The Marksman December 2017 Issue

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Dear Readers, It gives us immense pleasure to present to you yet another interesting issue of our beloved Marksman. We have curated for you a broad spectrum of interesting articles that would enhance your understanding of marketing. Everyone lives by selling something in their life. While working in an organization you sell not only yourself but also the organization. We look at this unique sphere “The Art of Selling” in our Cover Story. In our Special Story, we illustrate The Art of Selling by considering the strategies employed by Coke and how they marketed their secret formula to keep their sales high. We go behind the scenes and look at the incredible career of Reid Garrett Hoffman, the LinkedIn Founder and his peerless achievements in the Pioneer. We would like to congratulate the winners of this month’s Call for Article, R Prashant of KJ SIMSR, Mumbai and Aneri Shah of IIT Bombay, whose articles have been featured in this issue. For the remaining entries, we would like to thank you all for your incredible response and encourage you all to keep writing to us with great enthusiasm.

We’d also like to hear back from our esteemed readers on how you find this issue. Your feedback is valuable for it helps us improve our magazine. Happy Reading! Connect with us on Follow our Facebook page for more updates.


Interface: Navikaran 2017 Navikaran 2017- The Annual National Marketing fest of K.J SIMSR, organised by InterfaceThe Marketing Committee of SIMSR stayed true to the committee’s tagline ‘Where Marketing Comes Alive’. It started off with a very successful and engaging online round of Naviliner. The inaugural was kicked off by very enriching keynote addressal from illustrious speakers. Starting off proceedings, Mr. Subhobroto Chakroborty, Founder and Chief Digital Consultant at enlightened us about what really works in digital and content marketing and their failures and successes. Ms. Anuradha Bose, National Marketing Head at Shoppers Stop was another dignitary who shared her experiences and gave her insights about the Recent trends in Retail Marketing and Branding. The final round of Ranniti, our flagship case study competition, was conducted on campus where the participants had to increase footfall for outlets of Shoppers Stop. SportIT was a new addition to our event where the participants gave insights on how to market Wrestling to an Indian crowd. Bringing ‘Kushti’ to the main crowd was a challenge met beautifully by the participants. Mark Tea Territory was a board room discussion where participants discussed feasibility, location and expansion plans of Steamy Mugs, an up and coming café in Mumbai. NaviTouch was an event focusing on competitive marketing strategies where the participants had to integrate it with innovation. In the end, a panel discussion was conducted by three panellists- Ms. Purvaa Kapadia, Marketing Head at Lakme, Mr. Sachin Parekh, DGM- Sales and Marketing, Apollo Hospitals and Mr. Sameer Prasad, Senior Marketing Strategist at Thirsty Crow marketing services. The discussion was regarding the hybrid and Omni channel marketing where the audience got their questions answered and had a healthy discussion regarding the topic.

INDEX Tweets


It’s All About Ad-itude


Marketing Faux Pas


Cover Story


Special Story




Hall-Mark Campaign


Brand Markive






Featured Article


Square Head




TWEETS -SHRUTHI #NewPinchDays Flipkart, known for its sassy advertisements starring its sprightly endorsers- the ‘kidults’, came up with the #NewPinchDays campaign to advertise its discounts-laden days, December 15 to 17. The three stories released as a part of the campaign, portrayed #NewPinchDays as the magic bullet to fix the everyday fashion-life dilemmas.

It also got a huge response for its social media campaign #NotYour Selfie

#WhenYouAreHungry Snickers came up with an innovative spin to its campaign by bringing out 19 different hungry moods of people through their #WhenYouAreHungry campaign. It also got a huge response for its social media campaign #NotYourSelfie, where people had to post photos of their hungry alter egos.




#RealTimeSocial The little pleasures of the real world lie forgotten in a sprawling world of social media. Maruti Suzuki Ertiga with its #RealTimeSocial campaign, took ‘Joy of Missing Out’ to a fresh new level through a stirring series of ads featuring four friends on a road trip who keep their phones aside and actually enjoy the real world. Maruti Suzuki Ertiga with its #RealTime Social campaign, took ‘Joy of Missing Out’ to a fresh new level.




Television Ad: Both these ads send a message that how all these efforts of the mother must be appreciated by the family.

Pidilite Industry’s new ad for Fevikwik is an absolute crowd pleaser. It has been released under the campaign ‘Khushiyon Ke Chand Pal’ which celebrates the bonding between family members. In the first ad, a kid asks his mom for some bitter gourd—a vegetable most kids dislike. The reason for this is that earlier his mom had fixed his broken toy car using Fevikwik. The second ad shows the same woman sweating it out on the treadmill in her home and her mother-in-law is seen offering her a glass of juice. It is later shown that the reason behind this benevolent gesture was that she had fixed her mother-in-law’s broken pooja bell using Fevikwik. Both these ads send a message how all these efforts of a mother must be appreciated by the family. It is through such small gestures like offering her a glass of juice that we can show our gratitude.




