themaneater The student voice of MU since 1955
Columbia, Missouri • Friday, October 29, 2010
Vol. 77, No. 19
MU improves score on 'green report card' MEGAN SWIECA Staff Writer
For 2011, MU received a B on the annual College Sustainability Report Card. This is an increase from a B- last year, due to the efforts of different sustainability projects and organizations on campus. To calculate the campus grade, the report card compiles different aspects of campus sustainability, such as administration, climate change and energy, green buildsee REPORT, page 6
An MU fan slides off a Faurot Field goal post after fans stormed the field following the Tigers’ upset over the Oklahoma Sooners on Saturday. In a statement Thursday, Chancellor Brady Deaton announced amnesty would be granted to the the 30 students who were facing trespassing charges following the game.
University drops trespassing charges against 'Faurot 30' KELLY OLEJNIK Staff Writer MU has dropped all charges against the 30 persons who were arrested after rushing the field following Missouri’s 36-27 victory over the Oklahoma Sooners on Oct. 23, Chancellor Brady Deaton said in a statement Thursday. According to the news release, the football game against Oklahoma presented officials with unique circum-
stances. After careful review, the university will not forward the summons for trespassing on the field to the city prosecutor. A Facebook page entitled “Free the Faurot Field Thirty” had more than 2,260 fans as of press time. Additionally, Wednesday night, before MU dropped the charges, the Missouri Students Association passed a resolution to encourage the university to do exactly that. MSA President Tim Noce said the resolution was sent to
MU administrators Wednesday night. All 30 fans were originally charged with first-degree trespassing, MSA Senate Speaker Evan Wood said. “It’s the student body taking a stance and having it on record,” MSA Senator Matt Sheppard said in an e-mail. “It’s showing those arrested that the students of Mizzou are behind them in their fight
REPORT CARD The College Sustainability Report Card has ranked MU sustainabillity issues since 2007.
Source: The College Sustainability Report Card website ASHLEY LANE/GRAPHIC DESIGNER
Hospital lockdown comes to an end The suspect in a triple homicide that resulted in a lockdown at University Hospital was taken into custody Thursday afternoon. Investigation is still ongoing and very busy, said Sgt. Robert Bruchsaler of the Mid-Missouri Major Case Squad. The Cooper County Sheriff ’s Office arrested Joshua Maylee without incident at about 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, Bruchsaler said. University Hospital was put on lockdown at noon Wednesday in connection with the Callaway County homicide investigation, MU Health Care spokeswoman Mary Jenkins said. The lone survivor of the attack was transported to the hospital for see ALERT, page 6
see FANS, page 6
MSA Presidential Election 2010: Sustainability
Candidates share ideas for greener MU AMANDA CAPUA, NATHAN DIVERS AND KELLY OLEJNIK of The Maneater staff This is the fifth part in a series looking at the Missouri Students Association presidential slates and their platform positions. This article focuses on the candidates’ positions on sustainability issues. WOODS-MOON Eric Woods and Emily Moon are focusing the sustainability aspect of their platform on dining. Woods said they would like to pursue a number of policies to further the sustainability profile of MU. “The MSA President and Vice President should be leaders FOR
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students rather than leaders OF students,” Woods said in an e-mail. “We’ve spoken at length with leaders of Sustain Mizzou to gain insight into what sustainability leaders on campus think needs to be done.” The slate’s goal is to work with Campus Dining Services to add more local food options to the dining halls. “This will help sustain the local community and build lasting ties between Columbia and Mizzou,” Woods said. To decrease the waste in the dining halls, Woods said he would like to work with CDS and all other necessary parties to make a rule to establish composting in the dining halls.
Woods said he would also like to focus on making recycling easier and providing incentives for students to use their own coffee mugs at the different coffee shops on campus. “We want to demonstrate that you don’t have to implement largescale, controversial projects to make a difference,” Woods said. Woods said sustainability is an area of policy everyone claims their commitment to, but few ever take real action on. “The students need tough advocates to get these things done,” Woods said. “We are those advocates.” see MSA, page 6
On Check out this week's Arts Podcasts with a Halloween-appropriate twist. Listen in on our podcast on alcohol compliance checkpoints in Columbia.
Missouri freshman tailback Henry Josey gets laid out by a pack of Oklahoma Sooners on Friday at Faurot Field. The Tigers will take on the Nebraska Cornhuskers this weekend.
Tigers to take on Cornhuskers in Lincoln JOHN MONTESANTOS Staff Writer The 7-0 Tigers will travel to Lincoln, Neb., on Saturday to take on their Big 12 North division rival: the Cornhuskers. It will be Missouri’s fourth conference
Back on the hardwood The men's basketball team showed off its talent, both old and new, in the Black & Gold scrimmage Thursday. Sports, page 11
matchup and its second one on the road. Each team comes off big wins over Big 12 South powerhouses, with Missouri dethroning Oklahoma at home last week and see GAME, page 6
The Maneater's Voters Guide We break down the races and ballot measures that affect students most. Plus, see our own endorsements. Special Section, page 9
2 The Maneater
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Reporters for The Maneater are required to offer verification of all quotes for each source. If you notice an inaccuracy in one of our stories, please let us know.
Friday, October 29, 2010
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Top Stories on No. 1 — Blog: UPDATE: Hospital no longer in lockdown, suspect apprehended No. 2 — Cousin of Missouri football player shot and killed No. 3 — Editorial: Arrests on Faurot, photo sales set double standard No. 4 — Police step up enforcement for Homecoming weekend No. 5 — MU breaks GameDay attendance record
In the Oct. 26 edition of The Maneater, there were two factual errors in the story “Tigers climb to No. 6 in BCS rankings, No. 7 in AP poll.” Freshman Henry Josey was incorrectly described as a sophomore, and the Tigers are not the lowest ranked undefeated team, which was incorrectly stated in the article. The Maneater regrets the errors.
Events Calendar FRIDAY 23
SAT/SUN 24/25
Film: “Splice” 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wrench Auditorium (Memorial Union)
India Night 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. Jesse Auditorium ( Jesse Hall)
Spooktacular 8 p.m. to midnight Memorial Union
Mizzou Football at Nebraska Begins at 2:30 p.m. Sat. Lincoln, Neb.
MONDAY 26 Feminist Book Club 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Benton Bingham Ballroom (Memorial Union) Faculty Brass Quintet 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Whitmore Recital Hall (Fine Arts Building)
Weather Forecast Breanne Bradley/Staff Photographer
Muslim Student Organization President Arwa Mohammad speaks during a panel Wednesday in Mumford Hall. The event was part of Islam Awareness Week.
Mostly sunny High: 63 Low: 41
Partly Cloudy High: 69, 70 Low: 43, 42
Partly Cloudy High: 58 Low: 40
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Zach Toombs, Editor-in-Chief Lyndsie Manusos, Managing Editor Travis Cornejo, Kaylen Ralph, Wes Duplantier, Alicia Stice, News Editors Molly Harbarger, Projects Editor Megan Pearl, Forum Editor Katie Currid, A&E Editor Zach Mink, Sports Editor Pierce Courchaine, MOVE Editor Alex Pesek, Multimedia Editor Allan J. Vestal, Online Development Nicole Garner, Online Assistant Nick Agro, Photo Editor Shaina Cavazos, Production Manager Jade Earle, Assistant Editor Emily Willroth, Production Assistant Spencer Pearson, Graphics Assistant Katie Prince, Copy Chief Megan Stroup, Krystin Arneson, Taylor Combs, LeeAnn Elias, Copy Editors Ashley Lane, Carter Parker, Abby Eisenberg, Sean McWay, Arthur Fykes, Jiaxi Lv Designers Molly Paskal, Business Manager Sarah Callen, Sales Manager Katie Weber, Nationals Accounts Krista Meany, Promotions Manager Haley Arndt, Graphic Designer Miranda Eikermann, Premiere Accounts Luke Moore, Katie Artemas, Courtney Ledo, Chelsea Harlan, Jacklyn Krupp, Advertising Account Representatives Becky Diehl, Adviser
Friday, October 29, 2010
Reach Travis Cornejo, U-news editor, at, Kaylen Ralph, Organizations editor, at
The Maneater 3
Speaker seeks to make history of Islam accessible Celia Ampel Staff Writer The Muslim Student Organization hosted nationally known speaker Imam Suhaib Webb on Thursday to wrap up Islam Awareness Week. Webb, who grew up in Oklahoma and converted to Islam as a college freshman, spoke about misconceptions concerning Muslims in America. “It’s a profound challenge that people are coming to us now and saying, ‘Your religion is telling you to kill me,’” he said. To counter such thinking, Muslims must start by understanding their own faith, Webb said. “Islam encourages us to engage with each other,” he said, emphasizing that learning about one’s community helps defeat bigotry. Webb also addressed the challenges Muslim Americans face when reconciling their faith with their culture. He said Muslims often forget the body of law brought together by Islamic scholars is subject to change according to specific culture and custom. “Islam is not concerned about the clothes that people wear,” Webb said. “Islam is concerned about the state of their hearts.” MSO President Arwa Mohammad said Webb’s explanation of how Islam could fit into
American culture was useful. “I think it’s helpful for young Muslims to see how it can go handin-hand with religion,” she said. Webb also emphasized the importance of making religious knowledge accessible to young people. He said making stories about the prophet Muhammad sound overly formal turns young Muslims away from studying their faith. “We have distanced ourselves from our religion,” Webb said. He also invoked frequent references to Jay-Z, Lil Wayne and other figures from popular culture to keep the audience engaged. Moberly Area Community College student Arwa Abdelhadi said she found Webb’s explanation of Islamic history interesting. Abdelhadi, who plans to transfer to MU in the spring, said she thought such history was more engaging when put in simple language. “For me as a young Muslim American, it is a turn-off when you go to a lecture and they use terms you don’t know,” she said. Mohammad said Webb, a nationally known activist, helped MSO educate people about Islam. “For MSO, it’s really important for us to have such a well-known speaker,” she said. The organization has brought in other such speakers in the past, former MSO Public Relations Chairwoman Nabihah Maqbool
James Miltello/Staff Photographer
Suhaib Webb speaks to a large crowd during Islam Awareness Week at The Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center on Thursday. Webb spoke about how the process of his conversion to Islam in America was influenced by society and culture. said. together Islamic faith and American become so entranced by Eastern One such speaker was Rami culture, a topic that Maqbool said culture they forget to use Islam to Nashashibi, who runs the Inner- many in the audience were able to help their own country. City Muslim Action Network in relate to. “Maintain who you are and Chicago. IMAN’s goal is to empower “For the majority of students in maintain the ability to speak to your the entire community regardless of the MSO, that’s our identity,” she people,” Webb said. religious affiliation, she said. said. He said learning about each “We always try to engage the Webb also stressed that young other will always be the best way to community on these topics,” Muslim Americans, especially those promote tolerance. Maqbool said. who have converted to Islam, should “The heart has doors,” Webb Another previous speaker, Jamal allow their faith to mix with their said. “One of the doors to the heart Badawi, spoke about bringing culture. He said many converts is the mind.”
Master of Public health Commision on Student Success program accredited focuses on student retention rates The MU Master of Public Health program received accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health, according to a statement released Thursday. “I am delighted, but not surprised, that the MPH program was awarded full accreditation,” said Kristofer Hagglund, MPH program director and School of Health Professions associate dean, in a news release. The program will have accreditation throughout December 2015. Five years is the maximum term a program can receive. The program is the second accredited program and the only accredited program at a public university in Missouri. “The program’s students, faculty and staff are dedicated to learning and to enhancing the health and well-being of our community,” Hagglund said. “The program has outstanding support from the university and from its many community partners. This support allows us to provide high-quality coursework, excellent research and community service in Missouri and around the world.” At MU, more than 143 students are studying public health. The program began in 2007 with 58 students. Currently, the program is home to students from across the U.S. and various countries.
The program’s mission is to advance the health and well-being of citizens of Missouri and other places through excellent teaching, discovery and service in public health. Dual degrees are offered with both the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Harry S. Truman School of Public Affairs. In the future, the program plans to offer a dual degree with the School of Journalism. According to the news release, the program encompasses the academic strengths of MU in veterinary medicine and policy analysis and development to meet the needs of the population. “The accreditation process reflected the unique structure and strengths of MU’s MPH program, including the commitment to excellence in research, teaching and service,” MPH Associate Director Lise Saffran said in a news release. “This exciting news was the result of the interdisciplinary team work and collaboration that is at the heart of public health.” The U.S. Department of Education recognizes the Council on Education for Public Health as an agency that can accredit schools and programs of public health. — Travis Cornejo, news editor
Jimmy Hibsch Staff Writer Led by three of MU’s administrators, the Commission on Student Success was formed to address the recently released retention and graduation rates. According to the rates, provided by Vice Provost for Enrollment Management Ann Korschgen, the overall retention rate between freshman and sophomore year is 84.6 percent and the overall graduation rate is 69.3 percent. “We are doing well, but I would like to see the numbers improve,” Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Cathy Scroggs said in an e-mail. “We have some room to improve.” This year’s graduation rate is the highest in MU’s history, Korschgen said. She said the retention and graduation rates are much higher than the national average for public universities. These numbers vary among races, with American Indians having the lowest retention rate at 80.8 percent. Black students had the lowest graduation rate, 58 percent. International students had the highest retention rates, with 85.4 percent returning for their second year, and Asian students had the highest graduation rate of 74.2 percent. “We know there are students from different backgrounds that don’t succeed at the same rate as other
students on campus,” Vice Provost of Undergraduate Studies Jim Spain said. “We want to investigate the things that are apparently interfering with student success in those areas.” Spain, Korschgen and Scroggs are the co-chairmen of the commission, which will conduct an investigation on the issue. “This group is helping the campus identify all of these different things from all of these different perspectives that we know impact student success rates,” Spain said. At Oct. 20’s Town Hall meeting, Spain said more than 50 people across campus had gathered the day prior to participate in the commission. He said throughout the next five to six months, the commission will examine ways to help students thrive at MU. “We’re going to recommend to the campus the things that we should be investing in to improve student success,” Spain said. “We need to help students avoid what we’ve identified as the hindrances. Let’s get those things completely out of the picture so they don’t even have to work to get around them or over them or through them.” The commission recently divided into groups targeting these roadblocks, including issues such as financial aid and academic advising. By referring to expert reports on these focuses, the commission hopes to improve the MU experi-
GRADUATION RATES The retention and graduation rates for 2010 were released Oct. 27 at the Town Hall meeting: Retention rates
Graduation rates
80.8 82.9 81.5 81.3 85.4 85.1 84.6
62.1 74.2 58 66.7 70.6 70.4 69.3
American Indian Asian African American Hispanic International White Total:
Source: Vice Provost for Enrollment Management Ann Korschgen ASHLEY LANE/GRAPHIC DESIGNER
ence and inspire a higher success rate. Another way the commission will identify areas in which it can improve student success is an online exit survey, Spain said. The newly created survey will go live in November and will provide an outlet for students who have expressed their intent to discontinue their education at MU. “What we anticipate is that it will become something that we do every semester, so that it will give us some longitudinal data over time,” Spain said. Spain said he hopes continued growth in graduation and retention rates will follow the commission’s efforts. “That’s the beauty of this commission,” Spain said.
the maneater
NEWS cion of possession of a controlled substance Corey J. Burke, 30, of streets of Columbia, on suspicion of possession of controlled substances and second-degree robbery
the BLOTTER The following investigations are in progress, and the following people were arrested or issued summons, according to police reports.
