The Marksman Anniversary '12

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>> Page 13

Intel Ultra book: Does Intel exert excessive control over hardware companies? >> Page 18

Olympic effect: Sharp rise in Sports Apparel purchases


>> Page 19

MEGA REWIND Journey of Interface >> Page 24


ZARAA HATT KE! >> Page 16

>> Page 10





our targets higher for every subsequent issue. We strived to bring newer columns and sections to keep you engrossed and improved on the ones you already adored. Such success cannot be by providence, it all goes down to the dedication and most of all the passion of the team. The team from day one has worked like clockwork and churned out issue after issue like a well oiled machine. Each member, like a cog in a clock, runs round the month in perfect tandem with the others to bring out the magazine which you are all too familiar of and has taken other B-Schools by storm. The quest to find the flag bearer for a fledgling brand is indeed an arduous task. It needs a special motivation, a transformational leader, an exemplary team and finally the divine intervention to set the ball rolling. It should have been a privilege for the founders to have constituted a committee called “Interface” and to have taken on the challenge of being a worthy flag-bearer for SIMSR. Amidst this muddle, SIMSR had a group of strong-minded alumni who in their time at the college had the will to walk that extra-mile to create a structure, a set of objectives and an executable action plan for establishing “Interface”- a channel for revitalizing the mature and a subtle brand called “SIMSR”. Last year, the committee took the decision to make “The Marksman” a national level marketing magazine which fit into the repertoire of Interface all too well. Our immediate seniors were behind the inception of the magazine which our readers now cherish. But when it was handed over to us, it was in its nascent stages. We polished it, perfected it, nurtured it month on month like our own little baby while going through the grind of MBA. But we never settled, the fire in the belly was never extinguished and we set


FOUNDING MEMBER PRATAP KOLLAMPADICAL BATCH 2009-11 The Marksman team is proud to be the flag bearer for Interface and SIMSR and is elated to be a big brand for our college and the team couldn‟t be happier seeing our efforts turning to fruition with the magazine being so well received across the BSchools of India. Your “Likes” and “Shares” on Facebook and the overwhelming response for our “Call for Articles” section are what keep us going and fill us with motivation to better ourselves for the next issue and keeps us on our toes to keep delivering to the ever increasing audience and to their heightening expectation. Looking back at the one year we as a team spent with Marksman, we can‟t help but feel nostalgic about all that we did already because it will never come back. The brainstorming sessions for new columns, deciding the theme for the cover, designing, proof reading, writing articles, promoting and that race against the clock to release each and every issue on time. All that will be dearly missed. In the past year, a matriarchal love has developed between










our team and our child, The Marksman. So it’s all the more difficult to hand it all over to our juniors whose induction coincides with our one year anniversary. But seeing the excellent work they have put in for this issue on all the fronts, we are assured that it will pass on to safe hands. Juniors, it’s all up to you now, make us all proud and let the solitary anniversary candle act as a torch we pass onto you and may your work be as good and creative as you have showed with your participation in this issue. Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank our readers for your sustained patronage and your un-wavering support without which and your unwavering support without which we would have been just another magazine. It’s you and your feedback and words of encouragement that keeps us striving for higher goals and setting even higher ones for the next time. So keep giving us your support, without you, we are nothing. And we vouch that we will continuously strive towards excellence and the next year, this day, we would be much bigger and better.










Happy birthday Marksman…and here’s to many more birthdays to come…cheers!!

Sudarshan Krishnan Upveen Tameri




EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Readers, Welcome to the anniversary edition of The MARKSMAN. We have been working diligently to bring the anniversary issue to life and we are so proud to present it to you. We hope you enjoy this magazine as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Let us know your thoughts and be sure to come visit us at for more of the latest integrative marketing news and stories. Over the last 12 months, we have been the voice and the mirror of our marketing community. We have chronicled our triumphs and tragedies. We have informed, inspired and engaged the readers, marketers and prospects across various spectrums. And we have served as a source of marketing news, stories and updates. In this special anniversary issue, we invite you to explore the different facets of nostalgia marketing through the ages as our cover story. Through the cover story, we revisit the yesteryear golden moments and the pivotal role that it plays in the current marketing scenario. In our special story, "London Olympic Games - A Marketing Perspective" read on to know how the games provide a good marketing advertisement opportunity to various brands. How many of the brands have struck a chord with the customers and enkindled interest among them using the games as a platform. Our featured articles of the month cut into „The Olympic Effect„, specifically with regards to a sharp rise in sports apparel purchases. The article on 'Intel Ultrabook' would surely incite interest among the readers. We would also like to congratulate the winners of our Featured Articles- Kritika and Abhishek Kumar Jha. This issue looks forward, not back, and it‟s packed with markive, buzz, adi-tude and tweets. Follow us as we reach for tomorrow. It's going to be quite a ride.

