The Marksman Mar '12

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EDITOR’S DESK Dear Readers, “There was a time when the risk it took to blossom was more painful than the risk it took to remain tight in the bud”, said Anais Nin, totally unaware of the power a woman would possess in the 21st century and how well the marketers are going to use it. Welcome to the brand new edition of the Marksman with the cover story ‘Women Centric Marketing’. As a marketing magazine, we not only intend to work to analyze brand and brand values, but also, to enrich your knowledge of the brands. In this edition, we bring to you a special story ‘Color Me!!’ which would tell you about colors of brands, like, Why McDonalds is yellow? Our featured articles of the month delve into ‘the techniques companies use to handle crisis when fans attack on Facebook’. And a few insights on ‘Digital marketing changing the face of conventional marketing’. And to lighten you a bit, this edition would make you come face to face with the ‘Innovations in promotion and marketing of movies’. And off course, all that keeps you waiting, our regulars, Squarehead, Bookworm, Tweets, Its all about AD-itude and ‘Brand Markive’, bringing to you all that you did not know about your favorite brands. So pick up that coffee mug and scroll through your favorite Marksman and don’t forget to fill in the ‘Buzz’. “You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. “ ~Paul Sweeney

We will be back with our cool summer edition in June..

Cheers !! Team – Marksman The Interface – The Marketing Club of SIMSR


MARCH 2012


TWEETS 03 Brand MARK ive 04

It’s all about AD-itude! 05


Bookworm 19












TWEETS Revlon prepares new 'storytelling' ad strategy Revlon will unveil a fresh UK ad strategy next month, bringing together marketing for its products into a single campaign for the first time.

Coke launches first new bottle size in almost 20 years Coca-Cola is launching a pocket-sized bottle across its three cola brands this spring, marking the first bottle launch since its 500ml bottles went on sale in 1993

Micromax unveils new logo during IndiaPakistan game Micromax unveiled a new logo during India's victory over Pakistan on 18 March 2012 at the Asia Cup. The new 'punch' logo has been developed through a crowd sourcing exercise.

Jyothy Laboratories moves Henkel media mandate Jyothy Laboratories Ltd (JLL) has split the media mandate for Henkel between two agencies. While Lintas Media Group (LMG) has been assigned the media buying part of the business, DDB Mudra Max will handle the media planning.


MARCH 2012

Brand MARK ive

Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in California. The two theorized about a system that analyzed the relationships between websites and they called this new technology Page Rank. Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new search engine "BackRub", because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. After some brainstorming, they went with Google—a play on the word “googol,” a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. The use of the term reflects their mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web. Google’s first logo was created by Sergey Brin, after he learnt to use the free graphic Software called GIMP, and later an exclamation mark mimicking the Yahoo! logo was added. The current logo is designed by Ruth Kedar. The prime reason the Google home page is so bare is due to the fact that the founders didn’t know HTML and just wanted a quick interface. The biggest break in search came when Google introduced their improved spell checker seen as “Did you mean ? ”.This feature doubled their traffic and soon the developers discovered that the ideal placement was at the bottom of the search results. The infamous “I’m feeling lucky” button is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort


button. Google’s famous homepage “Doodles” are well known and enjoyed by millions around the world as a way to mark an event or anniversary. The very first Google Doodle was designed as a kind of “out of office” message in the honor of Burning Man Festival of 1998. As of 14 February 2011, Google's own gallery features 1002 logos. The Google storage from way back in 1996 was made from LEGO and the reason for the LEGO construction was that the Google guys needed an easily expandable, and cheap way to house 104 GB hard drives, and LEGO fit the bill. Google processes 24 Petabyte of information daily. Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California is referred to as "the Googleplex", a play on words on the number googolplex and the headquarters itself being a complex of buildings and has a gigantic T-Rex skeleton — nicknamed “Stan” after a “real” dino found nearby. Google has a world-class staff of more than 2,668 employees known as Googlers. New employees are called "Nooglers," and are given a propeller beanie hat to wear at their first Friday. On Fortune magazine's list of best companies to work for, Google ranked first in 2007, 2008 and 2012 and fourth in 2009 and 2010. Google's corporate philosophy embodies such casual principles as "you can make money without doing evil," "you can be serious without a suit," and "work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun." Google rents out goats. Yes you read that right. It rents goats from a company called California Grazing to help cut down the amount of weeds and brush at Google HQ.


