The Marksman - March 2017 Issue

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EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Readers,

It gives us great pleasure to bring to you another interesting issue of our very beloved Marksman. We have curated for you a broad spectrum of interesting articles that would enhance your understanding of marketing. In this edition, our cover story for the month is about “Recession Marketing”. It speaks about how recession has affected the trends and scopes of marketing. The special story “Lessons of Marketing from Donald Trump”, states all the right ways of marketing and how to become a brand that no one can beat. We would like to congratulate this month’s call for article winners , whose articles have been featured in this issue. For the remaining entries, we would like to thank you all for your incredible response and encourage you all to keep writing to us with the great enthusiasm. We’d also like to hear back from our esteemed readers on how you find this issue. Your feedback is valuable for us! It helps us improve our magazine. Enjoy Reading! Stay with us on Follow our Facebook page for more updates.

MARCH 2017


Content Tweets


It’s All About Ad-itude


Brand Markive


Cover Story


Special Story


Marketing Faux Pas


Hall-mark Campaign








Featured Article


Square Head







#BecauseIAmSaudiWomenICannot Equality for women has been a major fight for women of this era. And the women of Saudi Arabia are making their fight for the right quite evident. Under the hashtag “because I am women I cannot”, they have been stating how difficult it has been for them to exist in Saudi. With almost everything in their life being judged as inappropriate, they decided to come forward and speak about it. Kingdom’s guardianship is criticized as it prohibits female from doing anything without the permission of the male of the house. There were few who in spite of these limitations, managed to achieve the success and challenged the hashtag.

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TWEETS #NotJustRoadsWeTakeYouToDoors Hire Me Car is a rental car booking website. It provides car ranging from Innova to Limousine and many more in the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to plan road travel across major cities in India. This time they have tried to make an emotional connect with their customers. With the hashtag not just the roads they have tried to highlight the new experiences and cultures and memories their rental cars help to make. This would have a major impact on customers mind set. With the widest range of cars for rent, they make the travelling dreams of people come true.

#AssuredHaiKya Make My Trip has come up with the hashtag #AssuredHaiKya where they are questioning the assurance of things to be in a particular manner. It had been lately trending on twitter where twitteratis are bringing up new situations stating the unpredictable future of incidences even though the present of the same seems to be promising. With this the make my trip people are targeting the fact that nothing can be assured for 100%. This qwerk message is definitely working in their benefit.



IT’S ALL ABOUT AD-ITUDE PRINT AD : Chilliguard Spray AGENCY : Addvisuals, India

Women safety is one of the biggest concerns in our country today. They are always in some kind of pressure and fear of eve-teasing, harassment and rape. In such cases, Chilli guard which is a combination of chilli spray and aerosol spray can come in handy. When this is sprayed in the face of the attacker, it knocks him out for a solid 30 minutes giving the woman sufficient time to get help. Keeping this in mind, they designed a poster which shows a woman in martial art pose in an innovative graphic. They encourage women to choose Chilli Guard spray as their self defence tool and feel fearless after it.

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IT’S ALL ABOUT AD-ITUDE TELEVISION AD: Playstation: Rules, 60s AGENCY : Venables Bell & Partners, San Francisco

Playstation has always been known for bringing out creative products. This time they have targeted Television. Television as we know today has completely changed from what it used to a decade ago. But despite all these new technological advancements people still get their TV the old way. Playstation with this advertisement is trying to convey that the way we get our TV should be as amazing as what we see on it. The message that they are trying to convey through this ad is that watching television will never be the same after this new innovation by Playstation. In line with this, Playstation has launched PlayStation Vue which TV service that streams live TV, movies, and sports on a variety of your favourite devices without a cable or satellite subscription. If you have not seen this Ad sees it today.