Young T. Le, 26, of 200 Hickman Ave., on suspicion of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation Jevon J. Smith, 36, of 109 W. Forest Ave., on suspicion of stealing Adam S. Wesbury, 25, of 4600 Orchard Lane, on suspicion of third-degree assault WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27
driving while intoxicated, resisting or interfering with arrest and first-degree trespassing Anthony T. Larocca, 19, of 2401 W. Broadway, on suspicion of third-degree domestic assault and second-degree property damage Cody D. Lewis, 17, of 2304 Hendrix Drive, on suspicion of possession of less than 35 grams of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and stealing Cody R. Redmon, 18, of Jefferson City, on suspicion of stealing Korey Seeger, 34, of 7432 Noah Court, on suspicion of stealing Shaun Seeger-Johnson, 28, of 7432 Noah Court, on suspicion of stealing
Trisha N. Acton, 19, of 301 Tiger Lane, on suspicion of assault
Amanda D. Struck, 25, of 4000 Hyde Park Ave., on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and resisting or interfering with arrest
Jennifer L. Derry, 36, of 4006 Cottonwood Drive, on suspicion of third-degree domestic assault
Sam Baldwin IV, 19, of 205 Pendleton St., on suspicion of second-degree property damage
— Allison Prang, staff writer
Wilfred R. Dykhuizen, 19, of Moberly, on suspicion of stealing
Audric D. Drake, 17, of 3909 Athens Court, on suspicion of disturbing the peace
If you have information on these crimes, you may contact Crime Stoppers at 875-TIPS. All calls are confidential. If a court authority later proves innocence of a charge stated in the Blotter, contact The Maneater to request an updated entry.
Carlos R. Meaders, 27, of 1419 Risen Star Court, on suspicion of second-degree robbery Jessica J. Rueter, 21, of 410 Duncan St., on suspicion of stealing
Aaron Harris, 17, of 205 Hickman Ave., on suspicion of second-degree property damage and third-degree assault
Jordan M. Holman, 18, of 1502 Grayson Drive, on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia
Lee D. Boyd, 24, of 4415 Rockhampton Circle, on suspi-
Ashley N. Koopmeiners, 20, of 1808 Boyd Lane, on suspicion of
Anthony J. Weyant, 17, of 2113 Osage Drive, on suspicion of stealing
Visit to check out the online blotter map!
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The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. Choose experience. All visits are confidential. • FREE CONSULTATIONS
Man shoots sister in face with BB gun Twenty-year-old David J. Glispie got into an argument with his 17-year-old sister and proceeded to go into another room, bring out a BB gun and shoot his sister in the eyebrow Oct. 22. “It was on the 22nd,” Columbia Police Department spokeswoman Jessie Haden said. “It was about 2:30 in the afternoon. Officers got called to 304 Sexton Road for a disturbance.” The argument was only verbal until Glispie knocked some tobacco on the floor. Then the argument escalated, and Glispie went into the other room to retrieve the gun. “She was sitting on the couch,” Haden said. “Her brother came up and pointed the gun directly at her. She started to turn her head, and he shot. It hit her in the eyebrow area, on the right side of her face.” Medics had been called to respond the scene. Police said there was a small red mark and swelling on the victim’s face when they arrived. The victim told police Glispie left the residence after he shot her, and she closed and locked the door. “He returned and realized he was locked out and began to tear up the door, door frame and storm door,” Haden said. “At the rear of the residence he smashed two windows inside the house.” Afterward, Glispie began arguing with his mother.
“He then got into an argument with his mother, who was there,” Haden said. “He picked up a box fan and threw it at his mother, and it struck her on the ankle.” Glispie again left the residence and police arrived on the scene. Haden said police asked the mother about pressing charges and provided her with the standard information for domestic disturbances. Glispie returned to the scene again when the police were there and was arrested. “He was arrested without incident,” Haden said. “He was advised of his Miranda warning. He admitted he did it. He was processed at the police department and taken to jail. He’s still incarcerated at this time.” Haden said bond is set at $4,500 apiece for charges of second-degree assault and property damage and $1,000 for thirddegree assault. “He still is without bond being set on the armed criminal action, probably because he hasn’t been to court yet,” Haden said. Haden said police are just glad the injury wasn’t more serious. “Thankfully, she had the wherewithal that he wasn’t just threatening,” she said. “We’re thankful that there didn’t appear to be any serious injury.” — Ally McEntire, staff writer
Friday, October 29, 2010 Know your student body
Chris Gu
Health Columnist
Hookah not so harmless Whether you call it hookah, narghile or shisha, waterpipe tobacco smoking has become an increasingly popular activity among college students in the U.S. There are over 450 hookah bars and lounges in the country with many located near college campuses. Columbia’s own hookah lounge, located at 32 N. Ninth St., opened in February 2010. Although waterpipe tobacco smoking has been a centuries-old practice in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, it is relatively new to Americans. This novelty has spurred a variety of myths regarding the safety of waterpipe tobacco smoking in comparison to the better-known cigarette smoking. Most college students are well aware of the hazards of smoking cigarettes, including the risk of lung and heart disease, cancer and unpleasant smells, but their image of waterpipe tobacco smoking lacks the relevant facts. The average cigarette smoker spends five minutes smoking a cigarette and inhales approximately 500 to 600 milliliters of smoke during this time. In comparison, the average waterpipe smoking episode lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour and involves inhaling nearly 90,000 milliliters of smoke. Relative to smoking a single cigarette, the average waterpipe tobacco smoking episode is associated with 1.7 times the nicotine, 6.5 times the carbon monoxide and over 45 times the tar exposure. In addition, many of the toxic compounds found in cigarette smoke, including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and other hydrocarbons, are found in even higher levels in waterpipe tobacco smoke. Due to the increased exposure levels of nicotine and other carcinogenic substances, many experts believe waterpipe tobacco smoking is as addictive as cigarette smoking and carries similar risks for heart disease, lung disease and certain cancers. The social environment in which most people engage in waterpipe tobacco smoking also increases the risk of infectious disease transmission when the same waterpipe spout is shared between multiple people and often introduces tobacco to those who’ve never smoked before. The 9th Street Hookah Lounge distributes individual plastic mouthpieces so no one has to put their mouths on the same spout unprotected. One study of college students in Pittsburgh showed that 35 percent of students who used a waterpipe had never smoked a cigarette before. This had led some to think waterpipe tobacco smoking is potentially a new avenue in introducing tobacco and its associated harms to those who have decided not to smoke cigarettes. Recent surveys suggest that up to 40 percent of college students have smoked tobacco using a waterpipe in their lifetime and that between 10 and 20 percent reported waterpipe tobacco use in the past 30 days. Most of these students smoked in a social environment with friends and perceive their behavior as less harmful and addictive compared to cigarette smoking. Many think that passing tobacco smoke through water before inhalation filters the toxins and makes the smoke cleaner and less harmful. Others believe the nicotine content in waterpipe smoking is lower than in cigarettes and that the occasional waterpipe smoking can’t lead to dependence and addiction. Additionally, the variety of flavored tobacco available, including deliciously sounding fruits, often leads to the idea that these are harmless substances. Unfortunately, these misconceptions are far from the truth.
the maneater 5
Student political groups debate hot-button issues Time was allowed for rebuttals from each side during debate. Allison Prang Staff Writer The Mizzou College Republicans and MU Democrats debated the health care reform law, education and environment issues Tuesday night. MU Democrats President Iavora Vlaytcheva said they publicized the event with flyers and through Twitter and Facebook. About 20 people attended the event, not including the debate teams. Health Care Freshman Erin Morris of the Mizzou College Republican said Republicans are opposed to health care from the federal government due to the long lines that cause patients to wait to be treated. She said having national health care provided by the federal government would increase the national debt and do more harm than good. Senior Saba Sahlu, a Democrat, said providing American citizens affordable health care is encompassed under citizens being entitled to the right to life under the Declaration of Independence. Sahlu said it is the government’s responsibility to protect citizens’ rights and health care should be a right protected by the government. During the allotted time for rebuttals, Morris said doctors will still help people regardless of their financial status if they are fatally ill and in need of serious medical attention. “Of course he’s (the doctor) not going to let you
Chris Barrett/Staff Photographer
Missouri Student Association Senate Speaker Evan Wood glances at his notes as sophomore Nick Brennan stands up to ask the MU College Democrats a question Tuesday in Stotler Lounge. The debate covered issues such as the environment, health care and education. die,” she said. “He’s going to charge you out the ‘yingyang.’” Sophomore Travis Zimpfer, Democrat, said the party does not want to completely abolish private health care, but that businesses will have to then compete with each other and make their products more affordable and better quality. “In real life, people all go over to public industry, as Great Britain proves,” Mizzou College Republicans Treasurer Devin Kelsey said. Education Pertaining to education, Morris said it would be a good idea to give tax credits to people who send their children to college in order to help them pay for it and to prompt more children to attend college. She also said she feels work on financing education needs to be more localized instead of handled through the state and federal governments.
For the Democrat perspective, Zimpfer said the key is not cutting funding to state education budgets. “How can you make more progress if you don’t have the funding?” Morris asked. “Funding’s not the issue. It’s the ways and means and distribution of the funds that’s become problematic.” Although both sides agreed Pell Grants are helpful in subsidizing tuition costs, they differed on the origin of money allotted for education and where to put it in terms of what level of government. “ There are tons of schools that need better funding and need that support,” Zahlu said. Environment Freshman Michael Leahy, Republican, said renewable energy is important to the Republicans but there is divide between the two parties regarding how and when incorporating that energy into society
should be implemented. Leahy said costs are too high and Democrats’ environmental mandates are not realistic. The private sector will push renewable energy more when the time comes, he said. “If markets could solve these things, they would’ve already done it,” Zimpfer said. “It’s profitable not to care about the environment.” Leahy said he thinks the BP oil spill was made to seem scarier than it really was. “Democrats will continue to hit on these scary images and these ‘raping the Earth’ stories,” he said. “We won’t be raping the future, but we have to get there first.” Zimpfer said people need to be scared because the Earth cannot afford to continue to be dependent on oil due to its limited supply. “People need to be scared,” he said. “It’s heroin going into the United States economy.”
Committee to explore potential of new Panhellenic chapter The plans came after an NPower report on Greek Life at MU. Madeline O’Leary Staff Writer After an unanimous vote by Panhellenic Assocation delegates to form an extension exploration committee Monday night, preliminary steps will be taken to tackle NPower’s report on the issue of PHA chapter size. “The exploration commit-
tee is a very early step taken to evaluate community statistics of our PHA community,” Panhellenic Vice President of Recruitment Lori Hofsess said in an e-mail. “The group is composed of representation from all chapters, Greek Life staff members, university stakeholders. The first step was for the PHA executive board to propose its creation to the Panhellenic delegates from all 14 chapters. The proposal passed after a vote requiring two-thirds approval, so the Greek Life staff will now work to contact the appropriate people to be involved with the discussions.”
The exploration extension committee will begin gathering statistics concerning community size in order to determine the feasibility of adding another PHA chapter to MU’s campus, PHA spokeswoman Michelle Hanko said. “The NPower report said that a lot of members of the different chapters at MU feel as though the chapters are too large,” Hanko said. “The members would like the chapters to be smaller in order to achieve a more close-knit feel.” Chapter size is a significant issue because extremely large
chapters can have adverse effects on the collegiate sorority experience, which will consequently negatively affect an alumna experience, Hofsess said in an e-mail. “The PHA Chapter Size work group is working together to assess these effects and decide what steps to take to make positive changes for the community,” Hofsess said in an e-mail. The eventual goal is for there to be more chapters with fewer women per chapter, yet the same number of women in the MU sorority population as a whole, Hanko said.
the maneater
Friday, October 29, 2010
ALERT: Rumors caused confusion REPORT: Grade is result of campus survey Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1 ing, student involvement, food and recycling, transportation, endowment transparency and shareholder engagement. “It’s not about what’s on the report card,” Sustainability Coordinator Steve Burdic said. “It’s about changing people’s attitudes and modeling behavior.” The different components of the report card are reported through a survey completed by the Sustainability Office, Campus Dining Services, students and the financial department. “We’re paying a lot closer attention to these things from the top down,” Burdic said. “We’ve got our administration ducks lined up.” Administration improved with help from Chancellor Brady Deaton, Burdic said. He has created a sustainability policy and has employed Burdic as the fulltime coordinator. Burdic said the university has been constructing buildings to the highest energy standards for the past 20 years. The new orthopedic institute on Stadium Boulevard meets Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design criteria, but is not yet certified. “We’re looking real seriously at the buildings we build in the future to be LEED certified,” Burdic said. Burdic also said one of his top priorities for this year is to try and get more composting. CDS also wants to implement composting in conjunction with Bradford Farms. It purchased 10 to 12 percent of its produce locally last fall and 15 percent of its beef, which has helped its sustainability rating. “Our reason for doing it isn’t
to look good on the survey, but to make students happy,” Executive Chef Eric Cartwright said. Whether students recognize it our not, CDS has a warm and cold cycle menu that partially coordinates with the seasons. “It’s capturing seasonality and gives the culinary team opportunity for creativity,” Cartwright said. Burdic said he hopes to improve paper recycling. The Sustainability Office employs a few students but is also looking for volunteers to move paper recycling carts and make them more accessible and therefore more utilized. “That’s the whole message really,” Burdic said. “Every little bit helps.” Burdic said CDS is getting paid for recyclables and it’s giving that back to the community for helping it recycle on campus. Student involvement is a large part of sustainability on campus and the number of organizations focused on sustainability is increasing. Sustain Mizzou President Tina Casagrand said she was glad Sustain Mizzou was recognized in the report card and received an A for student involvement. “I’d like to see other organizations adapt the idea of sustainability into the things they do,” Casagrand said. “Anybody can apply it.” Burdic said it is important to access the students because it will help them develop habits that will stay with them their whole life. Burdic said all the categories received an A or B grade, except for endowment transparency and shareholder engagement, mainly because these are separate systems and not run by campus.
treatment. A statement from MU Health Care sent out at about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday said the hospital was on lockdown because officials had reason to believe a violent person might seek access to the hospital. “It is being done more as a protection order,” MU Police Chief Jack Watring said Wednesday. “We are concerned that the man that shot and killed three men in Callaway County may return to finish off his fourth victim, who we are treating at University Hospital.”
