The Marksman Summer '12

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EDITOR’S DESK Dear Readers, Welcome back! We hope you had a fun filled and refreshing summer. It’s time to get back to business, and brace up because team MARKSMAN predicts a roller coaster year ahead! As we set foot into a new academic year, we look back with pride at our accomplishments, bearing in mind that we have a long way to go. We at MARKSMAN have pulled up our socks to bring the best of the marketing world to you this year! We also welcome on board new readers who bring with them a much needed rush of freshness and novelty. MARKSMAN is also a platform for readers to pen down their thoughts, their point of view and to deliberate over them. We encourage originality and creativity in writing so keeping writing into us with articles. Please refer to the Call for articles on the last page for the same. We would also like to hear from you want you think about the magazine. Bouquets or bricks, all are welcome! Our cover story narrates the birth of a new, more engaging and interactive medium of marketing—Experiential Marketing. It's the difference between telling people about features of a product or service and letting them experience the benefits for themselves. When done right, it's the most powerful tool out there to win brand loyalty. In our special story Digital Dilemma, read about the brewing battle between distribution platforms for television broadcasting . DTH and cable operators are currently engaging themselves into an advertising battle with the introduction of multiple campaigns to vow the customer. However, the big question remains which one is better?

Tease your brain with Buzz and keep abreast with what's trending via Tweets, Its all about Ad-itude and Bookworm . Know the inside story of your favorite Mac Donald’s with MARKive and yes, SquAreheaD is also back from his summer break! So won’t keep you waiting folks, get reading!

Cheers Team – Marksman Interface – The Marketing Club of SIMSR


MARCH 2012


TWEETS 03 MARK ive 05 It’s all about AD-itude! 07



14 SquAreheaD 15




TWEETS Apple finding its own way, literally The operating system, which runs on its iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices, will no longer include Google Maps software. Apple will instead run its own mapping app, which has a highquality 3D mode, on the platform. Navigation firm TomTom is providing maps for Apple's service.

Computex 2012, a five-day-long wedding between Microsoft and Intel This year’s Computex saw around 110 Utrabooks, which are nothing but a branding of laptops by Intel paired almost exclusively with Microsoft’s new OS, Windows 8. It goes on to show the degree of operating leverage the two computer giants have over the OEMs (Original equipment manufacturers) as every single laptop manufacturer had at least one such device on display. Samsung Galaxy S3, the iPhone killer? Samsung this month launched the third iteration to its Galaxy S series, which by some is being dubbed as the iPhone killer. Samsung recently overtook Nokia as the world’s biggest mobile phone manufacturer and now is looking to eat into Apple’s share too. The long drawn patent battle between Apple and Samsung too continued as Apple filled a lawsuit looking to ban sales of the phone. Utterly butterly Amul ad turns 50 years old She's the iconic girl in the familiar polka dotted dress who has just turned fifty. The Amul Girl, is one for whom no subject is taboo. DaCunha Communications, the advertising agency behind the popular hoardings celebrated the moppet's golden jubilee by releasing a coffee table book in Mumbai Monday evening.


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TWEETS Coke to enter Myanmar for the first time in 60 years The world's biggest soft drink maker said Thursday it will start doing business in the country as soon as the U.S. government issues a license allowing American companies to make such investments. The U.S. announced last month that it was suspending restrictions on American investments in the Southeast Asian country, which is still easing toward democracy. Myanmar is one of three countries where CocaCola doesn't do business. The other two are Cuba and North Korea. GM drops Facebook ads due to low consumer impact GM has decided to stop its paid ads on Facebook saying it has little or no impact on buying decisions. Insider reports also suggest that the move could have followed after failure on the part of Facebook in convincing top marketing executives at the U.S. automaker of the benefits of Facebook's paid ads at a meeting that took place. GM said it will still have Facebook pages, which cost nothing to create and for which it pays no fees, to market its vehicles. Top ad agencies like McCann Erickson, JWT & DDB Mudra buck trend, go hiring Big-scale hiring is back in advertising with McCann Erickson, JWT and DDB Mudra recruiting talent across levels on account of either new businesses or restructuring drive, despite a slowdown in overall industry. DDB Mudra Group has taken on board close to 100 people over the last five months, McCann Erickson will bring in the same number of people in the next couple of months for its new joint venture Commonwealth. JWT too has 60 new people on board.