BRAND MARKive RELIANCE JIO With the world’s second largest mobile phone user base and the third largest internet user base, India boasts of a lucrative market in the telecom sector. For ages this sector has been dominated by the likes of major players like Vodafone and Airtel who have enjoyed major market share with minimal competition. But in this technology driven sector, future is never certain. Enter Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited, simply called Jio. One announcement from Mukesh Ambani in September 2016 was all it took to shackle the whole telecom industry. With a one of a kind inaugural offer of free 4G data, voice calls and SMS for all customers, Jio grabbed millions of eyeballs instantly. Backed by Ambani’s vision that mobile internet is the way forward in India, Jio set foot towards creating an entire digital ecosystem replete with broadband services, applications, mobile telephony and smart devices. With a hefty Rs 1,50,000 crore investment and partnerships with eight global carriers — British Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, Millicom, MTS and Orange to name a few — Jio successfully created the largest 4G and LTE network in India. With the existing players still using the modified 2G/3G infrastructure to provide 4G services in India, Jio setup a Greenfield network of 90,000 eco-friendly 4G towers and 250,000 kilometers of fibre optic cables specifically dedicated to 4G coverage across all 22 telecom circles in India.

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been set in place ranging from broadband internet, LYF smartphones, mobile application suite - Jio Music, Jio TV, Jio Play, and Jio Money etc. Reliance is also in support of the “Digital India� campaign under which it plans to set up Jionet Wi-fi Hotspots in multiple Indian cities including Mumbai, Kolkata, Surat and Indore. As per the recent trends we can only conclude that Jio is not only winning the game, but also redefining the rules altogether.



COVER STORY Marketing in Recession:To Spend or Not to Spend? The scariest “R” word that any marketer would want to hear is “RECESSION”!. It has happened before in 2008. Now with America’s debt, China’s slowdown, the flatfooted European economy, Britain’s volatile economic condition, a sudden and universal change of fortunes suggests that it might strike again. Economic downturn not only affects the performance of individual organizations but also industries and the entire economy. Demand for products and services decline. Companies and organizations respond to this fall in demand for products and services by slashing down their marketing budgets. However, the global slowdown is also viewed by many as an upturn as not all companies perform poorly. There are some that prosper and grow. Some companies take recession as an opportunity to strengthen their businesses, invest aggressively and overtake their weaker competitors. However, mostly Recessions are spiky and hurt a lot of firms, customers and clients. Economies that are performing poorly suffer a downward trend but never a stagnant phase. Usually, discount brands and retailers are built to spike during recession. But there are ways to combat recession. First being innovative is the best way to protect existing brands during recessions new companies that were launched successfully during downturns is proof that real breakthroughs always find a market. Second are sectors. Recessions are industry selective.

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In the U.K., civil aerospace, car manufacturing and mechanical equipment were affected in 2008. In the U.S., it was health care and education. In every developed market, it was industries exporting to emerging markets. Third are markets and target segments.

Most markets slow down, but most markets continue to grow strongly, just at reduced pace. For example, Poland is now being called “the Green Island” because it fared so well during the global recession. Also, within a market, not all consumers lose jobs or income. Some people are just as well off as ever, although their spending capacity reduces. Taking the risk out of buying may be needed to reassure consumers and tide successfully over recessive period.




While discretionary consumer spending in the U.S. dropped by 6.9% during the recent global recession, Apple, Facebook, Hyundai and McDonald’s recorded stellar performances. When a brand’s share of voice is greater than its share of market, it is likely to grow its market share and turn into a market leader thus also acting as an entry barrier for new entrants. Therefore, companies that increase their marketing investment when most others are cutting back have an opportunity to improve the standing of their brands and this incidentally, no matter how outlandish it may seem happens to be a good approach to tackle recession period. However, for a variety of reasons, some companies, even those with the deep pockets, fail to put this learning into practice. When recession looms, most firms will reduce spending to anchor to the bottom survivor line. A recession can impose a check on marketing strategies that are beneficial to brands in a variety of circumstances. During recession it is important to question what each element in any marketing mix plan is intended to achieve. How it encourages brand loyalty and what barriers to purchasing it addresses and how it contributes to willingness to pay. Because the stakes are higher when money is tight, any investment made should provide good returns rather than just merely burning cash. The striking example would be of MILLER HIGH LIFE- which was marketed as an inexpensive beer during recession and it capitalized on that, making it a clear winner in its segment.


The brand's tone and positioning were perfect for down times backed by celebrity marketing by actor Windell Middlebrooks who portrayed a lovable beer-truck driver railing against all things pricey. Most recently appeared during Miller High Life's Super Bowl ads, which mocked lavish spending, taking a dig at rival and Super Bowl sponsor Anheuser-Busch. Pre-buzz hype led to an increase of nearly 5% in sales, followed by a 9% increase in the week after the game.