Patients, visitors and staff had access to the hospital during the lockdown but were screened when they entered and exited. “It is simply precautionary, standard procedure if you will,” Watring said. The homicides happened in the Holts Summit area, a Callaway Sheriff’s Department news release stated. The victim being treated at University Hospital is Gina Werdehausen of Holts Summit. Her husband Jeffrey Werdehausen is one of the three deceased victims. Eugene Allen Pinet and Jackie Lee
Pinet were also killed. Director of Information Technology Director Terry Robb said it would have been up to MUPD to send an alert to students regarding the rumors that were spreading on the Internet and by word of mouth. The police department has the technology to send the alerts themselves. “I could send the alert, but I would only do it at their direction,” Watring said. — Alicia Stice, news editor
MSA: Travis supports trayless dining Continued from page 1 Travis-Horan Josh Travis and Michelle Horan plan to push the university toward trayless dining. According to the platform, Travis and Horan will work to have students realize the rate at which waste and water use can be reduced by implementing trayless dining. “Last year RHA (the Residence Halls Association) conducted a flawed survey regarding trayless dining,” Travis said. “There were students in MSA who did not receive the e-mail to vote or had the ability to vote twice.” Regardless of survey outcome, Travis and Horan plan to push trayless within the dining halls. “Trayless dining saves over 14 thousand gallons of water,” Travis said. “Saving water will create an avenue where we can free up CDS funding.” The money CDS would save by the reduction in water use would go toward making local food purchases as well as composting efforts,
Travis said. Travis and Horan also plan to work with interested groups to help MU reach an A grade on the college sustainability report card. “Mizzou has received a C in some areas on the report card,” Travis said. “We will make sure we are in position to receive an A on the report card by 2013.” Hansen-Oxenreider Ben Hansen and Kaitlin Oxenreider plan to improve campus sustainability by decreasing the amount of energy used in MU buildings, improving recycling efforts and conserving paper in libraries and computer labs. According to Oxenreider, the slate is looking into expanding Mizzou Dashboard, which gives information about energy usage in real time, to MU’s largest energy consuming buildings. “The system is designed to educate students about energy usage and conservation and to empower students to reduce their own energy usage over time,” Oxenreider said.
“Expanding this program to more buildings on campus would help educate more students about their energy consumption, ultimately conserving energy.” Oxenreider said she and Hansen will make duplex printing an option in MU libraries and computer labs. Duplex printing allows printing on both sides of a sheet of paper. They also want to give students the option to print on recycled paper. “We are working to get this as a default setting on printers so students can print documents on half of the amount of paper,” Oxenreider said. “Students would have a choice on whether or not to use it, though. Hansen and Oxenreider also plan to extend the recycling program to Greektown and to make recycling bins more easily recognizable, Oxenreider said. “Ben and I are working to unify the look of recycling containers on campus,” Oxenreider said. “We would like to collaborate with Sustain Mizzou and the Sustainability office to build on ideas.”
FANS: MU ceased sale GAME: Tigers to face tough defense of field rush photos Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1 and want to help.” Sheppard said the resolution specifically offered solutions other than arrest rather than give the non-threatening MU fans a criminal record. “Fans must conduct themselves with honor and respect for the values of the university, even during the euphoria of a big win. We have high expectations for many more wins and must insist on orderly behavior in an effort to avoid any injuries,” the news release stated. “From a liability perspective it is a safety concern,” Wood said. “But it is hypocritical to advertise photos of students on the field and sell photos through the athletics department.” Wood said he had received an MU e-mail earlier this week with the dominant photo depicting students covering the field in celebration of MU’s win. The university did not condemn the action of rushing the field in the e-mail. The university selling and profiting off field-rushing
photos was the drive behind the MSA resolution, Wood said. “When the officers are being employed by athletics to charge individuals on the field with trespassing then go and markets, for a profit, the pictures taken of students on the field while pressing charges against them at the same time is completely unethical,” Sheppard said. It is important to note that our police force preformed admirably, the release stated. Fans violating the rules were warned that they faced arrest and subsequent sanctions. MSA had plans to meet with the university to discuss the future of the 30 fans arrested, Wood said. Those meetings are no longer necessary. “Every student that rushed that field is Mizzou and we are not going to make a few people pay for what we all did together in celebration of making Mizzou history,” Sheppard said. “We will not let a few cops ruin that historic moment for some of my Mizzou family members.”
Nebraska edging out Oklahoma State on the road. Both teams handed their opponents their first loss of the season. Junior quarterback Blaine Gabbert has been locked in for the past few weeks, throwing for six touchdowns and more than 800 yards in the team’s first three conference contests. Sophomore wide receiver T.J. Moe is aware of Gabbert’s heightened performance and focus level on Saturdays. Missouri’s leader in receptions knows his quarterback’s success is contagious. “He’s playing his best football right now,” Moe said. “I think our team is starting to play our best football right now. We’re just going to continue to try to do that.” The slinger on the other side of the matchup is also on a tear. Nebraska’s redshirt freshman quarterback Taylor Martinez has ran for twelve touchdowns and thrown for eight. Coach Gary Pinkel knows what Martinez is capable of and thinks his defense will face their toughest test yet. “He’s really a remarkable player,” Pinkel said. “He can do a lot of different things. I’m very impressed with his ability to see things and
run and break tackles, especially for a freshman.” Although the Missouri defense will fight to contain Martinez and company, the offense will have to move the ball on one of the nation’s top defenses. The Cornhuskers lead the Big 12 in interceptions with twelve. Moe knows Nebraska’s loss of defensive end Ndamukong Suh to the NFL has not slowed down the Husker defense. The wideout likened Nebraska’s loss of Suh to Missouri’s own loss of linebacker Sean Weatherspoon to the draft. “I know they put a good defense on the field, which they’ve done the last few years,” Moe said. “When you lose a player of that caliber, it’s tough. But sometimes players rally around it and play better.” Missouri’s defensive players have certainly risen to the occasion in Weatherspoon’s absence. The Tigers have the No. 1 red zone defense in the nation and are topfive in points allowed. The Tiger defense will play without junior defensive line Dominique Hamilton, who had ankle surgery earlier this week and will likely be out for the remained of the season. Junior linebacker Luke Lambert is also still recovering and is weekto-week. Although Missouri’s defense is
among the Big 12 leaders in takeaways, the offense has done a good job on its end by limiting turnovers. Missouri has won 29 straight games in which it won the turnover margin. Gabbert has thrown just three interceptions this year and none in conference play. “We’re more of a mature football team,” Gabbert said. “We know how to handle the pressure and take care of the football. When you win the turnover margin, you win football games.” Although the Cornhuskers dominate the all-time series (64-36-3), the Tigers have won three of their last five meetings. Saturday will be the last Big 12 matchup between the two teams as Nebraska will move to the Big 10 after this season. The game is scheduled to begin at 2:30 p.m. in Lincoln.
Friday, October 29, 2009
Reach Wes Duplantier, city, state and nation editor, at and Alicia Stice, crime editor,
Left, Right and Center
Ethan Simonds Politics Columnist
It’s coming: the event that makes the first Tuesday in November mean more than just any other Tuesday. Yes, my friends, Election Day 2010 is upon us. Before we talk about any implications or do any speculating, though, a quick order of business: Vote. Just do it. If you are at least 18 and an American citizen, if you care at all about where your money and your country go, take an hour or two next Tuesday and take advantage of the power and opportunity democracy gives you. I guess there’s a caveat that goes with that, though. If you do decide to vote, make sure you check out a website or Google the candidates to be sure you know who you’re voting for and why. Political participation isn’t like a clicker-based class, where your friends nudge you every once in a while to wake you up so you can answer “A” to every question and be counted present. If you’ve never voted before, this isn’t a bad time to start. There’s a lot going on this election on almost every level. The still-struggling economy and the unpopularity of some of President Barack Obama’s policies have weakened the Democratic Party’s once-comfortable hold on Washington. Countless experts and pollsters have consulted their respective crystal balls, and most agree the Republicans are going to clean up nicely next week. In fact, they could overtake majority control of the House of Representatives and make the balance of power in the Senate a little less one-sided. Obama’s brilliant 2008 campaign, founded on calls for change and the Bob the Builder-esque slogan “Yes We Can,” rode waves of discontent and anti-Bush sentiment all the way to the White House. (Side note: there’s nothing wrong with the similarity of Obama’s slogan to Bob the Builder’s. Bob is great at fixing things, and that was probably what Obama was going for. Like I said, brilliant campaign.) On Tuesday, Republican candidates might use eerily similar outrage as their ticket to office. Unfortunately for Obama, it’s now directed at him. Some candidates are counting on antiestablishment fever to get elected. We all know these types and their friends by now, and we associate them with the Tea Party. The press would have you believe this election is all about the Tea Party on one side and the reeling Democrats on the other. Although some outlets act like Democrats should barely even bother putting their names on the ballot, the truth is in the same way that this isn’t a Tea Party-Democrat race, the real result will probably be somewhere in the middle. I don’t think the Democrats will keep their hold on Congress. I don’t think anyone does. But I also don’t think they’re going to be defeated as handily as predicted, either. I think that’s the key. In a democracy, it should never only be about the right vs. the left. Sure, that’s where debate comes from, and debate is one of the cornerstones of democracy. We need multiple parties. But where democracy flourishes is in the space between right and left, in the grey middle ground where moderates roam. I think that area is the most underrepresented in our great nation, and I think the people you find there are the key to our system of government and this election. Just like 2008, 2010 has been driven by antiestablishment rhetoric. Maybe the problem then isn’t the people in office, but the system itself. Maybe what we need isn’t a different party in control but more compromise, more discourse and more negotiation. The system might be broken, but in the words of Bob the Builder: Can we fix it? Yes, we can.
The Maneater 7
Taser ban proponents rally support Wes Duplantier News Editor
Members of a group that seeks to ban Taser use in Columbia made final rallying calls Thursday for the passage of Proposition 2, a local measure on the Nov. 2 ballot to ban the weapons’ use. Speaking in front of a bright orange banner that said, “Columbia’s last ShOctober!?” and yellow campaign signs that said, “Yes! 2 Taser FREE Columbia,” 11 members of People for a Taser-Free Columbia called on residents to approve the measure. Proposition 2 would make it a misdemeanor to use or threaten to use a Taser against anyone in the city limits of Columbia. It would still be legal to buy, sell and own Tasers in the city. The Columbia Police Department began using Tasers after the passage of Proposition L in 2005. Columbia resident David Finke came to the gathering as both part of the group and the mid-Missouri chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. He said FOR favored the proposition in the interests of nonviolence. “Our organization seeks nonviolent alternatives to conflict and we do not believe that more weapons are the answers,” he said. Gene Robinson, an MU professor emeritus of community development, was one of several speakers who said they worried neither Taser nor CPD were keeping accurate statistics on the use of Tasers and their effects and that such data is not readily available to the public. “My big concern in terms of Proposition 2 has to do with transparency and research,” he said. “I’m concerned, like I was about racial profiling and ‘driving while black’ (that) if you don’t have the data, people try to get away with murder.” Robinson praised CPD Chief Ken Burton for attending several meetings with community members to discuss the proposed ban and the impact it would have on the police force but said despite
Wes Duplantier/Senior Staff Photographer
Lily Tinker-Fortel, of People for a Taser-Free Columbia, speaks in favor Proposition 2 at a press conference Wednesday. Several members of the group spoke to rally support for the measure on the Nov. 2 ballot that would ban Taser use in Columbia. Burton’s assurances, police officers were using Tasers instead of handguns in lethal force situations. “At the critical point of whether it will be lethal or non-lethal — that was judgment he said he could make — he made the decision that it should be non-lethal,” he said. “That means in place of a gun, because you use a gun in lethal context.” Group member Lily Tinker-Fortel, an organizer with Grass Roots Organizing in Columbia, said the ban is necessary because police and city officials have not proven why the department needs Tasers since the passage of Proposition L and that many incidents involving Tasers that have appeared in the news have caused
Columbians to question their necessity. “The burden of proof falls on City Council and on law enforcement to show us that these weapons are necessary, that the supposed benefits, (of) which we see none, outweigh the financial and other costs, which are significant,” she said. “They have failed at this task.” She said though Tasers’ physiological effects are still being studied, the effect they have on the community has already been seen in distrust between police officers and residents of certain parts of the city, a problem she said the ban could fix. “Tasers do not decrease gun use, and we know that they decrease trust,” she said.
