reserved for men of inferior athletic ability, the responsibility of duller stars and thinner wallets. He became interested in one particular girl, a team employee. He reached out to her via a team public relations official. She rebuffed his advances. He persisted. He really persisted. He left voicemails — long, rambling, almost desperate-sounding voicemails. The quarterback then sent her a few photographs of his Li’l Quarterback — so to speak. And the frighteningly intense attempts at courtship that could be considered under the umbrella marked “Sexual Harassment” ended there. The team was the New York Jets. The woman was Jenn Sterger, then a Jets employee, currently a TV personality. And the quarterback was Brett Favre. This, all according to Deadspin, one of the internet’s feistier blogs, and the lead torch in its virulently anti-ESPN mob. There isn’t much to be added in the way of commentary regarding the story: an athlete stridently attempted to land a young, attractive woman who was not his wife, and anyone of the opinion that this doesn’t happen every day in every major city with the majority of professional athletes is either comically naïve or just now waking from a coma that began immediately before Tiger Woods’ Escalade swerved into a fire hydrant last November. The only noteworthy aspect of this story is the manner in which Brett Favre went about fishing for this woman. Cell phone pictures of his dong? Brett, it seems, is a bit kinkier than John Madden’s fawning soliloquies would have you believe.
Illustration by Chelsea Meyers No, the commentary here is reserved for the way it was reported, and the way the football world has received the news. The day before Deadspin dropped the photos on their front page — the post has accumulated upwards of 1.4 million hits — a concerned but misguided reader penned a long rant to AJ Daulerio, Deadspin’s editor, urging him not to post the pictures because “this particular story (true or false) is between Brett and his wife — period.” Similar complaints were raised last year when Deadspin posted pictures of a shirtless Josh Hamilton — the reformed Rangers outfielder who had made fans the country over by kicking his cocaine addiction and turning his life to Christ — licking whipped cream off a woman in a bar who was most certainly not his wife. The mystery is why anyone has these delusional, fantastical images of what Deadspin should be posting and reporting. I’m sure the silent majority acknowledges the idiocy in this, but the mouth-
breathing minority can, on occasion, overpower. Deadspin’s business is getting eyeballs to their site, and they do a tremendous job. In this instance and others (such as Hamilton), they do a bit of digging, and their work ends up affecting things. Deadspin’s main men — Daulerio, the hilarious Drew Magary, the eloquent and deliciously bitter Tommy Craggs — of course know this, and they’re not going to stop because a few cross-eyed mooks still think “blogger + mother’s basement = hilarious, accurate representation” and that our sports heroes and mainstream sports media can do no wrong. Deadspin is holding people accountable — in this instance, it’s Favre. Tomorrow, it could be Peyton Manning. The NFL is currently investigating Favre, and he may end up suspended. You can be sure Roger Goodell has Deadspin bookmarked these days — any sportsminded individual who hasn’t already may want to join him in that.
Ryan Schuessler
Don’t ignore state school talent I don’t think I’m alone when I say that as an incoming freshman, I faced some ridicule back home for choosing to go to Mizzou over other schools. It was mostly from my friends who ended up at small, private, liberal arts colleges nobody has ever heard of. I was told that I could “do better” than a big state school. But I disagreed, obviously, because here I am, writing for Mizzou’s student newspaper. When I was looking at schools back in the day, I didn’t really care how big they were or where they were. I looked at the quality of the programs I was interested. And that’s why I chose Mizzou, because (surprise) I’m a journalism major, However, I still came here under the impression that there were only a few shining gems at Mizzou: the journalism school, nursing program, veterinary program, etc. There was one field that didn’t even cross my mind as being renowned at Mizzou, though, and that was music. I’ve played the piano since third grade and the cello since fourth. I came from a high school with a widely-respected orchestra program that I was actively involved in, but I was not the best, mind you. I thought practicing was boring. Nonetheless, orchestra was one of the highlights of my high school experience, and I wanted to carry that over to my college experience as well. In August I tried out for the University Philharmonic and, by what I think is a stroke of luck, made it in. On the first day of rehearsal, I wasn’t expecting much (I had been convinced by my fellow music students back home not to do so). Maybe we’d get our music, talk about the schedule for the year and be let out early. I wasn’t expecting much from a music school at a big state school. Oh, how wrong I was. Most of the students there were older, and most were music students. We did get our music, and then we played it. All of it. In a panic, I realized that I had never sight read, or played a piece for the first time without ever seeing it before, an entire symphony. Needless to say, I barely made