THEMA | Shakesburton

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THEMA October 2016

THEMA is an independent publication gar nered by those w h o s e e k c r e a t i v i t y a b o v e a l l e l s e. T h i s b i - m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n s, a n d / o r L o o k b o o k , i s comprised of some of the top stylists and photog rapher s i n S e c o n d L i f e. express a creative inter pretation of s u b j e c t s, t h e m e s a n d i d e a s f r o m a l l a r o u n d t h e wo r l d a n d u n i v e r s e. S t e a m i n g f r o m t h e m i n d s o f t h e a r t i s t s, e a c h issue encapsulate a new feeling altogether to bring new and exciting material to the masses of the g rid. What makes this publications vastly dif ferent from other m a g a z i n e s i n S e c o n d L i f e wo u l d b e t h a t s i n c e t h i s i s i n d e e d a n i n d e p e n d e n t p u b l i c a t i o n s. M u c h o f t h e wo r k i s d o n e b y s m a l l n u m b e r s o f p e o p l e. M a k i n g t h i s e n d e a v o r less about the finical aspect, fame and recognition of t h e f a s h i o n wo r l d , a n d m o r e a b o u t t h e a r t i s t i c c r e a t i o n s c r a f t e d b y t h e s t y l i s t s a n d p h o t o g r a p h e r s. T h e h o p e o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s t o s h ow t h a t t h e f a s h i o n s we w r a p o u r s e l v e s u p i n e a c h d a y c a n b e t r a n s f o r m e d i n t o s o m e t h i n g o t h e r t h e n s i m p l e c l o t h i n g. B u t i n t o a n o v e r a l l e x p e r i e n c e o f t h e c l o t h i n g, m i xe d i n w i t h t h e p r o p s, l o c a t i o n s, a n d o v e r a l l l o o k o f t h e m o d e l . W h i c h b r i n g s a heighten sense of what it means to be a creator.


Publisher / Creative Director Ta y l o r Wa s s e p

Cover Photographer Te m p e s t R o s c a

Cover Model Wi c c a M e r l i n


Byr neDarkly Cazalet | Carley Benazzi Eleseren Brianna | Honey Bender Ivyana Szondi | K aylith Zeur ra L i n d a R e d d e v i l | M i e l e Ta r a n t a l S h e n a N e ox | Te m p e s t R o s c a T i v i y a h R e s i d e n t | Wi c c a M e r l i n

Guest Artists

Dahriel Resident | October Bouvier Ronnie Diablito | PoosyKat LittleBoots Kurs Resident | Saskeeya Resident Mayhem Michigan | Sally Spark Mallairian Resident | Dimitri Shinn


he beginning of this year has to have been one of the most interesting and life affirming aspects that I’ve experienced in my 25 years on this Earth. What a change my life has had in the last three to four months. I recently found myself moving to a new city that I have never been to before in my life. I had to leave my friends and family behind to pursue a new chapter in my life. As some of my friends in Second Life know; I recently accepted a job doing layouts for a news hub. My first serious job since graduating from university. In the last year, I was getting hopeless that I wouldn’t be able to find a job. It wasn’t until I pushed myself to take this giant leap, on my own, did I realise how strong I can be all on my own. That is to say, I have been told that I am a strong person, emotionally. In theory, those words empower people to push themselves and make what they want to happen a reality. The point I am getting to is that sometimes, when you push and push and try to force a situation to happen. It might not work out like how you wanted it too. I faced that very situations before with this inevitable feeling of lose and dread. And it’s completely devastating to me that I can’t fix this. This job I accepted was a step on the right pathway to my dream job, and my first few weeks were eye-opening. I learned so much in a vastly short amount of time in sub-pare training. And expected to succeed like other have who have been in this field for years. Day after day, it seemed as those I was in a hole. A hole that was deep and the walls were rising higher and higher. Almost trapping me in this void of hopelessness. In my real life, I grew up alone, I am an only child. I never had any siblings, and my parents worked long hours. So, I grew with my friends being my support group mainly. We as humans need companionship to live, to breath, to exist. Without that kind of connection, we get lost. We fall further into the ether of nothingness. And I believe I was heading that way. Decisions have been made, and I was thrown a lifeline, a precious line back to my friends and back to my family. That being said, I am rerouting my life to once again aim for the stars. And achieve what passions are, not what a corporate entity wants me to do day after

