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the a unisex magazine for the independent age. art. music. fashion. profiles.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



Letter from the editor It’s really easy to stay anonymous these days. Everything we nibble on with our smart phones, computers and tablets require user names that can literally be anything. We can catfish someone else and in turn can be catfished ourselves. We don’t have to take responsibility for combative comments on YouTube or random blogs and we can go completely off the grid by removing ourselves from any sort of social media and becoming virtually lost from Google. I’m not exactly sure where I stand on anything that’s come about over the last 5 years, because along with being able to find a location, check your email, post a photo, and video chat with your mom there’s also that ex boyfriend that always seems to know where you are, or that insta-hate that builds when you see someone’s seemingly perfect life. But being anonymous can be a high. Living in a world of blurred out faces and hardly remembered names sounds like most of my Friday nights but it really can be liberating. Running around in a country that doesn’t speak English (De Esta Tierra p 14) can make you feel like you literally are one in the millions. And being one of those millions can make you feel like you can’t possibly make your mark on the world. Today, it seems everyone wants to be someone it seems, some recognizable face, some somebody on instagram, some Pauly D character vacuuming up the scrill.. but what about the rest of us? Because the internet, which isn’t just an album by Childish Gambino (p 24), is a monster you can use to propel your business (Don’t Blow it p 34), or talents (5 questions p 8 and Tim Korbmacher p 42). Having said all this, it’s kind of a nice thought to be unknown, if ya know what I mean? And this issue while celebrates the known, definitely celebrates the unknown as well, and we hope you enjoy it.

---Napua Camarillo

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



Masthead Editor-in-Chief napua camarillo

marketing/ad sales jermaine fletcher

copy editors po’ai lincoln

in-house designer nicole jones

contributing writers napua camarillo kelton woodburn travis hancock jasmine mancos rose jaffe ehren bowling

contributing photographers claire butler marina miller napua camarillo ehren bowling amanda cooper

contributing illustrators daniel jamie williams

Contents Surf


Ryan Struck takes a trip down south to Panama and Ecuador and gives us a tasty surftorial spread.

Our newest columnist, RobMoney, gives us his take on Childish Gambino in a section he likes to call: Boomcats



the manifold magazine

issue 6:



Freebird, a fashion spread shot by the very talented Amanda Cooper of ,showcases an element-inspired brand.



Photographer, Robin Waters talks to us about her clothing line, Don’t Blow The Illusion.




Tim Korbmacher gives us a little inspiration in the world of skate photography.



This interview series goes head to head with some of the talents from 2014’s Pow Wow Honolulu.



Surf Fashion

A bit of background behind the Jason Park skate short, Forever My Home, with photographer Kelton Woodburn.

Billabong South Africa surfer Tarryn Chudleigh gives us a peek into her life with photos by Claire Butler.



5 questions With Amber Mozo

Amber Mozo is the daughter of North Shore surf photographer, Jon Mozo and it seemslike she’s following in her father’s footprints. Her work often celebrates the colorful and active lifestyle of Oahu’s North Shore and her Instagram boast over 54k followers. And this photo alone has been reblogged more than 200k times on Tumblr. We caught up with her busy schedule and asked her 5 questions.


I see you’re quite the traveler going to places like Greece, Thailand, Africa, etc. Where’s the next place you want to travel to and why? The next place I would like to travel to is Nepal or Switzerland. I’m constantly looking at photos of those places and it looks UNREAL. I love the colors and the culture. I would be in heaven if I got to see it for myself!



My philosophy when I shoot is to capture everyone’s natural beauty and to shoot them in the most candid moments of life.


What was the best advice that your father gave you? The best advice my dad gave me was... ‘’Remember who you are’’ he told me this one of the last times he dropped me off to school the week before he died. I was at a brand new school, living in a new world and having a really hard time with it. I didn’t think much of it at the time but over years thinking back on what he said to me, it really is important to know who you are, where you come from and what you stand for. It’s helped me so much in life, in friendships and in business. When you know in your heart who you are, it helps you stick to being true to you and not getting sucked into the trends of the world.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


Your father took beautiful photos, those are big shoes to fill! With him in mind what’s your philosophy when you shoot?

What gets you motivated in the morning? In the morning what gets me pumped up is a good song and some good photos. I wake up, play music and scroll through photos from my favorite photographers every morning. It gets my brain turning and that’s how I get creative and motivated for my next photo shoot or adventure.


You leave the house with 5 things in your bag, what are they? The 5 things that are my bathing suit, my camera, some dollar bills for lunch, my phone and a peanut butter bar. Gotta have them all. I make sure I pack em up before I leave the house.



Claire Butler: Photographer

Trish Waters:

Claire Butler is a photographer (she pre-


fers the term visual storyteller) based in Cape Town, South Africa. She dabbles in a variety of photographic genres but her eye

Daniel Jamie Williams: Illustrator Daniel is an illustrator based in London. His work mainly focuses on the melancholy, strange and macabre. He enjoys making narrative pieces which sometimes take the form of short books or zines. He is currently a part of the Just Us Design Collective 2014 and is working freelance - making and listening to music and writing in his spare time.

Trish Waters was born in Fairfax, Virginia in 1984. She was the first child of Mark and Helen Waters, both hard working, adventurous free spirits. While growing up she found a deep connection with nature and simple beauty. During her time spent at East Carolina University she found her poetic voice. After receiving her master’s degree she moved to Hawaii in search of the ultimate fantasy. The quintessential paradise became a place of support for her creative expression. After three years in Hawaii she reached another point of realization and once again packed her bags, this time moving to Morocco. Since then she has found herself in the wild and culturally diverse environment of South Africa. You can find Trish at:

You can find his work at tumblr: insta & twitter: @wishwelliams

the manifold magazine

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draws greatest inspiration from the ocean and those who play within it. Her portfolio consists of beautiful surf imagery that

Amanda N Cooper: Photographer

captures the essence, spirit and lifestyle of the sport. Claire travels far and wide and takes to both land and sea in search of the perfect moment: “my photographs are often one part sport, one part landscape

Amanda Cooper is an Art Director, and photographer living and working nomadically as a professional freelance creative in San Francisco and Los Angeles on a quest for a culturally-rich lifestyle revolving around: commercial design, fashion, board riding and adventures on the road. She draws much inspiration from the sea, wind and natural rural landscapes, which she believes to help infuse elements of: motion, color & contrast, and emotion in her work.

and three parts the adventure”. She has done work for Billabong Womens South Africa, Zigzag Surfing Magazine, Do It Now Magazine, Reef Wetsuits, Starboard Surf, Surfing South Africa as well as supplied a number of fine art print commissions. Follow Claire’s adventures on her photoblog, “What She Saw”. instagram: @clairebutlerphoto twitter: @clairelecila blog:

Amanda is a former competitive snowboarder and avid surfer, world traveling gypsy and mediocre skateboarder (these days). She possesses an MFA in Art Direction/Advertising and BA in Graphic Design (with Art History and Photography minors.) instagram: graphicsdiva


Hot Girl of The Month Available online exclusively at

Meet Stephanie. Drink slanger. Artist. Tattoo lover. Often, she’s just one of the boys; but tonight we brought out her girly side.

See who else makes our Hot Girl Of the Month List every month by following us on Instagram for updates.

Instagram @TheManifold






Word “Many small people in many small places, do many small things that can alter the face of the world.� --Anonymous

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


13 Bullets



They’re like therapists when you’ve had a hard day and you want to self medicate. They get to see/hear some pretty funny/crazy/awful stuff. So what could be funnier than getting them to put their stories to good use. These statements have been overheard at the bar by various bartending sources from across the country. And true to form they will remain anonymous.

“I’ll take the meatloaf.”

in which the waitress responded ‘We don’t have meatloaf’.

“You gotta think like a triangle!” In regards to playing pool.

“You’re such a pussy. Fireball is not a real shot.” “I’m at... wait, where the hell am I?” Guy on a cell phone asking which bar he’s at to fellow bar patrons

“You know what they say, the shorter the bangs, the crazier the girl.”

“The whole next day, I couldn’t take a shit.” Two

girls discussing who knows what...