Cheers !! Team – Marksman The Interface – The Marketing Club of SIMSR




It’s all about AD-itude!









Brand MARK ive 07

FEATURED ARTICLES Intel Ultra book: Does Intel exert excessive control over hardware companies?


Olympic effect: Sharp rise in Sports Apparel purchases





TWEETS Google Olympic Doodles

Google released a new doodle on every day of the Olympic Games. Some of these doodles were interactive games which scored users on completion. They were also integrated with Google+ and one could share their score on their profiles.

Maruti Dzire out of production; six rival sedans take charge Maruti's loss is rivals' gain. About half a dozen entry-level sedans will hit the Indian roads this festive season even as Dzire, the country's top-selling sedan, has gone out of production due to a lockout at Maruti Suzuki's Manesar plant following labour unrest. Tata Indigo Manza CS, GM Chevrolet Sail, Mahinda Verito compact, New Ambassador, Renault Scala and Ford Fiesta are all likely to be rolled out in the coming weeks as carmakers vie to take the place of Dzire.

Bharti Walmart scraps plan to start online operations

Bharti Walmart has scrapped its plan to start online operations after more than a year of preparations and has reportedly dismissed Dippankar Halder, who was heading the division. Raj Jain, who heads the 50:50 wholesale joint venture between the world's largest retailer Walmart and Bharti Enterprises, was reluctant to start an electronic-commerce venture in the country yet the US retailer is busy making a global online push.


Nissan unveils new London cab Nissan unveiled its new five-seater NV200 London Taxi (versions of which have been unveiled in Tokyo and New York City). The vehicle, based on the company's multipurpose NV200 compact van, is 50 per cent more fuel-efficient than alternative cabs and cuts carbon dioxide emissions in half. The company is also planning for trials of an all-electric e-NV200 prototype London Taxi in 2013.

Apple vs. Samsung: Apple comes out tops The long drawn out Apple vs. Samsung patent battle has finally reached some sort of result with the result of the case filled in the US being declared. The jury found Samsung guilty on some counts and has ordered Samsung to pay $1.05 Billion to Apple Inc. as compensation for patent infringement. Although the money is spare change for both the companies, it surely will set a precedence for any future cases on the same lines.

FBâ€&#x;s new mobile ads push directly to app stores FB announced on Tuesday a new mobileoptimized ad unit that will direct users to directly install mobile apps. A beta program is available for a limited number of developers who want to try the ads. When a user clicks on a mobile ad, they will be directed to the App Store on iOS or Google Play on Android to install the app. FB drove 146 million page views to mobile app stores over 30 days.


Brand MARK ive Founders – Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in the year1976. Way back in the 1970‟s when the world was still getting used to the idea of a computer, somewhere in a small garage in Los Altos, California, a revolution was about to begin! Two best friends, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, college dropouts, sat in a garage and made something that would change the way people interacted with computers. Apple I & Apple II Wozniak‟s engineering skills and Jobs vision for the future gave birth to their very first masterpiece, the Apple I on April 1st 1976, which was nothing but a motherboard with a CPU, RAM and some basic textual video chips. Although Apple I was not a hit amongst the then tech savvy people, Steve Jobs knew that he was going to make something that would inspire hundreds of people all around the world. And so in the year 1977, Apple II was born. After being launched at a local computer trade show, Apple received several orders for the Apple II and everything was uphill from then on. Apple went from being a creation of two young and great minds to being a religion followed by thousands of people across the globe. In the years to come, Apple did not only create better machines but also created a massive market for itself. In 1980, Apple III was launched and „Apple Computer Inc‟ as a company was growing

Apple I


every minute. Steve Jobs along with a few colleagues visited Xerox (then known as Xerox Parc). After spending three days studying the Xerox Alto(the first computer made by Xerox for individual use), Steve Jobs came up with the idea of his next big creation known as Lisa, named after his daughter with his former girlfriend. Although Lisa was his baby, Jobs was taken off the Lisa by the then president of Apple, Mike Markkula, on the account of being a „poor project manager‟. He then took over the „Macintosh‟ project and soon a turf war broke out between Lisa and Macintosh on which project would ship first. Although Lisa won this war and was the first product to be launched with a Graphical user interface(GUI), it did not do very well commercially since it was steeply priced and did not have a lot of software titles. That‟s when Macintosh made a debut and initially it did very well in the market. But the actual sales of the Mac took off when later that year,