brand MARK ive

In 1937, Patrick McDonald opened "The Airdrome" in Monrovia, California. Three years later, this restaurant was reopened in San Bernardino, California by his two sons Richard and Maurice McDonald and called "McDonald's Famous Barbeque". In 1948, the McDonald brothers realized that most of their profits came from selling hamburgers. They restructured the format of their restaurant, adopting the Self Serve model and a simple menu of just hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, shakes, soft drinks, and apple pie. The kitchen was set up like an assembly line to ensure maximum efficiency and renamed the restaurant to simply “McDonalds”. In 1962, McDonald's introduced its world-famous Golden Arches logo. A year later, the company sold its billionth hamburger and introduced Ronald McDonald, a red-haired clown to appeal to children.

of living in different countries as it is so widely available and is comparable across markets. With the introduction of the Egg McMuffin, McDonald's pioneered breakfast fast food in 1972 and then added a full breakfast menu. By 1987,

In 1953, “Speedee” was created to symbolize the quick and efficient service system that they had devised. McDonalds opened Hamburger University in 1961 In 1983, McDonald's became the second largest retailer of chicken in the world.

In 1968 the legendary Big Mac made its debut. The Economist used it in creating the Big Mac Index- a reference point for comparing cost


Happy Meals contribute 10% of sales worldwide.

one-fourth of all breakfasts eaten out in the United States came from McDonald's restaurants. In 1974, McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the United Kingdom, which ended up in a big controversy. On their employment forms (brought in from the U.S.) it asked employees if they wished to contribute money to an I.R.A. (Individual Retirement Account). I.R.A. also being an acronym for the terrorist organization Irish Republican Army, made the employees believed that McDonald's was contributing money to a terrorist group. The Happy Meal, a combo meal for children featuring a toy, was added to the menu in 1979. This combo became very popular all over the world and they now contribute approximately 10% of McDonalds sales. By the end of 1983, McDonald's became the second largest retailer of chicken in the world. The Hamburger University was opened in Illinois in 1961 to train franchisees and corporate decisionmakers. By 1990, more than 40,000

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brand MARK ive people had received "Bachelor of Hamburgerology" degree. McDonalds opened a Hamburger University in Tokyo in 1971, in Munich in 1975, and in London in 1982. Braille menus were first introduced in 1979, and picture menus in 1988. As the company entered new markets, McDonald’s reinvented itself to suit the food preferences and customs of those places. In Israel, McDonald’s stared it first kosher McDonald's.

promoted in movies like A Bug's Life, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.. McDonald’s started working with the ad agency DDB Needham in 1997 which designed very successful campaigns like "You Deserve a Break Today" campaign and "Did Somebody Say McDonald's?“ campaign for McDonalds. In 2003, the new slogan “I’m lovin’ it” was launched and is the longest running slogan adopted by McDonald’s till date.

In Arab countries, it introduced the “Halal” menus. In India, the McAloo Tikki burger and the Maharaja burger were introduced. McDonald’s signed a 7 years global marketing alliance with Disney/Pixar in 1998 and was

McHappy Day: is an annual event at McDonald's, where a percentage of the day's sales go to charity. It is the signature fundraising event for Ronald McDonald House Charities. In 2007, it was celebrated in 17 countries over the world. In 2011, it entered its 20th year, this event raised over millions of dollars worldwide.

In July 2011, McDonald's announced that their largest restaurant in the world will be built on the 2012 London Olympics site. The restaurant, half the length of an American Football field, will contain over 1,500 seats. Over 470 staff will be employed serving on average 100,000 portions of fries, 50,000 Big Macs and 30,000 Milkshakes during the 2012 Olympics.



It’s all about AD-itude! TVC

Company: Cadbury India Ltd. Ad Agency: Ogilvy India Pvt Ltd. The TVC is an effort of repositioning Gems which was on a decline Gems had always concentrated on its TG as kids but this new attempt focuses on ‘the little kid’ inside every adult. Their new tagline ‘ Raho Umarless’ tries to address the child in an adult. By this Cadbury attempts not only to expand its consumer group by including adults by gaining popularity among grown up segment but also try to reinforce the brand name to their traditional consumer , children. The ad tries to connect to the youth by using words like ‘Umarless’ which are catchy and appealing to the youth segment. Though this ad may not be as effective as Cadbury’s Diary Milk ads but it sure creates magic on the screen.