“I can’t believe you’re my boss.” Said after a long make out session

“All I care about is pussy on my dick. And I get maaad pussy.” Said amongst a group of military guys all with tribal tattoos. And no, I’m not exaggerating.

l e t s


Discussing a close encounter with a very attractive transvestite


“I did a bunch of them. But it’s like you black out and then have really weird dreams.” On doing too many

“I asked her to punch me. She said I won’t punch you but I’ll give you a black eye. Then she pulled my head back and sucked on my eye”

“I could only tell it was a guy by the adams apple.”

B u

regards to wanting to have a one night stand with said party.

Said by a 50’s-ish year old woman.

1 3

“But he’s Jamie O’Brien. He’s, like, a pro surfer.” In

“I’ve never been on the wrong end of a butt plug.”

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tierra .. .. .. .. .. .. .. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d Esta >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text & images x ryan struck

locations: ecuador and panama

group: brother bruce, brian parnagian, bryan zinski, jon smyth

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


15 Travel is medicine for the soul and pictures are the ultimate external hard drives of our memories. When we heard that Ryan Struck and his crew were heading to South America, we jumped at the chance to have him retell his journey in photos. Bailing on this winters lows of East Coast temperatures, Struck and Co went on the hunt for warm water. The trip ultimately seemed coated in a layer of dust, but with waves over sandy and rocky bottoms, left handed teasers and a car full of your crew, how could it not be a memorable trip? Relive the journey.

Our trip technically started in Panama but we were only there a whopping 8 hours before we jetted off to Ecuador, landing in Guayaquil. We rented a car and drove North, stopping at every spot that sounded good along the way. We often only stayed one night before we moved on to the next, leap-frogging our way up the coast. Rooms ranged from 12-20 bucks USD and most were dusty or dirt floors. It was simple living and lucky for us it was cloudy the entire time we were there, saving us from the sticky heat. It was a miles and miles of driving but a great way to see everything. I’d go back to see the trees that lined the highway somewhere in the middle of Ecuador and I couldn’t

tell you what they were called but they just felt so alive, so of this earth. Sunday 1/26/14 “The boys are on the top balcony capping off the night w/ a joint. Coming back to the room fresh from town, bellies full of dinner, beer, and rum, they reminisce over the days prior. Logistics, changed flights and some tension is now laughed off. Especially after our first water session this afternoon. I walked the beach after my own swim with the Nikonos. I cruised up into the thick of what looked like spring break. Or the Jersey Shore in summer, minus the stereotypes. This town adjacent Punta Montañita is of the flesh. Shallow cut bikini bottoms lines the beach, but no one stared more than the pasty gringo crew. Our room overlooks the point, away from the madness. We decided the wave out front probably has some hollow sections, however there has to be more in store up the road.” “It sounded like a bag of pretzels,” Parno said. And that’s EXACTLY how it sounded.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



The first rooster made it past our 4x4 with it’s sleek black feather and prim stature, completely unharmed. The brown chicken hesitated and then followed. Just moment’s before Bruce, who was driving said, “Why’d the chicken cross the road?” A few seconds later, her feathers floated in the rear view and we couldn’t help but think-- pretzels. We ended up back at Guayaquil. The country felt huge, with large swaths of open land. The roads smelled like fish and we started referring to all the towns as “dusty.” The food was incredible. It was so simple but delicious. There were large plates of rice which always came garnished with friend plantains (heaven). I failed to indulge in their soup which was a big mistake. They take soup very serious in Ecuador but I became increasingly curious of other items to try and missed my window. Steak, rotisserie chicken... the grilled shrimp (caught that morning) were huge and delicious. This could have been a Conde Naste Traveler food trip, instead.

A sketchy fish spot sat right out front of one of the longest left hand point breaks I’ve seen anywhere. A man outside was serving freshly picked coconuts for a dollar. All the kids were laughing and eating the leftover coconut meat from it’s shells. I hung out and drank one. It was cool and refreshing. I forgot how rejuvenating coconut water is to drink, especially after a long day and especially when you’re thirsty. I drank it, split the nut open and ate the jelly. The 2 best waves were hours apart. The first is a well known tourist trap, rife with boogie board contests and heavy make out sessions on the beach. It was a sand/ reef hybrid semi-hollow right with off shores in the morning and meaty afternoon sections once you were hungry for more surf. The second wave was a rocky left handed tease. The potential for it to be an incredible square on the take off to leg burning wall, was shadowed by the hive of backpacker jokers and locals who haven’t yet decided regulation was in order. Not to sound all bitter, the waves were fun but Ecuador is a very much known surf destinations. It just doesn’t get good all that often.

action shots previous page: Brother Bruce, following page action shots: Jon Smyth, Brother Bruce, Brian

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


Parnagian, Brian Parnagian


the manifold magazine

issue 6:



“The second wave was a

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



r ocky left handed tease..�

Boomcats: sonic update

text x RobMoney twitter: @robmoney image x napua camarillo

childish Gambino To say Donald Glover has taken the road less traveled to Hip-Hop Superstardom would be a colossal understatement. He writes and performs comedy, he acts, he raps and by most accounts he does all these things exceptionally well. A triple threat of the most rare variety, he holds real water in the most credible of Hip-Hop circles as a legitimate EMCEE and performer. His stand up comedy is on Comedy Central, he’s hosted an MTV award show and he’s been part of an Emmy award winning writing team. However, most of the world that knows him, knows him as simply Troy, or the black guy on that show Community. The road less traveled indeed. At 31 very few people in all of entertainment seem to have a future as bright as his. While still a student studying dramatic writing at NYU, he began performing in the sketch comedy troupe, Derrick Comedy. Finding a niche in comedy he primarily pursued that passion upon graduating in 2006. Shortly after, Glover began writing for the NBC sitcom, 30Rock, occasionally having a cameo on the show as Tracy Morgan’s younger self in flashbacks. It was during his tenure on 30Rock that he began garnering attention for songs he had been recording and self-releasing under the moniker Childish Gambino, a name taken from an online Wu-Tang Clan name simulator. In 2009 he was cast as a lead in the NBC prime time comedy Community as Troy Barnes. The show became an instant smash hit and Glover; a bonafide television star. In 2011, he released his first album, Camp, to mixed reception and scored moderate commercial success with the singles Heartbeat and Bonfire. He toured and toured and began to pick up some serious attention for his raucous live shows. His name began moving up the posters of all the biggest festivals and he became one of the acts not to be missed in your weekend of escape at Bonnaroo or Coachella. In 2012, he released Royalty. A mix tape featuring everyone from RZA, to Beck, to Danny Brown. It was on this release that he refined his lyrical approach and crafted a sound that was uniquely his. In December 2013, he released Because the Internet. The album initially got reviews to both extremes, but has since become an across the board favorite be-

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


ing blasted from dorm rooms to hipster hangouts. With very distinct elements of traditional R&B combined with his unique crescendo style the LP is put together to be listened to from start to finish. On April 19th, Childish Gambino brought his Because the Internet tour to The Republik in Honolulu giving Hawaii it’s first taste of Gambino’s live shows which will be all over the country this summer. The buzz was pretty amazing for this show, especially by island standards. With local pop sensation Bruno Mars playing right down the street it was a bit surprising to me that the show had sold out within days of tickets going on sale. At the door people scalped thirty dollar tickets for a cool hundred with people lining up to pay it. He began his set with “Crawl”, the booming anthemic first song off his Because the Internet LP. One thing that instantly separated this show from 90% of Rap concerts was the band he brought with him. Having a live band enhances any hip-hop concert experience. They executed everything with assassin type precision while really capturing the essence of the songs. From the beginning drop to the end of the encore, Childish Gambino was locked in and had total and complete control over everyone in the building. Dressed in a wife beater and shorts there was no gimmick to be had. No bling, no dancers, no light show, just music delivered with scathing intensity, Gambino’s passion on full display. With the crowd electrified and bouncing feverishly with the downbeat he covered most of his latest album in order with songs peppered in from his 2012 mix tape Royalty and choice cuts from his 2011 LP Camp as well. Known for occasionally dropping lines about Asian women and Hawaii, it’s easy to see why Hawaii loves Childish Gambino. The Apex of his performance came when he unleashed a 3 minute long freestyle covering everything Honolulu with his brother, who he brought out to rhyme beside him, he dazzled. In a world where most freestyles are thirty seconds long or meticulously pre-planned, it was most impressive. In the end he very fittingly dropped the microphone to the floor and rushed out the back door, off to take this show to the rest of world with or without the internet.