Some ways of staying strong during recession are:1. Spend smarter Spend less on marketing because usually company cut cost across the board. In fact, by showing how you intend to spend smarter, you will make it easier to fight for your resources 2. Double-down on your current customers When customers take decisions in times of recession, they're more likely to choose a more trusted source hence market to them. Enable your sales teams to be more effective with them and ask current customers about their needs. Care for them, and they will be even more likely to become loyal.


A child suggesting her mother to smoke


3. Outsmart your competitors By paying close attention to what's happening in target markets and how customers are reacting to a recession, early action by often changes in product can be carried out. 4. Invest in growing market segments In all slowdown there are market segments that progress faster than others. It's a marketer’s job to help company identify and understand these market segments, and determine whether you can quickly win business in those fast-growing market segments. 5. Fight for your resources Reflex actions of firms where the CMO are not deeply involved in strategy are often to cut budgets and employees in marketing disproportionately leading to marketing having a less important role, and an inefficient pendulum-swing of money and people that result in losing out to competitors very shortly after the cuts are made. 6. Don’t cut quality A successful brand is built on a great brand experience. A product or service that delivers consistent performance will keep people coming back. 7. Internal branding and boosting employee morale The motivation level of employees is crucial for a company’s success, particularly in service industries. Therefore, employees should be convinced of their brand and reassured that their jobs are safe. 8. Review your budget allocations Customers look for best deals or value for money offers. Firms should do the same. Focus should be on relative cost and effectiveness of

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COVER STORY .the available media channels. TV investment can be extended in less expensive media like print, radio and outdoor advertising. 9. Adjust Pricing Tactics In a recession, customers will be shopping for deals and it might be necessary to adjust pricing tactics. More temporary price promotions and extending credit to long standing customers will be good pricing tactics during a downturn. 10.Adjust Product Portfolios The new customer reality is that they demand for products that stress good value, such as cars with fewer options. Tough times favour multi-purpose goods over specialized products. Reliability, durability, safety and performance are what consumers look for during recession. New products that address, these concerns should be introduced and advertising should stress superior price performance and value for money. 11. Stick to Core Values Usually, companies make employees redundant during a downturn. The CEO should try to win loyalty of those who remain, by assuring them that the company has survived difficult times before and provide additional training to their employees in period of economic slowdown. Chief executives must spend more time with customers and employees. The CEO must ensure that the core values of customer relationship and their marketing strategies are not abandoned in a recession. During recessions, consumers and marketers alike must make the best of a bad situation. Not all brand cut spending, but many of those that do, find themselves at a


weak footing when the recession ends. Marketers need to make the most of every moolah spend in support of their company if they wish to maintain strong consumer relationships. Those who succeed should then be well positioned to take advantage of weaker opponents when the good times return. Recession is a period to step up your marketing effort and give it your best. In the words of Ed McCabe, founding partner of Scali, McCabe, Stoves advertising agency, “All great enterprises move forward in a recession and the weaklings move backward. The dumbbells cut back on advertising.The smart people don’t�.



On November not just U.S.A. but whole world anticipated the results of American presidential elections. To the surprise of most of them, Donald Trump, an American businessman, with no prior experience in national politics emerged as the winner. When it comes to Trump, not much of introduction is required for anyone to know who he is, thanks to the extensive marketing done by him and media coverage during his presidential campaign. Many marketing gurus have tried to closely study the success factors hidden in his campaign that helped him to build the brand ‘Trump’. Here are key features and also lessons for the marketers to be noted: 1.Simple and Coherent Messaging: Trump followed an online and offline marketing strategy with simple messaging and motif. For online marketing, he mainly used twitter while focused upon mega rallies for offline advertising. Both the strategies were closely tied with each other with coherent messaging to the public. 2.Inbound Marketing: Outbound marketing is the kind of marketing technique where you push your advertisement and product towards your target audience. This is the conventional marketing technique. While in inbound marketing, we create that sort of content or product that people are themselves pulled towards our product. Trump followed the proven technique of inbound marketing by creating content that would attract people towards him. He created distinct content from his competitors.