Liquor stores face alcohol compliance checks Tony Puricelli Staff Writer The Boone County Sheriff’s Department conducted 12 alcohol compliance checks around the county Friday evening. According to a news release from the department, nine businesses passed the inspection. Three cashiers from Ed’s Quick Stop, 22 Drive Thru and Fast Lane 49 now face charges for selling intoxicating liquid to a minor. “We take a random selection with the intentions of eventually making it around the county and getting to a majority of the businesses,” Sgt. Brian Leer said. Leer said the sheriff’s department figures out which area they want to investigate and then tries to go to as many businesses as possible in one evening. “Four of the businesses were chosen specifically because we did compliancy checks back in March and they failed,” Leer said. “So, we checked those businesses again to see if they had improved.” Those four locations all passed this inspection along with five other businesses, including the Midway Travel Plaza. “My staff is doing their job which makes me feel pretty good as a manager,” Midway Travel Plaza manager Randy Trierweiler
said. The manager said his store does not tolerate minors trying to buy alcohol. “Our cashiers are trained and instructed that anybody who does not appear to be 27 years old gets carded,” Trierweiler said. “We take a very close look at the ID to make sure it hasn’t been tampered with. We make sure all of the data matches up and the ID has not expired.” Leer said the officers conduct each checkpoint with a minor who looks younger than 21 to a group of people who see the minor’s picture. “If the clerk asks for an ID, we make the minor present their actual ID,” Leer said. “Then, if the person sells it to them, they exchange money, pick up the alcohol, walk out of the store and hand it to the officers. If not, they just decline the sale and we move on to the next location.” Trierweiler said his cashiers type the customer’s date of birth into the store’s computer system. That way, if a fake ID deceives the cashier and officers later catch the minor, the store has a record of the ID and cannot be held accountable. “It’s just one more security step we take,” Trierweiler said. “It protects us from liability. It’s a good faith measure.” Leer said he has seen a positive impact
from the addition of computer systems to run IDs. “There were several places that looked like they were going to sell until they had to check the date of birth into the cash register,” Leer said. “So, I think the technology that some of these places are implementing is working.” The officer recommends this technology as an option to businesses that fail the checks. “That way it’s not just math and a person’s head or trying to look at a calendar to see if the person is old enough,” Leer said. Trierweiler said the training for identifying minors never stops. “Even if you do enforce the policy, somebody can easily slip through the cracks,” he said. “If places are out there that are just blatantly selling to minors, they need to be held accountable, but it can happen to anybody and I don’t look down at any business that didn’t pass.” Leer said he hopes this sends the overall message that the sheriff ’s department does not condone minors purchasing alcohol. “We understand that it has happened and it continues to happen, but our goal is to make it so that minors can’t go and just openly purchase it anywhere in the county,” Leer said.
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themaneater Volume 77, Issue 17 October 22, 2010
2010 Student Voter's Guide THE MORE YOU KNOW Approaching the 2010 midterm elections, we profile candidates from the most prominent races and the ballot measures affecting students.
THE MANEATER WEIGHS IN See the back page for our endorsements.
the maneater 2
VOTer's Guide
Mo. House candidates debate Representative pay raises and the "Faurot 30" were also discussed. Allison Prang Staff Writer
Candidates running for seats in the Missouri House of Representatives met for a debate Wednesday in the MU Student Center. The election is set for Nov. 2. The Associated Students of the University of Missouri, the Missouri Students Association, the American Association of University Professors and the Graduate Students Association sponsored the debate. Candidates present included Democrat Kelly Schultz, of the 21st district, Democrat Stephen Webber, of the 23rd district, Democrat Chris Kelly and Republican Laura Nauser, of the 24th district, and Democrat Mary Still, of the 25th district, who is running unopposed. Schultz’s opponent, Republican incumbent John Cauthorn, was not present. Webber said his opponent, Republican Paul Szopa, was not present due to “good family reasons.” The debate was primarily focused on higher education and financing public schools. “If no revenue is found, the folks in this room will pay one way or
the other,” Webber said, referring to students. Still agreed and said no more cuts can be made without raising revenue. As a way to increase funding, she said she would like to increase cigarette taxes. Later in the debate, after Nauser arrived, Kelly said he would like to continue to push his bond legislation that would help increase construction on state university campuses. Although Nauser said she agreed, she said she would still want to look for cost savings. “I would not support any cuts to education,” Nauser said. She said she would like to take a fine comb to the state budget and cut unnecessary programs to save money. Nauser also said she would have to see when she gets elected into office what programs would be best to cut. Later in the debate, Nauser said looking into privatizing programs could also be beneficial to save money. Her constituents want lower taxes, so that is what she going to campaign for, she said. “Every single politician in the universe says ‘I will cut unnecessary programs’ without naming the programs,” Kelly said. “The fact of the matter is, if we don’t do something without revenue, the reality is that is not going to do something without impacting education.” Webber said the budget cannot be cut without cutting education.
James Militello/Staff Photographer
Representative Chris Kelly, D-Columbia, reacts to a question during the The Associated Students of the University of Missouri debate Wednesday at the MU Student Center. Candidates from various districts of the Missouri House of Representatives debated several topics, ranging from campus to state issues. “It is not possible to go through the budget and not touch education,” he said. After the debate on higher education issues, members of the audience could submit questions to the panel. One student asked legislators about the students arrested for rushing Farout Field after MU won against the University of Oklahoma. Both Still and Nauser said it was not a legislative issue and should be left up to law enforcement. Kelly said, as a former judge, he felt it would be inappropriate for
him to comment. Schultz said she hopes MU finds traditions that do not cost the university money. Another audience member asked how the candidates felt about voting themselves pay raises. Nauser, the only Republican candidate in attendance, said, “I would not vote for myself for a pay raise as the state legislature.” Candidates got to close the debate with their main goals. Kelly said he promises citizens he will continue to try to bridge the bipartisan gap.
A roundup of Nov. 2 ballot issues Missouri Amendment 1
Missouri Amendment 3
Missouri Proposition B
This amendment would change the Missouri Constitution to require counties to elect their county assessors if their population is between 600,001 and 699,999. Of Missouri’s 114 counties, only Jackson, St. Charles and St. Louis counties appoint their assessors. Proponents say electing assessors would make them more accountable to make fairer assessments. Critics say making the assessor an elected position instead of an appointed one would turn assessments into political issues, with assessors perhaps hesitating to give low assessments for fear of losing elections.
This amendment would prohibit the legislature from enacting a transfer tax, a tax paid when property is sold or transferred. Missouri does not have a transfer tax but several surrounding states do. The Missouri Association of Realtors is the main group supporting the amendment and say a transfer tax, if enacted, would amount to a double tax when the property taxes owners already pay is taken into account. There is little organized opposition to the amendment but some critics, such as St. Louis University professor Peter Salsich, say taxes should be excluded through legislative debate and not constitutional amendment.
This measure would change regulations for large-scale dog breeders across the state, limit breeders to owning no more than 50 breeding dogs to produce puppies for sale and create the misdemeanor offense of “puppy mill cruelty” for violations of the state law. Several animal rights groups support the measure, including the Humane Society of Missouri, the Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation. They say the new law would create more sanitary and humane conditions in Missouri, which has the most dog breeders in the country. Opponents say limiting breeders to 50 dogs limits their ability to make a sustainable profit and say the measure could be used as precedent to limit the number of animals cattle herders and other livestock breeders could have on their farms.
Missouri Amendment 2 This amendment would exempt former prisoners of war who live in the state from paying property taxes on the property where they live. Supporters of the measure say the number of prisoners is small and the state should give them the tax exemption in recognition of their service. They say the measure should pass now because many former prisoners served in wars several decades ago and are aging. Opponents say it could duplicate other tax breaks already given to veterans and also that it could drive up the number of people who lie about being in the military. They also say that it isn’t fair because it only applies to certain taxpayers.
Missouri Proposition A The proposition would put the earnings taxes in Kansas City and St. Louis up for a vote in 2011 and every five years after that. If the taxes were rejected, they would be phased out at one-tenth of one percent per year. Proponents say the measure is important because it would allow voters to decide if they want to continue paying the taxes and it would let voters in other cities decide whether they want to enact any such taxes. They say repealing the tax would help businesses. Some Kansas City and St. Louis officials oppose the proposition, saying earning tax revenues make a major portion of those cities’ budgets.
Columbia Proposition 1 Columbia has a park sales tax equal to one-quarter of one percent of a total purchase to raise money for upkeep and projects in city parks. Half of that tax (one-eighth of one percent) is permanent and the other half goes up for renewal every five years. The tax was first approved in 2005. A renewal of the tax is supported by several groups in Columbia, including the Columbia Parks and Recreation Department and Friends of Columbia’s Parks, a group formed by mayor Bob McDavid to help the renewal pass. Proponents
say the tax has helped fund many projects since its passage and say it will generate $12.5 million in funding for city parks over the next five years. There is little organized opposition to the tax renewal but members of the Boone County Libertarian Party have said they do not believe it is fair everyone pays the tax on sales when not everyone supports it, according to previous Maneater reports. Columbia Proposition 2 According to the official ballot text of this proposition, it would make it a misdemeanor for individual citizens, including police officers, to threaten to use Tasers, stun guns or any other conducted electrical devices against any other person within the city. Supporters, including People for a Taser-Free Columbia, say Tasers are dangerous and need to be carefully regulated. They say the Columbia Police Department should not be able to use Tasers because the electrical shock or falls from being tased has injured suspects. They say the measure would still allow people to buy, sell and possess Tasers, and they doubt prosecutors would press charges against a potential crime victim who used a Taser in self-defense. Opponents, including the Columbia Police Officers Association, say officers need Tasers to effectively control some suspects and say Tasers are not used very frequently and are not very dangerous. Others who oppose the measure say private citizens should be able to own Tasers even if the police department does not use them.
Friday, October 29, 2010
I think one of the first steps is re-evaluating: 1. What we’re making cuts to in the state budget and also looking at other ways to make our government more accountable, more efficient and not so bureaucratic.” Brett Dinkins Chairman, MU College Republicans
I think we (public universities) should get more funding. Missouri ranks toward the bottom in state funding for higher education and our rank compared to other AAU universities has slipped in recent years.” Marvin Overby MU political science professor
I think there needs to be responsibility taken, goals set and plans put in motion focusing on pork-barrel spending and earmarks and things that aren’t helpful to our education system.” Iavora Vlaytcheva President, MU College Democrats
Definitely if the (U.S.) Senate becomes conservative then obviously (U.S. President Barack) Obama isn’t going to have as much power for all of his bills and stuff like that, so that’s definitely one of my concerns.” Karen Rodriguez Freshman
I think (the federal health care bill) is something that we need because there are so many people out there that really need health care. There are some people who will abuse the system, but there are some people who legitimately need health care and we need to get it out to them.” Ronald Formusoh Freshman
Get Spooked We get into the Halloween spirit and go on a haunted tour of Columbia.
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The spooky sites and local lore of Columbia Halloween in Columbia involves not only a massive sugar rush, but also an abundance of local haunted legends. They’re so prolific that Boone County Historical Society will offer a tour of some of the spookier sites in town. After speaking with Brent Gardner, vice president of the historical society, we decided to see for ourselves if the rumors were true. The first stop was Conley House on Sanford Street. A bell’s cry sliced through the crisp October air like a knife through flesh as we approached the rotting front porch of Conley House. The splayed ladder blocking the door did little to ease the foreboding nature of the place we were about to enter. The floorboards creaked as we climbed the porch steps, desperate to escape the forthcoming storm. After acquiring the courage of a sleuth, we reached for the door handle only to have the door flung open before us as if pulled by an invisible hand. A maintenance man emerged from the shadows and slipped passed us, mute to all our inquiries. We snuck unnoticed through the open door into the shadowy hallows stretching before us. Upon entering the main room, we were under the surveillance of a deceased resident forever depicted on the canvas adorning the mantel. Suddenly, a ghoulish, middle-aged man crept from the darkened corner of the room, brushed off our questions and instructed us to come back at an unspecified future date. We had barely exited the room when the door was slammed behind us. Conley House is only one of many historic sites in Columbia that has a rumored history of haunting. And after our experience there, we were left with little doubt of the validity of these legends. Columbia residents might be convinced too, after attending the Boone County Historical Society’s free Halloween walking tour. In hopes of blending historical architecture with local lore, the organization will show off Columbia’s legendary haunted properties. The tour, organized by Gardner, departs at 5 p.m. Oct. 30 from Uprise Bakery. Commissioner Kristin McDermott said the upcoming holiday provided the perfect time to draw attention to Columbia’s oldest properties. ”Every town has haunted stories,” McDermott said. “We had heard about these stories and came up with the idea to combine Columbian history with ghost stories in hopes of promoting historical buildings.” Tour stops include a visit to Stephens College, which is haunted by the love interest of an executed Civil War soldier, and the Missouri Theater, where the curtains inexplicably rise and fall. Another stop on the tour is the the Francis Quadrangle, whose columns
The Conley House sits during Halloween week on campus. The house will be a stop on the Boone County Historical Society's Haunted Tour on Saturday. have a surprisingly bizarre and twisted past. “I don’t want to give too much away, but it involves a circus animal,” McDermott said with a coy smile. Conley House and the Residence on the Francis Quadrangle round out the adventure. But, faint of heart, have no fear: not all the haunted properties are straight from a scene of “Amityville Horror.” It is no surprise the ghost who haunts the chancellor’s home has as much zeal as the people who reside within. We returned to campus to investigate. Emotionally scarred by our prior experience at Conley House, we
approached the chancellor’s house with uncertainty. But our anxiety proved extraneous as the warmth of Anne Deaton, the chancellor’s wife, instantly enveloped us like hot apple cider on a cold autumn morning. We were beckoned into the foyer as Deaton eagerly shared her experiences with the house ghost, Alice. Deaton said during her first night in the home, she and her husband heard the chimes of a grandfather clock. When she mentioned the noise the next day, she was informed there was a clock in the house, but it had not played for decades. “Not only did it chime, but it was only an hour off,”
Mrs. Deaton said with delight. “It seems to play now, so we decided it was Alice welcoming us into her house.” Mrs. Deaton described Alice as a fun-loving ghost who has become a main attraction when visitors come to the house. To get a chance to meet Alice, along with the other ghosts who run rampant in Columbia, be sure to participate in the haunted tour this Saturday. You will be left with both haunted chills and historic thrills after learning more about Columbia’s oldest properties and their hair-raising histories. lauren bale and lindsey wehking | staff writers
Music forms cross-country link between brothers Chris and Oliver Wood’s blues-influenced roots music is a real family matter. The two haven’t always made music together, but the duo still seems to be a natural fit. The brothers’ relationship might have something to do with it. “We were motivated by a family reunion where we just ended up playing music together and hadn’t done so in 10 years or something,” singer-songwriter Oliver Wood said. “And we just had a great time and decided that we wanted to play some more together -- for fun if nothing else.” The brothers live in different parts of the country, but the band brings them together. “It’s tricky to collaborate when you don’t live near each other, but these days you can e-mail somebody a demo of a song and go back and forth electronically,” Wood said. “We do a lot of that.”