PRINT AD All clinomaniacs will agree when I say that a good night's sleep is one of the greatest pleasures of life. Unfortunately, in today's fast-paced and stressful world, a good sleep has become a luxury only some can afford. Over-worked professionals and students would even kill for a few minutes of extra sleep. This sentiment of being ready to do anything for some sleep is rightfully captured by Springwel Mattresses in a series of their recent print ads. They depict ways in which we can save ourselves from rudely being woken up.

This sentiment of being ready to do anything for some sleep is rightfully captured by Springwel Mattresses

In this ad, it is shown that a rooster will be unable to wake you up with its shrill voice if it is put to sleep and made to be someone else's lunch. Babies crying in the middle of the night are often a common cause of sleep loss. In this poster, its shown that if the baby goes missing it won’t be able to trouble you anymore.



FAUX PAS -JENNIFER RAYAN Zomato was in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons when its recent outdoor campaign was attacked on social media platforms for being derogatory and prejudiced.

Creativity comes with an observation of the minute details of ‘the everyday’ coupled with a twist of art in the form of humour, tunes, colours, and other artistic mediums. The beauty of an art lies in the eyes of the beholder. Advertising, however, is an art that requires a thorough understanding of the society that it aims to target and the appropriateness of the creativity involved. On the first week of December 2017, online restaurant guide and food ordering app Zomato was in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons when its recent outdoor campaign was attacked on social media platforms for being derogatory and prejudiced. The controversial ad, written by Zomato’s art director Akshar Pathak, had bold white letters MC.BC. (Mac n’ cheese, butter chicken) written against a bright red background. The ad, with letters that are short forms of Hindi language expletives, went viral on Twitter and Facebook with people calling it insensitive, cheap and crass.




With many people reacting to the ad on Twitter and other social networking sites calling it shameful and some even mocking Zomato for the advertisement. Advertising and brand experts unanimously agree that the creative in question was done in bad taste and had the potential to tarnish the goodwill and image of brand Zomato. Companies these days are trying in every possible way to make their ads sound cool to the millennial; however, what they fail to achieve, as seen in the case of Zomato, is to not cross the line between cool and crass.

As per advertising expert Colyn Harris, founder at ad agency Harris-Mint, the letters MC and BC are not positive attributes and should not have been associated with the brand in the first place. If it was meant to be taken as a pun, he considers it to be a terrible one with a bad taste. At a time when all brands are focusing towards women empowerment, it was strange to have a market leader like Zomato, wrongly execute such an ad which was considered disrespectful towards women.

If it was meant to be taken as a pun, he considers it to be a terrible one with a bad taste.



COVER STORY -NIVEDITA THE ART OF SELLING “Nobody likes to be sold to, but everybody likes to buy.” – Earl Taylor

Knowing what not to do can be as valuable as knowing what to do. A smart salesperson avoids losing on a sale as aggressively as he tends to make a sale.

Professional selling is about getting in front of the right people with the right message at the most opportune time. By far, the biggest mistake salespeople make irrespective of what they sell is that either they fail to invest enough time prospecting for business or they fail to ask enough right questions when they do get in front of a qualified prospect. Knowing what not to do can be as valuable as knowing what to do. A smart salesperson avoids losing on a sale as aggressively as he tends to make a sale. 5 Biggest Blunders in Selling Regardless of what you are selling and to whom, these 5 errors in selling can prove to be fatal for your business. First, talking is an integral part of communicating value as a salesperson but so is listening. Most sales fall flat by a sales guy’s obsession with talking so much so that the end customer gets ample time to reconsider his decision. Failing to convey his requirement, his concerns and insecurities, the customer eventually feels unwanted in the same deal that he is promised to be an integral part of.





The second mistake in selling is investing marginal time on precall planning. You may know through and through about your job, no doubt! But most salespeople forget that the customer does not! You need to plan your conversation keeping your client requirements in mind. Third in the list but the most sought after attribute that breaks your sales is lack of integrity. Under-delivering on promises and making claims that can’t be backed up by facts including proof of other happy customers translates to compromising on your likability as a salesperson in general. If you build trust you are in a better position to sell value. If you seek to be liked, you’re only going to be able to sell price.

Not knowing the taste of the customer and asking scripted leading questions may get you answers that lead you away from closing the deal.

Growing in your sales shoes means having to stay on your toes every time. Flexibility is thus a desired attribute in a salesperson. However, most salespeople fall in the trap of memorizing canned closed techniques or ways to overcome objections. Not knowing the taste of the customer and asking scripted leading questions may get you answers that lead you away from closing the deal.

