Real Estate School of SC: 2017 Spring Schedule

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w w w. re a l e s t a te s c h o o l o fs c. co m S c h e d u l i n g S i te | w w w. s t u d yo n l i n e a ny t i m e. co m C l a s s Po r t a l



C O N TA C T : 803-791-3800

MAIN OFFICE: 101 Medical Circle West Columbia, SC 21969


2017 SCHEDULE w w w. re a l e s t a te s c h o o l o fs c. co m S c h e d u l i n g S i te | w w w. s t u d yo n l i n e a ny t i m e. co m C l a s s Po r t a l

R E A L E S TAT E To become licensed as a real estate salesman, you must initially complete 60 hours in a pre-licensing class called Unit I. By passing the class exam, you are eligible to take the state licensure exam. To complete the process, you must take the 30 hour post licensing class called Unit II. Once you’ve passed the state exam and completed Unit II, you may receive a Salesman License, which is valid for two years. (In order to receive your license, you must affiliate with a Broker In Charge, who will supervise your activities.) Persons at least 18 years old with a high school diploma or GED are eligible to take this course. Criminal background check required by the Real Estate Commission at the time of exam application. This class may be taken in person or online. Classroom Tuition and Fees: $399 for Unit I, $299 for Unit II. Tuition includes textbook. Or, Buy the Bundle and SAVE! $660 for Career Start Package includes Unit I and II.

Columbia Location Full and Half Day Formats: Half Days 9a - 1p January: Full Days 9a - 5:30p February: Half Days 9a - 1p March: Full Days 9a - 5:30p April: Half Days 9a - 1p May: Full Days 9a - 5:30p June:

Unit I - Jan. 2 - 20; Unit I - Feb. 6 - 16; Unit I - Mar. 6 - 24; Unit I - Apr. 10 - 21; Unit I - May 8 - 26; Unit I - June 5- 15;

Unit II - Jan. 23 - 31 Unit II - Feb. 20 - 23 Unit II - Mar. 27 - Apr. 4 Unit II - Apr. 24 - 27 Unit II - May 30 - June 7 Unit II - June 19 - 22

Evening Formats: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p January: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p March: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p May:

Unit I - Jan. 9 - Feb. 9; Unit I - Mar. 20 - Apr. 20; Unit I - May 22 - June 15;

Unit II - Feb. 13 - 27*no class 2/14 Unit II - Apr. 24 - May 8 Unit II - June 19 - 28

Weekend Formats: Weekends 9a - 5:30p January: Weekends 9a - 5:30p March: Weekends 9a - 5:30p May:

Unit I - Jan. 14 - Feb. 12; Unit I - Mar. 25 - Apr. 23; Unit I - May 20 - June 18;

Unit II - Feb. 25, 26, Mar. 4, 5 Unit II - May 6, 7, 13, 14 Unit II - June 24, 25, July 8, 9


We offer a comprehensive test review session that’s appropriate for students preparing to take either the classroom or state exams for both Unit I and Broker courses. This review lasts for approximately 4 hours and covers almost 400 potential test questions. You may attend in person or purchase the handout package to review on your own. Sharing this handout is not allowed. Classroom Tuition: $25.

Columbia Location Full and Half Day Formats: Half Days 9a - 1p June:

June 16

Evening Formats: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p February: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p April: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p May:

February 22 April 19 May 17

Weekend Formats: Weekends 9a - 1p January: Weekends 9a - 1p March:

January 28 March 18

2017 SCHEDULE w w w. re a l e s t a te s c h o o l o fs c. co m S c h e d u l i n g S i te | w w w. s t u d yo n l i n e a ny t i m e. co m C l a s s Po r t a l

PROPERT Y MANAGEMENT To become licensed as a property manager, you must initially complete 30 hours in a pre-licensing class called Property Management. By passing the class exam, you are eligible to take the state licensure exam and receive a property manager’s license. You must be supervised by a PMIC (property manager in charge) or a BIC (broker in charge). Persons at least 18 years old with a high school diploma or GED are eligible to take this course. Criminal background check required by the Real Estate Commission at the time of exam application. This class may be taken in person. Classroom Tuition and Fees: $295 for Property Management Course. Tuition includes textbook.

