M THE MANEATER The student voice of MU since 1955
Vol. 84, Issue 27
April 18, 2018
Law student advocates for mental health services
After her personal battle with anxiety, MU law student Jessica Chinnadurai found a way to help classmates struggling with mental health and substance abuse. CHRISTINA LONG
To her fellow law students, she is the image of confidence and competence. Third-year law student Jessica Chinnadurai described herself as a “procedural, process-based person” who always knew she wanted to go to law school. A heavily involved student, she serves as associate editor-in-chief of the Missouri Law Review and is a member of both the Student Bar Association and Women’s Law Association.
Jessica Chinnadurai is passionate about mental health within the field of law. Chinnadurai, a third-year law student at the University of Missouri, is a student liaison in the Missouri Lawyers’ Assistance Program. PHOTO BY EMMALEE REED | SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
“She has a very hard-topronounce last name, and every time I go to pronounce it, every student jumps in
to correct me,” professor Michelle Cecil said. “They all know her.” During her second year
of law school, however, Chinnadurai found herself struggling with anxiety. “It was anxiety related to
doing well and trying to live up to the expectation that I put on myself,” she said. “The amount of work that you have to put in is a lot. It’s almost like an 8-to-8 job. I’m in the law school about 12 hours a day, and I eat all of my meals there.” As she came to terms with the demands of law school and the pressure to succeed, Chinnadurai realized she was not alone. “I’ve learned that a lot of people are like that,” she said. “They’ve got a lot going on underneath the surface, and it’s been really enlightening to see the humanity of a law student. I think we’re often looked up to, but also we’re everyday people that need help once in a while.” Realizing how pervasive the problems of anxiety, depression, burnout and substance abuse were among
LAW| Page 4
MSA senate bill passes to remove New School of Music five auxiliaries from MSA control building will provide 21stThe five auxiliaries no longer under MSA are KCOU, MUTV, MSA/ GPC Box Office, MSA/GPC Tech and Student Legal Services. SKYLER ROSSI
Student Politics Editor MSA senate passed Bill 57-37 on April 11 to drop five of eight auxiliaries from MSA’s funding. These five are KCOU, MUTV, MSA/GPC Box Office, MSA/GPC Tech and Student Legal Services. The bill makes changes to the MSA bylaws following the removal of the Department of Student Activities. According to the bill, “DSA has moved and … these auxiliaries would operate more effectively outside of MSA and … MSA should shrink its budget to operate more nimbly and externally.”
century technology Music students will have accommodations that make learning easier. REGAN MERTZ
Staff Writer
Following the MU School of Music’s centennial celebration April 7-9, ground Records line the walls outside KCOU, one of five auxiliaries that is no longer fund- was broken for the school’s ed by MSA as of April 11. PHOTO BY MADI WINFIELD | VISUALS DIRECTOR new building that is expected to open August 2019. Before voting in full senate MSA/GPC Tech coordinator Since the School of last week, Jake Eovaldi, MSA Sarah Stone believes the Music’s founding in 1917, budget chair and author of the event-production group will the school’s main building bill, said that he reached out be reported under Missouri has been moved to three Unions. MUTV different locations. Currently, to each of the organizations Student general manager Aviva the School of Music is split before pushing the bill. An original version of the Okeson-Haberman and KCOU among six different buildings, bill did not include MUTV general manager Riley Evans the main one being the Fine in the list of auxiliaries said MUTV and KCOU hope Arts Building on Lowry Mall, being moved out of MSA; to be reported under Student that are not technologically it was added through an Unions as well. equipped for the needs of Heath Immel, senior 21st-century musicians. amendment. Eovaldi was not available The only problem, MSA | Page 4 however, is not the lack for further comment.
of technology but also the division of the School of Music community. “To have a music discipline, which by its nature is collaborative, split up all over campus is not conducive to working together, collaborating and making good music together,” School of Music Director Julia Gaines said. Gaines said that she rarely sees professors except for at staff meetings. “It’s not a great working environment for either our faculty or our students,” Gaines said. The new building will allow more regular interaction among peers and colleagues. Gaines has been the director of the School of Music for four years, but previously, she was the school’s director of percussion studies since 1996. In her
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