it through Schumann’s Third, while everyone around me seemed like they had been playing it for months. I had always thought such a level of playing could only be found at prestigious music schools like Rice, IU, or Vanderbilt. And it didn’t stop there. Since that first day I have had the opportunity to hear individuals play by themselves and walking through the halls of the Fine Arts Building have eavesdropped outside practice rooms. I feel privileged to be able to hear such talent I know I will never be able to match. Maybe I was just ignorant of the talent MU music students have to offer, and that was probably arrogant of me, but the generally-unknown prestige of our music program here is phenomenal, and in some way, we should all take time to appreciate it. Last Thursday the Philharmonic had its first concert of the year. And while it was long, I felt the performance went well. I felt, and still feel, proud to be part of such a well-established tradition at Mizzou, even though I had never before had to learn a symphony, overture and concerto that quickly. In short, be sure to take a moment to appreciate all of Mizzou’s talent.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dance Festival showcases MU talent
Reviews >>reviews
Tucker Max 'Assholes Finish First' Rating: 4 out of 5 Tucker Max might just be the most depraved, disgusting, offensive man on the planet, but boy can he tell a story. In his follow up, the number one New York Times Best Seller, “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,” Max achieves the impossible — he attempts to be more perverse, vulgar and awesome. He mostly succeeds. “Assholes Finish First” is boldly hilarious, but sometimes leaves a little to be desired and is inferior to the first book. The book is divided into two parts: the pre-fame sex stories and the post-fame sex stories. Without a doubt, the highlights are three different stories about sex with midgets. Max is at his most vile in these, but the laughs per page were higher than any other stories. There is a very special mention of our university as Tucker has a conversation with somebody only referred to as “MizzouGirl.” She lies about having a boyfriend in Canada so Max won’t try and sleep with her. The longest and most unbelievable story actually has nothing to do with sex. “The Tuckerfest Story” chronicles the epic journey of Tucker, a few fans, an RV with a keg in the shower and how they all come to a head in a car chase through Harlem. Obviously, laughter ensues. The only real surprise in the whole book are a few passing thoughts about Max’s desire to settle down and raise a family. Hopefully he achieves this dream, if only for the prospect of writing about fatherhood and another anticipated, hilarious book. — David Adams, reporter
The Maneater 13
Reach Katie Currid, arts editor, at
Sufjan Stevens The Age of Adz Rating: 3 out of 5 This is not Sufjan Stevens. Not even close. What are those echoing sounds and deep chasms of reverb? When the world was promised a new Stevens record this past summer, no one knew what to expect, but it was certainly not this. After releasing the true to style All Delighted People EP in August, Stevens does a 180 and serves up The Age of Adz. The new album opens with the fairly normal “Futile Devices,” and then proceeds to resemble the hypothetical result of Trent Reznor producing an MGMT album in an arcade. “Too Much.” Bangs and pops whiz by, and the listener will undoubtedly expect to hear the words “HIGH SCORE!” every 30 seconds. The Age of Adz is plain evidence that, five years after his last album (the instant classic Illinoise), Stevens is doing whatever the hell he wants. The verdict? Mixed. After rumors of retirement, it’s good to have Stevens back, but his dive into electronic jams is anything but groundbreaking. He is, however, a talented songwriter, and lines such as “Don’t walk away while I am speaking” remind us that if we blink, we might miss another flash of brilliance from Sufjan Stevens. — Alex Smith, staff writer
>> Check out the A&E blog online for more reviews at
Michelle Gao Reporter Dancers gathered together at the first Columbia Dance Festival on Oct. 5 at MU. With the traditional Indian melody, performance began with Odissi, the most ancient classical dance of India. Dancers from the MU Dance and Recreation Association expressed the dedication to dance origin and the beauty of nature through their graceful postures. MUDRA was the main organizer of this festival. Aditi Bandyopadhyay, the president and instructor at MUDRA, said the organization would keep the festival going. “Our group is not only the organizer of the event but also the motivator,” Bandyopadhyay said. “We want to invite more people and let them get into dance. We offer classes to teach students and provide opportunities for students to carry on dances.” MUDRA has 30 members, including members from America and Russia. There are also volunteers in MUDRA who are not learning dance. They contribute in other ways, such as helping design the website. “Love for dance makes the members stick together,” Bandyopadhyay said. “We are as close as a family. Everyone is important. Everyone has a role at MUDRA.” Anindita Paul, another
Chenfei Zhang/The Maneater
Dancers from Stephens College take part in a ballet performance Oct. 5 in Jesse Hall as part of the Columbia Dance Festival. Nine campus-based and community dance groups came together to showcase dances for the festival.