Columbia Location Full Day Formats: Full Days 9a - 5:30p February: Full Days 9a - 5:30p April: Full Days 9a - 5:30p June:

February 20 - 23 April 10 - 13 June 12, 14, 19, 21

Weekend Formats: Weekends 9a - 5:30p January: Weekends 9a - 5:30p March: Weekends 9a - 5:30p May:

January 14, 15, 21, 22 March 11, 12, 18, 19 May 6, 7, 20, 21

P M I C U P G R A D E CO U R S E To become licensed as a property manager in charge, you must first obtain a property manager’s license. After successfully obtaining that license, you can then upgrade to a Property Manager in Charge by completing the 7 hour PMIC Upgrade Course. This class may be taken in person or online. Classroom Tuition and Fees: $115 for PMIC Upgrade Course.

Columbia Location Full Day Formats: Full Days 9a - 5p February: Full Days 9a - 5p April: Full Days 9a - 5p June:

February 10 April 21 June 16

Weekend Formats: Weekends 9a - 5p March: Weekends 9a - 5p May:

March 25 May 13


To move up to the broker level, you must complete 60 hours in Brokerage Management and have been actively licensed as a real estate salesman for at least three years. The class requirement is split into two parts: Broker A and Broker B, each 30 hours in length. You do not have to take the classes in order, so if you’d like to take Broker B first, you can. Broker A focuses on the operation and management of a real estate office, including trust accounts and office policies. Broker B focues on preparation for the state licensure exam. Also counts for continuing ed elective credit. These classes may be taken in person. Classroom Tuition and Fees: $275 for Broker A, $275 for Broker B.

Columbia Location Full Day Formats: Full Days 9a - 5:30p February: Full Days 9a - 5:30p May:

Broker A - Feb. 27, 28, Mar. 1, 2; Broker A - May 8 - 11;

Broker B - Mar. 6 - 9 Broker B - May 15 - 18

2017 SCHEDULE w w w. re a l e s t a te s c h o o l o fs c. co m S c h e d u l i n g S i te | w w w. s t u d yo n l i n e a ny t i m e. co m C l a s s Po r t a l

HOME INSPECTION Home Inspection is a rewarding career. It is also one of the few real estate industry licenses that doesn’t require an apprenticeship or supervisor. You can start your own home inspection company as soon as you are licensed, or you may choose to work for an established company. Our Home Inspection Licensing course will prepare you to successfully complete the state licensing exam. You will learn the responsibilities of the home inspector, as set forth by the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission. Standards of Practice will be covered in detail, along with report writing, marketing, advertising, red flag areas, special inspections, construction opinions, roof inspections, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and more. Includes huge reference book. This class may be taken in person or online. Classroom Tuition and Fees: $650. Tuition includes textbook.

Columbia Location Evening Formats: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p January: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p March: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p May:

January 2 - 12 March 6 - 16 May 1 - 11


Here’s your chance to find out how it’s done! If you want to start a career as a homebuilder, or would like to know the tricks of the trade to build your personal home, this course is right for you. Our Home Builders Licensing Course gives you a thorough foundation in the knowledge required for success. This exam prep course prepares you to pass the South Carolina state licensing exam. Designed for individuals wishing to obtain the South Carolina Residential Builder’s License. Also useful for persons interested in learning about building a new home or remodeling an older one. Preparation for the two-part home builders exam. Various handouts are included.

Classroom Tuition: $495. BOOKS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS COURSE AND MUST BE PURCHASED BY THE STUDENT SEPARATELY. Our book loaner program has been discontinued. •International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2015, -OR- International Residential Code Commentary (Volumes 1 and 2), International Code Council, (800) 786-4452, •Carpentry and Building Construction, 2010 or 2016 edition, John L. Feirer and Mark D. Feirer, Publisher: McGraw-Hill,, 828-277-3999. •The Contractor’s Guide to Quality Concrete Construction, Third Edition, 2005, American Concrete Institute, 38800 International Way/Country Club Drive, PO Box 9094, Farmington Hills, MI 48333, (248) 848-3700, htt:// •Modern Masonry - Brick, Block, Stone, Clois E. Kicklighter, 8th edition (2015). The Goodheart-Willcox Company, (800) 323-0440, •BCSI: Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining, and Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, 2013, Structural Building Components Association and Truss Plate Institute, (608) 274-4849, •Gypsum Construction Handbook, 7th Edition, 2014, United States Gypsum Company, 125 S. Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60606, Phone (800) 874-4968,

Columbia Location Evening Formats: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p February: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p April: Evenings 5:45p - 9:45p June:

February 6 - 9 April 3 - 6 June 5 - 8

2017 SCHEDULE w w w. re a l e s t a te s c h o o l o fs c. co m S c h e d u l i n g S i te | w w w. s t u d yo n l i n e a ny t i m e. co m C l a s s Po r t a l

O N L I N E CO U R S E S - R E A L E S TAT E & A P P R A I S A L New in 2017: More courses than ever before are allowed to be offered online! The biggest change: allowing the Unit I course to be completed online! We have a full range of courses in REAL ESTATE and APPRAISAL available, including online continuing education as well. For appraisal, the apprentice and license level courses are offered, and new for this year, the certified residential classes are options for students. National Appraising for the Supervisor and Trainee is available on this portal also.