It’s all about AD-itude! PRINT AD


Company: MTR Ad Agency: Ogilvy and Mather

Company: Indian Premier League (5th Season) Ad Agency: Ogilvy India Pvt Ltd. Filmed by : Bang Bang Films

MTR markets its new range of spicy pickles by using cartoons characters with a dash of humor. It uses the caption “So spicy. You’ll run out of tears” brilliantly for situations where the concept of spice usually attributed to fire and smoke, could be brought in. The campaign brings a different dimension to the heat of the Indian pickle. The ads depict one chef cutting onions, a family watching an emotional scene, a criminal being tortured by police and finally a rally amidst of tear gas. In all the circumstances there is a protagonist who unlike the others doesn’t shed tears. The whole idea behind the campaign is quite simple and the blend of humor for the cartoon characters tries to grab the attention of the people but whether the over emphasis on spiciness strikes the right chords or not is something we have wait and watch.

The Indian Premier League, one of the most entertaining formats of cricket is back with a bang. Nothing else can represent the IPL better than an equally colorful carnival that is full of joy and celebration. The ad of the fifth season of IPL ad takes creativity to a new height depicting the vigor and energy it epitomizes. It starts with two kids succumbing to the offer to visit an amusement park by a man in hat. The kids explore the various rides which are inspired by cricketers and their styles. Some of the rides and games include Gilli funda, slinga malinga, Dhoni dhamaal, Warrior dada, Pathan Pounder, Sanga Sizzle, Vettori Twirler, Viru Whammer, Master Blaster and Dravid Wall.The background music “Eena Meena Deeka” adds the icing to the cake and maintains the energy level. The ad ends with a simple yet superb punch line by the stranger “Yeh IPL Hai boss”. The sizzling 1-minute ad is sure to capture your attention and comes with a breeze of freshness and never-seen-before visualization and concept.


MARCH 2012


According to a recent BCG Report, women control almost two-thirds of the Global Consumer Spending. It is hence safe to conclude that women have the last word in spending decisions pertaining to a very large number of product categories. This revolution has been brought about due to increased access to education, increased success of women as executives and entrepreneurs, higher earnings and better ways to nurture themselves.



The Spiral Path Marti Barletta, an expert in Marketing to Women introduces the concept of the Spiral Path that women follow while shopping. Women spiral through each phase of the decision making process and may re-visit the previous stages if they need more information. Marketers should identify the stages in the purchasing process that have the maximum impact for increasing their business and concentrate their marketing on those stages rather than spending over the entire decision making process. If the brand benefits most from a focus on Activation, then the company invest in consumer education about the product. If the most important goal is Retention then the company should invest in loyalty building programs.


Men and women have very different approaches to shopping. While men mostly shop to fulfil a necessity, for women, shopping is an experience.


COVER STORY Completing the “look” When women shop, it is not an isolated purchase. It is to complete an overall “look”. Marketers need to device strategies to help her easily find the remaining missing pieces to complete the look. In departmental stores, while men's apparel is organized by type (shirts, jackets, slacks, etc.), women's apparel is organized by outfits, that is, an ensemble of say, a dress paired with a matching purse, scarf and shoes. So women who come in intending to buy a new blouse generally leave with a matching purse and earrings!

WOM spreads much faster among women The content of conversation between women and that between men are markedly different. Men prefer to talk about impersonal things and have very limited conversation about personal experiences as they are not as interested in the intimate details of each others’ lives as women are. Women talk in great detail about the experience they have had with a product or service and hence tend to pass on their experiences much more than men.

revolves around the concept of the “Real Woman”. Real women have flaws, they have curves, they have problems. They are not perfect. Over the years, Dove’s communication strategy to women has been that it is okay to have flaws because that’s what makes them human. The Dove “Evolution of Beauty” Campaign breaks the myth of unattainable beauty by showing how photographs seen in magazines and billboards are transformed using Photoshop. Dove’s Beauty Pressure campaign depicts how women from a very ripe age are exposed to unbearably high standards of beauty that society has imposed on them. Doves’ ProAge Campaign says that there is no age limit for looking beautiful.

THE DOVE CONNECT Dove has championed the art of marketing to women. It has consciously kept away from gorgeous A-list models who have unrealistically beautiful skin and perfect bodies and instead,


Dove is a brand that really understands women. It has worked actively to increase the self esteem and the self worth of women and has created a very strong bond with them.