instructor in MUDRA, said dance makes her feel happy. “Dance helps me release my stress, and I love it,” Paul said. “I can also see a good response from other dance groups. The performance helps more people to understand dance and to let more people aware of the opportunities for dance at Mizzou.” The president of Latin Dance Club, David Mueller, has been in the club for four years. He said MU offers chances for different types of dancing on campus. “I think there are a lot of opportunities,” Mueller said. “Not only do we have the clubs, but there are opportunities like the Rec Center and yoga. For a
campus without a dance degree, to have these clubs really creates good opportunities for dancers.” Mueller said the Latin Dance Club is trying to bring more members togerher and provide a social environment. “The next (event) will be the Halloween event,” Mueller said. “(We will) bring the instructors from out of the town, have a teaching workshop, and have a social place where we can teach and dance.” A group from Stephens College Department of Dance performed “Lynchtown,” a piece about mob violence. Senior Jessica Ray said, to her, dance is a way to express herself with movement.
“It’s like another freedom of expression,” Ray said. “It’s completely different from everything else, because it’s about feelings around you and using it to touch people.” Eric Cusick, senior chairman of the International Programming Committee, said the performance at the dance festival was the best way to see how many opportunities dancers have at MU. “There are several organizations on campus, and there are several (groups) inside Columbia as well,” Cusick said. “Where else can you go, you have a great variety (of dance) there. You’ll always see dance clubs here at Mizzou.”
Cannon Crew ignites an MU tradition Jimmy Hibsch Staff Writer Stands lined with gold shirts, the Golden Girls enticing the crowd and the cannon blasting a round it’s game day at MU. At a university full of traditions, the ROTC’s Cannon Crew is just one way MU flaunts its school pride. “It’s a pretty big honor being a part of such a big tradition,” Cannon Crew Capt. David Adams said. “I’m glad I can help out in a school spirit kind of way.” The first rounds were fired in 1895 after MU beat the University of Nebraska. After the victory, one round was shot for every point scored in the game, and as a result, a new MU tradition was born. Still, the Cannon Crew hit several roadblocks before reaching the status it enjoys today. Adams said the tradition fizzled from around World War I until 1927, when ROTC donated a 155 mm gun. Displayed in Francis Quadrangle, a group of still
unknown students ignited the cannon. The following explosion shattered 1,000 windows nearby as well as the ROTC’s ability to continue the tradition in the next few years. However, the Cannon Crew’s absence from MU was short-lived. It was back in 1954, gone for a short period of time between the 1980s and the mid-1990s, and now fires every time the Tigers score during a home game. “It gets a lot of fans hyped up and adds to the atmosphere of the game,” Adams said. “It’s more traditional than anything, considering we were the first school to fire a cannon at a football game.” MU’s Cannon Crew inspired a line of similar traditions at other schools, Adams said. Near the end of the month, the crew is lending its cannon to Central Methodist University for a game. About 12 members switch between cannon and pushup duty. The cadets, occasionally joined by mascot Truman the Tiger, do one
push-up for every point scored during a game. Adams said the rotation of responsibilities is necessary. “There are some guys who, on a high scoring game, will do like 250 push-ups,” he said. “That’s where the big team comes in handy, so the same guys aren’t doing the push-ups every single time.” The cannon is not exclusive to football games, however, Adams said. On Oct. 4, the crew shot the cannon to commence the women’s golf team’s Johnie Imes Invitational. Adams said Cannon Crew is a strong recruiting tool for ROTC, and freshman Caleb Bolda said he joined the crew for this same reason. “I like being a part of Cannon Crew because I get to hang out with other cadets during the game and I get to shoot off the cannon,” Bolda said. “The cannon scares a lot of people in the stands, but when you get to fire it yourself, it’s awesome.” To become a member of the crew, a potential cadet must be in admirable aca-
CANNON The Cannon Crew has fired several different cannons on Faurot Field. The current cannon has been used by MU since the mid-1990s.