photography/art direction/styling x amanda n. cooper wardrobe x Otto&Klaus hair/mua x chantelle studio modeled x brittain lonie via City model agency (SF) location: San Francisco, CA inspiration: Otto&Klaus’ garment designs are inspired by natural elements including: Earth, Air, Wind, Water and incorporates colors drawn from natural element behind the apparent simplicity and soft, delicate nature of an

the manifold magazine

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the manifold magazine

issue 6:



the manifold magazine

issue 6:




Bangkok City, the Big Dirty, the giant sideways orgy of light and sound waves, Smells and feelings can put the zap on your brain, real quick-like. The labyrinth of stimuli is completely overwhelming. But breathe deep. A relaxing breath. Your captain is here. Bangkok’s most enigmatic street artist has laid out careful instructions to maneuver the streets and probably the beyond. From one end of the city to the other and top to bottom, our fearless leader has laid an elaborate rubric….now we just need his key. His, he, him…well, no one knows his name, we just say…this guy.

text & images x ehren bowling


poem x trish waters image x marina miller

Safe Surrender site There is no such thing as a “safe” surrender site. What the fuck does “safe” even really mean? Does it mean that you get to go to bed at night tucked into your security? OR does it mean your bank account is padded so you’re protected? Perhaps it’s just having a friend, one fucking person who actually cares about you, about your heart, just as much as their own. No, I think that’s just my definition. Well, in that case I’m “safe” in that case I’m at my safe surrender site.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



Don’t Blow It

interview x napua camarillo images x robin waters

Wander-hungry, Robin Waters, talks to us about her life and her clothing line, Don’t Blow the Illusion, a beautiful lifestyle brand of tanks and bikinis decorated with her photography.

25 year old Robin Waters is a fly by the seat of her pants kinda gal. Go where the wind takes you, cash your paycheck and wander, come what may. This is the beauty behind her clothing brand, Don’t Blow The Illusion which she describes further as “it’s used furniture, hot dogs in microwaves, the way you feel when you first set your eyes on a part of the planet you had never been, past due bills, open roads, roadside motels and that chill that moves through your body when something you had only imagined is brought to life.”

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


The motivation behind her line came to her on a road trip from her native Canada to Southern California, in what some would call an aha-moment She imagined herself selling tanks with her photos on them out of the back of her jeep. Why not? In 2012, she put the illusion to reality and created a line that both highlights moments in her life and accentuates the small businesses she works with, achieving a completely sweatshop free product. Her photos aren’t just portraits of the beautiful and interesting, they are fleeting moments compiled during what looked like late night outings, sunsets on rooftops, and early mornings before your teeth are even brushed. It’s these moments we identify with and feel kin to. And beyond tank tops, Waters created her line of what she calls “Hotcakes” (which is really just another word for bikini bottoms) made with photographic highlights like Joshua trees, highway signs, tattooed men and candy, of course. (duh) We desperately want to hang out with this girl, Broad City style. Let’s go, Robin, where’s our next adventure?


the manifold magazine

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Apparently it’s Costa Rica. Yup. That’s where our reach extends as we chat it up with Robin Waters. We ask a few questions about her life and her line. I love your photography. Tell us your background in that field. Photography was always in the back of my mind and I kind of kept aside as something I would “get around to”; Until I was almost finished school and realized the last thing I wanted to do was work for anyone, needing to seek approval for ideas. What inspires you when you’re shooting? Ultimately, the model and whatever I see in them determines the theme shoot and of course a touch of my lust for the nostalgia of the 60’s. I love the diversity of your models. When it comes to your brand, what makes you want to choose one model over another? Most of my models are friends first and foremost. Some are friends from college, some from my hometown. I met most when I used to take photos in the clubs on King West in Toronto. Some come and go quickly but I always have that one photo to remember. Some of them have become huge models and artists since we first shot together. I think we intuitively seek each other out and make things happen for each other. What could be more incredible and inspiring? The images come out as they do because I have a connection with the person/people I am working with and the photos turn out honest and as surreal as the moment shared with that person. On your website when you tell your story, you mention that the line is about where the next $20 will get you. So, where will the next $20 get you this week? That’s a great question. Well I am currently living on a mountain side in Costa Rica. That $20 would be great towards a 4x4 to venture out and see more of this gorgeous country but will probably end up being spent on a case of Imperial next weekend.


Where did the term “Hotcakes” come from? What were some obstacles that you’ve hit along the way whilst bringing your brand to life and what has encouraged you to keep going? Money is obviously always an obstacle for any young person trying to make something out of nothing. I’ve let Don’t Blow The Illusion grow organically thus far. It’s been kind of like watching paint dry as they say, but I am proud of the fact its almost entirely been funded by my photography gigs. The one other thing has been finding my style and sticking with it. I’ve tried to switch up the style of photography for the campaigns and come to realize I had it right the first time. None of these obstacles have been nearly enough to make me want to quit though, it’s all minor. I have tunnel vision when I pursue things and quitting literally has never entered my mind. If there was one particular thing that motivated or inspired your photography what would that be? If there were one thing that motivated/inspired my photography it would simply be the ability to tell a story and to share it. Self expression is the best therapy.

Do you have a background in fashion? I never went to school for fashion or photography if that is what a background would entail. Fashion to me is just another expression of self and anyone could potentially say that they have a background in fashion if they dressed themselves today with some sort of intent to represent their mood through what they are wearing.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


Myself and Makane were sitting at a cafe in Kailua eating hotcakes for breakfast and we were talking about the next move with my brand and my plans to collaborate with Lisa Jackson of AMARA swimwear that following Spring. Makane’s a genius. We love the fact that the clothes are made sweatshop free. Tell us more about that decision. It was a subconscious decision to be sweatshop-free. I don’t remember ever having a moment where I made that choice. I just knew I definitely didn’t want to use stock Tshirts for my tanks and crops when I got started, I wanted it to be taken seriously. I work with a manufacturer in Canada who cuts and sews my designs and a boutique business in NYC who prints the images on them. All swimwear is made in NYC’s garment district as well. I ultimately just wanted to own a top quality label if my name and photography were to be tied to it. Top quality while also being ethical and conscious about our imprint and impact. Tell us about life in Canada. What brought you there and what made you leave? I’m born and raised in Ontario, I grew up on Georgian Bay off of Lake Huron. I never left til I was 23, that being a huge reason why I left it behind, not to mention a natural lust for seeking out the unknown.

Tell us about your plans for the future. Where do you hope Don’t Blow the Illusion goes in the next 5 years? Plans? I really have none. I just want to continue to create with the same hunger I had back home. If DBTI does well, that’s awesome, either way I will continue to take photos and aspire to share a story with the world, as I am already living out my dreams.



text x james charisma twitter @charismaInd image courtesy of jenn matthews


When it comes to tattoos you may not think of anonymity. Sure, you can go all Johnny Depp and plaster Winona Forever on your arm, but can you name the artist who did it? Bet not. In the tattoo world you really have to create a certain sense of style to stand out from the rest.