MARCH 2012

COVER STORY Axe’s ANARCHY Axe, which has always been a testosterone driven company, introduced a new fragrance for women called Anarchy in January 2012. This new product is available in a male and a female variant. The new ad campaigns feature not only exceptionally attractive women, but also male models who have featured in GQ and the tagline reads “Unleash the Chaos”. Barret Roberts, the senior brand manager at Axe said that over the years, they have been getting feedback from women asking for their very own fragrance of Axe. Statistical results show that whereas body spray is used by only about 17% of American men, it is used by about 47% of American women. This, coupled with the fact that a quarter of the 2.3 million Facebook “Likes” are of women, makes it clear why Axe chose to go this way. However, the Anarchy women’s body spray is being released in “Limited Edition”. Whether Axe will sustain the product in the future will depend on its sales. No “ME time” Woman’s Horlicks struck an emotional chord with women because it had touched upon the fact that women’s lives are dedicated in nurturing the environment and the people around them and they don’t get to have any “Me Time”. They work really hard therefore need special nourishment. Horlicks not only nourishes her body but also her sentiments. Similarly, Kellogg’s Special K is for women who also don’t get to spend much time on themselves but they not just want to stay fit but also want to look good.


Della! In an attempt to engage its female customers, Dell launched a website called “Della” in 2009. It was aimed at catering to the technology related needs of women and to showcase those products that women would find appealing. However, this website failed to receive a positive response and instead was criticized on various grounds. The website had a section on “High Tech Tips” which included calorie counting, finding recipes, and watching cooking videos. Users deemed this as ridiculous and condescending, accusing Dell of encouraging gender stereotypes. Dell products that were featured on the site seemed more like an ad for a purse rather than a laptop.

Even though Dell made a sincere effort to get women more connected to the Dell Brand, it failed miserably in understanding what women want. Many companies have committed grave mistakes while trying to connect with women.


COVER STORY 6 DEADLY SINS OF MARKETING TO WOMEN Considering women to be a niche segment Women control nearly twothirds of the Global Consumer Spending. Considering them to be a niche would be foolish on the part of a marketer. Not only do women have the final say in the purchase of family and mainstream items, they also influence the purchasing decisions of men. Not telling a story Marketers need to make their communication strategies more “personal”. Women respond to characters and human beings rather than product features and price points. An ad has to tell a story in order to engage women. Men would much rather prefer information and facts in ads. It is for this reason that we find women’s magazines filled with stories of people and men’s magazines focusing on gadgets and gizmos. Focusing on women will alienate men Many companies think they need to create a separate brand to reach out to women. One that is milder, cuter and pink! They are afraid they might feminize the core of the brand and


personalities. For example, the Zoo zoo campaign by Vodafone featured animated characters which reproduced real life situations and became a huge hit with female audiences.

alienate the men. Such moves tend to suggest that the company is promoting gender stereotypes and end up upsetting women instead. Pigeon holing women by age Women respond to marketing messages that address their life needs and desires, instead of their biological age. Marketers need to clearly understand the differentiation in marketing to the different life stages of women and subtly tailor their messages and delivery accordingly. Communicating through the product and not through people Women are biologically programmed to responding better to people while men respond better to facts and features. Advertisers should use the context of people to showcase the benefits of their product in order to connect to their female audiences. If not real people, the communication should include illustrations of people or characters that have

Not evolving with the ever evolving woman Women’s role in society has changed drastically over the years and this is what companies should acknowledge. In 2002 McDonalds realised that it was still talking to women in the same way it did in 1955. The company had been viewing women as a channel to kids. The immediately redefined their “Mom Marketing” strategy and concentrated on finding out what the modern woman was looking for. This led to the introduction of Premium Salads, healthier Happy Meal options and a revamping of Play Places to include comfortable seating and wireless internet access. In this way, McDonalds was able to connect with the modern woman and win back her business.

MARCH 2012


The content of your logo is third in the sequence of recognition, behind shape and color, because the brain takes more time to process language A company’s logo is a mark of its brand identity. It defines to people what the company stands for not just literally but also colorfully! Choice of color for the brand is equally or more important than the language because the brain recognizes color first and processes the language later. The proper use of color is vital to creating a positive image among consumers. Furthermore, color plays a huge role in memory recall. It stimulates all the senses, instantly conveying a message like no other communication method. So the choice of color for a brand

becomes extremely critical. As much as possible, the color should set the brand apart, work with the industry and image, and tie to the brand promise. It should also take into account color psychology or color perception. Our minds are programmed to respond to color. The subliminal messages we get from color shape our thoughts. As humans our very survival is hung on the identification of color. Therefore companies choose their brand colors meticulously, understanding the meaning the color conveys.