Last but not the least of all blunders is failing to ask for the customer order. You are in professional attire, briefcase of data and right tone of voice acting as mild cologne on your clean shaved face; you planned your pitch; you talk sense; you make your customer so happy and comfortable- that you fail to ask of him to close the deal!!! DISASTER!! Your entire preparation is futile if you don’t get to taste that sweet pudding of a sale slowly (but eventually) melting in your mouth. And remember that closing sales is a consequence of what has happened earlier in the sale. It’s not something salespeople build towards. Urge your customer to take action by helping them to make a decision. Period. 8 MARKSMAN



The secret to selling is to be in front of qualified prospects when they’re ready to buy, not when you need to make a sale.

Building your career in Sales The secret to selling is to be in front of qualified prospects when they’re ready to buy, not when you need to make a sale. Smart salespeoplePricedon’t waste a lot of time in front of prospects who don’t have all of the characteristics of a qualified prospect. Being “qualified” means that the prospects have five critical characteristics: need for what you sell; authority and ability to pay; a relative sense of urgency about the decision; trust in you and your organization; and will to listen to you.




Having said this, it should be kept in mind that prospects buy for their reasons and according to their tie schedule. As a salesperson, your target should thus be to achieve the top of consciousness of your prospective customer- you should be the one they think of most often. This can be achieved by positioning yourself correctly. Therefore, you need to be seen as someone who brings value to the relationship. Great salespeople position themselves as someone other than a sales-person. They position themselves as industry expert, advisor, advocate, author, consultant, coach or one-of a-kind asset. When they do that they are seen as a valuable person contributing vital and essential expertise. Prospects will often do business with them to gain their expertise. Their product or service just happens to go along with it.

They position themselves as industry expert, advisor, advocate, author, consultant, coach or one-of akind asset.

To be a successful salesperson, you need to think strategically. Prospecting is the strategy and systems you use to get in front of qualified prospects; and selling is what you do when you are in front of qualified prospects. It is important to make these two work hand in hand and have an integrated prospecting and selling strategy. You’ll sell successfully only at times. At other times you’ll falter badly. However, if you continually apply a proven, tested, and highly effective strategy on a regular basis, your results will improve.




If your customer wants to engage in a small talk, let him or her do so. However, don’t be the one who offers it! On a rational note, the more you digress to small talk with a customer the more effort you may have to put to align the customer to your sales talk.

COVER STORY The hack here is to remember that even in 21st century pure needs-based selling is a myth. Do most people prefer to eat oat/bran muffins or sugar-coated donuts? Do they prefer to buy beer or books? The idea is to not be too consumed is addressing the needs that you forget that there is an emotional side of selling you can tap into. Needs are rational; wantsextremely emotional!

Imagine being stuck in a business discussion having played all your cards. You thought you did well and will pull this discussion single-handedly. And then towards the end of the discussion one of the team members points at your silent exhilaration and having “discussed” on your suggestions for an hour says- “Would you like to offer something to this discussion?” Where does that leave you! Let not your customer face this sticky-shoe situation. If your customer wants to engage in a small talk, let him or her do so. However, don’t be the one who offers it! On a rational note, the more you digress to small talk with a customer the more effort you may have to put to align the customer to your sales talk.





Never forget that the sale is won or lost before you get in front of a prospect. In the competitive world of selling, the one has more information and who knows how to use it will usually win the sale. And most importantly you must have a linked sequential process that you follow in every sale, every time without fail. The target of marketing may be to leave a smile on the customer’s face; the target of sales is to leave an IMPACT- Investigate, Meet, Probe, Apply, Convince, and Tie-it-up.

Sales is a profession, not just a job- A profession that is still rooted in sound ethics and standards. It provides the opportunity for significant income and exceptional prestige if you are a top performer. To position yourself for success, you need to believe in yourself, believe in sales as an honorable profession, and believe that your product or service is the most viable, valuable, and logical choice that your prospect could ever make. You are only really selling just two things: trust and value.

It provides the opportunity for significant income and exceptional prestige if you are a top performer.




The secret is still safe with them differentiatin g them from their competitors. Coco-Cola does not have a patent on its secret formula to make its formula undisclosed. It still remains a secret between two inside companies.