The concept of ‘anonymity’ takes on new life when referring to tattoos. When visible, tattoos send a personal message that is often imbued with the wearer’s identity and self-image. It is a public statement, sometimes with a very intimate meaning behind the ink. And yet for a circulating art form, its authorship seems generally less well known. A painting without an artist’s signature. People often seem to ask the ‘story’ behind the tattoo, although not so much about the individuals who created it. “They’re like mile markers,” says Jenn Matthews, tattoo artist at Skin Deep in Waikiki. “For the most part, it helps people remember where they were and what they were doing at the time. People will usually be able to pinpoint where and when they received a tattoo.”

the manifold magazine

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At Skin Deep, Matthews often sees specific types of clients coming in—a lot of tourists looking to commemorate their trip to Hawaii, friends, or regulars, and tattoo enthusiasts. Having worked on so many different tattoos and studied the art for so long, the subculture is more familiar to Matthews then perhaps others. “Just by seeing a tattoo, I can usually tell certain things. I don’t know how to describe it,” Matthews says. “They give off a particular vibe. Some tattoos, I can tell whether a guy or a girl created it, or if a particular image is something that the artist really loves or if it was something that the person with the tattoo asked for on their own.” For Matthews, even if she may not know the exact artist behind a particular image, she can appreciate the work that went into producing the tattoo—clear lines, illustration quality, and the artist’s attention to

41 detail. She is familiar with the history of tattoos, from the ancient mariners a century ago, to the pioneering work of legendary Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins tattooing Navy crewmen in the 1950s and 60s, to the rise in popularity of tattooing as an art form in recent years. Many tattoo images may feel familiar but their sources are unknown. “There are some way old ‘tattoo flash’ used as reference images that have no signatures. They’re wonderful and often used, but no one knows where they come from,” Matthews says. “With other tattoos, if you know who created the original image or the concept, you always give credit, but in cases like these, we don’t know who to thank.” Matthews says that while there are some ways to keep track of who may have created what and the legacies of individual artist’s work, oftentimes the only ‘signature’ that an artist can leave is in the piece itself. “I’m always secretly checking out everybody’s stuff,” laughs Matthews. “The good tattoos are a tribute to those who created them—even if we may not know their original source.” Jenn Matthews’ work can be seen on her Instagram account: @Jenn_Matthews. Matthews specializes in traditional tattoos and can be found at Skin Deep in Waikiki.


interview x napua camarillo images courtesy of tim korbmacher

Korbmacher German photographer Tim Korbmacher is a Red Bull Illume photography winner, a staff photographer at Place Skateboarding Magazine and a damn fine shot. We investigated further into what makes this skate photog tick. Skatespiration? Check.

How did you get into the world of photography? My story of being a photographer matches those of other guys sharing my passion. I’ve been addicted to skate and snowboarding most of my life and of course strongly influenced by this lifestyle. During my former job for a European skateboard/fashion brand. I had the chance to meet and contact many different photographers and artists who have fascinated and inspired me greatly. Since that time I dropped more and more into photography mainly focused in action sports like skateboarding, snowboarding and bmx. I’m really happy to earn my money doing what I love most in life.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


I read that you got into skate photography more because you were concerned about the negative aspects, I’m assuming you mean injuries? If so, was there a particular injury that was a wake up call? Yeah that’s definitely the one and only point of the negative aspects. During the time I was more active with skating and snowboarding. Everything was just wild. A few years back I had a bad accident on the trampoline while I tried to show my son how it works and with it I broke my leg combined with a cruciate ligament and meniscus tear. But this is only one reason to get behind the lens. Unfortunately growing older is part of the game, too. But I’ll never stop riding, for sure.

How would you describe your style in photography? There are so many ways to make a good photo-


graph and in my opinion my style is quite simple. I’m always working with some basic settings, but everything that comes after or happened during the shoot is complete freestyle and depends on the rider and location. For me the most important thing is to showcase skateboarding in his full aesthetic surrounded by the spot.

Who have you shot that you felt was the most innovative? I’m not always shooting with the big pros in business and every guy I was shooting in the last couple of years was innovative by his own. Either from their style or by their trick repertoire! For me every good day and shot is innovative no matter who it is.

Street skating photography, I’m sure, presents a lot of challenges. Security, weather conditions, etc. Tell us an incident where you were challenged. Hahaha...yes sure. There are too many challenges you must handle in skateboard photography to nail only one. In most cases it’s daily business and I’m always happy if everything works out! There is nothing worse than an injured rider or when you have to calm down the police, security, or angry pedestrians. Luckily, I’ve had no big incident that’s forced me to stop doing what we are doing.

Say you were to travel for the day with one small camera bag, what would you pack in it? What’s in your bag!? First, I’ll pack in my canon AE1 with a handful of b&w rolls and second definitely a few cans of beer,

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because a day with a small camera bag sounds like it’ll be a funny day.

Who was/is your hero in the skating world? Childhood Legends: Duane Peters, Christian Hosoi, Steve Caballero, Lance Mountain, Rodney Mullen, Geoff Rowley, Tom Penny, Danny Way and too many more to write down. Present Legends: David Gonzales, Chris Pfanner, Pontus Alv, Arto Saari (as well as photographer), Dennis Busenitz, Rodrigo TX, Pedro Barros, they are all so impressive and pushing skateboarding to the next levels.

Do you shoot with a crew of people or is it just you? In most of the cases it’s just me, a filmer and the crew of riders. Skateboard photography in the streets is more a familiar and intimate thing and don’t need a big crew of assistants or art directors. You as photographer are all in one and if you ever need some help you’ll definitely get it from one of your crew.

If you were to put together a dream team to shoot with, who would it be crew and skaters? Basically, I’m always down to go out with everybody who is motivated to produce some photo footage and if I ever had the chance to put together my personal dream team I would pack in: David Gonzales, Rodrigo TX, Pontus Alv, the Almaros Bande, Chris Pfanner and Duane Peters for the necessary rock’n roll flavor..


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47 You’ve been published quite a bit and we can see why, your photos are awesome! If you had a shot that you would be known for for the rest of your life which photo would that be and why? Many thanks and I’m very delighted that you like my works! In general I like all of my pictures because each of them has a story. My all time favorite is a black & white photo of Vincent Gootzen (a skateboarder and artist from the Netherlands) doing a frontrock on a “betonklotz”. I followed Vince for a month or so during a DIY skateboard project called “Window of der Rhine” in 2010. It was definitely the best project and time I had in skateboard photography so far. There was only Vince, his atelier, the river Rhine, me, my camera and 50 Rolls of b&w films. This was a really intense time and we both were super stoked about the final results and the times we spend together.

Which occasions would you choose film over digital? And vice versa. I would always prefer film over digital! If I have the time and it’s not for a job than I love to shoot analog. There is nothing that beats film and it feels real if you have a beer when you check your slides on the light table. Unfortunately the beer also taste good in front of your desktop while working with Lightroom. Today I’m doing 98% of my pictures in digital because the costs are so much lower, it’s way faster and you are able to reach the same result! But it’s always good to know how it works and feels to shoot on film.

What camera do you shoot with now? And what did you start out with? I started shooting with a used canon 20D and a old canon AE1 from my father. A short time later I was also into medium format cameras and used the Bronica sqa system. Currently I’m mostly working with the Canon 5D MK.

What is on your wish list for camera equipment? Ohhh...the wish list is really long. There are always new things and gadgets. But I think I’ll upgrade my flash power in the near future.

What’s your favorite... Lens: fisheye Skate brand: Almaros skateboards Skate video: All time favorite --Lakai “Fully Flared” and my very first skateboard video Powell Peralta’s “Public Domain”

Beer: Becks Food: Chilli cheeseburger Shoes: Vans chukka mid Lastly what was the best advice you’ve ever gotten? Go out and have fun! Quite simple but always works.

interview x rose jaffe & jasmine mancos


pare with murals, it is just two different ways to paint and two different ways to express yourself. Graffiti bombers are like modern romantic knights, they do it for the love of doing it without giving a shit of anything else, which usually are rules, laws, fame and money.


1. Do you define yourself as a “street artist”? If so, why, and if not, what is a better way to describe you and your work? We mostly define ourself as graffiti writers, but we also do graphic design and paint on canvases too.

4. The question of being “anonymous” plays a major role when putting art on the street without permission. What is the motive behind your art if no one knows who is creating it?





Name: Scien and Klor /123KLAN Age:40 Hometown: France Current Location: Canada, Montreal Preferred Medium: Wall and T-shirt


123 klan

This installment of VS hits upon this issue’s theme of anonymity. And who more perfect than a bunch of graffiti artists who somewhat specialize in the subject. We asked some of our friends from this year’s POW!Wow! event held here in Honolulu to participate. And we reached out to D.C. street artist Rose Jaffe to help Jasmine Mancos out in conducting these interview questions.

2. As a street artist, your work inherently exists in the public environment. What is it about making art in public spaces that appeals to you? It is just natural to us, as graffiti writers, we always need big surfaces to do a piece. Walls are probably our favorite canvases. 3. There is culture of the “graffiti bomber” tagging the city with their name, then the commissioned murals or works sanctified by property owners. Do you feel these two identities of street art can cross pollinate? If so, how do you tackle the question of anonymity? It is just two different things. Bombing has nothing to com-

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The motive is simple as this: you do what you do because you love to do it and you are not looking to be loved for doing what you do. 5. As graffiti and street art culture gain popularity, the gritty subculture they came from seems to becoming mainstream - and some may say less authentic. Do you agree with that? How do you feel the notoriety affects you as an artist and the scene as a whole? It depends of your goals, it’s better to make a living from something you love to do. Each single popular thing becomes mainstream nowadays. Being authentic to us is just about giving the best of yourself in each single thing you do, it can be illegal or a well paid job for a client, as long as you don’t lie to yourself.