Apple II

Apple III


Brand MARK ive

Apple Lisa

Lisa Team

the LaserWriter and PageMaker were introduced and sold along with the Mac. Between 1983 and 1985, Apple saw a lot of ups and downs. John Sculley who was appointed as the CEO by Steve himself, got into a power struggle with Steve and Steve was removed from Apple leaving Sculley as the head. Over the next few years, Sculley struggled to keep everyone‟s favourite Apple on top competing with biggies like IBM and Bill Gates Microsoft. In 1987, Apple introduced the Mac II. This machine made the Macintosh line a viable, powerful line of computers. Apple was once again a “Wall Street darling” but wouldn't stay that way for too long since by 1990 the market was saturated with PC clones and Windows launched the Windows 3.0 which could be run on any of these PC-clones. Apple saw many CEOs in Steve Jobs‟absence between the years 1993 – 1997. They all tried in their own way to make Apple better than it was but none of them were successful. In July 1997, Apple announced that it would be taking over NeXT – a company started by Steve Jobs after he resigned Apple. And so Steve was back in Apple! He made several changes in the corporate strategy of Apple Computer Inc and introduced many new machines such as

Apple Machintosh 1984


Lisa Technology

the PowerB-ookG3, PowerMacG3, Imac, PowerMac G4 Cube. The year 2001 seemed to a very good one for Apple. They introduced the Mac OS X in March. In May, Apple announced that it would be opening its first official Apple Store in Virginia and California. In November, Apple forayed into the digital music player industry and launched the Ipod which was an instant hit. Steve had impressed the Apple loyalists once again. It was like he knew what people wanted and gave that to them.

Steve Jobs with John Sculley Apple has not stopped since then...the MacBook, MacBook Pro, Ipod, Ipod touch, getting into the mobile industry with the Iphone, and now the tablet industry with the Ipad, Apple is now not just a company, it is a dream that has shaped the Computer industry, the Music industry and the Mobile phone industry. An operating system that grew out of one man‟s pursuit of perfection, and pique at being forced out of the company he founded, saved Apple from its bad fate. If history had unfolded a little differently and Jobs had spent the late 80‟s tending his garden or touring Europe, Apple might no longer exist, and the computer, music and mobile phone industry would be a far different place today.


Its all about AD-itude!

ADVERTISER: Eye Bank Association Of India ADVERT TITLE(S): Eye donation CREATIVE AGENCY : CODE Red FILMS

BRAND: Amul ADVERT TITLE(S): Olympics CREATIVE AGENCY: De Cunha Associates

Amul, extremely prompt with their ad campaigns, never misses out on a contemporary issue. The ads act as a motif for caricature on the exploits and the happenings of the Indian Society and the exploits of both ordinary and extraordinary. Often witty and funny, Amul has this time kept it rather simple for the Olympics , but its impressive nonetheless, for the London Olympics. The Sponsors of the Indian Olympic team, Amul has wished the Indian team to target gold medals and increase our tally across a group of sports where India is traditionally known to be strong in. . The idea of using the Olympic theme was to create buzz and excitement among the masses for the Olympic 2012 and make Amul always relevant with the current trending issue in the country. By showing commitment towards sports, Amul also expands its communication as always beyond product attributes. The ads stood out distinctly and created excitement. They helped in creating buzz and hence achieve the desired impact.


Code Red Films created a public service film for Eye Bank Association of India to deliver a critical message to the masses to encourage them to- “DONATE EYES�. The ad is an award winning one at the Cannes Lion and Thailand Ad-fest to name a few. Holi embodies all the festivity, liveliness and exuberance of Spring season. It is the festival of letting go of what has already passed and awaken the hopes and strengthen our ties with our friends and loved ones. Using this as a plank , TVC starts off with an old man playing the radio to set off his day. The music wakes up the children in the hostel. Since it is Holi, the children get ready to play Holi. They are shown filling balloons and collecting gulaal packs. They are shown to be celebrating and enjoying Holi like every other normal kid, except at the end when there is a revelation that the children are blind, when one of the kids accidentally ends up pouring water on the radio playing which had started the day . The question put to the audience is do we really need eyes to enjoy and understand the beauty of colors. This question marks an end to the TVC which is very touching and provokes the audience to donate eyes. It is amazingly crafted and sends across the message very effectively..