Coca-Cola has been the biggest cold-drink brand since ages and still is the most preferred one when you think of refreshment. It has been hiding a secret recipe of its syrup from the world since decades. The secret is still safe with them differentiating them from their competitors. Coco-Cola does not have a patent on its secret formula to make its formula undisclosed. It still remains a secret between two inside the companies. A patent is a “limited right granted by the government to an inventor”. History: It was said that Coca-Cola inventor John Pemberton, who is said to have created the secret formula shared it between four people before his death in 1888. Later in 1891, Asa Candler bought CocaCola from Pemberton estates and is said to have changed the ingredients. Henceforth, no one was aware of the Pemberton’s original formula known as the “real” formula. In 1919, Ernest Woodruff took over Coca-Cola from Candler and his family. He placed the secret formula in a vault of SunTrust Bank in Atlanta. On December 8, 2011, the secret formula was transferred to a vault on the grounds of World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta. It remains on public “display “as a tourist attraction. During the 19th century, Coca-Cola claimed that many of coca-based drinks had medicinal properties and was known to alleviate headaches. Coca leaves were used in the making of Coco-Cola; the small amount of cocaine they contained—along with caffeine—provided the drink's "tonic" quality. In later years, leaving caffeine as the only stimulant and removing cocaine




In 1911, the United States government sued the company for violations of the Pure Food and Drugs Act, claiming that high According to concentration of caffeine present in the Coca-Cola syrup was the company, injurious to the health. The case turned out to be in the favor only two of Coca-Cola but as part of an agreement, the company agreed employees to reduce the amount of caffeine in the syrup. are aware of According to the company, only two employees are aware of the complete the complete formula at any given time. They are not formula at permitted to travel together. When one dies, the other must any given choose a successor within the company and impart the secret time.The to the person.The identity of secret holders is itself a secret. secrecy of the Current Ingredients: syrup recipe The secrecy of the syrup recipe of Coca-Cola is maintained by is maintained shipping the ingredients to the factory in the form of by shipping anonymous merchandises, numbered 1 through 9. The relative the proportions and mixing procedures are mentioned to the ingredients to factory workers. Merchandise no. 1 is known to be sugar, in the the factory in form of high-fructose corn syrup or sucrose; caramel coloring the form of is no. 2, caffeine is no. 3, and phosphoric acid is no. 4. The anonymous identities of merchandises 5 through 9 are a matter of merchandises, considerable debate—particularly the legendary "merchandise numbered 1 7X", which is thought to contain a mixture of essential oils through 9. such as orange, lime, and lemon. 14 MARKSMAN DECEMBER EDITION

SPECIAL STORY In spite of what the name suggests, there is no evidence that the current version of Coca-Cola syrup contains coca leaf or kola nut extract as both the substances have an unpleasant and bitter taste unlike that of Coca-Cola. The primary taste of Coca-Cola is thought to come from vanilla and cinnamon, with trace amounts of essential oils, and spices such as nutmeg. The World of Coca-Cola,Atlanta: As mentioned earlier, the secret of Coca-Cola is kept for a public “display”. The vault where the secret is hidden for years has been made a tourist interactive attraction. Now visitors can come near the vault and see the magic behind coco cola They can learn about the origins of the secret formula, how the competitors tried to copy the success of Coca-Cola, how the owners of Coca-Cola kept the secret throughout the years and how the confidentiality laid a trove of myths and legends. The place provides the guests with various interactive experiences throughout the exhibit like the Virtual Taste Maker. It is something that invites them to create their own taste and flavor combinations the same way early inventors did. As they turn the five physical dials, they add flavor qualities to their “mix” and dramatically affect the visuals and sound effects. They can even test their mix to see how their flavors compare with the perfect flavor combination of CocaThe guests Cola. can capture The Bubble-zier is another interactive experience which gives the a photo of guests an experience to become a part of the secret. It is basically their fizzy like when you approach this interactive, you will be changed into a visualizatio fizzy bubbling form and immersed in the bubble and fizz of Cocan making Cola. The guests can capture a photo of their fizzy visualization funny faces. making funny faces. The guests can test how well they can protect the secret through an immersive full-body interactive experience.




It leads them through three virtual environments; the Triangle Room, Secure Train Car and Bank Vault - all locations where the secret formula has been kept. They can even participate in group game plays as they trigger animations and watch these environments magically change and come to life. They can even challenge their friends and family to see how well they protect the secret. Conclusion: Coca-Cola has made the vault a fun and interactive place for the guests. Thus, marketing the drink and keeping its sales high. The secret continues to be the secret with people guessing the key ingredients and making the drinks themselves in the World of Coca-Cola.

The guests can test how well they can protect the secret through an immersive full-body interactive experience that leads them through three virtual environment s-the Triangle Room, Secure Train Car and Bank Vault.