49 6. Is there a favorite piece you have done that could give some insight into themes you have or currently are working with? Our last piece is always the best one, until we do a new one, it doesn’t matter what and why. Our goal is to grow until our last breath.

13. Biggest challenge in your work? To constantly challenge yourself 14. Skateboard, bike, car, or SUV? Foot, bike and sometimes car. 15. If all expenses were paid ...where would the first place you go? Hawaii


We will have 3 solo shows this year planned in Montreal, Paris and Los Angeles. We will also push our in-house brand, you can follow it on IG @bandit1sm

A fan told us once that we were the Jay -Z and Beyonce of graffiti.


9. Do you have any exciting projects/collaborations in the works for 2014?

12. Weirdest compliment you’ve ever gotten?


A bit of everything: graffiti, signs, vintage mascots, graphic design, music, movies and books.

Ian McKay from Fugazi.


8. Who are some of your influences? Don’t feel limited to other street artists, has any music or other art forms shaped your work?

11. If you could have dinner with one artist alive or dead who would it be?


It doesn’t matter how big or tiny your piece is, it just need to be good. FB: :// twitter and IG: @123klan @bandit1sm


7. What’s the largest piece you’ve ever done? And the tiniest?

10. Where can we see more of you art? (website, insta, twitter etc)








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spencer keeton cunningham Name: Spencer Keeton Cunningham Age: 30 Hometown: Confederated tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation, WA Current Location: San Francisco, CA Preferred Medium: Painting, video, film, sticks, wood, grass, trees, buildings, concrete jungles, baseballs, America 1. Do you define yourself as a “street artist”? If so, why, and if not, what is a better way to describe you and your work? I have been labeled that on the internet, but I definitely do not consider myself one. I spent my childhood days running around marking things; sidewalks with chalk, making street art, painting trains in the abandoned woods and railroad tracks of the Northwest. Causing mischief. Drawing on lockers and bathroom stalls in Jr. high schools. I honestly only really enjoy doing graffiti in the girls bathroom. But as far as labels go, I would rather just be labeled as a painter OR an artist. I make films as well. So I’m ok with just a “filmmaker” label at times. I like that there are some people who don’t affiliate what I make in motion pictures and what I make on canvases or outdoors with the same person. It’s more interesting that way. As categorization of the arts goes its hard for me to be in one box. I end up never really feeling like I fit into any particular niche that someone puts me in. I don’t like creating one particular type of art in a sense. But as far a differentiating mediums I just kind of mash it up all together. I see no difference, at times, from working in one medium to the next whether its editing footage or mixing paint. Its all the same to me. But I would say my current work “outside” or with the creation of “outdoor paintings” is a mixture of symbols and humor to form a “public marking” to

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be later deciphered when put together with my other “public markings” I’ve made locally and around the world. Its like one big story. Each painting is like a page in a nonsensical children’s novel. 2. Your work inherently exists in the public environment. What is it about making art in public spaces that appeals to you? I like to leave things outdoors and let the environment “weather” them in a sense. Whether it’s the population of a city where people interact with them and change them, or a natural environment where the animals and seasons are the only ones interacting with it. I like painting things outdoors where people may not see them for 10 years or so. Or if you do get a chance to see a painting left in an area like that, it’s kind of like discovering a hidden treasure. There are all types of weathering of a painting in an urban environment.. For example, painting a mural in the tenderloin of San Francisco weathering can mean: random markings by crack heads with lipstick on your public painting. The occasional person’s name written in a funny place on the work, or if you’re out painting in the woods somewhere hidden. Weathering is more like it sounds; sun fading, snow and rain damage, animal excrement adding to the texture of the work etc. 3. There is culture of the “graffiti bomber” tagging the city with their name, then the commissioned murals or works sanctified by property owners. Do you feel these two identities of street art can cross pollinate? If so, how do you tackle the question of anonymity? Hmm. I’m unsure. The city is always going to have some sort of skewed perception on the whole ordeal when it comes to “graffiti”, which is a limited perception, at most, of what it really is. Graffiti is whatever you want it to be. It’s totally subjective. Yes it’s possible to cross pollinate, but it will never be the same. You’re talking about two different species here. It’s my perception that if you’re doing illegal pieces, do it for yourself and to be invisible in a sense. In my days of it all, I chose to write names of those friends and colleagues of mine who have passed away when it comes to that type of stuff, just to honor them.

For the people who were doing it strong since day one, to the ones who made other creations that some people never saw, whether it be films or paintings in museums or in basements never unseen by the public eye, for example: GEORGE and CARLOS. If you ever see that anywhere that refers to George Kuchar and Carlos Villa (one, a legendary filmmaker who inspired generations of filmmakers from David Lynch to John Waters and two, Carlos Villa and incredible mark maker, painter and mentor) 4. The question of being “anonymous” plays a major role when putting art on the street without permission. What is the motive behind your art if no one knows who is creating it?

6. Is there a favorite piece you have done that could give some insight into themes you have or currently are working with? Yes there is. I recently did a painting on the corner of Ellis and Jones in San Francisco. It’s right in the heart of the Tenderloin and right now it’s my favorite recent piece. It happens to be my favorite right now because of how specific the painting is to the neighborhood and the people that occupy it. I call it a contemporary hieroglyphic, which simply means that there is a language of symbols to create a sort of wordless dialogue. The idea is to create a series of my own symbols that don’t exist or aren’t as popular in the mainstream. Like the star of David, an upside down cross or a red hand that blinks at the intersection telling a person not to walk. Each one has a particular meaning .

r s u

This painting on Ellis and Jones works similar to a stop sign or a marking inside of a pyramid. If the whole of the Tenderloin was wiped out with some crazy natural disaster tomorrow this mural would tell a story of what used to exist there. Or if there was a tourist that didn’t speak English and couldn’t read any signs in the Tenderloin, they would be able to read that one, or at least parts of it through the assembly of the symbols. There are a lot of hidden meanings in the painting symbol-wise that were created from events that were unfolding while the painting was being painted.


5. As graffiti and street art culture gain popularity, the gritty subculture they came from seems to becoming mainstream - and some may say less authentic. Do you agree with that? How do you feel the notoriety affects you as an artist and the scene as a whole?



It’s fun to remain anonymous, but there are few artists who truly remain anonymous because there is always an alias. As far as what I paint in the public, for the most part, I just go by my name my mother gave me. Spencer Keeton Cunningham. No fake aliases or anonymous names. I’ve never been good at coming up with one. My roommate came up with a good one, in a low Jamaican voice he said “bad man cunningham”. If there’s a friend of mine who passes, it’s time to maybe put their name up anonymously for them and not for yourself. R.I.P. AKO Shawn Whisenant

is dead. Embrace the sea of shit that is the mainstream, everyone. You can’t hide from it, unless you don’t have the internet, or watch television. I honestly haven’t watched T. V. since the year 2000 and haven’t had internet at my house for 6 years.


Like I said, they are two different things, illegal and not illegal. Like anything marketable the corporations are going to use it to gain a particular brand or fan base of people to buy their product. It happens with everything; skateboarding, rap music, punk, graffiti anything marketable. But I think the world mainstream is harder to apply nowadays. Everyone is so individually programmed to what they filter into their internet world at least. Everything is so instant with the way they digest everything from images, to music, to literature etc. We’re living in a world where everyone has their own stream of content filtered through a computer directly to their thought process while the companies just advertise covertly on the side or within algorithms of sites that play music OR the people themselves advertise for the companies without the companies even paying them. For example, a person taking a picture of their Starbucks cup on Instagram. I personally think everything is mainstream nowadays if it’s on the internet. Underground

I was painting it from around 2am-4am at night, and although I spend a great deal of time in the Tenderloin and know a lot of the characters in the neighborhood who lurk there, it happened to be anything BUT a normal night in the TL. I ended up putting into symbol form a painted time capsule of the night and that particular corner and block from that time and era. I enjoy painting symbols in areas that are specific to the location and the painting just happens to be quite specific to every character and event that happened in the area while I was around. End of story. 7. What’s the largest piece you’ve ever done? And the tiniest? The largest, 200 feet wide. The smallest, half an inch wide.