Everyone has an undying desire to relive their yesteryear golden moments. How nostalgic do you get when you hear the 'hamara bajaj campaign song' or Dhara's salivating jalebbi boy or a 'black or white' Michael Jackson song you played on your walkman or the Uncle Chips cards you collected. All of them seem to belong to an altogether different blissful era. Any association with this era stirs back memories. We always reminisce about the past, and marketers are quite aware of it. This bittersweet yearning we experience is exploited efficiently by the marketers today. Marketers today cleverly incorporate the union of the past and the present. Nostalgia marketing as a concept is when marketers revisit the golden moments of the past and use it as a leverage, to form a strategy to emotionally connect with the audience, which may induce them to make a purchase.


Back to the Past




A research has shown that youngsters spend 40 % of their time reminiscing the past than planning for the future. So going back to the past is a widespread feeling. People consider technology as a major hindrance which creates distance and mechanises our lives, hence when warm feelings and emotions are invoked by sepia toned visuals of our younger days we remember a simplistic life. Thus this is one of the key reasons why nostalgic marketing is a success, since strains of modernity and technology tend to drain us out .Thus we keep getting nostalgic about the 'good old days'. Nostalgic marketing also helps the marketers since they tend to lower the costs. They use the same familiar images and ideas which not only reduces the risk of running in a poor marketing campaign but also saves a lot on development front. Today nostalgia marketing is implemented not only to bring back the deceased or



COVER STORY reminiscing products and their USP, but companies today look at occasions and anniversaries to remind consumers of the wonder years of the companies and try involve their consumers in the celebrations.

2 minutes to 25 Years

Last year Nestle India celebrated 25 years of its presence in Indian market and launched “Me & Meri Maggi” wherein Maggi invited its consumers to write in their favourite moments of Maggi indulgence. The „Me & Meri Maggi„ campaign has gone a step further this year with Meri Maggi - 2 minute mein khushiyan' with Amitabh Bachchan .The brand has taken the route to dig it's past where it provides people with a medium to express their nostalgic journey with Maggi.

Pepsi Can be Bad too!

Pepsi celebrated the 25th anniversary of Michael Jackson‟s “Bad” album by coming out with a special edition of Bad cans, which was graced by a silhouette of Michael Jackson on the cans. Michael Jackson was the brand promoter for Pepsi spanning more than 25 years. On this special occasion, Frank Cooper, chief marketing officer, PepsiCo said that Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, and he was an iconic figure and inspiration to fans and artists. Hence an association with Michael Jackson was inevitable and goes beyond nostalgia as they can connect with and honour his music.




Titanic sails down memory lane

The 3D version of Titanic splashed on screens about 15 years after its original release date. This re-release marked the 100th anniversary of the fateful day “The Titanic� sunk. And, this big day gave James Cameron (the director of Titanic) a chance to release the epic blockbuster movie again. He believed it gave a chance to a whole new generation to watch the movie on screens. Also those who did see the movie before, saw the movie once again albeit in a different dimension altogether and allowed bittersweet memories to flood back. The tragic event, which left a lot of families bereaved, was a moment which would rather be forgotten. However this helped Mr. Cameron cash in, on this tragic day as it surpassed skeptic's suspicion and raked in 100 million within the first few weeks. This movie's release showed that nostalgic marketing when applied to painful memories too, thrived and this proves that it is just the 'tip of the iceberg' as far as nostalgic marketing goes.

Does it matter if its black, white or colored?

Everyone finds comfort in their rustic mementos they put away. The sentimental attachment that they attribute to it, makes it hard not to dwell in the past and this power of emotion helps the marketers create sales. Today brands go out of their way to tug at their consumer's hearts and (wallets as well). Every legendary moment is celebrated today and they want to use nostalgia to lure adults back to their childhood favourites. Today each and every product has metamorphosed, keeping up with trends. You may find online versions, special editions and limited edition products of your favourite things. But your classic vintage product you cherish and have set aside will always have a special place. So online version and a classic version is where all marketers have ventured. But marketers need to remember that it is not just about offering the customers a chance of reliving their halcyon days and buying brands. Brands, which give them a chance to rejoice a personal memory from the past, but also trying and incorporating the relevance of the brand in today's world. So doesn't matter if it's a bank and white era souvenir but if it is relevant even in this kaleidoscopic epoch it's the way to go.


AUGUST 2012 12


Olympic Games were commercialized in the year 1972. Since then, the Olympic brand has grown considerably and so have the number of sponsors. The games provide a good marketing advertisement opportunity to various brands. Olympics are watched by very large number of people all over the world. Consequently marketing your brands on such a huge platform could prove very beneficial to the brands.