• A World War II-era 75mm Howitzer • The cannon is decommissioned, meaning it is used only for ceremonial events. • The crew borrows the cannon from a National Guard unit in Kansas City. After the season ends, it is sent back. The cannon shoots two types of rounds: • Blank rounds: These are what is heard at the games, and they are the loudest. • 10-gauge rounds: These give out a decently loud sound but nothing like the blanks. These are used at the games if the crew runs out of larger blanks, but are more typically used for smaller-scale public events. Source: Cannon Crew Capt. David Adams SPENCER PEARSON/GRAPHICS ASSISTANT
demic and disciplinary standings. Prospective men must be able to complete between 71 and 75 push-ups in two minutes, and women must max between 42 and 46, proving he or she is physically sound. And as for the cadet’s ears, they’re still working. “Most of the guys, we don’t really wear ear protection,” Adams said with a laugh. “It would probably be a smart thing to do, though.”
the maneater 14
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Crawfish Boil celebrates food, community The event aimed to bring people to the Museum of Art and Archeology. Nancy El Attar Reporter The fervent atmosphere, Cajun music by Swampweed Cajun and strong smell of crustacean set the stage for the Crawfish Boil on Friday evening in Pickard Hall. This event is the first of its kind in Columbia, and was held by the Museum Associates, an organization that supports the work of the Museum of Art and Archeology by promoting events and artwork. “We like to go to the openings, they’re wonderful, they have receptions,” MU alumna Barbara Rothenberger said. “We’re members of the Museum Associates and we like to support that.” A crawfish boil is a tradition originating in Louisiana as a way to bring people together. Crawfish are served with corn, sausage, potatoes, jambalaya and beer, in addition to seasonings of hot sauce, lemons and cayenne peppers. It is a meal
that is reputable for its inability to be presented at a formal event. Because of the meal’s messiness, it typically requires jeans and casual wear. The crawfish is boiled in a large pot of roughly 60 to 80 quarts and is heated by propane. When it is ready to eat, the pot is flipped upside down onto a table so the crawfish are spread out along the table and accessible to everyone. The meal presented to Friday’s participants was similar, only varying in some side dishes and the way it was served. Bringing members of the Museum Associates was not the aim of this event. This event was meant to attract a broad audience to the museum, a place that seems to attract only a certain type of person. “Art museums have a tendency to seem intimidating to people,” said Alex Barker, the director of the Museum of Art and Archeology. “This event is designed to reach out to an audience that I think is just as interested in art but might not feel like an art museum caters to them.” Crawfish boils are most commonly rooted in the South. It has no relation to art and archeology, but was chosen for its reputation of being a meal that
Sam Gause/Senior Staff Photographer
Crawfish are scooped into a serving pan Friday night in front of the Museum of Arts and Archaeology. The feast of crawfish, jambalaya and beer was put on by the Missouri Folk Arts Program. brings people from a diverse background together for a night of friendliness and fun, which was the aim of this event. “A crawfish boil is gritty, down home and it’s pretty hard to be stuffy while you’re eat-
ing crawfish,” organizer Robin Labrunerie said. Despite efforts to attract a broad audience, the event did not have many students participating. A ticket to the event cost $25.
“The price is a little high for students,” MU graduate student Kim Nochi said. But this is a Museum Associates event so it’s geared more toward the members and those who run it to get some funding for the museum.”