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8. Who are some of your influences? Don’t feel limited to other street artists, has any music or other art forms shaped your work? Mostly my friends creating artwork around me. Aaron Glasson, who painted alongside Skinner and I at Pow Wow! is a big influence of mine. We have had many journeys from Japan to the Northwest Coast of America painting. We called one of our latest trips an adventure painting tour. We are set to release a feature length documentary on it soon.


of America. Paintings not seen by city folk or even the country folk. Paintings meant to be enjoyed by the random wanderer who stumbled across it bewildered and confused after the harsh sun and cold weather over the years has beat the paintings half to death, barely readable on rusty and wood peeling surfaces. That’s my goal in art and in life. To confuse people and maybe make them laugh. Film wise in 2014 I am releasing a couple feature length films this year that I am excited about I wont mention any names of the movies so as to not jinx them. 10. Where can we see more of you art? (website, insta, twitter etc)

11. If you could have dinner with one artist alive or dead who would it be? Dali. And I would like to eat cheeseburgers and french fries with him in a drive in theatre. Him and his girlfriend. Me and my girlfriend, watching films about rhinoceros horns and melting clocks.


12. Weirdest compliment you’ve ever gotten?


It was less of a compliment and more or an invitation to someone’s cult after they met me painting a wall recently. It was a honor to be invited. but I just had to turn them down.


13. Biggest challenge in your work?

14. Skateboard, bike, car, or SUV?

Yes I have a solo exhibit in Amsterdam which should be really fun and a some painting projects in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, BC on the horizon as well as a potential Mexico painting trip and the beginning of what I want to start which is a nation wide Adventure Painting Tour. That will take some time to accomplish but 2014 is my year. I want to start it and start documenting it. Painting the abandoned dusty plains

15. If all expenses were paid ...where would be the first place you go? I would go to the moon for sure. And beyond. I’m a big Stanley Kubrick fan so I would want to go that one place in the end of the film, 2001 A Space Odyssey. Where the main character travels so fast he enters into a time warp and literally sees the universe around them ripping apart around them in a dreamlike sequence of multicolored layered beams of radiating color until they break into another dimension and end up in a creepy room where the main character gets old really fast. I think that’s what happens.


Deciding what to paint.

Skateboard and motorcycle. 9. Do you have any exciting projects/collaborations in the works for 2014?


Also Daisy Otiz, and A little guy named Daylin. A good film being projected in a dark room while digesting some good Indian food or a vacant forest where you can hear nothing but the sounds of animals running around, wind blowing in the trees, and birds chirping. There’s slew of other dead painters and friends of mine who paint and don’t paint that influence and inspire me: Michael Wild, Henry Gunderson, Danilo Parra, Peter Rizov, Gonzalo de Sepulveda, Barret Moore, Michael Freeman, Xeno Miller, Brandon McDonough, Stevie Hicks, Skinner, George Kuchar, Carlos Villa, Shawn Whisenant, Steve Rock, Zach Chamberlin, Cy Wagoner, Richard Castaneda, Nizhoni Ellenwood, Rye Purvis, Aaron Kai, Alex Moser, Ben Frost, Meggs, James Reka, Chris Balualua, Isiah Flores, Pat Parra, Colby Cutler, Corey and Brianna Hart, Dennis Kernohan, Sweet tooth, Brett Nelson, Iban Brizuela, Waka, Jaque Fragua, Kevin G, Kyle Pettersen, Mario Ayala, Matt Marino, Zach Harrison, Michelle Pezel, Moka Only, Quinn Arneson, Lili Ishida, Ras K’dee, Remo, Tim Oniel, Travis, Tyler, Brad, Liam, Gracie, Lainy, and my Mom also (soon to be back up) google and various locations on the interweb


Also Erline Geffrard. He is a fellow painting colleague and good friend. We create what we call video paintings and fine art paintings together. We’ve been known in the past to go into museums and break the rules and get the cops called on us. We recently did an exhibit at a museum in Guangzhou, China which was amazing.








Jeff Gress Name: Jeffrey Gress Age: 34 Hometown: Pleasant Hill, CA Current Location: Honolulu, HI Preferred Medium: Calligraphy

1. Do you define yourself as a “street artist”? If so, why, and if not, what is a better way to describe you and your work? I don’t define myself as a street artist. I love to do work in the street but don’t do enough of it to use the title. In fact, I feel more of a craftsman than an artist in general. I think the tactile and commercial work of calligraphy, sign painting and graphic design is more of a craft versus art even though it can be perceived as art. 2. As a street artist, your work inherently exists in the public environment. What is it about making art in public spaces that appeals to you? Art in public spaces is accessible by everyone and sheds the pretentiousness or intimidation of gallery art. It livens cities, adds color, life and a voice of the people, the identifiable mark of the hand.

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3. There is culture of the “graffiti bomber” tagging the city with their name, then the commissioned murals or works sanctified by property owners. Do you feel these two identities of street art can cross pollinate? If so, how do you tackle the question of anonymity? Graffiti is street art but street art is not graffiti. Its important to understand the difference, I appreciate the bomber who feels the need to voice their presence and insist on reminding the public that the streets are not only made up by companies trying to sell you something. On the other hand, it is great to see property owners commissioning murals because it allows for more time and thought to go into the work being done. It provides a financial reason for artists to pursue a career doing what they love. If you are being commissioned and paid for your work than there is less anonymity, you’ve been chosen because people know who you are, its a different purpose than “bombing”. 4. The question of being “anonymous” plays a major role when putting art on the street without permission. What is the motive behind your art if no one knows who is creating it? The art is always the motive. Whether or not your intention is to put up an alias to a degree that people recognize your name or style the motive is to effect what people think when they see that piece on the street. Its more interesting to me to know that someone took the time to find out who you are based on your art than to splatter your name on everything you do just for recognition.

57 5. As graffiti and street art culture gain popularity, the gritty subculture they came from seems to becoming mainstream - and some may say less authentic. Do you agree with that? How do you feel the notoriety affects you as an artist and the scene as a whole?

u s

Patterning and graphic art came from looking up to guys like Keith Haring and M.C. Escher, Earnst Haeckel’s scientific drawings, sacred geometry. Aaron Dela Cruz would be a more contemporary influence. Calligraphers who are taking the craft into today’s world like Neils “Shoe’ Meulman, Luca Barcelona, Letman, Seb Lester, Greg Papagrigo-


8. Who are some of your influences? Don’t feel limited to other street artists, has any music or other art forms shaped your work?


I did a collaboration with Kamea Hadar last year on the Scott Hawaii wall in Ala Moana. His portraiture and realistic style juxtaposed with my calligraphy

That wall was probably the largest, it was about 25’ x 60’ ft. The tiniest would probably be engraving script on cosmetic mirrors and lipstick caps for Yves Saint Laurent at their store as a promotion during Chinese New Year. It was my first time engraving lettering and I had to focus with great detail because mistakes would have been costly and very embarrassing.


6. Is there a favorite piece you have done that could give some insight into themes you have or currently are working with?

7. What’s the largest piece you’ve ever done? And the tiniest?


It stems from the intent of the artist. If you are going out bombing to gain popularity than you are doing it wrong from the start, that is less authentic. The gritty subculture you refer to is the voice of a public persona that does it to shake things up, to take the street back from the less visible hand of control, its a rebellion to authority, government, those who are looking to profit without care into how it effects the greater community. The artists that have taken their fame from the street and are able to apply it to bigger projects are the ones who have subverted that hand of control, they created a way to connect with an audience and affect change on a deeper level. There is always grey area when it comes to surviving in the world, you can choose who you work with and what you are doing for a career.

and text offered both visual and conceptual value that helped each other’s work overall. I love this because it showed that the combination is more powerful than each part alone, it speaks about connection between the artists and also the one between the viewer and artist(s). I want to create more work that is about making connections and communication.

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Can’t think of one... 13. Biggest challenge in your work? There are so many mediums that I want to learn that I never master any and thinking that I have good taste but my work doesn’t reflect it yet.