2012 London Olympics are no different when it comes to sponsorships. There are many brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonalds, P&G, Samsung, Visa, BMW and many more sponsoring this year's Olympics. This year has been a first for sponsors like McDonalds and Cadburys- brands we don't usually associate with athletics. This is also being called as social Olympics with many brands using the social media like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to market their products. Almost every other brand has a dedicated Facebook page to take their campaign forward. Let's look at some of the campaigns launched during the Olympics.

McDonalds built its largest ever outlet with 1500 seats especially for the Olympics.




Cadburys built a hub at Hyde Park where it is handing out cards that link to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The cards can be used to send photos, messages and status updates to Facebook when scanned at touch points. P&G has done a tear jerker on the audience with its campaign 'Gold Medal Moms' that celebrates the role of mothers behind the athlete's success. This by far has been the most emotional campaign by a brand.

BMW on one hand has launched an innovative car called MINI that is being used to ferry sports equipments. And on the other hand it has introduced a prototype electric scooter for visitors to test drive where they can gauge reactions and add improvements to the scooter before launching it, two years from now. This is a great way to get visibility for both; it's hatchback and scooter segments.

Adidas has launched a 'Take the stage' campaign in which it aims to give undiscovered talent a chance of a life time by teaming them with celebrities. Through this campaign Adidas is giving ordinary people a chance to fulfill their dreams.



SPECIAL STORY Transmedia Storytelling: This is emerging as preferred advertisement strategy during the Olympics. Integrated Marketing communications tells one story across multiple platforms whereas transmedia storytelling tells different stories across multiple platforms. Some of the brands to use this strategy are Samsung, Coca-Cola and Visa. Coke launched “Move to the Beat Campaign” in which different beats of 5 different Olympic Games were recorded. It also built a pavilion in the Olympic Village so visitors can come and create their own beat.

Visa on the other hand launched the “Go World” campaign. It celebrates the relationship between athletes and fans across the globe. Taking this concept further, fans are requested to record a cheer for their favourite athletes which will be shared with the athlete thereby increasing the connect between them. Samsung created events across the torch relay route. At these events, a star would perform to huge crowds. Samsung would then capture the photos and upload the photos online, and the fans would go online and tag themselves.

Transmedia storytelling engages audiences across the globe and makes them feel more involved. It requires a lot of planning, strategizing and proper execution. Be it Social Media or Transmedia marketing, this Olympics has seen all the campaigns having high people involvement. Many of the brands have touched a chord with the people and this has already started to show in their sales with Adidas registering an increase in sales.




In the past year there have been various marketing campaigns that have taken the nation by storm. Some have had enormous budgets that were used to engage people across segments, while some made a unique positioning statement to get across to their target audience. As a bonus feature in our anniversary issue, we bring to you a set of campaigns which you would agree are Zara Hatt Ke! These are campaigns that have ridden on the powerful wave of social media. You may not have heard of them but they would nonetheless impress you to say the least!

CHAPPAL MAARO! If you had the chance, who would you want to #ChappalMaaro? This was the question that created frenzy on Twitter within 25 minutes of its introduction. The “Chappal Maaro” Campaign was a unique campaign started by The Bombay Store along with MindShift Interactive in order to spread awareness about their new range of Flip Flops using Twitter as the primary platform to engage and interact with the audience and make „#ChappalMaaro‟ trend. It was strategically planned around the time of the Mumbai Elections and used the same as a conversation starter. The campaign received tremendous response on Twitter with people posting witty one-liners of who they would want to #ChappalMaaro. There were over 650 tweets using the #ChappalMaaro hashtag and nearly 78 unique users participated with over 150 mentions of The Bombay Store. The initial Tweets were seeded in and were greatly promoted by online influencers like Cyrus Brocha, Ashwin Mushran among others. So impressed were people with the campaign on Twitter that it was lauded as one of the best campaigns to go viral on the internet. People not only participated actively but also endorsed and promoted the Bombay Store greatly and needless to say, their new range of Flip Flops flew off the racks! The campaign was most active in Mumbai and Delhi. It was also tweeted in places like London, Sydney and Hawaii!