Company: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ad Agency: daCunha Communications , India This print ad section is again captured by Amul print ads. This time its Amul ads on IPL season 5. This IPL season has been thoroughly dramatic and Amul did not leave a single interesting moment and came up with an ad for every story which created a buzz. Be it the lucky breakthrough for CSK to enter in playoffs or the controversial Ban on SRK for his (in)famous fight with guards at the Wankhede stadium. The win of KKR in finals and thereafter flips and somersaults done by SRK to express his feeling were also captured by Amul in their ads. Above are two recent IPL ads showing the simplicity and the brilliance with which the gist of the event has been captured. Full marks to the creative team for the concept.

MARCH 2012


Today, brands compete for a scarce resource i.e. ‘Consumer Attention’. The fragmentation and saturation of conventional media channels has led to the reduced effectiveness of traditional promotional methods. Consumers are becoming immune to advertising by fast forwarding through TV adverts using their hard disc recorders, blocking or ignoring internet banner advertising, and failing to hear the constant bombardment of marketing messages they encounter throughout their daily lives. Countless TV ads and huge billboards on the highways & in your neighborhood market promising eternal bliss through products (ranging cars to candy bars from ultra modern housing projects to smart phones) keep shouting ‘to be heard’ by consumers. They may leave a momentary mark on the viewer’s mind but for the long-run brand impact, personal experience of a brand cracks the deal. Yes, experiential


marketing brings the brand experience alive by engaging the consumer in sensory ways. Experiential marketing by its very nature is a dialogue that consumers cannot ignore, not because they're being forced into it, but because it engages with them on a personal level. It's the difference between telling people about features of a product or service and letting them experience the benefits for themselves. Compared to mass media campaigns, experiential events tend to communicate on a much more personal level, generate a deeper level of emotional engagement, result in better conversion rates, and all at relatively low cost. Experiential marketing further enhances the promotional activities to reach the consumer’s doorstep that will result in brand recall. Through experiential marketing, consumers have immense choice today to experience the product or service through road shows, events, direct marketing or public relations.


COVER STORY Personal experiences help people connect to a brand and make intelligent and informed purchasing decisions. Experiential marketing activities can range from high profile invite only events to tasters at a local farmer's market. The number of promotional tools like kiosks, stalls, free sampling etc. have increased tremendously in the last decade. Many of marketers don’t put much effort in experiential marketing and rather keep spending millions of rupees on more expensive yet lesser effective media choices like TV, OOH and print ads. However, experiential marketing is getting popular with modern-age marketers, although steadily, as they realize that traditional mass media mediums are not working efficiently with Indian youth today. The key reason behind this is that today Indian consumers (especially the youth segment) have more brand choices with lesser span of attention. And the mass media is unable to break the clutter and reach out to the consumers efficiently. So marketers are focusing on experiential marketing to harness its prospective impact over the last few years. And marketers


can’t ignore the fact that experiential marketing seeks voluntary engagement of the consumers unlike the mass media channels. Experiential marketing has brought the location-based marketing in vogue again as these days various places like shopping malls, multiplexes, schools and campuses are used for the experiential marketing. Brands put in place various marketing tools such as product canopy, kiosks, stalls, free sampling etc. The commonest example of experiential marketing success is the retail outlets opened across India which has changed the complete shopping experience for the Indian consumers. There, consumers can touch and feel the brand/product, gather the information about the product first hand and then decide to buy it or not accordingly.

MARCH 2012

COVER STORY Experiential Marketing Can Be Used For? It builds customer relationships, generates sales and leads in the short term, increases awareness of the product, drives word of mouth and can align internal audiences with business goals. Experiential marketing can be used successfully to: • Build relationships • Raise awareness • Increase loyalty

• Establish relevance • Encourage interaction and product trial • Create memories • Stimulate positive word of mouth • Change the mind of dissatisfied customers • Create product desire • Verify the target audience • Increase return on marketing investment

TUPPERWARE Tupperware range of products were displayed through kiosk at all Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar and Home Town stores. The activity helped in making the existing distribution network even more stronger as the product is not sold through shops or retail outlets. Customer could see the product range at Future Group outlets and book it on the spot. Products were home delivered to the customer.