14. Skateboard, bike, car, or SUV?


My outdated website is, I hope to get it tuned up soon enough. It’s mostly graphic design projects. My IG is @pro_gress, it shows more of a daily view of process and life revolving around art. Lana Lane Studios is our latest proj-

12. Weirdest compliment you’ve ever gotten?


10. Where can we see more of you art? (website, insta, twitter etc)

Caravaggio. I want to know what it was like to be a subversive artist from his era.


POW!WOW!Hawaii is probably the most exciting thing that I am involved in. This year it was incredible to meet and watch the process of so many amazing artists. I am heading to POW! WOW! Taipei in late May, and possibly POW! WOW! Israel in November. These events are awesome because it is developing a global network of artists that help confirm my suspicions that there is a culture of people who see the world though a different lens, who value each other’s contribution to art and how it effects the people around us.

11. If you could have dinner with one artist alive or dead who would it be?


9. Do you have any exciting projects/collaborations in the works for 2014?

ect that houses 20+ artists. We have work showing and plenty of visual stimulants if you want to stop by and check it out.


riou have really showed me what the craft can become if you are passionate about it. Some guys from the street that have had an influence are Chaz Bojorquez, Usugrow, Retina, Mayo, El Seed, Cryptik and the many craftsmen who are taking the fields of calligraphy, lettering, sign painting and art and merging them into a new category of communicative art.

Bike. 15. If all expenses were paid ...where would be the first place you go? Europe, I’ve been saving that one for when I have a bit more cash to spend.








Katch1 Name: Katch1 Age: Old enough where high school kids call me ‘unko’ (uncle) and I answer. Hometown: Honolulu, HI Current Location: Oahu Preferred Medium: Spray paint, acrylic, and paint pens... 1. Do you define yourself as a “street artist”? If so, why, and if not, what is a better way to describe you and your work? I’ve done so much within the art realm, pieces, murals, sculpting, editing, animation, photography, but I would say I am a graffiti artist. 2. As a street artist, your work inherently exists in the public environment. What is it about making art in public spaces that appeals to you? It’s appealing because it gives the artist direct access to a large audience of people and now with social media, there is a worldwide audience. 3. There is culture of the “graffiti bomber” tagging the city with their name, then the commissioned murals or works sanctified by property owners. Do you feel these two identities of street art can cross pollinate? If so, how do you tackle the question of anonymity? the manifold magazine

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I would say the two can ‘cross-pollinate’. Graffiti bombers often grow and become commissioned muralists. I would equate it to combining two genres of music, or maybe two related careers, like rappers going on to become actors. Taking the step towards commissioned muralist will ultimately affect your anonymity, but alter egos and AKA’s are abundant in graffiti circles. 4. The question of being “anonymous” plays a major role when putting art on the street without permission. What is the motive behind your art if no one knows who is creating it? When I started my career, it was a combination of the physical adventure, adrenalin high, the artwork itself, and feeding the ego. The more I got up and as years passed, I had a personal desire to see progression in the style and meaning of my artwork. I think the changes in technology, social media, have affected anonymity. 5. As graffiti and street art culture gain popularity, the gritty subculture they came from seems to becoming mainstream - and some may say less authentic. Do you agree with that? How do you feel the notoriety affects you as an artist and the scene as a whole? Times have changed from my days. Growing up, graffiti had a strong negative stigma attached to it. As it is becoming more accepted and tied to street art, some say it has lost its sense of street credibility and others don’t know the history behind it. Notoriety? Notoriety creates presidents and millionaires or egos and idiots. 6. Is there a favorite piece you have done that could give some insight into themes you have or currently are working with? I am my own worst critic. I guess I like whatever re-

I was fortunate to collaborate with Ekundayo this year for POW!WOW!Hawaii. Natural Koncept is coming out with a new video. This will

Hokusai. 12. Weirdest compliment you’ve ever gotten? You are an alien. 13. Biggest challenge in your work? Picking a sketch to paint. 14. Skateboard, bike, car, or SUV? Car with a bike and skateboard in the trunk. 15. If all expenses were paid ...where would be the first place you go? I’d take my son to space.


9. Do you have any exciting projects/collaborations in the works for 2014?

11. If you could have dinner with one artist alive or dead who would it be?


Some of my influences include Hokusai, Claude Monet, Vaughn Bode, Futura, Seen, Phase 2, Disney, Warner Bros. animation, Hanna Barbera, Bob Marley, Hip Hop music, my wife, my kids, life in general. But I also appreciate and have respect for those who push themselves, improve their craft and change the game.

I’m on IG: @katch1. My website is currently undergoing construction YouTube: (search for “katch1 ego dragon”) Email:


8. Who are some of your influences? Don’t feel limited to other street artists, has any music or other art forms shaped your work?

10. Where can we see more of you art? (website, insta, twitter etc)


Biggest: 40’ x 200’. Smallest: 2 cm x 2 cm



7. What’s the largest piece you’ve ever done? And the tiniest?

have a lot of current art and crazy riders like Sean Reilly and Brandon Boner. I also have few corporate accounts that are interested in my art and I’m blessed to be working with some investors on a big art project.


flects where I am now in life. I just finished a stop motion short on the wall for POW!WOW!Hawaii. I always enjoyed the skill and esthetics in hand drawn frame by frame animation and was fortunate enough to get to do this again during PowWowHawaii. It is definitely much harder than cell animation because normally on a cell you draw frame by frame on cells and lay them over a background, however on a wall, you have to paint and buff over and over. My themes always change and evolve from graff letters/characters, ‘shrooms, clocks, dragons, to tattoo letters and evil geishas.

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PERIPHERY text and images x kelton woodburn

Jason Park makes his way home to film some footage for his newest skate short with Kelton Woodburn and Brett Novak. Woodburn tells us his firsthand experience with Park, skating in Hawaii and guard cows. You can follow their adventures on instagram @JasonParksucks @BrettNovak @KeltonWoodburn

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


I swallowed my last two Oxycodone pills on the flight to Hawaii. Two weeks before the flight, my ankle was under the knife for a skateboarding injury and I didn’t know if I was quite ready to trek around Oahu on a skate mission. But it was happening. Filmmaker Brett Novak was meeting up with Jason Park in Hawaii to make a skate film and I had a feeling this combination of filmmaker, skater, and location was a special one. For the next eight days I photographed their process from the periphery. I met Jason in 2011 skating around Honolulu and was quickly drawn by his unique use of the board. He did things that were fresh and difficult to comprehend. Up until this trip, I only knew of Brett Novak through his polished, cinematic skate films. After graduating from Full Sail University and working in the visual effects industry for a few years, Brett began to travel the globe making skate films. His destinations of choice are not necessarily known for their skate spots, places like India, Switzerland, or the inside of an art gallery. A few minutes after shaking hands, Brett and I were sharing a little yellow room in Jason’s parents’ house in Kaneohe. Cameras, Neosporin, and Jason’s high school yearbook were scattered about. Brett flipped to Jason’s senior quote in the yearbook: “If a bunch of nachos are stuck together, it still counts as one nacho.” It’s not always easy to immediately begin an eight-day sleep over with someone you’ve just met, but Brett and I were able to shoot the breeze early, speaking of the love of skateboarding, the lure of travel, and technical camera jargon. Aquatic marvels and fine sand usually come to mind when people think of Hawaii. Often, we saw the ocean from the car window, but this stretch of the famed Pacific Ocean was an afterthought on this trip. Our focus was on the side of the road, or at the end of a barely beaten path through head-high grass. Jason led the way. “This is why I thrive on guys like Jason, who grew up in a place like this and his mentality is already here,” says Brett. “We need to skate something different. I want to go to places that make no sense to film skating at and we’re going to figure


it out when we’re there. And he’s totally on board; he already had this in his brain way before I came along.”