BONUS FEATURE Reliance 3G #Feeling Blue This activity was carried out to create a buzz around the “Reliance – Android Be Blue” campaign that had recently launched in the market. They created a hashtag which is a popular method of tagging a Tweet on the popular micro blogging site, Twitter. The hashtag was “#feelingblue” and the company started off by using it to describe Monday morning blues and tried to change its negative connotation to that of a positive one. Many users joined in and they received 800+ Tweets within the hour. Someone associated it to high petrol prices by saying “The Petrol only sticker on my car seems like the biggest taunt ever #feelinblue” to brands joining in by saying “She is definitely not #feelingblue. Summer bags from Fastrack”. Some people started getting curious as to what is this all about. One user wrote “why are people tagging feel good with #feelingblue, ye ultti ganga kabse behne laggi ?” To increase people‟s involvement, they made it into a contest and had a mobile phone as a giveaway. It became the most trending topic on Twitter for one day. They also managed to put a positive meaning to the term “feeling blue” with only 2% of the total tweets pertaining to a negative context. Finally while declaring the winner of the contest, they revealed the motive behind all the hoop-la created and associated it to the Android + Reliance 3G combination.



BONUS FEATURE WTF by Maybelline What is the one thing that annoys most men about their partners? Turns out it is the fact that “Women Take Forever” (WTF) to get ready! Maybelline cashed in on this insight and launched its WTF Campaign to give voice to this plight of men. The FB page of the WTF Campaign gathered close to 38,000 Indian men in a span of 15 days. In the next phase, the campaign trended on Twitter with the hashtag #Before WomenGetReady. T-shirts were up for grabs for people who participated actively in the campaign.

Then came the solution for the WTF problem. Maybelline revealed that the answer to WTF is women going nude, which was the theme of their new “Maybelline BB Clear Glow Cream”. This was a product which claimed that regular use would give such clear skin that women would not have to spend hours putting makeup on their faces. They would instead flaunt their nude skin! Women shared the new Maybelline BB Cream on their FB and Twitter pages. This campaign was majorly successful as they identified a very basic customer insight and through that it not only engaged women, who were their target audience, but also made men very involved in the awareness process and had a unique reach of more than 6 million people on digital media.




- Abhishek Kumar Jha, International Management Institute, Kolkata

The auspicious occasion of „COMPUTEX‟, the largest computer and technology fair in the world, had eyes glued on it as Intel Corporation introduced it‟s Ultrabook concept to the entire world. Although the moment was special for Intel, the pressure on the hardware giants remained unseen. Before diving into the explanation of the above said, let‟s go back in sands of time. Just after two years of it‟s birth in 1968,Intel had made it‟s significant presence felt in the then semiconductor chip market when it‟s share value was about $23 per share after IPO(Initial Public Offering).Since then the corporation took a big leap when in 1990‟s it became the dominant supplier of microprocessor for PC‟s. The next year launch of the „INTEL INSIDE‟ marketing campaign for Pentium processors made it a household name. The partnership of Intel with the hardware manufacturing giants like IBM, Apple, Lenovo, Hp, Samsung and Dell to mention a few added fuel to fire in the sense that these companies made the „Intel microprocessor‟ a complement of their PCs. In 2012 the global computer hardware manufacturing industry generated a record breaking revenue of $585.4 billion. This is the time when hardware biasons are breaking the sales record year after year. The company has hit at the right spot by introducing “The Ultrabook” with special added


features like self updation of e-mails, extreme light weight (900 gms approx) and extra long standby to mention a few. This updation may have dual effect on the market segment. First, it may spearhead the existing and able competitors and second it may create a huge pressure on the hardware companies. Actually the lion has already tasted the blood being a household name and now it wants it‟s share of flesh from the hardware companies. It is not that the Intel‟s strategy is one sided. Many companies rode on it‟s back and made efficient use of it‟s brand image to grab a large market share. The intentions of Intel too are not to loosen the string this time but to further tighten it as it plans to invest $300 million in near future for this particular project. The market is flooded with innovative ad campaigns leaving no choice for the hardware companies but to include Intel: Intelligence Information as their part and parcel. The Ultrabook tagline says “Will our hero match up to cowboys, knights and martial artists?”.Well said Intel, now the hero has set out to tame the biasons wearing a cowboy hat with the unique title of „knight‟, it has earned through years and help the martial artists learn the new art of winning.