PIONEER -ANJALI VERMA REID HOFFMAN Meet Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, Silicon Valley venture capitalist, Greylock partners investor, former COO of PayPal, author & entrepreneur, and currently one of the board members of Microsoft. Born in Palo Alto, California, Hoffman is an alumnus of Oxford and Stanford University, holding a B.Sc. in Cognitive Science and Symbolic Systems, and Masters in Philosophy. He joined Apple computers in 1994 and worked on eWorld, an online service. However, it did not go well. Later he worked for Fujitsu. He co-founded his very first company, an internet dating website. It was an idea ahead of it’s time and hence, it did not get the traction. Hoffman was a board of director at PayPal. In 2000, he left SocialNet and began working full time as PayPal COO. In 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay, and the same year, he founded LinkedIn with two of the former colleagues and a classmate. LinkedIn, the one of its kind business-oriented social network, it soon became very popular, a unique platform offering opportunity of interactions for employment seekers, employers, students and business professionals. Today, LinkedIn has 500 million users, in more than 200 countries and has around 10 million job postings. In June 2016, Microsoft acquired LinkedIn for $27 billion making him the board member of Microsoft. Referred as “Silicon Valley’s Uber Investor” he has funded strings of startups including the first round of investments in Facebook. Currently, he has invested in Airbnb, One Kings Lane, Swipely,Viki,, Edmodo, and Wrapp to name a few. In 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay, and the same year Hoffman founded LinkedIn with two of the former colleagues, and a classmate which soon became very popular. 17 MARKSMAN



Hoffman is a Public Speaker and he has co-authored, “The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform your Career” and “The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age”. Both the books are New York Times best sellers. Hoffman is a philanthropist at heart and is the board member of several non-profit organizations like Do Something, Endeavor Globally and Kiva, which seeks to combat poverty through microfinance. He is also chair of advisory board for QuestBridge helping talented low-income students to get in top universities. Hoffman has received several awards and honors, the annual Golden Plate award, which honors accomplished individuals “for significant achievement in their fields. In April 2014, President Barack Obama named Hoffman as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship, he has received the Distinguished Citizen Award from the Commonwealth Club. Hoffman believes that, “Society flourishes when people think entrepreneurially”. Needless to say he is doing great on his behalf to help society flourish.

He is the board member of nonprofit organizationsDo Something, Endeavor Globally and Kiva, which seeks to combat poverty through microfinance. President Barack Obama named him as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneur



Hall-MARK CAMPAIGN -SURAJ CHOUDHARY At a time when everything is marketed, an advertisement about airports is a rare phenomenon. Heathrow Airport released a The twopoignant advertisement in December 2016, celebrating the minute ad homecoming moment and conveyed the feeling of ‘wrapped in starts with the arms of loved ones’ during Christmas. Doris The ad displays two fluffy, cute and adorable bears- Doris and handling Edward Bair regularly reuniting over Christmas for over 50 years over the from 1967. It has been filmed in the now-closed Terminal One at forgotten West London airport and travels the memory lane of how the coat to couple met for the first time and their reunion over subsequent Edward on years. the flight, The two-minute ad starts with Doris handing over the forgotten and then coat to Edward on the flight, and then they fell in love and their they fell in relationship progresses over the years. As the years pass on, the love and aura of technological revolution kicks in at the airport and it can their be seen in the ad as the background decorations for Christmas relationship enhances digitally. progresses It shows the way of life, how family flourishes each time Edward over the returns from work, how they endure long-distance relationship, years. work-life balance.The ad closes with Edward looking at the photo of their marriage, with a pause that makes viewers wonder whether their festive reunion tradition has come to an end. And the camera flips and Mr. Bair is greeted by all of his family members at the Heathrow Airport along with his dear Mrs. Bair.




The whole ad undoubtedly pulls our heartstrings with the song ‘I couldn’t live without your Love’ by Petula Clark in the background. They are back with a new ad in 2017 with the couple Mr. and Mrs. Bair greeted by their grandchildren at the Heathrow Airport. This ad touched the sentiments of the people worldwide, with people praising it on social media platforms. With the budget of over 7 million GBP, they introduced toys, mugs, clothes and cartoon books and tied up with Sky and Google. People spent more time on the airport thereby increasing the sales over 11% at the Heathrow Airport. The whole ad pulls our heartstrings with the song ‘I couldn’t live without your Love’ by Petula Clark in the background. They are back with a new ad in 2017 with the couple Mr. and Mrs. Bair greeted by their grandchildren at the Heathrow Airport. 20 MARKSMAN