Cupcake Club makes Mizzou for Malawi raises money for orphans in Africa its debut at MU Abby Spudich Reporter
Tony Puricelli Staff writer “Celebration” was the watchword Thursday night when more than 300 students gathered at The Upper Crust downtown to dance, listen to local bands and raise money for orphans in Malawi. Mizzou for Malawi hosted its third annual Chisangalalo last week. The fundraiser was an upscale concert that featured seven local bands as well as a disc jockey in the back room. Guests were asked to dress in black and gold cocktail attire. There was also a separate room where guests were invited to find out more about the cause. Musicians included some MU students, such as sophomore Paige Flores, who was performing at Chisangalalo for her second time. “It’s just nice to be able to tell people at a concert that it’s not just about you,” Flores said. “It’s about getting the word out for this organization. I have so many friends tonight who hadn’t even heard of Mizzou for Malawi, and now they really want to get involved.” Flores wowed the crowd with covers of Tom Petty and John Mayer. “I performed at Chisangalalo last year,” Flores said. “I was kind of ignorant about what it was about back then. I actually showed up in jeans and a T-shirt and was totally embarrassed, but it was a lot of fun. I’m just grateful they asked me back.” Sophomore Ben Trotter, who heard about the event from a friend, said the event also peaked the interest of a friend he brought. Trotter’s friend now wants to get involved with the organization. “This event is great,” Trotter
Rose Barkley/The Maneater
A local band plays Thursday at The Upper Crust. The Missouri Students Association hosted the event to send money to Malawi. said. “I feel like everybody should come. You have a blast, and I mean, you raise money and get some cool stuff.” All proceeds from the event will go directly toward completing and supplying a school for 600 orphans in Salima, Malawi, Mizzou for Malawi Co-Director Lexi Perconti said. Due to Mizzou for Malawi’s efforts over the past three years, more than $25,000 have been raised for the school. “It’s really incredible to have some tangible evidence of the school and think that a year ago it didn’t exist, but thanks to the efforts everyone has put into it, there is a school now,” Perconti said. Mizzou for Malawi also works closely with Peter Maseko, a Malawi doctor who has given up higherpaying jobs to remain in Malawi and help the people there. Maseko
and his family oversee the construction in the area. The family has also adopted a daughter from Malawi, 2-year-old Alpha. Members of the organization were able to meet Maseko and his family a few weeks ago at a GOP event in Kansas City. “Just seeing their faces and hearing their inspiring words, you feel like you are doing so much, even if in reality, we are hardly even scratching the surface,” public relations team member Kelsey Ibach said. Most members of the organization agree that seeing the faces of the people they are helping is a highly rewarding experience. “You see things on TV,” events committee member Chris Rucker said. “You see people selling T-shirts across campus, but you don’t really see what is actually happening. We have pictures and videos sent to us, and it leaves a huge impact.”
Cupcake enthusiasts gathered for the first ever Cupcake Club meeting Sept. 29 to learn decorating basics by making cat and dog designs. Vice President Brynden Gibbens baked about 40 cupcakes the day before the first meeting. “She walked us through how to put icing into an icing bag and do the techniques to put it on a cupcake and decorate it,” junior Shelley Valvero said. Valvero said she joined the club because she loves to bake, but has little opportunity to do so while living in her sorority house. At the moment, the club does not have a meeting place. Members are not allowed to use university-owned facilities; therefore, they may need to rely on members’ homes to bake the pastries. According to Treasurer Melissa Roadman, the club does not currently have a budget. Funding for ingredients and other supplies comes from member donations. “We have member dues of $10,” Gibbens said. “We’re trying to get people to pay that because right now we don’t have anything.” The club will apply for a budget from MU next semester. The money from this budget cannot be used to buy food, but it can be used to buy reusable supplies, such as cupcake tins, Roadman said. In the future, the club will hold decorating contests as well as recipe contests. The winner will earn a small prize, and then teach other members how to
make the prize design or recipe. “I think the idea of coming up with a really cool idea or finding a really cool idea for a cupcake, to present it to the club and everyone can do it together, I think that would be fun,” Gibbens said. Many club members have experience in baking and designing cupcakes, but anyone can join the club. Roadman encourages students with little or no experience to join because it is an easy and fun skill to learn. “I just hope that it gives everyone an opportunity to explore baking and see how much fun it can be and how creative you can be,” Roadman said. Cupcake Club members have many plans, but are facing a few difficulties because the organization is still in its beginning stages. After the club really gets its start, members will hold monthly bake sales to benefit local animal shelters. The plan is to alternate donations between Happy Tails Animal Sanctuary, Columbia Second Chance and Central Missouri Humane Society. Although the club specializes in animal designs in honor of local homeless pets, its cupcakes will also feature seasonal designs. At the next meeting, cupcakes will be iced in Halloween-themed designs. “We just thought it would be a good way to give back to the community and do what we like to do,” Roadman said. Central Columbia Humane Society won a $1 million makeover from, but it still needs donations. Although the prize money can be used for renovations, it does not cover the cost of everyday operations.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Jake's Takes