day. It hurts to known I failed in a way to be on my own and be able to thrive alone. Some people can do this. And I give them all the credit and praise in the world. Because having the courage to leave your support group and venture out on your own is a skill born with, not learned in many case. In the same breath though, I don’t feel like I am a failure because I tried. I gave this experience a chance and I knew when to get out before it consumed me. When this all happened, I had a conversation with my family They knew I had changed, and not for the better. They could hear the pain and depression in my voice. What they couldn’t see were my eyes welling up with saddness as I dreaded having to hang up with them on the phone. And find myself back in this life I rushed into. They knew something had to change and I knew it as well. So, going back to my previous statement. How can one both feel like a failure and not as the same time? I can’t explain it, but it’s a feeling that I have and I know is valid in my truth. This note is not to complain and it’s not to promote negativity in any form. But, it’s to share a part of my life with you, the reader. For you to know my state of mind as I completed the final touches of this manifesto I curated. Thank you for being such a positive aspect of my life, though I may never meet you or get to know you, I love you. I love you for being who you are and not letting those break you down and for you to be living in the light. Those who push you down and make you feel like nothing, those are the people who are really hurting and you need to have the same compassion for them as you do for yourself. That no matter your situation in life, no matter where you are on your journey. You have the right to be happy and you have the right to create whatever life you want to enjoy. Let love in, and let the void out.

Pub l i sh er of TH EMA Publ i c ati ons Tay l or Wassep

W . T

Editor’s Note

p e s s a W

Antony and

d Cleopatra

Miele Tarantal Hair | RA Nicki Dress: | Affinity Egypt Royal Court Kia Jewelry | Affinity Egypt Nile Queen Lotus Set Dimitri Shinn Hair | [INK] ~ Serious Outfit | The Fallen - Black Centurion Sandals | Gabriel - Gladiator Bracelet | ReVoX - Roman Crown | T R I D E N T Jewellery - Laurel Wreath

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tiviyah Resident Hair | Little Bone - Feline Eyeshadow | Mock - Dark Red Liner | Mock - Cleo Lips | Blacklace - Kismet Nails | Nailed It - Dark Set Neck Piece | Champagne - Medusa Outfit | Lybra - Nicky Stockings | Izzie’s - Studded Tights Shoes | Ricielli - Vonda

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desireme Fallen Headpiece| Champagne Sparkling Couture - C)CLEOPATRA From MissVW14 EGYPT Gown| Champagne Sparkling Couture - C)CLEOPATRA From MissVW14 EGYPT Cape| Champagne Sparkling Couture| - C)CLEOPATRA From MissVW14 EGYPT Bracelet| Champagne Sparkling Couture - C)CLEOPATRA From MissVW14 EGYPT desireme Fallen (slave girl) Head jewel | Soedara -Triumph Head Jewel Gold Coins Gown| The Library-| Seven Deadly Sins Famine Gacha Rare Neck Collar| The Library- Seven Deadly Sins Neck Collar Gacha Rare Bracers | The Library - Seven Deadly Sins Bracers Gacha Rare

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Comedy o

of Error

tiviyah Resident Hat | AD Creations - Goth1c Hair | Truth Hair - Genesis Eye makeup | Nuuna - Ere Lipstick | Pink Fuel - Essential Reds Collar | Kio - Stories Collar & Cuffs Tattoo | Things - Henna Bolero Dress | AD Creations - Halo Cuffs | Kio - Stories Collar & Cuffs

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Ivyana Szondi Headpiece | Lode - Balts Hair | Lelutka - Blake Lipstick | Topazia - Liquid Lips Dress | Junbug - La Boheme Pearls | Miamai - Evelina Gown Pearls

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Mallairian Resident Hair | Action Inkubator Hair Kenny Eyes | Dead Apples - Twinkle Eyes - Cold Eyeshadow | CORVUS - Demon Eyeshadow Cheeks | Clemmm - Aydans Cheek Hollow Outfit | Kahli Designs - Charles - Black Sword | CornerStone - Broadsword v4 Nails | Alaskametro - Slink Mani/Pedi - Midnight

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Miele Tarantal Hair: RA Nicki Dress: Affinity Egypt Royal Court Kia Jewelry: Affinity Egypt Nile Queen Lotus Set Where It Begins Jewel On the Nile set Dimitri Shinn Hair: [INK] ~ Serious Outfit: The Fallen - Black Centurion Sandals: Gabriel - Gladiator Bracelet: ReVoX - Roman Crown: T R I D E N T Jewellery - Laurel Wreath