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The competitors, meanwhile, were using the old techniques of advertising and targeting the right set of audience. 3. Taglines and Hashtags: Trump has a very strong tagline “Make America Great Again” as compared to Clinton’s tagline “Stronger Together” which was quite old and conventional in style. Trump’s tagline was something people associated to pretty easily. His twitter hashtag “#maga” was therefore very famous and catchy. The other hashtags that trump used were #crookedhillary, #trumrally #DrainTheSwamp #VoteTrumPence16. These hashtags kept resonating on social media all the time during his election campaign. Like #maga, these too were catchy hashtags and were retweeted many times by his followers.


SPECIAL STORY 4. Consistency: In today’s digital age, the lifetime of tweets is very low. We can associate it with the number of times people check their cellphones for checking out new content trending on the web. Trump had marked this thing and tweeted quite often, sometimes upto 10 times a day. Hence the digital age population found new content each time they checked and were reminded of Trump and his campaign. 5.The PR strategy: Trump followed a simple public relations strategy. He never dodged or ignored any sort of criticism. Rather he took it on its face and made his remarks. This benefitted him in a way that people thought him to be responsible enough to address to any sort of criticism. The other major benefit that he had from the strategy was that he got free publicity in the media. His remarks on the criticism were highly popularized in the media and even people followed it ardently. To some it came as the source of entertainment as well. But at the end of the day it was Trump who was being read and seen in media which was increasing his popularity. 6.Extending the brand identity: Rather than creating a new brand image of himself, he just extended his existing brand image as a businessman He used his already famous celebrity name to popularize himself and capitalized over the Trump brand. He associated this brand to the future of America which represented Luxury and wealth.


7. Projecting high returns: If we look at the process of choosing the presidential candidate from the marketing perspective, we would find that on FCB matrix it appears on the top left corners i.e. the product involving high thinking. The risk involved in such products are high and the returns are highly valuable to the person . making such decision. Trump’s call to make America great again included those valuable returns to the voters. He promised high returns by making drastic changes for a crime free America and bring back the jobs. 8. Segmentation and Targeting: Trump organized his rallies and public appearances by properly categorizing his target audience based on social class, income, ethnicity, opinion, wants, locations and lifestyles etc. 9. Influencer Marketing: Trump already enjoyed sort of a celebrity status and had good contacts in many industries. He used marketing influencers such as Rudy Giuliani (mayor of New York City), Newt Gingrich (politician from Georgia) for his marketing and turning the voters to his side.


SPECIAL STORY 10.Guerilla Marketing: Although not used extensively but Trump did apply some of the guerilla marketing techniques. When his cellphone number was published by Gawker, many called in curiosity. His phone said the following message upon ringing, “I’m Donald Trump and I’m running for the presidency of the United States of America. With your help and support, together we can make America truly great again.Visit me at Twitter @RealDonaldTrump and check out my campaign website at Hope to see you on the campaign trail.” This was really low cost unconventional marketing tool he used to promote himself.

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11. Negative Marketing: Trump aggressively used negative marketing for his competitors in election. He not only took jibes at the competitors but also at Obama and media. He spoke openly against them in his rallies and also tweeted hashtags such as #neverhillary #corruptmedia #crookedhillary. Such negative marketing sometimes did create controversies and spurred debates but gave Trump what he needed i.e. Publicity. As it turns out, Trump seems to be a true marketer and results of the U.S. elections is just an accolade to the success of his perfect strategies.


MARKETING FAUX PAS SPRINT TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMERCIAL Sprint Corporation, a mobile network provider in USA might have just taken things too far with its new marketing campaign that was featured in the Super Bowl recently. The advert showcases a Verizon consumer annoyed by his high mobile phone bill that he fakes his own death to escape his contract. The commercial starts off with a mannequin sat in the driver’s seat of a car, which is pushed over a cliff by a man with two kids. As the car disappears, a man appears who acts as an evangelist for the Sprint brand, who sees the man faked his death to get out of his Verizon contract. The evangelist tells the man that there was an easier way, he could have just switched over to Sprint and that Sprint’s network is reliable within 1% of Verizon. He then proceeds to tell him, he could have also saved 50% on the bills by using Sprint instead of Verizon.


The creators of this commercial are Droga5, a New York based advertising agency, who thought it to be comical in some way to use death in their message content, but it hardly raises a chuckle. This is because, not many people like discussing death, and by using it as the centrepiece in the commercial, Sprint might have taken things too far.