Jake Kreinberg Sports Columnist
The BCS failure As most college football fans would tell you, the BCS ain’t working. This column looks outside the lines of the gridiron to discuss why the BCS robs many communities of a little extra spirit during the fall. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a “sport” as “a source of diversion.” True, sports are a distraction from the stresses of school or work, but they are so much more than that. They have the unique ability to compel you to give a high five to a complete stranger in the seat next to you. They have the power to lift the hopes of a city, a town, a Zou. They build communities. In college basketball, teams from across the nation start the year knowing they have a chance at playing in the national championship. This past spring, teams like Michigan State provided some relief to their home communities mired in struggling economies, while other teams like Butler and Northern Iowa showed television audiences that, contrary to popular belief, smaller schools do actually have fans. The Bulldogs and Panthers also proved in the NCAA Tournament the gap between “mid-majors” and power conference schools is shrinking. Butler was one buzzer-beater away from providing the country with one of its stories of the year, while Northern Iowa nominated Ali Farokhmanesh for the most confusing name of the year. Not all teams in college football start with national championship dreams. Fans of thirdranked Boise State and fourth-ranked Texas Christian University may take solace in topranked Alabama’s loss Saturday, but there’s no way either school will participate in the title game, even if they remain undefeated. Let’s say 19th-ranked Missouri goes undefeated. The Tigers are likely to bypass Boise State and TCU, simply because they’re in a better conference. Would MU deserve it more? Well, yes, because the strength of schedule is harder. But it’s not fair, because teams won’t sign up to play the Broncos or Horned Frogs. The BCS is greedy; its goal is revenue. By giving preference to larger, more established universities, the BCS feels it has access to their larger fan bases and pocketbooks. What they don’t care about, or realize, are the potential gains to be made in unexposed markets. There is more apathy for college football in areas that know they don’t have a chance at the national title game, despite their record. Playing for something in the postseason would raise awareness of the teams, universities and communities exorbitantly in the week preceding the game, as well as moderately for the following few seasons. It would provide them with the same hope that each team starts with in NCAA basketball. Fans in Austin and Tuscaloosa will always follow their football, successful year or not. The NCAA’s goal should be expanding the popularity of collegiate football to areas outside the major conferences. And if the BCS wants its money, so be it. They can still achieve revenue in these markets, as Boise State proved with its fan base in the 2007 Fiesta Bowl. Will the BCS ever let these teams in? No, because they won’t change. My view is that the BCS doesn’t have to make it easy for these teams -– all they need is a different postseason format to make it possible, which would provide hope, one of the most powerful feelings a community can possess.
The Maneater 15
Reach Zach Mink, sports editor, at
Offense struggles in victory over Colorado ZACH MINK Sports Editor Through three quarters of play in Saturday’s matchup against Colorado, Missouri’s leading rusher was none other than sophomore Trey Barrow. If that doesn’t spell out how stagnant the Tiger offense looked against the Buffaloes, maybe this will: Barrow is the reserve punter. It’s just one week removed from talk of how efficient a three-tailback system could be, and the Tigers have found themselves looking for a way to get the offense clicking. On a fourth down early in the second quarter, Barrow faked the punt and scrambled for 26 yards, getting the first down and putting the Tigers in scoring position. Two plays later, junior quarterback Blaine Gabbert would find junior wideout Jerrell Jackson wide open in the end zone to put Missouri up 12-0. Coach Gary Pinkel said he was pleased with the spark the fake punt gave the offense. “I thought the fake gave us momentum,” Pinkel said. “That was a great call, because it worked. And if it didn’t work, it was still a great call.” Barrow was also pleased with the play and said the team had been working on it in practice for the last few weeks. “I thought it was a really fun play,” Barrow said. “Coach has been working on it for a couple of weeks, so we would go over it in practice all the time. It was exciting to get an opportunity to do that.” Barrow was one of many unlikely heroes needed to get
OFFENSIVE WOES The Missouri Tigers remained undefeated as they took down the Colorado Buffaloes on Saturday. The Tigers won 19-0 despite a poor showing from the offense.