Olympic effect: Sharp rise in sports apparel purchases -Kritika. R. M, Institute of Financial Management and Research Olympics 2012 was not just an event or few nations‟ pride but an opportunity for many businesses, the sports apparel segment in particular to explore the global market and reach the untouched parts of its market segment to gain customers. Adidas and Nike took this one step further and used it as a tool to reach the number 1 position and sustain it in the long term. Adidas, with a market share of 15% in the UK market invested a huge sum of $201 million in Olympic 2012 to outrun its competitor Nike who had 18 % market share in the sports apparel segment. The investment made by Adidas was not just for the event in itself but to reach the estimated 4 billion viewers worldwide. To add more to this, Adidas was also in charge of 11 nations committee. The result was 18% growth in this brand‟s sales during the Olympic season. Nike followed a much different route. Its pre – Olympic campaign “Find your greatness” did the magic for it. It had 5 million viewers on YouTube. The technological innovations in shoes (Example: Flyknit) which was introduced in February and the Nike brand players winning 95 medals in the Olympics Adidas official Olympic 2012 poster added to the reasons for the increased Nike purchases. Consumers started relating the brand with the sportsperson and started purchasing the sports apparels which they felt made their heroes succeed. The perceived value of the apparels increased. But the story was not same everywhere. Adidas sports gears India, with a population base of 1 billion – London 2012 Olympics in this market segment comprising of young customers with ever changing Flyknit Shoe taste and preferences where not affected much by the Olympic 2012 scenario. Though India showed more number of followers this season, thanks to the social media, the impact on the sports apparel segment was relatively very less. Indian market has Adidas,




Nike Sponsored USA Basketball team

Nike, Bata, Liberty and Puma brands in its sports apparel segment. 75 % of the market share is occupied by Adidas followed by Nike which commands 15 % of the segment. Considering the global sales of Nike a rough estimate can suggest that only 1% of its total sale is from India. And as its share prices rose by 6 % during the Olympic season, it can be said that this brand performed fairly decent. Adidas considered Olympic 2012 as a biggest prize which would help in its brand growth in the fastest growing markets including India-

the result was not as expected. A decline of 26 % in its sales due to the Rs.870 crores. Reebok fraud had an feeble impact on the overall sales due to the currency translation, nevertheless the condition in the peninsular country can still be called bad for Adidas. The only brand which had a positive sales increase in India was Puma due to the „Bolt factorâ€&#x;. Bolt had the maximum number of mentions in Facebook by Asians and this can directly be linked to the increase of 10-11 % sales of Puma in India, Korea and Japan.

Olympic 2012 had created a visual treat and a magnetic pull to the global population and major brands which acted proactively had a sharp increase in its product purchases across the world. But still India, the fastest growing segment with CAGR of around 34% in 2010-2014 is still an untapped mystery.







Social Media ROI - By Oliver Blanchard In his new book, Social Media ROI, Olivier Blanchard attempts to demystify the biggest question that sits on top of the minds of many business managers: what exactly is the ROI of social media? And more importantly, why should my business be using social media and how do we justify the investment? Blanchard, a frequent speaker on the topic, comes from a marketing and brand management background and is best known for his “Brand Builder� blog. Blanchard gives us a refresher course on what social business is and why is it important. Unlike many drab social media books (and there are plenty of them) the information presented here is well received and there's a level of depth in the given examples that's just not present in other books. The amount of detail presented throughout is a pleasant surprise. Later on in the book Blanchard dissects how social media can help sales, customer service, PR and other specific areas of business. Real world examples of setting up KPI's, establishing goals and tracking progress are made. It's easy to talk about these subjects, but I like how the author took the extra step to show us how it's done. The fourth section of the book in particular, on measurement, is extremely detailed. Emphasis is placed on discovering the difference between what can be measured and what should be measured and what a financial and non-financial outcome looks like. The social media ROI question isn't going to disappear and it's ever important to grasp what it really is, when it's an appropriate part of the discussion, and the role it has in business moving forward (especially in the eyes of top tier decision makers). This is a great read for those looking for answers and clarity on the topic. Social Media ROI lives up to high expectations and is as thorough, if not more, than any other book on the topic.

Rating: 3.5/5 22






A small trading company in 1930-40s in Korea and now the biggest rival of Apple. An American franchise of electronics retail stores and sponsor of Lance Armstrong’s 2010 Tour de France cycling team. Which NRI businessman owns the Caparo Group?







1-A. Samsung 4. ONGC Surface

1-D. Swire 2. RadioShack 3. Dove 5. WreckingBall 6-A. SwarajPaul 6-D. 7. Amul


Cathay Pacific airlines which claims to be the heart of Asia, belongs to which group? Which international soap brand was marketed as having a purity of 99 44/100%? Which PSU was the principal sponsor to the Indian contingent to the London Olympics? The former chairman of Proctor & Gamble, Edwin L. Artzt got a nickname for his demanding and harsh treatment towards his subordinates. What was he nick-named? What is the name of the Tablet announced by Microsoft? McDowells becomes the 2nd brand to reach 2 Billion $ in retail sales in India. Which was the first ?