Keeping a band in the family could seem like a nightmare to some. The prospect of bringing family arguments into the career and on tour might seem daunting, but The Wood Brothers love it. “That’s one of the best things about it,” Wood said. “My brother and I live in different parts of the country, so if it weren’t for us working together and playing together we’d probably never see each other.” Both brothers bring musical influence from the different regions they live in. Oliver brings roots and soul from the South, while Chris brings jazz and rock ‘n’ roll influences from the North. “You’re always influenced and inspired by other music and other musicians, whether it’s classic people like The Beatles or Ray Charles or whether it’s people that you play with all the time,” Woods said. “As a music appreciator, you get inspired. And as a music
collaborator, you get inspired.” The music The Wood Brothers create gives off an extremely natural and laid-back feel. It’s clear a lot of their influence comes from personal experience. “You write about things that happen to you or happen in front of you,” Wood said. Such realistic music is relatable for fans, who appreciate being able to connect to it so easily. “The best compliment we get out of the music is when people just come up and say, ‘I just had a death in the family,’ or ‘I just had a bad divorce, and your music really helped me through it,’” Wood said. “I like how the music can help people, making them happy or making them dance, or if it’s even deeper and it helps them cope with something. I like the fact that the music is ambiguous enough that different people can get different things from it.”
And fans might actually be able to hear it sooner than they previously thought. “We’re always working on new music, and we actually have a brand new album that is coming out after the first of the year,” Wood said. “We actually have a brand new CD that we’ll be bringing with us on this tour, and it’s not released yet, so we’re going to be selling it at shows but it’s not officially released until January or February.” The Wood Brothers will be performing at 8 p.m. Friday at Mojo’s. christine cauthen | staff writer * forVisitadditional coverage of The Wood Brothers in our music podcast.
War is tough, and “Lebanon” brings this idea to life with four Israeli soldiers inside a military tank. The setting is the 1982 Lebanon War and the issue is the vivid turmoil experienced by the soldiers. Director Samuel Maoz earned his stripes in the Israeli military, so he knows what he’s doing -- “Lebanon” is his attempt to deal with painful memories. From the looks of reviews thus far, he seems to have succeeded.
10.29.10 • MOVE
How can the “Saw” series make its notorious scenes of violent gore even grosser? By bringing the gore out of screen and into your 3-D goggles, of course. “Saw 3D,” the seventh and final installment of the series, had to be submitted six times to finally lower its rating from NC-17 to R. You might want to buy some popcorn to have something to throw up in, just in case.
Paranormal expert Rosemary Ellen Guiley is coming to MU. With more than 40 books -- including nine encyclopedias -- in her repertoire, Guiley is the person to ask about anything paranormal or haunted. She will be presenting photos and Frank’s Box, a telephone-like contraption used for EVP communications to the dead. Pack some duct tape because after Guiley’s presentation, 25 audience members will be allowed to go on a ghost hunt at the Residence on Francis Quadrangle (the duct tape is for those goddamn squealers).
Comedians and fake journalists Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are leading satirical rallies on the National Mall in Washington. Reports pinned Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity as a spinoff of Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally and Colbert’s counter-rally, March to Keep Fear Alive, as a play on Al Sharpton’s Reclaim the Dream rally. Attendees will be carrying politically correct and sensitive signs. Can’t make it out to D.C. in time? Head to The Blue Note to watch a live broadcast of the marching hilarity.
Out of the Box...Office
Dawson’s Shoe ‘Red’ a colorful Repair has sole CHASE KOENEKE movie columnist
There are movies that have messages. There are movies that alter attitudes. There are movies that can change the world. “Red” is not one of these movies. Instead, “Red” has a different agenda: be as entertaining as possible for 111 straight minutes. And I’ve got to give it to them — they pulled it off excellently. One thing you’re sure to run into is a large DC Comics logo before the movie begins. Yes, “Red” is adapted from a comic miniseries, which had three issues. Don’t feel obligated to check out the comic before the film though. The word “adapted” is used quite loosely in this case. In fact, the only overlap made apparent is in the use of the term RED (It stands for “Retired. Extremely Dangerous”) and the main character’s last — and last only — name, Moses. Barring that, everything else has been heavily modified from the original serious miniseries to a fun-loving action/comedy flick. Don’t let the comic book talk fool you. No one’s running around in tights and no r e v i e w one has superpowers. But “Red” does have star power and it’s got it in spades. RED Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, DIRECTOR: ROBERT Helen Mirren, John Malkovich TKE SCHWEN and Mary-Louise Parker all take FEATURING: BRUCE turns stealing the show. WILLIS, MARY-LOUISE , It’s like an all-star team of PARKER, MORGAN FREEMAN heavy hitters. But unlike the EN MIRR HELEN Yankees, it doesn’t feel like someRATING: PG-13 one slapped together a cast with a RUNNING TIME: 1 bunch of money. HOUR, 51 MINUTES It feels like everyone genuof 5 inely wanted to be a part of this movie, and it shows in the performances and chemistry of the actors. In that sense, the closest comparison I can make to “Red” is the 2001 film “Ocean’s Eleven.” Not until now have I seen a movie where it looked like everyone was having a great time making it. You expect the actors to break at any time during the film and just start laughing like it was “The Carol Burnett Show,” or Tracy Jordan during the “30 Rock” if you are looking for a more timely reference. That’s how much fun it looks like they’re having making this action/ comedy. Action/comedy really is the best description. It’s not a comedy with action sequences bolted on similar to a film such as “Date Night.” It’s not an action flick peppered with witticisms, similar to a film such as “Iron Man.” “Red” strikes a perfect balance, like a humorous Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup that explodes. “Red” is not going to win an Oscar, despite having Oscar winners attached to it. It’s not going to change your beliefs. It’s not even going to be remembered five years from now. But “Red” is the absolute best at what it does, which is a commitment to audience entertainment. So much so, it’d be a shame to pass it up. If nothing has convinced you to go see “Red,” this surely will. Dame Helen Mirren with a sniper rifle. Enough said.
* to this week’s movie podcast.
Attention heel-wearers, loaferscuffers, holey sneaker fans, backpack-breakers, purse strap-rippers and suede owners of Columbia: nestled in the heart of The District, Dawson Shoe Repair Shop on Eighth Street is your personal hero. The family-run business fixes mostly any shoe snafu you could find yourself in. “We can take care of just about all of it,” Bob Wood said. Wood is the owner, the manager and a full-time employee of Dawson Shoe Repair. Wood fixes everything from soles to heels, belts to purses and even backpacks. In addition, he offers shoe shining and suede cleaning services and sells shoe care supplies. “I even give advice for free,” Wood joked. “The only two things I don’t do are put in zippers and dye shoes.” Dawson’s has been a permanent fixture in downtown Columbia since the 1920s. In 1956, Wood’s father began working at the store and became the sole owner 12 years later. When Wood returned from his service in the military in 1979, he worked in the shop with his father, and the business was passed down to him. He has been the owner for 20 years. Wood’s enthusiasm about his work is refreshing. At 9 years old, he knew he wanted to work on shoes.
Wood said there was never any pressure from his family to take on the craft, but he was naturally drawn to it and found he was quite good at it. While Wood was a student at Hickman High School, he persuaded the school system to approve a trade-based curriculum taught through specialized textbooks and his father. He was happy to finesse his hand at repairs and excel on the coursework tests administered to him by his father. “The thing I’ve enjoyed the most in all the years I’ve fixed shoes is telling people what I do — listening to their stories, listening to what they do,” Wood said. “And in a college town, I feel like I’ve been somewhat as a teacher to them too, a teacher to a lot of students, just as they’ve been teaching me too.” After more than 20 years of ownership and 31 years at Dawson, Wood has swapped a lot of stories. “There’s not a person in this town I don’t know,” Wood said. Wood’s son Matt goes to MU, and Wood works security for basketball and football games. He said he loves when the whole town of Columbia, including himself, gets excited for the students to come back each year. Although his location on Eighth Street — mere feet from campus — makes him accessible to plenty of locals and professionals, there is one downfall.
Kayla Huett/Senior Staff Photographer
Bob Wood of Dawson Shoe Repair Shop stands in his store posing with a newly fixed boot. Wood has owned the business for 20 years. “In a college town, college kids mostly have flip-flops, tennis shoes, shoes that don’t need repair,” Wood said. Wood said he is bothered that college kids don’t know about shoe repair shops and they would sooner throw away a pair of shoes than fix one. “I’ve heard stories of an awful lot of people buying $150, $200
pairs of shoes, and they’ve thrown away their heels because they didn’t know they could be fixed,” Wood said. “When we can fix the heel cap, polish ‘em back up again and we can make ‘em look like presentable, pretty good new shoes again, all for $9. And if I can find a way to help them pinch pennies, I’m all for it.” madeleine webb | reporter
Columbia’s own ghost busters *
The Columbia Paranormal Research Society team investigates Missouri haunts.
Water, spiders and heights all terrify Columbia resident and veteran Holly McGee. But if there’s anything that doesn’t keep her up at night, it’s the spirits she encounters in her home and throughout Missouri on a daily basis. McGee is just one of eight members on the Columbia Paranormal Research Society team. Along with her children, Allan and Faith Bojorquez, McGee works with five retired veterans to explore reported paranormal happenings around Columbia and throughout the state. “We all have the same interest: to prove or disprove the plane of existence between the living and the dead,” McGee said. Since her childhood, McGee has had an interest in the supernatural. She remembers visiting cemeteries at the age of 6. Interactions with her grandfather’s spirit during her last weeks of boot camp defined her
belief in the unknown. Her background as a Navy cryptologist, writer and private detective fuels her curiosity and investigations. McGee noted she’s never dealt with any demonic spirits, but she nonchalantly exhibited scratches she received from a paranormal fiend at a residential investigation earlier in the week. “We’re there to help, not to aggravate or agitate,” McGee said. “We’re there peacefully and to learn more about our connected worlds.” For McGee and her cohorts, helping those plagued with nuisance spirits includes identifying the plausibility of paranormal activity. Arriving at twilight, which the team has determined as the best spirit-sighting time, they peruse the haunted area, asking spirits to present themselves while recording any suspicious activity. “There’s always something different,” McGee said. Spirits announce their presence
in their own ways, whether it be tapping or singing, object movement or laughter. Smells with no known source or cold touches are other methods spirits use to alert the team of their presence. Although many areas of suggested paranormal sightings prove to be active, Faith Bojorquez ensured not every encountered area is reliable. “One out of 10 houses are totally dead,” Bojorquez said. “We’ve had cemeteries with no activity at all.” When working with private residences, the research team found the majority of spirits residing with families are friendly. Families with spirits often allow spirits to stay, as opposed to asking for the home cleansing the team might perform for those uncomfortable with spirit disturbances. Oftentimes, hauntings occur when spirits have no knowledge of their existence, especially in cases of traumatic deaths. McGee
and her teammates help these spirits to recognize their state and pass through to the unknown. Haunting sites are recommended to the team in a variety of ways. Often, the team’s van, decorated with ghosts decals and a telephone number, draws attention to the team’s spirit-haunting abilities. “We’ve had people chase us down in gas stations or through cemeteries,” McGee said. Each investigation the team performs is free of charge, and many tours are open to the public. Unlike other paranormal investigation squads, the Columbia Paranormal Research Society team focuses on lesser-known haunts in small towns. “We’re just there to help people,” McGee said. “Most want to know they’re not nuts, but there’s really something happening there.” nicole garner | associate editor
Halloween is no time for upbeat music. Messy Jiverson and Slippy LaRue come to fill the void of spooky tunes in your holiday. Both have their fair share of hypnotic synth and creepy, classic, vintage vibes. Messy Jiverson’s psychedelic rock and dub step influence will get you moving, and Slippy LaRue’s arching synth lines will keep you captivated. Hopefully, both will keep you just a little bit afraid.
E v e r y o n e ’s favorite sadistic fantasy is coming to the big screen at The Blue Note for Halloween — OK, maybe not everyone’s. But the classic movie is sure to open eyes regardless and force all your attention on the screen whether you like it or not. Costumes are more than welcome to be worn, but don’t worry — you won’t look as weird as the characters on screen. If you do, you probably have the best costume at the venue anyway.
Matt & Kim return with its usual upbeat, raw, keyboarddrum combo. The band might be known more for its extremely energetic live shows than for its studio recordings, but Matt & Kim can still put on a good show in your headphones. The charisma of the two members/ lovers alone has been enough to sustain their careers thus far. Lead single “Cameras” is as spazzy and fun as the two have ever been. We recommend this group for anyone who has ever been happy about anything.