FIAMA DI WILLS Fiama Di Wills, the shampoo brand of ITC was exhibited in Gurgaon at Metropolitan mall as shown here. The style of presenting the shampoo brand has its own USP in comparison to the advertisement which looks more like a regular TV ad. Fiama Di wills shampoos are being distributed at the mall and also a game with the dice and ladders played with the visitors at the mall.




DOVE Location: Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chennai, Hyderabad Duration: 2 Weekends – 30th April to 1st May 2011 & 7th May to 8th May 2011 Aim: • To spread awareness among TG about new Dove, with a direct and a personal approach anticipating its success in terms of ROI and sales. • To Highlight the concept o Dove in Association with Femina A Dove Experience Zone was designed and placed inside the domain of the mall. The zone constituted of two kiosks for Hair washing along with the backdrop of product. So the activity was all about inviting women for free hair washing at the Dove Experience zone. Activities inside the Experience Zone included: Hair Washing & Conditioning Hair Drying Sampling of Dove Shampoo & Dove Gift Vouchers

Indian consumers are evolving and hence marketers also need to wake up to the ground reality. If used intelligently, the technology and the digital media can complement their on-ground experiential marketing initiatives. They can use interactive websites and social networking websites to reach their TG and enhance the branding experience. However one must make sure that ‘Experiential marketing’ is driven by innovation – Innovative methods of engaging and interacting with the consumers. Unless experiential marketing become interesting, more engaging, and can facilitate a more meaningful connection to the brand or product, it will fail to create the desired impact. Also, the on-ground experiential marketing activities should be synchronized with social media branding to tap the online consumer base.


MARCH 2012


In December, last year, Lok Sabha passed the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Amendment Bill , 2011, which made it compulsory for cable companies across India to convert their analog systems to digital in a phased manner from June 2012. The entire digitization process was divided into 4 phases. In the first phase, the 4 metros, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai were supposed to have digitization systems installed in homes by June 30, 2012. In the second phase, digitization is made compulsory for cities with a population of above 10 lakhs by 31st March 2012. In third phase, all urban areas (municipal areas) by 31st September, 2014 and in the final phase across rest of India by 31st December 2014. Currently three systems are available through which subscribers can access signals. First is Analogue Cable TV Systems, which is cheaper but provides lesser number of channels, no value added services and inferior quality picture. Second is Direct-ToHome (DTH). This service is provided through a dish antenna. This is expensive but provides more number of channels, superior quality picture,


HD channels and value added services. Third system is Digital Access System (DAS) where, after installing a set-top box higher number of channels can be viewed with better quality and value added services as well.


SPECIAL STORY With the run up to the first phase of digitization, DTH companies are trying their best to capture the market with analog users shifting to digital experience. But the DTH players are facing stiff competition from the Local Cable Operators (LCO) who are providing DAS through set- top boxes. One of the cable operators released a print commercial saying ‘Get the quality of DTH at the price of cable’. And a subsequent radio ad raised the pitch by mocking at the DTH players by saying – ‘DTH stands for Don’t Try at Home.’ Tata Sky in response came up with a print ad saying ‘World-Class digital box or any other dabba. What will you choose? ’ while Tata Sky has been relentless in its ad campaign, Dish TV has not relied on targeting the local cable operators as they believe it’s a short


lived approach. Instead their strategy is towards building an emotional connect with their customers with differentiated offerings. Meanwhile Tata Sky has tried to shed its image of a premium service provider and has run campaigns of ‘Poochne main kya jaata hain’ to urge customers to do their homework properly before choosing any service provider. Such competitiveness in the market will ultimately benefit the consumers since they will now be able to make a more informed choice. Most fights in consumer industry are intra-category fights eg. CokPepsi, but this inter-category fight between DAS-DTH is a different game all together. Tata Sky has assumed leadership of representing the category of DTH players through its exhaustive advertisements. On the other hand Digital Cable (DAS) has inherent advantage of uninterrupted service during rains, and a known local service provider who is just a phone call away in case the service is interrupted. The previous analog system was favoring the cable providers since they could under represent their subscriber base and pay much less revenue to the government. Probably this is one of the reason why local cable operators have delayed the process of digitization and are now asking for an extension of date. 40 Lakh subscribers could face blackout if they do not switch from analog to digital systems. The new digital system will be more transparent and will bring in addressability to the business.