Black stands for mystery, secrecy and class. Black is technically, the absence of all color. It’s a powerful and conjures authority, boldness, elegance and tradition. Black can be found in many logos for its boldness, simplicity and sophistication. James Bond 007 logo is solid

black. The color choice for the classic spy movie’s logo works well. The color represents the authority, mystery and sophistication that is a part of 007 movies.



SPECIAL STORY Red Bull gets a double dose of red in its logo and is a great color choice for a logo that represents an energy drink company. The company markets the drink as, “Red Bull vitalizes body and mind” and “Red Bull gives you wings!”. Both of these phrases reinforce why red was an excellent color choice for the logo. Count on red to evoke a passionate response, albeit not always a favorable one. For example, red can represent danger or indebtedness. But usually it conveys Action, Adventure, Aggressive, Blood, Danger, Drive, Energy, Excitement, Love, Passion, Strength and Vigour

Blue is calming and can stir up images of authority, success and security. Most people can say they like at least one shade of blue. It is probably the most popular color in logo design and can be seen extensively in government, medical and fortune 500 company logos. The blue in the IBM (aka “Big Blue”) logo represents a company that is non-threatening yet stable and established. While the logo typically isn’t used in its original blue today, it is still a very prominent color in the IBM brand.

Orange is made up of red and yellow and can represent attributes from each of those colors. Orange is less intense than red but still packs a lot of punch. It is more playful and youthful than red. You can commonly find it used in logos to create a playfulness or stimulate emotions and even appetites. Orange is a perfect color choice for Nickelodeon who’s target audience is children. Orange is fun, light hearted and youthful which reflects the TV channel’s programming.

Purple implies royalty, mystery, spirituality and sophistication. Because purple is the combination of red and blue, it has both warm and cool properties. The color purple can be found in many education related and luxury product logos.


MARCH 2012

SPECIAL STORY Yellow is often used in logo design to get attention, create happiness and warmth. We all

know the successful McDonald’s franchise (aka The Golden Arches) and their slogan “I’m Lovin’ It”. McDonald’s is mainly yellow which fitting for this brand that focuses on children, playfulness and happiness.

Green represents life and renewal. It is a restful and soothing color but can also represent jealousy and inexperience. You can often find it used in companies that want to portray themselves as ecofriendly. Green is suitable logo color choice for a

TV channel whose programming focuses solely on nature and animals.

Pink is a feminine color that conjures feelings of innocence and delicateness. It’s a softer version of red that can stir up visions of little girls, bubble-gum and cotton candy. The color pink is also widely associated with breast cancer awareness. It is often used in logos to add a feminine flare. The color pink

is very prominent in Mattel’s Barbie logo and supporting branding material. It is a fitting color for a toy that is marketed to little girls. The typeface compliments the color choice and helps to reinforce the brands positioning by giving the impression of a young girl’s handwriting.

While each color does evoke a strong feeling, the cultural context may make it positive or negative. Thus choice of color should also be driven by an understanding of the target customer group’s cultural influences.



FEATURED ARTICLES INNOVATIONS IN PROMOTION AND MARKETING OF MOVIES -Wayne Soares, Xavier Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai It’s a busy Monday morning with people rushing to work, only to be shocked by dead bodies hanging on billboards all over Mumbai. The horrifying, fear-gripping scenes were nothing but a weird, strange and in my opinion one of the most shocking promotional activities carried out. The film marketed was Agyaat, quite obviously a horror flick, but the bodies hanging weren’t real but rubber dummy replicas, resulting in scores of viewers flocking to watch the movie. Movie Marketing is crucial as people will only watch something they genuinely feel excited about. Hence it’s very important that the marketer pulls out all the stops to draw in as many eyeballs as possible for this limited shelf life product. Today, the presence of superstars like SRK isn’t enough to drive movies and hence mindboggling activities of Ra.One with their G.One tablet, PlayStation games, action figures and merchandising.

Aamir Khan created a trend, by brilliantly executing the idea of multiplex attendants having their heads shaved thus replicating the Ghajini look, which enthralled viewers to run to the nearest theatre.


Meanwhile Vidya Balan is busy fooling commoners like me with a near perfect pregnant look for her ‘Kahaani’ role. Shocked, intrigued and very mesmerized is the feeling I got while seeing her.

Diving straight into the Hollywood realm, there can be no better example than Quantum of Solace, with the movie being launched in the 3-D virtual platform world with Twinity, allowing users to be a part of the virtual space thus aping their favorite characters like James Bond.