Based on the comic book series “The Walking Dead,” this AMC TV series is about the world after zombie apocalypse. With “The Walking Dead” comic book creator Robert Kirkman writing certain episodes and big name cinematographers such as David Tattersall (who worked on the “Star Wars” series) shooting all in 16 mm film, the series is going to be epic. Hold on to your hats because the show premieres on Halloween as a part of AMC’s “Fearfest.” MOVE • 10.29.10
Le Maître MOVE
KRISSY TRIPP food columnist
Scary good Halloween food It’s true we’ve grown past the age when ringing a doorbell and saying “trick or treat” is actually going to result in a handful of candy. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make our own tasty Halloween goodies. Plus, many of these recipes will double for Thanksgiving, and they’re really just plain good for fall. When I think of Halloween treats, I think of caramel apples. They remind me of fall, and they’re super easy to make. I like to slice my apple into more sizable bites so I can eat them more like candy than a small meal. So, start by either slicing your apples and putting craft sticks into them or simply putting craft sticks into apples. Then you want to melt your caramel with a small amount of milk or butter. You can use butter, but milk will make it creamier. Dunk the apples into the caramel and place it on a nonstick tray. The cleaner the apples, the better the caramel will stick. You can leave your recipe with plain caramel apples, or you could try to mix it up. I think nuts, cinnamon, melted chocolate and toffee make good options to spice up a simple caramel apple. During my Halloween recipe search on the Food Network’s website, I found one for pumpkin parfaits, which I’m really excited to try. To start making these, you recipe need a baked pumpkin pie, vanilice cream or frozen yogurt, IC lawhipped cream and walnuts or BLACK MAG ANY OR TO pecans. THIS DRINK WILL ADD FLAV EEN BASH According to the online recMONSTER MASH OR HALLOW ipe, you’ll scoop ¼ a cup of pumpkin filling into a glass. Top 1 1/2 OZ. VODKA that with ¼ cup of ice cream LUA KAH OZ. 3/4 or frozen yogurt, and repeat the DASH LEMON JUICE layers. Then you can top it with T TWIS ON LEM whipped cream and candied nuts. I think you could also sprinA MIXING IN NTS EDIE INGR BINE COM kle the top or middle layers GENTLY. GLASS WITH ICE AND STIR SS OVER with cinnamon, brown sugar or STRAIN INTO A HIGHBALL GLA T. TWIS caramel. ON LEM A ICE. GARNISH WITH Holidays are a great time to use fondant and decorative icing too. For example, make a simple sheet cake and top it with a thin, black layer of fondant or very smooth icing. Then use either decorative icing or more fondant to create Halloween shapes. Some ideas I had were Jack-oLanterns, skeletons, ghosts or creative monsters. Cutout sugar cookies make a great platform for decoration. If you’re looking for a non-sweet party favor — or trying to avoid pumpkin flavors — go for something more fun in appearance. Mozzarella eyes are a good option. There are a lot of variations of the spices and seasoning of this recipe, but the basics are always the same. Thinly slice a green olive, and cut a hole in the center (you could use a straw). Then do the same with a black olive. But rather than cut a hole, think of yourself as cutting the pupil. The hole you cut from the black olive will fit inside of the green olive’s hole. Then simply stick your “eyes” into the top of mozzarella balls and season as desired. Of course, without the fun of trick-or-treating comes the possibility of Halloween drinking. Drinkoftheweek. com has plenty of options, such as the “Trick or Treat,” “Eyeball Martini,” “Vampire Kiss” or “Witch’s Brew.” Whatever you’re doing to get in the Halloween spirit, be sure the have fun and enjoy.
Stephens cleans out the closet for exhibit When walking into the Stephens College Historic Costume Gallery, you are immediately thrown into another century. The sight of black velvet coats, plaid jumpers and skirts with funkadelic patchwork is a little overwhelming at first but oddly captivating. “This is way cooler than how we dress,” Stephens student Megan Wedgewood said with a laugh, acknowledging her sweatpants and hoodie. Stephens College is known for its impressive fashion program and is hosting “The Back-to-School Issue — A Collegiate Wardrobe” exhibit until December at its Historic Costume Gallery. Featuring casual and formal wear from the decades of the 1930s, 1950s and 1970s, Stephens’ stylish display is a wellorganized conundrum of interesting fabrics, textures and accessories. A 1970s outfit complete with a white polyester blouse and a skirt with dizzying patchwork greets visitors entering the gallery. To the left of the outfit, a rust-colored suede knit vest and skirt ensemble uses the colors of autumn, offering a nostalgic look at college days past. Pendants, long necklaces and green beads were some of the accessories in the collection many would think of as traditional ‘70s wear,
and pieces such as crochet vests and quilted prints were lovely surprises. Long coats with fur featured in the collection continue to be outfit staples for the upper-class college student and would almost be deemed awkward if they weren’t featured in the collection. “All the pieces are part of the Costume Museum and Research Library Collection, which include 12,000 items,” Stephens student Anastasia Nienaltowski said. “(Curators) think of a theme and what people would like to see from the collection. A lot of the clothes come from a lot of donations from alumni and friends of alumni.” Coincidentally, one of the pieces that stood out most was a bright green plaid jacket and pants set complete with a crème turtleneck that belonged to one of the guest curator’s sister. “The woman donated the green plaid outfit and wore it in the 1970s herself,” Nienaltowski said. “She said she usually wore turtlenecks with it.” The piece was reminiscent of the ‘70s and trends in the early ‘90s, even inspiring a quick, if clueless, thought of Cher and Dionne. Even though the gallery highlights decades in non-chronological order, looks and outfits of the 1930s seem to be in proper juxtaposition to
Chris Barrett/Staff Photographer
Stephens College’s “The Back-to-School Issue — A Collegiate Wardrobe” spans from the 1930s to the 1970s. The gallery opens at noon on weekends until Dec. 19. the 1970s trends. The conservative era of the Great Depression featured fits that were more tailored than the laid-back fit that would come around four decades later. Relating to the autumn season theme, the 1930s collection included wool suits, crepe dresses and blue velvet suits for young women. A touch of whimsy was added to the traditional outfits with the use of accessories such as green grape pins and sparkly flower pin attachments. In contrast to the more sophisticated tone of the 1930s, the ‘50s collection featured flirty poodle skirts and tightly tied neck scarves, communicating the more youthful and
vibrant mood of the young women during the era. Interestingly enough, the ‘50s was also a time when women were politically and socially aware. Beret hats allude to French culture and the Republican elephant and Democratic donkey stitched on poodle skirts as patches also hint at this. When all of these extra details and the typical busy schedule of a college student today are considered, it’s hard to believe women had time to dress like this on a daily basis. “It was more common to wear outlandish things,” Wedgewood said. “And I wish it was still like that.” Jade Earle | associate editor
RE-PLAYING a justification for A different kind of Bros *Finally, video games. Some things in college demand your attention: There are massive reading assignments, part-time jobs, weekends, the ladies and “Super Smash Bros.” on Nintendo 64. You can guess which one demands the most. “Smash Bros.” ser ves as the great equalizer of the Millennial Generation. Regardless of one’s cultural, ethnic or socioeconomic standing, every round offers the opportunity to destroy or be destroyed, to kill or be killed. Consistent smashing cultivates a greater knowledge of vice and virtue, victory and defeat and life and death. Is it really reasonable to dedicate more time in a day to a decade-old video game than to sleep? Shut up. Of course it is. With every thrown controller or celebratory dance amid animated confetti, the world of “Smash Bros.” offers practical examples of MU’s famous four pillars. 1. Excellence. We’re not
sure if you’ve ever played either of us, but we’re really, really, really super good. We can tell because we’ve grown desensitized to the way people often tear up after we’re done ripping their characters apart. “Super Smash Bros.” ignites the desire to succeed at nothing of importance. But there is a principle involved in “Smash Bros.” we’re sure will help us become better people down the road, maybe. We frequently hone our inapplicable talents by playing one vs. three team matches against level nine computers. That’s like playing one level 27. We play hourlong 99 stock matches and master highly specific ways to kill our opponents. We comb the Internet for “Smash Bros.” knowledge, studying tier systems that rank character abilities. Excellence achieved. 2. Respect. One might take the steady, screaming flow of colorful obscenities as derogatory. Actually, it’s a “Smash
Bros.” code of language to show respect to our opponents. We also have deep respect for the “Code of Randomness” and always submit ourselves to the game’s decisions. Never choose your computer opponent. Never choose your stage. If you’re fighting Pikachu, Link and Ness at Samus’ acid stage, take every thunder, B-Up sword slice and PK fire like a champion before being acidcleared to your undeserved death. Like in the real world, the players who consistently come out on top know how to adjust to what is thrown at them, adapting and conquering their circumstances. Respect the Code. 3. Discovery. “Smash Bros.” encourages players to expand their horizons and embark on a journey to discover new and exciting possibilities by switching characters. Learn why Jigglypuff ’s aerial-attack-to-BDown combo is the best in the game or why Yoshi’s cute
little jump is actually impossible to stop when he’s defying death with a triumphant hum. Realize the fan’s shieldbreaking potential and shatter the hopes of your unsuspecting opponents. Have high frequency Bob-omb battles with your friends. Have a Captain Falcon battle where the only move allowed is Falcon Punch. Falcon Punch someone in real life. “Super Smash Bros.” is a gold mine for inspiration when used properly. 4. Responsibility. We’ll admit, there’s not a whole lot of responsibility going on here. Spending hours tearing apart lesser players (all other players) just because we can doesn’t necessarily translate to an accomplished résumé. But we like to think taking out our violent frustrations on each other with a video game is just another step toward growing up. garrett richie and robert langellier | staff writers
Weezer has taken a lot of slack for its post-Pinkerton releases, but the group still has quite the dedicated fan base. The band’s eighth studio album, Hurley , was released less than two months ago, so it might seem a little early for a follow-up. But Death to False Metal is more a collection of unreleased songs than an album of fresh material. With any luck, it won’t disappoint as much as most of Weezer’s other albums.
Get ready to groove (and “Get high, get money, get sex, get real,” according to the single, “Hot-N-Fun”) to hip-hop, rock and funk-fusion duo N*E*R*D’s latest album, Nothing. N*E*R*D, which stands for No one Ever Really Dies, started out as a side project for The Neptunes, the iconic late‘90s group consisting of the same pair, Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo. Featuring collaborations with Nelly Furtado, T.I. and Daft Punk, Nothing is sure to be a bumping soundtrack for the indie-funk dance parties.
10.29.10 • MOVE
Gamers can finally use the Xbox 360 without touching a controller. Microsoft is coming out with a competitor for the Nintento’s Wii MotionPlus and the PlayStation Move. Kinect will allow users to interact with their Xbox 360 through gestures and spoken commands. Later versions will also have the potential to work with PC computers. Microsoft is budgeted to drop $500 million on the launch, including a Times Square event where Kinect will be connected to billboards. It had better be good.
During a brief lapse in studio censorship in the 1930s, filmmakers created movies that pushed the boundaries of sex and violence in film. Ragtag will host a film series through the month of November that highlights films made during this period. Tuesday, Ragtag will start the series with “Public Enemy,” a mobster movie that shocked viewers with its violence when it was released. Say ‘ello to this forgotten gem.
the maneater 3
Voter's Guide
Friday, October 29, 2010
Election Guide 2010: The candidates U.S. Senate
Roy Blunt Republican
Age: 60 Website: http://www.royblunt.
Hometown: Springfield Education: Master’s degree from
Missouri State University, 1972 B.A. from Southwest Baptist University, 1970 Experience: U.S. House of Representatives, 1997-present President, Southwest Baptist University, 1993-1996 Missouri Secretary of State, 19841992 Greene County clerk, 1972-1984
U.S. House District 9
Blaine Luetkemeyer Republican Age: 58 Website: http://luetkemeyer. Hometown: St. Elizabeth Education: B.A from Lincoln University in Jefferson City Experience: U.S. House of Representatives, 2008-present Missouri Tourism Director, 20052008 Missouri House of Representatives, 1999-2005
Education: Allow states to regulate higher education instead of the federal government and raise academic standards at schools that receive federal tax dollars. Health care: Voted against the federal health care overhaul passed in March and favors repealing that bill. Economy: Voted against the 2009 federal stimulus bill and now calls the bill “failed.” Favors federal spending cuts and tax cuts.
Economy: Cut taxes and federal spending. Pass a constitutional amendment that would require the federal budget be balanced. Health care: Voted against the federal health care overhaul passed in March and favors repealing that bill, but favors allowing children to stay on their parents’ health insurance policies until age 25 (not 26, as in the federal bill). Environment: Opposes federal capand-trade legislation but calls for investments in biofuels, alternative fuels and nuclear energy.
Robin Carnahan Democrat Age: 49 Website: Hometown: Rolla Education: Law degree from University of Virginia, 1986. B.S from William Jewell College, 1983 Experience: Missouri Secretary of State, 2004-present; Export-Import Bank of the United States
Christopher Dwyer Libertarian Age: 42 Website: Hometown: Hallsville Education: North County Technical School, Florissant Experience: Pest control business owner Air Force water purification specialist
Education: Improve public education and allow states more flexibility to set education requirements. Health care: Said she would have voted in favor of the health care reform and supports a public health insurance option. Congress: Has called for a complete ban on earmarks and proposed a 10 percent pay cut for members of Congress until the federal budget deficit is reduced.
Favors repealing the 16th and 17th amendments of the U.S. Constitution to repeal the federal income tax and have Senators appointed by state legislatures. Favors term limits for members of Congress and a constitutional amendment that would require the federal budget be balanced.
Third party candidates: Jonathan Dine (Libertarian Party) Jerry Beck (Constitution Party)
Third party candidate: Jeff Reed (Democrat, write-in)
MO House District 21
MO House District 23
John Cauthorn Republican Age: 63 Website: http://www. php?gid=132936580056161 Hometown: Mexico, Mo. Education: Truman State University (did not graduate)
Paul Szopa Republican
Missouri Senate, 2001-2006 Member of Missouri Farmers Bureau, Missouri Corn Growers Association and Missouri Soybean Association Former president, Missouri Cattlemen’s Association Platform
Emphasizes privatesector job creation and preserving states’ rights to keep them separate from the power of federal government, also calls for increased use of domestic alternative fuels like biofuels and nuclear energy.
Kelly Schultz Democrat Age: 33 Website: Hometown: Shaw Education: B.S. in political science from MU M.A. in public administration from MU Experience:
Legislative assistant, Missouri House of Representatives
Age: 65 E-mail: szopa23district@
Hometown: Columbia Education: B.S. from Central
Methodist University Experience: Sales associate, Westlake Ace Hardware Platform
Calls for balancing the state budget without tax increases and cutting business taxes to increasing hiring. He says he will vote against any tax increases and that he supports traditional marriage and opposes the legalization of marijuana and any expansion on gambling because it is a tax on the poor.
Stephen Webber Democrat Age: 27 Website: Hometown: Columbia Education:B.S. from St. Louis University Experience:
Missouri House of Representatives, 2008-present Aide to Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. U.S. Marine Corps
Calls for the legislature to balance the state budget and pass state-level health care reforms. Calls for reduced class sizes in public schools and low tuition at public colleges and universities.
Calls for increased funding and expansion of scholarship programs like A+ and Bright Flight and increased academic freedom for MU professors to do different kinds of research. Favors increased Medicaid and infrastructure spending and state-level campaign finance reforms.
MO House District 24
Laura Nauser Republican Age: 46 Website: Hometown: Columbia Education: B.S. from Columbia College, 2004 Experience: Mayor pro tem, 2009-present Fifth Ward City Councilwoman, 2005-present Program assistant, Boone County Juvenile Office Platform:
Calls for state government spending cuts and increases in private-sector hiring as well as infrastructure and public education improvements. Also said she wants to take a look at rising tuition costs and make sure the state’s public colleges are providing a quality education.
Chris Kelly Democrat
Age: 64 Website: http://www.chriskelly24.