MARCH 2012

BOOKWORM ABOUT THE AUTHORS Mike Lieberman, Cofounder and President of Square 2 Marketing, is a recognized guru behind the development of a new approach to marketing. Mike authors the popular RemarkaBlog. Eric Keiles “walks the walk”. He has founded and grown four companies since 1997 and is immersed in the entrepreneurial world, most recently as Cofounder and Chief Marketing Officer at Square 2 Marketing. A well-known public speaker and writer, Eric produces weekly Video Marketing Minutes, hosts Square 2 Marketing’s workshop series, and edits a weekly marketing newsletter that reaches fifteen thousand entrepreneurs.

ABOUT THE BOOK In this book Eric and Mike explain that in order to be truly remarkable and create the kind of the company that gets people talking, you need to step out of comfortable patterns and think about your business in new ways. The book speaks about how important it is to look at the way you interact with your clients or customers. The book is about re-examining your sales and marketing approach. Eric Keiles and Mike Lieberman present three “big ideas” that will help you think differently about your sales and marketing efforts, lead your company to success, and beat the pants off the competition. 1.Adapt to the dramatic shift in buyer behavior 2. Transition to a guided sales process 3. Create a revenue department The authors have gone out of their way to balance the unavoidable technical terminology with prosaic language that makes it easy to follow. The title of the book is very catchy and the book is carefully structured to enhance the reader’s own involvement.





MARCH 2012



ACROSS 1. The founder's first name of this company is derived from the Hebrew word meaning "adhesion" and "joining". The picture shows the logo of another company which depicts the experiment. 2. The doll's name is Ruby and was used extensively by which company with the tagline "There are 3 Billion women who don't look like supermodels but only 8 who do". 3. Which company's volleyball co-starred alongside Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away. 7. The founder of which company created something called "Quink" and had received a patent on his "Lucky Curve" feed. It is currently owned by the company given in the picture. 9. Which company calls its customers "guests", employees "Team members", supervisors "Team Leaders". This practice was derived from The Walt Disney Company. DOWN 4. Which company's motto beneath the logo says "Veni Vidi Vici". 5. Which fictional financial reporter started his career in the company shown in the picture. 6. Which company used ships like Star of the West, Constitution, Java, United States, and Hamilton in its packaging before replacing it with an yatch. The picture is the parent company of this brand. 8. In 1993 which firm was renamed to reflect the contributions of the Japanese firm where the founder was the independent auditor. The picture shows the social networking website of the company.

1. Levis 2. BodyShop 3. Wilson 4. PhilipMorris 5. Tintin 6. OldSpice 7. Parker 8. Deloitte 9. Target



CALL FOR ARTICLES JULY 2012 Articles can be sent on any one of the following topics*: 1. Is it ethical for shows like ‘Satyamev Jayate’ to milk TV rating out of people’s misery ? 2. The increasing trend of online shopping in India ! Are we ready for it yet ? 3. Product placement in films ! Is it really effective ? or just a trend that nobody has properly analysed yet. *Please ensure that there is no plagiarism and all references are clearly mentioned 1. One article can have only one author. 2. Your article should be from 500-600 words and MUST be replete with relevant pictures that can be used to enhance your article. 3. Send in your articles in .doc/.docx format with font size 11 (Arial) to: 4. Subject Line: Your Name_InstituteName_CourseYear. 5. Kindly name your file as: Your Name_Topic The best adjudged article will be given a winner's certificate. Deadline for submission of the articles: 11:59 PM , 16 July 2012.


MARCH 2012

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It’s all about AD-itude

Hinal Shah

Yash Chamaria

Vibhav Shukla

SquAreheaD Pallavi Srivastava

Brand MARK ive Tilottama Sanyal

COVER PAGE & DESIGN Tilottama Sanyal




Upveen Tameri

Sujit Mishra

Pallavi Shrivastava



Niyati Chamyal

Keith Mascarenhas Vibhav Shukla

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