Season average* vs. Colorado Total yards 431.5 yards 345 yards 277.5 yards 226 yards Passing 154 yards 119 yards Rushing 37.75 19 Points *Statistics are from the first four games of the season. SPENCER PEARSON/GRAPHICS ASSISTANT
past the scrappy Colorado team. The special teams unit set the tone with multiple punts inside the 5-yard line, a tipped punt, a blocked field goal and of course, the fake punt. “Two punts inside the five, a fake punt, a blocked field goal and a missed field goal — it was humongous,” senior linebacker Andrew Gachkar said. The play from the special teams, as well as stellar defensive play, was exactly what the Tigers needed to win the game, as there was little to no production from the offense. The four Missouri tailbacks combined for 51 yards on 18 carries. Gabbert looked flustered all day and couldn’t get into a rhythm, going 17 for 29 with only 191 yards through the air. Adding to Gabbert’s lackluster performance was an injury suffered in the third quarter on a quarterback draw. Gabbert was dealt a crushing blow by two different defenders, which left him writhing in pain on the ground. The junior stayed in the game, much to the dismay of the Missouri offense. Gabbert completed only two passes in the third quarter, and the offense sputtered as a result. The coaching staff
Missouri junior quarterback Blaine Gabbert leaps over a Colorado player during the Tigers’ game Saturday on Faurot Field. Gabbert sustained a hip-point injury during the game but didn’t tell the coaching staff until later in the game. was apparently unaware of the injury until later in the game, since Gabbert didn’t mention he was hurting in order to stay in the game. Pinkel attributed this to the quarterback’s competitive nature. “He’s a tough, tough guy,” Pinkel said. “He was trying to make some throws, and he could hardly breathe. He had trouble turning and rotating, and he wouldn’t tell us until we finally got him out of there. That’s just him being a great competitor.” Unfortunately for the Tigers, the “great competitor” only hurt his team by staying in the game while not at 100 percent health. Gabbert completed only three and was eventually diagnosed with a hip pointer on his right
side, but said he will be ready for the upcoming game against Texas A&M. Freshman quarterback James Franklin came in to start the fourth quarter in Gabbert’s absence, commanding the offense for the remainder of the game. Franklin was stellar in his conference debut, throwing his first collegiate touchdown while gaining 37 yards on the ground. “He did really well,” junior tight end Michael Egnew said. “Some people are kind of nervous with having to get in there and produce, but he did a heck of a job.” The undefeated Tigers head to College Station to face the Texas A&M Aggies on Saturday.
Not the lone star on the team PAT IVERSEN Staff Writer
It goes without saying the transition from high school to college is a difficult one for any freshman. For Danielle Nottingham, the move was especially hard. A starting freshman midfielder for the Missouri soccer team, Nottingham is living more than 500 miles from her hometown in north Texas. Although the distance was a daunting one to handle at first, Nottingham said her transition was helped by the presence of junior Kelsey Blincow, a former classmate of Nottingham’s. “I knew she was up here, and I originally looked into the school because I knew someone (from my school) was up here,” Nottingham said. “I had a lot of options and could look wherever, but it was nice knowing someone else up here also.” Two other freshman Tigers, Alyssa Diggs and McKenzie Sauerwein, are also from north
Texas. Coach Bryan Blitz said it’s no coincidence the area produced three impressive freshmen recruits. “The Dallas area is one of the top areas in the country,” Blitz said. “It’s a Big 12 area. I think you see it with basketball, with football and with a lot of other groups. I’m a Dallas product myself, and I’ve seen a lot of the talent firsthand.” Sauerwein and Nottingham share more than just a home state. The two were club soccer teammates on the Dallas Sting ’92 throughout high school. Both had committed to MU by their junior years, and Blitz said the two were hard to miss during recruiting. “They were recruited independently, and obviously I saw their team play,” Blitz said. “Of course, Danielle stood out immediately with her play and her drive to compete and score goals and to attack. And McKenzie is a great athlete with great courage, and you have to have that as a goaltender.”