Hometown: Columbia Education: B.A. from Marist Col-
lege, 1968 Law degree from MU, 1988 Experience: Missouri House of Representatives, 1982-1994 and 2008-present Associate director and Cole County director, Central Missouri Counties’ Human Development Corporation Boone County clerk Chairman, Missouri Labor and Industrial Relations Commission Boone County associate circuit judge Platform
Wants to decrease the state budget deficit by increasing the cigarette tax. Supports a $700 million bond for higher education projects if approved by voters and improvements to the state’s infrastructure and payday loan laws.
4 The Maneater
forum Reach Megan Pearl, forum editor, at
Friday, October 29, 2010
themaneater The Student Voice of the University of Missouri Founded in 1955 by Joel Gold and Jim Willard
Zach Toombs, editor-in-chief — Lyndsie Manusos, managing editor —
Our Opinion Editorials represent the majority opinion of The Maneater Editorial Board.
The Maneater’s November 2010 Endorsements U.S. Senate For Missouri’s U.S. Senate seat, The Maneater chooses to endorse Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan over her Republican rival Roy Blunt and the other candidates in the race. Carnahan, who we see as a more conservative Democrat, has campaigned with positions we feel beneficial to our country and its citizens, specifically — but not limited to — students. Carnahan has supported the federal health care overhaul passed in March, which includes provisions so young adults can stay on their parents' health insurance plans until they’re 26 (which includes most college students). Her primary opponent, Blunt, has explicitly stated he wants to repeal the bill. We feel that any further compromises made to the reform law could result in the exclusion of the clause allowing young adults to stay on their parents' health care through their early 20s. Additionally, Carnahan isn’t as quick to take a machete to the federal budget as her Republican counterparts. We feel it’s ignorant to assume all government spending is useless and is but another brick on the yellow brick road to socialism. Our national programs provide abundant goods and services to all our nation’s people, and, in these hard economic times, we believe Carnahan would have restraint and common sense in dealing with our nation’s budget. Carnahan isn’t perfect. She has taken a stance against earmarks, which, though they often have a bad rap, fund a lot of positive projects — specifically, research projects in universities. Retiring Sen. Kit Bond is a staunch supporter of these earmarks, as noted by the $3 million of research funding MU received in 2004. We believe such legislation is important for our school, state and the advancement of science in general. Blunt has also taken positions on national issues we believe to be socially deplorable, specifically with immigration. He is an explicit supporter of Arizona’s immigration law, which blatantly allows racial discrimination, and opposes initiatives set forth by the DREAM Act, which allows children of illegal immigrants to attend public colleges and universities. Carnahan is experienced, wise and has the common sense to garner our support. Her votes, whether about health care or the budget, would benefit students as well as the rest of the nation and her Democratic ideals will ensure a future of growth and prosperity for our state and country. U.S. House of Representatives, 9th district: Vote of no confidence As an incumbent, Republican Blaine Luetkemeyer has a generally good relationship with MU, Columbia public schools and the state in his office as a House representative for the 9th district. However, in a letter regarding adding LGBTQ rights to anti-discrimination policies in public schools, Leutkemeyer stated he believed adding those specific protections would have “serious unintended consequences, including preventing students from expressing their religious beliefs” and also that the legislation would “cause the federal government to take on an even larger role in our nations’ public schools.” Although we understand the “keep the federal government out of our business” angle, in our view, discrimination, whether for race, gender or sexual orientation is simply unacceptable. Also, there is a difference between expressing religious beliefs and harassing someone for their beliefs. As to his second point: We agree, the federal government shouldn’t have excessive power over what goes on in public schools. However, Luetkemeyer fails to realize this is not a problem of education, but civil rights and those issues are well within the domain of the federal government. Furthermore, on an issue such as this, leaving Missouri to decide its own educational policies doesn’t leave much room for progress or new ideas. It is primarily this issue that leads us to the vote of no confidence in Luetkemeyer. Libertarian Chris Dwyer is Luetkemeyer’s main opponent in this race and some of his policies are a little strange for our tastes. For instance: the Department of Education needs to be abolished and we need to educate our children ourselves. The Maneater has voted no confidence in either of these candidates. State House 24: Chris Kelly, Democrat Chris Kelly is an incumbent and Democrat in the state House of Representatives and has been involved with politics since the 1980s. One of his big-ticket issues is increasing the state cigarette tax. Currently Missouri has the lowest tax in the country with 17 cents and also the highest smoking rate in the country. Kelly’s rationale is the tax will help raise money for the government and increase the budget and cut the number of smokers in Missouri. Like most sin taxes, the tax is easily won because people who don’t participate see it as a good way to raise money without burdening them and those who do participate won’t stop buying the product. However, if they do, it’s generally seen as a good thing because the item in question is seen as putting a burden on society. This way,
Illustration by Chelsea Myers everyone wins, with the added benefit of a bigger budget. Jobs are another concerning issue that we agree with Kelly on. His policy on reconstructing buildings at state and public universities for modernization, if passed, would create jobs in construction and holds the possibility of making the public universities more enticing to students — though we do wonder if the benefits could be more plentiful by allocating more money to education. We believe Kelly is the best endorsement because of his experience, and his specific ideas for creating jobs and more money for the budget. Opposing Kelly is Republican Laura Nauser. Nauser serves on City Council now and is taking a very conservative stance. Her main goal is to reign in the deficit with spending cuts in government jobs and stimulate private sector hiring. In the past, she has voted against many spending measures on the city level. Nauser has said she wants to focus on the budget as if she were using a fine toothcomb and discover what is extraneous. Our question: The budget is public...couldn’t you look at it already? There aren’t any specific cuts she is looking at already and we feel that has potential to put causes we care about, such as higher education, in danger. Columbia Prop 1: Yes The Maneater has decided to endorse a “Yes” vote on Columbia Proposition 1, which would allow a one-fourth of one percent sales tax to remain as it is (opposed to reducing it to a one-eighth of one percent tax) and continue to fund city parks. This sales tax has helped to complete several projects around Columbia and keep our parks beautiful, clean and enjoyable. It’s expected to generate $12.5 million over the next five years and voting “no” would result in either a budget deficit for the city or, more simply, bad parks. There has not been much opposition to the measure with the exception of small groups such as the Boone County Libertarians, who feel it’s unfair to make a tax supporting public parks involuntary. Privatization of Columbia’s parks is not a good option for the city for several reasons, one of which being that playgrounds carry hefty insurance liabilities. Privatization could allow businesses to own parks and opens the door to gating parks or unreasonably restricting access. Columbia’s parks are gems in our city and should continue to be kept as such. Prop 1 allows every citizen to help pull the weight that keeps our parks safe, beautiful, clean and overall great. Columbia Proposition 2: Yes Proposition 2, also known as the Taser ban, has been a hotly debated topic for months leading up to this election. After a long debate among our own editorial board, we chose to endorse the ban for a few key reasons. Primarily, the ban doesn’t outlaw the buying and carrying of a Taser. In a way we find similar to owning a gun, you can’t randomly use it on someone else or even threaten to use it. In contrast, the consequence of using one is a Class A misdemeanor, which holds minimal consequences and the possibility of not being charged if the Taser is used in legitimate self-defense. With a ban that doesn’t outlaw the product, but only the use of it, there is still the potential for private citizens using the weapon as self-defense and the potential to learn more about Tasers for better education and training in the future. Once more research is done on the product, it might be more suitable for the police and for citizens to use more freely. The lax nature of the ban is a benefit. What’s better: It takes the Taser out of the hands of the Columbia Police Department. According to Amnesty International, Missouri had eight deaths between 2001 and 2008 due to Tasers. Also, we feel CPD seems to use Tasers erratically, as if there is a fine line between having a conversation and Tasering someone. The gray area between what is abuse and what isn’t is also problematic to us. There’s also the issue of Tasers being fairly new technology. We see updated use suggestions often, such as don’t Taser people on their chests because it could kill them. It comes down to a debate of whether Tasers are a poorly constructed product or simply a new technology that is constantly being tested and innovated. As we said before, the push for education doesn’t have to stop with the ban. Bans can be repealed. But right now, they’re not safe and better regulation needs to happen now. If that regulation has to occur through a ban first, then that’s what has to happen.
Friday, October 29, 2010
the maneater 17
The opinions expressed by The Maneater columnists do not represent the opinions of The Maneater editorial board.
The Jungle offers what students want Grace Haun Guest Columnist
M-I-Z... Z-O-U was the call heard around the world last Saturday -- or at least by everyone around Columbia and tuned in to ABC/ ESPN. Last week, it was truly great to be a Mizzou Tiger. From the new Student Center dedication ceremony, to hosting ESPN GameDay, all that is Mizzou Homecoming and, of course, beating OU was nice too. Like the majority of MU students, my awesome Saturday included tailgating. And in my opinion, all good football games are preceded by a tailgate. I would even argue that nothing is more essential to college football than tailgating, and so tailgate, we did. From what I heard, Lot X was comparable to Reactor. With lax underage drinking enforcement and the whole day to tailgate, why wouldn’t it be? About half way through this football season, I undertook a tailgating challenge called The Jungle. Have you heard of it? I’d venture to say that most MU students have heard it mentioned or perhaps seen a flyer in their
dorm room mail slot. But here’s the million dollar question: Do you know what it is? If you do, congrats, but I’d bet a lot of money that something you believe about The Jungle is wrong. Well, here’s the truth: Any student can reserve a spot, it’s located in the metered lot on the corner of Rollins and Maryland Ave., there are only two police officers assigned to the lot, and yes, alcohol is allowed. So now you know the facts, but maybe you’re still confused as to why this tailgate suddenly sprung up. Well, The Jungle is MSA’s response to Rally for Reactor. To clarify for those unfamiliar with Reactor, it was a tailgating hotspot that got shut down. With obvious excessive underage drinking, crowd control problems and few tailgaters actually attending the football game, the University was not Reactor’s biggest fan. Thus, Rally for Reactor, or more specifically, students demanding another tailgating spot, was born. A year later, we have The Jungle. Disregarding The Jungle for a minute, I’ve been thinking about what it is that we love about tailgating. Is it the anticipation of the football game to come? Is it the brats and hamburgers? Or maybe shot-gunning that Natty Light? Well, it can’t be the first, because
I know quite a few people that tailgate despite caring less about football, and while my dad’s brats are pretty dang good, that can’t be why tailgating is so appealing either. As for Natty Light, well, who am I to condemn that drink of the gods? However, and it’s strange I know, but not everyone loves beer, so we’re still left pondering my original inquiry. Consider this your warning, as my next best guess is pretty cheesy. I would venture say that tailgating is really all about taking the time out of your day, your studies, your extracurriculars, or your sorority or fraternity in order to sit down with friends and family and relax. Maybe you play a game of ladder golf, maybe grilling is a de-stressor for you or heck, if grilling isn’t your thing, that beer certainly will take the edge off. For lack of a better phrase, tailgating is all about stopping and smelling the grill. The student government and many individuals, myself included, are working hard at starting up The Jungle. We are keeping in mind this is a tailgate for students though, and if it’s not what the students want, then it’s not worth our efforts to try and continue. My hopes are that tomorrow and over the next few weeks, my inbox will be flooded with emails from students letting me know what I can do for them, what they think, or
Four Loko demands respect, reverence Merit Myers Recent concerns over the health issues posed by Four Loko have me examining my devotion to the malt liquor energy drink. After considering what is at stake when I drink a Four Loko, I’ve come to the realization that universities banning one of my dearest poisons do not see that by doing so, they have only neglected the real issue of educated college drinking. For those who haven’t consumed the legendary drink, Four Loko is a caffeinated, alcoholic, malt beverage found in your grocer’s liquor department. Conveniently, Four Loko can also be found at your local gasless gas station. For roughly two bucks and two quarters, one can purchase the delicious and intoxicating elixir for his or her own. That means one might spend only five dollars for the entire rowdy weekend. The dirt cheap price, the amount of caffeine and the 12.5 percent ABV content allow consumers to cheaply down the equivalent of six beers and roughly five cups of coffee all in a can. Once consumed, the effects are varied. But when any alcohol and caffeine is consumed, the body reacts as car would if a driver were pushing the gas and brakes at the same time. What that means: students who drink the entire can become intoxicated but are still alert. When the caffeine wears off, the ride can end in Black Out City. Thus the unofficial name Four Loko has achieved: Black Out in a Can. Tickets to Black Out City are awarded by drinking one Four Loko and any other drinks consumed thereafter. Those Four Loko warriors often don’t feel drunk because they are so revved up from the caffeine. But let us not blame the Four Loko, which so cheaply provides leisure time with a kick and a nudge in the right direction. Rather, let us turn the questions to the college students who abuse the legendary Four Loko. College campuses across the country are experiencing Four Loko fever and as a result, many partaking in the craze are younger drinkers who are not ready to handle the deceptive nature of Four Loko. Hopefully those who have heard the tales of a night with Four Loko will heed their peer’s chilling stories. In a spooky threat to curb trips to Black
Out City, universities have banned the drink after finding the lifeless cans of dear Four Loko at parties where students became dangerously drunk. But because we don’t build our houses into the ground because people fall off roofs, I’d say teaching college students how to be smarter drinkers would probably keep them safer than removing one of hundreds of drinks available for consumption. Four Loko is dangerous and should be treated with respect. I’ve heard the drink called vicious names, and I’m ready to defend the drink because it’s not the drink’s fault. It is the fault of those who don’t know how to handle it.
I’ve prepared myself with the possible negative names the opposition will likely give to the champion drink. They include: Foul Loko, Four Uh-Oh, and For-the-Love-ofGod-I’ve-gone-Loko-for-Four-Loko. I hope that tops the worst they might call the divine drink. I’m not a fan of Black Out City. It’s too dark and nobody knows where shit is around there. This Halloween, I’d recommend go to Creepy Fun Town or Witch Mountain or Spooky Springs or all of those, but respect Four Loko and alcohol and we can all take a trip down memory lane after the weekend is over. Boo.