Kaylith Zeurra Hair Acc. | Caverna Obscura - Ivy Wreath Hair | Diva - Angelica - Topaz Eyes | Zibska Aemon Eyes Gown | Junbug Principessa in Mint Eyeshadow | Zibska - Arzu Frost Eyeshadow Lipstick | HUSH - Lush Red Lipstick Nails | ZOZ - Iced Metals Nail Polish - Dark Red

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Kaylith Zeurra Gown | LYZ - Duchess Gown in Silver Hair | Tableau Vivant - Editorial Laying - Browns Eyes | Zibska - Aemon Eyes Eyeshadow | Zibska - Arzu Frost Eyeshadow Lipstick | HUSH - Lush Red Lipstick Nails | ZOZ - Iced Metals Nail Polish - Dark Red

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tiviyah Resident Hair | Tableau Vivant - Burtonette Makeup | Glam Affair - Dia de los Muertos 3 Top | Pixicat - Metal Top Skirt | Tres Blah - Lovett Shoes | Pure Poison - Loly Platforms

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Wicca Merlin Outfit, Mask & Socks | Wicca’s Wardrobe - Sally Accessories | Enfant Terrible - Showstopper Shoes | Wicca’s Wardrobe - Dewey Boots Hair | DeLA - Julia Stitches | Miasnow - Ragdoll Autopsy

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Ki n g

Le a r

Eleseren Brianna Hair | Tableau Vivant - Eastern Wind Crown | Enfant Terrible - Emma’s Halo Earmuffs | Meva - Tudor Earmuffs Tears | Enfant Terrible - Emma’s Halo Teardrop Ruff | Meva - Tudor Ruff Tattoo | PROZAK - Celtic Princes Tattoo Gown | Enchantment! - Vas Neema Cloak | Life in Mono - Queen Mary Cloak Bracelets | Twisted Trinkets - Celtic Silver Band

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Tempest Rosca Dress | Junbug - The Succubus In Night Fur RARE Necklace | Taos - Empyrean Forge Bracelets | Mohio - - Empyrean Forge Armbands | Tesoro del Luna- Empyrean Forge Earrings | Tesoro del Luna- Empyrean Forge Waistlet | Tesoro del Luna- Empyrean Forge Hair | Lelutka - Leona Crown | Lelutka - Kruna Blood | Clemmm - Bloody Hands

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Byrnedarkly Cazalet Crown | He La - Frozen Crown Hair | prtty - Jane Scarf | BYRNE - Geo Stripe Scarf Lipstick | NOX. - Unholy Lipstick Dress | Junbug - Lady of Shalott Paradox Messmer Crown | ieQED - Burst Metal Crown Hair | Vanity Hair - Alien Teeth | The Collective - Shark Tru Mesh Teeth Cloak | PuccaFirecaster Creations - Northern Cape Shirt | APHORISM - Chain Mail Tunic-Stygian RARE Bracers | The Forge - Viking Bracer Pants | Faster Pussycat - Toyko Hotel Tights Boots | Lassitude & Ennui - Embroidered Boots

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Honey Bender Hair | Lelutka - Rykiel Gown | Junbug - The Lady of Schalott

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Ivyana Szondi Hair | Pepe - Dreya Eyeshadow | Poema - Hemera Lips | Glamorize Victorian Vamp Nails | Nailed It - Dark Set Jewelry | Empryrean Forge - Contessa Outfit | Vogue - Ysobel Hair 2 | Miamai - Manta

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Midsu Night

mmer’s Dream

Byrnedarkly Cazalet Crown | PurpleMoon - A Midsummer Night’s Dream Hair | Elikatira - Estelle and epoque - Sharp Lipstick | Modish - Floria Dress | BYRNE - Kim in White Wings | Seven’s Selections - Splash Pixie Style Water Shoes | DE.Boutique - Dakota Heels Particles | Cole’s Corner - Shimmer Dance Aura Paradox Messmer Hair | Vanity Hair - Airwaves II Mask | Bottom’s Curse - Contraption Jacket | FashioNatic - Zorak Jacket Pants | FashioNatic - Vincent Chain Pants Hands | Le Petit Prince - Steampunk Scissorhands Shoes | FashioNatic - Elliot Boots THEM A Publications | Burtonesque | 69