Ferrero was founded in the 1940s in Italy by Piera and Pietro Ferrero in the form of a pastry shop. It later transformed into a world-wide success because of its diverse products like Ferrero Rocher, Kinder Joy, Tic-Tac and Nutella which have been the favorites among the people ever since their inception. The company has its manufacturing plants in all the continents and has a total workforce of around 33000 employees. The company recorded a turnover of â‚Ź 10.3 billion as of 2016 with its market share of 8% world-wide. Ferrero began expanding into Europe in 1956 by first setting up a factory in Germany, where the chocolate was extremely popular. From there on it went on to expand in other countries like France, Australia, Canada and finally the US market. Ferrero always has strived to understand market preferences. Its focus on the customers is accompanied by its emphasis on quality, integrity, product innovation and passion. When it first entered India in 2004, it had competitors like Cadbury, Nestle and Amul and thus did not have a ready Indian market. They also found Indians to be price sensitive. Despite of these tough conditions it managed to gain a 6% market share in India with its premium chocolate segment all thanks to its well thought of marketing mix. Ferrero Rocher was launched in India in 2007, Tic Tac and Kinder Joy followed two years later. In 2011 it set up its first factory which now makes 20 million packs of Tic Tacs and 1 million Kinder Joy eggs per day. Despite tough conditions Ferrero managed to gain a 6% market share in India with its premium chocolate segment all thanks to its well thought of marketing mix.



BRAND MARKIVE Nutella is also a very popular product which is a hazelnut chocolate spread. It finds its presence in many Indian high-end restaurants and cafes in desserts. In Australia in 2010 Nutella was promoted by being the sponsor for the Australian national soccer team. Finally, Ferrero has also engaged in many community programs, such as a food bank that distributes food and grocery industry donations to welfare agencies to feed the poor. It also supports Brainwave a charity supporting pediatric neuroscience. The company introduced the pink Tic Tac in celebration of Pink Ribbon Month to support breast cancer research and awareness along with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Ferrero supports forest conservation methods and the abolition Ferrero has of child labor as it purchases cocoa only from suppliers who grow engaged in and process without using child labor. Ferrero has also been many combating the issue of child obesity since 2008 by emphasizing community Nutella’s role in a healthy and well-balanced breakfast and pledging programs, not to target children in its adverts. Overall, it’s a great brand that such as a has stood the test of time with its top class products which keep food bank delighting its customers. that distributes food and grocery industry donations to welfare agencies to feed the poor, supports Brainwave a supporting pediatric neuroscience 22 MARKSMAN


BOOKWORM -VIDITI JAJODIA Spin Sucks: Communication and Reputation Management in the Digital Age – GINI DIETRICH What made BERNie Sanders stand out and brand Hillary Clinton struggle is a lesson PR guru Gini Dietrich is here to teach you. With her chatty style and industry knowhow, this blogger shows us the ways through all the PR questions and answers them in a seamless manner. A book with a clear message – “Spin” sucks, the book makes its loyalty clear from the front page itself. Gini is aware of the pain points of today’s consumers. She knows that we are tired of the added “masala” and are ready to see the honest side of PR campaigns. With bloopers being the name of the game, today’s overfed audience is ready to forgive all our sins if they see honesty behind the mask that we call PR. With an eye towards the future and a step ahead of most, Gini will advice you on how to sharpen your talents when it comes to social media management attractively wrapped. A must-read for content writers, it the shows you how to tackle underbelly of content marketing Gini trolls, plagiarism Dietrich and content farms knows that – and how to we are incorporate that in tired of the your PR Strategy. added Unleashed in 2004, “masala” this book paves the and are way for all future ready to PR Managers who see the believe Authenticity honest side sells. After all, of Public Bernie sold it! Relations campaigns.



KICKSTART -ANUSHA KIDYUR Do you ever feel you don’t have enough clothes, despite having a full wardrobe? You have a whole generation of people who feel the same pain as you. IIT-Bombay grads Pranay Surana, Shreya Mishra and Tushar Saxena started Flyrobe, a designer apparel rental start-up to put an end to our troubles. Flyrobe, the Mumbai-based online fashion rental service operates in 9 major cities in India and has offline stores in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. Started in September 2015, Flyrobe leveraged the Indian market and captured a whole lot of customers in a short span of time. The reason is obvious; we Indians have many festivals to celebrate and too many weddings to attend. Although this model of renting clothes is popular in the modern world, the collective consumption of this concept is still nascent in India. Despite these factors, Flyrobe managed to get 40,000 app downloads with 14,000 people who visit every month within a year. “Why buy a dress for INR 9,500, when one can hire it from Flyrobe at almost one-tenth the price?”, Sreejita Deb, the chief business officer says. This online portal communicating ‘Shared Economy’ concept offers clothes ranging from ₹799 – 34,999.

Although this model of renting clothes is popular in the modern world, the collective consumption of this concept is still nascent in India. Despite these factors, Flyrobe managed to get 40,000 downloads



Once the dress is ordered on the site, your measureme nts will be taken at your home.