Illustration By Chelsea Myers
Rachel Allred
Change is incremental On the day of my seventh birthday, before my friends arrived for my totally great party, I excitedly ran to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I was barely tall enough to see my face over the sink, but my plastic princess heels gave me more of a height advantage. My reflection in the mirror was not what I wanted it to be. Disappointed and scowling, I moped around the house. When my mom asked me what was wrong, I said, “I don’t look any different.” Since I was a year older that day, I should look different, more grown-up. I had this notion that between the last day of being six and the first day of being seven, I was supposed to undergo some drastic change. My hair was supposed to be longer. I was supposed to be taller. I was supposed to be prettier. But to my dismay, the day I turned seven, I had the same ratty hair, the same awkward smile and the same petite frame I had the day before. It didn’t make sense. That was when my mom taught me a lesson, and I had an “Aha!” moment. She explained to me that growing up isn’t something that happens overnight. Instead, we change just a little bit everyday. Because the changes are so gradual, we might not notice them right away, but when we look back, they become more obvious. The seven-year-old, impatient me had difficulty grasping this concept. I wanted change, and I wanted it immediately. Similarly, drastic changes in society or individual lives are rarely evident in a few days or even a few years. At times, it might seem like no change and no progress is being made. We expect life to be significantly better, the world to be much happier and our laws to be fairer today than they were yesterday. Those expectations don’t seem to be met. I once heard someone compare this quest for change to an upward spiral. While moving up the spiral, it feels like you’re just going in circles and not gaining anything. All the effort put into reform seems pointless. But eventually, you reach the top and realize how much change actually has been accomplished. Such upward spirals can be seen throughout the course of history. Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, but it wasn’t until more than 150 years later that the Declaration of Independence was implemented. Public schools didn’t begin desegregating until nearly a century after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Steps are continually being taken to increase equality and improve the quality of life. The seeming lack of change despite much-publicized efforts to affect change is often discouraging. However, the greatest changes come only after determination, integrity and patience have been practiced. We have to actively wait, to do what we can to encourage alterations, but recognize it might not happen right away; to be willing to be vigilant and accept that things take time, but not become complacent during that time. When I look in the mirror tomorrow morning, I’m going to see the person I saw before I went to bed tonight. But my reflection a year from now will be different and show the changes that have subtly occurred over 365 days. Today, I have the same green eyes, shy personality and quirky smile I had 13 years ago, but I’ve also changed a lot. I’m more confident, more educated, more thoughtful. Few, if any, of those changes happened overnight.
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Friday, October 29, 2010 On the Mike
Mike Vorel Sports Columnist
Texas Rangers: A love story Many baseball fans rooted for the Texas Rangers in the 2010 American League Championship Series not because of who they are, but rather who they were playing. Any time a team gets a chance to take down “The Evil Empire,” it’s bound to garner some national support. After all, the Yankees are arguably the most hated team in professional sports. They are the proud (bordering on arrogant) owners of 27 World Series rings, and in the recent Steinbrenner era they have been known for buying championships by bullying small market teams and stealing their superstars. The ALCS played out like a real-life version of “The Sandlot,” in which the likable heroes didn’t have the facilities, jerseys or cool bikes of the wealthier squad but still were light years ahead in talent (and oneliners). So, in the wake of this tremendous upset, it is no surprise the Texas Rangers have become somewhat of a national heartthrob. But when you look deeper into the Rangers as a whole, there is very little not to love. First off, many fans are pulling for Texas purely because they’ve never been there before. The team was established in 1961, but never even won a playoff series until this season. If you’re not so keen on math, that’s 49 years of irrelevancy. In a way, they are kind of the “Bizarro Yankees.” They are humble, talented and overwhelmingly appreciative of this opportunity. And in a world of big market teams and dynasty after dynasty, it’s nice to see the little guy win one every once in a while. In real life, just like in movies, people love to root for the underdog. Lucky for us, the Texas Rangers are stocked to the brim with them. Manager Ron Washington admitted to cocaine use up to and during the 2009 season, and after getting clean only barely managed to keep his job. Josh Hamilton was a No. 1 pick of the Tampa Bay Rays in 2009, but he struggled with drugs and alcohol, eventually falling out of baseball entirely. He finally made it back to the big show in 2007 with Cincinnati and is now one of the most feared hitters in the game. Additionally, Anaheim thought Vladimir Guerrero was washed up when they let him leave after the 2009 season, Nelson Cruz was practically given away by Oakland and Milwaukee before finally landing in Texas and starter Colby Lewis played the past two seasons in Japan before finally signing with the Rangers. All these players were afterthoughts with other organizations, and yet all are having success with Texas in 2010. Go figure. The most redeeming thing about this team to me though, is they seem to play the game the right way. They play like kids. This isn’t just a job to them, and you can tell that when you watch them play. They regularly do “the claw” and “the antlers” to each other after a big play, a custom in which they make goofy (and childish, in a good way) claw and antlerlike hand gestures from the field to the bench. These people genuinely love playing the game and playing it with each other, and in this ultra-competitive era we see that less and less every day. So there you go. You can love the Rangers because they beat the Yankees, but just know there’s really a lot more to it than that. Either way, I’m obviously on the bandwagon. And for die-hard Rangers fans, 49 years of waiting is long enough.
sports Reach Zach Mink, sports editor, at
The Maneater 11
Black squad overcomes Gold, 102-96 Senior Laurence Bowers paced the Black squad with 30 points and 12 rebounds. John Montesantos Staff Writer
Missouri basketball held its annual Black & Gold Game at Mizzou Arena at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. The preseason scrimmage was the team’s first formal showing of the 2010-11 season. The Black squad, featuring junior guard Marcus Denmon, freshman guard Phil Pressey, junior forward Laurence Bowers, freshman guard Ricky Kreklow and junior forward Steve Moore, rode a second-half surge to a 102-96 victory. The Gold squad started junior guard Kim English, junior guard Matt Pressey, senior forward Justin Safford, junior forward Ricardo Ratliffe and sophomore guard Michael Dixon. Safford posted a double-double in his fourth Black & Gold Game. The senior leader recognized the chance to showcase the new team but knew the scrimmage should be treated as an opportunity to improve. “The fans get a look and see what we got,” Safford said. “But at the same time we look at it as a practice and another day to get better. We treat it like a practice.” The first half was full of crowd-pleasers and flashy plays, leading to many turnovers and lackluster defense. Coach Mike Anderson let his players have it in the locker room at halftime, letting them know the game wasn’t all about entertaining the crowd. “Lots of sloppiness, especially in the first half,” Anderson said. “I thought in the second half the energy level picked up and the intensity picked up.” That sloppiness led to 15 turnovers from the teams two point guards, as Phil Pressey had seven for the Black squad and Dixon had eight for the Gold squad.
Seth A. McConnell/Staff Photographer
Junior guard Phil Pressey, of the Black team, plants his hand to balance himself after slipping on the court during the second half of the Black & Gold scrimmage Thursday night at Mizzou Arena. The Black squad was victorious, downing the Gold squad 102-96. Outside of the turnover numbers, Missouri players both old and new filled up the stat sheets in the game. Leading the way for Black was Bowers, who put up 30 points and a game-high 12 rebounds. The Gold side saw big scoring nights from Ratliffe with a game-high 32 points and English with 22 points. Nine players scored in double digits, two of them being freshmen guards Kreklow and Pressey. Anderson loves the competition and potential depth of the new squad. “There’s competition at a lot of positions,” Anderson said. “Hopefully we can field a team with a lot of depth and some more balance this year.” Columbia native and Rock Bridge graduate Kreklow had 17 points and five three-pointers in the game. His eight assists and swarming defense also upped his stock as the regular season approaches. Another new Tiger who shined was Ratliffe. The transfer student dominated the paint with a game-high five offen-
sive rebounds. “Overall I think I did pretty good,” Ratliffe said. “I know I’m just going to keep getting better as the season goes on.” The children of Columbia’s Boys and Girls Club met Anderson at midcourt during halftime. Every year the proceeds from Black & Gold ticket sales go to benefit the Boys and Girls Club. This year’s game drew a crowd of 3,198 fans. Some other new faces on the hardwood last night were the MU “celebrity coaches.” Missouri Students Association President Tim Noce coached the Black squad while Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Cathy Scroggs coached their Gold opponents. Missouri will start exhibition play when it hosts Harris-Stowe State at 7 p.m. Nov. 5. The regular season tips off Nov. 18 when the Tigers take on Western Illinois at Mizzou Arena as part of the 2010 Cancun Challenge tournament.
St. Louis delivers first rugby defeat of season The Tigers failed to score 40 points for the first time this season. Pat Iversen Staff Writer The Missouri rugby team tasted its first defeat of the season Wednesday night, falling 46-30 to the St. Louis Royals. St. Louis started strong, controlling play in the Missouri end of the field for the majority of the first half. Missouri turnovers played a large part in the Royals’ victory, as St. Louis scored three times off Tiger fumbles. Missouri played better in the final half, but it wasn’t enough to complete the comeback. “I think we were the better team, but I think we just played sloppy,” forward hooker Tim Brown said. “If we played them again, we’d probably beat them. We came out flat in the first half, but once we got time to collect ourselves and talk it over
with the coaches, we came out in the second half and put 30 on them like it was nothing.” For the second consecutive game, the Tigers started slower than their opposition and struggled to maintain possession during the first half. Brown attributed this to the team’s attitude toward its rank. “For some reason this year we’ve been just like that,” Brown said. “It’s almost like we’re too ahead of ourselves. We have too much confidence, which is not a good thing. Everybody sees these good rankings and thinks we’re a good team, but until we prove it on the field, we’re not a good team.” Even so, forwards captain Matt Brotemarkle said starting games off strong is something the squad has been addressing before each game. “It’s definitely become a consistent thing,” Brotemarkle said. “I’ve stressed it to them constantly that we have to come out fired up and ready to go straight in there and lay the hit on somebody. It’s something we’re going to be working on in these next couple weeks of practice.”
A bright spot in the loss was the play of rookie flankers Andrew Lazalier and Ryan Schiedt. The two retained possession well in the second half. Although he didn’t want to give himself too much credit, Lazalier said both players brought the right attitude. “I don’t want to sound cocky or anything,” Lazalier said. “With our position at flanker, you just need a lot of intensity. And I think both of the rookies that start offer that.” Now on the last half of its schedule, Missouri will play its final four games against divisional opponents. Brotemarkle said the team will be mentally prepared for the final stretch of matches. “There’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll bounce back,” Brotemarkle said. “We’ll just work a lot harder in practice. We’ve gotta beat it into their heads that we can’t take anybody lightly. We’re out here to win, we’re out here to take the victory home. I think everybody’s heads are on straight, I think the loss was a big reality check for them.”
the maneater 13
Tigers even conference record at 6-6 with sweep of Jayhawks Freshman setter Molly SWEEPING Kreklow paced the Tigers with 42 assists and six blocks. ZACH DISCHIANO Staff Writer The Missouri volleyball team improved to 14-9 overall and 6-6 in the Big 12 with a 3-0 sweep over rival Kansas on Wednesday night. Senior outside hitter Paola Ampudia led the Tiger offense with 13 kills and junior middle blocker Brittney Brimmage added 10 kills on a team-high .467 hitting. Freshman setter Molly Kreklow had a game-high 42 assists to go with a career-high six blocks. Defensively, senior libero Caitlyn Vann led the back row with 26 digs. Ampudia recorded 10 digs, giving her a double-double on the night with her 13 kills. “They had a headline on their website that somebody looked up and saw,” Kreklow said. “It was like, ‘Kansas looks to sweep Mizzou.’ So we were pretty fired up coming into this game and that was kind of our pre-game fire up, ‘Hey, Kansas is not sweeping Mizzou, we’re going to sweep them.’ So, it was really exciting to win.” The first set was tightly contested between the two teams, with neither side leading by more than three until the Tigers took a 22-18 advantage late in the set. Ahead
UP KANSAS The Missouri Tigers improved to 14-9 on the season with the sweep of Kansas. Sweeps this season:
vs. Maryland Aug. 27 vs. Nevada Aug. 28 vs. Utah Valley Aug. 28 vs. Eastern Washington Sept. 3 vs. Rice Sept. 4 vs. Tennessee Tech Sept. 10 vs. Central Arkansas Sept. 11 at Texas Tech Sept. 15 vs. Colorado Oct. 2 Big 12 vs. Kansas Oct. 27
24-20, Missouri seemed to have the set all wrapped up, but Kansas gave the Tigers a scare when it scored the next three points. A kill by Ampudia finally ended the set, which gave the Tigers the early advantage. “I think it was a very good game,” Ampudia said. “They played really good, and we did too. I feel like we’re still stronger than them and we respect our house.” Missouri did not lead in the second set until a kill from Ampudia put the Tigers up, 16-15. The score remained close all the way until Missouri took the lead at 20-19, and from there the Tigers finished off the Jayhawks with ease, 25-21. “I was really pleased with the way our kids battled,” coach Wayne Kreklow said. “Particularly when there were several times when I
kind of felt like we had control a little bit, and with a combination of a couple of great plays by KU and some unforced errors on our part we kind of let them back in.” The third and most exciting set of the match started heating up when Kansas held the lead at 8-5. Missouri rallied to score five straight points to get ahead, 10-8. The Tigers put themselves in a great position to win the set when they were up 20-17, just five points away from a sweep of their rivals. The team just couldn’t seem to close the deal because they gave up five consecutive points to the Jayhawks, who took the lead, 21-20. A kill from Brimmage put Missouri up 24-23, but the Tigers could not find a way to score that last point of the set. The Jayhawks tied it up at 24, then later at 25 and again at 26, continuing to hold back the Tigers from winning the set. Finally, senior outside hitter Julianna Klein came through with a clutch kill that ended the match, 28-26. “I was hoping that we’d find her (Klein),” Kreklow said. “Because I really felt like at that point, that was the person I wanted to really go to because I really think that with her experience and just the savvyness and way she’d been playing all night long, I mean, that was the person that I wanted taking that last swing.” Missouri will look to continue its winning ways and get back above .500 in Big 12 play when it hosts the Kansas State Wildcats 6:30 p.m. Saturday.
Junior Brittney Brimmage goes for the ball Wednesday in the Hearnes Center. The Tigers defeated University of Kansas in three sets.
14 The Maneater
Friday, October 29, 2010
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FUN FACTS • Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. • Canada has more fresh water lakes, also more forests than any other country in the world. • The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28%. The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%. • The average cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven is $16,400 US Dollars. • The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone. • Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. • In Brazil, there’s a species of cockroach that eats eyelashes, usually those of young children while they are asleep.
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