GREENVILLE CAMPUS Our Upstate Campus is managed by Mark Wise, Broker and Instructor. Classes are added frequently, so check our website for the most recent dates at Courses are taught at 1824 E. Main Street, Easley SC. Tuition and date structure match the Columbia location.

Easley Location Unit I Pre-Licensing for Real Estate: Weekends 9a - 5p February: Evenings 6p - 9:30p M-Th April:

Feb. 4, 5, 11, 12, 25, 26, Mar. 4, 5 Apr. 3 - 26

Unit II Post Licensing for Real Estate: Evenings 6p - 9p M-Tu-Th January: Weekends 9a - 5p March:

Jan. 10 - 30 Mar. 18, 19, 25, 26

C H A R L E S TO N C A M P U S Our Lowcountry Campus is managed by Jim Hufham, Attorney, Broker and Instructor. Classes are added frequently, so check the Charleston-specific website for the most recent dates at Courses are taught at 607 B Johnnie Dodds Boulevard in the Plaza at East Cooper, Mount Pleasant SC. Tuition and date structure vary, so check the web for specifics. Courses usually offered include Unit I, Unit II and Property Management.

CO N C E A L E D W E A P O N S P E R M I T It’s possible to complete your training for the concealed weapons permit in a single day! The main portion of the class will be held in our comfortable facility in West Columbia and begins at 8:00am and runs until approximately 3:00pm. We depart for the firing range to complete the training. You receive a Certificate of Completion, a completed fingerprint card to send in with your application and the proper instruction in using and discharging a firearm. You’ll need to bring the following with you to class: Unloaded handgun, 50 rounds of new ammunition in the box, hearing and eye protection, notebook, a bag lunch (we have a refrigerator and microwave and a soda machine; this class will have a working lunch), strong side holster, jacket or sweater to conceal your weapon. You’re not a Concealed Weapons Permit holder until you receive the actual license in the mail from SLED. Classroom Tuition and Fees: $85.

Columbia Location Full Day Formats: Full Days 8a - 5:30p January: Full Days 8a - 5:30p February: Full Days 8a - 5:30p March: Full Days 8a - 5:30p April: Full Days 8a - 5:30p May:

January 6 February 3 March 3 April 28 May 12



If you don’t pass your class exam on the first try, you may complete four total attempts before having to retake the course. If you pass one portion, but not the other, you are still limited to a total of four exams. Please call ahead to make a reservation at 803-791-3800. On exam makeup attempts on days and weekends, arrive by 9am. For evening attempts, arrive by 6pm. While your schooling is valid for five years, if you do not pass the classroom final exam or finish your total hours within 365 days of your class start date, you will have to pay the full tuition again to retake the class. If you’re unsuccessful in passing after four attempts within six months from your class start date, you can audit the same course for free for one time only. If you’ve passed the class exam and want to refresh yourself, you may also audit for free during the first six months after your class. Audits from month seven through twelve are $60 each. No audits after 365 days from your original class start date. If you need a replacement certificate, the fee is $25.

Columbia Location Exam Make Up Times: January 13 - day January 14 - weekend January 19 - evening February 8 - day February 25 - weekend

February 23 - evening March 11 - weekend March 14 - day March 21 - evening April 6 - evening April 8 - weekend April 19 - day

May 13 - weekend May 18 - day May 22 - evening June 2 - day June 10 - weekend June 15 - evening

S I N C E 1977: W E K N O W R E A L E S TAT E . L E T U S T E A C H YO U.

C O N TA C T S : Chip Browne, Owner: 803-730-6721 Melissa Sprouse Browne, Co-Owner: 803-312-4051 Stephanie Count, Office Manager Helen Lane, Office Attendant OFFICE: 101 Medical Circle, West Columbia SC 29169 Te l . 8 0 3 - 7 9 1 - 3 8 0 0 Fax. 803-791-3604 607B Johnnie Dodds Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Te l . 8 4 3 - 5 6 6 - 9 1 2 9 1824 E. Main Street Easley, SC 29640 Te l . 8 0 3 - 7 9 1 - 3 8 0 0

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