MARCH 2012

FEATURED ARTICLES Thinking Animation and The Simpsons Movie did it by literally turning 7-Eleven retail stores to Kwik-EMart stores as portrayed in the cartoon. This idea certainly gripped and excited the public to thus forcefully catch a glimpse of the store and the movie.

The craziness doesn’t stop and these images are testament to it .

Thus marketers have gone berserk with action figures, key chains, popcorn packets and other goodies to get the audience wanting even more.

The Hollywood movie Watchmen, which first made innumerable online downloadable content available, even had a videogame lined up but then what stole the show was them making blue condoms available on Valentine’s Day, thus connecting with the blue character in the film, Dr. Manhattan. Some Recommendations– Blood Money (movie) – The marketers could throw fake money at busy areas with the movie name and release date printed on a side of the note. Another idea which could be implemented would be for a marketer to create a short 3-D impression on a monument in the city, like the Gateway of India or CST post clearances. The 3D impression would create a huge buzz. Conclusion – Today the entire movie process starts with the promotional activities done before the movie releases. This is critical as it actually decides the ROI the producer is likely to earn. Today media ads like TV and radio, or print ads like newspapers and magazines play the support role to hardcore innovative out of the box ideas. The reason being, innovative advertising is on the rise and everyone’s fighting for their piece of the pie in terms of revenue and publicity. Movie Marketing has thus taken a big leap forward and hence marketers are now refraining from sticking to the conventional stuff but instead opting for innovative forms in order to earn the plaudits and rake in the moolah.




Facebook and social media have become the most viable options for brands to promote themselves. More than 20% of the promotion is done from social media today and this percentage is expected to go higher and higher. Digitalisation has made presence on social media channels crucial to the success of any business.

Coca Cola new timeline page on Facebook


MARCH 2012


Social media offers wide range of opportunities for companies to promote their brands but social media has an ugly side for these brands, and that is the speed with negative news go viral on social media platforms. Companies across the globe adopted this model of social marketing in a haste but failed in managing crisis effectively on Facebook. History of social media states that there have been more instances of poor crisis management by companies than the cases when crises have been handled effectively. The basic rules for handling crises are the same in case of social media also, just the speed of action needs to be fastened but companies fail to realize this and when they actually realize enough damage has been done till then. The case of Vodafone India can be stated where the company instead of catering to the complaint of one Dhaval Valia, who criticised the company on its Facebook page, sued him in court in order to silence the critic. The move came as a shock to the Facebook users and Vodafone had to ultimately withdraw its complaint and apologize to Mr. Valia. The incident had a hard beating on the reputation of one of the biggest telecom providers in the


world. The Vodafone crisis shows us that in social space the companies can’t afford to be offensive. They have to accept their fault if they are wrong. Simple rules like coming clean, informing employees, taking responsibility of the wrong doing by the company head should be done but is rarely done. An honest statement accepting that wrong has been done is likely to be accepted more widely than being defensive and shedding your clothes off the dust. Crisis handling is an art and it should be done in the presence of experience PR executives. Companies hire PR agencies to manage their online space and this has become necessity of today as anything wrong can have a beating on the image and reputation. Not only this, it can also attract legal penalties and may throw the company in the criminal net. An excellent example of crisis management was set by Domino’s Pizza which reacted in the way in which any company should do on the media space. The inappropriate videos of kitchen of Pizza Chain went viral on YouTube. The companies image started deteriorating but timely action by the company in form of suing the employees, making videos of kitchens and posting on Facebook and last but not the least the CEO himself coming and apologizing for the matter saved the company’s image. Social media has immense powers and it can make or break a company. Companies should be really very careful while handling social media crises. The new feature of timeline for brands which becomes compulsory from March 30th is a clear signal for the companies that now they have to be more vigilant if they want their customer base to increase and image to improve. Social media is the way ahead for companies and effective steps should be taken to harness this source for the benefit of consumers.