Blitz said even though each came to the decision to play at MU separately, he wouldn’t be surprised if the two talked together about their collegeplaying futures. Nottingham and Sauerwein are now suitemates, along with fellow North Texas native Diggs. Blincow said the similar backgrounds helped the freshmen get acclimated to the team. “They got along pretty well once they got here, especially since the freshmen are together most of the time,” Blincow said. “But I like to think that I helped them out a little bit, just because it was a familiar face for them.” As far as future north Texas players coming to play for Missouri, Blitz said the area is never short on talent. Blincow agreed and said the four north Texans on the team are fortunate to have had so many opportunities to gain experience back home. “I think we were just lucky,
DONT MESS WITH TEXAS Four players on the Missouri Tigers soccer team hail from the North Texas area, three of whom are part of an impressive freshman class.
Kelsey Blincow, M JUNIOR HOME TOWN:
Lewsville, Texas
Danielle Nottingham, M/F FRESHMAN HOME Frisco, Texas TOWN:
Coppell, Texas
McKenzie Sauerwein, G FRESHMAN HOME North TOWN:
Richland Hills, Texas
because Dallas especially is a huge soccer center,” Blincow said. “So there are a lot of good club teams, good high school teams, and there’s lots of competition. So it’s just a good place for coaches all over the country to come and recruit good players out of.”
It's Always Sunny at The Maneater
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
the maneater 17
James Militello/Staff Photographer
Junior Kristin Nottelmann prepares to deliver a pitch against a Columbia College batter Saturday at University Field. The Tigers went 2-0 during their double headers against Columbia College and Johnson County Community College, winning the games 3-1 and 12-0 respectively.
Tiger softball improves to 6-0 in fall season Steve Cassidy Staff Writer The Tigers worked their way closer to a perfect preseason Saturday, notching a pair of victories over Columbia College and Johnson County Community College. Junior pitcher Kristin Nottelmann was the girl with the golden arm when the team played Columbia College in game one. Her arm was about the only thing shining bright in the mid-afternoon sun as the Tigers snuck past the Cougars 3-1. Nottelmann recorded 10 strikeouts in only five innings of work. “I’ve been working on my spin,” she said. “The rise and drop of my pitches was really good today.” The game was uneventful until the fifth inning, when the Cougars got on the board with one run to go up 1-0. The Tigers followed suit with a pair of runs. Senior first baseman Marla Schweisberger singled and started the scoring push. After senior outfielder Shana White pinch ran for Schweisberger, senior second baseman Abby Vock tripled to right-center field, driving in White to put the Tigers on the board. Virtually in the exact same fashion, senior outfielder Rhea Taylor, who went two for three at the plate on the day, followed with a triple of her own, allowing Vock to score the go-ahead run, putting the game at 2-1. “The game was close, really close,” coach Ehren Earleywine said. “Columbia had a great pitcher. Our problem when we face a really good pitcher is that we back off. You can’t get hits if you don’t swing the bat, it’s as simple as that.” Next up for the Tigers were the Cavaliers of Johnson County Community College. Cavaliers’ pitcher Katie Williams had an
impressive speed to her fastball, but the Tigers weren’t intimidated. Kathryn Poet, the Tigers’ leading hitter in the game, said she loved the challenge of facing such a talented pitcher. “She was fast,” she said. “Once I got up to the plate I was a little nervous.” Those nerves must not have lasted long. The game began with a single by White. White stole second base and advanced to third after sophomore third baseman Ashlie Ortega popped out. Poet then drove in the first two runs, scoring one of them herself as she blasted a home run to left field. It was her first of the fall season. “I thought it was a popup to short,” she said. “Then the crowd cheered and I was just so happy.” Missouri held the Cavaliers to just three hits for the entire game. Senior pitcher Lisa Simmons lead the team, pitching through five innings. The Tigers started to pull away in the third inning, scoring three runs to put the game at 5-0. They also recorded three hits during that time. Simmons had held the Cavaliers to zero hits through three innings, but hopes of a fall season no-hit bid were shattered when the Cavaliers’ Kim Smith doubled to the center wall in the fourth. Missouri tacked on another run in the fifth inning and six more in the sixth, putting the game out of reach for the Cavaliers at 11-0. The Tigers were led by Poet, who went three for four at the plate with three runs and four RBIs. “I had a terrible week of practice,” Poet said. “But everything just came together today. My timing was finally on.” Missouri will host one final set of games on Saturday, Oct. 16 before opening up its regular season schedule in February.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010 ROSESTRIP
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