The commercial caught attention of viewers, but not in the manner which Sprint would have wanted because if you use death as a centre plot, you are going to get some muffled responses from the audience. Also, Sprint basically agreed that Verizon was better than it at network providing, when it said that Sprint was within 1% reliable of Verizon’s network, might not be the best thing to say, when you’re trying to poach ‘unhappy’ customers from your competitors. The 30 second spot was reportedly bought at the cost of $5 million USD, and one can’t help but wonder if the creative think tank at Sprint and Droga5 couldn’t come up with something better than using a fake death in the plot.



STAR PLUS Star Plus recently rolled out an ad film featuring Aamir Khan to extend its 'Nayi Soch' (new thinking) brand thought. The film has been conceptualised by Ogilvy & Mather wherein Aamir Khan plays the role of the owner of a sweet shop which is getting a new signboard. A customer walks in and sees the busy shop and congratulates Khan for his flourishing business. Khan smiles and tells the customer that it's all because of the efforts of his children who've listed the business on the internet. The man assumes that Khan has boys as children and compliments them. This is when Khan corrects him and surprises the customer that it's not his sons but daughters, who are seen managing orders in the background. While the man exits the shop with a box of sweets in hand, he reads the board 'Gurdeep Singh & Daughters'. The film ends with the line, 'Kaamyabi na ladka dekhti hai na ladki. Kaamyabi sirf soch dekhti hai' (Success does not distinguish between girls and boys. It’s the thinking that matters).

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Star beautifully portrays daughters as equally capable of bringing laurels to their families and society, thus promoting their “Nayi Soch” agenda with this film. It not only questions the gender discrimination that still exists, but also iterates our belief that it’s time for fathers to step up and instil confidence and self-belief in their daughters.ampaign which was highly successful in the past. Aamir Khan brings great credibility and empathy to the role of a father, especially after the success of Dangal, where he plays a father whose progressive thinking gives his daughters the freedom to flourish. This film tells a simple, sweet and yet powerful story of the happy result of a newer way of thinking. It's a tribute to the success of women and to the men whose progressive thinking makes them stand by, and not in the way of women realising their potential. Star Plus through its content and messaging is branding itself as a channel that believes in a society with ‘Nayi Soch’ or progressive thinking, especially regarding the role of women.


PIONEER Dr. Geoffrey Moore With best of the six business classic books ,Dr. Geoffrey Moore is the managing director Geoffrey Moore Consulting and a Venture Partner at Mohr Davidow Ventures. His books are Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers.” and his latest book "Escape Velocity: Free Your Company’s Future from the Pull of the Past". His life’s work has mostly surrounded disruptive innovations focusing on market dynamics. He received a bachelor’s degree in American literature from Stanford University and a doctorate degree from the University of Washington in English literature. As an author, advisor and speaker, he splits his consulting time between start-up companies and established high tech enterprises. Focusing on the challenges faced by the tart-up companies from their early adoption to the main stream customers, Moore wrote his first book, “Crossing the Chasm”. His most recent work, “Escape Velocity”, talks about the challenge large enterprises


faces, while adding a new line of business to their established portfolio. history. According to him, what separates the early market and early adopter visionaries from the early pragmatists is the ‘chasm’, when confronted with discontinuous innovations. Various groups or profiles based on their unique psychographic profiles adopt innovations in stages. Early market according to him is made up of technology enthusiasts and innovators looking for the state of art technology. He talks about the order of the priority marketers, who needs to pay attention to the social, mobile, analytics and cloud, for getting their program aligned with the next generation. But the game changers are social and mobile as for workrelationships. He believes that the lasting impact of social media is yet to be determined, but this very same thing has turned the influence chain upside down.