FEATURED ARTICLES How digital marketing is changing the face of conventional marketing -Syed Mamoon Hasan “We lived in farms, then we lived in cities, and now we're going to live on the internet!” says Sean Parker in the movie The Digital Network. Earlier the purpose of visiting the internet was to expend content. People watched it, read it and used it to buy goods and services. But then the world changed. People began to change the way they treated content, they shared it, liked it, disliked it, tweeted it and uploaded it, pinned it, commented on it, and poked it and what not! And a majority of these people are consumers. The concept of digital media is catching up with the 50 plus Vice-Presidents of Marketing who used to term it as ‘just a fad’. COST OF DIGITAL MEDIA VERSUS TRADITIONAL MEDIA Traditional media can be extremely expensive, especially for small businesses. In contrast, most digital media platforms are completely free to use. REACH Both, conventional as well as digital media can scale up to any extent but there are some limitations. Traditional media can reach a global audience but this is usually very costly and timeconsuming. On the other hand using digital media, businesses can communicate information in a flash, regardless of geographical location. Indeed, once a piece of content goes viral, there is no limit to the amount of people it could potentially reach, all at no extra cost for the business. IMMEDIACY In digital media information can be published immediately, making it possible for businesses to ensure that their content is always up to date. This gives an edge to a company over others as there is every possibility that the up to date content will feature in more prominent spot in search engine ranking. While in traditional media, it takes days, weeks and months to publish and distribute the information to the people, making it less effective. For example, a brawl in the stands at the US Open was loaded on YouTube even before ESPN could get the footage. In two days, one such video had been viewed 40,000 times. OPENNESS TO DIGITAL CRITICISM Traditional media is open to censorship of the government but not digital media. It is open to digital criticism, a term most feared by the marketers. While the government has banned print as well as television commercials, on digital media customers themselves take care to force the company to withdraw its campaign.


MARCH 2012


Nestle’s Facebook fan page moderator made the mistake of replying rudely to Green Peace's criticism on its palm oil sourcing practices. Nestlé's fans picked it up and clogged its page with hate messages. Eventually, Nestle had to apologise

The print ad of Cadbury on Kashmir issue lead to a huge public anger against the company which forced Cadbury to withdraw the ad and issue an apology.

PERMANENCE Traditional media is not flexible. This means that once contents are published, it is not possible to change. In case of digital media, if such a situation is faced by the content owners, they can alter the content immediately and can normalize the situation. This shows that digital media is flexible in nature. Digital media’s adaptability makes content management generally more flexible

CONCLUSION One thing worth remembering is conventional media is here for decades but ubiquitous digital networking sites like Twitter and Facebook are only five and seven years old respectively. Maybe a better technology will threaten digital media. Who knows?




Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness By Jeffrey Gitomer Little Red Book of Selling written by Jeffery Gitmore, a New York Times Best Selling author, is a must have sales book for anyone working as a sales person or aspiring to become one. It is loaded with small bitesized pieces of expert "how to sell" information and sales techniques that inspire and encourage the reader to become the expert in sales as well as in the industry in which they sell for. It is hard packed with sales tips and advice for those learning sales basics and is an excellent refresher for the seasoned sales person. This sales book was such an easy read, although it is not something that you will read in one sitting. If there is such a thing as a "devotional" for sales, then the Little Red Book of Selling would be that book. Almost each chapter (if not every page) encourages the reader to stop and think. It gets the wheels of the imagination turning on how to improve and master the sales techniques that you are now using or if you are a beginner in sales, it turns the light on to what you should be doing to succeed. . What will make you buy it? • Information is presented in a very concise manner and he gets to the heart of the chapter right away • Easy to read and understand how to apply the many techniques given • Expert "tried and tested" advise that is applicable to all types of sales • Inspires the reader to try new techniques that will perfect and expand their abilities Why you might not buy it? The book does contain some off color language but it doesn’t take anything away from its excellence This is one book that will be a key sales tool that will be referred to again and again


MARCH 2012


















7. 8.



Honda recently launched a car with the tag line “loves you back”, what’s the name of the car? Amputee model Aimee Mullins became the International face of this cosmetic company. What is the name of the internationally known brand of ice-cream co- promoted by an ex-hippie? "We are number 2. Why go with us? Because we try harder". Which brand was this No.2? Ashok Leyland with this Japanese car maker is launching a small car in India by 2014. What’s the name of the car maker? Reebok has planned to open 10 gyms in a tie-up with Crossfit, what would be the name of these gyms? What is the name of the new series of Intel processors? What is the name of the newly launched Parle biscuit? Which Google app has been dropped from iPhoto in the latest iPad?


1) (Across)Brio 2)L'Oreal 3) Ben and Jerry 4)Avis 5) Nissan 6) Sandy bridge 7) Happy Happy 8) Google Maps 1) (Down) Boxes


MARCH 2012

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It’s all about AD-itude

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Brand MARK ive Sujit Mishra

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