Rishi R Mehta, Ex-Convener Interface, Batch of 2012, For the uninitiated, INTERFACE is the marketing club of KJ Somaiya, which today is growing by leaps and bounds. The need for the club stemmed from a strong desire to have a common platform where marketing enthusiasts not just from KJ Somaiya but pan-India could interact. Through this article, I aim to provide a brief on what the club is all about, what learning opportunities it has to offer, both professional and personal. This article will not describe the verticals of INTERFACE or its functioning; neither will it serve as a boasting ground nor a publicity tool and should not be viewed as such. I wish to share my learning from this club (and in turn what others can learn by being associated with it), things that are not visible to the outside world, and some reasons why this club has grown from strength to strength.

THE LEGACY Though the club was started in 2009, it was not until 2010-11 that the club burst into life. Conducting its first wholly owned & managed event in December 2010 for Onida set the ball rolling. We have not looked back since, conducting a plethora of National and Intra-college level competitions, having a monthly Pan-India magazine (the one you are reading), conducting various knowledge imparting sessions within college; the club sure has done more than anyone could have dreamed of in a short 2 years. INTERFACE has added many feathers to its cap over 2 years, but two landmark events stand out.

THE GENESIS The inception of this club took place not too long back in December 2009 (Yes, we are less than 3 years old!) and is arguably the youngest club of K. J Somaiya institute of Management Studies and Research. The club was started by the enthusiastic 20092011 alumnus and was taken to new heights by the subsequent batches.



Mr. Nitin Paranjpe, CEO, HUL, gracing KJ Somaiyaâ€&#x;s campus for the 7th SIMSR Asia Marketing Conference, an event wholly managed by INTERFACE.



Conducting the inaugural (and KJ Somaiya‟s only) day-long Marketing Fest, NAVIKARAN, which was an amalgamation of case study competitions, workshops and much more. Navikaran made a bold announcement to the world that INTERFACE was capable of conducting not just stand alone events (case study/ strategy competitions), but also sustain daylong marketing related activities.

WHAT ONE LEARNS AT INTERFACE Some of the aspects of life, of an organisation that you learn at INTERFACE, you may not get a chance to learn/ exhibit for some years to come too after passing out given the amount of hierarchies there are in corporate India. Talking from personal experience, this club taught me, among many other things, how to manage people, and went a long way in helping me discover the kind of manger I could be (OB tells you that there are Task managers, and there are people managers. INTERFACE gave each one of us the chance to understand the kind of manager we are more likely to be). INTERFACE teaches you not just how to get work done vertically (from your Juniors) but also horizontally (i.e. from your peers). It teaches you how to keep the team motivated at all times, how to manage time, and in many cases, how to work and respond to stressful and adverse conditions. It nurtures and helps


one hone one‟s leadership skills. A testimony to this statement are the present two convenors.

What makes INTERFACE tick. To the world we conduct many events, have a magazine with a Pan India presence and seem like a group of workaholics. But the truth is, underneath all the hard work and the efforts is the friendship that INTERFACians share. It is because of these friendships & relationships, (often transcending the boundaries of the club) that the club runs smoothly. These relationships that INTERFACIANS share with each other is the basis of their trust, and is the reason why they pitch in for each other when the need arises. The value of these these friendships cannot be overemphasised and is the reason why the club is still going strong.

EPILOGUE Interface goes well beyond just Marketing. It teaches you to manage, and more importantly, work with people. You get a chance to exhibit all those concepts of OB you learn in class. How to set targets using MBO, or use motivational theories to motivate your peers/ juniors. You get a chance to discover the leader in you. Signing off, I would like to thank my Juniors for having given me the opportunity and honour to pen my thoughts on the Anniversary of The Marksman. I hope you enjoy the issue.


CALL FOR ARTICLES SEPTEMBER 2012 2011Articles can be sent on any one of the following topics*: 1. The Apple-Samsung Battle: What are its implications? 2. Cat-n-Mouse Chase: Are regional brands giving big-pocket MNC’s a run for their money? 3. How are companies going out of their way for new product launches?

*Please ensure that there is no plagiarism and all references are clearly mentioned 1. One article can have only one author. 2. Your article should be from 500-600 words and MUST be replete with relevant pictures that can be used to enhance your article. 3. Send in your articles in .doc/.docxformat with font size 11 (Arial) to: 4. Subject Line: Your Name_InstituteName_CourseYear. 5. Kindly name your file as: Your Name_Topic The best adjudged article will be given a winner's certificate. Deadline for submission of the articles: 11:59 PM , 16 September 2012.



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It’s all about AD-itude Richa Garg

SquAreheaD Pallavi Srivastava

Brand MARK ive Meeta

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DESIGNING Nitya Kumar Tilottama Sanyal

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