They provide lehengas, anarkali suits, gowns, sarees etc. in the women’s section and blazers, tuxedos, suits, kurta pyjama sets and sherwanis to men. Once the dress is ordered on the site, your measurements will be taken at your home and will be altered to fit your size exactly, after which the dress will be delivered and picked up after usage at your doorstep. Flyrobe currently has over 5,000 products, procured from over 80 designers. It has a stock of various high-end brands like Mango, Forever New, French Connection, Zara & H&M, Armani, Hugo Boss, Boston Luxe and Mr. Button and ethnic wear by Sabyasachi too. Rental business is the next thing in the fashion market and the belief of ‘shared economy’ is indeed powerful!





“He conceptualizes political marketing as a complex process. He considers the introduction of marketing in politics as an outcome of the elaboration of a policy of political communication and a global strategy of design, rationalization and, conveyance of modern political communication.� This is Philippe J. Marek, the author of the bestseller, Campaign Communication, and Political Marketing, who has emphasized enough on the use of effective political communication to help consumers or target audience understand who you really are. Various techniques have been employed by political parties in India over the past 4-5 years with the advent of digital and social media and a more evolving, informed and mature voter audience. Introduction Campaigning for political parties involves sophisticated marketing strategies so as to attract votes from the citizens to win the elections. A lot of experimentation has been done with these strategies, and are evolving and expanding with time. With the world rapidly moving towards a digitally and technologically dominant scenario, social media marketing, SEO, political blogs, awareness, PPC and other digital marketing campaigns is the new norm. Campaigning for political parties involves sophisticated marketing strategies so as to attract votes from the citizens to win the elections. al




The major driving factor behind the image makeover of current Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, during the general elections campaign in 2014 was a comprehensive political marketing masterclass, which also included extensive use of social media and the then fad of clicking selfies. That may have been a bulls-eye strategy, well ahead of its time. But, even today traditional campaigns, which involves politicians going from door to door to garner support for votes is still significant, given the fact that it has a personal contact. This also includes print ads, TV, Radio and along with that promise for distribution of freebies. Not all segments of the target audience are tech-savvy, so with traditional marketing, it ensures the right balance between the old guard and the new age techniques. The major driving factor behind the image makeover of current Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, during the general elections campaign in 2014 was a comprehensi ve political marketing masterclass, which also included extensive use of social media and the then fad of clicking selfies.




The Approach Like every marketing strategy, Political Marketing strategy should also see the leader or the political party we are campaigning for as a “product”. Drawing parallels to the classical Marketing Mix (4P’s) can help market and sell the “product” to the right “audience”. The typical SWOT analysis may also be done for the candidate. This is because, not only is the voter audience a matter of concern, but also the prominence of this personality in the overall scheme of things as far as elections are concerned. This is followed by creating an image for the candidate, showing them in good light, in front of the common public and especially the target audience. (For which the footprint of the political party to which the candidate belongs to, plays a pivotal role). After this, it is a continuous process of push-marketing and grass-roots efforts.

Drawing parallels to the classical Marketing Mix (4P’s) can help market and sell the “product” to the right “audience”.

General Elections -2014, India The team bestowed with the responsibility of steering the political campaign of the BJP or the NDA alliance as a whole in the 2014 General Elections clearly knew that the target customer (in this case voter audience) had a more populist sentimental connect with Narendra Modi as a strong leader, with immense political experience and a person, in whom people could trust to see development coming up in India. Thus, it is imperative to use the right person as the image of the political campaign, as it may become a make or break situation in a big game scenario like the parliamentary elections. The US elections too greatly focus on the branding of the party. It is a brand that helps acquire votes and trust. Political campaigning is now integrated into various means such as forums, hangouts and chats, tweets, blogs, unique agendas for promotions, and other social platforms through which problems could be addressed while campaigning simultaneously and user participation would be encouraged. This would help prove the worth of political parties. 28 MARKSMAN DECEMBER EDITION


Election manifestos form a very key component in campaigns and it is very critical and thus realistic goals must be set and communica ted effectively.

Channelize your marketing strategy to target the opponent When it comes to Election Campaigning in India, one name which we cannot ignore is the revolutionary Prashant Kishor. He was pivotal in helping Narendra Modi win the general elections in 2014, and also aided Nitish Kumar, in the latest Bihar Assembly Elections. His philosophy includes only one agenda “Go Big or Go Home”. His main campaigns of Chai pe Charcha or Har Ghar Dastak where some examples of Big name campaigns. The irony is that he helped target Narendra Modi, by asking him a slew of questions about current burning issues, on twitter which distracted Modi from his own goals and this led to Nitish Kumar taking the helm of affairs in Bihar, proving to be a shocker loss for the BJP.

Political Marketing Campaigns – Must be Long term focussed Election manifestos form a very key component in campaigns and it is very critical and thus realistic goals must be set and communicated effectively. Any misquotation or miscommunication may lead to longlasting bad impressions, if no fulfilment of those goals is attained in the future, in the eventuality of a win for the concerned party. This is the only way political parties can ensure that political marketing campaigns are more about the people of this country and their welfare and not just a mere vote and an election victory.