At an elementary school in Kapolei, Jason was in the midst of a technical battle. He imbibed six bottles of water and lay exhausted on the ground before the rain interrupted the session. I sat on the curb with an umbrella and looked up to see the clouds thick with thunder. Brett began doing freestyle tricks undercover, calmly waiting out the downpour. Jason joined him after cooling off and learned some new things on flat, joking the whole time. By the time the rain stopped, the frustration of the first battle had dissipated and Brett began to work with Jason, coming up with a new trick for the spot. But it was more than selecting a trick from a bag of available ones; they actually collaborated on inventing something new altogether. Jason analyzed the spot until he finalized the form of this new maneuver, which can best be described as a half-kick flip to foot-plant to darkstall to half-impossible to manual. This intrigued me, the idea of tricks being shaped and modified based on their specific environment. It was pure adaptation. “You know, people watch and they go, ‘Wow, they do totally different tricks on different obstacles, isn’t that weird.’ Well, that’s not what’s supposed to be weird, right?” Says Brett. “It’s like painting, you know, there’s no correct way to do it and that’s why we love it so much.” Other spots demanded more of a journey. Jason led us up a skinny dirt road to a “moss wallride” when we were stopped by a cow. The cow wasn’t really in the way, but its incessant mooing caused us to stop. It was tied to a tree by a ten-foot rope. We walked closer and closer, kind of fascinated. None of us had heard a cow moo so much before. When the owner of the property came down in a white truck and kicked us off his land, we realized that the cow was some kind of a security guard. A guard cow. It had done its job by alerting its owner further up the road that there were intruders so we found an alternate route through the jungle.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



the manifold magazine

issue 6:



messages On Money We asked a bunch of random people (artists and non artists) to tag a paper bill inspired by this poem.

a poem by josh koppel

I write messages on money. Its my own form of social protest. A letter printed on paper that no one will destroy passed indiscriminately across race, class and gender line and written in the blood that keeps the beast alive. A quiet little hijacking on the way to the check-out counter. And a federal crime. I hope that someone will find my message one day when they really need it. Like I do.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



top: dave “meggs� hooke bottom: anonymous

clockwise: jenn matthews, patrick leonard, jasmine mancos, anonymous, julia currier, beak, chris larson, anony-

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


mous, and erin miller next page: ehren bowling.


Just Matt Reeves With a positive spin on Hip Hop, Matt Reeves is careful to leave us with a meaningful message.

text x jermaine fletcher image courtesy of matt reeves

After the growth and mega success of Wu-Tang, it’s been difficult to gain real recognition in Staten Island and because of that, you have to get up and off the island to make a name for yourself. Matt Reeves is one of the five independent artists featured in the debut film of hip hop brand Curators of Hip Hop. The film, “The Curators: Volume 1 - A Story of Independence” premiered at the Pan African Film Festival and is still showing at colleges across the United States. The film let’s you get to see the man behind the music and the personal experiences that shaped Reeves as an artist.

When Matt Reeves says “I’m Gettin’ Mine”*, he is expressing his approach and philosophy for being positive and fresh within the hip hop culture. More specifically, he’s trying to work on a brand for himself that separates his style from the negative images and stereotypes that come out of hip hop music.

Reeves says his approach for music is about embracing what makes him different. He gets criticism and discouragement for making music that is positive and says that people tell him “the streets” won’t respect or want to hear what you’re saying.” His reply is, “The streets have enough songs and I’m not trying to cater to that message.” He emphasizes that kids are listening carefully to the hip hop music being made today and this means something to him. As a basketball coach/ trainer during the day, he works with a variety of youth and says he wants his daily life to fall in line with his music and the message within it.

Two things you may notice about Reeves’ songs is a meaningful message and a “radio-ready” edit. Matt sensors himself from using profanity in his music. Not so much to appear as a goody goody but to be prepared for those that attempt attacks on hip hop lyrics. “My mother always told me, “if people are going to take time to listen to your music, make sure you have a message to share that’s meaningful.”

Accountability for an artist these days can be a controversial subject. Some people say “It’s just music” while others say “It’s a culture and it means everything.” While all of these opinions exist, one thing is for sure Matt Reeves is an artist looking to seriously take hip hop into a direction that is powerful and message-driven. It’s inspiring to hear just what Reeves’ stands for from both a cultural standpoint and a musical one. We’re ready to celebrate a change in Hip Hop, are you?

Coming from the home of Wu-Tang Clan, Matt Reeves refers to Staten Island, NY as the “Stand-Alone” city. He says being on the island makes it a little more difficult to stand out in the NY scene. He declares that the little ferry ride from Lower Manhattan to the island gives an excuse in many ways for people to brush it off.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


For more on his music and movement you can visit *”Gettin’ Mine” is Matt Reeves’ video single (Search YouTube: Getting mine)


water baby

photography and interview x claire butler

Who is Tarryn Chudleigh?

My Name is Tarryn Chudleigh I am 24 years old and an Aquarius, born a water baby. I have grown up in Cape Town South Africa, but spent a good lot of my life traveling and exploring the world competing on the WQS, sponsored by Billabong South Africa. I started surfing at the age of 11 and placed 3rd in my first contest ever 3 months later, 13 years have passed and I’m still in love with the ocean and competing, although my other interests are design and doodling. This lead me to study Art Direction and Graphic Design at Red and Yellow School of Advertising.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



Describe your style. My style, it evolves and changes on a daily basis, depending on my mood, on my environment and obviously climate, I’m a believer in skinny jeans and baggy T-shirts and have been an advocate of that for as long as I remember. Billabong suits my style because they offer a good balance of fashion trends and surf lifestyle. Baggy stylish jerseys to throw over my bikini when it starts getting cool in Autumn; loose flowy dresses, beautiful unique swimwear, and comfort tees for Spring and Summer; and my favorite, skinny jeans with unique prints, as well as woolen stylish beanies, for Winter.

the manifold magazine

issue 6:



Words to live by. It’s not really words to live by but words from E.E Cummings which has stuck with me (might just be my next tattoo):

“For whatever we lose like a you or a me, it’s always ourselves we find in the sea”



the manifold magazine

issue 6:



83 Ashley Shaw, model turned travel aficionado, seems to be living the dream. Her blog, Geronimo James, is filled with striking images that document her adventures in New York and her travels outside of the city. Often with her dog or her husband, Shaw seeks out gems of the city, sharing photos from a winter afternoon spent exploring The Met or a date night at Coney Island. As evidenced by her recurring Daytripper entries, the girl obviously makes the most out of her weekends as well. She heads out of the city to explore eclectic nearby locales; her photos from Dead Horse Bay are especially interesting. Shaw travels any chance she gets. When work sent her to Los Angeles for a few weeks, she utilized her weekend to photograph different neighborhoods all over the city. Further taking advantage of being on the West coast, she took a trip to Arizona and captured some breathtaking images of the desert. Her spontaneous adventures inspire a desire to explore my own city and pack way more into the next trip I plan. During her recent trip to Puerto Rico, Shaw seemingly covered the whole country from cliff hikes on the West coast to Fellini-esque beach shoots in San Juan. Geronimo James may focus on travel but it’s unintentionally almost as much a fashion blog. Shaw always has a fantastic outfit for any opportunity that pops up. Besides her own fabulous clothes, the blog often features photos of her well dressed friends. All in all, Geronimo James offers a peek into a glamorous life shaped by beautiful adventures. For more on Ashley’s enviable exploits, check out

the manifold magazine

issue 6:


Last Word

I’m a big fan of happen-c hance and serendipity, but it’s not your fault you were ear-beaten with Muzak for 26 floors for not taking the stairs; your homie wanted a view. We’re not gonna hold it against you when it comes to “what was your last” something. Maybe you were in a hurry and stopped to eat a big piece of fast-food doo-doo…maybe your phone or ipod died and you had to listen to the radio. We will not stand in judgement of you on this. What would be more telling of your character is what you’d desire if you were about to have your head shaven and a pound of cotton stuffed up your ass or your G5 was about to go down somewheres over the South Pacific. So here goes.

CHIP 7 Album: Odessey & Oracle - The Zombies. “ Meal: Chef Charlie from Surface Bangkok, can surprise me. But, I want it clearly stated that it was going to be the last meal, my last meal.” Book: Secret Teaching of all Ages -Manly P. Hall Movie: Original ‘Tron’ Beverage: Something orange and carrot…something from the juice bar, no sugar, they make it in front of you. You get the energy, it tastes good.” Perch for the Sunset: Some beach. Doesn’t matter where. A nice beach. Blue water. Nice water. “ Phone call: My mom. Drug: Aldus Huxley. You’d be ready for anything. Do you believe in ghosts: Absolutely

interview x ehren bowling


the manifold magazine

issue 6:


the manifold magazine art. music. fashion. profiles. a unisex magazine for the independent age

the manifold magazine create. submit. expose.

photo x marina miller

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