Ronnie Diabolito Dress | Go - Fay Doll avatar | DollCoco Fashion Doll - Ava PoosyKat LittleBoots Outfit | Zenith - Guardian Of The Stars Kurs Resident Head accessory | Lode - Magone Crown Ears | Unseelie King - Faster Pussycat Saskeeya Resident Flowers | Yumimoon - Kemono Leg Vines Honey Bender Hair | Diva - Miso Head accessory | Lode - Magone 2 Mask | Zenith - Masquerade Dress | Go - Vera Mayhem Michigan Hair | Emotions - Jezebel Mask | Enfant Terrible - L’odeur du cuir Pants | Velvet Elvis - Ivan Sally Spark Head accessory | Lode - Peony Crown Pasties | Devious Mind - Sex Kitten Rose Pasties Doll avatar | DollCoco - Lena

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Carley Benazzi Hair | Lelutka - Adriana Wings | Remarkable Oblivion - Azreal Bone Wings Headpiece | Clemmm - REM Piece Tattoo | Clemmm - Wretched arms Prop | Black Bantam - Hanging in flight key & wings Prop | cinphul - brooding curtains

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Linda Reddevil Eyes | Clemmm - Ghost Eyes Outfit | AsHmOoT_Diamonds Drops Gloves | Jian Sanderson’s Wings | Remarkable Oblivion - Eternity Wings Antlers | Aesthetica Strantlers Eye Tattoo | Nuuna YUA Hair | Virtual Diva Royal Earrings | Swallow Luxury Anklets | PROMAGIC Rebel

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Male avatar | Tellaq - Zinfandel Pants | Kal Rau - black pants Female avatar | Fiore - Sienna Female head | sourced , modified ,edited from unknown artist pintrest

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Shena Neox: Dress | Fellini Couture - Shena Gown Hair | Magika [Hair] - Shimmer October Bouvier: Skin | October’s 4Seasons - Anton Hair | Unorthodox - Tuff Beard Jewelry | Soedara - Gold Hoop Mesh body | Slink - Physique Male Fate play | Feredir- Winter

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Romeo an

nd Juliet

Shena Neox Hair | D!va - Ange Dress | CAVERNA OSCURA - Idril Nails | Nailed It - Dark Set Dahriel Resident Hat | Zena’s - Tricorn 4 Outfit | Kahli Designs - Royal Raiment Gloves | FATEwear Glove - Dexter==

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Carley Benazzi Hair | Argrace - Akane Skin | Fiore - Sienna Makeup | Lovely Mi - Miwa 60’s Makeup | Lovely Mi - Miwa Anticrist Makeup | Lovely Mi - Miwa Smudge Black Dress | Ison - orchid gown Shoes | Ison - flutter heels Glove | Taox - fishnet Accessory | Lagyo - Metis wing shoulder pad Accessory | Meva - Tudor Earmuffs Accessory | Maitreya - vintage collar Accessory | Oh! studio - my white roses bangle Accessory | Handverk - Beaded necklace Prop | anc - polar stump Prop | Pink Acid - Creepy Dead Lawn Flamingos

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Miele Tarantal Dress | Caverna - Obscura Arwen Gown Hair | Tameless - Ginevra Skin | KOOQLA - Nico Dimitri Shinn Hair | Action - Inkubator Kenny Outfit | Stitched - Bran Lute| Navan Design - Medieval

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Taming of

the Shrew

Eleseren Brianna Hair | Lelutka - Salome Earrings | Remarkable Oblivion - Sanctus Earrings Top | Valentina E. - Comtesse Jeweled Lace Top Necklace | LpOca - Cross Necklace Bra Top | Mutresse - Dupla Bustier Bra Sleeves | Valentina E. - Comtesse Ruffled Sleeves Corset | Severed Garden - Noemi Corset Ring | Remarkable Oblivion - Sanctus Ring Pants | Mutresse - Dupla Ruffled Leggings Boots | Hilly Haalan - Beatriz Booties

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Byrnedarkly Cazalet Mask | AD Creations - Tribute to Gareth Hair | little bones - Strange Outfit | AD Creations - Tribute to Gareth Skirt | GizzA - BOSL LE ROUGE Ring | Maxi Gossamer - Royal Khadijah Estate Shoes | AZOURY - Mona Lisa Paradox Messmer Hair | Lelutka - Salome Eye Makeup | nuuna - Nyx Cloak | PEQE - Big Cape White Fur RARE Suit Jacket | Zibska - Idonea Uomo Ring | E-Clipse - Catch Me Ring Pants | Phunk - Black Grunge Stripe Pants Shoes | Jeepers - Sebastian

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h Night

PoosyKat LittleBoots Hair | Little Bones - Feline crown | Lelutka - Kruna Dress | Dead Dollz - Hoar Honey Bender Hair | Burley - Octavia Outfit | Sys - Carlton Boots | R2 - Syuka

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October 2016

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