BOOKWORM PRE-SUASION By Robert Cialdini This article reviews the much awaited work of Cialdini: Pre-Suasion ,which is a sequel to his revolutionary work on influence in 1984. Both of his books are a must read for a marketer because influencing people to take desired actions is an imperative part of a marketer’s job. Cialdini in his book Pre-Suasion has gone deeper into the subtleties of attention and importance, identity, focus and causality, crowds, shared action, persuasion and covering privileged moments. The book also seemed particularly relevant and insightful after the momentous 2016 US presidential election. The valuable insights of this book help a marketer in two major ways: 1) How to persuade colleagues and executives to support a marketing plan and its initiatives 2) How to persuade the consumers to take desired action. Even though the book is primarily psychological and sociological, Cialdini in his book also gives examples of how to influence the purchase behaviour of consumers and their willingness to spend more. The book cites studies that show how free gifts increase tips dramatically in a way that people are pre-suaded to purchase by commonalities and compliments.This is a compelling read for marketers.

MARCH 2017


KICKSTART TVF TVF- A name that is heard in recent times for all the wrong reasons , but this article is a testament for all the things they did right! The Viral Fever is an online entertainment channel founded by Arunabh Kumar .The idea behind this was to cater to the younger generation who have migrated from television and are now hooked onto their smart devices to pass their leisure time .They were among the first to create online content and make it as a business model in India along with AIB , EIC .Their show Permanent Roommates was the second most viewed long web series in the world at a time following which they released TVF Pitchers which struck a chord with the youngsters for its original and captivating content .

They have now created a separate website to host their videos called TVF PLAY. Owing to the popularity that both the shows generated they got a funding of $10 million from Tiger Global. The now (in)famous founder was born in Bihar and completed his engineering from IIT Kharagpur , he then joined Red Chillies Entertainment in an assistant position under Farah Khan . He has worked as the assistant director for her movie Om Shanti Om .

He moved on from there and created a series called as The Engineers Diary which was rejected by MTV , this was the ignition that led to the launching of The Viral Fever (TVF)



FEATURED ARTICLE Changing Leadership Styles -RAHUL THUKRAL, NITIE, MUMBAI A leader is somebody skilled in knowing how to break down and enhance the capacity of the association to survive and develop in an unpredictable and changing world, for which leaders are accepting awesome parts that are both noteworthy and basic.

Context, “change leadership” is increasingly supplementing the concept of “change management”. While change management focuses on bringing the change effort under control, change leadership is more visionary in nature and creates a fundamental traction for change. Change leaders in many organizations effectively navigate through the change process by demonstrating appropriate leadership behavior during each phase of the change. In phase-1, the leader highlights the problem areas through discussions. She tries to create a compelling business case for change keeping in mind various risks associated with the change. She further clearly details out the final change outcome and the picture of success. In phase-2, the leader brings together the right set of people and establishes the traction for change. She in turn identifies multiple stakeholder groups and creates appropriate involvement strategies. In this phase, the leaders also entrusts those who have been instrumental in framing the change vision with key tasks. In phase-3, the leader sustains the momentum for change by consolidating individual change initiatives into a coherent whole. She highlights the improvements and tracks the benefits realization.

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FEATURED ARTICLE The leader also helps provide supportive rising as key drivers of progress. Additionally, organizational infrastructure to affect the in the present decade, talent shortage has necessitated more rapid acceleration of change. young executives up the corporate ladder. The business industry, today, is undergoing a rapid change. From the dot-com boom and bust through the recession phase, a number of industry giants have marched across the front pages into infamy. A combination of increased market and global competition, regulatory demands, new microeconomics trends, technological changes, and demographic shifts have all led to this new business climate.

While twentieth century associations were more bureaucratic, Multi leveled and control driven, current associations are all the more approximately organized, limited leveled and interest driven. The degree to which an association stays aware of the floods of progress relies on upon how well the authority approach is adjusted to the vital aim of the association. Thus, administration styles and methodologies have seen a consistent move in their pertinence relating to the need and necessity of various business eras. Numerous associations of current times are confronting exceptional difficulties to keep pace with the expanding rate of progress. Globalization, speed of development, changing workforce demography and changing customer inclinations are quick


During the business era from mid 1800s to 1970 which saw the advent of industrial revolution and production era and there was a shift from agriculture, handicraft economy to manufacturing. With control being the primary focus, the leadership style was autocratic, democratic, employee orientedproduction oriented, people oriented- task oriented. Chain of command and downward communication became predominant. In the production era primary focus was to increase output, achieve standardization, economies of scale and operational efficiency. This era also saw the coming up of famous theories: Theory X and Theory Y given by Douglas McGregor. From 1970s to late 1900s which was an entrepreneurial period and marketing period with the essential concentrate on corporate arranging, area administration, benefit introduction and research and advancement.