Ethics In Marketing Research Market Strategies in Education Sector Marketing is an intrinsic part of the education sector. The goal of education marketing is to improve and diversify the school’s students, teachers and reputation as a whole. To achieve this goal, universities need to attract the right students. But in recent years, the methods and scope of marketing in education has changed drastically. There has been a dynamic shift from traditional marketing strategies that were once the backbone of education marketing to digital marketing. There are various marketing strategies used these days by different educational institutions.The few most common and rewarding are: Newspapers/ Banners/ Posters on Billboards: Billboard advertising is another tried and tested method of mass marketing that has a wide reach. Colleges use billboard banners to draw the attention of pedestrians and vehicle users alike to their rankings and placement statistics, which are usually in easy-to-read big fonts. Newspaper advertisements by coaching institutes and colleges have also played a vital role in garnering attention from the public.

-Aneri Shah, IIT BOMBAY

There has been a dynamic shift from traditional marketing strategies that were once the backbone of education marketing to digital marketing.




Coaching institutions like IMS use Twitter and Instagram hashtags for their achievers’ party etc. to have a higher presence on digital mediums which lead to word-ofmouth publicity directly by the enrolled students

Email Marketing: Colleges and universities send emails showing the latest rankings, placements, photographs, faculty, etc. Using a careful data-driven approach, emails are sent to the eligible target audience who can in future provide business by enrolling to these universities. This is the most cost-effective way to reach a larger audience. Mobile applications: Applications like Byju’s or Khan Academy help in targeting the 18-27 age groups by attracting mobile subscriptions. Content on these apps is kept crisp and easily accessible to the students. Such marketing campaigns also help in bringing in business for the education sector.

Social Media: Social Media presence is the key to any marketing campaign. With the advent of social media, promotions through Facebook, Instagram and YouTube etc. are taken more seriously than ever before. These platforms give the freedom to interact with and target the appropriate demographic from the vast audience pool. Virtual tours are also provided by many universities, thereby also showing how the university is embracing new technology. Coaching institutions like IMS use Twitter and Instagram hashtags for their achievers’ party etc. to have a higher presence on digital mediums which lead to word-of-mouth publicity directly by the enrolled students. Event promotions with photos of workshops or speaker sessions are also uploaded to leverage digital media for positive brand image building TV/Media: Television has always been one of the most trusted mediums of marketing due to its reach all over the country. Advertisements by colleges like Lovely Professional University and Amity College for their higher education courses are showcased on multiple channels to make their name known to the masses. 31 MARKSMAN



Online Platforms: Online platforms like and InsideIIM are other mediums to promote schools and universities. The college PR teams encourage students to write reviews and experiences of their journey on such platforms which can be of interest to other potential students looking to apply there. Even testimonials from alumni and achievers are promoted to improve online reputation. Websites: Many educational institutions and coaching centres are now concentrating on designing good websites for themselves. The trend now is to invest more on personalization and optimization of websites to provide an engaging experience to those who visit them to gather information. An appealing look goes a long way in capturing the interest of the visitor. Back in the day, educational institutions used to rely solely on word-of-mouth publicity to attract the best students. But times have changed and the education sector has embraced technological advancement, leveraging different avenues of marketing to get the top students in the country to choose their brand for higher education.

The college PR teams encourage students to write reviews and experiences of their journey on such platforms which can be of interest to other potential students looking to apply there.







ACROSS 2. Goods or services produced by a business. (7) 6. Surveying a small group of a population to gain research insights. (8) 9. _________ pricing. Setting a low price to gain a higher share of a market. (11) 10. Product _____. Getting customers to buy a product for the first time. (5) 11. The marketing combination of product, price, promotion and place. (3) 12. Distribution __________. How a business gets its products to the end. (7) 13. Research designed to provide information about opinions, attitudes and behaviours. (11)

DOWN 1. Any recognizable name, logo or symbol that identifies a product. (5) 3. Product or brand with a high share of a mature or declining market. (4, 3) 4. The group of consumers or customers aimed at by a business. (6, 6) 5. Paid-for communication, aimed at informing or persuading. (11) 7. A brand that is owned and promoted by retailers rather than manufacturers. (3-5) 8. Marketing promotion that relies on wordof-mouth or online networks to spread the message. (5) 9. The part of the marketing mix that focuses on where a firm’s products are sold. (5)

1. Brand 3. Cash Cow 4. Target Market 5. Advertising 7. Own Label 8. Viral 9. Place

Down 2. Product 6. Sampling 9. Penetration 10. Trial 11. Mix 12. Channel 13. Qualitative

Answers Across



CALL FOR ARTICLES JANUARY 2018 Articles can be sent on any one of the following topics*:

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