FEATURED ARTICLE From 2000 and past where business is more in light of connections and associations are endeavoring hard to stay aware of the innovative headways, changing client and representative inclinations. To stay aggressive in the market organizations go for mergers, joint endeavors, acquisitions and vital cooperation. Pioneers are coordinating angle from both value-based and transformational authority. Value-based initiative expands on the man's have to take care of business and bring home the bacon, while transformational authority bids to the Change turned into existing conditions and man's requirement for importance and no initiative style specifically was higher reason in life. The administration overwhelming. Initiative style was offering, style is inspiration, enabling, self-governance, telling, assigning, encouraging and participative. coaching, grant discipline. This time saw the situational and contingency theories which says there is no single Instead of the traditional idea of leadership widespread method for driving all in which the leader is tough-minded, in circumstances. Business visionaries embraced control, and functions in a top-down forceful advertising techniques to make a situation, the leader now needs to be more specialty for themselves in the commercial of a collaborator and facilitator in a volatile center. Overwhelming business topics were climate. The leader requires to transfer brand situating, online business and esteem power to lower levels of the organization in included administrations. Trademark highlight the hope of “maximizing the full potential� of authority approach was being adaptable of all employees. and versatile.

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Michigan Model of Leadership In today's changing times, roles of leader must also include change leadership as an essential element. The roles of leader must ensure that the leader participates in the decision making process by providing specialized knowledge and simultaneously acts as a conflict mediator. Organizations, on the other hand, need to ensure enabling of the roles of leader.




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3. Who has launched world’s first chat operating system? 4. Which company has announced it will appoint a digital ambassador to manage its relationship with tech giants such as Google and Apple? 5. Name the bank with which the Future Generali India Insurance company announced an agency tie up? 7. Which bank has done partnership with OLA to provide Cash on delivery at customer’s doorstep. 8. Which mobile manufacturing brand will soon commence its manufacturing operations in India? DOWN 1. Which ecommerce giant has acquired American money transfer MoneyGram for $880 million? 2. In which Indian state, cab hailing from Uber has launched two wheeler aggregation service UberMOTO? 6. Chinese e retail giant Alibaba will set up its first office in India.

Answers: Across 3.Flock OS 4. Denmark 5. Bank of Maharashtra 7. Yes Bank 8. Apple Down 1. Alibaba 2. Hyderabad 6. Mumbai




CALL FOR ARTICLES JUNE 2017 Articles can be sent on any one of the following topics*:

1. Surviving “Shiny Object Syndrome”in influencer Marketing 2. Surprise: A secret weapon in social media marketing 3. The age of Contact Marketing

*Please ensure that there is no plagiarism and all references are clearly mentioned. 1. One article can have only one author. 2. Your article should be approximately 800-850 words and MUST be replete with relevant pictures that can be used to enhance the article. 3. Font Type: Gill Sans MT 4. Font Size: 14. 5. Send your article in .doc/.docx format to 6. Subtitle line:Your name_Institute Name_Course Year 7. Kindly name your file as : Your name_Topic The best adjudged article will be given a Winner’s Certificate. Deadline for the submission of article : 20th JUNE, 2017

MARCH 2017


The TEAM TWEETS by Shruti Sharma It’s all about AD-itude by Abhishek Bhardwaj Brand MARKive by Saurabh Sharma COVER STORY by Suhita Pant SPECIAL STORY by Shivam Dixit FAUX PAS by Deep Shah HALLMARK CAMPAIGN by Devarshi Sil PIONEER by Chumi Talukdar BOOKWORM by Urvashree Borah SquAreheaD by Jishnu BUZZ by Anchal Pandey KickStart by Rohit Radhakrishnan

PROOF READ by Jishnu R Rohit Radhakrishnan Shruti Sharma DESIGNING by Anchal Pandey Deep Shah Shikhar Sodhani

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The MARKSMAN is the newsletter of INTERFACE, the Marketing Club at K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai. Images used in THE MARKSMAN are subject to copyright. THE MARKSMAN does not take any responsibility of any kind of plagiarism in the articles received from students of other colleges.

PROMOTIONS by Devarshi Sil Saurabh Sharma



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